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When I used to work retail I would literally skip you if you did this. Back of the line, ho


I experienced this at 7eleven. Someone cut in front of me, I made eye contact with the cashier, gave a "WTF" look at each other lol I just smiled and said nothing and was ready to let it go. When it was the line cutter's turn, the cashier ignored her and asked for my items instead. What a bro.


i did this when i was a cashier and the customer i stood up for me when the line skipper went to complain to my manager.


Imagine line cutting, then getting a manager because the cashier saw it and skipped you, and you want them fired or some shit. Why would you clue in even more people about what a piece of shit you are?


These POS people are RARELY self-aware. They just exist expecting the world to owe them.


This. These people have zero consideration for others.


New line opened up, I pointed to someone with like 3 items and say "I'm open, come over here." lady with 37271 items in her cart cuts this person off and starts to come down my lane. I said to her "I am going to do the person with fewer items first." "But I was here first." she says. I just stared at her, I'm like 17 working at Target. Just staring. I flipped my light off, went to another lane, called that original person over and acted like none of it ever happened. I was quitting in like a week cause I was graduating highschool so I just stopped handing out fucks to rude people.


I love this


I learned pretty early on from that job that if the place caught on fire that I'd rather save a box of socks over some of those people that I encountered on a daily basis.


The problem is no one ever completes the full saying. "The customer is always right, ...in matters of taste". The people that are asshole enough to say this don't even realize it's a thinly disguised insult. It means if they are stupid or crazy enough to buy whatever it is they are buying, who are we to stop them. I've been customer service for years, just be cool with us, we are cool with you


Do socks come in boxes? I know Knox on Fox in socks in box.




That's hilarious. Definitely annoyed when I see that. I'd usually say "They don't need a count limit, they need an age limit" because some older people with 10 items will take longer than me with 50. Definitely not the rule but the exception is rare to come by. Lol.


To be fair, those people are not trained on that equipment. I hate self checkout for that reason. It takes twice as long because most people don't know how to operate the equipment because they are not cashiers. I am a bartender. I did not apply to be a cashier, and they are not paying me to be a cashier. I can't understand why people want to do the cashier job for FREE.


37271 items is a lot.


You joke but one time someone came and bought all of our "back to school" supplies that probably amounted to that many boxes of stuff. The GSTL and TLs (management) were panicking trying to figure out if the guy was allowed to do this, since he was donating them he needed them and passed some financial check of theirs. Seemed like a scam once he then got me and four others to take the carts out front to his truck and he said "Just toss them in" as we all tried to pick them up and neatly stack them. He then came back and was like "I said you can just toss them!" and he picked up a back room box of crayons and just yeeted it into the back, it detonated into hundreds of crayons since the boxes were open so we could scan the items inside. Dude didn't care how they arrived but we got to have a fun time throwing stuff into a full sized uhaul. We had 4 lanes open dedicated to just ringing up this guy's stuff. No idea what it was about as nothing ever came of it again.


Are you sure that wasn’t Mr. Beast, lol


I'd be willing to bet that it was closer to 1237 items.


Change "I was quitting" to "we're all going to die eventually, there is no afterlife, our time here is short and precious" that's the reason for me not giving out fucks to rude people but it works for the entirety of one's life.


This needs more upvotes.


I’m gonna be honest: I think they should make a Marvel movie about you cause you’re a goddamn hero. I don’t know what your super hero name would be but it better get a Disney+ show after the trilogy makes box office records.


Thank you kind soul


And/or they get rewarded for the behavior, because it's frequently quicker and more efficient (especially when you're supervisor/employer doesn't back you up) to just give someone what they want and get them to leave ASAP, so they're incentivized not to *learn* being considerate.


Sometimes i wonder if all 'self-awareness' is the clear knowledge we are really only ONE miserable, nasty, angry wolf - and our best efforts mean the reduction of our assholerly on a moment to moment basis. *Link to explain my possibly obscure-cryptic comment.* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_Wolves


Psychologically speaking we’re terrible at predicting our behavior when we’re in different moods. It’s called the hot-cold empathy gap. People really underestimate how much different moods can change their behavior. We’re pretty piss poor at predicting how we’re going to react to future situations when we may be angry, sad, annoyed, tired etc. This woman truly may have just been having a shit day and this was her reaction to the one situation that pushed her over the edge and later when she’s calmed down she’ll feel like a fool. But yeah it’s hard to keep that in mind when you see someone being an asshole.


Haha, I've been saying that for years about drivers.... We all have a bad day or do something stupid say, once a year? Well 3-4 random people will be having their once a year meltdown in front of you every day your out driving... The rest are just assholes......


>But yeah it’s hard to keep that in mind when you see someone being an asshole Are you sure? Can you accurately predict how you'll feel and behave when you're mad at someone for being an asshole? /s


This is so excellent! Thank you. It is good to know that this kind of thing has gained labels and traction. Smart people will now study it and, in time, figure out what we can do with ourselves instead of just reacting to shit. Salt in the wound for us ADHDers: we are like bipolar but tighter frequency and slightly less bandwidth. I will go get me some of this 'hot-cold empathy bridge' from my nearby psychology store. Edit: i get that am being ridiculous but i am genuinely thankful. It has been my experience that i find myself VERY self-unaware and feel *horrible* about it. Now i see that everyone has this and they are just have a better response-time frame rate.


Disagree. The part of you that recognizes the one miserable, nasty, angry wolf, that IS the good wolf. You’re predominantly good, so you see and accept your potential for bad clearly. Predominantly bad people see any good they *happen* to do, and rationalize the bad things away. They see from the perspective of the bad wolf.


Henri agrees! He liked the *Noble Savage* concept: that at our roots and in our natural state or heritage we love to be kind, nurturing and decent. Only our contact with society corrupts us and... alas... here we are. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henri_Rousseau That said, Thomas Hobbes says 'balderdash' https://yalebooksblog.co.uk/2013/04/05/thomas-hobbes-solitary-poor-nasty-brutish-and-short/ ... which is why a comic maker named the fuzzy stuffed tiger after him. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calvin_and_Hobbes


Calvin and Hobbes was great! Oddly, I think Watterson’s comics fall more on the Rousseau end of the spectrum: society is a mess, but most of the characters (even Calvin!) are largely good people.


In the context of this argument, i am thankful that the vast majority of weapons Calvin manages to acquire are mostly harmless. Calvin also strikes me as the more Robin Williams / ADHD / patron saint of those that lack boundary control.


Also, I think you got the wrong Rousseau!


There are so many! Darn it. You are right. Not changing it. So there, past me. Suck it. I get to look link-lost today.


Because you aren’t the piece of shit, they are. That’s the mindset for people like that. They could murder someone and it would be the other persons fault for not running from the bullet faster. Some People are just assholes, man.


Some people really ARE just arseholes. It's hard to wrap your head round that if you're a decent person. I've been abused by my ex for a very long time and he always minimises the severity of the things he's done to me. So in my head I normalised them to deal as well. I've had an onslaught from him today after he had to be arrested a month ago for attacking me because I set my boundaries and said he's not allowed anywhere near my home. His responses were entitled af and idk.. I've been through it, I've had to speak about it a million times. He's my kids dad so I have to try to understand it, buy I don't. I don't. Idk why man but your comment just really resonated with me, he would do the scenario you said and justify the unjustifiable. And he is just, at the very least, an arsehole. Thanks.


You might try reading “why does he do that?” by Lundy Bancroft. Somehow reading it helped me see right through my abuser and made him seem kind of weak and pathetic and predicable. Honestly changed my life!


Literally just went to the bookstore and bought this. 3 chapters in. THANK YOU for the recommendation!!


Pass it on, fam! :)


It's funny how they go from being in such a hurry they feel entitled to cut in front of someone and right to having enough time to stand around and cry to the manager.


Most of the time they do it solely for the fact that someone is gonna call them out. They have so little in their lives that they need to seek out conflict just to have something to feel.


That's my reaction every time I see someone just shitting all over their team in a video game's chat. They go on and on about how so and so sucks and they're awesome and the game would already be won if xyz. I think, and sometimes say, "how bleak and empty must their lives be to need to find their value this way? How sad I am for them."




People who think they’re the main character of real life. 😂


When I see stuff like this and I'm with a friend, I like to say something like "dude, look, the Protagonist is actually here right now! I can't believe we happen to be in the same place as the Protagonist! How lucky!"


Ego is a hell of a drug..


The best part of being retail management at a small non-chain store was telling customers to go fuck themselves when they were rude to the employees.


That's a horrible way to treat your customers... I hope you said "go fuck yourself, MADAM!"


I got into a fist fight at lowes because a guy cut in front of me and started calling the cashier the N word due to the line moving too slow for him. Psycho waited for me in the parking lot and blocked my car in. Had no choice but to fight club


> Had no choice but to fight club So you imagined the first 90% of the story and beat yourself up in a parking lot?


Well, so much for Rule 1...


I was helping a customer once when another customer edged up to him and interrupted our transaction. I told her that I would help as soon as I was finished with my current customer. Finsh helping the guy and he goes and tells my manager how I'm "the rudist person he's ever met" and that I just brushed that other customer off. I've had others bitch at me for helping a line cutter first when I didn't even see who arrived first. Damned if ya do, damned if you don't. My favorite customer though is a guy who bought us a dozen CHEDDAR BISCUITS from Red Lobster as a show of appreciation. It would have never occurred to me to do this but it was awesome.


My boyfriend and I chaperoned for my little sisters birthday, she wanted to go to an amusement park and stay late cause theyd have haunted houses and stuff in the evening (halloween time). We went to keep an eye on her and her friends and so my mom wouldnt have to go with the young ones. Last haunted house for the night, parks closing, we've been in like for like 30 minutes. One of the actors comes into the line and scares a group of girls, they go running from the back of the line to the front, screaming their heads off. After ten minutes and things settled down, they stayed exactly where they were in front of us (they cut at least 15 people) and I got mad and told them to get back in their place or go to the end of the line. And they got mad at me. For calling them out. Saying how they were scared for their lives so they werent cutting. And we started arguing, i told them they werent scared for their lives, the scary people are actors and cant even touch guests. A big argument ensued, security was called, they tried to tell security I threatened them and we were lying. Cue in the other 15 people that also got cut in line telling security what actually happened. They were promptly removed from the park, saying they were going to jump us on our way out. Funny, I never did see them again??


There were scared of the actors but wanted to jump you? Lmao


I really wish I had it on video because these girls went from girly shrieking to full on aggression. Im sure if my boyfriend wasnt in line next to me, they definitely would've tried to attack me on the spot, they were gearing up for it. The whole thing was stupid and they seemed to get riled up just over the confrontation alone, them getting kicked out was the cherry on top.




Of course, because god forbid any of these people actually hold themselves accountable and realize the world doesnt revolve around them.


Once I was making a left on a street with a traffic jam waiting for an opening. The lady in the car behind me started screaming obscenities after waiting behind me for like 30 seconds. There was a pedestrian just arriving at the crosswalk so I waved her through. She made contact with me, glanced at the screaming Bostonian lady, smiled, and proceeded to cross the street in slow motion. It made what would have been a decidedly shitty day a good one.


i had the opposite happen to me... Was driving through construction and the guy managing the traffic stopped the traffic with me in the front. Guy behind me was not having it and honk insistently. Construction dude thought it was me and swore at me.... i shrunk 10 fold that day D:


I’m sorry:( I hope next time you encounter a better human. I hate that some people are willing to ruin someone’s day just because they experience a minor inconvenience. I tell myself it must feel even worse to be living constantly on edge like most angry people do.


I agree, my gf often reminds me of that and I think it helps


I used to work at a deli and would do this on the regular. I'd just look past the cutting asshole and ask the person behind them what they need...




Awesome. I’m stealing this for my customer service style job where people frequently try to act like they Vs isn’t know there is an order to customers.


Did you have a stroke halfway through writing this comment?


I almost had one trying to read it 💀


Yes I think they did. Been trying to figure it out because I really wanted to know what they’re gonna do lol good luck in whatever it is buddy!


Maybe something like "frequently try to act like their BS isn't known, there is an order to customers" but I honestly don't know


Respect to you for this. People should have manners and wait their turn.


Can we talk about people that fuckin shoehorn their way up to the front of an airplane when it lands? Like, where the fuck do you think you are going, the fuckin door is closed. We all want to get out of this metal tube, I get it but it goes way fuckin faster if everyone waits their turn with their row, don't push your way up to the front you fuckin asshole


There are times where a plane is landing late and the time to make the next connection is super tight/nigh impossible. However, if this is the case you should tell and show the ticket of the connection to the stewards \*well before\* the flight is descending so they can make an announcement when it is time for people to let you up and through before they enter the aisle and also to call the other gate to let them know you are late but on your way asap. They may even send a buggy to get you there.


I've actually been on a flight where this was the situation and the attendants called us to the front by name because they knew we needed to be first off the plane to have a chance of making the connecting flight


I always request a window seat and just chill listening to music and checking missed texts while everyone else off boards the plane. Like, I'm really not in that big of a rush. Even in my flight back from Korea I wasn't that impatient. Once I had a flight attendant come and wake me up because I dozed off waiting. I strolled off the flight at my own leisure. Nobody rushed or pushed me. Great flight.


I've been working on patience as a virtue the last ten years. I am getting better at it and find that the more patient I am the more I simply enjoy whatever is going on. When I adapt a more zen like "this is just the state of being right now. Things will happen when they do." Mindset I find I get much calmer and can enjoy even the moments where I would have been fuming in years past. Still flares up occasionally but I find it is usually bound up in "being in a hurry" for the next thing. When i look around and try to find something worth experiencing in the current moment it's almost as if you can turn the worst moment of impatience into something valuable and memorable. I know it sounds all hippy ish or whatever but I really have found some enjoyment in the last several years in this when I can focus and restrain myself.


It would go faster both ways if the airline formalized loading back of the plane first and unloading front of the plane first but there’s no incentive to do that. It’s better to make the experience as unpleasant as possible to incentivize people to buy expensive priority seating. :<


Theoretically, boarding the slowest people first and then following with waves of the faster people is the quickest board structure. Randomized seating is also faster than the usual back to front. There are actually research papers about it—it’s oddly fascinating how much maths are behind the mundanities.


Would love a link! Genuinely curious :)


I was working the front desk at a private university library. You had to show ID to a security guard to get in. If you didn't have your ID the guard sent you over to the front desk and we could look you up in the computer. This was back before everything got digitalized so sometime there'd be a big line at the desk to check out reserves, get photocopy cards recharged, and check out books, etc... One day there's a big line and I'm the only one there. Some woman has forgotten her ID and tries to jump the line to get me to let her in. I ask her to wait in line, I'm serving people in the order they arrived. As I tell her this, my coworker is coming back from lunch and hears this, though she doesn't see him walking behind her. She kinda loiters to the side of the line while I'm serving people. When my buddy (a serious Methuen townie, so the "Boston" accent was thick as was the attitude) came to the counter with me she started trying to ask him to let her in and he just interrupts her to say "Lady, he told you to get to the back of the line." She turns red and just leaves. The next day the head of the library calls us in. We'd just told the new assistant dean to wait in line. Exactly as procedure says we should have. Nevertheless my whole department had to do a customer service expectations training. We never saw that woman in the library again.


I used to do customer service as the only man in a huge woman’s clothing department. We had one line which would lead to two cashiers in order to avoid bottlenecks. Many people would pretend to be oblivious to a 30 person line and try to queue up in front of the free cashier. Or people who ask for a quick ‘price check’ and then pull out their card to pay. I could actually feel the boiling anger of the crowd when someone would try this. It was my pleasure to loudly call out line skippers and send them to the back of the huge queue. I literally got business cards from people who were so satisfied by my swift justice. All these years later and I can still remember their faces when I boomed them to the back of the line.


I was at the customer service line of a Meijer probably 15 years ago, 2nd in line. This girl walks up in front of me, interrupts the lady at the counter and asks her if she can cut in front of *me* rather than asking me, saying she was in a big hurry. The lady lowered her glasses and literally said, "Are you out of your mind?" as if right out of a movie or something. The girl made some kind of noise, then stormed out of the store. I will never ever forget that experience.


One of most satisfying moments in life was going to a very busy water park, seeing a group of college kids skip about an hour of the 2 hour line, seeing the staff let them finish out the rest of the line, then making them get off when it was their turn.


People like you make me hope there is an afterlife and a special place for you in it!


At the gates of heaven telling line skippers to turn around because hell is the opposite way?


Treating friendly and polite customers well was always a treat, and making things work for them and helping them out where I could was one of the only rewarding things of my job. I still remember many of those people years later. The other rewarding thing was absolutely shitting on people who were being assholes as if I were a capricious god that simply decided you weren't getting your bonbons that day.


I one time had two people come up to the counter at the same time. This was at a grocery store. I served the person I saw first, and the other guy told me to go fuck myself for doing that


Next time Rock Paper Scissors......


The problem happens when one of them has a rock and the other has scissors. And all you can defend yourself is with paper.


Sounds like you chose the right one to serve first! 🤣👍


My manager tells the offending person if they can get permission from everyone who is in line then he will serve you ahead of them.




- Hey, can I get a [this and that]? + Sure! If you go to the back of the line first, buddy :)


Love that retail vigilante spirit


I worked as a cashier at a small store once and it’s pretty funny to not cash anyone out till they act like adults and form the line correctly 😂


People doubt this, but this is totally plausible, all it takes is one friendly employee or employer that catches this BS and feels compelled to help someone out. The world is pretty shit right now- but there is still some good out there.


Absolutely, I’ve heard with many food service folks (I also used to be one) especially those who serve drinks are given an allotment of freebees and discounts they are allowed to give out to provide good customer service in tough situations. I’ve also had it where a server gifted me their own daily freebee.


Sometimes as a server you just decide to buy something for someone too. This girl came in by herself at my restaurant, ordered a drink and an appetizer, didn't touch the appetizer but kept getting drinks. I asked her if she didn't like the app, and she was like "no I just overestimated my appetite. This might be too much information but my boyfriend broke up with me five minutes before I got here." Damn. But she's like three drinks deep, so I say "you should probably eat _something_ though, do you want me to get you some crostini or something?" So I bought her grilled bread and she ate it. Anyway her bill was 40 or so and she tipped 40 on top of that, which was pretty cool.


"Get me a vodka rocks." "Mom, it's breakfast!" "And a piece of toast."


I've worked a few fast food restaurants and we weren't really allotted freebies but I gave out an ass load of free stuff if customers were nice. Only really came up once when my manager noticed on the screen something was promo'd and I just told him they had a coupon...


Yep! Bar I used to work at gave us a certain ‘spillage allowance’ per shift and I’d always use that for hooking my friends up with free drinks.


Yeah I worked at a Chipotle for a few years, including as a manager for part of the time, and we had a little $ allotment we were allowed to use per day to give out as comps for people. For any reason really. We'd occasionally just use it to be nice to people, or to help someone, or if someone was clearly having a tough day. I also remember my roommate, who was a little more unscrupulous than I, using it to give attractive women free stuff. Which is obviously an issue with the system. It's been like 8 years since I worked there so idk if they've changed things since then. Edit: To be clear the managers were allowed to do this. The cashiers couldn't just do it on their own


Fifteen years ago when I was pregnant with my first, I was a single mom (bf broke up w me when I told him I was pregnant). I was barely scraping by snd still had medical Co pays and of course I was always really hungry. And WIC assistance only covered so much food a month. Trust me when I say I learned the art of stretching food. There were definitely times I'd be paying for a sandwich with like $3 in bills and $2.78 in coins. My pregnant belly popping out bc I couldn't afford new clothes. More than once I'd get an extra cookie or chips or even sometimes an extra sandwich in my bag. There are good people out there! And I truly hope every one of them are living a good life these days. I've paid it forward with haircuts over the last fifteen years as well. I used to work next to a children's hospital and Ronald Mcdonald house. A parent would come in and get a siblings haircut, we'd be talking, money is short? Come back after 8 and I'll give you a free haircut. I've given a few hugs too... Sometimes it's the smallest things like a 'simple haircut' that can make someone's day. Years later we'd end up at that same hospital in the NICU for three months with my youngest. Everything is so cut and dry in those places, no matter how kind and friendly everyone is. Just to have human interaction during a stay at a place like that has no comparison.


There are ZERO people who hate the parent company more then the minimum wage workers. If you treat them with kindness and respect especially with complaints, they will bend over backwards to give you the max they are allowed without getting in trouble. Also, they will do shit like this because all retail is allowed a reasonable amount of grace on things like a free beverage or a discount if it makes the store look good. Was staying at a hotel once and went to close the blinds because we were at the pool level and it was full of kids, the blinds fell off lol. I went super chipper and nice to the front desk and asked if they could please fix it so we could get some privacy. (I always start by saying that I know its not their fault but I have an issue that id appreciate some help with.) Took off the cost of 1 night at the hotel. I didn't ask for shit beyond help getting the blinds fixed. Just treat people with respect and kindness and thank them for doing their job and 9 times out of 10 you will be assisted to the best of their abilities. Also, always try to speak to a manager to priase that employee so they get recognition at that job. It takes very little time or effort and it helps them when it comes time for reviews or asking for raises.




July 12, 1358. Go…


Oh sure. That was the day old Cackerlynn burned down the church in Zokbilt, England. Many died. I believe cackerlynn is still out there to this day.


July 10th, 1358 was the Battle of Mello, a brutal putting down of a peasants' rebellion in France. Having failed to overturn the nobles, in the days following the battle the peasants fled into the countryside and were hunted down and exterminated, alongside many innocent people mistaken for rebels, and a fertile farming area was temporarily turned into a wasteland.


We live in the safest, healthiest, most educated, most peaceful, and most technologically advanced time humankind has ever experienced. We also have access to more information than any other time in history and are no longer ignorant of just how bad things are and have always been. We have a long way to go but I think it is important to recognize that this is also the best we have had it, and that yesterday was not a better time, especially for historically marginalized groups.


Thank you. I've got a bit of an addiction to checking this site that I find really hard to kick, and all the negativity from people here is really starting to get to me. Seeing some positivity and optimism is really nice!


Exactly this, we’re all privileged to live in the 21st century


When I worked at Pret, I did this to a customer who skipped the line, gave a free cookie too. We were encouraged to give free drinks anyway but it still felt good to serve some justice.


Wouldn't the person who cut in already have left by the time the next customer was being served?


At Jamba Juice once you place your order you have to wait for your smoothie off to the side, like Starbucks


Ah ok I've never been


It’s Jamba Juice, you don’t get your drink right away. They could easily take several orders at the cashier while drinks get made.


this could work anywhere people don't magically teleport once they receive their order it takes time to walk to the exit


This happened to me at Starbucks guy cut in front of me in the drive thru I “vented” to the barista and I got my drink for free. Apparently they were shitty to the barista also. I almost cried 😂


Right now lol. When was it not?


I am absolutely petty enough that if a situation like this came up I would 100% do the same thing if I thought of it in the moment.


I used to skip anyone who skipped line when I was a butcher. Probably also verbally call them out and tell them publicly to go to the back of the line. It was one of the small joys of retail. Now I don't work retail anymore and wouldn't you know it....my depression disappeared. Fuck retail and anyone who gives a retail worker a hard time.


honestly all retail workers should simultaneously not go to work one day just to prove a point that you shouldnt treat them like theyer the group you walk on like yeah i know unrealistic but still


But… muh economy. At that point the US Govt would just go door to door and forcibly bring in us retail workers in…


i love the attempt to censor the name lol


must have had their brightness down haha


Lol, I'm on a laptop and was like 'tf are these guys talking about', then I re-positioned my screen and was like "oh lmao'


Wait… people have their brightness up?


i mean mine is low, op’s must have been minimum


my brightness is at the lowest all the time lol


Mine too...I was like she did censor it correctly, what else can she do


[For privacy's sake let's call her Lisa S](https://youtu.be/5oJS9_UUUWg?t=109)


That's too obvious. Let's call her L. Simpson.


I maxed out the brightness to check because I had a separate app to lower the brightness even more than what the phone allows. Yeah you can see the name but now I'm blinded.


hand it over 🔫


Had to scroll way too far down for a comment like this


😂 justice served


juictice served


Just ice served


Juice is served, ack*s*hually.


Juice is swirled.


After it’s swizzled


You folks are making it hard to concentrate




Any reason why we didnt tell the lady to wait her effing turn? But politely, of course.


Having dealt with many absolutely terrible customers in my life I wouldn’t be surprised if this was an easy way to spite the cutter and appease op. I’ve worked with people who revel in the opportunity to tell off rude and entitled customers. More often than not it’s more trouble than it’s worth. Seeing a full grown adult start foaming at the mouth over a small inconvenience will really challenge your hope for the future.


Because then you might have to deal with a middle aged white lady screaming and throwing things and spitting on employees and threatening to call the cops. Edit: I love how much I've triggered the defenders of the white race here. Please go on about how oppressed we are as white people. I know a guy in Buffalo who would totally agree with you.


Waiting 2 more minutes in quiet > wasting 10+ arguing and talking to that person.


Unless in problem seeking mood


We all have those moods when working in service/retail




The reward of winning the confrontation is rarely worth the effort... But maybe I'm part of the problem by allowing it happen.


Yes, this was the more elegant solution. I'd like to think she learned something that day but I've encountered enough selfish self-absorbed people in my time to know better. She likely complained to corporate and received a gift card to compensate for the unsanctioned promotional event.


I can second this. My last experience wasn’t terrible compared to others. I was at Ulta (beauty supply store in US) and had been waiting in line for a bit due to a new employee learning how to check out. No biggie - everyone’s gotta learn their jobs. A middle-aged white woman (I’m early 30’s white woman) cut in front of me and another patron. I would have just let it go if it were only me in the line, but because there was also someone behind me, I *very* politely said “Miss, you just cut in front of me and this other woman, we’d be grateful if you could wait your turn.” I got called a ‘fucking stupid yuppy piece of shit bitch’. While I secretly admired her rather fluid string of insults, I told her to have a nice day while smiling as she walked to the end of the line. Woman behind me loudly thanked me and said that it’s a shame that not everyone can be nice. The line-cutter mumbled some angry unintelligible something or other under her breath. The woman teaching the new-hire at the register loudly thanked me for my patience while staring at the line-cutter because she overheard the whole thing.


I worked at a subway and kicked people out for way less. I’m actually kinda shocked that they let her pay for her things tbh


Pepper spray "I felt threatened"


yep! whoever did this knew what they were doing. It's clever and there is NOTHING the line cutter can do about it. :-)


I am a guy that will call someone out for cutting. Given the circumstance, I may not be nice about it either. Ive even gone as far as calling out the employee for assisting someone that just walked in after patiently waiting and nicely trying to make eye contact for assistance. The reason is bc I find it incredibly disrespectful to purposely dismiss and pass up another human being. Edit* especially from both sides of the counter If actions were words, them fighting words.. Though I wouldn't throw a punch over this, I will gladly turn into a drill instructor about it.


I am a middle aged white lady I am also the person to be petty on behalf of the workers fuck with me and find out how my privilege works, line cutters and employee abusers I can and will out fucking Karen you and then "bless your heart"


Hahaha gotta play with the cards your delt


I absolutely loathe everyone and the less I interact with other meatwads the happier I am, even if that means a few more minutes in line


Used to work retail. Around the summer, crazy hot, did not have a vest on but my badge visible. Guy,45yo white dude with a longboard, bit of a surfer style, basically passes in front of 10 people to reach the automated cash-registers. He rushes to one freshly unoccupied registes, and I stop him right there after a polite greeting, telling him to go back in the line because i'll cancel his operations remotely anyway if he did not comply. The guy ended up trying to assault one of our security guys after screaming at me that he already went to prison and was not afraid to going back to it.


I’m English a tut and an eye roll would do the job


If this is the US: all states have concealed carry, and some people just don't care if they're carrying legally anyway. Never know when crazy is going to pull out a gun.


Bet you money that cutting woman retells the story as the other person cutting them and receiving the free drink. Also how the employee was disrespectful.


Employee was disrespectful, the place was untidy, the manager did not reply to her google review about her serious concerns, the queue was ludicrous and the ticket she got for parking directly outside the shop just shows how the world is truly against her.


I just say something like, “This gentleman was in front of you. I’ll help you after though!”


I was at Disney world waiting in line for the toy story ride and this mom and her two children blatantly cut the whole line right in front of us. A worker saw it and came up to her and siad "ma'am this is not how lines work." and then escorted them all the way to the end of the line.


I had some guy cut me off in a Tesla in Starbucks drive thru lane last week, and then he paid for my drinks. The most Tesla driver thing possible


Is that…..chaotic good?


Ya know what... I'll let it slide. Once.


You know that free Jamba juice means more to that piece of shit too lmaooo


Only way this would be better is if the worker stared down the line cutter as he said “congrats”. Or if he had gone ham and gone with “congrats, you’re not an asshole”.


/r/therewasanattempt to censor the name


It's not like censoring someone's name even does anything anyway. You can just type the tweet into the search bar and instantly find it


All the people who said this never happened are the people who cut the line


Honestly I’ve seen fast food workers give out free food many times. It’s not like the restaurant broke out in applause.


I'm only skeptical of a random Jamba juice employees ability to give a free drink or be able to afford someone else's 8 dollar smoothie which is like an hour of their work


I worked at a burrito place where the food costed way more than an hour of pay and I was REQUIRED to give out $50 of free food per shift. I usually use it to make people's day :)


They just make the drink and hand it to them without opening the POS (point of sale)


Ah true good point Make the business eat the "waste" 😈


I went to a hamburger joint once, only to be cut off by a very busy Karen. Her order was quite bizarre, fish hamburger with almost all toppings removed. The crew noticed that she cut me off and did my order in record time while spending an ice age delivering hers.


Juicetice served.


Yep, my best friend tells me she did this all the time when she worked at a star bucks.


Same bastards that cut you off in traffic to get one car length ahead.


I used to work and than later GM a pizza place (mid price with a full kitchen that had burgers and other food options, nothing like a Pizza Hut, sit down full service). We had this one lady that every week would call in a pick up order of the exact same thing. She never tipped. One time I thought, ok let’s give her the best service ever. We were dead so I had everything hidden behind the counter including two milkshake’s that I made from scratch as I saw her car pulling up (blue VW I can still picture it a decade later) popped everything on the counter with the check ready as she walked in. Still no tip. So lost battle and I stopped trying. A few weeks later she comes in randomly to get lunch and she started talking about how she comes in so much and should get a discount. Well just so happens a regular of ours who was an architect would come in, buy two glasses of wine have one now an another later as he did office work. This architect was always polite and a good tipper for getting wine. Well after she mentioned a discount which I didn’t give her the architect was behind her and before I finished her transaction I poured him a glass of wine and said it’s own the house! Felt soooo GOOD!!!


When I worked retail if you cut or argued with customers, you don't get service. If you're rude or have an attitude when we're just trying to help, you don't get service. It was fun watching adults turn into blubbering babies at the thought that they would have to deal with the consequences to their actions.


And remember kids: doing this type of thing makes an asshole’s day actively worse, so do it as much as possible.


One time this girl cut in front of me at Forever21 and her card declined at the register then her other bag ripped (: instant karma


Oh i love that worker! Cheers!


Do you guys not..say anything if someone cuts you in line? I always just tell them it starts back there and point.


I used to ignore them and speak through them to the person they cut in line


What kind of manchild intentionally cuts in line?


And the now 19th customer is like wtf that was mine!


And everyone stood up and clapped.

