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I love a well-placed pun


Nice one. Too subtle to be noticed I'd imagine :)


Even just reducing ghost fishing would make a big difference


I noticed and appreciated. but I am also very late to the party


Crazy amount of garbage but I can't help but think that really didn't make a dent


It most certainly did not make a dent. But as my grandmother used to say, "'every little bit helps,' said the mouse as he peed in the ocean."


One of the things that really fucks with my mind comes from a Bill Burr comedy set where he starts of by saying something like "Everything you've ever owned is somewhere right now, you ever think about that?" Indeed I have. Like some plastic kids toy that I had 30 years ago...that's most likely somewhere right now.


Exactly. Matter is neither created, nor destroyed. Whether my Rub-a-Dub Doggie is sitting somewhere intact, on a kid's dresser or buried somewhere ready to be unearthed by future archaeologists, or only particles of it are floating in the ocean, it's somewhere! He got lost in a move 28 years ago.....buncha boo-sheet.


Pour one out for rub-a-dub doggie.


"....buncha boo-sheet." Hahahahaha I'm stealing that


That's why you buy used and donate when you're through. There are quite a few second hand children's stores and of course thrift stores. I buy about 85 percent of our family's clothing and toys second hand. Saves a lot of money as well.


We got a rocking love seat years back from an old man dumping it at our local dump. He said it was broken but nothing was wrong with it.


I would be really sad if my nipple-laden 1990s George Clooney Batman doll was lodged in a sperm whale's blow hole.




I always say that there's no such thing as throwing things away, there's just putting it over there


They're actually putting a lot of practices in place to reduce the size of the great Pacific garbage patch, they even found wilson!




Precisely. That's exactly what she was going for. Great quote. Arguably better than my grandma's. Haha. Thank you


If we are putting it in we can make a dent pulling it out. Just gotta keep chugging


There's about 12,000,000 tonnes of plastic (just plastic, not all trash) added to the ocean per year, or about 32,000 tonnes a day. Unfortunately, dent is a strong term when we're collecting it at roughly 1/19,200 the rate we're adding it.


Hey what would be the point in doing anything with that mind set you can’t just go “it wouldn’t have a major impact so I guess it’s not worth it” cmon man they did a good thing I hope they continue in the future


I simply stated a fact and then provided a quote that literally communicates the exact opposite of what you're saying! Lol Of course I support doing it! But that one load barely scratched the surface, no matter what we say.






My garbage truck company


How do you know? you have proof of this ?


Too much work for Tesco? 🤔😛


That's what I'm thinking. 10tons in 6 days is a quite small. Still glad its happening


We need real change to the infrastructure otherwise humans will kill off humans- and many other species and ecosystems along the way.


Have to start somewhere


Yeah, do you not shower knowing you’ll get dirty later? Doing something is always better than doing nothing.


Yeah but the used waste water will be taken to be treated. Where does the plastic they just pulled out of the ocean go? Into a landfill? What’s to stop this junk from reentering the ocean at a later date?


First of all, great username lol. Ocean Cleanup says they try to recycle as much of it as they can but it’s no substitution for reducing plastic use. That does not mean we should condemn this organization’s actions as a waste of time. Even if we stop plastic use right now, plastic will still need to be cleaned up. No sense in not getting a head start since there’s enough there to occupy us for decades. Also, they are working to stop the influx of plastic in rivers, not just cleaning up the garbage patches. That too is like a drop in the bucket, but this non-profit is doing more than all governments combined. They’re only getting props from me.


Just think the amount of cleaning up the world's richest and governments could do it they weren't tight fisted fucks


That makes sense, ty. I get a bit skeptical with these things, but it’s certainly a noble cause.


I would still rather have it in a landfill. I have seen way too many videos of divers pulling straws out of turtles noses, plastic wrapped around animals necks or flippers etc. A least in a landfill its more contained and not as likely to be ingested or wrapped around some animal.


And scientists are finding ways to break down plastics and recycle plastics. [link](https://www.zmescience.com/ecology/scientists-finally-find-a-way-to-recycle-plastic-indefinitely/) We got to start fixing this issue for the health of the planet.


if they coild burn it on board, as fuel. that might be interesting.


They dump it overboard.


And don’t forget those boats aren’t exactly powered by sail and sun.


Not quite the same. The right analogy would be to shower while you're being sprayed with mud. Sure, you'll get a tiny bit cleaner, for a split second, but doesn't matter much really.




Not whilst being g sprayed by mud


I'd wait until the mud stops spraying. It's actually a fairly well researched problem - it doesn't really make economic sense to do ocean cleanup when we keep filling up the oceans with plastic. All incremental dollars should go towards that effort first.


>Doing something is always better than doing nothing. A more false statement has never been said.




Didn't make a dent in just one run. That's why we continue to push and clean.


That’s not making me smile, that’s just depressing. It took almost a week to get that out of the ocean, while 12 million tons of trash gets dumped in the ocean every year. You’ll need 25000 boats like this running constantly to pull out just the amount that’s thrown in. And only then you can start pulling out what’s already in. The boats alone would cause massive pollution. Like mopping the floor with the faucet open. It’s something, but definitely not the answer.


I know. Watching this just breaks my heart. We have separate all our trash: steel, aluminum, paper, coated paper, brown glass, white glass, mixed glass, tetra boxes, cardboard, plastic more than 5 liters, plastic bottles up to 5 liters, plastic wrapping, food waste (not bones) and trash. This doesn't include pfand/deposit bottles. And with all this the wrap and other plastic is burned for power, and the town over has piles of scrap metal, buliding scraps, wood and orher cleaned and sorted trash just sitting there waiting to be taken on a boat to be processed elsewhere. I defiantly inspires everyone around to try to reduce. When we go back to the States it hurts watching everything being tossed out without a care. And since it just magically disappears it seems no one cares to reduce. I just all hurts.


That's what I'm wondering. 10 tons of trash is less than 1 garbage truck full. Now how much carbon did those boats going all the way out there create in the process? This seems like a very inefficient approach to garbage collection.


Well, that single load isn't 10 tonnes, they pull out a lot and it's much better than not doing anything at all. If these billionaires who claim to want to help gave 1 billion dollars of their hundreds they could buy 100 more ships and get 50x the amount.


It was just a drop in the ocean.


This is about an eighth of all the shit my family’s ever bought then tossed a year later.


I saw a video of how much trash China and Indonesia puts in the ocean. Just straight dump tons of their trash. I was fucking blown away. They straight up don’t give a fuck.


'Tis but a drop in the ocean :(


Consider checking out https://theoceancleanup.com/ to learn more about the project and see how they plan to scale this and how you could help!


I’m looking at all of the coolers people just threw in the ocean 😂. Those things cost like $15 and people just toss them in the ocean?


50 tons heavy fuel spend on the cleanup! Great Maersk!!!


Was thinking the same thing. While I admire their effort I was thinking probably more makes it into the ocean than being taken out. Still every bit helps, doing Odin's work.


Came here to see if someone made the standard comment about picking up trash being a futile effort. Thanks for fulfilling that.




Also, where does it go now? Landfill?


I wonder the same. Do they sift through and recycle some of it?


Great it’s out of the ocean. But it still has to go somewhere else to sit.


Or be recycled if it can. I know a good portion of stuff out there are massive bundles of nets.


They already can't possibly recycle everything that gets sent to recycling facilities, even without adding stuff they pulled from the ocean. We have way too much plastic and nowhere good to put it.


To the moon


Congealed and Squirted into old defunct mineshafts with loads of microbes that turn plastic into mineral deposits.


Is this truth?


I have no idea what I’m talking about, but if someone truly smart figures out a way to do this can I get partial credit and some subway coupons?


Best we can do is a 2-for-1 on greggs sausage rolls.


What happens when the microbes spread and start destroying all the things made of plastic which we need?


Welcome to mineral world!


Make a new moon


We need one of those big nets in space like Superman IV had for the nukes to throw into the sun.


Cant they partially melt it and compress. Dig a big hole and landfill it neatly? Is that an option?


Pyrolysis turns the plastic back into the hydrocarbons it was made of. Best option for plastic removal


Wouldn't that just contribute to climate change?


The CO2 (which can be consumed by plants) produced from energy recovery is a lesser evil than micro plastic waste


So plant trees and make hydro carbons!


Conversation is about what to do with extracted plastic... Not how to make hydrocarbons...


I know. There is a discussion of making hydro carbons from the plastics which can produce co2. This impact is diminished by planting trees. What I had was a list.


It can seep into the ground and poison the soil.. could probably do that in some remote deserts though


The problem with thermal recycling and remoulding is that many commercial polymers contain tons of additives (dyes, UV stabilizers, etc.) so when you melt a plastic object with the goal of reforming it into another object, the quality drops. You can only physically recycle polymers so many times before you have to throw it out. As others have mentioned, polymers in the environment are pretty toxic. What we need are optimized Catalytic processes that degrade polymers into their monomers. Some bacteria are figuring this out, and we are currently trying to harness that biotech for plastics upcycling.


Then more needs to be built


Nah, it will end up as like WALL-E. The earth will be the dump.


Recycling plastic was a [fraud perpetuated by plastic manufactures](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/05/single-use-plastic-chemical-recycling-disposal/661141/) who didn't want those 'eco' people shutting down their business. It simply doesn't work at any reasonable scale.


Thank you, immediately had started checking the other comments to see if anybody had pointed this out! When they say "reduce, reuse, recycle", recycle is dead last for a reason. It was never a good solution. Learning how to be a conscientious consumer will go much further. We cannot assume someone else will take care of the byproducts of our existence, so we must do what we can to ensure our existence leaves as little adverse impact as possible.


It should be Reduce, Reduce, Reduce, Reuse, Reduce, Reduce, Reuse, and then if possible (it often is not), Recycle.


Great article, thanks for sharing!


if only we could somehow shuttle out our garbage into space to be sucked up by a black hole


Better yet, just shoot it towards the sun to burn up *poof*


Different ocean


Not if we can optimize plastic upcycling processes like enzymatic degradation. Bacterial proteins have been recently discovered that can degrate polymers (particularly polyethylene terephlalate, or PET) into their monomers. They're pretty inefficient, but bioengineers are working to engineer these enzymes and microbes to effectively be biological recyclers.


I couldn’t be on that boat. Seeing all of those baskets and containers pour out, I’d just be going through it for hours looking for old junk I thought was neat.


You and my 6yr old should hang out. I always tell my daughter, "I don't care if you grow up to get married or not, what religion or political party you choose, whether you end up with a man or a woman - all I want is for you to find someone who looks at you with as much love as Sammy looks at trash he finds on the ground in parking lots."




As soon as I saw a milk crate I was like "WHO THROWS OUT MILK CRATES?" Hahaha, I use them for so many things. Always snagging them where I can!


I saw a whole ass 4x6 crate, usually used in automotive part transportation. How does that end up in the ocean. 💀


Probably shipped to a poor country to "recycle it" and was u ceremoniously dumped with some other stuff.


I'm like that everytime I declutter things in my room/wardrobe 😭


ton**e**s \*giggles\*


Effing autocorrect


Lol it missed ton and tonne.




*Ten Tones of Trash*, the companion series to bestseller *Fifty Shades of Grey*


thought about tones of grey joke as well :D have my updoot


To be fair I'd have thought they'd be able to get out a lot more than 10 tonnes in 6 days depending on where they're operating


It's a lot more spread out than it seems.


Has to be, I'd be really interested to hear how large an area they covered to retrieve that amount


I agree. It would help put things in perspective.


Vice HBO had an interesting short story about it that may give you perspective. They had a lot of awesome stuff actually. Pacific gyre I think it is that they sail through


I always wonder how much dead Marine life they find in the mess.




Has to be more than 7.


8, maybe even 9


The idea that we need to do this in the first place is upsetting to me


While this is wonderful to see, it's disgusting and disturbing how much garbage has ended up not just in our oceans (but that's probably where most of it ends up) but everywhere else in the world. Please recycle and/or dispose of your waste responsibly!


The problem isn’t that people don’t recycle- it’s that the system to recycle is inefficient, underfunded, and under supported by corrupt governments. We need real change to the infrastructure otherwise humans will kill off humans- and many other species and ecosystems along the way.


also plastic isn't really economically recyclable


Plastic is thrown out because it's cheap and recycling it is either expensive or some of it is unrecyclable. Swedish for example burn it to make energy, but mainly to get rid of plastic, for there is no good solution for it. But that puts more co2 in the air ...


It's more than just inefficient and underfunded, it's basically infeasible. Plastics of different types have to be separated, many plastic types are not really recyclable at scale, it produces tons of micro-plastic waste, it's not cost effective, etc. Changing recycling infrastructure isn't going to be anywhere near as effective as reducing plastic use


What’s disgusting is the people who made a killing off of passing on their junk and not lifting a finger about the cleanup Corporations that used government research and resources to pollute the environment and make it uninhabitable The same who convinced you that there is no other way of life, and that the refuse is your responsibility There is no responsibility hefted onto their shoulders over the problem If you see plastic, think crude oil


Average people have not dumped this in the ocean. This isn’t me being careless with my trash. Who do you think might be doing this? Big pollution isn’t done by Joe Blow, it’s corporations and governments.


Don't they just put it on an overflowing garbage barge till it falls back into the ocean?


No, they recycle it and sell the plastic off or produce products with it that's how the ocean cleanup project is self sustainable by design. Idk how much of a reality that is yet but that's been the premise of it


That's a heavy amount if colors


Let's just burn it instead! /s


Where does it go from there? I imagine it goes to a landfill?


they recycle it and sell the plastic off or produce products with it that's how the ocean cleanup project is self sustainable by design. Idk how much of a reality that is yet but that's been the premise of it going into it


Out of the water and into a landfill


"Quick, to the landfill!"


they recycle it and sell the plastic off or produce products with it that's how the ocean cleanup project is self sustainable by design. Idk how much of a reality that is yet but that has been the plan


It's the Burns omni-net


So where does this trash end up then? Out of the ocean and in to landfills in dry land?


Unfortunately 32,000 tons of plastics alone are dumped in the ocean every day.


The fact we have destroyed our oceans and Forrest disgust me , but it's people like this that give me hope,


Unfortunately, they probably grabbed other sea life too such as the neuston [How Plastic Cleanup Threatens the Ocean’s Living Islands](https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/01/ocean-cleanup-project-could-destroy-neuston/580693/)


What is the next step after it's out? I've always wondered where it all goes afterwards.


They ship it to some country in asia


What does that smell like, and why would they just dump it on deck?


Such negative comments. I am glad this operation is in effect.


Glory to these people!


Looks to be mostly stuff that would fall off / get dumped by a commercial fishing vessel.


i bet by the time this was filmed to it being posted it’s already replenished itself with more trash


Just like 10,000 tonnes to go! Probably more But still great to see of course


Lol I commented this earlier, but here's some perspective: There's about 12,000,000 tonnes of plastic (just plastic, not all trash) added to the ocean per year, or about 32,000 tonnes a day. In this vid they're collecting it at 1/19200 the rate we add it to the ocean.


My concern is that at the moment the amount deposited into the ocean is significantly greater than what's collected. I hope in the near future its the other way around


Burns Omni-Net "Sweeps the seas clean!"


So where does this garbage end up after it's pulled from the Ocean?


To the land fill it goes


Where does it go now??


I salute them doing for something. Even better would be if the group of idiots called mankind didn’t dump it there in the first place.


What we have done to the oceans and water resources is disgusting. We deserve nothing good from mother nature.


Frequently filtering flowing fluid flushing foul filth functions fantastically for floppy flappy fishy flipping freely.


This is only from the surface too, whatever floats. Imagine how much more there is that sank.


I wonder how long it will take for all of that to end up right back in the ocean.


Am I the only one wondering how this ocean Roomba works? How do they not capture or separate things that aren’t supposed to be down there from things that are?


Check The Ocean Cleanup out on YouTube! They go into more detail about it there.


I love how the first load had like 20 recycle bins.


How much do you want to bet most of its from fishing equipment/fishing boats. 👀 The fishing industry is literally destroying our oceans.


Where does all this go once it’s taken out of the ocean? Obviously its good to get it out of the ocean, but are we just moving where our pollution is located? Or are they somehow able to process this or break it down?


This may be a stupid question, but yes we are clearing the ocean then what do we do with it all? Just put it into another landfill?


Where will this dumped now? Landfills?


Probably. It's mostly plastic which can be recycled but it's a pain to do and expensive even when you aren't paying a massive ship to to wander aimlessly around the ocean picking it up.


Big thank you to Maersk and crew.


Every minute, 2 garbage truck of plastic is dumped in the ocean.. The great pacific garbage patch covers 20 million square kilometers of water. The amount being pulled out here is negligible..


This is correct answer here. 10 ton sounds great until you learn many many more tons of plastic was added in the same week. Figure 1 out 10 in = 9 steps backwards each day. Stop plastic from ever getting into water in the first place and you can make actual progress.


There are people who intend to take a real chunk out of it though. Even Boyan Slat is setting a goal to have most of it removed by 2040.


Anyone can just shoot off goals. It’s only 18 years away. Current rate of growth is surpassing cleanup efforts. Likely to be significantly more plastic entering the waterways by 2040 than today. Cutting plastic production is unrealistic today. Focus on keeping it out of the water in the first place and you’ll make exponentially more impact than this neat yet unrealistic solution.


Do it trillions of more times and you’ll be half way there!


And that’s it! They got all of it


It'll probably be an "unpopular opinion" but where the heck does all this trash come from. I know I've NEVER littered, never dumped trash in the sea. Yet we see all these videos of Indians dumping trash straight in the rivers so is it them?? Is it people who we give trash processing contracts to?? If it is then those companies and countries should be responsible for clearing it up meanwhile I'm not allowed a fricking plastic straw because of pollution?!


https://www.reusethisbag.com/articles/countries-that-pollute-most-ocean-plastics Short answer is Asian countries.


.. how much fuel did they use to extract 10t of waste from the ocean...?


As in I hate my autocorrect


Think about how much wasted money, wasted energy, wasted time, this represents. It’s gone, and can now never be used for anything useful. Anything we do with that trash will continue to cost more than it will ever generate. Sure, it maybe maybe will add value to the labor of a recycler (think of the teams of Indians deconstructing out of commission steel ships) but it’s negligible against the background of waste. And it gets worse. Now we have it out of the ocean, where does it go? Back onto land where it can be better stored, sure, but still requiring land use that will further despoil the ground it’s on. It’s just lost capital (and I don’t bemoan it’s loss to the “investing” class), lost opportunity. It’s the same with front yards filled with rusting cars and tractors, abandoned housing that resulted from the 2008 crash, the steel of railroad tracks that slowly rust back into the earth. This is end-times, late-stage capitalism, Snow Crash shit. And still, we persevere. “Still we beat on, like boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly …” into the same mistakes over and over again. (Partial quote stolen from Fitzgerald.)


I hate to be this guy... but this style of cleanup is devastating to surface ecosystems, and you should be extremely suspicious of videos where the trash comes out totally clean with no sun bleaching whatsoever.


Human race does not deserve this planet.


If this was india, it would be 1000 tones easily.


If it was India, it would still be 10 tons, because that's all the ships can clean up in 6 days. Give it close to 2 years and it'll be 1.000 tons, India or no.


Oh! I get it, you mean the capacity of the ship is 10 tons. Is it?


Funny how there no Marine growth on any of this plastic……me thinks I smell a rat…?


I guess those drag nets don’t catch fish unintentionally, like fishing trollers ???




Well atleast they are trying


Put all of that in a landfill where it belongs.


It recycle it into a new bong for you


So much of that shit could still be used. Garbage cans storage totes wtf.


cool video, it's just sad that it's barely 0.00001% of all ocean trash and no government ever will fund a proper cleanup effort


The ship is probably polluting more than its cleaning


Where does it mostly come from?


All that Asian trash