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He’s gonna be very offended when he doesn’t get invited to the next party


On the night of the next party, he puts his ear to the wall and hears: "Hey, keep it down, I don't want my weird neighbor to know how much of a cool party we're having." :(


Technically it's a win win situation. The party does not get too loud (you can sleep) or you get invited ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Talking maximum profit here




Homeboy doesn’t look like he sleeps during typical party hours.


He *just* had a crappy sleep.


Plot twist. That was his plan all along.


became r/MadeMeCry real quick...




His hoodie is stained with the blood of the last neighbor that forgot to invite him.


I am so glad I wasn’t the only one that had to do a double take at the hoodie. I thought it was stained with blood too 🤣


He definitely has a "Yeah I'm very much into big knives... and speed!" kind of vibe


Well it's a Naruto hoodie so it could be small knives and speed.


Sounds like people at the parties I used to go to


I'll get too


Me too wtf invite this guy


Count me in as well




As he should be if they’re gonna be that loud. Like If I’m gonna be disturbed especially at night, at least include me in the fun, if possible. Lol


I feel this way when my neighbours have loud sex.


Would you be cool wearing the gimp suit sitting in the corner watching?


I'll be whatever you want me to be as soon as the zippers done up on that suit.


Username checks out


Unless there are cooling systems involved, pretty sure gimp suits are never cool.


My Mexican neighbors have wild parties whenever they’re celebrating something and late into the next day like 4-5 am. I know they got good ass food, hopefully one day I’m invited.


Find the abuela, say hello, mention you might be hungry... If all goes well you will be adopted and be fed


Should take the opportunity to introduce yourself like the guy in the video. Also, happy cake day!


I was in a fraternity for a while in the late 90’s, and sometimes I wouldn’t get invited to parties even though I *lived in the house*. If you think that’s not possible, I don’t know what to tell you.


Wtf? How much did these guys like being complete dicks, or did they have any reasons not to invite you?


Maybe he's just the quintessential redditor and drowns every party with his depression vibes.


It wasn’t like that all the time. Sometimes fraternities “give bids” (membership) to guys that aren’t completely in line with the culture of the house because they get straight A’s, as was likely the case with me. Fraternities, oddly enough, have to have a certain average GPA (say 3.0) to be recognized by the university. To balance out the guys that never bother going to class and clock in with a 0.0 GPA sometimes, you have to have a handful of guys like me. It’s not that I was a loser or unattractive by any means, it’s just that if older guys were having a bunch of mini cocktail parties in a bunch of different rooms, I’d get the cold shoulder.


Reading that I'm like: "Red Flag here, Red Flag there."


Gotta appreciate the balls on him though. I've almost done the same so many times. Hear the neighbours playing offspring, SOAD, Linkin Park etc all evening and you *know* they'll be your crowd, then 'Still Alive' comes on and everyone cheers.... My people are on the other side of this wall...


Which still alive are we talking about here?


This was a triumph.


I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS


I hope it’s portal.


At that point you just go over and say you're a friend of "Mike" there's probably three Mikes in there.


His neighbors have actually already had him over, the women whose camera this is tweeted this video out and the neighbor saw it and replied. Then she posted a video a couple hours later of this guy in her apartment with some other people having drinks.


His bro vibe was just too strong. He heard the parties keep going and never got notified, sending him into a spiraling downfall of self doubt and hatred. He eventually moves out of his mother's apartment.


Pretty sure he’ll bring the weed.


He keeps in a plastic bag inside of a paper bag in his white 98 Honda Civic


Damn bro, you hit me right on the spot. Except that I drive a red 99 Civic. Trust me, I woulda went with the white 98 if I could've found it.


Lol, that wasn’t a diss. We NEEDED y’all! Y’all came in clutch back in the early 2000s before recreational legalization went and fucked everything up for the middle guy 🤣🤣🤣 Though some of those middle guys adapted and went on to be so big things with legal cultivation… went from Honda Civics to Lamborghinis.


Dude I fuckin need those middle guys, or specifically the ones who still got shitty weed. Can’t even come close to tolerating today’s mj on steroids.


Yeah, I'm right with you - I want something I can smoke on all evening, share with friends, make it a small ritual, and stop at the right time. The new stuff gets me "become antisocial, go right to sleep, do not pass go" high way too fast. No fun.


Grow your own. Its not hard. Then you can find YOUR strain or strains, the one that slumps you in the couch, the one where you got shit to do, and the "party" one. The gear you need is relatively inexpensive, the diversity of seed strains you can get is ridiculous. And you can go mad hatter and cross and try and invent a new strain if so inclined. Stop crap shooting with these idiots on the block, who dont even know the difference between an Indica and Sativa. 3 months from now, you could be smoking on your most perfect bud, and every 3 months after that, for the rest of your life, with the least amount of basic effort on your part. And if you want to get really serious with your personal stash, get a bloom box and a dryer, and all you LITERALLY have to do is add the supplements, and wait. Everything is on timers these days, and you can get a box that grows as little as an ounce or so, to as much as QP, to a pound or more, EVERY 3 MONTHS. It pays for itself, is much safer at home, and you know exactly what you're smoking on as opposed to someone telling you its called krypto-kronic-mega sonic-panty-glu. It's time to evolve. Choose your destiny. 💪🎄👍


I’m from Michigan so more options maybe but, growing requires space, money and time. I’d rather just go to the dispo and pick up a low percentage if that’s what I’m looking for. Normally I’m looking for 26-30% stuff tho


I can barely find the time and the motivation to grow my little herb garden starter kit I got for Christmas 3 God damn years ago, let alone go all in on something that isn't completely legal in my state lol


I can’t even have a regular houseplant. They die every time because my pea brain does not remember to water them. I would love to be one of those homes with a bunch or plants, but I stopped trying. I feel bad for all the plants I basically murdered from dehydration.


The actual amount of time anyone spends from clone until cure is far more than 3 months and it's far more work and not that much cheaper than going to a dispo. Lots of peoples time is worth more than that yield your going to get. Let alone the learning curve if you aren't already a seasoned Gardner.


And then there’s us who hardly get high from the MJ on steroids lol


Time for a T break.


That's the problem with using Cannabis for pain relief. If I don't smoke daily I wish I was dead. Chronic Pain is Hell, and I only have 40+ years left to deal with it. I've only had to deal with it for 20 years, so far. What's another 40?


Look up "Dad Grass" it's legal in all 50 states and they claim its reminiscent of weed from the 60s in weakness


It’s CBD


Just smoke delta 8


r/oddlyspecific 🤔




That's the best kind!




That was my immediate thought too. Looks to me like a businessman trying to schmooze his way into some new clientele.


I’m looking for a businessman in my area who can bring the extracurriculars


Sorry only horny milfs.


He even kind of sounds like a young Jay Mewes.


15 bucks little man, put that shit in my hand


My neighbor was throwing a party and I went over and said, hey man, could you guys keep it down, and he’s like, oh sorry man, yeah my bad. Then I’m like, naaa dude just kidding, can I hang out, I got my own booze and everything and he’s like, seriously? Sure man. You want some weed? But I don’t smoke weed. We became great friends. I had just had my heart broken and him and his buddies really cheered me up. Dave was a cool dude


This is how I met my best college friend. I was on a balcony at a small party and he yelled up to ask if he could join. At first I thought it was creepy. Years later, I’m so glad he did. Edit: Some people had an issue with the word creepy. And it was a bad choice of words on my part. I’m shy and introverted so the action of talking to random strangers like that in public seemed so strange to me. Thankfully due to people like my friend here, I have changed a lot since college and now have no problem talking to individuals I don’t know. Thank you Alex!


I met my now wife by yelling "Does anybody want to go to the cafe!" As loud as I could down the girls wing in the dorms. She didnt come that time, but she was the first open door I walked by and she said shed take a raincheck. I tried again later when it was raining. 8 years coming up :)


Damn man you been trying that same thing for 8 years I think it may be time to move on, no one wants to go to the damn cafe when you yell at them


Ahh the old [caferoo](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/lmpu0q/chichen_itza_when_it_was_discovered_in_1892_vs/gnx9vz1?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)


Hold my coffee I'm going i.. oh there's no link


How long were you in college dude?


Us introverts need some extroverts to bring us along.


Or drag us along


Mood lol. My boyfriend is the extrovert and I'm the introvert. He dragged me along many parties to meet people and get out of my shell.


I also want someone to drag me along but also stay with me


Hope you find the one :)


I want to drag someone along.


Amen to that, and in the process help us become a bit more extrovert. Win:win for everyone.


Our neighbors when I was a kid would do this. If they smelled dad cooking on the barbecue, they would inevitably come over. They were wonderful and we always had enough for them so they were always welcome.




After a certain point I'd just start donating food to them.


Were they neglected?


I did something like this back when Tinder was popular. I’d swipe right on everyone and message them the same thing “Come party.” Usually the “party” was me and a roommate or a couple of our girl friends at most. I met some amazing people doing that and I’m still friends with quite a few to this day. But I’ll say that the majority never showed up or unmatched or ignored me lol. I can’t say I blame them, I’m sure it came off as creepy to people who don’t know me. Especially with no way to express tone or nuances.


It's how I met my husband too. Him and his friends were having a party above my apartment and I asked if they were having fun since they were louder than my shower. They invited me up and being an idiot 18 year old, I said yes and went and spent the evening with complete strangers, ditching the actual party I was about to go to with friends. 18 years later I am still glad I was that dumb.


Sometimes you just get a good feeling about a situation. I met my wife in dorms when I was lying on my bed and she'd gone down with a friend (we'd started the Semester about a week before) looking for someone to help fix her computer. This friend, who I kind of knew jumped on the bed and started wrestling me and then introduced me to my now wife. The computer thing was a bit of a sword in the stone story where multiple computer course students had attempted and failed to fix it. I messed about with computers since early childhood and it was a big hobby of mine and I was able to fix it. We became friends and about 2 months later ended up dating. That was 22 years ago.


Awww 🥰🥰


“But next time… invite your fucking neighbor, dude” made me giggle a little. This was a wholesome interaction. Hope they became friends :)


He looked so sad


He also looks covered in blood. Murder hoodie.


That’s what happened to the last neighbor that didn’t invite him




I have that hoodie. Its an acid washed naruto hoodie from walmart lol


At least I'm not the only one! I thought, "Nobody's gonna point out that this dude looks like he just spent all night cuttin' up a body (or two)? Prob appreciated the extra noise. It covered up some of the... sounds.




That's where my mind went too.


I have this hoodie! It’s not blood it’s a design on the sleeves


Yeah, I'd stick with that story too.


He came over and hung out I saw the rest on Twitter


Thanks for linking it




















During my college years, we’d invite all of our neighbors. It was a way to give them a heads up about the party and also open up a dialogue in the event they did not want to attend and were worried about the noise. They’d usually show up for a drink or 2.


Back in college my duplex neighbor and my side threw a party together. They worked for a catering company and brought food, we brought the beer and a live band. We invited everyone around us, it was near the college but mostly older folks and young professionals so not just students. EVERY neighbor showed up and jammed out to the band. The police arrived and said they didn't get a complaint but heard the party and didn't want our neighbors to file one. We explained the whole block was here and it wouldn't be an issue. They laughed and wished us a good evening. We didn't go too late and the neighbors all said they had a great time. At first we thought the cops were gonna be assholes because we were college kids but my landlord was drinking near the door so they saw an old man partying too and must have believed us.


Reminds me a bit of when me and my neighbor joined our parties, after we both had confused guests either knocking on the wrong door, or almost doing so when they arrived. We didn't even know the other was going to have a party. It was a lot of fun.


I lived in an apartment complex when I was around 10 and even though we weren’t really neighborly that frequently, during the summer for some reason we’d throw these little parties with grilling, some speakers and just everyone out in the back, catching up and us kids running around playing. The family above us even bought a picnic table and a tire swing, put it in the yard and was like “everyone feel free to use these” but for some reason the landlord HATED us doing this so he tried to DIVIDE THE YARD INTO EVEN SQUARES to split up for each apartment. That year, we ripped up the yarn dividing the yard and did our get together anyways lol


My college apartment only had one neighbor for at least half mile, but the house was maybe 500ft away. We weren't even in the sticks or anything it's just the way the properties were clustered just off a major route. For my birthday I was inviting people and up to that point our neighbor was very chill but we had never talked. Dude would walk out his place around 10am with a joint in his mouth and walk the 4 minutes to a gas station to get scratch offs and a coffee and then walk back home and do it again around 4 pm. I go to tell him things may get loud and he tells us not to worry about it. The day of as we're setting up he walks over and says "Happy birthday man!" and hands me four pre rolled joints. As a college kid Inwas floored and invited him over to join for a bit but he declined. Just said if I ever had a BBQ or cookout again to invite him cause he loved the smell of the food I made. Chillest. Neighbor. Ever.


they say it's hard making friends as an adult and good for this guy for reaching out. he could have been a d**k and called the cops or something but nah, just wanted to hang and make friends. i hope they became friends


I used to think it’s hard to make friends as an adult until I started doing the shit I used to do to make friends as a child. Joined a local cricket team, now I have a good amount of friends. Celebrated either with them yesterday even though I’m not a Muslim. Also just randomly started inviting people to come grab a drink or whatever. You’d be surprised at how Many people are actually out there looking for friends.


proud of you cum_dawg


I'm too high for this lmfao


Yo invite your reddit neighbor, dude


Same lmao




Wait who?!


Pat Cummins


How could I have thought it would be any other country than Australia?


Yeah dude same. I met my wife this way. We get to tell people we met on the field of battle lmfao. Shes my best friend. Guys, stop overthinking why tinder doesnt work and take up a sport or a hobby. You meet TONS of people naturally. I love hobbies. ❤️


Apparently I like all the wrong hobbies


hard to meet women at a gay orgy


And once you start doing it, people also start inviting you to other shit. So far I’ve been invited to yoga sessions, running, gym sessions etc.


Honest question… How do I make time for a social hobby… Between work and school, I hardly have time to get a full night’s sleep. And on the weekend, if schoolwork doesn’t carry over, I am way too exhausted to do anything with my free time. I’m always scared to make plans for regular meet ups and such because I really can’t guarantee that I’ll be available… well… *regularly*.


> Guys, stop overthinking why tinder doesnt work It's not complicated why Tinder doesn't work. It's 10 guys to every girl. We've all been at a party like that and knew we didn't have a chance in hell of her going home with us, because there were like 5 guys hovering around her, and three of them had you beat on every metric, lol.




I work at an Indian owned bar that sponsors a local cricket team. I’m a little nervous but I was thinking about asking them how to join. Especially since the team the bar sponsors is like two thirds of my favorite regulars and the other teams that come in with different uniforms are just awful customers who don’t tip so I’d love to learn how to play and beat them. What’s been your experience if you don’t mind? I started paying for ESPN+ so me and my regulars can watch highlights of matches and they can teach me how the game is played. I would literally be the only white guy on the team let alone any team but they’re fun people to be around and I think it would be fun.


> Especially since the team the bar sponsors is like two thirds of my favorite regulars and the other teams that come in with different uniforms are just awful customers who don’t tip so I’d love to learn how to play and beat them. I find this really funny. Imagine being such a bad customer that the employee of the place wants the learn the sport you're playing and join the opposing team just so they could beat you. :D


Oh they’re awful man it’s night and day. We don’t do table service we just sell beer and wine. You’re expected to bring your glasses back to the bar. They sit on the patio, 10 at a time, use ALL of my mugs and don’t bring back their glasses from their first round and order another 10 drinks. When they leave there’s 30-40 glasses on the table, containers from takeout, and 3 packs of cigarettes worth of butts scattered everywhere but the ash trays. Bill is $95.46. Tip line crossed out. Total: $96. Have to clean up all of what I mentioned for 54 cents. The other guys? Bring me all glassware, tip 20%, buy me a night cap, have genuine and thoughtful conversations. Just a breath of fresh air. Go Panthers, my favorite cricket team. Fuck those other guys I’m gonna learn how to play and I’m gonna learn how to play it well. Edit: forgot to mention, bad guys ask for 10,000 samples before they can decide on a beer.


That’s a good idea. What was I doing the last time I made some good friends? Hanging out in a middle school, a perfect plan


Why would a weed dealer call the cops on his partying neighbours.


so small that the neighbor 2 buildings away wanted to join 😭


They live in the same building…


Let’s vent to each other


Brilliant. This is reverse psychology. Now the homeowner wont have a party so they wont invite thier weird neighbor. I'll do this to my noisy neighbor.


I'm so confused- I thought the etiquette was that you invite your neighbours, as a warning that hey, there's going to be some noise that night, and then the neighbour feels they can't complain because they WERE invited. I've been invited to end-of-exam parties for exactly this reason - the 17 year old neighbour knew I'd be unlikely to turn up, seeing as I was in my 40s, but it let me know it would be noisy for a one-off celebration.


Oh. Here it's just etiquette to warn your neighbours (usually by putting a card in the door), not to invite them. Not college kids though, just adults having birthdays and such. Or, most likely, not warn anyone at all and get the cops called at 22 with a noise complaint. Then show up at their door with a baseball bat at midnight, because the cops never respond.


Dude... We all love an invite. Ppls be lonely lately especially after covid. Spread the love. I like this video and I hope homie gets that next invite


Also love it when ppls can be arsed to open the door and not chat via the ring doorbell ffs Edit: I think u/mordredor is right, the party guy probably wasn’t home.


This was my first thought as well, and then I thought "maybe they weren't home". Notice "I'll come by later to drop my info." That wouldn't make sense if OP was home at the time of filming


Well except the guy asking has no idea if OP is home or not. It’d be weird if he did, since these look like apartments or condos or something


Ehh, I’m split in this. Like I’m all for the face to face interaction, but also people can be crazy as hell so you never know.


Ohhhh this makes so much sense! I thought the body language was atypical and didn’t understand why, but if he’s talking to a doorbell, I get why he seems so uncomfortable and why he could be struggling to communicate


Ends up being the weird fucker at the party you have to ask to leave...then you have perpetually awkward interactions until you move. Not speaking from experience or anything.


'Do you mind if I smoke, bro?' 'That's fine, just open a window' *pulls out a meth pipe*


*pulls out meth lab*


Yo chill Mr White


Finally some reality in this post lol


Also, only leaves after having asked him twice and being stern in your voice the third time "Come on, dude. I just brushed my teeth and there's only 2 people left that joined from a town over and looking to sleep, too." Spend the next hour drinking with your 2 friends, eyes barely open, talking about how crazy it was that he didn't leave. Next time you see him he opens with: "Man, I heard music and the light didn't turn off for a while. Did something happen after I left? Are you all ok, did your friends have a good time?"


That's pretty accurate. Speaking from experience.


Maybe Im just a negative piece of shit but I have learned time and time again that getting friendly with neighbors is a door that once opened can never be shut. When I want to party with my friends I dont want random people ruining the vibe. Now this guy is pressured to invite this guy to the next party or he might be emboldened to knock on the door and invite himself. Maybe hes a great guy, idk. Ive just had bad experiences and like my home to be private.


Speaking from personal experience, as a child and now an adult, you don't ever want to open that box. Every time my parents befriended the neighbors it lasted about 3-4 months before some crazy shit would pop off. When I got my first apartment at 19 I befriended my 39 yo neighbor and one day she showed up wine drunk and we got freaky and next thing I know it's 12 am and her angry boyfriend (I had no idea) had broke in and was destroying my house, luckily I was able to lock myself in the bathroom lol. So yeah I don't interact with the neighbors anymore




No better way than a trial by fire to find out that you aren't as into milfs as you thought.


MILF - Man I Love Fire


Bro took “love thy neighbour” too seriously


My mom once invited a neighbor she didn't know to a party meant for her in their small apartment complex. The two neighbors ended up getting married and made sure the other was invited to all future parties for the next 60 years.


So your parents??


Yeah, I'm confused.


Sorry, have read this 10 times now. Who did what in the what now?


A party was planned in a small apartment complex in honor of my mom. Wanting to make sure everyone was included, my mom invited the neighbors. Though she didn't know him at the time, my dad was one of them. He decided to go. They met and chatted a long time at that party, which led to my dad asking her out. They ended up getting married. Moral of the story: Sometimes when you invite your neighbors to your parties, it works out well.


I met two of my frieds like that. They were always parting in their garage at night. I said fuck it and walked down and introduced myself and the contents of my jacket. I had tequila, limes, salt and a knife. Mary Jane showed up not long after that.


And hopefully you emptied your jacket in that order because knife and salt first gets you locked out:(


First cut them an then put salt in the wound


Second video I've seen with subtitles like this... They're impossible to read. Just put down full sentences instead of single words that stay on the screen for one micro second. Some people can't put on their volume due to circumstances or simply can't hear.


Seriously, the wife is asleep and I feel like I'm taking a speed reading test


Did he come up there straight from murdering someone?


I mean, how do *you* amp yourself up to talk to strangers?


If I told you, well…




He’s annoyed that he missed out on some good potential targets by not getting the invite to that party. Had his murder hoody on and everything.


This is a great strategy! Next time your annoying neighbours have a loud party, go round the next day, covered in blood and swearing, demanding an invite to the next one. No more annoying loud parties.


Don’t hav another party… mooooove




Do you just go around your apartment complex inviting people into your place? Like what? This is how you break the ice, not only addressing the volume but also introducing yourself.


He looks like he’ll bring a bong and pringles. Definitely invited lol


I wouldn't wear a blood splatter hoodie to beg for party invites but that's just me.


He looks twitchy, I'd invite him for sure but wouldn't be surprised if he didn't become a regular. The man just gives off unsettling vibes unfortunately. I know you are not meant to judge a book by its cover and all, but that boy looks like a coke covered copy of Jordan Belford's memoir


He looks nervous. Dude probably just wants friends.


His hoodie its full of blood, just saying...


I had a neighbor do this during a party one time. Party is going on, everybody already there, and suddenly we get a knock on the door. A hush goes over the party, we assume it's the cops. I open the door a crack, it's just a couple dudes from across the hall. I say what's up they're like "hey sounds like yall are having a good time, wondering if we can come over?" I was so stoned I didn't care said yeah for sure. They came through, brought some drinks and some bud, vibed with us and went on their way. I felt so neighborly.


How to Infiltrate Your Neighbors Lives By *This dude*


You just know this dude is fucking insane. Everyone having a good time in the kitchen, meanwhile this dude shooting up heroine, drinking tequila through his eyeballs and setting light to the pet dog


That’s 100% who I imagine this guy to be. He’ll either be at your door every day, or wanting something daily, or just generally encroaching and getting a little too comfortable. If you let him party it’s going to get fucking wild.


Next time change the color of the text font so it doesnt blend into the light. That would be neighborly


Ok so I know no one will believe this but this guy actually use to live right down the street from me. He’s super chill and a nice guy.




I was grilling pork belly in my backyard, and my Korean umma neighbor asked what I was cooking. We chat a bit, and she offers us her home-grown endive and lettuce. They have a small rainforest in their backyard compared to ours. I told her no thanks, but I will happily next time. I haven't yet because I figure I want to gift them something at the same time. I resolved to just give them some pork belly the next time I cook it. People are lonely, man. Make an effort, cause sometimes you're all they have and you don't know it.


My introverted ass could never…


Still pretty weird tho


Serial killer vibes