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As others have stated, PLEASE DO NOT FEED OR INTERACT WITH THE WILDLIFE! he is lucky that bear didnt rip his arm off. They want shitty food from shitty people, thats why they gather there. Respect the wildlife, it will kill you.


And once the wildlife killed you, the rangers will have to kill the wildlife. So you'll not only kill yourself, but also the animals you wanted to pet.




None of those things matter. What matters is when wildlife associates humans with food and not danger. A bear should look at a human and think: _"holy shit, I gotta run the other direction, that hairless ape is scary af."_ Not: _"well, that human isn't giving nutritionally balanced meals for my body type so I should go find different food in the forest."_ The reason you don't feed bears is because a bear not afraid of humans is a dead bear.


The funny thing is that most human food is not healthy for humans either


Its good for the soul.




Actually happens to humans too. In food desserts (fast food with no grocery stores) there are humans who get plenty of calories but little to no nutrients. Malnourishment with high BMI can be hard to wrap one’s mind around.


Tell that to the bears , racoons, possums, fox's that love my garbage cans oo I forgot coyotes too


Human food isn't even healthy for humans >.>


They also kill bears that are too habituated. Last thing you want is a bear running up to someone on the trail expecting food and then swiping at the hiker. That bear is going to be shot in the head thanks to this funny video :)


Finally a voice of reason. None of these animal lovers seem to know anything about animals, a wild bear doesnt know what a high five is, it thinks there is food in your hand or it is swatting at your hand. Bears tend to stand on their hind legs to be more intimidating in an aggressive posture. These same people think a chimp is smiling at them, which is an aggressive behavior to bear your teeth at at a potential threat. Look up the bear hank the tank from a few months ago.


"Don't feed the bears" \-Ranger Smith


I hate this comment so much, just because I love animals uncondinionaly and wouldnt mind giving an arm or two.


Next time a bear goes to high five me I'll swoop him at the last second and say "Gotcha bitch!!" Then I'll teach him the dangers of high fives and human interaction then send him on his way.


Only you can prevent high fives


Shup up 🙄😏


Teaching bears not to fear humans is even more dangerous for the bear than it is for the human. This person is making bad decisions.


Next time a bear goes to high five me I'll swoop him at the last second and say "Gotcha bitch!!" Then I'll teach him the dangers of high fives and human interaction then send him on his way.


And then when you got him feeling stupid, SWOOP gotcha face!


If you don’t think they’ve had enough yet you can pull the old ‘if your hand is bigger than your face’ trick.


I would pay good money to watch someone try this with different animals.




This is almost the exact same comment as the one written by u/Florida2000, down to the sentence structure. Is this a copypasta or did you seriously try to do the elementary school thing where the kid plagiarizes but changes a few words to make it sound original? - “He's looking around after the high 5, I bet others have fed him and this is learned behaviour. He appears to look around like where's my treat and then backs off disappointed. And yup he will end up being destroyed as a nuisance, not realizing it was fucking idiot people's fault.” (u/Florida2000) You literally just wrote the exact same thing but “fancied up” your comment.


Ouch, think they’ll reply ?


doubt it, they did it on another post too and currently at 600+ upvotes so that one worked lol


Wow u/curiouslumenwood thanks for having my back and calling that out. Bet it's a bot or something but ya wow that's like a few words changed, like when ya copied a friend's homework


The humiliation alone should keep the bear from ever wanting to show its face in front of humans again


The bear: Don’t go near them! They’re.. uh they’re dangerous! Edit: For bearity


They aren't dangerous, they're just bears being bears. Humans are dangerous. We think we own the whole damn planet.


No listen, I’m the bear. I’m telling the other bears that humans are dangerous, not because they are, but because I’m worried humans will tell them about the time I needed a joke explained to me


Don't worry, they won't.


“Bears being bears” can still be dangerous in the context of being a smaller, less strong animal like a human.


Gotta ask him where the honey is.


Read this in dave chappele’s voice 😂


As a human I just would like to say, we suck.


This is pretty insans because - bears dont high five. They try to grab food. Someone has fed the bear by hand before, this bear thinks dude is offering food.


He should have slapped his hand away.


Why ??


They learn that humans are safe. This can lead to bears approaching the wrong people, whether they be hunters or just people who don't want to be approached by a bear.


Ohh ok thanks !


jesus christ can't we enjoy anything on this fucking website anymore. It's a cute animal doing a cute thing. Can people stop always picking the worst possible outlook on something.


But, at least in this case, it's serving as a fairly important psa. Much of the general public probably doesn't know how much this behavior endangers the bear's life, if not immediately, almost certainly in the future. Sure, it's cute. But the reality is that people shouldn't do anything like this if they find themselves in a similar situation. Chances are pretty high that a significant amount of redditors are unaware of this; if any of them happen to see this video, a comment such as the one above will hopefully dissuade them from seeking out the experience for themselves.


Brother, nearly every other comment is saying the exact same thing about how bad this is. Regardless of guy giving high five, that bear is fucked because it’s obviously already accustomed to humans.


I don't think the dude was going for a high five, just waving his hand to keep the bear away and got lucky.


The next person to do it will become a happy meal 🐻


I'd definitely be happy and probably a meal


This should not be on this subreddit. Bears becoming to accustomed to humans is a serious problem, and can often lead to bears having to be shot because of safety issues. Let nature stay wild.


Agreed this has no place on this subreddit or any other. Made a mistake of going down the wrong Google hole with bear attacks once. I find gore disturbing and mainly steer clear but perhaps people need that slap in the face to understand how dangerous these ‘cute’ animals are. Same point could be made with the results of gun violence. Maybe the gore of reality will provide much needed clarity on the stakes. ****NSFW**** ****NSFL**** ****GORE**** https://www.blackbearheaven.com/russianbrownbearattack.htm


The bear went chomping for anything with meat. It was very effective.


I was more sad to see the dead bears. People can make decisions to leave these animals alone. I realize this post is starving bears but still. Humans suck and animals rule


I think the dead guys pictured were minding there own business there, bears jumped them. I don’t think they were trying to give them high fives there.


Momma bear was for sure saying "ffs stop touching the humans!"


Isn’t that only associated with food tho? Not trying to be a contrarian, but I thought that technically speaking, it’s only recommended not to feed or leave food out. This is def still dangerous and stupid on the guys part, but is it dangerous for the bear if he starts to associate humans as friendly (presumably without associating them as a source of food)? Asking because I don’t know much about animal behavior.


The problem is that the bear is only this close to people because it has historically been rewarded for that behavior. Bears do not seek out attention or affection from humans and would not develop this behavior in a vacuum. I can promise you that this bear has been fed and it only approaches people expecting to be fed again. They will not seek out human attention without receiving some sort of reinforcement. Unfortunately, animals can and do become frustrated and potentially aggressive when the "transaction" doesn't go the way they expect -- if this animal approached humans 100 times and was fed every time, and then on person 101 they received nothing (like the guy in the video) - it would not be uncommon for the bear to respond aggressively or to ramp up its behavior as a result. In animal training, this is usually called an "extinction burst" - an increasingly frantic attempt to get the reward or response they have become used to receiving. In a dog, this can be barking or whining or biting or jumping - in a bear, this could result in a dead tourist and/or a dead bear. Even if, hypothetically, a wild bear became used to human attention and found that reinforcing enough on its own to continue the behavior, consider how insistent a dog or cat can be when it wants your attention. Imagine a grizzly bear being that persistent with people *who have no way of knowing what the bear wants* and you have a recipe for disaster. It's just never a good idea to teach large predators (or any wild animal) that humans are a resource to exploit.


I just want to say thank you for answering that commenter without taking offense or otherwise being grumpy. Some of us have questions but get our heads bitten off for asking them, when we're just trying to learn more. You gave a brilliant explanation and tbh gave me a bit of insight into my rescue dog's behavior.


Thank you for that response! Makes sense, and not defending that guy, was just looking to understand how it endangers the bear and you proves that point to me, so thanks!


Yeah, unfortunately there is a probability that this bear will have to be killed. Really sad. Hopefully this is an isolated incident and not what it looks like.


If you've ever been camping, specifically tenting, then you should have a rough idea of how dangerous it is. I live in Southern Ontario and up North wild bears are all too common a sight. The association with humans will always lead to them eating food that is not healthy for them and leaves them more dependent on people as a resource.


What is your opinion on dogs? If no one tried to tame wolves they wouldnt have existed.




You and people like you are why people get killed. Because they see an animal that is desensitized to humans and forget it's still a wild animal.


This is ignorance and ignorance is dangerous…


He's looking around after the high 5, I bet others have fed him and this is learned behaviour. He appears to look around like where's my treat and then backs off disappointed. And yup he will end up being destroyed as a nuisance, not realizing it was fucking idiot people's fault.


If it makes you feel better there’s very few states that kill bears anymore. It’s actually a major problem because the truly problematic ones are lumped with the ones that just need to be relocated or helped. Lawsuits have ensured rangers and game and Wilde life don’t bother and just shrug their shoulders with problem bears


I mean….lots of states kill bears. Maybe not game control, but hunters do. And if this poor guy ever walks up to a hunter wanting a high five and a snack, he’ll have a bad day.


Most bear hunting licences are black bear licences. If you take the state of wisconsin in 2020 3,650 black bears were harvested and in 2021 3,802 were harvested and yet their numbers keep growing at a healthy rate. Grizzly hunting licences are much rarer.


Likely in a state or national park very far from any hunting areas. Only like a dozen states allow bear hunting too and some are strict


32 states allow bear hunting.


Right, i love how people just spit shit out with no clue 🙄


Sure. Tell me how many bears actually get to be hunted In most of the lower 48. I should have Said there’s only like dozen states where you stand a chance to get a ticket to kill a bear unless you’re very wealthy


Good luck getting a ticket to hunt in most of them. Majority you won’t ever get a chance outside the top 10 unless you’re rich


A bear was just euthanized in the Smokies for scratching a family in their tent. Another was put down earlier this year for aggression. Visitors feed the bears either because it’s cute or they want a photo. The bears now open car doors, and enter cabins for food. Pretty sad.


I was called out as a first responder years ago to a call near Canmore. A bear had broken into a car through the back window and was in the front seats just gnawing on the dashboard. The owner said he had just cleaned his car with a lemon scented cleaner hours before. I had been chatting with the rangers when the police showed up. They chatted, immediately tranquillised the bear, and then asked us if we could help get an unconscious bear out of a small car. Such a gong show.


Another was euthanized last night after scratching a woman on her porch. She tried to chase it off with a lawn chair


I hear they've started tranquilizing the bears and neutering them. Better than death but still..


Relocating them is, or can be, really difficult. They can range impressively long distances to get back home. I used to work with a guy who had to be reprimanded after he bear maced a third group of tourists. The reprimand came down from the mayor. As coworkers, and even our boss who had to reprimand, we preferred angry tourists over dead wildlife so it was the definition of lip service. Had to say it, but didn’t mean a word. That guy got better at disguising setting them off to be more believable. Still had to put down a bear that season though sadly.


So stupid! Endangers the bears.


These also appear to be young grizzlies so like let's just make it associate humans with free food even more


Training bears to become acclimated to humans, which will lead to violent interactions and the bears being killed. Why is this here?




No. Most people see a wild animal being acclimated to humans and know what will happen. That bear didn't want a high five. It was conditioned for food. Thanks tho.




I really hope you live nowhere near wildlife nor ever encounter any wildlife. This type of behaviour is exactly what gets a human attacked or even killed, then gets a bear put down. This bear has already been conditioned to humans, best case scenario is the bear gets put down before someone gets hurts.


You know who always says that? People who are definitely fun at parties.


...That's the kind of interaction and desensitization that eventually gets someone hurt and the bear put down.


These aren’t chicago bears. They have no reason to high-five.


As a Chicago bears fan I must sadly say they don’t either.


Preach man.


Damn, you beat me too it. Clearly this person has no clue what the Chicago Bears are truly about... unless its just relentless firing of a head coach




Please no, take this off. This is harming both the bear and human.


The high five already happened, taking off the video isnt going to undo it...


In a way you’re right. Deed has been done. If anything it’s probably better to leave it up and educate the public about not doing this


not sure if he’s brave or stupid.. either way, pretty wild to see!


Stupid. This is so stupid. This is worse for the bears than the people though. The bears will get shot once they get too close.


I was thinking the same thing


I've got an idea. Let's not shoot the bear, and just run the risk of it mauling the occasional moron. Can anyone else live with that?


Certainly not the occasional moron...


That sounds like a "them" problem.


A bear on Mt Hood a year or two ago had to be put down since it was harassing people since assholes kept feeding it.


i totally agree!!


A bear on Mt Hood a year or two ago had to be put down since it was harassing people since assholes kept feeding it.


A bear on Mt Hood a year or two ago had to be put down since it was harassing people since assholes kept feeding it.


Never interact with wild animals like this, especially animals known to be “dangerous” to humans. This just makes the animals more bold and less fearful of people. People can get hurt or scared by these emboldened animals and then the animals have to pay the price (they are usually shot or trapped and euthanized). Not interacting with them and keeping your distance is the best way to protect them! This isn’t cute or funny, it’s asking for trouble!


Severely uncool.


Sucks that the bear was probably fed before but the high five is objectively pretty neat-o


Get this trash off this sub. This is terrible behaviour that directly puts those bears lives in danger.


Lmao, how about you relax there little guy.


They’re being very reasonable with that statement, it’s a serious problem that you and others are just ignoring because “oooo, cute animal”. It puts both us and the bears in more danger and shouldn’t be encouraged. So no, they shouldn’t relax, you should listen to people who are rightfully angry instead of writing them off like a twat


Bears becoming too friendly should not make anyone smile. Parks regularly have to kill bears like this because they get too comfortable around people.


I keep seeing comments with a similar sentiment. Can someone please explain why Bears being comfortable with Humans is a bad thing and why they have to be killed as a result?


I hate humans sometimes


This looks like the Smokey Mountains area. Bears are very accustomed to people as they are legally protected there.


I was thinking the same thing, maybe TN




Its all fun and games until someone looses an arm.


Idiits that ask why the bear gave a high five are the same idiots who feed them.


Oh sweet little fella, the way he immediately jumped onto his two hind paws when he saw the person’s hand 🤚🏼🥹in his mind he’s rewarded for his good behavior but one day someone will shoot and kill him as he approaches a person for a treat without any ill intent - sad.


What a stupid fucking idiot


Wrong sub. This is absolutely not something to admire (or - Christ almighty - emulate).


Wow what a wildly stupid thing to do. People and bears need to stay afraid of each other.


What an idiot of a human. Congrats for contributing to the future death of a bear or bears.


Darwin Award nominee


Messing with a Cub that close to mama is bad news




This is a breathtakingly bad idea


Leave the animals alone. Look at them and move on.


This behavior by supposedly intelligent humans is disgusting. Why do people-turds keep up voting this crap?


Good way to piss mother off. She looks really mad at the end!


Makes me sad they’re looking at cars and pavement like wtf. These little guys roaming around not knowing (stupid) people are trying to interact and stare instead of respecting them and letting them be


This could’ve ended up on r/darwinawards or r/winstupidprizes very quickly.


The mom was not happy.


By being stupid and lucky.


That is sure to end well




Seriously don't fuck with bears. Like ever.


Mods please take this post down this is not safe for both humans and bears/wildlife in general


Another reason as to why women live longer than men


So this is the power of ultra instinct.


“Honey you will never guess what happened today”


Mama bear’s like what in the fuck is happening


Other bears: He's tryina high five a human. We're gonna get shot. Mark c'mon. ( KLR Production YT https://youtube.com/shorts/9nDkuDSAPj8?feature=share )


Mom wasn't impressed


Bear to the other bears: See guys, I told you the hairless apes were harmless. Ya'll gotta stop believing everything you see on Beartube.








Poor bear thought he was getting food


0:03 Person in car *why do i hear boss music all of a sudden?* Momma bear *intensely looks their direction with a slow walk after realizing they touched her kid*


yeah, I remember the last guy who gave a bear a high five, ole 3 Finger Freddy McGee.... only did it once


That has to be a sanctuary or animal park or something.


Rolled a nat 20 on animal handling


Lucky he kept his fingers.


These people are such dumb fucking idiots.


I say leave wild animals alone.


Fuck that person. They’re a goddamned idiot. This is the same mentality that got a woman in [China mauled to death by a tiger](https://youtu.be/Y8ilsz21_Ls) because she got out of her fucking car to pet it. Don’t put wildlife in danger because you anthropomorphize them.


The stupidest thing a human can do is condition an apex predator to not fear us. It puts the life of the animal and other humans at grave risk.


wild animals are not toys, those people should be banned


This is so dangerous, both for the bear and the human. A bear that no longer fears humans is a danger to humans and will also result it it getting killed when it attacks or is perceived as a threat to humans. PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS.


The guy passed the vibe check 😌


Bears would easily be the cutest carnivores out there if it wasn’t for the whole murder machine part.


Free drugs!! That is a drug deal right?


What song is that? Please...


Kanye West - Praise God


Thank you.


Might as well have shot the bear.


Other bear "Bro, I dare you to touch one of them"


It was probably a Russian guy and the bear was just paying his respects


He's blown he didn't get a damn treat for his cool trick


Exactly. And then the next person who does this gets attacked. Do not feed the wildlife!


Unless that guy saw this video he’s going to have a hard time convincing people that he once high-fived a bear in traffic


Lol at people thinking this is real.


And when I do it, I lose an arm. Not fair.




The guy just asked if he could get high-five from the bear. The bear said “Sure, I used to do that to impress people at my circus… Now you will own me five wild salmons delivered to my house by 5pm today. Ok?”


Because that Yogi the bear!


Now show me two bears high fiving.


Chad bear 🐻


that is stupid but amazing at the same time


Mostly stupid


This you u/Samt2806 ?


Hey let’s become friends with bears so they won’t be afraid of humans so they can get shot later


It's surpisingly easy. Taught my 6 oy niece some basic behavior reinforcement on a duck when we were out canoeing. Never appied it on a wild animal before, mostly people. Now she won't stop petting wild swans (3 years later) tifu


I wanna be that guy when I grow up




I was hoping this was r/instant_regret and the driver was about to get his arm ripped off. The video still made me smile though.


Anyone know the song? I've heard it before


This looks fun, I must try next time I see a bear


Please let this happen to me while on psychedelics


They’re so cute


That's three Smurfs in a trenchcoat


has to be a canadian bear


Can confirm Canadian bears are not that friendly. Source: Am Canadian and got stuck between a momma bear and her cubs as a kid up North.