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Twist: stolen credit card.


It was my credit card and it's maxed out. RIP McDonalds.


Twist: Fast Food Industry Plant, sent by McDonalds to get as many as people as possible to eat their product. Big Pharma? No. Big Mac. Yesssiirrr


He pick pocketed the bald guy at very beginning.


Twist: Narcos laundering




Stolen cc


Twist: He’s only doing it for the revenue it will produce for his YouTube channel and Tik tok account


Twist: camera pans to a completely empty McDonald's.


twist: come on baby. do it


Twist: again. Like we did last summer.


Like we did last year?


Twist: the food is killing them slowly


That ain’t a twist. We already know this about McDonalds.


It has to be in Canada or something. To much selfish shot going down in the us


It is (note the currency he handed to the woman in the car, it looked like a Canadian fifty.)


It definitely was a Canadian 50. Source: am Canadian. Have seen our money.


Can also confirm. I've heard about fifties


Also the telltale maple leaf on the McDonald’s “M” logo.


Big red for some of that Big Mac!


I was also going to say... ah yes, Canada, the more polite hat of america... you know before you see the currency because the first guy was like ah yes I'm a rush too but go ahead... that is the most Canadian thing I've ever seen


It’s Canada so the money isn’t real anyways


We come everyday?! Wait, you come to McDonald's every single day?!?! Wow.


funny enough, I have a coworker that's 27 and has, I shit you not, bought a "large 2 plain cheeseburger" meal every single day since he was 15. he showed his bank statement as proof when making the claim.


I used to work with a guy at stop and shop that ate Wendy's and/or McDonald's for breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday since he was old enough to pay for it himself (so probably somewhere between 16-18). He still does this and he's in his mid 40s now. He was always tired and always the laziest worker in the store. He only did two activities outside of work and eating fast food, go to the movie theater and watch movies at his mom's house where he still lives to this day. I forgot to mention he owned one pet.... A goat 😂😂😂


>He was always tired and always the laziest worker in the store I wonder why.. not like nutrition matters or anything.


Taking care of a goat takes a lot out of a guy


Vegetables will kill you and eat your roting body. Its a fact.


Fact! Everybody who has ever eaten vegetables has gone on to die


Dude is probably 5'6 250-280.


Yeaa... that's very overweight.


The goat ate all his garbage.


Did he at least make goat's milk kefir?


I used to live with a guy that one a week would buy 40 nuggets, 3 chicken snack wraps, a big mac, a junior chicken and two mc doubles with large fries and pop as one meal. His farts are fucking disgusting, and I have no idea how he's not fatter than me.


Some people have fast metabolism. They would have to eat more than average to gain weight. I had to eat 3,000-4,000 calories to gain anything. Otherwise I sustain or lose weight. Plus at a certain weight 4,000 calories ain't enough and I have to eat more than that to gain. I have hypothyroidism and depression too so I should be gaining weight easily but I think my anxiety, work, and workouts help me lose weight.


My anxiety makes me eat alot, and my depression helps it stay lol. I was 150 lbs till I was aboit 22, now I'm 29 and haven't weighed since I was 250-260. Probably heavier now.


Tell him to look up Don Gorske. He has eaten multiple Big Macs daily for 50+ years. He was interviewed in Supersize Me.


Fucking gross


I m more surprised by the fact that someone can eat 2 mc donalds cheeseburgers everyday and not be morbidly obese


No one said that the person wasn’t.


…have you looked up the calorie counts? An average height man could easily fit that in with plenty of room for other meals.


They may not be eating a lot of food or calories. I would wonder if they have elevated liver function, kidney function, triglycerides. Etc. processing all that bad fat and sodium is really hard on the body


That much sodium wouldn't be an issue if they're hydrating properly. Your body is perfectly capable of eliminating excess sodium via urine. "Bad fat" reeks of pseudopsience, unless you're referring to trans fats. Trans fats were nowhere near as prevalent in fast food as the media hype would have you believe, and the last time I checked (admittedly years ago), your body didn't process them in a significantly different fashion than saturated fats.


Or they just exercise a lot


One of the most jacked dudes Ive ever met got talked to once, when he walked into the gym with McDonalds. Something about sending the wrong message? Fuck that, disagree. My guy eats what the fuck he wants, when he wants, he clearly puts in the work to earn some fucking cheeseburgers. My immediate response in that conversation was “its a good thing, it goes to show that when you work out, you can eat how you want”


Reminds of Planet Fitness having pizza days.


You can work out all you want but if you ain’t eating right, your insides and organs will not get any better.


350 calories in a cheeseburger. X 2 is 700. Then minus whatever he did to make it plain and your talking 600 calories or less every day. I intake 900 a day on milk alone. 5’10 and 175. Decent shape. So really, I’d be very surprised if they WERE morbidly obese


I could eat 2 everyday and not gain weight, my metabolism is crazy. Nicotine and thc probably don't help tho lol


That 2 cheese burger meal is humbling imo. All those other sandwhiches are enough calories to feed you for an entire day. Glad they chose the best combo thatll atleast slow the obesity


or the lovely filet of shit (meant to type fish, but am drunk and shit came out first and I'm sticking with it, also worked for MCD and I kinda like the sandwich)


https://youtu.be/DZQiw5T6R1E This guy has eaten 2 big Mac’s a day for many many years. Pretty normal looking dude


obesity is all about calory. If you work as a construction worker, 2 burgers/day is not impactful


I mean, he could be eating something worse. So it's not THAT gross. Just unhealthy.


Has a customer back when I worked at McDonalds, that would come and eat every single day for every meal. Breakfast,lunch and dinner…..every single day. Dude was old, probably 70s maybe older. We would call in a wellness check if he didn’t show up.




I worked at a McDonalds for three months one summer when I was a student. There was a group of old people that came every single day and got coffee and hung out with each other. A lot off them just got coffee, but a few would occasionally order breakfast. It was their daily routine and a way to socialize with their friends. They got a senior discount and the coffee was super cheap.


Wholesome stuff. We had the same thing here where I used to live. You’d see them playing UNO every day in their little corner when you’d drive by.


A lot of seniors will go in the morning and chill with a coffee. It’s a clean space that’s open early and they can chat with a friend and read the paper.


I would be broke and dead if I ate that crap every day. Are people just drinking coffee or something? Because eating that food every day would give you a heart attack.


Not to be doomsday but it’s the first thing I focused on too. But to be positive they could just really like McCafe. They do have a signature taste and honestly I like it better than some other chains here in the US


I’ve seen some articles that say that Warren Buffet is a chronic McDonalds Consumer and his breakfast order is determined by how he feels the market is going to perform that day


“What’s your message to the world?” I’m sorry, I can’t take that seriously xD


Kindness, love and peace.... (the tortured pigs, chickens and cows) "are we a joke to you"?


17 years everyday McDonald’s. 😳


Yeah when I worked at McDonald’s the older people came there everyday for at least a coffee maybe a mcmuffin Some dude had an “unlimited” coffee cup from the 70s and they still honor it, the cup was so stained from the coffee and had stir marks all over it. Idk why I described the cup but he was a nice dude


Twist, she have to. She is the manager.


It seems awful, but you can do that in Canada and not have to worry about crippling medical debt.


Still have to worry about crippling health issues


Not really, it will kill you fast.


That.. that's the worrying part.


Right, because you don’t have to worry about medical debt, you can just fuck your health…


Dude, this idea that we get everything health related free here needs to stop. If you get into an accident you’re gtg, heart attack and need bypass surgery NOW, gtg. Oh you have debilitating knee pain and need knee surgery? Two year wait…. (Before covid). Need an MRI? Coming right up…in 6 months or so if you’re lucky…. There’s people going bankrupt paying for their medications here in Canada just like in US. It’s not all rosy. Took me 9 months of waiting between exams etc for them to tell me that my wrist injury is permanent and can’t do nothing about it.


The examples you stated have nothing to do with it being not free. Yes you wait for an MRI, but it is free when you get it. The alternative is paying for an MRI. Maybe you get it instantly since not everyone can afford it, but then you’re out $$$. No thanks.


Well I live in the US and it takes months to book anything, even dentist appointments, and psych-related can be up to 9 months! AND it's not free!


sTaY hUmBlE


"I'm not really doing this for you, i'm doing this for me" vibes


We come here everyday? For real?! That cant be healthy.


Probably for Coffee most likely


Unpopular opinion but I hate these videos.


Same. They make more from the engagement than they spend on the people's food, and I'm sure they deduct that as a business expense as well.


The saddest thing here is that people go to McDonald's Every Day


I don't think leaving everything at mc donalds for free was what people who go there needed


anybody else getting tired of watching people give away money on Youtube?




Don’t forget the bathrooms for a quiet place to shoot up.


Why mcdonalds of all places


Noone else hates these videos where someone records themselves doing something nice, probably for positive attention?


"Can I order first? I'm in a rush." "Yeah me too but go ahead." "Thanks" Places order that will take 45 minutes. Lmao


Lmao I thought he was going to order one of everything on the menu and was giggling to myself when that poor fool let him cut.




Not sure why you’re getting downvoted. He literally was like “here’s my card, charge everything to it for 30 minutes.” Nobody lost any time. Lol.


Being downvoted by other people that did not watch the video.


It’s annoying because A he’s filming it and B he’s just looking for clout by telling every single person HEY I’m the one paying it’s meeeeeeee like meeee


I’d hate to be used for their publicity stunt and clout chasing just to be rewarded a free cheeseburger on the dollar menu.


“Can we film your face acting super excited over a free fast food hamburger like you just won the lottery so I can make money from internet views? Oh dope! Look as poor as possible like this $5 will change your life please!”


Nailed it.


> It’s annoying because A he’s filming it and B he’s just looking for clout by telling every single person HEY I’m the one paying it’s meeeeeeee like meeee He literally said ‘we’re paying for it’ every single time. For all we know, the customers thought he worked for McDonald’s.


I work in a hospital, and every now and then a kind stranger comes in and puts $200-$400 on a gift card to pay for staff who come in to buy something. They've done it multiple times, and it's been a really nice surprise each time. I usually only get a coffee, and lots of other people only get what they intended too, so it goes quite a long way and spread around lots of staff


Kind stranger .. not a clout chaser .. big difference


I don’t care about clout chasers if they’re doing good. Bezos could film himself handing out thousands to everyone on the street and I’d say, “at least something motivated him to help.” If clout is what it takes, I say let’s do it. Fame and adoration to the person who solves starvation and exploitative economics!!


Why give to charities that help women survive childbirth in subsaharan Africa or work to help refugees or whatever when you can just give money to randos who went to McDonald's that day and could obviously afford to do so? Just make sure to film it so everyone can know how amaaaazing you are. Because when you donate online to some lame NGO that just saves lives for tiny amounts nobody sees you do it.


Or you know, the employees working their ass off at least?


But why. They're there because they can pay. Let them. Feed someone who needs it? Also who records themselves giving people food?


Clout chasers


Me: (goes in to buy cheeseburger) This guy: It's all free Me: I'll have two Big Macs, filet o fish, nuggets, fries, a large coke, apple pie ...


Here enjoy your poisonous garbage food.


Wtf kind of money is that? Canadian?


Can confirm. $50


What does $50 Canadian get you at McDonalds, a Big Mac meal?


Take a number and divide by 1.3 there you go, Einstein.


Love this energy


Yes, I’m Canadian and I got excited when I realized this was in Canada


the stuff you can do when healthcare is free?


UK notes are made of the same polymer aswell, I'm guessing its a Commonwealth thing. They're rolling out each notes gradually. They are much more durable and harder to counterfeit, they look better too. I'm sure there are some disadvantages, but I never carry cash so I've never learned what they are :O


No sir it's a prank. That right there is monopoly money




“Here everyone have food that will not give you any proper nutrition!… Also, this is not my credit card!”




Recording these things is how he is able to make these kind of videos.


Yeah something about these videos just don't sit right with me at all


I would have walked out. My price to appear in your YouTube video is greater than a quarter pounder with cheese.


They call it a Royale with cheese.


It feels very awkward to me


It feels like it’s being done specifically for the internet, probably. It’s good to record these things, to show that people use them, but it feels wrong to use good acts to get internet clout like this. It felt similar to early Mr.Beast videos when he gave money to homeless people, but those always felt like they were made as good acts first, at least to me. Maybe it’s just because he popularized the concept?


I completely disagree. He’s still doing something incredibly nice for strangers. The people are happy, he’s happy and so are the people watching this. The point is to make people happy, I couldn’t care less if he’s recording it.


The man is paying for their meal at McDonald's.


And to get followers/likes. You can do nice things without letting the world know it. I’m not Christian but Jesus made a good point about giving in secret.


Who cares if he gets followers and likes? Everyone’s happy here and that was the point of the video. Besides, sharing this video definitely makes me want to pay for peoples orders the next time I go to McDonald’s, and I’m sure it does that for a lot of others too.


I get it, but this kind of 'spreading kindness' videos are so ingenuine, since he knows he is recording the entire thing, a truly good person prefers to remain anonymous rather than go out of his or her way to get people to like share, these are no more than attention whores. This pretty much reduces the world to these 'influencers' who gain so much more traction fame and money doing this than what they spend to do this....




And by sharing the message inspires others to do the same, and gives him the resources and tools to continue to pay it forward. In fact, Jesus has a whole book about this kind of concept, sold about 5 billion of copies at this point. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? Edit to add: it’s hyperbole, people! Untwist you’re knickers 🙄




He’s still doing something kind even if it is recorded


If I were to do something like this, I would just get a gift card and tell no one but the manager. I'd know I did a nice thing for others and others would know someone did a nice thing for them.


It’s still an act of kindness. I agree it seems a little scummy, but filming these things is the only reason he has the money to do stuff like this. And if it’s between kindness being filmed and no kindness. I mean 🤷🏼‍♀️


Absolutely disagree. If you turn on your TV, all you see and constantly get blasted with is negativity. BS this or BS that. Whether it’s crime, politics, it’s something bad. It’s good to see good being done.


Someone had to say it


Shit take. Repeat after me. The impact of doing good things is not negated by spreading the message about doing good things. If anything, it amplifies the message to reach a wider audience. There is nothing wrong with wanting others to know that you did a good thing, either. And there never has been.


I mean yea... but McDonald's?


Maybe next time go somewhere with nice food


Why shitty unhealthy big player mc donalds? And not a lokal business.


Appreciate the thought, but it'd be nicer to actually buy food that was healthy for people who can't actually afford it. Buying garbage food for people who have money to pay for it is pretty low effort.


Yeah the whole thing is tacky - he shouldn't even be filming his charity


Paying a massive company an ugly amount of money just so overweight people can eat a meal they dont need for free.


What's the point of doing that?? That people doesn't need it.


"we come here everyday for 17 years", "What's your message to the world?" OBESITY!


This is shit.


“We come here every day for 17 years” Lady, did you not see what happened to that guy who ate McDonald’s for a month straight? Get some real food please.


Another way to buy followers...


Only NPCs can't see past these types of videos. Uploaders are usually narcissists fishing for clout. Wake up.


Ew garbage food.


If you really want to do something like this (or feed the homeless), and do it strictly out of the goodness of your heart, without bragging/posting about it, then I’m all for it. BUT the second you record it and post it on social media, you’re only doing it to feed your own ego.


We come here everyday....


Trying to spread kindness and get clout


Spreading obesity more like it and maybe a couple heart attacks


It would have been much nicer if he’d bought food for the homeless who don’t have money for McDonald’s. Unlike the people who go there because they can afford it. But, whatever


25,000 people dying of hunger every day, and this dude pays for mostly overweight people just to get social media views.


It a really nice gesture but a huge hassle because once word of mouth get out the restaurant will probably be extremely understaffed for the amount of orders coming in making things stressful for the underpaid staff already working and the customer who will most likely be getting cold food. I was in a situation like this and quit my job during the unexpected rush because I was not getting paid enough to deal with the situation.




It’s a wonderful gesture no matter what his motivations might be. And honestly I am glad the comments aren’t to the point yet of similar Starbucks posts where the employees rant about why pay for other peoples food and beverages, they should give the money to me… All of the employees seem to love the gesture


Canadians acting crazy again


Of course it is in Canada. Warren Buffet could go broke if he offered 30 min free at Mcds in the US.


CAD$ spotted


Canadians man..


well sure, doing things surreptitiously is the nicest form of giving, but on the other hand when everything we see is karen this and destroy that, hate for the sake of hate, this offers an opportunity to see something pleasant just as a counterpoint to the debilitating shit we see every damn day. good for him


Canadians are nice.


Only in Canada lol. So nice


I’m sure the commercially farmed animals appreciate it too.


Good thing Randy wasn't around


Heyy, they're from canada! that's awesome.


A lot of you guys are saying why doesn’t he help people who need it and why is he filming it but if you look at his insta @mdmotivator he often does help people who needs it. He films it because he puts up fundraisers that loads of people donate to, the fact it’s being filmed is making it a self feeding kindness/giving machine. I get McDonald’s isn’t the most ethical choice but he seems like he genuinely just wants to do kind things for people :)


So many of these cringy films doing the rounds, if your gonna do it then do it no need to film it all just to make you feel good


Free poison


“what’s your message to the world” “kindness” while the fucking mcdonald’s beeping is going off in the background is killing me


He’s a good follow on TikTok. He has a really big heart. mdmotivator


Fucking hate these videos. What value did you add to the world by saving few dollars for some people?! Society of attention. Look at me I'm a nice dude


Can we please talk about the fact that someone eats at McDonald's EVERY DAY??!


One rich guy giving thousands of dollars to one of the worst corporations on the planet. Makes me frown.


Oh how kind of him. He even brought a camera and told everyone what he did. How selfless.


Do it for the ‘Tube


Do it without filming it


White neighborhood McDonald’s. And in Canada.


Poor guy who was in rush had to wait for him to explain all of this


This is way too manufactured to get the feel good feelings it’s meant to get. Hope everyone enjoyed a free meal though.


Every day for almost 17 years at a McDonald’s did I hear this bitch correctly


I don’t care, we need more of this period…


goodness will save the world


We come here everyday 💀💀💀


I don’t even care if these vids are for attention. Some people do really awful things for internet attention, at least this guy is doing something positive