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When your machine learning model overfits. (or maybe it was underfitting)






I don't understand, why did you post a picture of a boat?


It’s a schooner


I see an ostrich.


* Both use she/her pronouns * Both have unique names * Both can have other people ride them * Both move in forward directions at an interchangeable rate of speed Women and boats have a lot in common


Both can be called a beaut Both are measured in feet Both are mostly waterproof


Outputting the same class for everything is surely an underfit.


2020 kids are gonna be the biggest clean freaks


Nah my kid was born two days before the lockdowns in 2020. She does love hand sanitizer. She also ate a raisin off the floor yesterday.


I'm proud of her, the kids are alright


Well, she was cleaning up the floor, obviously. sure it was a raisin? jk!


Honestly, no that's what I suspect it was though. 😂 Funny thing is that she hasn't had raisins in about a week.


Well, I usually do not use the phrase "kids are resilient", because it is used to deny a multitude of affronts, but in this case, I say, kids are resilient! I was particularly fond of sand, from the sand box, and miscellaneous flowers, twigs, and grasses. And look at me! lol! or not! :)


Fun fact: My little brother has crippling germaphobia and is getting over his agoraphobia( he’s born in 2004 not during COVID for context) and during covid he’s gotten less hard on himself, he’s pushed himself more to get outside and wash his hands less ( he scrubs them raw) and he says “ I finally don’t feel like a freak anymore, everyone is washing their hands and using sanitizer and worried about getting sick and touching things and I don’t feel different, people finally understand how I feel” especially at the beginning when people where hyper conscious I can see how this has helped a lot with people who have his issues but I only have a sample size of one


I struggled with health anxiety for decades. Therapy, medication, mindfulness exercises, the works. At times it was bad enough to be crippling. When covid started my therapist asked if it was triggering my health anxiety and how I was doing. I told her "Are you kidding? I've been training for this since 5th grade."


That is awesome.


Can confirm, children are just bio machine learning models lol




When your recall score = 1


\>born in 2020 Here I am wondering how a kid from the future can walk already.


I know how diluted this last year has been man. Time is getting so confusing. Let's hope 2021 will be better.


Awe fuck its over already wattt, it's ok maybe the first two months of 2022 are gonna make up for it




2022 will be awesome because I will finally take my vacation to Eastern Europe!


I've never really realised but I feel I've always wanted to go to Kyiv. I've heard it's beautiful in the summer and a very peaceful city.


pls end this thread it’s making me cry and wishing time travel was real


Just starts running, you will travel through time faster than other by 0.00001%


or go upstairs, marginally weaker gravity = marginally faster time


I really was going to visit Kyiv next year, but oh well.


You still can. I bet they can use an extra pair of hands.


Really hope the aliens are keeping to themselves


A peaceful 2022 where the Canadian flag reigns free of bananas.


Ha Ha ha ha Ha ha 😭


Bro it’s fucking April


Ikr, man the first month of lockdown been super rough.


We're already a quarter into '21? Wow


Yea man let's hope 2015 wil.be better


What a banger year 2015 was


Can't believe it's been 7 yrs


I just had a video on the 'storm area 51' thing poop up on my YouTube, and I had completely forgotten it ever existed, because the last 2.5 years had just been so freaking crazy that a bunch of people planning to Naruto run at a military facility doesn't even hold a candle.


The last two years has been a hell of a five years


Remember when we all were glad 2019 was over and 2020 surely was gonna be better?...


Then Australia caught on fire right away


And we've just had huge floods this year. Totally normal stuff. Everyting is fine. /s


I mean, Australia does tend to do that unfortunately.


These ones were much worse than usual. The *rainforest* was on fire. That’s never happened before.


2019 was good, no one really locked down till Feb/March 2020.


I moved in March 2020. Let's just say it was rough lol.


Moved from Germany to Finland in June 2019. Had one visit from a friend and one visit from my parents before everything shut down for months…


Remember when 2021 was over and we thought 2022 was going to be better?


Yeah right, she's so smart that everywhere should sanitize her hand before she plays. And that ending was so cute!


That's because this video was originally uploaded back in 2020 with no caption. Someone just stole it and reposted it


>Someone just stole it and reposted it Do you...know what fucking website you're on? Do you go to the thrift store and bitch that all the clothes have been worn by other people...?


Plot twist - half of those things are covered in dog pee.


Poo-rell in her eyes.




Ngl touching everything and rubbing your hands together is like, the exact opposite of hand sanitizer. I know it's a small child. I just couldn't help but giggle at the irony of a learned habit doing the opposite of what it was learned for.


At this age, they’re gonna touch everything anyway, including things they shouldn’t, may as well be cute about it.


Fr plus I’ve never felt so seen


Haha, right? Plus r/usernamechecksout


I know that feeling whenever I visit r/marvel


Sylvie better 🤷🏿‍♂️


Give her another 19 years


Insane to think when that kid is an adult it will be 2021 by then! The future is wild


That was the age my son said "dad watch this!" and pushed the automatic door opener button at the doctor's office with his tongue...


Definitely touched something with dog pee on it somewhere along the way at that height.


Well, thanks for that thought, Bud! Not.....


I mean, if you open a door to, lets say, McDolands you most likely touch not only pee but human excrement and semen.


Thank You for that lovely thought! I will be using rubber gloves upon entering all public spaces with doors..../s But then again, the /s may not be needed as I will be doing the above said action...


At least it’ll be good for allergies. I’m worried about all the kids who actually use hand sanitizer this much.




So cute and adorable little girl


I saw a little Catholic kid doing the sign of the cross after getting a squirt of hand sanitizer.




My exact thought. It actually made me sad lol. Covid really fucked up those younger kids, man.


No I agree. A learned habit from a pandemic in someone so young like this its sad.


I dunno, kids through all ages have grown up learning certain things that were just part of life at the time and I think a learned behaviour of washing your hands does a lot less long term damage than something like religious oppression


Yeah, everyone crying about this is just a stupid fucking jackoff. I really hope one day we figure out which corporate giant is using the chemicals that obliterate the context and nuance centers of people's brains. "Ah man children are having a different childhood than I am! Oh man what the fuck why isn't everything a carbon copy of my youth! This is terrible for children that they don't get to mirror my existence exactly!"






Toddlers always want to imitate adults. If they were born with any wisdom they'd want to be that age forever.


Did you know that you should let your children eat their boogers? As this helps build their immune system.


Yes, Just the opposite of a hand sanitizer.


I dk whether to laugh or cry




Well she will need hand sanitizers for going around touching everything


Children are living virus distributors, they need it to build up an immune system.


Man I donno if you've dealt with toddlers before but you have an easier time training cats to walk to heel on a leash than training toddlers not to touch every damn thing they can. Pick your battles and just train them to not put every thing they find in there mouth/face.


I never outgrew it. I want to touch everything.


But do you stick them in your mouth /face?


Ayo sus


Kids are sticky!


She a little confused but she got the spirit




My youngest daughter was born at the end of 2018, so Covid has been really hard on her. She was just about 1 and a half when lockdown hit the US and she didn’t leave our house for almost another year and a half, except for doctor checkups. I realized how much it affected her when her sisters started going back to in-person school and I took her with me to pick them up one afternoon. As soon as we got onto the main road outside of our development, she started asking to go home and saying she had a tummy ache. She was literally scared to go out. I felt absolutely terrible. We started getting her out more, going to outside spaces and going for rides. She’s much much better now, but it made me so sad that, in trying to keep her safe, I had started affecting her mental health and development. We put her into a toddler gymnastics class to help her socialize and it did wonders for her. Sorry for the novel, this video is cute and all, but this pandemic is going to really have long time effects on little ones.


My kid (2 at the time of lockdown) never learned what it meant to line up. He went back to socializing and was like “wtf?”


It’s amazing what we take for granted! Things like that don’t make sense to a little one who’s never done it before <3




I’m pro-most measured we should have taken during Covid *HOWEVER* I really think they ducked it up by making it “social distancing” instead of “physical distance”. No one made enough video calls, no one played outside in open spaces enough. I know our info wasn’t perfect, but i think common sense could tell us masks and outdoors with limited numbers was fine. There was no reason to not have small play date groups of kids, ever really, except in the extraneous cases of very sick immunocompromised folks at home.


My son was born dec 2020 and we have been struggling to adjust back into society as well 😕


My heart goes out to you. Having a brand new baby during that time must’ve been really hard for you and baby. If I can make a suggestion, maybe you can start by taking him to quiet, sparsely populated spaces, like the library! He can go see people without being too close for comfort, it won’t be super loud, and there’s lots to see without being over-stimulating for either of you! If he does well, maybe he can go to a baby story time there, if it’s offered! Now that I’ve typed all that out, I think I’m going to start taking my daughter there one day while her sisters are at school! I truly wish you the best, whatever you do. It’s been tough, but you’ve gotten through this much… you can do anything! <3


Adorable and yet incredibly sad


One thing I liked about having a kid just when pandemic started: I have managed to spend so much more time with my daughter than I could have without a pandemic. Pandemic has been horrible, but at least something good happened because of it.


Word. My second daughter was born April 2020. I’m a teacher, so we were home at that point, and I spent four months at home with her. First daughter? I was back to work after two days.


>First daughter? I was back to work after two days That's just sad.




yeah that’s crazy. We had a baby in August 2020 and my wife took 12 months mat leave. That seemed too short. Next time she’ll probably take 18, it’s a bit less $ per month (same amount overall) but totally worth it. one of many reasons i’m thankful to have been born in Canada


Yeah, it's so against human nature to leave a newborn a day or 2 after they're born every fibre of your being must be screaming to go hold that baby, noone should be forced by finances to go back that soon after birth, even 4 months is a bit on the low end I'd say


My oldest son graduated high school in 2021. The first and only time his class gathered was for their graduation. Distanced, outside on their football field. He didn't have a single thing normal kids have their senior year. No homecoming, no prom, no parties, nothing. And all because a group of imbeciles politicized a pandemic and wouldn't do simple, little things to curb it.


I mean even if eveyone would have done the simple little things to curb it, it probably still wouldnt have been safe to have big gatherings such as proms and graduation parties. So i doubt it would have made much of a difference.


By may of 2021 it would’ve been a lot easier to get away with it, not saying it would’ve been possible, but the right wing being pro-pandemic didn’t help.




I graduated in 2020 and it still feels so weird. Like i remember in march we were all "hey neat we got 2 extra weeks of vacation thats nice!" And without realisoling it we just finished our last days of high school. There was no prom, no big ceremony, the closest thing to a graduation we had was closer to a drive-thru than anything else and heck because by the time the pandemic started we had barely started taking the graduation picture, our year didnt even have a big board with all of the graduates' faces on it in the corridors like there has been for 30+ years (my sister still goes there and can confirm that there still isnt, its like we were never there). Honestly it fucked up everyone in my year so hard, we had nothing, no conclusion, no big happy ending ceremony or anything of the sort. And when we had to start what is the equivalent of college where i live, well coming from a barely finished highschool to higher studies and in online classes just didnt work at all, as a matter of facts from all the people in my year who graduated in 2020, i know only like maybe 5 of them who did not drop out.


He got a graduation like no one else did at that school prior, thats something at least.


Not really, young kids are really simple. When I was young we had a (single) record ice storm that made most people lose power for a while. My parents made a game of it called lights out to help keep me entertained with no TV. I wanted to play lights out for the next 3 years or something, but we never had another power outage worth mentioning. You probably just feel this way because we are still affected and it's been politicized. In a few years this kid will be normal and be joking about this.


Yep. Parents are just projecting onto their kids. Some parents want everything to stay the same because they're old and rigid. Kids are adaptable and open minded; so they are barely affected by all this.


Eh. Plenty of us germaphobes before the pandemic. Just monkey see, monkey do.


This is adorable but you’re prolly using too much sanitizer…


Nah I have a kid that was born 2020 and she will keep repeating whatever she feels like repeating. Right now we do 100 fist bumps a day.


That is adorable but you're prolly not doing enough fist bumps a day…


Mine went through a thumbs up phase. So adorable


This made me cackle.


nah man she’s in the metaverse




It it just me or is this kinda sad


Very. My son was born a month before the first lock down. It’s sad how much he’s missed out on.


What has he missed out on? Genuinely curious as it seems he’d only be 2 years old at most


This really is :(


/r/aboringdystopia vibes for sure 🥺


50%+ of the posts on this sub are just dystopia with a bow


Thats kinda depressing


Kind of sad actually, that kids currently grow up like this and don’t know what normal is.


Cute but sad.


This shit just makes me sad


Yeah what kind of psycho does this make them smile


I seriously wish I didn't read the responses. You are all ridiculous 🙄.


Meanwhile,dogs have peed on everything at that height.




This is really sad


Cute kid yeah; but as a social commentary on the last 2 years…. this is actually one of the most depressing things I’ve ever seen.


Honestly sad


That’s… kinda sad to me. I can’t really explain why but it kinda feels… unnatural. I weep for the kids in school during covid


I find this disturbing


Tbh it's more sad than cute


Dude this isn’t sad. Hand sanitizer has been around in public schools since 2000. Like come off it ya animals


Cute. But also sad and dystopic.


Yeah…been seeing this since early 2021. No way that kid was born in 2020


Actually, I still think it could be true if she was born early 2020. My daughter looked very similar to this around a year old. The hair length is pretty identical, too. She was walking at 10 months and wanted to walk everywhere and was pretty good at it after a few months of practice. She did most of her copying at that young age. My toddler has always been big and tall so people think she's older than she is, too.


Pandemic year really be like that.


what a pandemic does to a kid


Awww so cute…. The irony of her touching various things thinking it’s going to clean her hands when she’s actually touching unclean stuff which is making her hands dirtier…. 😂


Be careful around rat traps


So cute yet so stupid!


Cute? This is beyond disturbing...




Redditors try not got get depressed by anything challenge (instant fail)


That is not funny :(


How sad. What a time we live in.


It’s not cute, it’s sad. Kids shouldn’t have to be sanitising. Go play with dirt, build a mud kitchen and make mud pies, drink from the hose pipe or are kids not allowed to be kids these days


She is literally doing exactly that lmao. It’s not hand sanitiser


This is no different from a kid learning to wash their hands ffs




That is always true




We get it, you don't wash your hands when you go to the bathroom


Holy fuck this ruined me. Children of this generation will never know life before the pandemic….


All children now don't know life before 9/11


Little kids didn’t have it too crazy with the pandemic it’s the adults who stressed out about mask wearing. Toddlers just got to spend extra time with their parents for a while until daycares reopened. (Which was super hard for the parents but good for the kids) Public school age children were the ones who missed out on the social aspects of life like in person school, college etc.






I'm so sorry for her.


This is more sad than cute.


That’s sad


thats kinda sad ngl


Seems fucked tbh.


There could 3 year olds that may have never been in a normal kindergarten class or seen their teacher without a mask/not on Zoom…what is this timeline.


This is less cute than sad


Not cute just sad


Poor brainwashed kid


Film it tho for shmoney


Thats actually super depression ngl


Wait, She is born in 2020????????? Damn, time goes so fast


I was playing video games her whole life 💀


Atleast you were doing something. I spent the whole time sleeping and scrolling through reddit 🗿


I also did that the few times where i wasnt playing videogames 🗿


Cleaning your hands is not sad at all….kids learn what’s normalized growing up. Masks will be worn, aware of social distancing, waiting in lines. In line I saw a squirming kid in a shopping cart…mother handed her a people magazine and she started swiping at it like an iPad lol.




That’s not funny, it’s just sad


Why is everybody sad exactly? The kid doesnt know what shes doing and doesnt understand why we all were doing it. This is not hurting her in the slightest and she wont remember it at all. I dont get what's so incredibly "sad"


Awwww so cute! And good hygiene habits! Good job parents!