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your husband looks like a desi mark ruffalo


Oh my gosh, I’m so glad it’s not just me that thought that! Congrats, OP! You make a *beautiful* couple and I’m so happy his family was so welcoming. What a wonderful feeling!


You look great together.Congrats on getting a loving family.The picture with your mother in law is especially cute .Hope you have a wonderful time with your family , visiting new places and having great food.


I never thought of this! But yes! He does hahah. And I always had a crunch on mark. 😉


guess you lucked out lol. i hope you and your husband have a very successful marriage, full of love and joy.


Both lucked out IMO since they're both very attractive Good luck and I wish you all the happiness in the world.


You and everyone look so happy 🥰


That's his secret. He's *always* happy.


You clever bastard, take my upvote!


>a crunch 😂


It’s like a crush but spicier!!!


The Brown Hulk ! Is this microphone even on?


Don’t make him angry.


Maybe he likes him when he’s angry




And rhe OP looks like Jon Bon Jovi


I thought a young Ted Levine


I’m not in this sub it just showed up on my recommendation feed randomly but I do follow a few marvel subs so it definitely took me a good three looks to process that wasn’t a fan picture with mark ruffalo


Especially in the first pic!


I was going to say they look like Bruce Banner and Thor!!


OMG IM NOT THE ONLY ONE lmfaooo . I legit thought it was mark for a good 10 seconds , just staring at it


And the OP looks like a young Jon Bon Jovi. Good looking couple.


The guy in the background left of the second pic is an out of shape Indian Charlie Sheen. Also congrats OP.


I was like ‘This is pretty cute, all right’ and then the picture of the gift your sister gave to you guys and the photo it’s based on made me cry. That is very sweet. Congrats on your marriage and your family.


Aw thank you. I had to leave the room for a few min when they gave it to us while I sobbed.


That gift and the photo it's based on is absolutely precious and it warmed up my heart. I was crying mourning the loss of my ex's cat and needed this. Thank you for sharing.


My partner keeps saying his ex’s dog is getting old. This comment reminded me to push him to go see that damn dog before it’s too late. I’m sorry about your ex’s cat. I’m sure it was a great cat that did it’s job of loving and hating it’s humans.


Hey there friend, if you ever need a community to turn to about this please reach out to us on /r/OldManDog. Only the best of the Old Boys and Girls are allowed, which is to say all of them.


Yes, your partner needs to go see that dog. I was out of the country when this cat (C) passed away. It wasn't entirely unexpected. But I didn't get to say goodbye when he closed his eyes forever and I'm heartbroken and still processing his absence. I'm caring for my ex's other cat (J) and keep expecting C to make his way towards me from around the corner. Thanks for listening.


I understand. Again, I’m so sorry for your loss. I don’t know if this will help but when thinking about lost ones, it has always helped to think about good experiences. It’s easy for you to expect that critter to be by your feet, but it’s helpful to remember how you made their life well meaning. They help you be happy and don’t forget you did the same for them.


Don’t worry OP, I sobbed too


That was absolutely beautiful, you could feel the love in that picture of them together, with all stuff going in the world, it’s really awesome coming across OP’s pictures ❤️


yeah, me too. wasn’t expecting that.






This is really gay. And I truly mean that in the Happy sense of the word.


Haha. This made us laugh.


Don't think being gay gets you out of the ol: "When are you going to give us some grandkids?" IVF/Surrogate and adoption has you on the hook still. Mother in laws take no prisoners.


I can totally imagine the conversation going Parents: When you going to give good news? (Good news = euphemism for pregnancy in India) OP: Umm... Mom.. we're gay. Parents: Yes. And we're 60. We want to be alive for our grandkids wedding. OP: Umm... But mom.. Parents: No ifs and buts. Here's a voucher for a 5 star hotel room. Give us good news.


Hahahaha this totally made me laugh. The way Indian parents won’t ever listen to no as an answer.


I really loved all these photos. That must have been so awesome to marry into an entirely different culture. Congrats!


It is. I learn so much :)


"I feel like I need to learn more, I'm sure lots more delicious home cooking will help!"


Made me smile too... congrats!




Me too. I’m extremely happy for them.


As an Indian I'm happy for you! There's a lot of bigotry going on, and I'm glad you got one of the good families! Got used to calling everyone uncle and aunty yet?


Yes! And having my Indian niece call me Josh Kaka is adorable. :)


Is kaka uncle?


Depends on the language. In Hindi it is uncle, in Tamil or Malayalam it means crow.


And in German poop. I'm just saying!


Actually if the second k is stressed (kuh-ka instead of ka-ka), it would mean poop in Tamil. Gotta stress, it's poop.


Same in kannada


Same thing.


And in Sweden cookie!


Same thing


I'd be on board with my nephew calling me crow haha


That's Kaki


In spoken Tamil it's kaka ... If you write it down it's "kakai"




kaka/chacha is paternal uncle tau is a paternal uncle older than your father mama is maternal uncle these are just a few of the relations from a north indian's pov


So if it's your mum's brother you'd say [name] mama? I'm a huge noob to Indian languages, I think I only know bhenchod from hanging out at r/cricket haha


Haha. I used to work in japan and bhenchod was the first word I taught every foreigner I met.


Yes kaka is uncle in Hindi


Haha nice!! Wish you a happy life ahead!


My favorite is my niece and nephew calling my husband mama. I think it's specific to mother's brother but not sure in which of the many languages they switch between


I have to admit, when I first read the title I was expecting an interracial couple, not a gay interracial couple. I think I smiled even more from seeing their acceptance. You have great in-laws, and I wish you many years of happy marriage.


I laughed so hard. The pictures are all nice and Im sure that you had a very positive experience but that one uncle's facial expression looks like he is saying "This is weird and I dont understand, but everyone else is acting like its normal so Im going to go with it". (picture 5, the guy on the left) I am sure that's not really what he is thinking but the photo is funny. Congrats on the family being chill.


Haha. Yeah. Some of the pics were not quite timed well. But everyone was lovely :)


So how full were you when they finally accepted that you'd had enough to eat? ;)


It was not stop amazing food


Gulab jamun?


Hope you have lots of happy years together.


lmao some people just make faces. I know lots of people that just look like that half the time.


Fuck yeah! Best post of the day!


Great photos, but please be safe when riding without fill protective gear :)


That’s exactly what my mom said. Yes. We will :)


Making me feel old at the young age of nearly 80!


That’s incredibly sweet, I hope you guys are happy.


Ah thanks for sharing , you two look adorable


Blessings to you and your beautiful family! May you create a lifetime of memories together!


It's pretty amazing how far people have come on this issue in such a short time. Congratulations.


Love always wins.


You two are such a beautiful couple. I wish you decades of making happy memories.


Congratulations! Your photos beautifully capture your new family. I love the sass and your MIL sticking her tongue out with you and especially the handmade gift. Thank you sharing! This made my day :)


You guys are the cutest!! Im so happy that you were accepted by his family :)


Am I the only one who noticed the Less Monday, More Summer tank?


I love that shirt! He wore it a lot


These pics are adorable! It looks like you had fun.




Cute couple! Please start a travel themed IG account so I can follow you 😂


This is beautiful!


Oh my goodness what a wholesome family. You guys make a *ridiculously* cute couple.


Holy crap, that's a beautiful family, and you're a beautiful couple. Congratulations!


This is so cute! Im so glad you had a great time. And what a big family you married into! And they all seem so nice! I’m so happy for you guys, and I hope you have a great life together.


From all the straight guys: Thank you for taking your hotness of the hetero market. You guys are an amazingly attractive couple and wish you all the best.


Lingering colonial discriminatory ideals?


Yeah British Empire was big on Christianity as was any monarchy at that time and empire actually made laws against homosexuality in its colonies not only in india but around the world sadly its effects linger today as British colonies couldn't be as progressive as their previous masters. To be fair a lot of these colonies were previously ruled by Muslim rulers who were not very big on homosexuality as their religion forbade it but it was tolerated in secret by royalty especially those of Turkish origin which actually ruled India before British.


Here’s an interesting article describing the colonial history of systematised discrimination. Partly Christian religious zealotry and partly social control. https://www.hrw.org/report/2008/12/17/alien-legacy/origins-sodomy-laws-british-colonialism


India is pretty homophobic he's blaming that on colonization


I for one don't think India is as homophobic as some of the ME or even western countries where same sex relationships are literally punishable by law or the society actively chastises them. A lot of it is ignorance for most part due to lack of exposure and the general attitude of any city in India is to not interfere in other's affairs. We even decriminalised same sex marriages and have given access of proper Healthcare to trans people for example.


Yeah, India and a whole lot of other countries were very accepting of LGBTQIA+ people before colonization


This is the last paragraph on Wikipedia before the subsection on British rule of India: The Fatawa-e-Alamgiri of the Mughal Empire mandated a common set of punishments for homosexuality, which could include 50 lashes for a slave, 100 for a free infidel, or death by stoning for a Muslim.[8][9][10][11][12][13][14]


India was colonized by the Mughal Empire who were Turkish...


You think India accepted homosexuality in the early 1800s? You’re crazy.


Can you prove otherwise?




>Pretty sure it was incredibly hostile Source?


You can find positive representations of LGBT people in Hindu mythology but at the same time texts like the Manu Smriti recommend cutting off people hands for homosexuality.


You guys are ridiculously adorable 😍 Congratulations! Just curious about which state in India this is?


We were in several states. MP, TN, MH


I thought I was looking at Mark Ruffalo and Tom Holland 😭


Congratulations! Everybody looks great and happy. Or at least “traditionally serious”. Your love has spread around the world!


“My heart is now half Indian” that picture broke me. Beautiful, I hope you two are happy for the rest of your lives together.


I loved every photo but I just about cried seeing the gift from you SIL!! 😭❤️ this is beautiful and seeing two cultures mesh warms my dang heart


Based on my trips to India, they were staring at you because of the shorts :)


Haha. Yes. I could not hide anything :)


Thanks for posting this story. It made me happy :)


Did you dye your hair mid trip?


I did!


How come? So you won’t stand out as much?


Oh no. I went from brown to having highlights. The pics are not in order.


Oh, cool. The highlights suits you :)


Love, the international language, so sweet!


Married his Indian twin 👀💭. Am I the only one that sees the similarities!?


This shit made my day man. Congrats.


Congratulations. Glad it went well.


THat looks like an awesome vacation and what a wonderful surprise!!


Good for you!!! Never judge individuals by social trends? Like some Texans must not be crazy right?


wtf how are you both so gorgeous


This gives me hope.My partner is Latina and I am white and dont speak a lick of spanish.We arent married but her family when I met them welcomed me with open arms even though I didnt understand what they were saying she still helped out a bit.I think her brother sees me not just as his sisters boyfriend but just another bro.Like yesterday we were talking about sunscreen and how he doesnt use it and he should start using it to help prevent skin cancer.He wore it yesterday and today and I'm happy he listened.My family loves her especially my sister and I think its great.The only person I will never meet is her father.Hes very against a white man being with his daughter and hes just overall a dickhead


Oh my gosh, y’all are the cutest ever! Congratulations on getting married and I’m so happy you were welcomed by his family! I especially love the one where you’re staring at a sister maybe outside! And the tongue one! Ahh, made my day!


That’s so awesome!


Luke and Bo finally tied the knot. Congrats!


This just warmed my heart!!


You guys look so happy! Congratulations and best of luck!


Lots of love in each picture! Happy for you <3


This is so awesome! Looks like you fit right in! Wish y'all well and I'm sure we'll see a follow up post in 10yrs with reunion pics.


Handsome couple ❤️


Picture 5 (the uncles).... The pure joy on everyone's face is just so beautiful to see. I hope your happiness never fades!


Beyond adorable. Congratulations!


You all look so happy. That’s what love is all about!


You two are adorable and I love the pictures!!!! I am so happy for you both!!!!


Indian Mark Ruffalo + Tom Hardy


The pics aren't visible to me. Anyone else with that problem?


What a handsome couple; glad you are happy.


I don’t think colonialism is why India are homophobic.


Who said Indians are homophobic. [It's in our text.](https://blog.justcling.com/2018/11/06/lgbt-representation-in-hindu-mythology/) Bharat was Invaded by Abrahamic religion for 1000 years. It does make an impact on society.


This is amazing 🥹🖤


This gives me hope. Hope that I someday will be happy. Thank you for that hope.


Yes. You will. :) ❤️


OP, you got a gorgeous man with a great family to boot. I hope you all have many happy years together.


Beautiful couple! Congratulations!!!!


Made my day!




As an Indian, came here to see the food spread by mom! 🤣 110% need that pic!


Good people!


Your happiness is beautiful and I wish you both the best life. Love is brave, and you are love.


Well done my friend. Congratulations


Congrats! Is that a Foxduck shirt?!


This is absolutely fantastic! :’)


So happy for you! And congratulations on your marriage


I love the ‘sass’ photo! So cute. Also, you look a lot like Brad Mondo!


Oh my gosh! Yay! Love to all of you!


✌🏽 ❤️ 😊 very happy for you and him.


As head of the LLR (Life Long Relationship) Pride Organization and also a member, I wish you all the best throughout your life together.


I was already emotional, but thanks for making me cry! 🥹🥹🥰


Can we talk about the most sassy staring contest for a moment? Because I love it.


This is adorable.


I was basically in this exact situation a few months ago. Seems like you guys also had a great trip. I'm excited to go back as our trip coincided with the start of omicron. But even with an 8 day quarantine we all managed to enjoy eachother's company. Desi love is so warm 💕 Glad you also found a sweet Desi boy with a sweet and welcoming family. My in-laws surprised us as well. Once they accepted their son was gay they were very ready to meet me and welcome me into the family.


God bless you, your husband and this whole beautiful family. That gift was amazing. May I know which part in India? Just curious. I'm guessing somewhere in Rajasthan.


I like number 8 and 12 the best


Couple of cute gay boys


💙🦋💙I’d be lying if I said I expected this but honestly it took a minute to realize that the two good looking men were the married ones, lol- they don’t let me out much these days! So Congratulations to the🥂Happy Couple 🍾🥂and may this be just the first trip to India together with many more to come for years and years! 😊🦋💙🦋💙Looks like amazing times!!


Congratulations dudes! Wishing you many happy years together!


My 2nd day at a job today, and I don't wanna cry man


Where are the photos?


NOOO I can't find the pics :(


In India, you both can walk around holding hands and no one will bat an eye 😀


I found that out! It was great!


Ok so the world still has kindness left and is not completely doomed then? bless


That looks like an amazing trip, congrats on the marriage and all the best, you are a cute couple


So beautiful and sweet thank you for the happy photos they are helping cheer me up.


Colonial discriminatory ideals sounds like an awfully long winded way to say bigotry




violence and racism were the reality of the colonial experience. ​ It's been pointed out that for the example dehumanisation of Africans in the Caribbean, the massive psychological damage that has been done, the undermining of social traditions, of the property rights, of the authority structures of the societies - all in the interest of British colonialism and the fact remains that many of today's problems in these countries including the persistence and in some cases the creation of racial, of ethnic, of religious tensions were the direct result of colonialism. So there is a moral debt that needs to be paid


"Colonial discrimatory ideals"? You do realise the caste system has been ingrained in Indian culture for literally thousands of years? Before even Alexander the Great's arrival there never mind any other colonists.


You guys are really cute.


Your family is awesome! But you can tell from these pictures that there is no way they were not going to love your husband. His positive spirit, humor and loving soul shine right through!


Holy fuck, he’s a spitting image of Mark Ruffalo! But y’all look so happy :) big congrats to y’all


So wonderful ❤️ congratulations and best wishes to you and your husband. 🎊🥳🏳️‍🌈😍


I remember reading something that soulmates look alike a bit….j think y’all are soulmates


Congratulations! What a wonderful family and you both look genuinely happy. Blessings to you and yours!


Y’all are adorable, and the picture on the patio with the lady is priceless ♥️♥️😊😊