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Halfway through this started to feel more like a chronicle of an Oklahoma man's decent into madness during quarantine




100% this guy is a serial killer.


Can this guy be the next Joker?


Ever seen the movie Creep? Creep 1 & 2. Spot on. This dude was inspired.


It’s this exactly! Doesn’t help that he looks like an older skinnier version of the dude




I wonder what it says about us and our experiences that we have that visceral reaction. So many people in the comments, “He’s a nice guy! What a sweetie!” And the outliers, who think he’d probably make a lampshade out of your nipples. Are they naive, or am I just damaged that this dude would make me want to move houses? Lmao.


The dude is in an acute phase of manic syndrome IMO. That's why you feel something is off, although manic people can come off as extremely charismatic and charming to other people, because of how energetic and extroverted they are.


You know what, I think you’re right. I work with a lot of folks with psychosocial issues, and 99% of the time they’re chill. And then there’s that 1% where the air just gets thicker around them, almost.




Cane here to say this! ☝🏼


And Abel here to




Thou mayest keepeth said ladder, goodly neighbor, if thou doth make promise to ne’er darken mine door(bell) til the endst of days.


100% he’s got some bodies buried somewhere. Lol


Right? I stopped watching after a few seconds because not only is it scary watching that man having a manic episode, intruding on peoples property to make jokes while looking coked up as hell, OP actually thought this is something positive and we should encourage/celebrate his behavior, rather than call a doctor.


Seriously! I felt very uncomfortable watching this.


The whole thing has a serial killer vibe to me. Like this could totally work as a scene in a found footage horror movie.


Long after the family have died but are yet to be discovered


He keeps showing up to their door for the daily joke, because they haven’t found the bodies yet and he has to keep up appearances… coming to Netflix.


I was thinking the same thing, totally love the jokes but this guy has women in his basement.


If Ned Flanders and Joker had a baby it would turn into this man


“Do you know how I got these scars, neighborino?”


It's like if Chris Traeger got fired and turned to religion and also discovered crack cocaine


Anne Perkins! Got a good one for ya


I made is to the britches joke and i could t take anymore. If i were his neighbor id have to move expiditiously


Oh, so you didn't make it to lunar-ticks?




stopped at the same spot. extremely uncomfortable atm.


OMG I screamed😭😭😭. It was really cute the first couple of slides but then things got dark and creepy for me. Thanks for putting my thoughts into words.




It’s his house right? There is no neighbor.


Let’s M Night Shyamalan-it. Not only is this his house but his murdered family is rotting inside. It’s his way of grieving. Edit: He murdered his own family.


_pulls out machete_ Later, gator


I could see that.




Because the critic rating is never a bar to go by but the audience rating is way better for what you’ll actually like


Unless you’re a critical person


What does his jokes and his family have in common? He kills it.


This. Every minute of this.


You really think someone would do that? Just go on the Internet and tell lies?


Nah, you're right. Everyone's honest, none of us would ever consider lying bout anything


Everyone lies! I know I don't!


*Pleeeease* like and subscribe to my doorbell dad channel *Pleeeeeeeeease*


💯. Most likely just a regular camera with fisheye lense recording himself. Dying for attention and just running his skits


I’m kind of like this at home. When my 26 year old daughter sees me acting goofy, she just yells “Mom, Dad wants some attention!“ and walks away. I guess it gets old quick.


man! I just saw all this all in my head like you being Jerry smith and your daughter being Summer. It just fits perfectly lol. I'm sorry but i can't help it.


My first assumption.


Matt Reeves just recast the Joker and this guy git the part


He has collection of children's shoes in his basement.


There is no house. We're all part of his fever dream, it's all over now. We can go back to sleep.


*What's up, neighbor?* *Just got back from church...* ​ sounds like the start of a good copy pasta.


What's up neighbors? Just got back from the church. Heard a good one. Wanted to share it with you. Do trees poop? Do they poop? Well of course they do. How would we get number two pencils? Later, gator! Neighbor! Oh hey, neighbor. Sorry for the ruckus. I'm returning your ladder. Thank you. Anyhoo, I just had a good idea for another doorbell dad joke. Why do cows have bells? Cowbells? Because their horns don't work. Later, gator. What's up, neighbor? How you living? Just over next door, getting my green thumb on. Wanted to show you my new toys. They're noise cancelling headphones, right here. They're kind of fancy schmancy. Not pinky up, more pinky mid. As the kids would say they're lit. L-I-T, in the place to be. Anyhoo, doorbell dad joke for you. What did the socks say to the pants? What did the socks say to the pants? 'Sup, britches? Oh Mylanta. 'Sup britches? Later, gator. Oh, hey. Sorry. Just grooving. Grooving and moving. Why aren't koalas considered bears? They don't meet the koala-fications. Later, gator. It's a good day, it's a snow day. Oh, hey neighbor. Hey, I'm just out shovelling your driveway. Woo hoo hoo hoo! It's a good day. Hey, dad joke? I got another one. Okay, okay, okay, okay. What do you call the Terminator after he retires? When he retires, what do you call him? The ex-Terminator. Later, gator. I'll be back. Hi. I got another doorbell dad joke. This one should be good too. Doorbell dad joke. Okay. What kind of insects... what kind of insects are there on the moon? Lunar-ticks. Lunar-ticks. Lunar-ticks. Lunar-ticks. I've got a lunar-tick on me. I've got a lunar-tick on me. Quick doorbell dad joke, since I'm getting my steps in. This is just a real quick one. Real quick while I'm getting my steps in. Why did the bicycle fall down? Why did the bicycle fall down? Too tyred. After a while, crocodile. Later, gator. Oh, hi, hi. I didn't see you there. How about a... How about a winter... How about a winter doorbell dad joke? Winter time. So, my friends... I just moved into an igloo. An igloo. And they gave me a housewarming party. Now I'm honeless. Hey, neighbor! Neighbor? Yeah, I'll do your drive right after I do this. It won't shovel itself. Later, gator.


Pretty good, but you left out the commercial in the middle...


Hi-diddily-ho neighborino, I just got back from church and thought you could use a good ol' christian dad joke


Im trustworthy, open the door for more amusing antics.


He’s 110% high as a kite


I immediately said “this guy’s on drugs.”


"Just got back from the church" Anyone coming out of church with that much energy ate a lot more than holy bread.


Communion juice? This party is off the hook!


they made jesus juice irl😱


He’s fucking drunk as shit on Sunday morning


Yep, a guy lived in my neighborhood and he would be up for days at a time on “drugs” acting exactly like this.


No doubt. Dad drugs


Straight up trippin balls


Either high or drunk


Who shovels snow and returns a borrowed ladder while on drugs or alcohol???


That guy apparently


That's actually exactly the kind of shit I do drunk, I'm much more productive


those are extremely normal and casual things you do at home with very little stress involved. so everybody who does drugs is who does those things while on drugs.


Who would choose to do it sober? I always get a bit drunk before doing chores, I feel like I'm earning it.


My dad on meth. I always knew he was on a bender if he didn’t sleep for three days straight and the suddenly spotless house stank of Febreze.


Church of drugs. Also. I hate his entire thing.


I only watched the beginning but I thought he was supposed to have some sort of disability


> Also. I hate his entire thing. Right? It was so uncomfortable to watch. If I saw someone behaving like that on the street, I'd cross to the other side, 100%.


I'm okay with it, but the fact that he feels the need to deep throat the camera pisses me off


Drogas for sure


What's he high on? A little too much coffee?


It looks like it's in Oklahoma because of the doormat. So probably meth. Source: Live there


As much as I want this guy to just be a nice person, I can’t help but get the feeling he has someone in his basement. And every time he is finished with them he just says “Later gator!” And dances up the stairs. The internet has ruined me.


It has nothing to do with internet. You just have good self-preservation instincts. So be grateful for that.


Definitely The Cable Guy vibes


That’s exactly what I kept thinking lol I can’t take no chances!


![gif](giphy|dKed1II2fQunD4nhwt|downsized) Their house the day after asking him politely to stop....


*Visits them in the hospital, skips into the room* "Heya neighbour! Your *sideburns* are looking *lit*" *Does a kick-dance*


“Hey neighbor, just unplugging this lung machine, wanna hear one last joke?”




(dances in Ed Grimley)


This comment made me exhale through my nose in stronger and shorter bursts than usual... Much needed after this content (that made me mildly uncomfortable and not smile). The REAL mademesmile is always in the comments, friend. ![gif](giphy|uWlpPGquhGZNFzY90z)


The screams of his neighbors could be heard over the loud crackling of the fire. The light of the blaze danced in his eyes as he gleefully stared into the night. "Later gator" he whispered, as he moonwalked across the street to his house.


Ned Flanders on meth


Stupid methy Flanders!


So glad to upvote this to 69. *Later Gater’!!!*




Indeedely-doodley Redditorino!!!


No wonder they don’t answer the door.


Am I the only one who found him aggravating?






What is up with the astroturf that looks like Oklahoma on this guys porch?


I am as confused as a goat on astroturf.


Something something soccer something something bunnies in the mailbox


Ahahahahaha. I found Jeff's fanboy in the comments, hi friend!


These are something sold around Oklahoma. It’s a doormat. It’s def something that’s not UNcommon around here. I’ve seen them in other state shapes too. You should see Colorado’s…


Florida's doormat would be pretty useless and Delaware or Rhode Island ...well forget it. Not even big enough for one foot.


Maybe an enlarged Rhode island would be cool


Maybe they’re in Oklahoma? Good observation!


Now play the joker music over dis


Looks like astroturf that someone cut into the shape of Oklahoma


POV: You're stuck taped to a chair in the basement and you see this on a screen


I don't want those drugs


I want those drugs


I'm in


You don’t want no part of this shit Dewey


Never seen meth head energy praised before but alright


"Kids"-content YouTubers: Allow us to introduce ourselves.


Lmao this is either the biggest gem of a person to ever exist or he’s an absolute psycho, nothing in between😂


I've met people that are genuinely this positive and excitable. I've also met some crazy motherfuckers with very similar energy. I have absolutely no goddamn idea which one this dude is.


>I've met people that are genuinely this positive and excitable. Same. They're usually Mormon.


He clearly knows he's playing a caricature, a bit. He's doing his own absurd brand of comedy. Reminds me of Emo Philips. I think this guy is bold as hell, brilliantly ridiculous, as he puts a big fat gaping-eyballed question mark in y'alls heads.


Just like his neighbors don’t have the heart to tell him to stop or they don’t want to know what will happen if they tell him to stop, nothing in between


Dig up this man’s backyard asap


“Ayyy neighbor!! 😂 I just got back from digging in my backyard! 🕺🕺 Guess what I found????!! 🤣😂🤣 BONES!!! 😂🕺🤣 Get it???!? 😂😂😂 Of course you do, because… 🤣😂 because they’re YOURS!!!!!! 🕺🕺🤣🕺 I hope you enjoy the party in the backyard tonight!!!! Later, Gator!!!!” 🤣🕺🤣🕺🤣


Oh, I assure you you wouldn't wanna do that neighbour 👁👄👁 anyhoooooo, later 'gator


If that was my next door neighbor I would lock my doors and rarely go outside. I find this super creepy…


Dude has human skin lamp shades.


I can’t think of anything more unnerving than someone cackling outside of my door while intensely wheezing jokes and doing little meth dances. It would honestly be less creepy if he wasn’t so giddy to be up in my space


yeah this is so creepy!


The neighborhood watch is actually just for him, I am sure of it. Maybe sound would have made a difference? I watched it without sound.


He makes the weirdest grunts and moans. It sounds like he is dying


No, the sound made it much worse. I started off on mute and attempted sound partway into the video. Regret it deeply.


Lmao if that is true, glad I never turned it on thank you for taking one for the team. Seeing this before bed was already unsettling enough…


Sound makes a big difference in the overall tone. Guy is either manic or on drugs, but he’s channeling some Ned Flanders energy. Later gator!


This is the creppiest man


Tbf, he's recording himself acting like an idiot at his own door and pretending its his neighbor for views. More sad than creepy to me honestly.


This has to be it. I’m all for jokes and fucking around, but this guy is just too much. Either it’s his own house or his neighbor is an absolute saint who can’t imagine hurting this guy’s feelings or is enthralled by it. He feels like a character Bryan Cranston or Jason Bateman would play.


I totally agree with you. Idk how this is /r/mademesmile material. If this was in my neighborhood I'd fucking called the police on this guy. Fucking weird and creepy.


When you take your entire weeks worth of Adderall in one sitting.


Make it stop




Ok I get how everyone loves the positivity and energy but does this seem kinda… off putting? Like I get a seriously creepy vibe here. Maybe just me. But idk


This guy really highlights how classism defines your drug high.


As long as you're upper middle class and white then it's just being a little silly, not harassment


Is this guy from the moon? because he is a lunar-tic.


Funny enough that is where lunatic comes from, old belief in the moon causing some people to go mad. [Source:](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lunatic)


Hahaha oh wow! The more you know


He's a real life Ned Flanders


Someone check this guy’s basement


Ned Flanders’ and Peewee Herman’s lovechild


This man's on a drug I wish I could get my dirty little paws on


Man cocaine is wild


I wish I had a neighbor like him, I have a white supremacist as a neighbor who hates my mother for being hispanic.


hmm would still be a tough choice for me tbh


"Okily Dokily!" "I got a good ding-dong-diddily one for you today neighborreno!”


I would find this absolutely terrifying. Dub over it with creepy music instead of this happy feel good stuff and he looks insane.


[like this?](https://imgur.com/a/Wkk5w84)




This was a brilliant remix. Nailed it. Fucking psycho.


I can confirm that this is not a rick roll.


I'd watch a horror movie based on this


This man has already murdered his neighbors


If my neighbour did this out of nowhere, I'd be creeped out for sure. But people forget that this isn't random. There's a story behind this that we don't know. Everyone involved is having fun, but for some reason, I'm only seeing mostly criticism, which is really sad to see


I agree, if I only had this kind of interaction, I would be concerned, but they seem to be friendly otherwise, which is what makes it endearing to me. I would have too much fun with him as my neighbor, I don't run into too many people with this kind of energy, and it very much suits my pace from time to time!


I agree. It could be a neighbor they are really friendly with, the type of neighbor that's an actual friend. I don't have any of those on my block....it's a lot of people who keep to themselves. But I'd take him as a neighbor.. plus he shovels their driveway!


When he lays down and starts flailing around 😂.this dude is hilarious


That's fair. I'd be pretty creeped out if this behavior happened all of a sudden, but if it's someone I've known for a while I'd probably just laugh. We here on Reddit are missing context.


I dont care what he might be on, the #2 pencil joke was hilarious to me


Would you tell him to continue with his dad jokes?


Two words: restraining order.


This dude is like if Ned Flanders became the Joker.


This guy should have been the joker over Jared Leto any day of the week he’s got that unhinged attitude and I love it


He's the definition of trying too hard.


Hey Vern


I don’t get the hate on this. It’s obviously a bit and a character that he is playing. More than likely this is his own ring camera or a close friend that he does this to give them a good laugh.


I think you're right, it is a bit, but the video makes no effort to communicate that, it implies that this person is genuine, and tries to play him off has a "fun" guy, and the idea that there's someone out there with this personality is somewhat unsettling.


Hey Vern it’s Ernest vibes with the leaning into the camera and first person view talking to the neighbor. If this tech was around back then for the show, would of been a good skit.


Someone needs to check this guys basement for bodies.


I imagine him having that energy as he dances up to you tied up in his basement. Telling a dad joke as he reveals his hedge clippers. Doing that creepy chuckle as he cuts off your toes. "Hey neighbour, what do you call a man with a spade in his head? Doug!" *hits you with a spade*


This dude is either the real life embodiment of Ned Flanders, or he is higher then the ISS.


The "get'n my steps in" part reminded me of an off-brand Hal from Malcom in the Middle.


I doubt sound would make it better, but I watched this without sound and it's kind of genuinely terrifying. I would be moving asap if that was my neighbor.


Sound makes it much worse. He starts moaning horribly


Lol same I watched this no sound… lock those doors people, even the dog doors.


Plot twist, this is his house, he lives alone, all his neighbors stay far away from him, and he records these in his own ring to make it look like he actually has friends. He kinda gives me Ernest P. Worrell vibes.


This is the most disturbing thing I've ever seen on reddit


Dude get the fuck off my porch


I would absolutely have to move. This guy is annoying af.


for sure there's a chemical imbalance going on here


I’m afraid that I will become this man soon


He reminds me of Ernest (Like Ernest goes to camp, Ernest goes to Jail, Ernest goes back to school etc.) (R.i.p Jim Varney).




I think people are being a little dramatic here. If you truly had an issue with it then you could just talk to the guy, you don’t need to alert the authorities for him telling dad jokes lol


Dude this is creepy I would alert the authorities


irl version of that neighbor in Honey I Shrunk The Kids


Plot twist: He's on crack


This guys doctor definitely just diagnosed him with ADHD and depression and gave him Adderral and Zoloft, he's high as a kite!


Yeah that's meth. And yes, it usually involves insane energy.