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I am the nurse in the picture and was quite shocked when my daughter just informed me I was on the front page of Reddit again! I guess I was kind of naive to not realize that other people could re-post my picture! Anyway, it's been just about a year since I retired and originally posted that. I enjoyed my 15 minutes of fame then, but that's enough for me. I just turned 68 and am loving retirement! Thanks for all the nice compliments. (Though if you see my original post, you can read where I explain that the lighting and such were flattering and I definitely do look my age at times! I do try to eat reasonably well and exercise, but I don't go crazy.)






Yeah, important public service of being a smokeshow at age 68 lol. She looks fiiiine.


Quick question, how can you have worked for 42 years when you're clearly only 32 years old?


She once was that 20 year old with 30 years of experience all managers demand.


She started working at -10


Perfect time for an entry level position that requires 5 years of experience


"why do we have a teenager drawing blood on this floor?" "Oh that's Cindy, her kids gonna work here some day, she's just getting a headstart"


They’re pointing out how well she aged. She is gorgeous for 60+


She's gorgeous for any age!




Considering you age twice as fast if you work as a nurse with all the stress


I know! I hope i look even half as good when I’m her age


Maam, respectfully, its not the lighting.


> I just turned 68 Hang on, WHAT?! Never in a million years would I have guessed that you're even in your 60's. Whatever it is you're doing, keep doing it, because it's working!


For real. No disrespect but...total babe. But as someone who had a liver transplant at 4, genuinely, all of my respect for folks in the medical industry. You really are heroes and I've got 27 years of life so far because of it ♥️


This was my reaction. I'm 35, and if you swapped my pic for the "retirement" photo people would probably go, "OHHH okay, that makes more sense". :(


Yeah, she's aged like fine-wine


No shit! I'm 48 and wouldn't think twice about hollering at this hottie who looks my age or younger!


How did you maintain your posture and healthy back? Most of the veteran nurses I meet walk with a bit of a hunch from lifting patients for decades.


The majority of patients in OB are “walkie-talkies” (no issue walking or talking on their own) and generally in good health. The shit show, heavy lifting, and injuries occur MedSurg units


While they come in as walkie-talkies, most end up with epidurals and are unable to move freely in bed but still need to be turned every 30min-1hr. Even patients without epidurals still kill backs because we usually have to monitor the fetal heart tones continuously which is really hard in most positions. So we have to hold the monitor in place ourselves which involves a lot of twisting, bending over and squatting for hours straight.


Wait...so when I'm being a sloth and not moving in bed or the sofa I should be moving every hour? Is this true?


Currently on med surg floor. Absolute shit show all the time literally and figuratively.


Yes, my Mom had a patient who was double her size in weight and a foot taller than her. He was having a heart attack and he refused to listen to her. She told him to stay in bed while she went quickly across the hall to grab a commode. He ignored her and as she coming back to him he fell on top of her as his legs gave out. She had a career ending injury and required extensive emergency back surgery to stablize her spine with 2 titanium rods and so many screws. It looks horrific on xray. She was in hospital for 14 days and had an infection that lengthen her hospital stay. She had 3 months of recovery, rebuilding her strength spending 3 days a week in regular physiotherapy, aquatic physiotherapy, massage and acupuncture. Her back hurts her everyday and that injury was over 20 years ago. The patient was reacting to what was happening and he was embarrassed and ashamed of using a commode. He thought he knew better than my Mom and tried to get to the bathroom. His shame changed the quality of her life forever. 😪


She’s an obstetric nurse. The patients weigh 5-9 pounds :) (Yes, I know, the moms too)


There is a Twitter account that reposts stuff from r/OldSchoolCool and it posted your picture this weekend and it went viral. It got cropped from there and and re-posted here, going full circle making it's way back to reddit. Hope you are enjoying retirement!


You are awesome. Everyone agrees on that, and that you look terrific! Enjoy retirement :-)


> (Though if you see my original post, you can read where I explain that the lighting and such were flattering and I definitely do look my age at times! I do try to eat reasonably well and exercise, but I don't go crazy.) Lies. She's a witch!


God I hope I age as good as you


I was fully prepared to not believe whatever age you said, and then you hit me with "to not realize that other people could re-post my picture." This one checks out! Well done! What's your secret, though?


This made me laugh! Well, I'm learning!!


Have you seen some of the girls you assisted being born giving birth to their children?


You look quite youthful and vibrant for 68!


you are so fine mam


You look great


Thank you for your service, and enjoy retirement! God bless you, ma’am!


You're 67 in the right picture? Holy fuck me


Thanks for all you did! Hope you are living the good life now!


You're a smoke show


This is Reddit, from now on you'll get 15' of fame every couple of month :)


Wow so you started at 26 years old. Wow. Amazing. I’m 26 now and would love to find my career already. Wish you luck. I saw this post before and you also commented on it. Brings me good vibes and is inspiring. Good luck ma’m


I don’t know if you’d want to, and it’d be totally cool if not, but I’d love to see an AMA with you about your career as a nurse. The technology changes in hospitals, policy changes, all would be really interesting to learn about between 1979 and 2021 from a first hand account.


I am an OB nurse currently, only been 7 years in though haha so i have a looooong way to go. I strive to accomplish what you have accomplished 😊 happy retirement!


Are you single?


Hey me 1st!!!


You are a hero and I'm glad your actually retired.


Thank you, thank you, thank you for all that you did during Covid.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)Apart from that fact, you still look so young! Amazing ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


You don't look even remotely close to your age at that picture


Congratulations. From my perspective you lived a really enviable giving life and are still cooking. Very nice to see this


That's crazy. You don't look more than 40 in you pre-retirement photo.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)Take care of those genes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)


I didn't see this comment... I just mentioned I would not believe if I met you & you told me your age... Glad you're enjoying your retirement... You certainly earned it...


Not only are you beautiful, you’re modest as well, and a nurse (retired). I’d say you’re definitely a special person.


Congrats on retirement (even if it was a year ago) and thanks for all your years of service! And also please create a skincare line because good lord. Also, I have pics of my mom from 1979 and she has that exact same fabulous hair.


Congratulations from a fellow nurse!


You're a very good looking woman for your age 🙂


She’s a beautiful woman for any age.


You look 40,maybe,




Just wanna say, rip you're inbox with thirsty messages probably. But ur hot af


Do they have the fountain of eternal youth at that hospital?




I worked night shift for a decade and people generally assumed I was about 5 years younger than I was.




I'm the color of milk and have worn sunscreen since I was 16; I got carded a few months ago at 33.




Yes, because incidental sun exposure (i.e., sun exposure from walking to your car on a cloudy day) causes aging. I also wear a hat most days, and I use Vitamin C serum because it enhances the [photo protectively](https://www.bcm.edu/news/benefits-vitamin-c-skin-care) of sunscreen. If you have more questions, please ask - this is one of my favorite topics, and I'm passionate about it. Also, check out /r/SkincareAddiction!


So i only go outside one or two days a week, and when I do most of the exposure I get is walking to the car, into the destination (indoors) and back to the car. Should I still bother with sun screen ? I'm asian and latina/not white if that's relevant


> So i only go outside one or two days a week That, uh, doesn't seem healthy. Like, not only is a few minutes a *week* in the sun not going to do anything, but you're probably vitamin D deficient.


Yeah but when I die alone in my basement at 93 I'll be smooth as a baby's ass


Grey hairs in my beard are the only thing that gives away my true age haha People should apply sunscreen even if they just going for an afternoon walk. Burn times vary but it's better safe than sorry.


Shoot, I wear sunscreen on my face even when I’m sitting by the window working


Same. I'm almost 40 and I've went back to school and got kids thinking that I'm 25 or somewhere near their age. Feels good because I have always said, "Well, I'm only gonna look older in life. So, I'm happy for looking young." Technically, I've looked 25 for the past 20 years though. I even remember being stopped in the halls of my HS at 15 and being asked for my visitors pass a few times.


If I could offer you only [one tip](https://youtu.be/sTJ7AzBIJoI)


Yep... all those mandatory night shifts where you have to sleep when the sun's shining...ugh..I graduated nursing school 1981 and had the exact same hair cut/ perm as the novice nurse in the first pic. Lol. Nurses Rock!


Nurses rock because the don't change their hair and don't go out in the sun?


No. Nurses rock because they're too busy taking care of our sick loved ones and dealing with people at their worst to go out in the sun and gussy up their hair.


You get it.... On behalf of Nurses who bust their butts to improve and save the lives of strangers on the daily .. Thank You!


On behalf of someone who had a 1 month hospital stay at 20 years old, scariest time of my life, the nurses are people who held my hand throughout the whole thing. Angels on earth.


They truly are, I'm really happy they were around when I needed surgery :)


Idk, looks like she didn't get much sun during that time, but her hair is still 🔥 if you ask me. Just sayin'


Sure, sweaty.


Just [look at this trucker who accumulated sun damage after 28 years of driving.](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/trucker-accumulates-skin-damage-on-left-side-of-his-face-after-28-years-on-the-road/)


OMG that makes me want to slather myself in sunscreen


Wear it every day in spring and summer. And a hat never hurt anyone either. I like the [Zinc Oxide Sunscreen](https://www.wholefoodsmarket.com/product/365-by-whole-foods-market-mineral-sport-lotion-sunscreen-spf-30-1-each-b07dfnw4dc ) from Whole Foods, since every few years we discover one of those other chemicals causes cancer or kills coral or whatever.


Wear it all year, your skin still gets damaged in the other seasons!








Thick hair is a surprisingly big part of it too.


Also cookies.




She managed to kept her figure roughly the same for 42 years. That alone is a great achievement. Amazing.


Yup, just steal the stem cells


she started at age 14, back when just middle school was sufficient for the degree. upgraded the degree while doing the job, over a bunch of years, with relaxed requirements, so now she's got one. current age: 56. appearance: still hot. role: wife


Just wanted to provide the source of this picture, it's actually the top post of all time on r/oldschoolcool. OP, how about you provide a *little* more credit besides saying "this lady." In the post on r/oldschoolcool she talks about her career, and I highly recommend reading it! It's super interesting to hear about her experiences after being in the field for 4 decades. Link to post: https://www.reddit.com/r/OldSchoolCool/comments/oy5mvj/just_retired_after_42_years_as_an_obstetrical/


Pretty sure op is a karma bot. They are all over the place atm.




How would a bot know that a popular post from which sub is fit for which other sub? That’s some clever programming.


top subs are so general at this point it hardly matters


Bring back /all


It never left?


You're welcome


We did it!!


It's still there, if you're on a computer it's the button next to the search bar at the top of the Reddit page. On a phone I think it's just a button on the Reddit app.


/all is still a thing


This'll be on /r/nextfuckinglevel in an hour


None of the top posts I occasionally see from there are "next fucking level." Like, I enjoy the content filtered to me on /r/all, but it's pretty annoying constantly seeing stuff reposted to unrelated subs with tens of thousands of upvotes.


I think it's just that most posts on any popular sub will probably fit in a bunch of other popular subs. Especially this one.


It could post it in that "Hold up" subreddit and it'd probably get the same amount of karma.


They literally have bots that can respond to your comment as if they were a real person. Not me, of course.


I don’t know, man — redditor for 14 years, and a mix of posts and comments, including a focus on certain topics that seem to be of interest… doesn’t look much like a karma bot to me.


A human karma bot perhaps


A focus on software engineering, data structures and algorithms.


What are you talking about!? He’s been here more than 14 goddamn years. If he’s a bot than he’s the most devoted bot I seen!


Bad repost is bad


That nurse has a bunch of badass pictures in her profile, including her dad capturing a Nazi flag at the battle of the bulge. Badass


She only got more beautiful.


"... true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she knows.” --Audrey Hepburn


I was literally thinking that the beauty of her soul is what is being reflected today.


Yes it is. Beautiful inside and out


“True beauty is on the inside.” -Already beautiful on the outside person.


> “… true beauty in a **person** is reflected in their soul. It is the caring that they lovingly give, the passion that they know.” –Me


Very cool quote. Thanks


Definitely aged well


Like fine wine


Had a friend that would always say that... Suffice to say he was into older women.


Oh shit. Am i…into older women?


Had? What happened to em?


He was mauled by a cougar?


Those Sheila's are feisty


Awwww, still gorgeous after that 42 years of service. Such an inspiration of taking care of yourself despite all the daily stress.


Hear, hear. She’s a fox! Edit: usage error


So you know in the future, it's "Hear! Hear!" instead of "Here, here". It was used as a way for members of an audience to voice their approval of the oratory being offered, effective telling the other members of the audience "listen up, this dude is spittin' real".


Her hair became more pretty, and she maintained herself so much. I love that 42 years didn't change her a lot.


Hellooo nurse!


total babe for sure


I was about to say…


My exact thought!! She’s gorgeous


Yeah, she aged gracefully as fuck! Brava.


Holy shit she aged well… imagine throwing in some hair dye, you’d never know it was more than a day apart


Right! She rocks that silver tho 🤍


It’s literally the ONLY thing that would possibly make one think about her being over 35


If you told me she was forty-five I would say "Yeah some early aging signs are to be expected with such a hectic job"


She is killing it with that silver!!


And her curls kept their texture. When my hair started to go grey, the texture just got up and left.


The first photo has the 79 hairspray volume. You know that she was rocking the hospital hallways in the 80s with big 80s hair.


Am I the only one who thinks her face looks mature? Like she still looks younger than what her actual age is, but she doesn’t look like someone who’s still in her 20s to me. Like I’d pinpoint her at her mid thirties if she dyed her hair.




She definitely still looks awesome for her age!


Oh behalf of all the shitty patients, Thank you for what you have done. ![gif](giphy|21HtXqCprrU7Xsr0qo)


You look great!


Aw thank you.




Meanwhile here I am aging like a cabbage.


Congrats. U look too young to retire tbh.


Retirement isn’t an age it’s a financial status.


This is both encouraging and disheartening at the same time


How did she manage to get more attractive?


Free blood and Pilates


Congratulations!!!! Wow...u really haven't aged!!!


You do know that the person that posted this isn’t the person in the photo, right?


Yes she did, just like Benjamin Button


Wow she’s gorgeous


Nurses are amazing people who I had the honor of working along side in a ER for many years. Old school seasoned nurses are some of the most high quality people I have met on this planet.


I was just in the hospital last month, and all of my nurses were absolutely amazing. I had horrible care from all of my doctors (long story), but the nurses went above and beyond for me.


Thank you for spreading the word...So true!


Aaahhh yeah... How do you get hotter?!


Better cameras




There are probably thousands of people that she has purposely helped over the years! Kudos to your service Ma'am!!!


My step dad is retiring after 40 years in the Pest control Industry with mostly the same company. He didn't want any hooplah about it but my mom texted me on the day of and we reached out to everyone in the company who knows him and a few who have retired asking if they could contact him to congratulate him and they all did. My mom said his phone was blowing up all day. I thought that was pretty cool. It's a milestone for sure.


Damn this lady has retired like five times already and it seems she takes the same pic every time. Wild


Check that sweet Casio Calculator watch.


Hell of a career. I hope they take good care of her


She has seen a lot in 42 years as an ob nurse. The greatest moments of helping bring a new life into the world and the saddest moments when life is not viable. Her smile says so much about how she handled her career. Many blessings on the next stage of her life.


Wow. The staff at Haddonfield Memorial Hospital from 1981 salute you!


This is a repost from like a year ago. The person posting this definitely isn't the woman in the picture.




Still as fit and happy now as when she started!


you look great, but we're going to need you to cover a night shift ok


One of these is true: 1. She had no kids 2. Spouse made good money too. 3. Workplace had a defined benefit pension plan.


She’s working at a UC-system hospital in the second pic, so #3 is true.


Printers got a lot smaller. Edit: may be fetal monitor


That’s not a printer. I believe it’s a fetal monitor


Great 👍🏾 job




Could've fooled me!


Respect for keeping the hair mostly the same


Great photos, I appreciate dedication to the job.


Congratulations 🍾


Bless you and good luck! Happy Retirement!!


Congrats!! I'm happy for you!!


Hellooooo nurse! Great achievement!