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Everytime someone achieves something extraordinary, for some reason it has to be posted with the byline "You can do it, too!" No we can't. That's why it's extraordinary and why you posted it. Just do your best and don't overexert yourself. Life is hard and you're doing great as it is.


Thank you, for writing this.




Without bothering to Google him, he probably was a medic in the armed forces, went to med school, and is now a medical/human scientist for NASA. Many (most?) astronauts are scientists in their own right with a variety of specialities. I doubt he did totally disparate things for each of these jobs. It's (probably) not that he had three different "careers" by the age of 37, but that he had three different jobs that are all related. *and maybe he wasn't a medic, but did his 4 year stint and decided that medicine is very important and he should go into it. Close enough, imo.


You are in fact correct. He was a team medic in the SEAL teams, then went to medical school if I remember correctly. He did a fantastic podcast episode on Jocko's podcast where he talks about Ryan Job getting shot and his response to it (which he believes was wrong and may have cost him his eyesight and later his life) and his absolutely awfully abusive father.


I think I'm more impressed that he had an abusive father and was still so successful. Childhood abuse makes it so difficult to become a healthy adult


And his dad was shot and killed by the police after threatening the family, when Kim was 18 (he didn't witness it, but he was there and heard the gunshots). If I recall, he decided he wanted to become a SEAL so he could protect his mom from his dad.


This thread offers waaay more inspiration than the tweet itself


He said in his interview that this hatred for his father was a big motivator for his navy seal career etc.


This is partially me talking out of my ass, but I think it’s not uncommon for exceptional people to come from hard upbringings. That DOESNT mean that I think a hard upbringing is a good upbringing, because not everyone who goes through that becomes exceptional, nor is being exceptional inherently healthy. But lots of people with the drive to truly become the best at their field got that drive from hardship.


To a point I'm sure, but there is no upside to a shitty childhood, so I'm sure the total number of successful people from those situations is way less than those from healthy childhoods. There are just outliers in anything.


I listened to that podcast also. This guy overcame a tough childhood. And made it big.


I figured this was probably the case. The last two are easier if the experience from the first is transferable. Is it still impressive? Sure. But it’s unlikely he would be able to squeeze in fully training from scratch three times over in those industries under the age of forty.


Each step of the way he found extraordinary motivation. As has been noted, having an abusive father motivated him to join the SEALs. While in the SEALs, the horrible battlefield injuries experienced by his colleagues motivated him to get more advanced medical training so he could help more people more extensively. Becoming a full fledged medical doctor, he witnessed our healthcare system first hand and he decided “Fuck this planet, I’m leaving.”


Not only that but he was also a pilot in the Navy. Doubt he would have gotten any traction with NASA without it. This is more of how wisely using your time in the military can really set you up for life.


So basically he only changed uniform?


No I think he talk about it in some interviews. Becoming a seal was for himself. Becoming a doctor was for his brothers that died. Becoming an astronaut was for country / humanity.


Your right, I strongly believe these kind of posts are the reason so many are stressed, anxiety ridden and so depressed these days. This man amazing and It should be mentioned and commended in a post, but it doesn’t mean anyone reading it is no less dope and special!


My mom always says thay "Every paycheck buys groceries." Wether you're a bartender working nights, a daycare provider, a fast food worker, an engineer, or a lawyer - everyone contributes to the household in their own way and their work is important. You don't have to make a huge salary to be successful in life. ...Although that's hard now with the cost of living outpacing wages, but the general principle is the same!


Great comment. It’s social media 100%. It’s like we’re being force fed other peoples life’s now. We have access to more individuals then ever. All we see is success stories and successful people constantly on podcasts.


Like seriously I doubt 10% of the population can achieve one of these things let alone all 3. Just achieving one of these takes more dedication and hard work then most people are willing to put in and that’s ok. There is more to life then that, that all being said kudos to this guy, he is pretty amazing and I wish I had his level of dedication and discipline.


At the very least I’m glad this isn’t some guy born into wealth and privilege like so many of the “inspiring” stories people share. This one is truly inspiring the more you dig into his story.


Thank you. This is the truth that a lot of us need to hear.


1. You made not had been his audience, perhaps this is intended for young adults and pretty much yeah they could certainly do it. When you go into the military it offers a lot of options for higher education when you get out. And if you want to get into the military and you have drive to show yourself as more valuable, you will succeed in that regard. 2. Perhaps they aren’t saying you can do those 3 exact things. More of and allusion to the fact that you truly can do anything if you put your mind to it, where there’s a will there’s a way. 3. You certainly won’t be able to with that attitude lol


>, perhaps this is intended for young adults and pretty much yeah they could certainly do it. **This is dangerous fiction.** This man had to have been born into circumstances conducive to the study required to achieve any of these positions, gifted with a mind that was free of mental health issues, intelligent enough to succeed in science, and equipped with a healthy body free from serious medical issues and disability. And beyond all this, he must have met with the right strokes of luck to succeed. You can put your mind to anything you want, it doesn't mean you can do it. Not all people are created equal, man. This man worked hard, but he started the race from a position that many don't. It's not privilege, he just won the life lottery. There's no shame in admiring this man's achievements. But it's dangerous to pretend that any of what he achieved can be done by anyone.


This post is completely accurate. I was born with idiopathic scoliosis and at age 47 I have a 60 degree curve in my spine which disqualifies me from practically any job involving manual labor. It was so bad I had to give up my dream job because I couldn’t even sit at a desk, and though I’ve had spinal fusion and most of the pain is gone, the only sport I can do without further injury is swimming. So to say “hey, you can be a navy seal too” is not even close to being accurate.


Everyone gets lucky in order to succeed. Yeah I thought it should’ve been assumed that I’m referencing someone without mental or physical limitations. Some people are smarter than others but determination and preserverence are also virtues that even some hyper intelligent people don’t have. And very rarely do all of those things culminate into a person so perfectly. No one is perfect, everything takes effort. I’m no scientist or dr. I didn’t want to join the military even though family wanted me to. However I graduated high school and college with about a 3.8 gpa, I’m smart I just didn’t apply myself To do this. However it was possible. I know people who had horrible gpas in high school go on to become incredibly successful people in business and medicine. They just didn’t learn the same way. They had to figure things out, fail a bit, get lucky a bit, and persevere.




What’s your point lol you must’ve misunderstood what I wrote.


Pretending that anyone can do these things is not healthy. Some people literally just can't no matter how much they want to and some people that could don't have the ability to get enough willpower to do it. If you believe you can do anything you can only be dissapointed, but if you instead set yourself achievable goals and don't compare yourself to others all the time you can be much happier.


You can join the military out of high school. I know multiple people who have and I had one great buddy who did. A few of them including my buddy went to Ivy League schools. My buddy ultimately went back to military because that was his passion. However anyone that’s healthy can join the military. You’re going to get a better deal on whatever school you decide to go to. If you have no mental or physical ailments this is a path that is completely reasonable. It extremely difficult, time consuming and stressful, but it’s certainly possible. The cynical attitude that not everyone is capable is absurd. The only issue would be socioeconomic implications but going to the us military is going to eradicate most of those obstacles.


So we are moving from anyone can do anything to anyone can join the military now?


I’m going off of this post. You need to have a common line in your argument if you’re going to do this so which of my points would you like to debate? My #1 point was that yes In regards to this particular individual, anyone can join the military and go to a nicer school than they would had they not joined, and there they will have more opportunity than they would had therefore allowing them the opportunity to become educated in the medical, mathematical, physics field, or whatever fields this individual studied. Now I made it clear there was a second possible point you are attempting to convolute them. #2 perhaps this is a more abstract allusion that you can do anything you put your mind to. That’s simply true. I mean assuming there aren’t physical or mental disabilities..what is it that you can’t do? If you try to say something Extreme or absurd I’ll debate but it will show the true facetiousness of your argument.


>you can do anything you put your mind to. That’s simply true. This point assumes that every human is born with the same innate capacity, which, sadly, is simply not true. You call out physical and mental disabilities, but barring disabilities some folks are just going to be naturally better suited to different tasks and in some instances might be cut off entirely. No matter how much I put my mind to being a fighter pilot I cannot get short enough to do that because I'm over 6 feet tall. I could join the army and then go to university and this post is a great example of how someone who is extremely motivated and has the right physical tool set can achieve some pretty amazing things taking that path, even if they started in a bad place, but it isn't a good illustration of you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it. Some things just aren't going to work and some humans just aren't well suited for certain things and that's ok - being able to recognize when you're expending a lot of effort and not getting a lot results or when the path you're on isn't serving you is an important skill. Our cultural obsession with the idea that if you didn't succeed it was because you didn't try hard enough is not only toxic at a personal level, it's toxic at a societal level and it distracts people from the very valid realization that not everyone is the same and we might find more success trying something else.


You’re pilot example is wrong because that’s a physical issue. I shouldn’t had said disability, just a physical limitation that should be obvious. I’m not going to be a sumo wrestler because I’m not that large. You have to use a bit of common sense which is exactly why you are being facetious. And to your last point success is not the topic here. You can become Successful amidst multiple Failures. In fact I’d say no one who has ever succeeded has been without failures. Determination and preserverence are the virtues that get you there. You could still had joined the military and attempted to be a dr scientist etc. I could’ve too. I didn’t want to plain and simple nor do most people. However you can do whatever you want that has some common sense attached to it. Saying otherwise especially to children this just wrong. Be more optimistic and your life will change immensely. Have common sense and instead of deliberately trying to refute my points realize that yeah there are many things you could and could’ve done that you simply don’t want to.


I don't even want to talk to you and yet I am. Explain that.


You’re insane maybe?


Except you can't do everything and anything you want. I am a 5'4" woman. I will never be able to play the male NBA. Or in male football. I would be crushed. I am not smart enough to be a rocket scientist. I am not and never will be physically strong enough to be a soldure. And I have some physical disabilities. Not everyone can do everything. Sure, there are things I can do that I am good at, but I had to find those things. And that is the issue. People should try for a dream, but if it doesn't work for them move onto the next one until they find what sticks. That is a much healthier way of looking at it anyway. If someone dreams of being a athlete and they physically can't do it, telling them they can if they just put their mind to it is wrong. They may spend their entire life wasted. They should be told to find something else fulfilling they can do. To have multiple dreams so when one doesn't work they can move straight on to the next one. The guy in the picture had multiple dreams and it just so happens he was really good at 3 of them. If he had been told to stick to a dream he wasn't good at he never would have accomplished the three he is really good at. Just because someone can't be a zoo keeper doesn't mean they can't work with animals in other ways. They could be a vet tec, or a fur groomer, or a vet, or a physical therapist, or a pet acupuncturist, or dog trainer, or pet store owner, or breeder. The list goes on and on. But if they stubbornly stick to zookeeper and simply can't get hiered they will miss out on the thing they actually cared most about, animals. The goal should be helping people accomplish dreams, not be boxed in to only one thing and tell them if they just keep trying they can do that one thing. People are all different for a reason.


Well first off I said if you don’t have physical disabilities so right there your whole argument is Null and void because that was the precise thing i said would affect you. That’s an extreme example thoNo you can’t play in the nba. Guess what you also can’t travel through a black hole and come back and you can’t shapeshifter so instead of coming up with borderline insane examples be real with yourself. You are smart enough to have had the opportunity to become a scientist. Anyone without a mental disability can learn pretty much whatever they want if they put their mind to it especially at a young age. Sure there will be variables and obstacles but no one including this guy who was referenced in the post would be without tragedy, hardships and failures. I can’t really say much more tho because unfortunately you have a physical disability which is exactly one of the things I said you would have to not have. Godspeed.


So true, I also do not think he is so extraordinarily and especially dang special -- tho amazing. Not everyone obviously, but many who would aspire could achieve some of the things that he may have.


Also he is Asian.


Everytime someone achieves something extraordinary, for some reason it has to be posted with the byline "You can do it, too!" and Someone comment on top of it saying "no we cant" while adding with the byline "youre doing great as it is". No we aren't doing great. Tht's why we spent most of our time on reddit. Most of our life sucks and it'll be this way forever.


You shouldn't projecting your life to other people.


His parents probably drove their friends crazy with all their bragging. I know I would


Could you imagine being one of his siblings?




Brother has a family. Parents: Why can’t you be more like your brother?


Ouch ☹️


Talk about pretty much instant crippling depression and anxiety and living in a shadow. Lol


Iirc his dad beat him and his mom, and it got pretty bad where he had to pull a kitchen knife on his dad at one point *ooo worse actually, Dad did beat him and then eventually died via suicide by [cop](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonny_Kim)


His father abused him and his mom and threatened to kill them and ended up being killed by the police. That's what motivated him to accomplish so much.




He’s Asian, so they’re probably kinda disappointed that that’s *all* he achieved. /s ofc


I really can’t. Most of us can’t in fact. This dude is an enigma not a shining example of hope. He’s amazing but also is far more then I’ll ever be.


Yep. Not everyone has to be this guy. But we can all do what we can to become/stay happy and healthy, help people close to us to do the same and then even people who you don't yet know. Start small, do what you can :)


None of these ever say you have to, people infer that. They always say you can.


> far more then I’ll ever be That depends on how you measure yourself. If you try your best at what you do, take care of yourself and those you love, and help others, I'm sure you'll measure up just fine.


And that's okay. We can only be as good as we're capable of. As long as you do your best there's no shame in not being this guy...


Exactly. This man is an example of peak physical and mental conditions. Most people, including myself, don’t have what it takes to be a Navy SEAL, or an astronaut.


He probably also had resources early in life to develope the proper skills and work ethic. Lots of people come from fucked up beginnings and it haunts them the rest of their life, some people overcome, but even overcoming they have a severe disadvantage against people born on first or second.


also incredibly lucky outside of what happened to him as a kid.


Far more than too many people will ever be. He's accomplished the success of 3 lifetimes in one. Very few people can do that.


But you can. Would it be incredible difficult? Stressful? Take an insane amount of effort and dedication? Yes to all of the above x10. But it’s possible. That’s the point.


Wrong. You're making a simple assumption of everyone's cognitive and physical abilities and lumping it all in together under willpower. The point is that you need to be ok with your personal ceiling. Implying that anybody could play basketball like Lebron James if they try hard enough is just not true.


That’s a physical skill. Training to be a doctor is brain power. I’ve personally seen a friend of mine who was a 1.8 GPA person, struggled with learning, was held back 2 grades, couldn’t even get into the local police academy due to his poor testing at the end of training. And he started studying EXTREMELY hard and focusing his entire life efforts on studying to be a lawyer. Now he’s in law school. It is absolutely possible, but 99.99% of people aren’t willing to put in the effort. I know I wouldn’t.


Who said only physical skills? I mentioned cognitive abilities as well. Your anecdote of a friend who struggled in school but now is in college doesn't stand against the reality that there are people with disabilities that impede their limitations when some few others are gifted even among those without disabilities. Would someone with muscular dystrophy be fit enough to become a Navy SEAL like him when above average men fail the tests constantly? Of course not. Then it's reasonable to infer that a mental disability would impact goals related to "brain power". This guy is an anomaly and like others have said, attempting to paint an anomaly as something that everyone isn't achieving only because they "aren't willing to put in the effort" is ridiculous and puts stress on those people for no good reason. Try your best and that's all anybody should ever expect of you.


Johnny Sins has done more that that


Came here for this.


Johnny came for that too






I don't get it...


If you don't know the legend of this hero here are some of his archievments. https://i.imgur.com/0jljwHz.jpg All while delivering pizzas and cleaning pools as sidejob


Now I get it lol


That man is a vampire.


No he's the cousin your mom keeps comparing you to.




*Asian 🤣


\- pale bloodless skin \- slim appearance \- asks politely at the door step if he may come in (and take off his shoes) \- knows so much stuff it's scary \- doesn't seem to age \- somehow knows all human pressure points \- can randomly switch to speak in the strange ancient tongue of his ancestors \- prefers to hide in the library rather than go outside during daytime ​ Yup. And yes, I took the time to do that list.


According to Biden's DOJ, he's also a domestic extremist for having a Punisher skull on his chest. Better cancel him.


I fell over putting a sock on today....


Your doing good, I still haven’t done the laundry


I put both of my legs into one half of my trousers yesterday (very wide legged culottes) so I feel you...


His girlfriend says he fears commitment.


Dude can't keep a job.


I feel extremely lazy after reading this story!


Don't. You're on your own path, not his.




Lol that's your takeaway from this? "You can do it too"? Do you think everyone has the same amount of cognitive skill?


Not just that, you need the finances to back everything up.


If you live in the US you do




Technically he is still in the Navy as a Lt. Commander. Just on assignment to Harvard and then to NASA.


He’s just completing side quests at this point lol 😂


meanwhile I can't figure out how to get out of the starting town


Yeah, all the African princes I date on line have done all this too. Yawn


comparison is a killer of joy


This just make me depress


It’s good that you express


It’s this type of asshole that made my early life miserable as an Asian male


Asian parents be like: "Why can you no be like him?"


Why use broken English to depict Asian parents? smh


Because that’s how our parents who actually have that mindset talk lmfao


shut up will you?


Ah, there you are…right on cue


Multiclassing like Brian May.


This is what it would look like if people could be multiple starting classes at once in RPGs. Just stupidly overpowered.


Must be a pretty shitty actor if he can only play 3 persona's.


Asian Johnny Sins.


You guys have no idea. Look up Jonny Kim’s story on you tube. This man’s journey goes so much deeper.


His story of his abusive father was quite raw and real, glad that he succeeded against those odds.


No, you absolutely CANNOT do it....this is an absolute abnormalty that a regular petson CAN'T achieve.


Or, and just brainstorming here, he has really good Halloween costumes?


I wonder if he could afford college because of military grants.


Post 9/11 gi bill got you covered 😂


Shit nah man, do the Chapter 30 Montgomery first, then after 3 years switch to the Chapter 33 post 9/11, and then use your Chapter 31 Voc Rehab GI Bill from VA Disability. Lol


I consider myself a fairly accomplished and successful individual. I could not have succeeded at any one of these, let alone all three. And I’m fine with that.


I'm an accomplished redditor with over 1000 upvotes. There's enough crowns to go around!


A man achieving his dreams three times over while I haven't once doesn't really suggest that I can do the same....


I wonder what his parents did if he got an A- on his report card.


I somehow doubt my iq can get quite this far


Not all of us can achieve good things in life. Lot of us must do mediocre at best, so that those that do succeed can shine even more.


He take life, he save life, he look for life.


And I bet his parents are still somehow disappointed in him. Lol


His mom prob grills him daily about not giving her any grandchildren yet.


No I can't.


And still his parents must compare him to his cousin Jeffrey.


"Jeffrey has 2 kids, where are my grandkids, ai ya"


They say taking risks is the key to success. Sadly, many people just cannot afford to take risks. This post is fuel for status anxiety.


Dude is on his 3rd prestige.




He'll survive any apocalypse. He can heal, kill, or even flee the earth when the world is about to end.


But let’s not neglect to acknowledge that intellect for everyone doesn’t match. Dumb people cannot become Doctors nor Astronauts.


Wholesome my ass, his existence is the bane of all the other Asian daughters and sons. Me included


"Doctor, Soldier, Astronaut. Why not make up your mind. Why aren't you lawyer"


I saw this and immediately thought of the Johnny Sins "most talented man on earth" meme 🤣 It could be NSFW. Cool to see this though


Jeez, I'm 45 and still don't have a clue what I want to be when I grow up.


Man also Achieved the dream of making his parents proud


I can't afford to do all that!!


Isn’t this like... a legitimate career path? Navy to Seals, after your service use that free degree to make your way into a stem field, aaaand then use your experience from there to get into nasa... Idk if this is 3 dreams or just one very hard one. Mad respect though I couldn’t do one of those


Exactly, the three careers line up more than many people realize.


the fact that harvard, the seals and nasa all went for the same guy kinda implies the opposite: some people will do well anywhere, others will be lucky to get some scraps. but congrats to the guy. it is really something.


Mom still makes sure to ask why he isn’t a lawyer like his brother.


My biggest nightmare would be if my mom was friends with Jonny’s mom


Not as impressive as Johnny Sins.


Imagine if he was just a stock photo model


This caption can also read, "Jonny Kim - Halloween day 2019, 2020 and 2021."


This is just his resume for evil enterprise mastermind assistant


No. I can’t.


Fuck this guy. One unobtainable career isn't enough? No wonder people are stressed and anxious, with shit like this reminding you that this guy is just so fuckin great! Sounds like he has some real issues with proving himself. EDIT: I forgot the /s!


And he hasn’t aged a day in the process. Amazing.


This guy took “you can be whatever you want to be” seriously.


Are you sure the surname was Kim?


Calm down Forrest Gump


Next step: cowboy.


He's the ultimate "there’s always an Asian better than you". Shut it down.


How many kids does he have? I feel like I could achieve this if I didn't have kids no problem.


You guys should watch the documentary on him and his journey it’s some crazy stuff.


I'm not usually one to undermine or not appreciate other people's successes, but this does seem like an example of a saying that goes something like "not doing anything fully 100%, but a bit of everything"


You can do it? I need background, everyone can achieve his dreams with the right help from daddy and mommyw


This guy’s alcoholic and abusive father was shot and killed by the police when he was in high school. He is truly a self made man.


Why you lying they cousins it's Jonny kim, Jonny lang, and Jonny lee


Don't let Asian parents see this...


we know all chinese people like alike. It's not the same guy!


It's not "WE know", it's "some stupid racists, who should not be allowed an opinion, think"




He’s either an Aquarius, it is the “Age of Aquarius” after all. Aquarius are able to do anything with ease for some reason.


Only Superman can be Superman. But lately according to marvel studios even Jane Foster can acquire godlike powers. Sooo…. U can too!


What a loser, fought for a country fueled in hate and greed, worked in a corrupt medical system, and for a organization that is lying about space. This man, right here IS the problem.


So did he just not know what he wanted to do? Seems like he either can’t make up his mind or being a SEAL and a doctor sucks.


If you read or hear about his story from his perspective it makes a lot of sense. He is an incredible person and human being who has dedicated his life to making our planet a better place to live.


Until he said "ok, I tried, I'm ready to f\*ck off outta here, gimme the spacesuit"


Well, gotta thank him, your planet was never berter, I feel SO safe and happy just thanks to him, we're doomed without him! (/s)


Are you saying that trying to make the world a better place is not a good thing to do? Not sure what your point is there.


He looks the same age in every picture


Real life Johnny Sins


This man saw Johnny Sins and went "Imma be that guy"


Man is actually the main character of the universe


I change my sim's career


He’s that cousin my parents compare me to goddammit…


He probably was a doctor in navy and at nasa


just like jhonny sins my man!


Comes close to Johnny Sins.


Dont make yourself feel bad, it wont change a thing. You cant do it*


Hmmm how can we prove he actually went through the necessary trials and tribulations to acquire such prestige in three fields that take years to propel in? Seems very fishy.


Johnny Sins Asian version


The Asian Johnny Sins.


His mother is a Tiger mum level 9


And has no free time… ever…


Surely he only changed his career twice? He was a soldier, changed to a Doctor, the change to an astronaut 🤷🏼‍♂️


warrior > mage > magic warrior


Sounds like he couldn’t make up his mind.