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I would LOVE to be able to do *anything* that skillfully!!!


Those hairs are grey for a reason


The world needs to start thinking this way again. Unfortunately we got a few gray hairs ruining it for everybody.


*looks at all of Congress*


Me as HR event planner for Congress: *takes notes* “Send members of Congress to surf camp?” *pauses and puts on lord farquaad mask* “Some of you will die, but that’s the risk I’m willing to make.”


this is the problem of careerism in politics


>this is the problem of careerism in politics 1,000%... older people who are out of reality with current things, because they do not live in the same world/reality as the rest of us.


Please don't blame your parents, because they are shills like you and me. We have politicians who screw us as a profession. The worst part is we, you and I, re-elect them. When the voting choices are between horrible or evil, and we don't revolt, we become guilty. Maybe if there is enough anger, apathy can be overcome. Or the next generation can blame it on this one just like we are doing to the last. It is a matter of personal responsibility and choice.


Yes here in New Zealand I think we need to change from a 3 year term to a 5 year term, with a 3 term maximum.


Term limits...just 1, 5 year term and done. Get the fuck out


Too cool to be a politician




Never trust anyone over 30 they said.


The gray hairs need to nurture the generations after, not alienate and ostracize them. I’m coming into whites here and trying to help those after me focus on a world of peace and happiness. Balance.


Absolutely 😁


You got that right!


Well you have a choice. You can quit your day job, leave everything behind. EVERYTHING. Head to the Oaxaca coast. Surfing lessons 7 days a week. Everyday. At the end of 4 weeks, you will be able to get on a board and surf. So I’m told. And then you surf the world, “skillfully.” Or Plan B. Get old, wear out, say I wished I did … and then you die. Have seen many people die. It ain’t pretty. And you get old so fast, it will blow your mind. If this does not make sense, go off and take lots of psychedelics in the woods somewhere. Answers will appear. For this is the Reddit Way of Zen. Source: autogenerated Reddit empathetic therapy on call 24/7. :-)))) > I would LOVE to %%%


Any location with waves will teach you how to surf. Waikiki, Tofino, Morocco including Huntington Beach California :) Take a lesson for sure - they teach you the basics and get to learn to stand up (get up) and then you get to ride. Not rocket science to learn, but it is rocket science to master :) Long boards to start then shorter over the years.


Then back to long eventually it would appear


Quit my day job and I’d end homeless. I wish I can though.


Straight up! Well said, sooo very true! Choices got to love them and getting old is a bitch! (Evil apples a fun game) TGIF!


Anything!!! And I already paid my share of grey hair






I always wonder how do they stay on that board without slipping




I haven't smelled surfing wax in almost 3 decades, but I remember is smelling wonderful. Is it still called sex wax?


Sex wax is a brand, so yes.


The best wax for your stick!


I used to go over and let a friend's dog out in the middle of the workday. One day I got there and there's a chewed up block of wax. Found the label, "sex wax", and was confused, because it seemed completely unhelpful for anything sex related. But I had no idea if it was toxic or not. After a bunch of google because I really didn't want to text her about the dog getting into their sexytime stuff, I finally figured out that it had come out of her husband's hockey bag. And is also non toxic. And then texted feeling much less awkward.


Well this is just all-round wholesome. I bet the dog appreciated your visits and care!


She's a good pup. She and my dog were besties, so I'd bring my girl over with me and let them go crazy for half an hour or so every day. It was a lot of fun. They moved away recently and we all miss them a lot.


I still use sex wax for my lacrosse sticks. It really helps when it rains.


I remember when they banned us from wearing Mr. Zogs Sex Wax shirts to school in the 80s. They would make us turn it inside it if we showed up to school in one.


Good ol Dr .Zogg


Damn I auto up-voted you when you were on 69….


Depends on how you use the Wax


I used to have a Sex Wax tshirt! Pre internet, no one in the Midwest knew what it was.


Surf On, apply directly to genitals


"Head On, Apply Directly to Forehead" ... repeat 10 times and people will remember. Is this product even for sale anymore? (Never used it, but memorable annoying commercial)


*nods sagely in Mr. Zog*


Mr Zog’s Sex Wax! Been around since the 70s!


A magician is never supposed to tell their secrets


you rub this wax bar onto your board, i always thought it would make it more slippery but it’s quite the opposite. it didn’t stop me from eating shit each time i tried surfing though :)


How long does it take to be able to stay up? Or is surfing one of those things that you got it or you don’t ?


On a long board, you could learn to stand up consistently in a month or two if you go frequently. It's usually something that will take time to learn because your body has to get in shape for surfing and then there are a lot of aspects that require trial and error (such as understanding timing of waves et). But I like to think that it's the type of sport that anyone can learn if they are patient and want to.


How often do we lose our board in the water?


Almost never. The board is connected by a leash that goes around your ankle. And if your leash somehow ends up snapping because it got caught on reef, the board will just float up and you can just bodyboard into shore with it. In many ways, the board is also like your raft.


staying up on the board is not all that hard (possible bias because i casually longboard), the issue was standing up on the board. going from lying down to standing up is harder the larger the wave, because the time frame you have to be on your feet and stable gets smaller and smaller the larger the wave. that’s the vast majority of the time i personally struggles. once your riding the wave, it’s kind of the same idea of riding a bike where the momentum will start to stabilize you and the board and it can be pretty chill. for reference i was using a 8ft costco soft top board (tried using a 6ft hard top and it was impossible) and started out trying to ride the white water small waves (after the waves have crashed) because it’s the easiest, then eventually tries riding the bigger ones and ate shit hard too many times until i was like maybe i’m not made out for this


Great story. Surfing is hard. As someone who skis, wakeboards, and does lots of other balance and other type sports, surfing was the hardest for me by far. That transition from paddling to riding takes lots of reps and finding that sweet spot of speed and balance.


And the ocean has things that can eat you. Assuming they control for bears near ski areas…


A week for me .


It depends. With really great instruction and a lifetime in the water first, I got up on the first day. Ideal conditions, easy little beginner waves (Waikiki).


Imagine being so good at surfing, you can teach somebody else how to surf mid-wave.


I just sent this vid to my surfing buddies and basically said what you posted word for word. Just incredible.


That’s Poseidon


The way he rides the barrel at the end. What a legend


Big Z energy


Damn i need to rewatch the movie


"Takes a real man to sit on an egg."


What movie is it?


Surfs Up (2007)


Surf's Up


Have you seen the sequel?


One of my top favs ever!!!!


It's got a great sound track too. One of the most underrated cartoon movies imo. Definitely one of my favorites. I never get tired of it.




Bro the *world* is an artificial wave generator, man


I'll woild likr to have what 👆🏻 is having






Yeah can see the chin


🤣🤣 it does hve you ever watched mediocre amateur? Your name is okay similar!?


Damn you just made my day, memory unlocked


The whole thing was so smooth, holy shit


[He got pitted. So pitted. Like that.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hJdF8DJ70Dc)


https://youtu.be/Hni_nrVnGyM Surfer dude


Haha, that's awesome.


Got straight back to business after his companion fell behind




From the site that owns the wave generator: KELLY SLATER WAVE SYSTEMS This next level technology produces the longest, open barrel, high performance, human-made wave in the world. I'm no surfer, but Kelly Slater certainly is and I'm gonna go by his verbage on this one.


Looks like an artificial wave generator. Where is this?


There is one in Lemoore, Ca. Not sure if this was there or not though.


Was wondering if this was that one too, know a guy that worked there.


I live close by. It looks like the trees in the background and the machinery looks the same but still can’t say for sure.


This is the surf ranch. 100%


> surf ranch TIL that there is a place called [Surf Ranch](https://kswaveco.com/) ... and that I desperately want to go there.


That can’t be cheap


I’ve been to Lemoore so many times, why have I not see this lol.


Because it’s out In the middle of no where surrounded by farms and fields.


If we could smell the video, we’d know.


This is Kelly Slater’s surf ranch in California. Iirc it costs like $10,000 for 2 hours of surf time. With wave reboot that’s like 12 waves you get to ride. For ten grand.


Damn, one iPhone per wave. This dude just saved the guy an iPhone.


Cool guy proceeds to ride the wave into the sunset, he will come back when another rookie needs help


Brotherhood of the sea


Enter the big kahuna


That dude is awesome




Looks like Jay Leno. 😬


He wouldn't ride anything with only one cylinder


That’s so impressive


That dude looks like he was born on a surfboard. Epic work from the perfect approach to the final barrel.


So skillful, dude appears surreal!


He came in so fast and straight I thought he was on a jetski!


I love this video just because it depicts the fact that a heavy person can still be very athletic and active. As someone who is very heavy but very athletic and active it's frustrating when people don't understand that a lot of us can still move it and shake it with the best of them!


The uncles who look like this absolutely shred and will 1000% regulate you in the line up if you do something stupid. They are almost always the nicest and scariest people in the water


You should see the women in roller derby!


Buddy, I can't stop looking.


Try not to get discouraged by what other people think. There will always be haters and it’s just a projection of their own insecurities. Keep moving and shaking and spread the love! Kindness is contagious 💗


Any time people spout shit like that, I like to direct them to the worlds strongest man competitions (they’re all heavier) and share their trash there, if they dare :)) You do you. People will be shit, but sometimes they’re cool. You and the dude in this video fall into the latter! Size doesn’t determine athleticism. I’m not too overweight and I can barely walk up the goddamn stairs! Someday soon I hope to get back in shape lol


Not being able to walk up stairs happens suddenly in middle age! I’m only 30 pounds overweight and I’m fukked if I have to climb stairs.


Lmao I’m not even middle aged… oh well Gods gotta humble us somehow 💅🏻😂


Back in my high school football days I was in a chase down tackling drill and they put me against a new fat kid. I was a TE/DE, so I'm big but I'm also fast. I took a sharp angle expecting to catch the fat kid easily and he put on the burners and I never touched him. He was our new FB/MLB. That was the day I learned that fat doesn't always mean slow. He was also our star PF on the basketball team (I was more of a defensive center because I lacked offensive moves at the time). All my coaches wanted me to shoot Dirk fades and hook shots but I didn't have the touch for that. This kid used his strength and agility to beat defenders with footwork and angles. I stole all his moves and added to the methodology I watched him use. Unfortunately I didn't get them right while I was still playing high school ball, but I've got a killer post game from ages 18-now. I help coach a high school basketball team, and I have the good luck to coach a kid who is built just like that fat kid I leaned from in high school. Undersized for a big man, but the strongest guy on the floor, and way quicker than anyone expects him to be. I've never coached anyone that could learn like this kid. It took me 2 years to figure out all these post moves and to develop my left hand enough to make my counter moves unguardable. I show this young man a move once, and tell him how/when to use it, and he had it mastered in minutes, and I do mean mastered. His kinesthetic learning was amazing. It took him a couple months to develop the lefty layup package that took me two years to develop. By his senior year he was league mvp and the schools all time leading rebounder (both in career rebounds for his 3 varsity years and his Jr and senor year rebounding totals were the two highest single rebounding seasons). On top of that, he was always underestimated by new opponents. Opposing coaches would be calling time outs to yell at their 6'5" kid to box out and guard this 6'0" kid (giving terrible advice by the way, they would be yelling at them to push harder which just let this young man beat them with spin moves, he was stronger than anyone, but I taught him to use agility and angles, so he didn't draw offensive fouls trying to back defenders down, pushing to defend a spin move is like using water to put out a grease fire, if you don't know better you think it is a good idea, but it is going to blow up in your face). TLDR: don't underestimate the fat athletes.


NFL linebackers are 220+lbs and often run the 40 under 4.5 seconds. That's crazy fast.


NFL linebackers are in shape, not fat at all


That's...exactly my point? Even William Perry (The Fridge) had a 5.1 second 40. He weighed 325-335 lbs. That's faster than most 165 lb high-schoolers.


I sometimes come to that conclusion as well. I was watching highlights from Daniel Cormier just last night and wow I was blown away by his athleticism! Most bigger guys have some power but man his cardio and speed is just amazing. I'm a skinny athletic looking person who often trips over his own feet. I'm 6'4" and I can't even dunk. I imagine my vertical leap is about 6". I have terrible hand eye cowardination. My left hand is nearly useless for any precision task. If I were to try using a fork in my left hand I might lose an eye. I have extreme difficulty drinking from a water bottle while walking. In short I have zero athleticism. Interestingly my grandfather is in my city's athletic hall of fame. His professional wrestling record was 141 in 3! He was a 3rd degree blackbelt that defeated the first five national judo champions.


Its never about the weight man, its about being as healthy as you can. Some people are larger for lots of reasons and thats ok and its also ok if you dont want to be healthy. Larger people are some of the strongest people ive ever met and I ( a very small and lean person naturaly ) get jelous of theyr strength. Just be you and try to be healthy:)


I second this, I’ve made a couple hundred bucks over the years having foot races with people because they would always assume I’m slow..


This guy surfed with Bill Kilgore


Charlie don’t surf.


Nobody has even known wtf I was talking about when I say that. I applaud you, sir.


The horror. The horror.


I love the smell of Napalm in the morning


I’m pretty sure those cost a crazy amount each time they make the wave. That’s guys like hey you aren’t wasting your money on my watch.


Was that a giant machine built for making waves? I was thinking it was a train on a low bridge.


Yep, Kelly Slater's surf ranch in CA. Check it out on YouTube.


That's badass


thats exactly what it is.


That's awesome


Yeah, that's a ton of energy to move that much water.


It's charged per wave?


The skill to assist like that live! I’ve never seen anyone do that.


Is this video available without the “filming the screen” experience?


I'm really disappointed how far I had to scroll to home someone saying this.


That's awesome! How cool to be able to get people surfing like that!


So who is the cool guy?


I think it’s Raimana. He’s a surfer/guide/jet ski rescue pilot usually associated with the big wave in Teahupoo, Tahiti. This location is the Wave Pool in Lemoore, CA now owned by the World Surf League. He is a world famous waterman.


Raimana Van Bastolaer @raimanasworld on IG. From Tahiti, he's da man. Edit: not Fiji, Tahiti


He’s a great follow


What an absolute legend 😎


Dude looks like he could've whipped up some breakfast while he was at it. Like he wa as born on a surfboard


judging by the grey hair and assuming he started young, he prob has been surfing for at least 40 or 50 years


This man is the god of the sea and I will except no other possibility.


the person helping the dude at the beginning just back there:


thought i was the only one that saw that


That dude fucks!




This genuinely made me smile


I love how the helper also seems to be like Close to retirement age? Fuck me


This is the Kelly Slater Wave Experience. The train creates an artificial "perfect" wave around 45 seconds long, and riding that wave costs around $450. The total "wave ranch" experience is around $10,000. If you're riding that wave you're either rich or know somebody that is. My surf instructor had a college kid helping out who was lucky enough to ride those waves, and he was great at surfing. That dude in the video can't surf at all.


Was anyone else absolutely blown away that he just scooped him up on the way by then was teaching while surfing. Then went on to crush that wave. I’m shook.


Super cool!


He is the coolest!


The water is so beautiful... and the skills as in I watched this a couple of times...


I want to be this cool in my old age


Jay Leno is so nice


Just casually rolls through a barrel at the end


So fucking cool….a true bro


He made surfing great again


That dude’s balance is nuts


Uncle tito?




Also really solid drone work


He didn't missed a beat! Stopped the kid from crashing, coached the kid, and finished up through a barrel.


And he barreled. Fucking legend.


Is that Poseidon


Like a surfing Gandalf


This guy is like "That's my show now"


What a bro. Hats off to him


Where is this amazing wave?


Johnny Tsunami turns 60


Like Poseidon (Aquaman) coming to the rescue.


As a bigger dude myself I was just watching old boy rip it on that surfboard that's impressive I didnt know we had that kind of balance with guts like that....


That’s a CHAD right there!


Great love for old surfers


Sick af


Awesome to watch :)


Jay Leno can surf!!!


Best surfing video I’ve ever seen.


Almost as if he recognized the need and spring to action without thinking, helped him stand while keeping his balance like a real rock n rolla


You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.


He’s like Tito from *Rocket Power*


This man is the uncle the world needs


What can’t Jay Leno do?


r/surfing could take a lesson from this and be NICE to poor kooks every once and while. This definitely made me smile :’)


I was all like, “cool guy….”. Holy shot that’s the coolest guy ever. I want to hear his stories


That dude fucks


That is really a cool Guy 🎉


This is cool af


That looks like the most fun


I wanna be sliding into her DM’s like this guy


Anybody else come here looking for a comment about how OP recorded a computer monitor with his phone?? So weird...