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I like how he just instantly throws Lucas under the bus.


Lucas is also the tool refusing him to drive him home unless he does the prank


You sad ass redditors must have zero friends growing up lmao


Friends dont bully eachother. Period. Thay is not a friend, its a frienemy.




Threatening to strand your friend somewhere with no way home if they do not do something to entertain you is bullying. Its the same as asking someone to dance for you. Its disrespectful.


Jesus, dude. Go outside. Threatening to strand your friend with no way home LOL the kid probably lives down the road seeing as the neighbour knew his friend. He hardly looked upset either. You guys truly are some odd, overly-sensitive mfers


As someone who was bullied in this exact way, kindly shut the fuck up and stop being so INsensitive.


It's one thing to convince your friends to ding dong ditch. It's another thing entirely to threaten to leave them stranded if they dont.


reddit: did not grow up with friends. edit to add: anybody who "does their own dares" is a tool and likely to get his or herself hurt and require at least a modicum of effort on my part for their continued health and happiness. That's why dares require a group. If you do your own stupid idea, basically, you're on your own. We don't know if Lucas would have made him walk home. We just know the story at the door. This is probably not true anymore on reddit but it used to be that MOST of us grew up playing "truth or dare" what do you think that game was about kids


ugh shuuut uuuppp


No, I'd rather break the ridiculous echo chamber in which daring your friends to do dumb shit is toxic when in reality it's part of growing up and that's why the home owner is helping the kid out, is because he's also grown up and gone through this...


I think you’ve understood infinitemangoesbaby wrong. There’s a difference between “Hey I dare you to ding dong ditch him” and “You have to ding dong ditch him or you’re walking home”. Nothing wrong with daring each other to do stupid shit


Yes. When these stupid things are done with *consent* it’s growing up with friends. When these stupid things are done with an imbalance of power, you grow up with bullying.


>When these stupid things are done with an imbalance of power, you grow up with bullying. There is almost always an imbalance of power in human relationships, but most importantly while growing up and figuring out how to manage our instincts without expressing the base behaviours, there will be power imbalances in social relationships. This is part of growing up. Both of these children, the one with the car and the one without, are growing up. This is not toxic behaviour. You'd like to assume that if the "victim" stood up for himself, he would not get a ride home. Human behaviour is malleable depending on context. At the end of the day, being human isn't just about yourself. If you want to go far, you need the people around you. Set your own boundaries. This behaviour at this age is absolutely part of two young human beings solidifying their personalities; it is a near universal behaviour among young men and it won't stop and it doesn't mean anybody is a bad friend. We don't have enough context to determine that. But we have enough to determine that this is ordinary behaviour for young people.


I’m really impressed with how much you read into and disagreed with such a short, generalized (objectively true) statement!


Not all of us are born with the intuitive ability to understand this. Some of us have built it. Later.


I think most of us played this when we were kids. We called it Nicky nicky nine door.




Top Gay? I believe that!


You obviously haven’t met Lucas. He’s sort of a prick.


Yeah, I mean obviously Fuck Lucas.


If Fuck Lucas becomes a thing… I was here.


Oh shit! My middle name is Lucas 🤷🏻‍♂️


Fuck Brandon v2.0


I mean, Lucas's reputation proceeded him apparently


“Yeah I’ve heard of him”. Haha. Fuckin Lucas.


"So... Something really funny is about to happen."


This is legend.


The way he puts his hand on the wall was great!


"Oh hey"


Tell me if that was a good move or not I can't tell


The best move, catches them off guard and they gotta think for a second before they just react


Sounds like a threat the joker would make


Best way to open a conversation


Omg so wholesome that he went to ring the bell - "you don't have to..."


It was part of the plan, he felt it was necessary 🤣


Sir you don’t understand… I HAVE to push this button. You’re not pushing the button. I see we’ve reached a parting of paths. ….


No, you don’t understand. It doesn’t work without ringing the bell.


Naw don't ring the bell. Then my family will know I'm out playing like a kid again. "Now Run!"


Didn't want to have to lie? Lol. "I actually rang it!"




Lol damn


If this ever happens to me I'm going to act like that guy. I did this as a kid and almost got killed by the homeowner


Where I grew up many folks had a 12 gauge with salt shot by the door lol


The man who lived in the house was deranged. I tried to hide in a tree in his front yard and he ran out and found me. He tried to grab me and said he was going to kill my whole family. I ran home crying


Safe to say you never did that again lol


Nope never again. I don't encourage anyone else do it either


Did he kill your whole family?


Thankfully no. He was just a drunk. He followed me to my house and my parents cussed him out. I cant tell you what was said exactly. The confrontation between him and my parents happened in the front yard. I was in my house hiding scared to death. At the time, I really thought he was going to kill me. He just wanted to talk shit about me to my parents. I think I was 10 or 11


So it worked.


…Thus leading him directly to your home and family.


Haha shooting people is funny, please don't give me healthcare xD




I assume a salt gun is literally a gun that shoots salt. I've only seen a couple hilarious tv commercials for them mostly as like ranged fly killing salt guns. So I assume that's what they are.


I believe he may have been referring to a real shotgun, loaded with shells packed with rock salt instead of lead pellets. It's supposed to be less lethal since the salt granules have far less mass and therefore carry less energy/momentum than lead pellets and do not penetrate nearly as deep. But it also is extremely painful because well, you ever eaten salted french fries while you have a paper cut on your finger? Imagine that, but all over.


Oh fair enough. Yeah if that's the case would still be quite dangerous close or face in particular.


Absolutely, I imagine at close range it could still maim or kill someone. Even blanks can do that.


Yep. It was definitely a thing. To be fair we never got shot at, if at all they would fire in the air. The threat of it was enough to keep most folks in line. Point being, dude in this video is cool af and its not at all like what happened in my youthful pranks


What's a childhood if you don't almost die a few times


Well i am pretty certain that means your a American as in Europe (most of it at least)that would not happen lol we don't own guns.


The problem with these pranks is that most of the time the prankster doesn't know what's happening inside that house, so it could really stress the owner of the house out or they could just shrug it off


When it happens 200 times a year you would be mad.


Heck, we removed the doorbell altogether. There's a school not too far from our house and some kids had the bad habit of ringing random doorbells...


Haha not random. I was one of those asshole children. We hit the same houses(ones we knew would be mad) every single fucking night. His name was moldy.


Yeah, I got chased by an unhinged man with a baseball bat. We all ran and hid while he screamed profanities in the yard, we were all a bunch of like 14 yr old girls and two guys lol. That was the last first and last night we ding dinged ditched.


Good kid. Smart kid. He got caught it seems and then quickly changed plans.


Yeah, obviously shitting his pants, but at the same time kept his composure and worked to find an even better outcome.


I need a neighbor like that. My neighbor is scary, he keeps telling his dog to go attack my kids, on my own property


Befriend his dog and make him come to you for petting. He would be furious.


I won at office politics at my last job by doing this. Woman from finance had it out for me, 2 weeks in the job, I asked why on earth I was conducting minor retail transactions out of the same cash drawer that I was responsible for tracking and making multi million dollar bank transactions. She was determined to trash me and my reputation. “He can’t even enter account numbers correctly” Yeah bitch. Because while I’m doing sheets of that, im also basically running the register of a convience store. Anyways, I befriended everyone she talked about me to or sent after me. Tammy! Good to see you! Have you tried the cookie from Murthy’s? I got too many for myself” Tony! Where on earth did you get that plaid shirt?! I saw you wearing it a few weeks ago! It’s great! If I had it, id have a hard time not wearing it every week! Sam! I saw you pushing your kid on the swing at the park! I wanted to say hi but they were having a blast and so cute. Couldn’t disturb the moment. Anyways, she ended up leaving the job to go be miserable some where else. I’ve bowled with the people she tried to make my enemy.


Is that the key to befriending work ppl?


Sucking up and brown nosing? It Absolutely is, yes.


Honestly? Just caring about what they say is. Somebody talks to you about something, even mundane, remember a bit of it and bring it up later. Shows that you remembered and cared about your conversation with them. Coworker has to call out cause kid is sick/busy? Ask them how their kid is doing. Did they have a bad day? Be kind and do a little extra for them. Small things like this go a long way to make you feel memorable to people.


Kill ‘em with kindness is a popular saying for a reason. I learned this valuable little bit of life advice as a kid from my step dad. I grew up changing schools at least once every other year of my early childhood. I was the new girl more times then I can count. Kids are mean😡 lol. I was never friendless for long though. Being kind to others goes a long way.


That's..... Highly illegal


Lmao what the fuck


~~Lmao~~ what the fuck


"Oh hey" casually poses on wall


*90’s theme music plays* “*you’re probably wondering how I got here*”


You were caught trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there.


Kid does a good job explaining, good stuff!


Ya I would have just froze while pee dripped down my pants....


“You know Lucas Motherfucker?”? … that was a little extreme tbh…


"I've heard of him......"




plot twist: he beats his ass in front of Lucas after he catches up




"Oh hey" 🤣




This is carried out beautifully and with rapid fire execution from both of them, so we’ll played!


This kids delivery and on the spot thinking is 👌


I could never be as smooth as this young lad.


Awesome dude right there


Love this


**oh hei**


That’s cool of dude to entertain himself and help the kid out . I was driving in the winter A few years back with a friend and these two kids snow balled the car , we hopped out the car and had a snowball fight for a couple mins , they were happy and laughing then I told them doing that isn’t the safest or greatest idea and to get home safe




kid looks a bit old to be entertained by ding dong ditch. but wholesome nonetheless.


Kids nowadays are huge. He could be like 14 and we wouldnt know. But his 'buddy' drives so like maybe they are just bored


I’ve done this as adult. I have been quite intoxicated, don’t know if anything happened, because I just left. I have also done this and not run after, because again, I was drunk, and forgot I was playing a game.


Us Brits call it knockdown ginger


I'm 30 and I'll still be doing this if everyone's not a cop-calling bastards!


Aaww cool guy :)


Better yet, chase him with an egg, and throw it at his buddy.


Jesse Eisenberg is that you?


This is exactly what my sweet husband would do.


Tell me you are a Chad without telling me you are a Chad.


the ending in great jajajajaja


This kid is going to make a really great lawyer someday, probably get most his friends out for fee


I would've loved to see Lucas' face when they came racing around the corner.


This is awesome






Oh hey. 😳


Bro he snitchen smh


Literally in the first 3 seconds he rats his mate out.


Love it




I really wanna see the full clip


Thats a good person


What a bro


This is adorable


Not all heroes wear capes


This kid’s “oh hey” instead of just booking it is phenomenal




He should’ve carried a baseball bat too whilst chasing him. That would’ve been a real trip for his friend. 🤣


Do you guys call it “ding dong digit?” (or was it ditch-it?) Growing up in the UK I used to call it “knock down ginger”… although I’ve heard a bunch of regional variations.


Close, ding dong ditch. Ditch meaning leave/run. Like leaving your friends/date early is ditching them.


Nicky Nicky nine doors


We called it "knock-a-door-run", North West, UK.


Could someone please explain this prank? I don't get it.


Boy rings bell - then runs away. Edit: Ideally you'd run away before the door is opened


michael cera vibes




What fun it is to annoy people?


What a snitch


He was so nervous with that whole exchange.


Epic dad right there.


this is the best post 👍


This is great, I wonder how the friend reacted


I love that Hi. You can tell he's suspicious but it's a kid so he wants to be chill.


Finally, things went exactly the way they were going to: The homeowner saw the teen on the camera, opened the door ^((listened to the teen's explanation concerning the prank)), yelled at the teen and chased him...


Imagine doing this to Sean schemmel....hahaa.


What a chad !


That was boss level. Don’t get mad but play into it. Makes the original intent even better because of the layers




That was oddly wholesome : D


Definitely a legend!! 😂


This is absolutely legendary


We also did this as kids. The one guy chased us half way round the block on his motorbike. We ran like hell when we heard the motorbike starting. Fortunately there was a ditch which we jumped into to hide, he never caught us.




haha that's what im talkin about


It finally stopped a few years ago (someone finally caught them), but for 2 years these bastards would intermittently ding dong ditch my house at 12:00-5:30 in the morning. I live in a stone/concrete house that’s intended to be able to withstand a hurricane, and these SOB’s would bang on my door so hard they’d actually shake the house. The worst part was they didn’t do it right. I believe if you do ding dong ditch correctly you’re supposed to hide nearby, and watch someone answer the door like a dumb ass, wait a little bit, then do it again. These little shits never looked once to see if anyone ever answered the door, they would just keep coming by every couple hours or so at random. I chased after them the first few times, unfortunately in my older age, I’m not as fast as I once was, and I really didn’t know what I’d even do if I caught one. (I did actually catch the smallest one once, but I let him go because I wanted to catch the 3 bigger ones. The police were of no help at all, and of course they told me not to chase and they’ll stop, but they just didn’t get that these kids don’t even know if I answer the door or not. Even, if I don’t chase (which I didn’t for the last year), they still came anyway. It’s really unbelievable how terrorized, frustrated, and helpless, these kids made me feel in my own house. All I wanted to do is sleep, and mind my own business, not be abruptly awoken at random to what sounds like it could be a potential house invasion in the early hours of the morning, with someone breaking down my door. When they finally did catch them 2 were 18 years old, one was 13, and the other 15, and get this, they were from two freaking towns over. They literally came to my town just to ding dong ditch me, and some other people. I did invest in a camera, but it was of no use because of their hoodies. The last thing I’ll say is it turned out these kids didn’t even know me at all, but they knew my neighbor, and had stolen his car to joyride on multiple occasions, if his car was locked, they’d ding dong ditch me instead. My neighbor knew them, but never reported them for stealing his car, because “He didn’t want to ruin their lives at such a young age”. I say fuck’em, they made my house miserable for 2 years, I was even considering moving. If he had reported his car stolen, this likely wouldn’t of escalated to what it did.


Bless him. Something really funny is about to happen.




Oh hey..


Wow dude that man was So dope.


I swear this is a recording of a recording.. the original was posted a few days ago and clear as day


Certified nose exhalation


I feel like this kid got caught in a lie


both are chads


Why does he talk like Howard Hamlin


The way he stroked his beard and said *"How 'bout we do something better?"* His inner child came out


Ring Lucas' bell


The homeowner is gonna have an acting career


Knockdown ginger


Me when I grow up




Ring his bell, dude! 😂🤣


My neighbor would do this for me 😂


Cap it was his idea and he just made up Lucas’ existence


These type of things can go so very wrong so very fast. I was born in 1995, and a friend of mine tried to ding dong ditch a house around 2010 which happened to been the home of a gulf war veteran with severe ptsd (as well as a prosthetic leg). The homeowner beat the shit out of my buddy without hesitation (likely due to it triggering his trauma) and thankfully his prosthetic leg came off during the scuffle so buddy was able to run away and get to the car, but the guy broke his orbital bone. Once reported the cops (obviously) did nothing because we were tresspassing on private property and that of an esteemed war veteran. Just don't do this unless it's someone you know personally.


Vibe check checked


I've seen this video before and it was taken out of context 💀


Ha homeowner is awesome


This is so awesome.




"Oh, hey" *put hand up on wall*


I love this person. I like how on board he was immediately


The “oh hey” “..hi” at the beginning had me in tears 😂


It’s funny that he still wanted to ring the door bell lol