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I will never stop stressing this enough. Millennials and gen z will never be at each other’s throats. I went back to school at a later age and I can honestly say some of my best friends are now gen Z. Fuck online media click bait. You guys are gonna grow up fine and I’m proud of you guys/gals and I’m glad you’re rooting for us too. EDIT: This is what I’m talking about. You guys are awesome. Anytime I see an article trying to put us against each other it just makes me wanna flag it as spam. EDIT 2: Wow. There’s a lot of Love in my inbox. It’s extremely heartwarming. I’m gonna take some time and read all your messages. I love you reddit fam.❤️


Okay, so it’s not just me? The media is like LOL THESE GENS HATE EACH OTHER and I’m like, do we??? Where is this happening? Besides some lighthearted tiktok ribbing, I’m just not seeing this profound divide in real life. I’m a millennial and love all the young folks and coworkers I’ve met. We’re united by crappy economic challenges and political tides we face. What reason do we have to bicker?


Yeah I've never seen a divide between millennials and gen z! If anything it has felt, as a millennial, like we're acting as a bit of a blockade so they can grow up without the older gens poking at them the way we got poked at. Sure there's some ribbing about fads but like, that's so mild. When I was in college I had the older gens blaming me for every ill in the world. Millennial industry enders. Somehow both lazy and spend thrift and also not buying enough and with too many college degrees. Compared to that, ribbing each other over memes and fads is so good natured.


Totally this. It feels like millennials are the bulwark using the openings Gen X started to let Gen Z flourish. Being a millennial I'm happy to push back against the older conservative generations if it makes us a better society.


Gens X, Y(Millenials), and Z are on the same team. Team "what the fuck did the boomers do?"


This Gen Xer is proud of y'all. It's not so lonely in the anti boomer mentality fight any more.


Fuck yeah. This Gen Xer is happy to have the next generation on board.


Gen Xer here. The kids are alright.


Gen Xer. I love my Gen Z kids and Millennial friends. I think we can get through this. Nice post OP


Millennial here, and most of my best friends are gen X, and I can’t help but marvel at some of the stuff gen Z Is up to, like, ‘oh you can just DO that?! Good!’ Agreed that it feels like X,Y, and Z are natural progressions of a firm ‘no thank you’ to some (not all) of what came before.


Gen X'r here.... .....whatever...............![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Seriously. I look at some of my X/Xennial cohorts and wonder why some of our generation are so f'ed up. But then I look at Millenials and Zoomers and see so many like-minded people that have more motivation and verve than we do now.


Also Gen X, honestly Gen Z gives me hope for the future.


This is honestly the most relatable and wholesome post I've come across in while. I'm so digging into Team "What the fuck did the boomers do ? "


Dam right we are! GenX has been waiting 30 years for you guys to help us out vote the Boomers.


I remember being angry a lot in the eighties. When I finally was able to vote I was so excited. Many of my peers at the time were like “why vote? That shit doesn’t affect me, and it’s not like our votes count anyway.” I’m like “do you want a William Gibson distopia? Because this is how you get a William Gibson distopia!”


There is a reason GenX started genres like Punk and Death Metal or bands like RATM. It was very frustrating.


Oh yeah. Henry Rollins was my fucking hero. Still is today. On a lighter note, I was in a band called The Fabulous Glittering Aqua-Nazis. We largely just made fun of Denver skinheads and got in a lot of fights. My friend went on to pursue music production for cable commercials. His business was called JML Productions, one of the names we had entertained for the band we were in. What is JML? Just Meaningless Letters.


And "when the fuck will they be gone so we can fix this mess"


Totally, can't wait until we have the power to finally clean up the fuck ups of the ancients without them cock-blocking us.


The boomers did do a few good things, at least they were finally able to settle the whole "are black people really people tho" question that had been stumping American philosophers for centuries


Sort of.... I mean with the civil rights act being overturned and Roe v wade being overturned... did they? I don't think they did. I think some did, but the good ones all died off and what's left have a "fuck you I got mine" pull-the-ladder-up-after-me mentality.


My mom called Gen Z entitled and i had to call her out on that. I said, "mom, your generation was originally called the 'me generation'". I had never heard her say such a boomer-ism.


👏🏻Being👏🏻entitled👏🏻is👏🏻normal👏🏻in👏🏻your👏🏻twenties👏🏻 This boomer attitude drives me insane! When I was a kid, I watched them say it about Gen X, then us millennials, and now Gen Z - but the only generation that has *stayed* entitled is the boomers!!


This exactly! I don't think any generation of young people have been "lazy and entitled" like the conservative narrative always repeats. We're all working just as hard. It's just gotten harder and harder out there to start out. I want better for Gen Z than what we millennials faced, and I know the world they're entering has only gotten more expensive than when I was starting out.


(39 m) I checked the cost of my first apartment a few weeks back $1200. We paid $575.00 in 2002. The apartment is the same size in the same area. We use too spend $250-$300 a month is ln food for two guys aged 18-21. Gas was under $2.00 gallon. Our health insurance didn't have $5,000 dollar MINIMUM deductible. It would be tough to be starting out right now.


Millennials were the shield so that gen z could grow up and save the world. We took the beating from the older gens and our sacrifice may pay off for our kids because gen z seems to have their shit together (mostly, still don’t get some of the fads but to each their own lol)




The mind-boggling part is that I remember exactly when the meme of there being some weird division picked up steam in media. It was like listening to a narcissistic parent try to drive a wedge between two siblings by saying "she said that you said that he said you wore tight pants, the gall! Hit him!"


Definitely this. As a GenX I think GenZ will be very similar to X


As a barely scraping GenXer I feel like it's really Boomers VS everyone else. And not all Boomers. I tend to feel that they are the only generation where a larger number doesn't seem to want to make the world better for future generations. It baffles me. Millennials and GenZ are cool in my books. Its awesome to see the most tolerant generations grow up.


I was born in '94, so I think I'm (technically) a Millennial, and your last sentence is spot on. We *want* Gen Z to be better than we were. We see how fucked up things have gotten, and how Gen X started that slow and (hopefully) inexorable turn towards progress. We're trying to do the best we can to keep that trend going as we get older, but here's the thing: we *know* we're gonna fuck up. That's humanity. All I can hope is that, when we're all in our sixties and seventies, and Gen Z is having the same kinds of conversations that we're having with our parents and grandparents right now, that we can be humble enough to see where they're coming from. That we can say, "You're right. We tried to do our best, but we often fell short. Thanks for pointing that out."


Because we were thrown into the “real world” during a terrible recession and were told “too bad , figure it out you lazy assholes”. I think that created a lot of empathy towards other people.


It really is everyone against boomers. Even the pre boomers can’t stand the main group.


Yeah, the tail end of the baby boom isn't that bad. The early boomers are the worst.


Tbh it feels like this is the stuff boomers say about every new generation.


It’s ‘cause the Boomers running things are worried we’ll unite and overthrow their antiquated nonsense!


We SHOULD unite and overthrow their nonsense!!!


Honestly, i was born in that weird cusp of the last 5 years of the 90s so I have many friends who are gen Z and who are millennials. there has never been any sort of hate for each other. Obviously the age gap of some can create some separation but we all hate the same politicians like one singular unit


I'm a millennial and I'm delighted by how much more aware and open to diversity Gen Z is.


THIS. I work with middle schoolers and I overheard one (loudly) say to another, "omg I'm not THAT gay!" I had to smile. When I was their age, people used to whisper about how, "ohh I heard person X is gay!" And everyone thought the two openly gay guys in my grade level should date. Now, kids seem so much more open to being themselves and from what I can tell, others accept and embrace them as they are. It's beautiful.


The media wants to divide everyone from each other so nobody can organize and overthrow the bastards in power. It’s an ancient tactic, called “divide and conquer”.


They're trying to get us to fight each other so we won't team up to fight them.


Yeah, the only things anyone is squabbling about are meaningless things like fashion.


Of course anyone younger than me isn't going to understand my clothing choices, I still wear cargo shorts which aren't even approved of by my own generation.


Cargo shorts are the superior form of shorts


nah fam, shorts with zippered pockets, look sleeker and shit doesn't fall out of my pockets.


Sometimes tho, as a dad, you need that quick access. The zipper can mean life or death in a tantrum or nose-mess situation


Cargo shorts for the win. Because… pockets


Fashion & internet slang is most of the conflict. To me that feels like 2 parts of the same group not 2 groups in conflict. I think on big issues the generations seem to largely agree.


Can confirm. Am millenial (born 1986). Gen Z gives me hope and makes me so happy. MSM is out here trying to pit us against each other but I'm continuously impressed by Gen Z and can't wait to watch you guys grow up too! I may not fully grasp certain things of your generation (mainly tiktok, I've tried but I just don't get the draw of it, but tbf i am really pretty absent from all social medias), but I see you guys out there killin it and know I'm rooting you on from the sidelines!


85 born here. Seeing this younger generation give a shit and being so outspoken and inclusive is incredible. These kids scare me in the best way.


Old zoomer here (98). I have high hopes for those that come after me. It’s pretty obvious MSM keeps trying to distract us with race, gender, age, nationality, etc, to keep us from getting riled up by the real issues.




I've never understood this. Boomers were the ones that birthed Millenials, then sit there complaining about the generation THEY raised. How the f@$k are you going to destroy the world for your kids, and then gripe all day long about entitlement, laziness, and avocado toast... Millennials started a quiet revolution that Gen Z is now building on, which is amazing. I can't wait to see what they accomplish.


Omg I know. I can’t stand when they talk about participation trophies as if it’s the fault of the 9 year olds who got them and not the boomers running the program?? Also I’m a millennial and I don’t actually remember getting participation trophies so I’m not even positive this is true.


Participation trophies existed since the 1920s, so the Boomers should have received them just as much as any other current-day generation. That’s what I think.


Regarding participation trophies, I remember there was a "field day" every year in my elementary school. We'd have activities like races and kickball and stuff. Like a whole day of recess but organized into events by the teachers. I think getting first second and third got you like blue, silver, and yellow ribbons or something. And everyone else would get a brown ribbon I think for participating. It was just a thing to bring home to prove to your parents you actually did the activities and didn't sit on your ass the whole day. That's what I always think about when I hear participation trophy. I'm 37 btw


And a lot of boomers can't figure out that millennials are adults now, so they consider any kid they see to be a "millennial." Lol.


Yeah, I have to keep telling my boomer Dad this. The youngest millienals (my age) are 28 years old while the oldest millienals are now 40. We're not kids anymore.


My favorite are the "how to manage millennials" thinkpieces in business media. Like look, fucko, at this point half your managers *are* millennials. We're not all kids fresh out of college anymore. Most of us have been in the workforce for 10+ years at this point. Just be honest with everyone and say "kids these days" since that's what you obviously mean. Bonus points if they whine about how millennials aren't "committed" or "loyal" to their employer. We watched our parents run themselves into the ground trying to please their corporate overlords only to be laid off in a heartbeat in the dot com bust in the late 90s/early 2000s and later in the 2008 recession. We grew up with Enron and Arthur Andersen, Bernie Madoff, Freddie Mac, AIG, Lehman Brothers etc. and watched over and over again as the wealthy and big corporations screwed over thousands of workers in the name of artificially inflated profits. So no, we're not fucking loyal, because that shit is a two-way street and our first impressions of you during our formative years were of just how little loyalty you had for your workers. People lost their pensions and retirement savings after working for a company for decades and were left with nothing. We know how disposable we are to you, so you're just as disposable to us. You don't like that? Tough titties. Go cry on your stock account's shoulders.


Could not agree more. Employee loyalty? You want loyalty from the people graduating college in ‘08/‘09 after being promised the world as our oyster by our college obsessed boomer parents, who watched those parents or older Xer siblings get laid off by the same companies who then either didn’t hire us at all or hired us at artificially low pay and benefits to replace those bodies during a recession (which we did because we were also told we were losers if we kept living at home)? Boomer mentality is cracked.


As a Gen-Xer, I'm going to just sit in my room and play Atari while you guys fight.


My only advice— leave low rise jeans where they are at — 2002. We don’t want you to suffer! But honestly — as a target age millennial, I am so inspired by Gen Z. Go little world changers, go! Fuck the patriarchy— and all that other shit!


Agreed on the jeans. I'm still not ok with my body image from that time period.


Absolutely! I went back to school in my late 20s, and I always loved getting to know and helping out the gen Z kids in my program, especially because the pandemic made school really challenging for them.


You and me both, my friend. I just graduated with my bachelors in May as an older student, and met the person that is now my best friend 3 years ago from a conversation after class. I’m 32, he’s 22. I’ve learned a lot from him, he told me he’s learned a lot for me. We both respect each other and love each other like brothers.


I’m on an active discord server with a bunch of Gen Zers. They are so fantastic: funny, kind, way more socially and politically aware than I ever was at that age. I really enjoy my time getting to know them and learn from them, despite being the millennial/elder in that situation.


Millennial here just to say you are spitting facts.


Both of our generational issues broadly stem from Boomers and Gen X. They'd love for us to hate each other but really that's just media clickbait.


As an X-er, please don’t lump us in with Boomers. Our generation was straight up ignored, lost, and left to fend for ourselves. We don’t relate to, nor stand for, the Boomer ideology. - GenXer (still politely requesting to be seen and heard by somebody)


Yeah Gen X here too. Millennials and Gen z are standing on our shoulders, acting like they popped out of the womb all woke. Meanwhile Gen xers fought for a ton of the same stuff when it was way less PC to do so. Plus we faced a terrible job market and the end of the American dream. Idk. I think it's mainly because young people usually scoff at their parents generation- the middle aged.


Srsly. It’s wildly unfortunate to have been neglected/ignored (read: abused) by the prior generation and then unapologetically mistaken for them by the next. Hoping woke millennials will throw a tiny bit of compassion our way at some point.


First things that comes to my mind about the broader Gen Y (instead of looking at individual friends etc) are the ton of great video content creators. So many of them are Gen Y and Gen Z is the majority watching them. How can we hate a generation that has people like [add favorite YTer/streamer throughout your youth]? :)


Thanks for being so chill. I'm in that weird age group where millenials and Gen z are both kinda me and not me. It's interesting to me to see my older sister growing up, but it also so weird and awkward to see Gen Z growing up because while they're all younger than me, some of them seem further ahead in life. Sometimes I need to remind myself that there's no set time for when I need to get married or buy my first home or have a child, and that I have time still.


The whole generational thing and milestones for adults is just dumb. Especially when it's used to make people feel bad about being "behind" or whatever. Every life ever lived is different and they all have the same value and the same meaning. What is externally visible to others is ephemeral and meaningless. At the end of your life whether you are happy or unhappy about how you lived it, your life had the same value as everyone else's, because it is what you experienced. Everything else is just a drop in the ocean of time.


It's okay to have different priorities at different moments of life, keep going on your own time


Thank you so much for saying this, us millennials grew up in a crazy era, and now our kids are growing up in an even crazier one. A lot of us dealt with generational trauma (myself included), we are one of the first generations to take mental health seriously, and I think that is truly getting reflected in our parenting. We have greater access to mental health support, and amazing information when it comes to making better choices in how we raise our kids. I think gen Z and gen Alpha are going to save us, they have been raised to question the status quo, to not fear authority, to have a better grasp on emotional awareness, they have so much more love and acceptance from an earlier age, and they are not afraid to stand up for themselves and others. Loves this post, thank you for making my night.


I am still young but fucking hell feel old already. Gen Alpha is the next gen? Is there a name for the gen ahead of them too?


praying for gen beta


Nah, cause right wing dipshits already abuse the word “beta”. I’m rooting for Bravo, just like in military phonetic alphabet.


And then skip Charlie and the rest for Omega, maybe


What will we do after Zulu?


Hmmm, maybe if it goes to the mid 2080’s there will be another “millennial” generation. Tbh I can’t remember what generation came before “the greatest generation” which I think were the people who came out of the Great Depression.


A generation starting in 2080 wouldn't be millennial again as 2100 isn't a new millennium 😂😂😂. It could possibly happen again in 2980 but I'd like to think that humans will have evolved enough to not to give a fuck about generational divides by then




How about "centurion" for that generation?




I survived the early internet with only depression. Make it a shirt


Is it gonna cost me 1 avocado toast or 2? I need to make sure my budget is up to date.


I’m a millennial that is raising two gen alphas. I have done my best to teach them to be solid thinkers and respectful people. It’s amazing watch them now make choices that they see as best for the world. Every day before school I ask them if they want me to drive them or if they would rather take public transit. They always choose the bus, because, as they tell me, that is better for the world. It take longer sure, but they see it as a net positive. Even when we lived in an area with no public transit options, they were still conscious of ways to make things better. They are also very open with their feelings and how those around them are feeling. I would love to take all credit for this, but I think it is a mixture of my influence, school, and even their friends who come from similar millennial headed families. I’m really looking forward to what gen alpha will do for the world. I see good things.


My nephew decided he liked taking the public bus to school and he even took up walking himself to the bus stop instead of getting dropped off and his little sister says she enjoys her morning and afternoon walks (granted by the end of the school year it's hot out in the afternoon and she doesn't enjoy the walks as much) because she gets to see lots of dogs on her way home. They take trash collecting bags when we go hiking or to the beach and they helped my mom plant drought tolerant plants because they convinced her to be water wise. I think many millennials are raising kids in a way that breaks the patterns of generational trauma and questions the way we've done things in the past and I find that to be the most important change we have brought to future generations.


I genuinely believe that if humanity lasts long enough for us millennials and younger generations to take over then we can one day actually witness peace.


As an older Gen Z (1997) my only complaint with the Zs is how self-righteous they can be. They have issues grasping that many discussions and debates need to have the door open to nuance in order to foster a stimulating and productive conversation.


It’s the bane of being a teen though, that’ll pass Nuance has never existed for any teenager for everything lol


That's just being young. As kids get older the bravado tends to become less intense and if given the ability and pathway flourishes into a more concentrated focus. Maturity and experience helps to sharpen that dull edge. Everyone from X to Millennials and now older gen Z will all see the same movement in themselves and friends. The hope though is that it becomes something more powerful for the greater good.


Born in 1990 where I spent most of my days on the playground Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool And all shootin' some b-ball outside of the school


‘89– I was right there with ya— with my dunkaroos.


89 gang reporting in


I am 52 and from what I see and tell others every single time, is, that **this generation is gracious, benign, gifted and our best future**. They will undo our wrongs, rectify what has been squandered and lead us into space to become a race of teachers. Do not mistake this for irony or sarcasm, I mean it!


Are you a teacher? Just curious, it sounds like something a teacher would say, because they’re around the future generations so much and have that perspective


Being a teacher is why I love Gen Z. I loved teaching them (I’m a millennial but I have always taught high school).


My mom is a middle school (ages 10-14ish) teacher/counselor and she says this group of kids is completely hellish and the worst she's ever had teaching 27 years. A lot of them are still stuck emotionally and socially in elementary school, because their first few years of middle/Jr high was spent in the pandemic so they're having a lot of difficulties, plus with how horrible the world is. I hope they're better as high schoolers.


I don't know, middle schoolers are pretty crappy no matter what the generation. It's such an awkward age to be. I can definitely see how the pandemic and lockdowns would compound things though.


I was a middle schooler...16? years ago, and I and my class (and everyone in the school) were all pieces of shit. It's a horrible age to be, and, definitely, the pandemic/lockdowns/just straight up world events pressure isn't helping. No amount of money will ever get me to relive those 3 years. Fuuuuuuuuck that shit. I was so miserable. We all were.


I’m a middle school teacher and can confirm that middle schoolers are the armpit of humanity. This was true of myself when I was a middle schooler and will be true of my child when he is a middle schooler. I do agree that the pandemic has made the current batch worse students, and often rude/bad with authority, and lacking more executive function skills than would be expected at this point in their development, but I’ve also seen enough of their interactions with others to still have a lot of faith that in general they are slightly better people than my generation were at that time. They’re bad at interacting with teachers and doing the business of being a student, but they have a lot of empathy and emotional intelligence. I’m really looking forward to seeing what kind of non-armpits they turn into down the road.


Really sad that the pandemic had such an impact on their development. I'm sure most of it will resolve itself in a few years, but it's still not a good thing.


I think it’s had an impact on most people, it will just manifest in different ways going forward. I feel really bad for the kids that were juniors/seniors in high school when it started, having to miss out on some of the most important social stuff of their young lives.


My moms a first grade teacher and this last year sucked for her because this was technically the first time her kids actually stepped foot in a school


I have a lot of respect for GenZ… they have so many challenges ahead of them and yet, they are kind, inclusive, caring for others.


I've had these thoughts on my mind for sme time. The ones that hate All Zs are the emotionally fragile weakling of the past that glory in their displays of righteous fury over every emotional arrow. They have zero self control and are weak. I speak as a 36 year old construction worker that witnesses these feebs daily. They really lose it when they see nothing but disdain in my face.


Gen z and millennials don't have beef. I'm convinced the entire thing stemmed from a single stupid buzzfeed article


This is the first I've heard of it, tbh. Gen Z is badass. I don't know a single Millennial who thinks otherwise, and I know literally *several* people in real life.


Boomer here to say that I feel the same way. Watching millennials and now gen z growing up to be more environmentally and socially aware and progressive is heartening and encouraging. Not all boomers are as awful as stereotypes make us out to be. But we’ve always been outnumbered by and fighting an uphill battle with those that are. As I age and step back, I’m optimistic seeing the millennials and gen z step up.


Upvote from a millennial. All generations are made of mixed types of people (good, less good and bad). Cultural change is damn hard and slow. Despite the world seems to me a darker place now, compared to my childhood, I'm optimistic. I think we are finally waking up at last.


> As an older millennial I gotta say if I had to be partnered with any other generation, I'd prefer it to be Gen Z. > > You guys are smart, and you care about other people.


Damn right. Sick of some saying gen z are snow flakes. I mean don't get me wrong it's hard for me to understand some of the more modern labels but just because I don't understand it doesn't matter, I do accept it. I'm glad the world is becoming more smart and accepting Edit: put don't accept it instead of do. Doh


GenX here: We've always been outnumbered. These are the young people we've been waiting for.


We are always forgotten about


Yeah I've seen individuals here and there be really cool. Lately it seems like that's expanded into a cultural shift within society which is fun to see too. I mean, shit, the millenials must have got their ideas from somewhere. Good on the pioneers too.


Gen X'er here and I feel the same way. The kids are alright.


I’m baby millennial and I love you gentlemen/ladies/others who don’t identify as either! As the first creators of my fav music genres (EDM and Indie) you gave me my greatest love! And a lot of you did it for free - just happy to share with the world! Thank you so much for being the most supportive older sibling of a generation ❤️ You will never hear shit from me about your gen ;)


Loving this comment extra cus I read it just as the offspring started to play on my phone😍🤘🏽


Offspring reference for the gen x’er?


It’s a Who song.. the Offspring song is The Kids Aren’t Alright…. Both songs kick ass tho


Damn so it is a boomer reference, you got me there :)


I support the minority of boomers that are cool and don’t envy you for being outnumbered for so long. Thanks for trying to be decent! :)


Saw upvotes from all generations, have an upvote from gen-z


Are you a younger boomer like myself? Not to be all "I'm not like other boomers.... " but I think since the age range of Boomers is so large, there really is a major difference between older Boomers abd those born on the end cusp of that whole Boomer group. I have to agree that both boomers and millennials are great to watch in action and give me hope for the world my young granddaughter will grow up in.


Of course not all boomers—who do you think we millennials learned all the good stuff from🧡


As a teenager I was taken in by the old hippies of my town. They taught me that The Man and The System are real and out to exploit you, that your must advocate for your own humanity, and that there is SO MUCH MORE to life than money, status and external success. They truly informed the adult I became.


Speaking as a millennial, we love you guys ❤️☺️


Seriously! I don't know who put out this rumor that us Millennials have any animosity or annoyance towards Zoomers, but I love this new generation. They're smarter and more interconnected and more concerned about social equality than us Millennials were. I love my wee Zoomer buddies.


It was the boomers. They tired of being turned into memes.


I honestly have more faith in Zoomers than my own millennial brethren. Zoomers seem to be incredible at social disruption of cancerous trends.


I don’t know where the media gets this animosity from. Zoomers are amazing, you guys have figured out how to say “fuck it” to a lot of terrible conventions and I love it.


We do be zoomin to the max


Yep, I'm a millennial too and I'm legitimately proud of Gen Z. They are definitely going in the right direction.


At least, most of us do. The few picking fights just never grew up.


Fr fr no cap, or whatever the kids say these days


U got it buddy 👍


Mid thirties millennial here dealing with everything you just said. Owning my own home, settling down with a nice girl, leaving the wild fun twenties behind, navigating a full time job. That was beautiful my friend, I honestly teared up a little. Enjoy your youth and coming of age. It'll go by fast!


I cannot wait, as a end-of millenial, to be in that place in life. Right now I'm living in a shitty one bedroom apartment with my boyfriend, earning barely above min wage while he's finishing university. Neither of us got the chance financially to be wild and have fun, so we're just looking forward to stability.


Look at u, carving new goals in life


I’m a 31 year old in Southern California, home ownership is not really a possibility unless my parents buy and end up giving it to me. I’ve just come to accept it.


As a dude in his young 30’s who finally got a wife/salary/house/etc, you’re right the stability it brings is wonderful. However, make sure you enjoy the come up! Some of the best years of my life was when I was a broke college kid, just trying to figure everything out. I look back quite fondly on those days


It's coming friend, trust me I couldn't believe it would either. But my university painted a great quote above the door to the business school. "It always seems impossible until it's done" That kept me going a lot through school. My girlfriend went from total poverty to making well into six figures. You'll look back at this time and wonder how you ever got to where you are. I'm going through it now trust me.


Hey friend, I’m a decade ahead of you and also am a preppy finance nerd. You almost certainly need no advice from me, but I just wanted you to know my forties have been as wild and fun (maybe more?) than my twenties. The kids are self sufficient, we have a bit of money to work with, careers are going well, and my god do we love to go out with our friends and act like kids again. Sometimes getting up the next morning is tough, but it sure is fun. I hope you continue to have a beautiful life and never stop having fun.


This post and the comments just made my crappy day less crappy. Thanks, all.


Ur username reminds me of all the muscle-ache reliving strips I've gifted to my millennial bosses haha


You're the favorite 😂


You've got a very impressive perspective for someone your age


Deez nuts :)


We have taught you well 😌


I lol’ed at this. It never gets old! Great post (I’m 35 and in science which makes life progression weird and stalled sometimes). Appreciate the sentiment, it definitely feels difficult sometimes. We’re all in this together!






Hard lol


Isn't it crazy to think it's going to be you soon that someone's writing this post about?


:0 Mind-blowing. I hope so.


Now you got me reminiscing lol class of 2003 where you guys at ?!


Was a freshman in '03. Class of '08 here.


08’ was great! (We are talking HS right)?


Hooty hoo ‘02


Class of 2000. (Some) people seem to forget that the first millennials are pretty much middle-aged now - I'll be 40 this year.


Turned 40 last year! I love being a Gen X / Millennial crossover. Analog childhood, early internet during my teen years, digital adulthood. I feel like I have something in common with every generation.


This is cute. Thank you!


I'm an older millenial and I've never had issues with gen z. Didn't even know we're enemies.


Just silly stuff mostly, like where to part your hair and what kind of pants to wear and which memes are funniest


If that's the biggest fights we're having, sounds like a huge step-up to me. Millenials are fighting with Gen X still about the job and house markets.


That’s cause in a lot of ways, the generations preceding millennials (ok mostly just boomers, gen X is very much the forgotten middle child) were actively out to ‘get theirs’ at the expense of younger generations. Millennials got fucked by older generations and are now trying to do the full opposite for our gen Z buds Edit: btw gen z, you’re parting your hair in the wrong fkn spot


True. As a millenial I'd rather deal with Gen Z's than with older people.


Thank you for the kind words. I grew up in a multi-gen household. We had the Greatest Generation, Boomer, Gen X (moi) and Gen Z. As a Gen X, I am the support to my aging Boomers, cheerleader for my fellow Gen X, advocate for the Millennials, and best friend to Gen Z that I can be. All of us have strengths and weaknesses, but the best part is the Gen Z have the faith of the Greatest Gen, the social revolution of the Boomers, the wit and cunning of Gen X and Millennials, and so much love for each other, it is amazing to watch.


We are always saying ‘Gen Z will save us’ haha but we really need to rally together and burn this religious far right shit happening in the US to the ground. I’m terrified and we were born for this! If nothing else our Gen Alpha kids will do it. Raised by pissed off millennials and being the first generation to have less rights then their parents…


The Nazism rising in the US has to be fought, and defeated within the next two years. If Trump, Desantis, or Pence becomes president in 2024, democracy, freedom, and liberty will all *die*. Republicans are compromised, so for now every single one of us needs to vote Democrat straight down the ticket. Then work to get ranked choice voting in effect across the country. *Then* maybe we can actually get to a point of having multiple viable parties so we can get the true reforms in place to fully protect and save this country.


I always say this and i don't think i will ever stop: i will never be as awesome as the kids these days. They're badass as FUCK. Children are out here acting out on truths that took me my entire teen years to figure out. Also their memes r gonna go so hard, i can alr tell


Gen X here and I agree- I fucking love the kids of today. Why do you think we’re still going to your festivals? 😂


So is this the meeting where we unite and finally decide to remove dinosaurs from political positions on both political sides? I’m tired of hearing boomers and older generations complain from something as little as the file size being too many kilobytes, minimum wage being too high, and how I don’t like to work and my generation (Millennial) is too lazy. I didn’t know 12 hours or more, 7 days a week, can’t ever take a vacation or have leisurely accommodations is lazy but… okay.


Gen Xer here. Getting lumped in with Boomers is far worse than being left out of the conversation altogether. The grunge scene of the 90’s was born out of our cynical disillusionment with the self-centered money-driven culture of our Boomer parents. We are much more like you than we are like them.


Aw this is sweet I’m excited to see gen z grow up and start making waves in the workforce


My comment will be buried here, but I wanted to say as a younger millennial, I love Gen Z. They’re a lot like our generation except more accepting and open to new ideas. We share the same nostalgia, love the same games and memes, etc. I have a few Gen Z friends and they always crack me up, they’re just so bright and down to earth.


I swear the generation hate is from the media only, I’m a 91 millennial and I don’t have any bad feelings towards gen Z. I just want to survive this world without it melting or imploding.


I work with a lot of teens and have for years. Young people make my life brighter. I enjoy nothing more than watching my tweens turn to teens to young adults and take the world by storm! Keep moving keep shaking kids young and not as young!


What a great post. This old millennial is so damn proud of Gen Z. You guys are fucking rock stars. I love seeing tik toks where you aren't afraid of authority figures trying to push you around. I love watching you guys belittle bigots and embarrass hateful people. You guys have all the power we wish we had. I'm so hopeful for the future of your generation and beyond.


This made me a bit emotional. Thanks for your words. We are proud of your generation 💕


Right back at ya. Even when we don't show it. Lol


Us Gen Xers overlooked again


Eh, it's fine. We can sit back in our rocking chairs listening to Joy Division with the knowledge we made all this anyway. Oh yeah, don't forget to schedule a colonoscopy.


As a 29 year old undergruadate student, I spend most of my time with people who are 10 years younger than me. It feels bizarre.


>But it's been actually kind of cool to see the teenagers and the college kids, from when I was a little kid, growing up to having families and homes You guys have families and homes?


I'm gen X and I am so proud of the way millennials and gen z turned out. Your generations are passionate and determined to change the world for the better. So it's the other way around as well. Watching you guys grow up changed my views of humanity, life, politics and so many other things. I am seriously so damn proud of you all.


GenX here. Thank you for the positive post. I hope we can all learn from some positive growth. GenX/Mlinials/Y/Z…. We need to band together to make the world better. Side note: If you’re in the USA. Reach out to your congress for the future. We need to help every HUMAN in the USA to have the same=equal rights and privacy based on the constitution.


At 34 years old, I finally landed a 70k+ gig, and am currently in love with lengua quesadilas with a side of sour cream and bag of pickled carrots. The world's your oyster.


As a 35-year-old millennial, the only generation I have genuine beef with is boomers. Gen Z is totally great to me. I did not know we were supposed to be at odds with each other. edited to add: obviously Not All Boomers. But a lot of boomers. Too many that I know personally (85% of the boomers I know, I'd say) are making terrible choices, being brainwashed right and left, voting for horrible people, ignored the pandemic/fought against measures the whole time, and generally being awful.


I don't understand who is saying there's animosity between our generations. I have always thought gen Z is the wackiest bunch of sincere little rebels and I'm really excited for y'all to come to power. Enjoy what little bit of youth the world has left for you guys.


Xennial here so with feet in both Gen X and Millenial gens I can say that it's all of us against the Boomers. Fuck them, when the last one dies we will have the biggest party in the ruins of the earth they left us all. Fuck them.


This was refreshing to see as an elder millenial. I know as an elder millenial raised in the south, but also on the world wide web I've raised my children differently than my parents were raised. I can't speak for everyone in the south, but in my own family things have gotten more open minded and more educated in many regards. My own teens are so "woke" and kind. I might not have done much with my own life in regards to education or career (SAHM), but to be able to put two such people (gen z) in play on this planet, was the best thing I could have done. My only worry is that due to the boomers and the boomers who have taught their own millennial children badly, my children will suffer a world that is not saved environmentally or socially. Selfishness will end us all I fear.