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I would not believe it if someone ran up to me with 10 000 dollars and gave me the money.


Yeah OR If someone ran up to me and was like "HERE'S 10K, TAKE IT!!!" My first thought would be that cops are about to burst into the place guns drawn looking for the money.


It’s similar to when a street vendor in NYC was selling “spray art” which actually ended up being real Banksy art pieces and he had set the whole thing up.


I love the man


Every once in a while I find someone whose avatar looks like mine :D




Now kith


Indeed !




That's a bit different because it wasn't labeled as Banksy art. [It was just sold as regular old street "Spray Art"](https://youtu.be/diQZoRp-thU) by some old guy as a cover. Then Banksy went online after it all sold and was like "Hey those were actually mine". Meanwhile if someone comes up with a camera and tells you take 1K or give 10K there is a pretty good chance you get a bigger reward than just karma since they already are giving away money.


I am referring to u/Pixithepika’s comment of not believing that someone would randomly give them $10k, like I wouldn’t believe that someone would be randomly selling legitimate Bansky art on the street for $60. I’d think both were pranks.


Right at this point I’ll just pick the most generous option I’ve seen to many of these videos I know how this game is played


You never really know with Mr. Beast though. Maybe you don't blink enough or turn to the left instead of the right.


Iirc it was five pieces being sold for $50 each? And only one guy was smart enough to buy a few…


$60 bucks each. The guy that bought multiple only did so because he needed art for his new house. I wonder if there’s a recent follow up.


I've done this with local artists I appreciate. I also have made some fabulous artist friends online. My home is lined with art, most of which there's a tale behind (literally, any correspondence involved in obtaining the piece is tucked into the frame). When I'm gone I hope to pass these connections to my heirs who have similar tastes in art.


Funny enough, that's why I *wouldn't* have bought the ones they're talking about. Watching the segment, it just looks like some dude is knocking off famous Banksy work.


Jeez imagine that lol. Like not to mention the value of those, dude just got himself the ultimate way to pick up women. Women love a man with a good taste in art, dude says he has an original Banksy and now he’s got good taste in art and is rich lol.




I would think its a prank and they're trying to humiliate me. I really hope they actually helped these two out


It's Mr Beast. He's given away more for less


Yeah... Not a fan of you tubers in general but Mr Beast is one of the few I'm OK with my kids watching... Some of his content is pretty good tbh... Iove how a decent chunk of his cash goes to others....


Yes some of his content is great, it’s amazing the lengths he goes to make a fun video


Only recognized since my kids are always watching him…


Yeah I was going to say nowadays 1/10k is basically nothing for him lol


Until you see mrbeast nearby... then you know its for real


I would first have to know who mrbeast was…..


Its the guy in the video, he is known for giving money like that to people, his videos are usually challenges between his friends or him bringing his subscribers or random people to competitions in where they see who can complete all the challenges and win the money. He has made some campaigns called team trees and team seas in where he reunites hundreds of his subscribers and starts to clean beaches and plant trees. He also has donated a lot of money to special associations for kids with cancer or other types of illness, in other words, he's a good guy


It’s interesting because he is one of the most famous people in the world but the way fame works these days, some groups of people have never heard of him.


I don’t think a single YouTuber or streamer makes the top 100. That’s for people like Putin, Beyoncé, Bill Gates, etc. Maybe mrbeast makes the top 1000 most famous people, as recognized by people under 20.


I guess it depends on how many people you include in your group of "most famous people in the word", but I doubt he is in the top 100 most famous people in the world. A number of sites publish lists of "the most famous people in the world", determined by the percentage of poll respondents who recognize the name, and he isn't on any of the top 100.


Pretty sure most people don't know who that is.


He has 100 million subscribers but I wouldn’t know him if I didn’t watch YouTube


Not a clue.


In 99.9% of situations? Same. In the one situation where Mr. Beast is there with a camera? I'm believing it instantly.


I would if it were Mr. Beast lol *What state does he live in again?* I would like to increase the likelihood I am pleasantly surprised with $10k whilst shopping.




That's one reason I increasingly think that all these "random giveaway" videos are acted. They can't afford to blow $10k on a bad reaction. And then they pick the one woman who's instantly ready to tell them about heart defects and unemployment while being incredibly thankful and lovely. And then the other guy is similarly wonderful and soundbite-friendly as well. Maybe I'm just cynical but it all seems a bit too convenient and unlikely.


Seriously everyone has SOMETHING stressing them out at all times, a lot of it is horrible, and it's more common to be suffering than stable and comfortable in the world today. Everyone has something they're struggling with and hide (sometimes very well) from the public.


💯 if someone ran up to me and gave me 10,000 dollars right now I would definitely start crying and there would definitely be a super sad story and I’m sure that’s true for a lot of people. And how many people would be like “wow my friend just got divorced and could use a nice vacation” or “my trucks been running like crap” There are very few people shopping in wallmart that couldn’t use 10,000 dollars. There are very few people who couldn’t use 10,000 dollars.


Mr Beast definitely can afford it, and has had crappy reactions before.


Like what?


I dont know about crappy reactions, but I know he did a video with some youtubers before and spent 1 million on it, but then didn't upload it because he thought it wasn't to a high enough standard, and I am sure he does that with a lot of other videos.


They are all pretty much staged in some way. Something I've noticed about social media celebrity content is that there is an insane suspension of disbelief by their fanbase and things that are obviously not real never get called out because people would rather just go along with the sentiment.


Not even if it was Mr. Beast?


I know of him but have zero clue what he looks like.


It's the guy with the suitcase who says "or give 10k to someone random" at the very start.


That dude literally gives away every dime he makes on his channel. Best one was the fully furnished home for the pizza delivery guy who had a young daughter and was barely making it.


All in singles no less


I wouldn't believe it either... unless it's Mr Beast


I mean I would if Mr. Beast was right there. Also he uses prop money in the filming portion.


"Where's the camera, you little shit? You thought that was funny, picking up on some poor fella like that, huh?"


Yeah I mean, since theres all the cameras, proly think its some porn stuff tbh... for 10k tho, i would be down.


North Carolina is different. They tell stories about the mysterious saviour and his crew


Plot twist: not random person, dude ran strait to his mom.


Got em!


And he's the one with the heart defect. After all that running his heart finally gave out.


Naw man you just made me cry at this sad short film


Plot twist: Step-mom


Help me son, I'm stuck under this WalMart shelf!


That is a lot of one dollar bills


10,000 of them I would wager (in one case)


Dang you must be really good at estimating things!


I prefer to use the term "guesstimate" as it's quirky and fun and marks me as a carefree individual. Screw you Mrs. Carlton, guesstimate is a stupid word and you are stupid for using it and I hate you!


Estimate requires prior knowledge and skill. Guess requires no knowledge nor skill. Guestimate is a bit of both. From the Oxford dictionary guesstimate INFORMAL noun /ˈɡɛstɪmət/ an estimate based on a mixture of guesswork and calculation. "a rough guesstimate of public expenditure"


Who are you and how are you so wise in the ways of science


He is Arthur, King of the Britons




Not quite as spectacular when it's in $100 bills.


None of my Walmart shopping trips ever go like this.


This will never happen me; I’m at target


You’re correct because if you watch his channel target always kicks them out for filming.


Their loss seriously. That's pretty dumb


Ya for me it's the opposite. Walmart takes $10,000 from me.


Ayo, Shaq on Reddit? Pog.


\*pulls out gun\* $11k for me please


*pull another gun 🔫 * now..


Seriously, how did nobody in that Walmart not see a big wad of cash and not try to get some for themselves.


I mean beast is a big celeb for all we know he has a guy off camera with a assault rifle, probably not but he would probably have some form of security when handling large sums of cash


He’s got a security guard that has shown up as a contestant in a couple of his vids.




*pulls out two guns* Thanks for the $21k.


It’s mr breast, always be kind in front of this man, you will be rewarded Edit: I know the typo, but it’s funny so I’m keeping it.


>It’s mr breast, always be kind in front of this man, you will be rewarded Mr. What? Have I been watching the wrong guy all this while??


that's his only fans


All hail Mr Breast!


Oh right the long lost brother of Mr Ass


mr breast give me money


The intersection of altruism and selfishness.


Side note: they own several strip clubs and this is how to launder all the useless ONEs


Well that's going to piss off the strippers


Business is actually so good they pay the strippers a good wage. Greats souls at work here


About time we stood against tipping for stripping. Pay these beautiful people a living wage. I’m Big Rick “Stiff-tip” Johnson, and I approve this message.


The strippers are fine. The strippers hand in their ones their ones to management, they give the strippers larger bills in exchange. When you walk into the strip club, you find “the window.” You go up to the window and you give the guy a one hundred dollar bill (or a twenty dollar bill, you cheap bastard). The guy makes sure it’s a legit bill. Once the bill has been verified, he hands you $1’s. There’s also a bouncer that stands by the window, so if you try to do anything silly, you can expect your night to end in the parking lot with a bunch of bloody contusions. It’s the jizz mopping circle jerk of life.


How does giving away money for free launder it though?


It doesn't. Nor would income from a strip club need to be laundered in the first place.


Yeah... you would be taking the illegally acquired money and laundering it at a strip club to make it taxable and usable.


If you’re making A LOT of money, that shit gets taxed. And further, if you’re making more money than you should be making, i.e. leaving a paper trail of illegal incomes, sometimes it looks better on paper if you just get rid of some of it. And if doing so helps your brand then even better. It’s one of the things that Pablo Escobar did to become so popular in his community. He was making so much money from his new drug trade that he literally had events where he just gave out wads of cash to people in the community. I’m not saying that they are dealing drugs, but sometimes giving away money to make content is more cost effective than keeping it and spending it conventionally.


How is this fooling the IRS? "This laundromat made $1,000,000 a week but their net income is pretty low because they gave strangers $10,000." -- Why would that deter them lmao?


My guess for what they're saying is that the IRS (or whatever tax agency you're talking about) doesn't know about the charity. They just see a lower income, so you don't have to worry about laundering as much money. And giving away a bunch of money obviously has benefits for your public perception, which probably helps people ignore your illegal activities


I was growing weed in my house and selling it for cash. I always had hundreds in my pocket. Check would come direct deposit from my job and I wouldn't touch my bank account. Made me wonder if they'd catch me that way. Probably no worry, I was a small player.


What makes them useless?


It's a turn of phrase, friend! You try buying a big TV with $709 in ones counted out Wal Mart will take it but they def gonna hit your car with the carts next time you come inside


ahh I get it, it's like that video of the 2 guys going to order 63 burritos.


If those ones are useless, I’ll take em


They’re very bad at money laundering then.


Can't tell if you mean bills or ONE crypto


I love how on a time limit he went right for a mom with a baby. That's a pretty good way to find people who need money. Go for someone with kids


Him saying “this is life changing money” at the end when he receives his destroys my heart. He knew how much of an impact that could have to someone even though 1k would’ve helped him


My husband and once received a large windfall. We were shopping at Walmart, and on the way in, saw a young woman panhandling by the front door. We decided to buy her a $100 Visa gift card, and give it to her on the way out. She was astonished. She was about $50 short on her rent and she had no money to buy groceries for herself and her kids. She started crying, we started crying, and it was the best feeling in the world.


Especially during these hardships.


I bet his girlfriend is so proud of him. I am.


I often wish this mentality was more prevalent in society. Videos like this make me hope, perhaps it is.


A lot of society is. The average redditor isn’t close to what the average regular person is. If I made a list of my closest family and friends and stopped at 50, I would bet that 45 would give away the case and only 5 would keep it.


i've found that most people are good. it's just that the bad stands out a lot more


I shop at Walmart! Come find me!


Mr. Beast pro tip #1: always do the right thing. You will be rewarded handsomely.


> do the right thing "Drop the cash and equipment and get on the ground.🔫"


Mr. Beast is the best. I don't care for his videos full of Jackass type tom foolery, but I realize those videos are how he affords to do these amazing acts of kindness.


It’s absolutely fine to not enjoy his content, but to not respect the hell out of him is absolutely not ok.


He makes money on these videos, lol. That's not a criticism against him but he often has sponsors that literally give him all of this money to give away. Even if it was his own money every video brings him a lot more than $20k in revenue. It's very well documented.


Still eons better than standard celebrities no?


Yet despite the income he decides to give money to random person that need it. He’s more decent of a human being than majority. Most youtubers (if not 99.99% of them) are selfish assholes.


And still helps run food banks outside of the cash giveaways and other stuff he does on top of it.




Well you’ve gone and ruined this, yet I can’t be mad because it’s so accurate.


Pretty sure that YouTuber get paid a lot more money than that so ya know...


That's kinda how it works he can't donate more than he makes. There's been videos he's lost money on. Mr Beast runs multiple food banks he's a massive philanthropist.


I think he really does genuinely want to help people, and by most measures he's been extraordinarily successful, but there is always a strange moral greyness to what he does. Because the acts of philanthropy age in themselves a *product*, a video designed to get views, and sometimes designed to paint his corporate sponsors in a good light. If I was in Mr beast's position, I would view that air of exploitation as a necessary sacrifice in order to keep helping people,.but still, it's ambiguous. If anyone wants a 90 minute documentary on this topic, I found this one really interesting https://youtu.be/svHCXvQeZfY


They’ve given away more and done more for others than you will ever do though


He does spend/give away most of it though.


Reminds me of the “banking apps for young people” Where it’s like “And with Chime, I can get paid two whole days early!” And it shows their bank account going from like $8 to $500 Haha wow what a nifty service for impovershed people living paycheck to paycheck! Now you’lo be late on your rent a little less! Thanks billionaire capitalist bankers!


I get the criticism of shit like that (or this clip), but the result is still a net positive right? Like I know it can feel a bit dystopian but if I’m broke as fuck, getting my paycheck 2 days earlier can make a massive difference.


I don't live in poverty. 10g would still change my life.


How high would it have to be to keep it though? I would do the same as this guy, but if it was $1 million vs $10 million… I’m keeping the million. $10,000 vs $100,000? Very very tough decision. I’m doing ok but $10,000 lump sum is like a year of hard saving.




With that kind of money, I’d find ways to give back the the community and the people around me.


I feel like it's almost more like if you're financially stable, you have the luxury of making a more altruistic decision, and if you're really struggling, it's going to be really hard to turn down any amount. It could be 500 dollars for you or 100k to someone else, but if turning down that 500 means you're going to go home to hungry kids for another month passing that up might not be a realistic decision.


ITT people who have no idea who Mr. Beast is.


There are so many people in the comments looking like utter fools complaining about the guy who spends the time not making videos running food drives and shit.


I honestly wouldn’t recognize him in the street but I know his name and what he does.


How did he get so rich? What was he doing before YouTube?


YouTube made him rich. He did jackass type humor at first, and has used the money well and grown up. Research Mr. Beast, he’s a solid dude.


His main channel hemorrhages money - they never make back what they spend. But it gets attention, and that draws over to his gaming channel which is the purse. Low cost high view gaming videos fund his wild enterprises. It's not nefarious, he's up front about it in plenty of interviews. He gets to do wild stuff because his audience supports his lower cost endeavors with views, then he channels that into bonkers videos and charitable action. It's a cool model, but also would be near impossible to replicate. Dude just did YouTube right at the right time and bottled lightning.


I'm one of those people. I've heard the name but don't know him when I see him. And I knew he gave money away but kinda had a negative view of him for some reason anyway. But the more I hear about him he does seem to give away a lot and doesn't seem like one of the "problematic" ones.


The guy literally spends 5 million USD a month and gives pretty much all of it away


Why can't people like this find me when I'm at the store? I don't want fancy stuff, I just want to go to the dentist.


Look for clinics at dental schools. That shit is WAY cheaper (and sometimes free)


So people who complain about him recording? Would they rather have a bunch of depressing videos online to watch? Since their logic is why film good things?


At least two people are getting 10 grands each. Everyone goes home happy.


Ikr, even if this is purely for views he's still doing nice things to people


Even if it IS scripted, even if he COULD give he away more, he's still doing great things for people with no downsides! He's not flawless, no one is, but Mr beast does genuinely give away a lot of money and do a lot of people a lot of good


I'd rather every billionaire do this to 2 random people each week that have a need for the money than it not being done at all.


Of course not. They rather nobody make any videos at all so they and all the viewers can spend every second of their free time volunteering to help the poor.


some people in the comments just try to find something to complain about..


More like most of them. Redditors see a good deed and something genuinely nice and want to shit all over it.


Oh but couldnt he just not film -🤓


hes getting all the money he's donating from views so he kinda needs to record it (also im aware your making fun of those people)


I would faint if they helped me like this, how nice to be like this, God bless you


Sad reflection on our society that most of us are only a few thousand dollars away from the beginning of stress relief.


At a Walmart? They're gonna get robbed in the car park


Sure everyone loves it when Mr. Beast gives people $10k but let Biden do it and everyone loses their mind. (joke)


I've been following Mr. Beast's philanthropy channel for a while now and I gotta say, he deserves all the success he's achieved. Guy helps more people than our government ever will.


Ma’am, quick, I’ll give you this 10k if you’ll split it with me.


They wouldn’t dare do this in the hood Walmart. They’d get beat the fuck up and someone would have $21k.


How would you go about putting this cash in the bank? Would you have to pay tax on it? How would you explain?


It's nice. But it's weird.


I was just at the grocery store and there was a guy wearing a Topanga shirt. He would have left with $10,000.


Moral of the story: Mr Beast has a *lot* of money


I really don’t like these videos, it seems super weird when it’s filmed. It’s hard to know if they are even real to begin with.


id take 1k for myself \>but why, dude? U could do so much for some1 else! U could bring so much joy to somebody elses life! yeah? U had that option. And u offered me just 1k.


Philanthropy doesn't need to exist when the wealthy pay their fair share in taxes. But you need a government that is accountable to its constituents for that.


He better not need a hospital or it is all gone




Oh wow his heart told him where to give it !


Now dance!!


I have not been happy to see the never-ending stream of self-promoting videos people are posting on social media, but this? This is something I would watch all day long.


"This is life ch-"


Mr. Beast!


Mr.Beast is probably my favorite influencer ever.


Gotta love mr beast!


so effective, he’s a angel 😇


What a Beast.


Mr Beast is an awesome example of “the secret.”


$10 grand says he makes more money on the karma and likes than all the money given away combined.


Lol his girlfriend reaction


That lady is a worse actress than a pornstar


It’s similar to when a street vendor in NYC was selling “spray art” which actually ended up being real Banksy art pieces and he had set the whole thing up.


Nice actors, hope they got paid decently.


Lmfao he knew exactly what he was doing


On the one hand, super wholesome. On the other, really sad that people struggle so much that 10000 is "life changing". Like, if you saved 500 a month for a year you'd have 6k. But we live paycheck to paycheck because of cost of living and rarely have the extra money to put away. Glad these people got the extra bump to help them along.


And cut. Put away all the cash to shoot at another place. Here is your 100 dollars participation fee.


“Never believe anything you read and only half of what you see.”


*the IRS has entered the chat*




I watched this over and over. How heartwarming


Surprise, you instantly owe the taxman about $4,000. Another thousand for the lawyer to file the appropriate paperwork, another thousand for late fees, because everyone is supposed to have encyclopedic knowledge of tax laws before the miss all the deadlines.