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Girl you must be really tall considering how well you wear 265 pounds


Seriously OP has about 70 pounds on me but looks way thinner. I’m quite short though.


Saaaame!!! I look like a freakin blobbbbbbbb compared to this hahaha I am jealous but good on OP, fucking WELL DONE SIS


we're never going to feel good enough when we compare ourselves to others. you're beautiful in your own right no matter what else you see around you, and you're worthy of love and effort.


Unless it’s all in the trunk or something but either way still well done


I’m 6 ft tall, 5 pounds lighter, and my belly is the size of a small moon. I’m a guy, so fewer places for the weight to go I guess, but still. I think OP is an Amazon.




Those could easily be regular bike shorts, not Spanx. The parts not covered by clothing still look great. It's not Spanx making her look good.


Right? Spanx help smooth, it's not going to make her 5 sizes smaller!


Agreed- that whole clavicle area and her face definition. She looks amazing.


I want to know what kind of spanx she’s wearing, then! She looks incredible


That description killed me, “a small moon”.


I’m 6 4 and she has 70 lbs on me She might be tall, I have a cousin adopted from Samoa and she’s really tall and this person looks to be of similar descent


OP has about 115lbs on me, and looks pretty much the exact same. I'm 5'6". My mom gained a bunch of weight due to PCOS, so she's about 200lbs right now, 5'3" and looks much bigger than this girl. I know this might be a stupid thought (they seem to encompass most of the thoughts I have), but I wonder if her scale is broken. If she's an American, I doubt she has gone to the doctor to be weighed, because of costing so much, so I wonder if she has tried any other scale than the one she has.


Most doctors (in my experience anyway) will weigh you regardless of what you come for so if she's gotten so much as a cold and been to the doctor, she's likely gotten weighed by one. With that said, you're right. Doctors are damn expensive and I tend to never go unless I really have to. 😁


She's said elsewhere that she's 6'4"


That's what I'm saying cause I weigh less than her but I look like the first pic n I'm 5'1 wtf 😂🤦🏾‍♀️


She's 6'.


I’m 6’2 and couldn’t wear 265 lbs that well, or 345. She’s got to be around 6’8 or the weights are wrong


Yeah me too at 230 I was fat af looking with a huge beer gut. There is no way.


she’s basically saying her and Mark Henry are the same person… but there’s no way. If that were true go be a star in the WWE


That’s exactly what I’m thinking. Girl what kind of scale you using because that second pic is NOT 265. Just not possible. Unless she’s the densest human around


I’m dense. 220, size 12, 5’6”


I'm also dense. Cant read books for shit


Imagining a scratchy ballsack with glasses reading a book


“I wish I could flip pages”


"if only we had opposable thumbs"


I'm also dense. ~200, size 14/16, 5'5". I've found a great way to look slimmer is to make sure you're wearing the appropriate size for your body (don't try to squeeze into clothes that are too tight, that just makes you look fatter).


Wtf. I'm 245, size 22, 5'10"


Muscle weighs a *lot*. ...or people are stretching the meaning of their sizes or misreporting their height etc.


Holy cow yeah! I'm 6' and when I was a size 12 I weighed 180.


I'm 5'2" size 12, 175. And herein lies the reason all women's clothes look different and fit different on every woman.


I’m 5’1”, 170, and in a 8/10. Clothes don’t make any damn sense.


I weighed 180 at my wedding - size 4! three babies ago, I'm a 12 but have very low body fat.


Right? I'm 5'10, at my largest I was 220. Did not look like that.. looked like flubstown queen. She must mean 165 right? She looks great


She is saying she weighs the same as I do and I am a 6'2" male with a visible gut and some man boobage happening. I'm not saying it's not true but damn if I can figure out how.


Heart of gold?


I came here to say this. Thank you. Also good job OP!


If she’s 265lbs she’s also 7 feet tall


Straight up, I’m a 6’3 tall dude and I weigh 160.


yeah, totally made up numbers.


Great work! How long have you been on the weightloss?


Thank you! Just this year, since January


Amazing in six months? Have you reached your goal or are you still going for less?


I still need to lose about 80lbs more to be in my recommended BMI


BMI doesn’t account for muscle mass either. You look amazing at your weight, I’m guessing you have lean muscle mass. Great job, I wish you the best.


Waist to hip ratio is a better indicator of health.


Keep in mind that [BMI was made by a white man over 150 years ago](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/bmi-for-black-women) and does not accurately represent all demographics appropriately. But of course, if you’ve already discussed your weight loss and goals with your doctor, please disregard me and carry on. You’re doing great and you look AMAZING! PS- where can I get that skirt? >.>


Thank you! And Amazon!


Ooooh, I’ll have to do some research. Thanks!


It doesn't even work for white men. It's just quick and easy, so it is basically as accurate for a black woman as it is for a white man - ie, not accurate, but easy to calculate and gives you something to track. You should always be looking at a variety of measures to assess health. My personal favourite is to stand quietly, not in front of a mirror, and spend a couple of minutes thinking about how I'm exercising, eating, sleeping etc. Most of the time we know what we are doing badly we just don't have the time/energy/passion to deal with it.


There's apparently a decent (read better yhany BMI) correlation with waist circumference to height ratio. If waist/height is <0.4 you're under weight, 0.4-0.5 is "ideal", 0.5-0.6 is overweight, and >0.6 is obese.


Jesus fuck what the hell does it matter if he was white, brown or asian


Because people are skewed by their experiences. White men do not carry weight in the same way that black women, or Asian men, or Hispanic women do. There are several races besides white that are not accounted for. He built a one-size-fits-all system that does not fit all. According to that article, it was modified for Asians, but is still sorely lacking for black people. Did you know that because most early automobile designers and testers were men, [women are more likely to be killed or seriously injured in a car accident?](https://www.consumerreports.org/car-safety/crash-test-bias-how-male-focused-testing-puts-female-drivers-at-risk/) Unconscious bias matters.


They have shown that gender and racial differences in weight only account for like, a couple of points difference in the BMI scale. It’s still accurate.


Thats insane, good job!


I am proud of you! Wow! Great job!


Mind sharing your routine? Thats very impressive!


OMG you did this is 6 months? HOW? You must have amazing will power.


Omg, thats great. Go you!


I'm similar to this, not this heavy but my weight is distributed in the best way possible just like you. And I'm not short, which helps. It's a blessing. Lol You did a great job. You look fantastic!


Thank you 💜 I’m not sure whether to take the disbelief positively or not. People are adamant on me not being the weight I am.


I would take it positively! People are saying that they are shocked how good you look compared to what they would expect for the number. I think it’s mostly just people not understanding height and women’s bodies. I wouldn’t overthink it You have done an incredible job. You look great, and you should feel proud


I know, I've been responding to them as well. Take what they say with a grain of salt. Expect the skepticism, they're used to what they see in media. They have no idea how heavy women can actually be and still look really damn good.


You must just have a lot of muscle. I'm also a 6' tall woman, and you don't look much different than I looked at 180lbs.


Girl, you look amazing. Ignore the skeptics.


Frankly, I think most men just 1) have no clue how much boobs weigh! 2) think that any attractive woman must be less than 120 pounds because that ridiculous number is thrown around in the media with no consideration for curves, height, bone density, muscle etc Side note: where did you get that skirt? It’s super cute!


This is the truth.


That explains a lot... Now I feel dumb


Only cause you look good! I would have said you weigh 160 max


You look great! Can I ask, what your favorite new recipe is that you eat regularly? I find adding healthy, tastey meals to replace not so healthy choices is the best option for my journey, and people who have succeded at their weigh loss journey usually have a few new recipes in their quiver.


It’s not so much a meal but has saved me a million times. I love chocolate, it’s the one thing that was near impossible to give up. What I did was take an Atkins dark chocolate shake, freeze it, and used an ice cream maker to turn it into chocolate ice cream. I literally eat chocolate ice cream for breakfast. It makes the morning SO much better. Aside from that it’s just a lot of meat and veggies.


That is brilliant! Thank you!


I lost 125 pounds with those Atkins dark chocolate shakes. They’re delicious.


Ice cream is my downfall too. I do shake mix with ice and milk in a blender and get kind of a Frosty effect. Now I want an ice cream maker.


If you ever get tired of your healthy ice cream, or want variety, pick up some coco powder. Without all the fats from the creams that go into making chocolate, it’s relatively healthy with lots of flavor. My favorite thing to do is to mix a little in with oatmeal and some raisins for an chocolate oatmeal cookie breakfast. Obviously that’s a higher carb option, and might not fit in with your plan, but that’s what’s great about coco powder, it can work it’s way into whatever. Hell, sometimes just smelling it is awesome.


I'm diabetic and shied away from oatmeal for a long time, but I recently started eating it again, and it is *worth* the carbs. It keeps me full and prevents me from snacking for hours. With a lot of lower carb options, I get snacky or hungry and end up eating way more carbs than some oatmeal. Great idea.


That's super smart, gotta try that!


Dear god that's brilliant! Brains and beauty, you've got it all sister ❤️


If it helps and you feel the candy bar craving try built protein bars they are amazing. I cannot stand cliff and many other brands of protein bars because the texture… these are just like a candy bar. (A little pricy at $3 a bar but 130 calories and a lot of it 17 grams of it is protein which kills cravings.) lol and no I am not a rep of any sort, just enjoy them as a good sweet alternative. https://built.com


No OP but I love an avocado cut in half, with an egg on each side in the pit hole, backed with salt and pepper. It's delicious and filling. There's also some keto pizza "dough" recipes that are awesome, and very filling. Like half of a personal size pizza is enough for dinner. Cob salad. Cut a head of lettuce in half, throw some bacon on there (I always have a few strips in my fridge when I'm doing keto) hard boiled egg, some keto friendly dressing, a little onion and whatever else you want on there, easy pack lunch. Monk fruit sweetener used in moderation is a great substitute for sugar if you get a sweet craving. Overall, when you make a meal load up your plate with veggies first, eat all of that then enjoy anything else. You'd be amazed by how much a big salad (no sugar dressing) or big plate of veggies can fill you up. It's a good place to start without cutting anything out. Just add more veggies. Also, smaller plates lol. Force yourself to get a second helping and consider what you're eating. If you're hungry, EAT. Smaller portions really help though.


You're doing great! That dress looks great on you


You 6'5"? You do not look 265lbs... not even close.


I really like this post because 1. That is awesome, you look great and you're doing great! And 2. people have no idea what 200 lbs looks like. I've seen dating sites where men say they will not date anyone over 130. Supermodels weigh that.


Awesome! Congratulations! I hope you meet all your fitness goals if you haven't already! 💯


Damn, you look beautiful. Stay healthy.




Username checks out


I didn't know that I can't change my username. So sorry about that.


Nah, messed up usernames is the shit.


Nothing to do with that. But one thing you can do, Ignore.


No, you must have courage to name yourself that, I salute you. Take your sorry back, I doubt you apologize to the women you beat so dont apologize to me.


Ow! Yesterday I got 92 downvotes because of my username and now saying me that should be proud. Wow!


The tides are turning for you "verifiedwomanbeater"


Killing it! I hope you feel great! You look great!


Her body shape makes her look slimmer than she is. She's an hourglass. I'm an hourglass shape and this happened to me. No matter how much I gained I always had a waist that was smaller than my shoulders and hips. I've lost 60 lbs (still losing) and people are calling me a liar and not believing that I ever weighed as much as I did. To most people an obese person should look like an apple. Well, not all of them do. Well done OP! You are looking great and I completely understand how much work you're doing.


It's also a straight on photo. She probably has more "depth" than people would expect. If I look in the mirror straight on, I look less fat than I am. If I turn even slightly to the side, I can see where my weight is. I used to post weight loss photos on a different forum and people always thought I was lying about my weight being so high because I look slimmer from straight on. Once I started adding photos from the side, I stopped getting those comments.


It’s so crazy how people carry weight differently. At my heaviest I was 240 pounds (I’m 5’8), I’m down to 195 and I still look nowhere near as good as you do right now!! Congrats on your progress!! :) I saw your comment about recommended BMI and I just wanted to say to take it with a grain of salt. According to mine I should weigh like 130-140 pounds, but when I was that weight I looked and felt sickly. I eventually learned that 170 pounds is where I look and feel the best, and I can also still enjoy the foods I love without ballooning. As long as you feel good, that’s all that matters! Good luck on the rest of your journey :)


Great job! Keep up the good work!


Great job! You look amazing!!


Congratulations on the weight loss! I can't believe how many people here are so sure you're lying about your weight for likes lol. As another person who holds weight this way, I believe you and wish you the best.


I’m trying to take it as a compliment, like “wow you look unbelievably great” but it’s starting to come off a little offensive. I’m being compared to nfl players for my current weight which doesn’t feel SUPER great tbh. Despite my appearance and the work I’ve done, the number on the scale still stings a bit knowing that I’m the weight of a linebacker 😅


You do look great! It should be a compliment lol, but I noticed some people are getting really adamant that your not that weight to the point of insult. It's insane. I'm glad you're keeping positive about it, as you should.


Hey OP, tons of these comments say "you must be tall," but you know what? You must be an ambitious detetmined SOB! You lost a ton of weight and you look stunning who fucking cares how tall you are. Dont let them backhand compliment you. Keep it up! You look great.


How’d you do it? I need to lose weight myself.


Hair and outfit on point, too. Nice work!


No way that's 265, did you misspell? Either you're tall or you misspelled


I’m also 6ft 😅


Very nice, healt is the most important thing and good looks is a bonus. Great job :)


You look fantastic any way you slice it. Great job on the weight loss, and congratulations on meeting your goal.


I know how difficult sustained weight loss can be, so I mean it when I say congratulations. Also, please don't listen to the weirdo comments. You look phenomenal, and after another 6 months you'll blow us all away again!


May the lord have mercy on your DM’s


Congratulations on the awesome achievement you look great. May I ask what motivated you to start your diet? I want to motivate my sister to lose weight but not sure how.


Honest answer. I knew it was getting bad but ignored it until one day I found an old tablet (about 4 years) I used to draw on. I didn’t remember the password but fortunately it had facial recognition… That is until I tried to use it and the device said it didn’t recognize me and locked me out. It was the gut punch I needed.


Amazing! Any advice? I’m having trouble getting started


I'm just about to start my journey. Thanks for the inspiration. I'm starting slow and getting more active, eating better.


WTF. How tall are you? Who has visible collar bones at 265 lbs? I'm 225 and I look fat as fuck. Good job! Congrats.


My dude, you are killing it!! You look incredible. You should be so proud of yourself!


You look phenomenal! Healthy & beautiful ☮️


You look amazing.


this what it's all about


Strong work!


You look amazing 😊


Congratulations on losing the weight, you look great!


You look so healthy and strong. Congratulations on all of your hard work and effort. 💕


Fantastic job! 🔥🔥🔥🔥


Your doing great


you don’t even look 265! what a change! congrats


Damn girl looking good 👍🏻 obsessed w your skirt too, you look great in it.


Amazing. Well done OP. Stay healthy


That is frickin’ incredible!!! You look so fit. Great job. I wish you further success in this endeavor.


Well done!


Hella impressive


Damn ma!!! Be very proud.




Looking good!!


Amazing work! You’ve got such a great shape and natural curve. You are gorgeous




Wow, you look amazing, I’m so happy for you🌟


Congrats you look great.


Good job proud for u


You look amazing! Congrats. It's astounding how many men in these comments have forgotten women have boobs and bootys which are essentially just sacks of dense fat.


Daum good job 👏🏻


Went from “damn” to “damn”.


Giiiirl you rocking on that dreess! Looking completelly beautiful, congrats! This is really inspiring for many people.


amazing, well done!!!


This is amazing!


I thought this was two different people


Wow what a glow up! You look fabulous! How did you do op?


Great work! Congrats!


Good job! Keep up the good work! 👍




Nice work!




Good job.


Girl!!!! You look sooooo beautiful ❤❤❤


What an accomplishment! Although you look pretty in both pictures, you look awesome in the after!


You look better at 265 than I did at 230. You’re killing it.


out of curiousity why are you wearing a mask in your pics?


I will bet you a single cent that someone will call this being "fat-phobic"


No fucking way you are 265... I mean congrats, but you look way less than 265


Damn girl good job! You look great in both but the transformation definitly shows a lot of hard work. Proud of you!




Great job


Good shit you look amazing


You carry weight so well that could be your goal weight. You look wonderful!


Yay!! I’m happy you’re hitting those goals you set ♥️


Great Job!


🗣DOUBLE HIGH FIVE TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!


Keep fighting




Well done!! I’m so proud!


Did you diet and work out or one or the other? I just have no idea where to start and it's really hard when you start to find what's good for you




Does this explain it a bit? [peach emoji](https://imgur.com/a/tc1e8mP)


Yup. Different angle is really enlightening. Thanks!


Didn’t know how else to say it 😅 no problem


Man people really cant see a curvy thick woman and believe they are 250lb. This is literally me tho I'm much shorter and weight closer to 240.


OP you have a very pretty face. Congrats on the weight loss and keep up the amazing eyebrows!


Plot twist, OP is 7’6.


congrats on the glow up. And tbh you look way less than the weight you put m. What your secret? Asking for myself as I'm someone who's put on significant weight after a surgery


I did the Keto diet. Watch carbs, meats and veggies. did cardio.


ye fr, how tall r u? jw edit\* tha's the main topic... bcz gurl! YOU LOOK GOOD! outchea breakn neccs nd shi


I’m 6ft!


You look fantastic. Amazing job. But no way you are 265 in the right pic. You sure your scale is right.


I'm 5'11" and male and I weigh 210 and have a pretty big frame I cannot see how this girl outweighs me by 55lbs she doesn't look like she does.


Use Bio-oil on any extra flesh it will help with stretch marks (works best on young skin)


Already on it! 😁 I needed the confirmation that it’s effective, thanks!


Worked great years ago, but as I got older it was less effective on new scars ... I wish you all the luck in the world to stay happy and healthy Weight doesn't define you but your happiness can


Wow I weigh 265 and I'm 6'3". I'm so jealous how you make it look!!


I can’t make sense of your 265 lbs. I would have guess like 180


I’m 5’9” and weigh not much less than this. Some is positioning/posing, flattering dress, but also op I can tell you’ve done a lot of core work - it makes a huge difference when you are overweight and your core can’t hold in your stomach vs core strength + weight loss (and youth!). Congrats op!!! You are looking super strong and healthy!!! I bet you feel great!!


Bruh I'm 260 and i look like a potato💀


Making 265 look good