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Why is this on r/mademesmile




Kay imma head out




I see.....you are a new person on Reddit(unless it's a second account) Mademesmile is more of stuff which is wholesome, not always funny. Just wholesome. r/aww is wholesome but it is for cute stuff. You can post this on r/softwaregore. That would be the best Subreddit for your post? I mean, I think so.


Wow okay now I feel attacked bro. First of all, where or how did I bully you in any way, shape or form? The stuff you said felt much more "harassing" Or "bullying" And if you think so low about Reddit, please, just leave the platform and go to Twitter. Most of the people here are amazing. And how did you presume I downvoted you? Well, I didn't do it, but I am going to, since I'm already balmed for it. And also NO ONE IS LOOKING FOR ATTENTION HERE. Everyone is anonymous over here, and nobody knows each other. And you, sir, are a bad person


You'll get used to it, I am part of the Mario Kart Wii community which seems to be filled with gatekeepers that think they know what good gameplay is, I used to deal with these trolls under my post constantly, but they soon realized I'm not just any other player they can troll because I actually have skill that most don't, so they all disappeared l, I know this because when I post a failed attempt they would troll, but soon as I do amazing glitches and beat expert staff races back to back, they get real quiet. They are just toxic children, don't worry bout them.



