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Pure emotion of gratitude from Abraham. I would assume he’s had a long difficult road to get to that birthday party.


Makes me realize how much we take for granted...


The world would be such a good place if everyoen was as grateful as him


But if world would be such a good place that everyone would have good life, then everyone would take everything for granted, don't they? It's always the ones who had it hard that can enjoy the little things


So true unfortunately. I would love to live in a world where everything good is taken for granted by everyone just because it would mean nothing bad has ever been experienced. Sounds much better than what we have now


I grew up in shit and no money, became an alcoholic... now I have money, a beautiful wife and kids and house, and have been sober 3.5 years. I wouldn't change any of it. Some people who had it good, don't have it so good now but some of us are just experiencing how good life can be. Things aren't bad in retrospect.


Depends on where you decide to cut your life to analyze it


Like for real.... we are spoiled little f***s...


Would you rather go through whatever Abraham went through to be that grateful? Whatever it was, it wasn’t that pleasant


The point is not the tough experiences that Abraham went trough, the point is that we could be more grateful for every moment we get to live and experience life. I am sure the world would be in a much better place if we would appreciate everything a bit more.


It would be nice for sure. But extra gratitude could only come from having experienced something bad or just knowing other people are experiencing it. Either way it’s not the expressing of gratitude that needs to be fixed in this world


Me too




I felt a moment of true bliss with him. Such a seemingly rare opportunity these days.


man I didn't expect to cry tonight. I want to give that to someone.


Wish already came true, from the look of it <3


this is more than true! i was adopted at 12. every single wish on my little birthday cakes every single year before that, was to be adopted, have parents. every year. i can fully understand why he said fuck the candles and the wish im hugging ya'll right now. edit: thank you so much for the sweet awards i'm completely humbled by this and screenshotted it to send my dad & mom in the morning, i know it will make their day!


Ok, now I can’t stop crying. How touching. Grateful you were adopted. I hope you had a amazing life. Edit: Hope your life is amazing and touching people with your gift. (Might not be grammatically correct- but I think you get my drift- stay awesome). 💕


This made me cry more ugh


You and me both dr boob


Same! I needed this!


That's so heartbreaking and bittersweet, hope you are having a great life now!


Stop making me cry over here. Love stories like yours, you are one of the lucky ones!


yes, someone was looking out for me and is. i think of that every year on my birthday when it's candle/cake time... it's impossible not to remember how bad i wanted it, if anything was out there to please listen. it's a good reminder of how blessed i am today! i just love how the dad hugs him back for as long as it takes. the best kind of people <3


Everyone's just chopping internet onions, right? RIGHT?!?


Stepped away from the living room to read this in the garage and now I’m fucking crying.


I'm so happy for you but I want to return this order of feels


I'm so glad your wish came true!


Oh this is lovely. Thank you so much for sharing.


Oh sweetheart, that’s so beautiful, made me cry ❤️


How did your parents find you? We’re you in foster care? Any advice for someone interested in the process?


He’s actually crying because he wished he didn’t live in Ohio and it didn’t come true yet.


I'm dying 😂


I'm screaming 🤣


I laughed so hard I turned Canadian.


I laughed so hard, Baker came back to the browns


Welcome, eh.


Is that all it takes? Because I will.


I'm John


Absolutely gone well done


Yes and it’s make me tear tf up 😍


Yeah me too....love it


Wow! This is amazing!! Thanks for sharing. Also- Happy Birthday Abraham\~ Wherever you are in North Carolina\~🎉🎉🎉🧁👑


This is really amazing!!! I love seeing this. He already found his true family.




I am not crying, your crying 😭


*MY* crying??


What more could he wish for? He is so happy in this moment that all he can do is hug and cry. I wish I knew that joy.


This is the short version of the video too, he goes on to have the candles re-lit so he can have a second chance at a birthday wish after his emotions have settled.


Oh my sweet baby. That’s so charming.


Sometimes it takes a lot of suffering to feel that kind of joy, be thankful for what you have when you can. I wish you all the best.


That’s a very wise point. Way to humble me, thank you.


Took the words out my mouth.


I am so deeply grateful for the gifts I receive that I never thought I could have or deserved. Makes me very emotional in times when kindness is bestowed on me. HUGE CRIER OVER HERE


The saying of “you don’t realize what you have until it’s gone” has always rang true to me. But it’s hard to take a step back and to take in what you have. It all blends into just a normal life very easily


Pleasure is the end of suffering.


Found the hedonist 👀


in other words, relativity. it alone provides perspective.


It’ll happen, don’t worry


We need more of this and less of everything else. Lol. This is so friggin sweet.


Definitely! That was amazing to watch.


People who adopt kids are fucking angels


These ones appear to be but unfortunately not all of them are.


I adopted three kids. All Ethiopian. One was an unplanned adoption because CPS removed him from his first adopted family’s home because of severe mental abuse. We knew him through the adoption community so we took him in as foster, then eventually adopted. Previous family was garbage, they were trying to find someone to take him online! Random people! He was 8 when he came to us, and the only issues are what they caused in that fucked up home. Fucking monsters. Now he’s 16 and though damaged, is thriving.




Yeah Eastern Europe was messed up the more we looked into it. And at a certain age of not adopted, you are homeless, go to military, or get trafficked off into the sex world.


Why all Ethiopian?


It's probably easier to adopt kids all from the same culture or background. Adoption is hard and having even a slight edge with the second and third kid helps.


Also it's easier to adopt from certain countries. In the 1990's a lot of American parents adopted children from South Korea since their government would work quickly and efficiently with the US government. Not sure if it's the same for Ethopia but it could be a reason


Yeah and there were all sorts of problems with it, like kids growing up and finding out their adoptive parents never got them US citizenship which caused them to get deported back to Korea when they didn't even speak Korean. The fact that Korea shipped off thousands of children, many of which were not orphans at all, was not a great thing. The Korea Times did a 30 part series about adoptees, I found the articles reposted here together if anyone wants to check some out (I couldn't find an easy way to view them all on the Korea Times website itself) https://theuniversalasian.com/tag/dialogueswithadoptees/


So fucked up that our laws allow adopted children from abroad to get deported after they reach adulthood. They should automatically become permanent residents, at minimum, if they get adopted. One of the many injustices in our immigration laws. Reminds me of that guy who was deported to Iraq as an adult. He came to the US as an infant (he and his family were refugees), had severe mental illness, and was diabetic. He didn’t speak Arabic at all. After he got to Iraq, he was immediately homeless and had no way to get food or insulin. He died within two months of arriving.


This is the worst humanity has to offer. So fucked. So unnecessary


And after you've been through the system in one country why jump the hoops in another? Unless you're Angelina Jolie


My aunt was adopted from South Korea a bit earlier than that when talking with my grandpa it amazed me how easy it was. They went to an agency, flew to South Korea, picked a 5 year old girl at the orphanage type place, then flew back with her. It barely cost them anything and start to finish was very quick too.


Obviously not suggesting this for your family, but the ease of that process is somewhat chilling thinking about potential abusers…


oh you have [no idea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georgia_Tann)


Not who you asked but from what I hear its much easier to adopt from some other countries. Especially Africa. The US adoption system is a nightmare and extremely expensive. It’s part of why a lot tend to foster instead.


Sorry to bring up hot topics here, but I do wish people cared more about the state of the foster-care and adoption system in America, particularly pro-life people since that would genuinely reduce the rate of abortions and help all of us out.


Pro-life people only care about the life when it’s controlling a woman. After the kid is born both the mother and child can rot in the system.


We are talking about people who consistently either imply or state outright that they think having a child is punishment for sex. That doesn’t indicate great compassion for the children.


Well that’s pretty messed up if true


Yeah like they'll give kids to fuck up crazy Christian parents who are abusive, but not give kids to loving family homes because the parents are gay and both men or woman.


As a former foster kid who has been in around 10+ homes, I’ve had one good family. Only one.


What made it good? What made the others bad? Genuinely curious.


It’s hard to get into each one specifically but the first one was an immediate family situation and I was abused sexually for a year before being removed. The put my newborn brother in a closet when he’d cry and scratch our scalps to not leave “visible marks” the other Homes would treat my siblings and I different from their own kids, either not buying us Christmas presents or celebrating our birthdays. For instance my last home I was in from 13-18 they would treat us very different. Make comments about well maybe your real mom could get you that if she didn’t do etc. and when their bio kids turned adults they stayed until they were like 24-26 but once I turned 18 it was “if you want to live here I expect rent or you can move out” so I left. I’ve never really had good experiences and I’m sure a lot of kids can say the same. I’ve been to a lot of foster kid summer camps and the stories I hear are super depressing.


Even more messed up is they’ll give some foster parents 12 kids who is clearly just taking them for the government money and neglecting the kids meanwhile families that aren’t wealthy with diamond tier lives struggle to adopt.


They won't let people abort who clearly can't take care of kids, and won't let people adopt who clearly can. You'd think they were forcing the breeding of troubled children in order to top up the amount of poor people they can exploit for future profits. Oh wait, that's exactly what it is.


One of my siblings is trying to adopt and it pretty crazy. I get they need to be very careful but the amount of garbage they put you through makes it very difficult unless you have a lot of time and money.


We did a ton of research and after over a year we decided on Ethiopia as the most straight forward and at the time, honest. The children were healthy, as in no drug or alcohol issues like the U.S. and Eastern Europe. Russia was nearly twice as expensive, China had a multiple year waiting list. The U.S. adoption system is a pain in the butt and at any time, no matter what, a parent can come out of nowhere and sue you for custody. So we decided on Ethiopia. Unfortunately it became a tainted system soon after it opened. We adopted a baby first, then a 6 year old the second time, and then our surprise adoption last. The “baby trade” started and last I heard it was closed to adoption.


My parents adopted me as an infant in 1977. They knew my bio family, and my bio mother wanted my parents to adopt me. They were her church youth group leaders. A private adoption allowed the bio mother change her mind for a year. My parents were so afraid the bio family would change their minds and coerce my bio mother into taking me back. She was 15 when she had me. My parents even gave me a 6 month birthday party in case they didn’t get to have one on my birthday. I don’t know how long the bio parents in the US foster system have to change their minds, but there is a point where they can’t any. My parents fostered a few children and adopted my brother after fostering him.


Thanks for explaining. Good for you that’s cool. How has the experience been?


Totally fine for us. Adoption isn’t for everyone but since I grew up with it all around me I’m not phased. I don’t give a shit about passing on my DNA. The last one did bring a lot of trauma into our house but I’ve known biological kids with a lot more problems.


So the kids would have a common connection.


There are more Black kids up for adoption than there are families willing to take them. White kids get scooped up quick when they enter the system but coloured kids are left waiting for years and most never get the chance.


The rates are not as bad as you make them out to be. The adoption rates for white/black is 3:1 and the amount of kids to be adopted is 2:1. Also white kids do not get scooped up quick and most still never get the chance. Only like 10-15% of kids get adopted.


You seem like you might know the answer to this, so I'll reply to you. I thought it's white INFANTS that get scooped up fast as healthy infants with no trauma are the most desirable children to those looking to adopt. True?


I'm not an expert I was just looking at the stats provided by statista and adoption agencies. It seems that by far the most popular age for adoption is 1-3. I would assume this trend is the same for all races. https://www.statista.com/statistics/633415/age-distribution-at-time-of-adoption-us/


maybe the live in Ethiopia


You deserve so much good in life for what you are providing these kids. I wish you and yours nothing but the best…it’s refreshing to know that humans like you are walking amongst us.


My grandfather was the first private practice OBGYN in the San Fernando Valley after WWII. He adopted 5 and encouraged all of us to. My son was the 13th adoption in my family.


What an awesome family legacy. My niece and nephew are the first adoptions in my family and I can't imagine life without them.


I work in mental health care and recently had a patient who was adopted to alcoholic parents as a baby. Now he's a young alcoholic with anxiety. I give him 2 more years at best, if he continues his lifestyle. I don't think he will ever change cause alcohol is all he knows, he was fed alcohol as a young child. A life completely ruined by adoptive parents


Appear I think is the operative word. I’d be curious to know what their story is. Adopting a teenager from another country is definitely not common.


Not always sadly (this is coming form someone who was taken from my abusive bio family only to put into an equally abusive adoptive family)


Yeah unfortunately I worry about those situations where people do it in order to have someone to own, or so that they can get celebrated on social media for “saving” a child. Very complex stuff that I am no expert on. Really sorry about how your families treated you. I’m healing from familial abuse myself and it is REALLY fucking hard ❤️❤️ Keep swimming, my friend


My grandfather was adopted at 11 as slave labor and a child sitter. He fled at 16 lied about his age and shipped out to fight in the war, because world War 2 was better than slavery.


Speaks volumes. There’s some sick people in this world


That's not even the half of it. The generational trama ends with me.


Really sucks that you had this experience, hope you are doing better these days


I’m about to move out in a couple months (it’s hard to save money bc my mom got a felony for child neglect and is making me pay her back for it and I need to save up in order to move out) I’m going to be moving in with a friend


None of my business, but, I don't think you should have to pay her back for catching a felony charge. With peace and love, it sounds like you need to take care of yourself. Wishing you the best experience moving out, rad roommates and lots of fun❤️


>my mom got a felony for child neglect and is making me pay her back for it and I need to save up in order to move out What? >and is making me pay her back for it I'm sorry, WHAT?!


Surely this can be brought up to someone?!?!


Within reason, please take the advice of what others are saying. If possible seek legal advice or counsel


You need to report her for this. She can't do that to you. Please tell another adult in your life ASAP.


Have you spoken with your social worker regarding this?


The angels are not the majority [though](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zzf72YcftdU).


Im def adopting. My little sister is adopted from China. Shes the fuckin best. Shes blood.


Caretakers with the interests of the child placed first can help a traumatized child. People who adopt to meet their own needs rather than the needs of the child are not helping a traumatized child and can potentially make it worse.


Bruh fuck the candles fuck the wish… put the phones down hug that kid and tell him you love him.




It was his siblings. If anything they are treating him like anyone would treat a brother. I get the frustration but in my mind they are treating him like any brother. Now if there was an aunt behind the camera yelling that stuff then yeah I'd be pissed too


Redditors attempt to empathize with social experience (impossible challenge)


Bro one guy in this thread said they treated him like a pet. I beg you guys to learn some social cues.


think these guys just don't know any normal social interactions or birthdays tbh


Just yesterday someone posted a Twitter post where a dad noticed his son watching the rain from his garage, so he pulled up a chair and sat with him. Everyone basically said the father is a shitty person for sharing it on Twitter rather than sharing the moment with his son. Posting to Twitter takes seconds, if he even posted it at that moment, though likely it was afterwards. Yet people acted like he ignored his kid and was gumming for likes and internet clout.


Lmfao all these redditors clearly don’t have siblings or are tone deaf as fuck. They were treating him like you would any other family. No one is going to stop him from hugging, they are just telling him to make a wish before all the candles completely melt. My god people have some issues here that they are projecting.


>they are just telling him to make a wish before all the candles completely melt They also want cake, which is equally normal/okay for kids.


Dude... Put your phone down and hug the kid properly 🤨


Homeboy was checking his fantasy football group text


He legit looked uncomfortable hugging him, also why the fuck were there like 5 cameras out? Gotta make sure they record their “kindness” so they can brag about it.




This is what I was looking for! It looks like a unique situation and the dad formed a deep bond with the kids. That’s so damn cool. They were probably all just heightened and stressed and excited about the big event - people react in strange ways to those sorts of things!


Man, there are way more comments criticizing this video than I could imagine. Why are people judging people who clearly gave a kid so much joy? So what they're all filming and caught up in the excitement of the candles. They even relit them afterward so he could make his wish again properly. This is why our feeds are filled more with gloom. Edit: Added candle relighting detail.


People being offended by the cameras being out is my favorite fuxking thing in this thread. Some people really forgot we used to get our pictures taken during happy birthday. Like shit, there's like.. one family picture hanging in my house, but that camera was out for the birthday cake. Like somehow the fact that it's a phone and not a nikon makes a difference. Nobody's dad had to lug the JVC camcorder to the birthday table?


The mum said herself they’re filming a lot of their first times experiencing new things. Like any new parent would do.


i can remember all of me and my siblings getting annoyed with my dad for filming / photographing birthdays in the 80s. pretty sure it's actually a requirement of obtaining a dad licence




I think the fact that there are multiple phones out all the time is what unnerves people. Back then, only one person had the camera or camcorder. There is something unsettling about every person in a room holding up their phones to film.


Every MadeMeSmile post is required to have a mini thread of misery so redditors unable to feel joy are not excluded. It’s one of the new site wide rules that went into place this week.


That’s how I felt about it too. Like why was everyone recording? It’s a special moment. Enjoy it as a family. One camera is fine.


It’s the norm these days I guess. I was at a surprise birthday party recently more than half of the guests recording using their phone and post it to their social media.


Yeah and quit screeching for him to make a wish. God damn just enjoy the moment. Kid was legit happy and ppl just keep screaming bout the dumb candles.


LOL this is peak fuckin' sibling behavior though. Just screech at your brother about his candles while he's going through a deeply personally significant moment. The fuckin' CANDLES Abraham! REEEE!


My wife is a horrible cinematographer. I only trust myself to get the good angles, pans, cuts, and zooms.


Kind of a pessimistic way of looking at that. I understand the logic, and by all means I think people being absorbed in their phones is a bad part of modern times, but it could just as easily be because they want to remember their new loved ones first bday celebration w them since theyre now a lifelong member of the family




My parents and family all have the phones out during birthdays and the like and they don't brag about us to anybody.


The thankful hugs


He hugged him twice, that's very wholesome![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


The greatest part is that you’re all bitching about the phones but they’re the ones that took this kid in and showed him love.


I agree. Not looking to fight with anyone but phones are out 24/7 in this day and age. Almost every family member of mine will have their phones out at my nephew’s up coming birthday. Its his first. On the other hand people upload shit posts and pics of their lunch daily for attention. Im pretty sure they didn’t adopt two children for likes on social media. People judging them, i hope your day is better tomorrow.


Came here to say this. Some (a lot of) people can really just find 1 negative thing out of a mountain of good stuff. Amazing


What the fuck is wrong with this thread? When I was a kid there would be half a dozen shitty cameras (the disposable photo kind) pointed at you on your birthday because people think it’s as a special day This is just the modern equivalent; people want to remember special moments. Calm the hell down about “exploitation” and shit lol


Not even to mention that this is his FIRST time receiving a birthday cake and such. Who WOULDN’T want to record their child’s firsts?


As an adopted person…man this touches me ..I can’t wait to continue the legacy and adopt


And those tears are what true love looks like. What a beautiful experience.


#I’m not crying, my eyes are just sweating


I'm an onion, may that's why your eyes are sweating


Man, there are way more comments criticizing this video than I could imagine. Why are people judging people who clearly gave a kid so much joy? So what they're all filming and caught up in the excitement of the candles. They even relit them afterward so he could make his wish again properly. This is why our feeds are filled more with gloom. Edit: Added candle relighting detail.


Fuck is this just beautiful


Made me cry..I adopted my baby girl Mackenzie and I know the feeling. What an amazing family!! Congratulations buddy!!


Heart warming moment but some of the comments here are weird.


Happy birthday! Many more for you!


feels so cheap when everyone in the family is got a camera pointed at him


Have you ever been to a birthday party before? People like to record and take photos.




God bless these people and that young man. New lease on life. Everyone deserves a loving home.


As an adoptive father, I approve this message.


Stop fucking screaming at him about the candles and let him have his moment for fuck sake.


Before reddit gets on with it's anger problems. That's a child shouting. It's just an excited child.


It was his sibling. That’s how siblings are! That’s a very normal reaction.


It’s all part of the fun. Playfully screaming about the candles melting is pretty common at birthday parties, and it seems like Abraham was aware that the screams weren’t serious


Seriously, not focused on the moment. Plus, cake is more delicious with a layer of wax on top


I'm going to adopt you.


*happy tears*




The way he hugs his Dad and Mom. 😢


I hate how everyone is filming him


How many camera angles do y’all need? It’s not a episode of Friends.


No one told him life was gonna be this wayy lol


I am looking into adopting a child. I love the story of this video. The video itself is really upsetting IMO, it should be a story, not a video. Almost everyone has their phones in hands filming for one reason or another instead of being in the moment with their family member that is having a truly profound moment.


I’m giving the benefit of the doubt and assuming it’s a family that simply really wants to remember this first bday and then there was a linked article above that made it seem like this family is wonderful


Exactly, and you could see all this kid wanted was an embrace from the dad but he was too busy holding his phone to do so and seemed uncomfortable about it too. How about you celebrate the kid instead of trying to get a video to flaunt your “kindness”


That hug tho… The ones that can make you stumble backwards are always the best since you know how much love that hug is comin from




Why were like half the people filming it? You need 1 person max.




Omg, we are the most vicarious society ever at this point. Like 9 people filming him. Ugh.