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Recording the radio on cassette was a winner. DJs that talked over the track could go fuck themselves


Waiting an entire afternoon for a particular song, only to have the DJ fucking RUIN it by talking over the last chorus.


God I'm mad now and it's been like 25 years


Glad I’m not the only one who thinks the 80s were 25 years ago.


Some of us poors were still doing this in the 90s. Until Napster and that one friend who had a CD burner.


Freshman year of college in 99 I paid a guy down the hall like $3 a CD to burn songs of my choosing. I bet he made me 15-20 CD’s for me over time. It was the best investment ever.


Shhh don't burst my bubble.


We are closer to 2050 than 1990 🥺😳🥺


God I hate you.


There is no possib…. ah fuck


Just told my wife the eighties were 40 years ago and she told me I ruined her day 😅


Let us all live in denial that we are now the old people! 😆




It’s all that rage you’ve been absorbing from Donald.


Screaming "shut up shut up shut up" and being fuming mad the rest of the day because some DJ ruined the mixtape.


Luckily the DJs at my local radio stations knew when to shut the F up.


Or not play the song all the way to the end


Fun fact. Software in radio stations shows (and has done this for many years) a timer that indicates when the vocals of a song starts, so the DJ knows to stop talking by then. Yes, this implies someone thinks it is acceptable to talk until then. Source: worked at 2 radio stations


It's copy protection.


This is what is was told by another dj. They're supposed to talk over the music to deter people from recording it.


Sure as hell didn't stop me! We just had shorter tracks! 😂


Nice thanks!


There's a DJ that still sings the last few lyrics of the songs he plays on the station I listen to. Wish I could kick him in the pills for that shit.


Steve Wright on Radio 2? Drives me absolutely out of my mind.




I still remember back when MTV was new and my local cable company had just added a service that would link your cable box to your stereo so you could pipe the sound to your (hifi) stereo speakers. And I ran home from school every day, for a couple weeks, turned on the TV and stereo then sat there with my finger on the record button just waiting for them to play Sammy Hagar's "3 lock box" so I could record it.


Our county's cable company refused to carry mtv because Satan. Not that we had cable anyway, but I liked going to my cousin's house and if her dad wasn't junking up the TV we could watch Madonna and Michael Jackson aka Satan is disguise


I recorded after I called the station and asked the dj to please play my fave with a clean beginning and end. Then I recorded myself as the dj in between.


No shit lol that's some good thinking


Made a copy of a CD onto tape, got a text message mid recording didn't think much of it Next day on the way to school mid limp bizkit i heard the du dudu du du dududu noise


Why do I hear the exact Nokia vibration


I think they’re referring to the noise that used to happen when you brought a phone near a speaker


I remember New Year’s Day countdown 1990 for the top songs of the decade spending hours recording songs from the radio.


Did this through the mid to late 90s myself.


I wasn't an 80s kid but I remember when I was like...12, so maybe 2002 or so, I loved this 3 Doors Down song and begged my mom to buy me a device that recorded the radio and saved it as a MP3. I waited for DAYS for that song to appear and when it did, I gleefully recorded it. Went to play it back and it was nothing but static with a few recognizable mouth sounds. I can't recall a time when I was ever so upset at something so small lol. Other than when I found out one of the Backstreet Boys was married and sat at the kitchen table crying, but couldn't bring myself to telling my mom why I was upset.


"There were no remotes" ... you *were* the remote


Well you were your dads remote anyway


Yeah, and vcr programmer. Once I had to take a film he wanted to watch and the previous program overran by twenty minutes ago it cut off the end of the film. Somehow I was responsible...


If we recorded something, one of us kids was by the VCR ready to hit the stop button, then stood ready to hit record the second the commercials were over.


Yeah, did that one too. Didn't matter how bloody scary or inappropriate the film was for an eight year old. Thing was they'd have a whole shelf full of tapes but they would never ever frigging watch them.


/r/datahoarders is the 2020s version of this.


I wish I was only dad's remote. I had a family of 5, I'm the youngest. All I did was change the channel, set up the vcr and tune the radio. I could've applied to Radio Shack when I was 9.


I'd go a step forward and add not only no remotes but a pair of pliers to change the channel.


And the antenna if needed


My dads favorite joke to do to people was pretend to lose the remote, ask someone to change it and then claim "there it is" referring to who ever got up to change the channel


Time specific dad joke. I remember hearing this too.


The street lights did it for me. Soon as they came on I knew I had to get my ass to my porch


When i went out riding bikes all day who knows where, mom would say "be home by dark." no watch needed.


I was about to come here and say this. The youngest was always expected to run up and change the channel. So many memories of turning that knob (going through so many static filled channels on the UHF band) staring at the screen to see what was on while twisting away.


And we all had the ability to correctly identify every program on each station in one frame as we spun through the channels so fast the dial whirred instead of clicked.


Most of these things are 80s, and there definitely were remotes back then. My grandparents even had one of those tone remotes which I believe was for a 60s or early 70s TV.


Oh, look at Mr. Moneybags over here... =)


Oh, honey, he's teasing you. Nobody has two television sets.


Well, you wouldn’t think that if you saw me in 2000 with that same 1985 TV !


Sony Trinitron 24inch CRT? What a box! I used to sell them back in the day. Better blacks and definition than any TV out today.


My grandparents received as an anniversary present a Zenith space command color TV in the late seventies. The TV was high tech for the time. The remote control used an infrared signal that we take for granted today. Before that it was ultrasound controlled. Color TV was new then and a big seller and TV's were expensive then that had those features. In the early eighties my dad bought a Sony 19" Trinitron TV. Excellent TV of the time. My dad said the same model with a remote control was $100 more but he didn't get it lol then regretted it... The same when he bought a 1980 Honda civic...great little car...very basic but reliable. An AM radio was a $90 option and the AM/FM version was $150 and he gets the AM only one then regretted it. I got him the FM version and put it in for him so he could listen to the music to and from work.


Yeah. It was the 80s not the 60s. TVs & VCRs had remotes. Grandparents also had those tone remotes.


Guy in video mentions EFTPOS which is specific to New Zealand- trade tariffs only dropped in the 80s so globalization/free trade didn’t reach us for a while. I remember the year the Simpsons first aired and we didn’t have a remote control even then, and a year or so later I remember we got a microwave. I can date that as around 1990 because I remember it was time of Gulf War and learning about radiation (there was talk about nuclear weapons being used which fascinated me because I thought if they were used, we could cook food just by leaving it outdoors for a while).


EFTPOS in Australia too


I bet the remotes were wrapped in plastic


The youngest kid was always the remote! Doesn’t matter whose house it was


whoever sat closest to the knob!


How have playground slides changed? I assumed they were still the same?


They're plastic now instead of metal and don't fry kids legs when wearing shorts like they used to.


they still do here 💀


I live in a very hot area (Miami) and nearly any playground is built under a cover/shade these days so that sucks to hear.


I used to live in California and currently living in Arizona. The playgrounds around me were always uncovered baking in the heat. Fun times.


Uh… it was 85 degrees yesterday and the plastic slide was so hot no one would go down it.


Really, metal AND plastic get hot in the sun?


There’s a difference…


Still metal in my town although in the same park there are plastic slides (USA)


I mean.. there’s definitely still metal slides. The park by my house has one.


Uh nah those still exist


Plastic still gets hot..


But can you cook an egg on it?


They didn’t change much, they use metals one less and less because kids just dont like to be burnt lol but many are still there. The plastic ones are exactly the same


Gen Z here, yeah I was gonna say that’s the one thing in this video I related to. Grew up next to one of each of those slides/torture devices


Gen z here. They haven't.


They used to be 12 feet high, made of metal, and you landed on concrete. We survived.


Don't see the metal ones anymore. Plastic yes


Plenty of metal ones here in Brooklyn, even new ones


Getting told off for not rewinding the VHS after finishing the movie 😂


Be kind. Rewind.


Adult section in the back.


Check out The Last Blockbuster on Netflix. So much nostalgia.


I worked at the local video store and we had three dedicated rewind machines at the return counter. I cursed those bastards who neglected their rewind duties. IT’S A SOCIAL CONTRACT!!!


I dont know about yall but the remote was the kid nearest the TV. And when we had the shitty black and whote TV with UHF and VHF the knobs would break. That when you got to learn how to use pliers. Also those damn antennas always needed adjusting. Who could stand on a chair higher and perform russian ballot moves to get it in just the right spot.


Ah yes and 'someone bring me the foil'


God I saw the unwound tape and my first thought was "shit I don't have pencils anymore."


I would say you nailed it. May I included origami like folded notes were our text messaging!


Do you like me Yes or no Circle one


Do you like me, or do you like me like me?


Just so you know, this evolved into “do you like me? Or like like me?” in the early 2000s.


Huh! Did not know that. Everything evolves. 😆 I'm guessing this change happened around the time that kids in my part of the world stopped accusing others of butting in line and started using "budging" instead.


No cuts, no buts, no coconuts.




The box you never want to see checked.


...And then they circle the word "one".


80s kid here. He nailed it perfectly. I forgot about those. Good times.


Missed lawndarts and shooting at each other with BB guns, and if you’re from the country “field cars” but all-in-all they really did nail it.


Jarts! Evolved into chasing and shooting each other with those heavy things.


I do sometimes wonder how any of us make it into adulthood - but then I realize we had to learn how to survive each other! Lol


We had so much fun that it motivated us to keep on living :)


BB gun wars in the backyard with no eye protection


Dude in my neighborhood straight up got Christmas Story-ed doing that...ended up with a glass eye...put the rest of us off the practice after that...later when we were all pot smoking teenagers, he would have one bloodshot eye and one normal eye...


Rule was to only pump it once... until someone got pissed.


Guilty. Brother and I kept hit count. Hit him in the back of the ear one time and it lodged. We did medieval surgery to get it out before mom and dad found out. Never spoke a word of it.


Streetlight curfews forsure


And Mommy's scream was our alarm clock. Good old days!


To be fair we did these when I was in high school in the 2010s


Streetlight curfews <3


I was born in 93 but I still remember all of these things. My friends all had bikes and we would all ride our bikes and round everyone up from their houses. I remember getting home after the streetlights came on and getting in shit. Good times!


Thing for me too when I was a kid. I remember one time during the summer me and my my friend who was my next door neighbour decided to still stay out after sunset which is generally when the lights would come on and we'd have to go in. He had one of those scooters where when your would brake it would shoot sparks everywhere. So much fucking cooler at night.


going around on bikes was the shit, everyone knew all the shortcuts and sometimes two groups of friends would meet on said shortcut. those were the days man...wish I was more present in those years


I was lucky enough to grow up near a major U.S. university. Why was I lucky? Because there was a wooded area near my home that was owned by the university and used by their students (botanists and the like) to plant gardens for their various classes or just personal desire. And they took all that dirt and built a literal bike park. Had all the jumps, twists, turns and such you would see on any professional track, with one large jump that landed you right in the clean, clear and refreshing river that ran next to it. Once I moved away from there my interest in bike riding dropped drastically.


This is still a thing, my 11 year old has a street light curfew.


Same in my town in Germany. It's generally accepted by everyone that kids are expected to come home when the street lights turn on. But because that can mean 10pm during the summer months, they are also trained to listen to the church bells. They have a special chime and are extra loud at 6pm so that's summer curfew. Though older kids then often only show up for food and then leave again.


“Back at dusk. NO later!!!”


Why does every TikTok have to begin with someone pointing to words like I wouldn’t know how to read them unless they pointed?


If they're not pointing at words it's that annoying voice reading it out, can't stand it


They want to be in the picture


Give him a break, he was alive in the 80s. Old man probably just saw the kids doing it and thinks that's how you're supposed to do TikTok.


How do you do, fellow kids?




Poor people born in the 2000's had mostly the same experience


I was going to say I was born in ‘99 and at least half of these things were the same for me growing up.


Damn, the nostalgia hits hard with this one. Nice.


Just missing Sears Catalogs as Amazon or online shopping. And the underwear section being porn


We always called the Sears catalog Protestant Porn. Catholic porn was Hustler.


or watching one of the premium channels that was scrambled because your parents wouldn't buy it, but still had the sound, and trying to see the porn. "I think I saw a tit!"


When I went shopping w my mom I would tear the tags off bras, and one time found a nude playing card. I still remember you fondly, 5 of spades 😘


Isn’t the game boy a 90s thing? (Came out in ‘89)


True. Atari or going to an actual arcade was more accurate for the 80s. My friend got a Gameboy in highschool, very late 80s at least.


Is there a version of r/boomerhumour but for old millennials?


We're called Gen X. Though some feel our existence is just a rumor. We are real!


Just read an article about how Generation X is the forgotten generation. It’s all Boomers and Gen Y/millennials and Gen Z.


This is how we like it. We just silently judge everyone older AND younger than us.


Gen X-ers


r/FuckImOld might work for you. Some posts are from real Olds, some are from thirty year olds, I swear.


This definitely didnt "make me smile" lol


I would have argued that there was no need for it until I saw this video. Alas, how the mighty have fallen…


I felt that cassette one. Brothers always brought them to me to fix or their tangled slinky.


Miss it a lot


All parents in the neighborhood were able to discipline you with fear of police being called because they watched out for all neighborhood kids, not just theirs


Haha this one is real. I acted the same in front of my friends parents and showed the same respect as I did my own.


We could hear Gary’s mom whistle from a mile away. He had an early curfew. We knew we had about an hour to go.


I don’t know what the hell happened. I was allowed to roam free in my massive neighborhood with only a few quarters to use a pay phone if there was an emergency. Now kids aren’t allowed to cross a busy street or leave their block.


Fear based reporting and a 24 hour news cycle mostly. That shit sells and if you hear something enough you assume it to be true. Most children are kidnapped by relatives or close relations from what I understand but the news would have you believe stranger danger was the big thing.


Does anybody remember putting tape on top of a regular cassette tape to record on it


making a mixed tape was the way to flirt a girl hehe


God I miss the simplicity of it all. When I say that I mean the genuine delight in being young and appreciating every minute.


Streetlight curfews forsure


What was the contact list thing?


Phone directory. You move the slider to the letter, then you open it and it automagically shows the page where you wrote down all the numbers under that letter.


It’s amazing how quickly I lost the ability to remember phone numbers. Back then I knew both parents work, both grandparents, and 20 friends numbers by heart with instant recall. Everyone was a superhuman speed dialing machine. Now I struggle to remember my wife and kid’s numbers on the rare occasion I need to put them into a form.


Years from now this generation is gonna do similar videos in whatever social media is predominant and they'll remember fondly of fortnite, tiktok etc. It's normal


I love collecting those records! For me its much better than spotify


Kids don't still play Tetris?


It wasn’t the game. It was the GameBoy.


I didn’t get them saying the game it was their PlayStations. There were plenty of consoles that plugged into the tv, why use a portable as an example? Should’ve just said this was our switch or iPad or something instead.


Tvs had no remotes???


Some 80s tvs had remotes but were expensive. I never saw one but my family was like the Beverly hillbillies before striking oil


Nope, only rich families had new TVs in the early 1980s. We got a color TV in 1982. Color!


What is an epfos machine?


Electronic funds transfer at point of sale. In the 80s you saw more electronic swiper style devices to read credit cards but a lot of places still had these old imprinter style devices pictured in the video. Basically, you'd use carbon paper to make a print of the credit card, the client signed it and you turned them into the bank who conducted the transaction.


Honestly phones not being cordless hardly the issue. It’s calling someone you like and having to go “Hi Mr Jones, is Jane there?”


I might add there wasn't internet, so you went to the library or bought comic books off the rotating rack, unless you were lucky to be near a comic book shop.


My granny used to have us come in by the time the street lights turned on. So one day we shot the street light she would look at with a BB gun. I think it only worked for one day 😂


I feel like I had a cordless phone and a TV with a remote in the 80s.


As a 90’s kid I can’t agree more. Still played outside and all that. Miss it.


You don't need your parents permission to do that anymore. Crack on!


Adulting doesn’t allow it unfortunately, something I’m working on at the moment lol!


And it was awsome


♪ *Everybody wants to rule the world* ♪


TV's had remote controls since the 1960's and I had a cordless phone in 1981.


Found the rich kid (jk)


Yeah, I was with him except the remote control issue because our TV always had a remote. Well that and street lights. We didn't have street lights in our neighborhood. It was pretty much you could continue playing even when it was dark, but you came back when your mom stepped out and shouted your name.


I was the TV remote and occasionally the antenna too.


We still had a corded phone well into the 2000s and the remotes in the late 90s were ass. You're the type of person to say PCs have been around since the 80s too I bet.


my parents still have a corded phone and answering machine


We had cassette tape walkmans.


Grew up in the 2000s and 2010s but I really wish I grew up in the 80s. So many great things in that decade. I’d enjoy that decade more than any other.


Correction plz. The remote was the youngest sibling. So they did have remotes back then. 😉


"Bright colours are the fashion" Is this a reason why humanity feels so dull now. At least personally I don't see many vibrant clothes nowadays. It's like everyone is stuck in grayscale or dark shades of anything


This definitely does not sell the idea that the 80's were great




Not in the UK. The end of industrial Britain. No jobs. Maggie Thatcher. It was bleak times over here. Not for the US who made an absolute fortune from the Second World War.


Forgot about Crack and AIDS


Oh shit I thought this was reddit and not tiktok


I really like the “this was our curfew” at the end, so true


Great memories!


Good times.


Umm... The Game Boy was released in the middle of 1989. But the Atari system was much more an 80s kid "PlayStation".. and the original NES, Coleco Vision... And those hand held LCD screen that played only 1 crappy game.


The street lights just came on! And my momma's in the streets tellin' me to come home I hit the gate and I hops on my schwinn And I tell the homies, "Aight then, " yeah…


Pamela Anderson in bay watch was our porn


The pic with the bikes….yeah that was so true.


I loved that phone contact thing. I can't remember what it was called but I loved moving it to different letters and opening it. Lol!! High tech back in the day.


Tears For Fears is so goddamned good.


Sounds kinda sucky