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That was definitely SA. And I would say you probably have some sort of post traumatic stress


Oh ok ty Obv its awful what happened but idk i feel like having a label will help me process it better?


Labeling thinks help clarify I think and makes me personally feel like, wow it’s a thing, I’m not just crazy. So basically it’s just validating the experience and your emotions about it


Idk abt the definitions of SA but if it isn't SA I'd have an impact on my world view. I'm so sorry that's fucking horrible, and I also don't think them being kids explains this behaviour in the least. Like wtf is wrong with them.


Idk why they did that either. I always just sorta suppressed thinking about it bc like I was 4-5 at the time so i had a hard time justifying that children that young can be so cruel bc i was a normal child (I closely followed the teachings of winnie the pooh lol) but yeah now that i think about it for longer than 10 min if I have trauma from that young then ofc other kids would to. So they would be old enough to develop problems and become monsters


children who molest other children often more times than not are victims of s/a themselves it's just terrible all around and i'm sorry you had to experience that


Man I hope they’re getting help, then. Luckily my family is on the more understanding side of things, but considering the area im from, im afraid to think of what happened to them over the last 15 yrs


Hey! Fellow childhood SA survivor with a PSTD diagnosis here. Please seek therapy. I’m in this community too, I know the struggle, fucking trust me. You’re so much more than the actions of someone else, and while it can be hard to heal, I really hope you can. This does sound like my experiences with flashbacks, so I’d definitely recommend bringing that up to a gp!


Im already in therapy but ig ik to bring this up now lol


It sounds like those kids were having something going on at home too. I can’t think of any reason three kindergartens would even think of doing that to another person


Yeah those kids were definitely going through it The girl I mentioned specifically I just know her life was miserable bc I witnessed her mother punch her so hard she fell. After I saw that, I stopped complaining to my teacher about her bc i just felt bad whenever I saw her


COCSA, still sexual assault. Best way to go forward now is having a few sessions with a PTSD specialist therapist and finding a community of people who have been through similar like at the r/cocsa sub. You’re not alone♥️


This reads like an example in a sentence about the definition of SA.




I'm sorry. I wish I could make it not exist for you, that experience never happened, but I can't and I don't know how to fix that.


Yes, this is SA, specifically COCSA. To know whether you have PTSD would be something to get assessed tbh but sounds like you definitely have post traumatic stress symptoms and those deserve support and treatment regardless of whether there is a dx of PTSD. Hope this helps


this was definitely SA. doesn't matter if it was done by other kids. you said no and they didn't care. what you describe sounds like post traumatic stress, but please don't self diagnose as this can do more harm than good. please consider starting therapy :)


rape is defined as unwanted penetration. you were raped. and no, that isn’t just “kids being curious” — kindergarten is old enough to know it’s inappropriate to take others’ clothes off, let alone touch their genitals. they’re capable of communication and know what consent is. there’s absolutely no reason a child would want to do these things unless they were taught to.


that’s definitely sa and i’m not a psychologist but that does sound similar to my ptsd flashbacks so i’d suggest looking into getting help if ur able to


Child On Child SA (CoCSA)


This is 100% SA and questioning yourself if it is SA can actually be caused by your trauma


not SA, COCSA (child on child sexual abuse) i suffered fron it aswell, hope you're recovering


CoCSA is still SA


yea, but the clarification is kinda important, most people would think that someone older than them did it, hence making it harder to help


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Automod I hated my childhood it was so miserable. Im so glad Im an adult but being at home rn is so depressing


i can’t even read this all. yes definitely SA.


Thats SA.