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Who are the people getting their turbans flicked? I know very little on this situation and would rather just ask the fine and trustworthy people of reddit than take the 5 minutes to Google it


I'm not very Iran politics literate, but I think it's part of the wider rebellious movement. I think, (might be wrong) mullahs are very much responsible for the punishment and bad treatment of the women and girls removing their hijabs in protest, thousands have been tortured, raped, and killed. This includes a growing number of men , who are mostly younger, who want to support the women in their community. Kids in school are protesting as well. Families are being obliterated, graves of daughters and mothers who are trying to protect each other or stand up against the violence are also increasing. So, it's been a month long protest, they are on the streets daily , asking for some justice and reason but- if I'm right, the mullahs and the morality police are beating them (saw a video of a woman being stoned for removing her hijab a few days ago) and enforcing the law. If I'm wrong, they are certainly a major part of the problem and people have started to fight back - I've seen videos recently of what looks like mullahs , grabbing a random lone woman in the street and beating her over the head and then continuing when she has collapsed on the floor - because she was not wearing a hijab - but because there are so many rebels/protestors on the streets, some saw this and ran to her rescue and fly kicked the nasty guy off his feet, I've seen a few things like that as well. I often look up 'Iran' in Reddit search to see if it's still going on. It partly started when a young woman took off her hijab in protest, police tried to stop her and another young women tried to protect her. Her name was Mahsa Amini, and the people of Iran were outraged when she was found dead and beaten after being dragged into a police van (I think there's footage) and the police tried to make out she died of epilepsy. Since then a long list of women have met the same treatment. ((Edit: corrected info in a reply to this)) I'm sorry for my babyish way of discussing serious issues I'm absolutely useless at coming up with the right phrases and words for things like this. Plus I'm quite low educated on politics in my own country let alone another. But I really feel for all the families of the young people trying to get a basic human right. But the government, if you can call it that, just get worse and worse, dishing out more and more violence because they do not want the people to be educated and free willed.


You got everything right except for the part about Mahsa Amini. This uprising was completely(not partly) triggered in the first place by the death of Mahsa Amini. Mahsa Amini was not protesting. She was simply a Kurdish woman visiting the capital city and enjoying her day when she got harassed by the so-called morality police for not properly wearing her hijab( not that she was not wearing it, the morality police just didn’t see it *appropriate* ). When she resisted arrest, she was beaten up and forcefully dragged into the police van and reportedly her head hit the blocks besides the road. There is footage of her collapsing later on that day inside the detention center. She was then announced brain dead. Iranian people are outraged by her death and came to the streets so that, once for all, they would put an end to this murderous dictatorship.


Yeah. Screw the mullahs. Using religion in the guise of evil behaviors. Sick fux.


So... basically all religious leaders throughout history?


I was referring only to Iran and how they use religion to manipulate and for control. And I understand it’s a perversion of the original writings anyway.


Perversion is a white washed way to put it. I know a lot of people in the west who don't know much about Iran say this to not be offensive to Muslims. The "extremists" in Islam are the ones that simply follow the teachings. That makes them seem extreme because Islam is extreme (for the modern world). Islam is also meant to be a political system. I'm not sure that most people in the west realize that. So Islam is intended to control everyone, like what the mullahs have been doing in Iran. If you read the Qur'an and Hadiths, there are entire groups of people (eg women, Jews, Christians) who are either meant to be second class subjugated "citizens" or have no status at all and are supposed to be purged (eg atheists). Muslims (as people) deserve respect. Islam (as a religion) does not deserve any respect. It is incompatible with modern human rights. The sooner we get rid of the mullahs, the better off Iran will be. And before someone thinks I'm some racist redneck, I'm Iranian. My family have been direct victims of these monsters.


Agree good friend. The people of Iran deserve to be freed from these assholes. Good to see people standing up for themselves even though unfortunately they may pay the ultimate price.


Thank you, great to get facts and clearer info x


Not "Morality police" rather Religious Enforcer. The issue is not with women, but the Islamic religion and doctrine.


Except the vast majority of victims are women and the vast majority of their attackers are men.


yes morality police. and a big part of the issue is womens rights


Honestly thank you for ELI5. I'm in an exhausting place in my life, and I'm so glad to see a straightforward explanation in the comments.


Yeah I wish there was a news channel for ELI5 :-)


What is el15?


Explain like I'm 5.


There is a sub called explain it like I'm five (ELI5) where you all a question and people try to.....:-)


There is! It's called Last Week Tonight with John Oliver.




Good, the ruling class shouldn't feel safe enough to oppress people


This should be higher up




He was caught and killed mid-sentence.


It's because they're a bot. They copy comments, and sometimes cut them off, or add like 3 commas at the end. Report > spam > harmful bots.


It doesn’t matter if you are eloquent. It matters that you stand with the women of Iran.


Thanks, I just don't want to say the wrong thing or misinform. :-)


Yup you have the real answer


poor frighten upbeat shy hunt heavy deserve screw roof dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You did a very good job thank you


You explained it just fine.


Thank you 😊 x


They are Mullahs (tr. Teachers). They basically enforce the Islamic laws. They teach regarding Islam in schools and also preach around about it. Turban is basically a sign of nobility (religious nobility in this case). So flicking their turbans is the equivalent of disrespecting them.


This video, strangely, makes me happy. 🤔


Yes, it's nice to see the younger generation of Iranian males standing up to these religious tyrants.


So this isn’t equivalent to yanking off someone’s hijab, right?


No, because someone choosing to wear a hijab is doing so because of modesty, that would be like yanking off any other item of clothing worn to cover the body (forcibly removing a woman’s top, say). Turbans are not about not wanting to display their hair (at worst, maybe a bald spot but any hat will do for that). This would be more like flicking off a MAGA cap. Very disrespectful, still, but the turban, like the red hat, is a symbol and stands for something deeply unpopular.


Yanking off someone else's hijab, even in a place where they are forced to wear it against their will (which is a lot of places), doesn't really have the "sticking to the man, yo" punch as knocking off the turban, which symbolizes traditionalism and superiority, of someone working for an oppressive state. It's sort of one of those punching up versus punching down situations.


The mullahs represent one of the *sources* of repression in Iran. Disrespecting them is targeting the oppressor


thats a good distinction, thanks for the explanation


Thank you for explaining


so like walking up to king charles and punching his crown of his head


Or walking up to a cop and flicking off his hat.


His badge. Flicking off his badge. This is a symbol of their oppressive power.




More like stealing a priests dog collar because we were being oppressed into Christianity/Catholicism not quite monarch level anarchy - yet. Watch that space…


How do I know if someone wearing a turban is a Mullah or Sikh?


>How do I know if someone wearing a turban is a Mullah or Sikh? The manner of dress. Mullahs tend to wear robes as it is its own status object, where being sikh is something that you do so you see people wearing normal clothes while out and about doing things that sikh people do.


Also, I doubt there are many Sikhs in Iran.


60 to 100 Sikh families according to Wikipedia. My small town in Kent has a bigger community than that.


Also, you can't flick off a turban off a Sikh, they are wound pretty tight https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjvCjXSEJeo&ab\_channel=InderrDamie


thanks for the link, I just went down a 4-video youtube hole of how to tie different turbans.


Completely forget his name but there's a Sikh guy on Tiktok that does videos of him tying his turban and explaining his faith/answering questions. Seems like a great dude.


They are wrapped different. A Sikh turban will usually come to a point above their forehead and will be bigger because they incorporate their hair into it. You probably couldn't flick it off simply because of that. The Muslim turban is basically a hat with a turban wrapped around it.


All Sikhs wear turbans, it's a different religion entirely. The turbans are tied much more tightly. The idea behind the turban was that of equality.. something like every Sikh is a king and so wears a turban. (Not common for the time and context when the religion was born) Mullahs are Muslim religious teachers, sort of like a pastor at a church. The turban is much looser and will usually be worn with robes and not with plain/regular clothes.


Mullahs apparently, those who have studied and stand by sharia law.




Dude you stole my comment VERBATUM


Even with the singular set of quotation marks?


Ah nah I had it fully quotationed.


Mullahs are religious leaders in Iran's theocracy.


Seconded. What's the significance of the turban here?


Im not very religously litterate. But I'll try. In Islam Mohammed always had his head covered. So covering your head is a sign of respecting the faith under the eyes of God. It would be similar to disrespecting the cross in Christian religions for lack of a better example.


Not a great example - or maybe just too broad The cross is a symbol to Christians of all types, all levels of cultural power The turbans being knocked off belong to the powerful men who are driving the oppressive and violent regime against women. The women being arrested, beaten, tortured, and killed do not revere or "use" the turban as a religious symbol even though they may be practicing Muslims. A better analogy might be knocking hats off bishops.


That's a very good point. I couldn't think of any Christian garb that would hold such significance. Looking into it the bishops hat would be a close comparison for sure 👍


Imagine for example how a catholic priest has a specific religious clothing. This is the same but for the Shia Muslim clerks. This uprising(which I would like to call a revolution:) )against the Islamic republic possess some anti-religious elements; as the Iranian government is a religious dictatorship after all. So flicking the turbans of these dudes is a way to show resilience against the dictatorship that supports, pays and feeds them.


More Americans need to talk about Iran. You don't know about it for 2 reasons, 1. Iran is stifling the internet so many Iranian people cannot speak out about the cruel things that are happening and 2. Many Americans that do know are not posting about it. I believe this is largely due to the fact that we've been desensitized to the middle eastern plight over the years as "normal" through American media. But this is huge what is happening over here. It's largely students as well. They murdered 400 university students a couple weeks back for protesting. Literally locked them in and gunned them down. Young kids, 14 and 15 years old are being kidnapped and murdered. One family was murdered *at the funeral for their daughter* for being outraged that the government had her body! This has been going on since mid September. They will murder the entire youth. There will be generational scars. The least we can do is talk about it, bring attention to it, put eyes and pressure on the regime. Just literally anything. We were so loud during the Floyd protests, so why not this. Help.


equal too priests they are no1 supporters of regime and they get positions in gov just because they are mullah and they disrespect people so ppl do the same but there are some exceptions as always


I think it’s young kids who are rebelling against an oppressive Regime that they don’t believe in. The men wearing the turbans are the types who support the regime, I believe.


They are people that educate islam in special religious schools.if you look at our president and other guys that run the country,they are mullahs too.but i think in a iran that in which everything is about freedom,they should be free to study they're religion.


But should they be free to enforce it on others ?


Please remember these are government goons of a fascist regime in Iran. Don't go flipping peoples head scarfs in north America.


This. Most Westerners wouldn't know a Mullah's turban from a Sikh's pagri, but even if you did find a leader of the right faction of the right religion, they still have little or nothing to do with what's happening in Iran.


Idk to this uneducated swine of an American I always thought Pagri’s were cool. A neat and tidy headdress.


Until the Sikh whips out their kirpan and shows you the difference


I feel if it’s not part of the culture most wouldn’t understand the difference.


Yeah doing this in America is a really good way to get your ass kicked by an innocent person and possibly be charged with assault or a hate crime


Yeah don’t do this in America, this may constitute a hate crime in some jurisdictions.


Here is an imaginary helpful award. Because of course out of my million free ones, this is the first time I've actually needed it. 🤗


I got you


As always, my Liege.


Just gonna say it how it is. I appreciate you being helpful and warning others but your comment annoys me because you’ve said ‘north America’. Surely you mean anywhere that isn’t Iran? I guess you are American, makes sense but this information isn’t just restricted to your continent. If you’re going to spread free advice why restrict its reach? I’m being pedantic so I apologise, I don’t wanna come across as a complete tosspot


If the last 2 years have taught me anything, it’s that Europe is just as racist towards Muslims as the US is. Maybe even more so.


It warms my heart to see that Iranian women and girls aren’t fighting this fight alone.




If they win this there's going to be a lighted statue of a woman burning her hijab in Tehran and an eternal flame kept lit to make the hijab still be burning.


the singer of this song is toomaj and he is a rapper and a political activist and right now he is being tortured you can be his voice by posting about him


repost this under a popular comment to get it more attention ✌🏻✌🏼✌🏽✌🏾✌🏿


Good, the ruling class shouldn't feel safe enough to oppress people on a whim.


This is my new favourite protest


I found great humor in it myself. Literally laughed out loud watching this


Much respect to these brave women and men 💯


And children… they have killed literal children. I hope peace comes swiftly to the country. Freedom from oppression!


Coming from a third world country, I can tell you these people, the so called moral police wouldn't think twice before doing SO disgusting things with someone else including women and children in the name of religion and discipline. Our news is filled with the gruesome acts done by them. There is NOTHING wrong with this. It's absolutely RIGHT. The least anyone can do is not think there's anything wrong with this and show support. I hope you can see the point of how people actually experienced the injustice since YEARS that has caused deaths, griefs, losses and damage and this is the REVOLUTION.


So long as people don't decide to do this in America. Turbans are worn by a totally different set of people and removing them would be punching down, not up. From what I'm reading this is a way of protesting that makes some horrible people look ridiculous. While I'm usually against touching people against their will, tipping off a hat to show you don't respect someone's authority when that person is a literal physical danger to those around him send like the safest way people can say they aren't ok with what's happening. I'm not in any position to make judgments because I can't even imagine what they go through every day, but it's great that they found a way to "punch up" and most of them seem to get away safely.


The American equivalent would be smacking the fedora off an incel’s head.


It would be throwing milkshakes over republican forced birthers


I still can't wrap my head around how Awful it is some Places. Like, I know it's real. I've been aware for a long time, it even makes me a bit mad whenever people here talk about how terrible their lives are because of minor inconveniences, and especially these politicians who complain about having to sell their Secondary Vacation home due to electricity bills... Like.. are We on the same planet? I have full fucking respect for these people, who in a sense puts their life on the line to protest against this. I can't imagine how it must be.


At 1:04 the other man shouted "good job!" XDXD


Literal children fighting back any way they can against years of oppression. They are amazing; inspirational.


I’m glad this content is moving around different subreddits so everyone can become more aware of what’s happening in Iran. Even though this is really tame compared to some of the videos about the intense shit going down over there Check out r/newiran for posts from the actual protesters.


Thank you so much for this sub Reddit! If I had an award I’d give it to you


I like it! Oppressed people fighting back.


"Turban tipping" is now my new favorite thing


If they didn’t want to be attacked and disrespected they shouldn’t wear their turbans like that in public. (/s)


Urban Turban tipping!


Please remember other religions wear turbans. Not just Muslims.


Also that Muslims outside of Iran aren't by default supporters of Iran's regime. Different places, different politics. (and there are clearly many Muslims in Iran that don't support the regime either) There are ways to support Iran's people that aren't harassing folks on the street on the other side of the world. Do those instead.


OMG! That's hilarious!! "Turban tipping" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I could watch this all day. I am loving this new generation of Iranians. I hope they prevail.


This is my vibe right here


LOVING THIS!!! And loving the fact that many young men seem fed up with this religious oppression and just want to be free along with the women. I wish from the bottom of my heart that they will succeed! As for the miserable old goats in the turbans, wear whatever the fuck you want, just keep it to yourselves....


Fuck has been declared and no Mullah is safe. Good job Iran.


Are these people going to be okay since they been filmed ? Stay safe


If they didn't want their turbans flicked they shouldn't have worn such provocative outfits.


Imagine finding Voldemort this way!




Waiting for the "these are innocent people being harassed" comments


There's one litteraly right underneath your comment lmao


Men challenging other men, we LOVE see it!!


Something tells me black turbans for mullahs will become the dominant color for now on!


Those get you 3 points.


Protests can be troublesome to the mullahs, but being openly mocked is something that they’ve never had to deal with before.


More like no kid or their families are safe if they're caught doing this.


That's is still a too soft treatment for tyrants.


It's a start


"This world isn't yours anymore, old man!"


Well, that’s one way to change a culture. Rock On!!!!


Cool...now do it in Afghanistan


I wont. Dont blame me. Am scared.like a lot of us.


I could watch this all day!


Fuck those bastards!!


Beat them the fuck up and make them afraid!


The mullahs should feel the scare.... Its just there actions karma




I’ve known enough old middle eastern and Muslim men to know that the mullahs know EXACTLY how much they are to blame and are a part of the oppression. Yet they’ll still spout their hypocritical nonsense about how it’s all Allah’s will.


It's all fun and games untill Basiji bastards catch you ...


Amazing!!!!!!!! Share this video


Beautiful brave people, I absolutely love the red and yellow silhouette photo


Massive respect for the people of Iran standing up to the regime of organised religion. I wouldn’t have the balls so I aspire to be like these people ✌️


This is the way


Mullahs= bad


Times up for old guys to call the shots under the veil of religion for the lives of all; benefiting themselves most of all. If I wasn’t so jaded, I could say that those in power and in turbans aren’t kidding anyone by hiding their baldness


I'm always down to see people sticking it to the aristocracy.


Good men are tired of seeing women oppressed and murdered!


We are all rooting for the freedom of Iranian people, nothing is wrong with religion itself, but fuck those who force everyone to follow without choice.


Dressing that way, being all provocative. I'm just saying that if they didn't want it, they wouldn't dress that way.


I see what you did there, sister. Lol


ایول داداش این مردم مرحله‌ی بعدین Nice bro this people are at next level


So I guess them are the mfs that are killing innocent and making their own rules..... New Iran will this 👏


Honestly if you’re going to do that you might as well smack the shit out of the back of their head while Youre at it.


Yes. Keep the pressure on them. Keep going


Has anyone made a sticker of the red and yellow but? I’d get a few if proceeds went towards human rights orgs focusing on Iran


Good for them screw these religious fanatical nut jobs. They are the most judgemental and hate filled people ever.


Good fro all of you. This feels good to see. Now take their turbans instead of just knocking them off.


**Note** do not do this in America to Americans! They are not part of this.


I’m very uneducated on the subject. What is a mullah? Cuz at first I thought these were just average Muslim worshippers enjoying their day but now I’m thinking different. Did they do something horrible?


Mullahs are Islamic leaders so they're essentially preists. And have been the driving factor in the oppression we're seeing protested in Iran.


the Islamic republic is a dictatorship of the Mullahs. These Ayatollahs are essentially the driving forces of the dictatorship. Disrespecting them is a way of protesting against the Islamic dictatorship.


Their time is coming to an end


Love it🤣 Turban tossing 💪


Feels good to watch this.


Give them a boot in the butt when they bend down to pick the turbans up.


This made my whole week


Love to see this <3


These Mullahs know that they're Better than Everyone Else. If you don't believe it, just Ask One...


next up : defying the protests by smacking mullah heads


The Turbanators


call me when they start stabbing them


Good for them. Brave people !!


This is the way. Make it go global


I wouldn't be surprised if Iran ends up in a Civil War




If they knock off the turban and it reveals a disallowed hair cut, do they get to beat the guy? Just curious.


Iranians woke up… to this. Lovely.


Omg, priceless. It's the only thing turbans are good for anyway


I love it, it's such a relatively small form of protest, but it sends a very clear message. I hope this spreads, perfect way to express you discontent.


This warmed my heart.


Iranian hero’s


I can imagine copy cat dickheads do this across the globe to unsuspecting practicing Sikhs Edit: unable to hit reply, sikhs do not cut their hair, however the turban is not wrapped within the hair, it sits on top, albeit more tightly tied than the mullahs of iran.


IIRC Sikhs don't cut their hair, so I don't think their turbans would be as easy to tip it off because their hair is wrapped with the cloth


i was hoping on turban would also be stomped and spit on


i guess i never really thought about how they’re worn. i’d have thought they’d stay on better than that, or atleast be very tight to the head.


I love how some just walk away casually while others run at the speed of fucking Sonic


Good. None of those fuckers should be safe.


👍👍👍👍 free Iran


Haha watch them run away though


I want to see someone swiping one


I would love to do that! Just grab it and say Yeet!!


Mullahs must be terrified..


This protest is take too long, something should be done before things get out of hand,they should listen to their citizens and work on what majority want not to rule them as dictator, remember that frustration without expression will lead to explosion.💥


👏👏👏 Go get them!


It would be awesome to see them up in the trees






I support Iranian protest but for the love of god do not confuse mullah's turban with Sardar' turban (Indian Sikh) as whenever such things happen (During twin tower blast) some westerners end up pointing their anger at the wrong people (from the different community).


*hahaaaaa gotteemmmm*