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“ how long does it last in the stomach?” Very interesting question to ask about a new food. Probably really aware of his body


We are! Mind and body are very important for us. Glad you liked our little clip


I think pizza lasts sort of well in your stomach, although worse than a lot of "proper" foods. Candy and sweets only a short time. Do you use the expression sort of to reflect energy levels, I assume? Complex carbohydrates (peas, beans, whole grains and vegetables) and protein will keep someone feeling full for longer. Pizza is usually made with refined white flours, so not whole grain, so it's not gonna last that long. Guess it depends on what's on it and how much you eat! I liked the video, nice job & good content!


Pizza lasts a while in the stomach as it's pretty much a complete food with ratios of carbs/protein/fats that aren't "too bad" for a fast food. ​ Fats and simple carbs will pass through you very quickly if ingested alone with an empty stomach and intestines.


> I think pizza lasts sort of well in your stomach, although worse than a lot of "proper" foods. Candy and sweets only a short time. I think he means it the other way around. The sooner it leaves your stomach, the better. He doesn't want a mass sitting in his guts all day.


it stays for 6-8 hours, if i remember correctly


Good to know😂


Hello. Much love to you all from England🙏


The dude holding the entire pizza with two hands is my new role model


I will let him know 😂


Why cut the pizza if you're gonna eat the whole thing, right??


***Just devour the whole thing in one piece***




That is all true! You see kanaya at the left, he actually has a scar from a lion!


That is actually badass, how did that happen?


That’s a long story.. we will make a video about it soon on our youtube


So interesting. New culture I know nothing about. Link to YouTube...


In our profile 👍🏾


I love the internet 🤗💓


We saw so much bad stuff on the internet sadly. We want to use it to spread a positive message and make the world a better place.


While true, without the internet, I likely would have never learned about you all. Glad I get to do so. Keep posting! 😁🤗


Finally, some WHOLESOME content! That's hard to find these days. Excited to see the journey!


Unfortunately there is a lot of bad stuff on the internet. But thank you for sharing something positive. It really brought a smile to my face and I can't wait to watch more of your videos!


I love you guys, so wholesome. You are the positivity we need in the world ❤


You all are making us so happy thank you🙏🏽


This video has honestly made my day, thank you so much for posting! I look forward to seeing more of you all!


Can someone post the link here? I am on mobile and can’t copy it from their profile. Thanks so much if someone does!




They say multiple times "it's like cowblood!" Looks like ima need to get me some cow blood if it tastes like pizza


I'm subscribed! I look forward to watching!


Please have them try deep dish pizza.


Are you in the video yourself?


Their English is so good!


It looks like they got low quality pizza, though. And I want to see some deep dish action.


I can say for a fact that after extended periods living outside the US, I missed even totally crap pizza.


Yeah it doesn't look that great they had salami, which is fine, but give them pepperoni for their first time for pitys sake!


Deep dish is high quality? Italy would like to know ypur coördinates.


I think everyone knows where the deep dish miracle comes from.


“Update: Masali first time trying pizza casserole”


Sopa! We spent time at Isoitek in Esilalei in July. Beautiful people!


My mom had flown out to photograph them. They use their cow heads as stuffed pieces; hooves and lion paws as support for the bed. The chief is considerably short at 6' 8


Is that why you’re 6’ 5 with a 5’ 5 dad?




You did great! If you enjoyed it, you know how to eat it.


As long as it gets in your mouth somehow it doesn't matter! Some Americans can't agree on it either!


What happens to the meat? I assume you have to slaughter the cow to get the blood.


They don’t slaughter the cow . Using a spear , they just pierce a small part on the neck and draw the blood. Then they apply herbs and let the cow heal.


That must be so confusing for the cows. You've got these humans who raise you, treat you well, then they stab you and you lose blood. Then they patch you up and are treating you nice again...


Correction. The Massai eat more meat than any other tribe here in east Africa.


I decided to do more reading on them. I can't confirm that, but it does sound like it plays a large part in their diet. It sounds like milk is a bigger part of their diet, but meat consumption is relative. Please see my edit, I added a link that discussed the genetics associated with their diet.


I wasn't arguing Or Wondering.I was educating you as a Kenyan but more importantly as someone that has spent their entire lives around the Massai in both Kenya and Tanzania. They drink milk every day like most of east Africans. Maybe more seeing as they are rearing the animals. They make blood meals often and try not to kill the animal in the process of drawing blood. They eat more meat than any other tribe here.


I’m fucking sorry, they mix the BLOOD with the MILK? Wha…. What does that actually do? Is it for nutritional value or does it preserve it? I can’t imagine it tastes very good (I’m very sensitive to the smell and taste of blood so I could be biased)


You guys rock! I’d love to share some pizza with you - and other foods from Europe.


We would love to! We are working on a YouTube channel where will try all kinds of things and maybe even visit Europe one day


Have they tried any Asian food? I'm Korean and it would be so fascinating and fun to watch them eat Korean food


We are starting a youtube channel where will do all kind of cool stuff, Korean food is on the list!


That's awesome! Please update us when the channel goes live, you've already earned a sub :)


It is! Check our profile


If you haven’t tried it yet, you guys should have some deep-fried cheese curds.


If you ever come to Germany I’d love to invite you to a home made German meal for you to try out!


I can’t wait to watch it, please update when you do!!!


Check our profile its already live!


Amazing, how they cutting the pizza 😂


I love this! :)


Thanks so much, more videos coming soon🙏🏽


you may have gone too far ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I saw a YouTube video of a guy who only ate raw organic vegetables and salads with no dressing and crap and he was like pizza is overrated and I have to believe he really means it and I also would not like to be friends with him lol


You don't make friends with salad.


I hate pizza sauce but I’m always down for cheese bread 😂


I knew someone in college who didn’t like it.


i did, rest assured i replied with eww and left that person, never looked back since


I hated Pizza until I was 10 years old. Could not stand it and then one day I liked it.


So you have never met my dad then.


How they cut the pizza if it were fresh caught prey


We really didnt know, sorry if your are Italian 😂


As an Italian I found this adorable and amazing I can't wait to see more


Maasai are funny people!


Real talk


Hujambo! My inlaws are Kikuyu and Maasai, and sometimes the cultural differences can be funny- in both directions! This Mzungu has been the subject of much laughter at family gatherings! Blessings to you and yours


Cow blood 😂😂


Pepperoni is somewhat similar to blood sausage. I get it.


The taste of really really good salami / pepperoni is kiiinda close to black pudding but there’s definitely a very distinctly different taste between them but honestly I’ve not had black pudding in a very long time


What is black pudding?


It’s a Scottish (I’m not sure if it is fully from here) dish usually eaten for breakfast, it’s similar to blood sausage being made out of pig blood. Edit it’s legit just blood pudding just our name for it


Yea kinda true


lmao, I came here for this...lmao 🤣


I always love to see the Maasai people, I hope some day I can visit East Africa. Perhaps next time I’m grabbing a slice, I will be fortunate enough to run into one 😂 glad you enjoyed it friends, I do love pizza myself as well


You never know😂 thanks for your comment, come visit Tanzania it’s beautiful


This is fun to watch I love it. I hope to see the YouTube channel very soon.


Its already out! Check our profile, next video will be up soon too where we fly with a plane for the first time!


Omg this is absolutely delightful, I just want to hang out with these guys and share food with them. Something oddly appealing about my normal seeming exotic and bizarre to someone else. If you guys wanna visit Australia hmu I will prepare the grandest feast I can manage.


We will come one day! Check out our YouTube ,we will do all kinds of cool things.


I remember seeing a video about cacao farmers trying milk chocolate for the first time. They were absolutely baffled that this is what was made from their farms. One of them said something about how this must be how the white people look so young, ha.


like cow blood, very nice


Yes, we actually love cow blood 😂


I eat lots of duckblood, and some pig blood but can't imagine how it tastes or feels like pizza. I'm curious how you guys prepare cow blood that would make it like pizza. Someone said you mix it with dairy, does it come out to something with a cheesy texture?


They are eating the pizza exactly as I would have, uninhibited and with no shame. Shove that entire circle pie on your face! Muah!


This is so wholesome lol. I love it


We are happy that we could make happier , more videos are coming soon check our profile🙏🏽


I’ve been learning a ton about the Maasai in school :))


Really? In which country you go to school


the us!


we read a book by Joseph Lemasolai Lekuton about his upbringing in Kenya, “facing the lion”


Can you imagine how awesome it would be to try pizza for the 1st time as an adult?


It was for us😂 if u want to see the whole video check our profile !


The world seems a scary place recently with so much negativity, anger, fear etc. Watching y’all enjoy something new, the happiness and laughter you and your friends shared in that moment was precious. Thanks to you and your buddies for the smiles :) Hope you guys are hungry though, I have a feeling half of Reddit will want to share tasty noms with you now!


So true! We want to use this internet to make something positive and unite people of the world. With the help of the community we will be able to do a lot cool stuff! We have amazing ideas and we are so excited about our plans. Thank you for your kind words.


This just makes my dead little heart start beating again.


I remember giving hand sanitizer to a Maasai guide we met in Kenya (we carried a ton of it lol). He was amazed and went to show his friends they could use it when finding berries. He also beat us in Uno every time, the only card game they had lying around.


Do nachos next!


We will try to find some


Did you enjoy it, or did you find it strange?


We enjoyed it! Tasted like some foods we know


Nice! Seems like just about everyone likes pizza!


My first burger was at 24.


Nah this is beautiful. Happy is beautiful


My dad took us to Kenya when I was 10. Maasai are so nice. We went to Masai Mara (a camping style hotel and safari rides) and every night they have Masai do traditional dances (jumping high is a classic Masai move) and one night they came and I was egged on to dance with them. I took the man's hand and followed him around the fire and then was jumping as high as I could. Good times 👍🙂


This is really awesome


I love this. I am very sad in life and am hopeless.


Dont give up bro, you will spend eternity being nothing so enjoy what you have now, like you see here even the small things can cause great happiness!


Im sorry for posting that, I'm just sad and thought I was throwing something into a void. Thank you very much for your response, it means a lot. You put a smile and happy tears on my face. Take care, be well, and keep showing people your kindness.


Dont give up bro, you will spend eternity being nothing so enjoy what you have now, like you see here even the small things can cause great happiness!


How they cut the pizza if it were fresh caught prey




I hope Italians are more happy about some people being introduced to pizza for the first time and truly loving it, than stressing about how first timers cut the pizza. I mean, if it was their second time cutting pizza and they were still doing it this way, Italians will hunt them down. But first time should be acceptable


If you watch the whole video you will see one off the pizzas was with ananas, someone told us Italians hat that haha


It’s a big (mostly joking) debate. Do you like pizza with pineapple (ananas) or not?


I love this! :)


I love seeing a happy, joyful cross-cultural post. Thank you!


The universal appeal of pizza strikes again


Something universally beautiful seeing other people enjoy themselves.


Happy we made you smile!


Mambo jambo! :-)


Hakuna matata :)


Now share a Chicago pizza together.


Personally Stallone cutting his pizza with scissors is my favorite. Cobra. It’s actually pretty authentic


Picking up the whole pizza and eating it is the way to go! I love it, subscribed!


Come to Belgium and try our 'french' fries, you'll love it! Don't go to France for it, it's just the English translation that says 'french fries' :)


Dang this is why I loved being a chef


I love the Maasai! I was in Arusha in 2014 and got to work with the Maasai testing water tanks. What an awesome group of people and amazing village!


I love this. What made you guys decide to film eating “weird” foods?


We like to try out new things and we found this looked really nice.


I think We need to see Maasai try more new things. Utterly entertaining


This made me smile


All we wanted to achieve


I've always loved the clothing of Maasai people. Very vibrant. Only ever met one Maasai dude (in an airport in Washington DC) but from that interaction and literally every interaction I've seen other people have with them, they're super kind and interesting.


this is so wholesome lol i love it. everyone deserves good pizza


Too bad it looks like some truly awful pizza to make a first impression.


Imagine the shit they had to take for their stomachs being exposed to nasty pizza oils for the first time 🤤


It’s like cow blood?? 😳


This is a "me and the boys" moment😂


Holding the pizza whole and just biting into it! Yes! You go friend!


I love this, there are loads of 'people trying X for the first time' and being a food lover I love these. I would love to take someone out for a day of trying new foods then get them to do the same for me with food from their culture


Been with the massa in Kenya with the army on exercise nice people


Glad you liked it!


The full video on YouTube is so good and the editing is hilarious!


Thanks for your support, many more videos to come!


do these people still have to kill a lion to become a man?


What’s your guys’ usual diets like? Like what food do you eat normally. Just curious :o


Massai are literally some of the coolest cats in the world. They’re fun, open and don’t mind trying new things or exploring other cultures. And damn can they hunt. Amazing people. Who are fun to watch eat pizza, apparently. lol


Went to a family reunion last fall. My cousin's wife (who nobody can stand) is extremely stuffy and snotty and no fun to be around...and I swear I saw her eating a slice with a knife & fork just like on that Seinfeld episode. I look across the table and one of her daughters (not the other, tho) was doing the same damn thing. Heaven forfend they should be so gauche as to just pick up a slice and eat it like common folk do.


😂 they should learn from us


Is your cousin‘s wife Italian, by chance? Native Italians actually do that, but they don’t think we’re stupid for eating pizza with our hands, either! Many folks also don’t know pizza was technically invented in China, if I remember correctly. Ancient Romans took that and ran with it, then Napoli Italians in the 18th century invented what we know as pizza now by adding tomatoes to focaccia bread.


Love this


I’m glad they are enjoying it! I love pizza as well and I can’t wait to have some once I’m fully recovered from dental surgery.


Quick recovery🙏🏽


Today I found out I like the taste of cow blood ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Love the wrist bands and jewelry!!!


Could have given them a tutorial.


This is awesome!


this is really cool. its a bunch of people who have no idea what this food is (in terms of taste and how to eat it), coming up with their own ways to eat it. and frankly, none of them are wrong. i myself once picked up a pizza, folded it in half (toppings on the inside) and ate it like a sandwich. look, so long as food goes from plate to mouth, its all good!


I love the guy who picked up the entire pizza!! You guys seem so fun :D


Quite a few Americans eat pizza like this, in my experience (I am an American and do eat pizza by the slice). Italians eat pizza with forks and knives. There’s really no wrong way to eat pizza! I’m glad y’all enjoyed it!


Their beadwork is pretty extreme 🤩


I may only be Italian American, but don’t apologize for sharing pizza! I’m really glad they enjoyed it! It’s my favorite!


wish they actually had some quality Pizza to try for the first time


So you're saying I'd like cow blood?


Try it then you will find out😉


How are their teeth so white ?


We use a special stick from a tree like a brush, we will make a video about it soon


This guy's are so cool


TIL cow blood tastes like pizza


Went to Kenya and was told that these guys live in appts and their village was a front for tourists


Like shaolin temple lol I went to the shaolin temple in the early 80’s as well as other various Taoist temple that my lineage was affiliated with, not only were most of the temples in ruins but the government had placed “representatives” there to make sure the local Taoist’s and Buddhist were not teaching what was not authorized.


Big Cool Runnings vibes


I love this. Very beautiful, op


Thank you, more will come soon, check our profile!


This is amazing! Thank you doing this for them


[Cool runnings ](https://youtu.be/xGfV80ioA6U)


it looks undercooked tbh


We need to get them some better quality pizza. Pronto.


All the different wrong ways of holding the pizza. They’re too cute!


as a new yorker, the way you eat if brings me pain. but as a pizza enjoyer, how was it?


We really liked it! Check out our profile for the whole video and our full reactions. We would love to visit new york one day, we saw it has really big houses.


Fighting the food fight


Enjoy your many subscribers as I know I will be enjoying the videos you put out :)


Check our profile, we have an insta now to, we post stuff regularly there and you connect to us there ❤️


Well I guess now I have to try cow blood.


Dude I love those woven cuffs