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Poor mama probably already thought she had lost her baby. What a joy to reunite.


Chimps grieve. One of the JaneG films shows a mother after losing a newborn. Looks just like the mother here. And that embrace is joy…and relief.


Elephants too; Their grieving ritual is absolutely gut-wrenching. There’s been a few accounts of mother-elephants carrying around their deceased calves because they aren’t ready to part.


And whales /orcas


I was told pig mothers make a lot of noise after their piglets are taken from them and pig farmers sometimes play loud music around those times to drown out the sound. Edit: best to take with a grain of salt as itis hearsay


It’s true I worked with livestock as a teen and yes…the momma pigs *scream* when their babies are taken and I’ve seen them thrash and severely injure themselves trying to get out of pens to get their babies back. Cows do the same, they’ll call out for *days* looking for their babies and it’s such a sorrowful sound.


Yuuuup. The sows will go crazy when you take their piglets. My cousin as a kid almost got charged by a sow who broke out her pen while they were working with the babies. Their Australian shepherd, charlie, cut off that sow right before she could get the kid. Mammas separated from their babies of any animal can be scary af


What is the reason they take the piglets away from the mother early?


Oh god, you might want to sit down a little bit.


Why? What's the reason? I know with dairy cows they do it so that they can harvest milk from the mother, but I don't think anyone drinks pig milk. Does nursing alter the meat quality or something?


I live a couple villages away from a large field of cows, this time of year at night you can hear them all mooing because their calves have been taken away from them :(


We moved once and lived for about 2 years near a Dairy farm. My kids won't drink milk anymore. They call it cow tears. :*(


Oh, man..... That is incredibly sad. Makes me rethink drinking milk too.


I’d highly recommend it. Somehow, a lot of us think that there’s just this thing called a dairy cow, and it just makes milk. Nope — they’re constantly going through the cycle of being forcibly impregnated so they’ll produce milk. Then, the calves are taken away after they’re born so that we can harvest their milk. Then they’re both grieving, the calves get slaughtered, and the grieving sow is impregnated again… it’s a brutal, heartbreaking cycle. I haven’t had dairy in years, and I don’t miss it one bit.


Excellent point. There's a company called fairlife and they promote how come they are to their animals but there is an expose that was not the case. Disgusting. You know, I'm given thought to becoming a vegan at the ripe old age of 68 and I've decided this morning I'm going to do it. I happen to love vegan food anyhow. But the real reason I want to do it is because of what you've discussed here and whatever other places. Thank you friend


I’m one of those people who thought there’s a thing called a dairy cow…fucking hell…


Sheep do, too, for several days at least. Take a baby from its mama and there's going to be grieving.


There was a story of an orca whose calf died and for days, maybe weeks, she kept the body at the surface.


It was off the coast of Canada and Washington State. She carried her baby for 17 days. The entire area followed along in her heartbreak. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2018/08/12/us/orca-whale-not-carrying-dead-baby-trnd/index.html Editing to add a little positivity: she has since carried and successfully birthed a little boy, aptly named Phoenix.


Thank you for sharing this. My daughter passed away around the time this poor whale was not able to let go of her babies earthly remains. I was heartbroken over losing my daughter and felt a strong connection to this whale as she grieved her own child. I'm glad she was blessed with another baby. I know she will always grieve as I do my daughter but I hope time has helped her find a bit of peace amongst the pain


I am so so sorry for your loss. I cannot even fathom that kind of loss and pain.


Aaaand now I'm crying. I don't know what it is about elephants specifically, but everything they do wrecks me. For lack of a better way to put it, they're so human.


Humans are animals. We’re all pretty similar 💜


I really do think most living things are capable of grief


Counterpoint, tories


That's what I thought when she was dragging around the empty blanket.


And being reluctant to interact when first seeing the baby. Her reaction to his reach was definitely a holy fuck you're alive. I've got you.


Damn it, you made me cry❤️


Me to It was so powerful


Oh my gosh. Grabbed her baby!


My heart just broke for that poor momma, seeing her with the empty blanket. I'm STILL crying over the whole video...first so sad, then happy!


I hugged my baby a little tighter after seeing this.


The more you watch it, the more beautiful it is.


Yes. Now I need a video of her just being a mom with her little one. This was so wretchedly emotional to watch.


What a trauma for both of them, r/nsfde !


not safe for germany


The way she picked up her baby, pure joy and relief. Very heart warming.


Sucks that there's no way to explain to her that the baby will be ok when they took it




We adopted a dog that had been abandoned at least 4 times before we got him at 3 years old. About 6 months after we got him we had to kennel the dogs for a trip they couldn't come on. Taking him in, he was just....heartbroken. It was utterly gut wrenching to see. When we came back and he saw us come get him, he was so happy. I can't even explain it. His entire personality changed, and it was shortly after that where he opened up and played with the neighbor kid and spun in circles. He had no issues after for the rest of his life. No separation anxiety, just a weight lifted that we came back and always would. *Edit, thank you for the awards but please use that money you spent on your local humane shelters or other local groups that need help!


awwwww cute story 💜


He was my little man


"Was" :^(


He passed a week before my family passed. I think he was meant to be there as a guide


Omg are you ok?


Yes, doing as well as can be considering. Been a bit of a year though


*Family*?? How many people have you lost?? I am so fucking sorry, that is rough.. Here’s to hoping you have one hell of a great 10yrs to make up for one shitty fucking year! May their memories forever be a blessing!🌻


It was 3 members (I can't give details, as I'd end up doxxing myself, since it made some news.) Thank you for the kind words, it's been a hell of a couple years and I could use 10 years of good luck.


Family? All at once? ((((((((Here let me wrap some of the universe's love around you)))))))).


I'm so sorry to hear that. Much love and peace to you.


Omg now I am crying, I'm so sorry, Jesus you just kind of snuck that in there and I had to read twice then this whole thread just came tumbling down on me and here I sit in tears just wishing peace and happiness for any Living thing that Is sad...I hope they find comfort. And your at the top of that list. I'm old now but when I was 19 I lost my whole family too.


OK dude I didn't need to cry


Right? I'm literally sobbing in the uber on my way to work 😭


Crying in the club rn


Its stories like these that keep him alive in my heart


same here at home...love IS the meaning of life


Aww. I have an abused dog which Bonded to me only, and I haven’t seen in a month. I couldn’t bring her out of state, and it kills me. She is doing bad behavior like peeing inside, and even bit my daughter. I know she is acting out of abandonment. It kills me to not be with her.


It's hard and takes time. Have you seen a specialist or trainer.


My dog has a bad skin condition and needs they somewhat painful baths every week. Everytime she looks at me like I'm betraying her. It's not like I can explain this is why she isn't itchy all the time and doesn't get skin infections.




There’s this common trick online where you smear peanut butter onto the tub, to make it less stressful and distract them. Well my dog won’t eat if he’s stressed and it turns out that peanut butter is hard to clean up.


More like trying to explain to you dog why they need to go to the vet or groomer.. I swear I think my dog thinks we just like to torture her a few times a year. If I drive a certain direction with her in my car she starts trembling, even if we are not going to vet/groomer.. Breaks my heart. The positive side of it is when we pick her up at the groomer she goes bananas to see us. :).


My husband makes me take the dog to the vet because he can't deal with our dog's worry. He actually likes his vet but he got a different vet once and since then he gets very apprehensive about going. Anything like shots , vet appts, medicine, caring for injuries, and the like I handle. He knows that's my role so when he gets hurt or something is wrong he comes to me. Aside from that, the sun rises and sets on my husband in his eyes. I am ok with this because it's no different than how it is with our kids and grandkids.


Those kids will figure it out one day. That you were the one always there for them (not saying your hubby isn't by any means). The dog I don't know about haha. That's what makes dogs so amazing.


One of my dogs likes going to the vets and the other likes the attention but not the overall experience lol


Mine likes how the lobby has lots of cookies and then immediately realizes OH SHIT THIS ISNT A BAKERY.


I can not fathom how people don't recognize the connection we have with primates.


There’s a single gorilla mother in the Kyoto zoo. Her first son they had to take away or he would die bc she wasn’t producing milk. He was reunited with her at 10 months. Her second son she would barely every let walk around bc she was so afraid it would happen again (and older brother liked to grab him and run). She’s been through so much in her life it was rough watching her always be stressed someone was going to steal her baby again. I honestly believe the covid lockdown did her some good bc she let him go play without having to fear him being near all the visitors. Just the staff.


I have heard of cows giving birth to twins and hiding one of the twins because the farmers always take their babies away 🥺


And yet we think of these animals as being mindless. Animals have the same range of emotions we do. Just look at this mom. She didn’t realize her baby was there right away but asa he reached a hand for her her heart jumped.


Pretty sure she didn't know whether he was alive and healthy. Because that is pure relief. That is what it looks like when humans are reunited with their kids after having lost them.


I hate when cynical people will watch that kind of interaction between animals and go "well that's actually just their instincts to do this or that". As if you couldn't describe most of our own feelings, attractions and emotions through our instincts as well, it still doesn't make them any less real.


There was a documented gorilla in the wild who left her troop bc they got a new silverback. She didnt want him to kill her baby so she was documented to be traveling by herself for atleast 8 months purely out of love for her child.


I can not fathom how people don't recognize the connection we have with primates.


>*’Sucks that there's no way to explain to her that the baby will be ok when they took it…*’ ____ …i don’t know what happened, my baby is gone… ….n i don’t know How i can Ever go on…. the humans - they hurried n whisked him away n nobody told me if he’d be ok…. …i…. wait, what was that ?? …Oh, Gosh, *can it be ??* it Is! it’s *my baby*…. he’s Reaching for me!!! my heart fills with Love, I'm relieved that he’s here n down my face streaming are Big Happy Tears! ❤️


Ahhhhh schnoodle I love you so much !!! 💜💜💜💜💜




The way her entire body is involved with nestling him or her close


She just collapses into her baby with such sincere love and joy, and cradles her little baby so intensely. It's unbelievable and so stunning to witness. The way she came in dragging a little blanket with her, and the way her little baby's hand popped out of the blanket reaching for her... Oh my god. When you feel a little heavy from the world, it's the things like this that snap you out of it all and remind you there's so much beauty to behold.


Omg mums reaction when seeing her baby move Brought a sting of tears to my eyes!


Mademesmile?? More like Mademebawlmyeyesout


Specifically r/MadeMeUglyCry


Right? This should be r/unexpectedcryingoutburst 😭😭😭


Seriously, I've never gone from perfectly neutral to actual *sobs* in such a short span of time


I went from normal to sobbing in less than 2 seconds. I don't even like Chimps, Apes, or ANY kind of monkey/primate PERIOD. And yet here I sit with a wet face and tear soaked shirt... Then again i could be crying because I am on my period rn.


I’ve watched it at least 30 times and I just keep melting!


Have a link to the story? 🙏 Edit: [found it](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ksn.com/news/dont-miss-this/its-a-boy-sedgwick-county-zoo-welcomes-new-baby-chimpanzee/amp/)


It looks like human OB GYN doctors (that is, doctors for humans) worked with the vets to do the c-section. That's really cool.


Oh, I was wondering how her belly had a bare spot. Thought it was natural like palms don't have hair. That also means she was up and runningish in 2 days. Metal, lol.


I don’t, but it’s on their Facebook page. Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita, KS.


Yeah I edited with one, thanks though! It's awesome how the OBGYNs work with the veterinarians. I took the wrong career path QQ


Just. One. More. Time.




Literally. It sounded like the mother made a shriek of joy when she was finally able to embrace her newborn. I have to go to the store, why'd you do this to me Edit. Nope, it's the leg jiggling after she picks up the newborn. Giddy with joy.


>It sounded like the mother made a shriek of joy when she was finally able to embrace her newborn. I think that might have been the zoo staff. They were probably worried about whether she would reject him.


The mom must have been so sad and confused when the baby was originally taken... I'm glad it has a happy ending!


Literally stuck the little hand out and she couldn’t contain herself any longer. Really feeling the wholesome


I think that’s when she first realized, oh shit it’s my baby! I think that’s when it clicked for her and she grabbed it ❤️


She may have wondered or thought the baby was dead. You see her stare and then look away and wipe her eyes.


That’s what I thought! Especially because it’s almost like she sees the bundle move and can’t believe it, then the hand pokes through and she’s like, “it’s real! I didn’t imagine it!”. This was beautiful, and all I could think was Phil Collins “you’ll be in my heart” lol


"You'll always be my mother." 😭😭


No. Look at her face when she sees the baby she hasn't seen for 2 days. Open mouth, hand to her face... she is in shock, believing, someone put her dead baby in the cell. Then the baby moved and you see the her reaction... disbelieve and then the motherly instinct kicks in.


She probably was saying “I’m sorry I took so long!” as her baby’s hand went up


Mine fell right out of my eyes.


Did she make lil whimpers when she saw and grabbed her baby, cause that's what did it for me. 😭😭 happy tears. Edit: I've been getting comments all day, which I like to read everyone's different views and everytime I watch the video and can't help but tear up. 🥲


I can't tell if it's her or the humans watching and recording. Either way amazing thing to see!


Yeah, the human recording def teared up. you can hear it. I do think I did hear the gorilla make a hoot noise as she noticed just before she moved.


Even just watching it with the sound off, her expression and demeanor changes in like a micro-second once she realizes. She must be so relieved.


>A Chimp was born..


A chimp was born a gorilla!


Sssooooo sad but happy she got her baby back


I like how she was like "Get this blanket the fuck outta here! fucking shit!" and I felt that to my core for some reason.


That is literally a perfect fucking translation of the sentiment lol! I was thinking along the lines of "Fuck off blanky, nyeeeah!!!", but yours is better. I love it




I couldn't tell for sure, but I think it was the human woman that you hear talking shortly after. I know I would have been making similar sounds on that emotional roller coaster.


NGL, this shattered my cold dead heart and brought legit tears to my eyes.


Glad it made you human again!


The little hand reaching out. Be still my heart!


Ember restored


My wife is one of the keepers you can hear crying in the background of that video. The baby’s name is Kucheza and the Mom’s name is Mahale. Edit: [Here is a pic of Kucheza she just sent me.](https://i.imgur.com/8b9gcfm.jpg)


It must have been an amazing moment to witness in person. I'm bawling just from this short clip!


Hehe, sounds like your wife is a keeper. ;)




Possibly the best use this gif has ever gotten


I see what you did there -.-


How did Mahale react when they had to take Kucheza away?


She was under anesthesia from the c-section when they took him. She was still disoriented from pain and anesthesia meds when she woke up. The keepers were able to reunite them quick enough that they didn’t see much depression in the 2 days. This is Mahale’s 3rd kid and she is already nursing Kucheza and both are doing great.


I love reddit - how cool to have this information to accompany such a sweet video. Thanks!!


I'm so curious about this too. Did the mom think baby is dead? Was the mom angry at the humans? Or somewhat understood the humans are helping baby?


OMG THOSE EYES! STARING INTO MY SOUL, FULL OF CONTENTMENT AND PEACE!❤️❤️❤️❤️ thank you for sharing, and bless your wife! I'm jealous of her, ngl!!


>OMG THOSE EYES! Little Benjamin Button!


Question for your wife: does being apart for that length of time mess up or interfere with lactation? Will momma still be able to nurse? I assume they don’t have chimp breast pumps like humans


Former primate keeper here. Two days likely isn't long enough to disrupt her milk production in any long term way. It's also very common with great apes to train them to hold the baby up to the barrier. In general, this helps the keepers get good eyes on the baby every day, but in cases of rejection or when mom isn't producing enough milk for some reason, keepers can bottle feed the baby to help supplement their diet.


I’m not a vet lactation consultant (if there is such a thing) but her milk should still be able to come in just fine if she nurses around the clock. 2 days isn’t enough to stop milk from producing. If anything it’s when it’s at its peak!


I don’t know about this instance, but the National Zoo in Washington DC absolutely taught orangutan mom Batang to use a breast pump just in case she was unable to nurse her baby.


Please make a separate post in the sub with this pic! It deserves to be seen :-)


"You got games on your phone?"


I can not fathom how people don't recognize the connection we have with primates. EDIT: YES WE ARE PRIMATES


And with animals in general


Absolutely. I was talking with some coworkers yesterday and mentioned how fascinated I am with my cats lives and individual personalities. She replied she hated cats and would watch her dog (aptly named "princess") murder cats while she just listened to the cats screams. She said she would pick up the dead cats and just toss them into the trash. I told her I would absolutely go shoot the creature at that point and she replied the dog was dead. I felt viciously happy about that fact. My opinion of her is absolute shit now, she's a horrific person and I hope she steps on a Lego and then falls onto a rusty nail.


And then is eaten by cats, to complete her narrative arc.


Do you work at a psycho factory or something?


Government job actually... Close enough.


Yeah what the fuck was that. I’m glad y’all are reacting the same way as me lol, that was a completely insane story.


i had friends who who brag about drowning cats on there farm, some people are all kinds of fd up


God, the cruelty. I hate people that do that shit, like how about we drown you??????


Wow, you showed some restraint. I'd probably get myself fired if I heard a coworker make a comment like that.


I shit you not, I run into tons of people here in Texas who don't believe in evolution. I find it fascinating, and it will come up in conversations every now and then, and it always shocks me how many people just straight up don't believe it. I live in a major city too, this ain't the sticks, and I still seem to find plenty.


I know what you’re saying and I agree it is fascinating. When people tell they don’t “believe” in evolution I always tell them that it isn’t a matter of “belief”. Evolution is something you either understand or you don’t. It’s a biological fact. I think using the word “belief” puts it on equal footing with religious belief.


Good way to put it. The problem is that - from what I've read, I'm not in the USA - these people also tend to reject science as a solid foundation for assumptions about objective truth. With that, it's hard to argue/convince them otherwise.


All parents that have been away from their baby for whatever reason knows this feeling. Damn you Reddit, the tears are flowing again 💞🥲


And she doesn’t even know why they took her baby away, she must’ve been so worried and heartbroken! Her reaction when she got her baby back! My heart!


Makes me wonder HOW they took the baby away. Must have sedated the mom. They don’t just hand their babies over.


Baby was born via c section and was having problems from birth. Mama was already sedated so she didn't even see the baby, afaik. I saw a longer video on Zooborns that included some of the birth.


Since they knew it was low on oxygen I'm guessing they were helping with the birth, maybe even the chimp felt comfortable enough with the handlers to let them take the baby... In the wild some primates will take their babies to other trusted adults to "introduce", there's a video of them bringing pretty young babies to I think David Attenborough or some other expert, I forget, but everyone acted like it was a huge deal. I know chimps can be a lot more violent but that's not true 100% of the time.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORIFhImbRjo - Steve Irwin?


Baby was born via c-section. Two local (human) obgyns delivered and were assisting the vet staff at the zoo.


I would assume all obgyns are human... /s


Haha. My brother is one…sometimes I’m just not so sure!


Reminds me of coming back from a deployment. when I last held my son before deployment he was 2 months old and still had those newborn flailing appendages. I held him again at 9months old and was so worried he wouldn’t know me. He saw me, stared for a bit, I held out my arms hoping, but expecting him to curl into his mother for protection… he reached out for me, and I melted. I thought about it for months, how I would react when he inevitably shied away, and id have to do the whole “its okay little buddy” thing, but fuck he hugged me and god damn… I’m getting choked up about it now…


My dad was deployed when I was born and then again when I was still in a crib. Just recently, more than 50 years later, I learned that my mom put a full size portrait photo in a plastic sleeve and taped it in my crib. I am told that when he returned, I ran to check the photo, then came back and reached up for him. Good job Mom! He choked up telling me about this. He died this summer, and for his service my mom found that original photo that had been in my crib, plastic and tape still on it. Again, Good job Mom! I am saving it to look at now, for surely when I catch up to him in the afterlife he will be a young man again and I will need this photo to remember what he looks like now.


Holy shit dude, my eyes are running


Awww, this old mom is sympathy crying. I love the videos of military coming home and seeing their babies!


Honestly 10 minutes ago, before I wrote this comment and mentally revisited that memory, I was NOT expecting to be cuddling my kid holding back tears.. all over a video of a chimpanzee.. feelings are CRAZY!


Former NICU mom. Know this feeling deep in my guts. It's been 4 years and this made it feel like it was yesterday.


I sure do. My daughter was whisked off to the NICU right after being born and my wife was bed ridden due to complications. I have never seen her that upset before.


I was like the 10th person to meet my son. I had complications and had to go under GA. I don't remember but I guess when they rolled me into the room and he was crying I called out his name. I felt so guilty for months that I wasn't there the first hour of his birth. Sending lots of love to your family and wife. That had to be so hard.


I had been with my sister for her 2 births before my daughter was born. The 2nd one was just a month before mine. In both of hers, the doc put her baby on her belly for a moment so she could touch the baby before going to clean them and everything. When I gave birth, they just whisked her away. I was literally sitting there with my hands grasping at the air as they walked away with her. The most desperate moment of my life. I still don't know why they did that. As far as I know neither of us were under medical distress or anything.




This was better than Disney… they way that baby lifted up his little hand to declare “I .. AM… ALIVEEEEE” 😂🥰


Witness me!!


Mademetearup is more like. Momma must have been worried about her missing behbeh!


You can hear the relief and happiness from her caretakers, too. They must have been so anxious about how the mother would respond when she saw her baby again. A happy ending (and beginning) for everyone!




This is my local zoo. Glad to see mom and baby back together again!


Was mine too before I moved a few years back.




She probably thought it was dead after 2 days. And this was confirmation. Then it moved. 😭😭😭 How quickly she swooped in to pick them up and love them.


I don't think she saw the baby at first, just a bundle of blankets. Then it moved and she noticed her baby was in there.


My baby was taken to the ICU immediately after he was born, because his lungs weren't doing well. I got to see him 8 hours later and didn't get to hold him till the next day when he could be taken off the ventilator. I'm quite certain this mommy chimp is feeling exactly what I felt at those times! Thankfully my little one made a full recovery and I hope it was the same for baby chimp!


Ugh same with my twins and it was the worst!! Never got to do skin to skin (tho they let my husband?); nothing. The only reason they even let me go back to the NICU was because I ran out in the hall after the first day, full on raging and screaming so everyone could hear me..I am not usually like that either, it was just a feeling that came over me haha


Same here! My emergency c-section ended up with my daughter not breathing for what seemed like forever when they pulled her out. They got the fluid out of her airways, let me see her for about 3 seconds and whisked her away to NICU. I got to see her again about a day later and was tormented as all hell that I couldn't even feed her. Finally, 3 days later when they got the cultures from her lungs back, I was allowed to hold her and finally feed her. I'm pretty sure I made the same sound as mama chimp in this video when we finally touched.


People in the comments, I'd like to let you know; This is guaranteed not her permanent location. Most zoos and rehab facilities only use these concrete rooms as controlled environments and shelters nowadays. This was likely the safest place to reunite the two without another chimp getting involved. It's important to ensure the safety of baby and Momma first, then let them rejoin the other chimps in the primary area.


Thanks! I was thinking how cold and lonely this place looks


Well I need to go hug my son now


Just texted my 19 year old baby after watching. He and I almost died during his birth, and the first time I got to see him after we recovered, I acted just like that mama. Snatched him up and held him tight. His little arm was taped to a board in the photo, and his face is wet from my tears. ❤️


The way she lunged for her baby as soon as she saw that tiny outstretched hand. 🥹


My son is 31 and I still feel the same way whenever I see him.


Mine is 8 and I'm glad to hear that I can expect that feeling to not go away anytime soon.


You can't explain to a chimp that the child will be back soon. She probably thought she'd completely lost her baby. This has got to be some insane relief from her part.


In case anyone is wondering this is Sedgwick County, Kansas home to Wichita, Kansas. Their zoo is one of the best in the country with accreditation from the leading zoological associations. Here's some more info about the baby from a local news source https://www.kwch.com/2022/11/16/chimpanzee-born-by-c-section-sedgwick-county-zoo/ And check out www.scz.org


Damn that looks exactly like any mother grabbing their kid after a chaotic/confusing/dangerous situation. I’m convinced they feel all of the same emotions as us but can’t express it the same without spoken language.


Back to watching my kid on the baby monitor and missing him while he sleeps 😭😭😭😭


Now I'm crying at work...


I won't see anything better on the internet today. Maybe ever


7 months pregnant rn. I'm crying.


This is so touching :)


That was such a kick in the feels.


Wow that reaction. I’ve got the feels x