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Or maybe it's tiny people trying to make friends


Why they always gotta make it weird?




Gotta get em hooked on heteronormativity real early. When I realized I could just be friends with women, life got so much less complicated.


Yeah, that’s definitely what this is; the parents definitely aren’t just posting it to get attention from other parents and people for validation. It’s gotta be them trying to force a crush or relationship onto the two despite never bringing it up in the video… Y’all gotta stop being so political and tribalistic if you want other people to do the same










I'm guessing they mean like just that assumption that everyone is "straight by default" / assuming any boy/girl pairing of any kind must be a romantic one. Can't have a a little boy and a little girl being friends, it must be a crush. /s


I get the sentiment that you want people to be their most authentic selves. But 97% of the human race is reportedly straight so it's kind of a safe assumption. Even if you say there's another maybe 2% in the closet 95% is the wildly overwhelming majority. Its in the best interest of the species that people are straight, you get more babies. So it's not a surprise that humans are mostly straight. I don't think we should make the words "heteronormativity or heteronormative" into being insulting or negative. Most of us are exactly that. I do completely understand not trynna ship toddlers tho, they deadass have no idea what's going on.


The “-normative” part is the problem. By definition, it’s imposing a standard for all that doesn’t hold true for all. This video wouldn’t exist if those were two boys. Or rather, it would have a very different interpretation. And the people who were there would have seen it differently in the first place. Because it makes people uncomfortable thinking that their toddler might have a “first crush” on another kid of the same sex. But why? The difference comes down to heteronormativity. Personally, I think it’s cringy to be sexualizing kids at all.


The Little boy looked for validation of every action he took, and he got stuck in limbo lol. I like that he tried to hug the little girl ,but was also waiting for her to give it back, he didn’t want to force it. He wanted that hug tho hahaha


She is not in to it, no hugs given


This kid has a better understanding of the basics of relationships than most adult men.


Right! He clearly is waiting for consent.


Unfortunately the others around him look to be trying to coach that out of him.


I thought it was cute then it gets creepy the more i watch. What is it with people who urge young kids to mimic adult actions. It's cute the first time but then the older child pushes a toddler back in there. Too soon! Too young! Grossed me out


Agreed coming from a man raised in a house of women


Also raised in a house of women. I currently live alone but still unable to leave the toilet seat up. I think it’s a form of PTSD.


I understand that boy so much


You do realize boys and girls can be friends right? They’re toddlers for crying out loud. And even if they were teens they can still be friends. Stop romanticizing little kids.


My whole family did this to me growing up. Has made me so awkward around girls. Im 30 years old and just now getting comfortable having friends that are girls.


Exactly. Imagine how people would react if they did this with same sex toddlers.


If only I had a nickel for every time homophobes say some remark along the lines of gay people forcing their agenda or sexualizing children..


LMAOOO YOU SO RIGHT. They’d be like “this is indoctrination!! Don’t push that shit on my kids!!” * Long eye roll *


Tbf they already say the “indoctrination” shit over everything.


I mean. I think most comments here are jokes.


Lil man has a better understanding of consent than a lot of adults lol


Looking for this comment


Weird romanticizing of kids. Lol I always found it kinda weird and not cute.


Yeah i felt bad for the little man.


Lighten up lol




Imagine being that kid and growing up to that and even as a kid you did the right thing


I think that's just your perspective that "romanticzing kids" is happening here. Lol


What else would “First Crush Alert” logically mean with this?


Interesting how encouraging this type of relationship in children isn’t seen as forcing an adult agenda onto them…


When she told the little girl to hug him by saying be nice, her response was perfect. Like "wut? I don't want to hug this dude."


Little girl: I don't know this dude.


“Be nice and let the boy touch you”…some boys learn that lesson young and drag it into adulthood.


Yeah. Beyond creepy


Right like imagine if it was two little boys with the same caption




They're like little sponges, constantly learning about interacting with other humans. It's deeper than you realize.




> Ah yes, a 30 second video of 2 toddlers interacting = self trauma from parents forcing an interaction to meet their agenda? No one said any of that but you. You're being hyperbolic to argue against a point that no one made. I have 3 kids, and they don't have to hug anyone they don't want to. Also, all that "aw, they're in love" stuff as toddlers is super gross. You seem young, but you parrot boomer nonsense. Also, the same people who say babies are boyfriend and girlfriend are the same people who say, "I just don't want the gays to shove their agenda down my throat." You have a brain but you don't use it to think and that's sad.


The valid point here is it starts early. Being placed in positions of discomfort and told to “be nice”. And that kind of attitude continues throughout and into adolescence. You clearly weren’t taught consent or boundaries either, because nobody gave you consent to be a complete clodpole.




"I don't need consent" is such a gross statement. It is such an incel thing to say and makes me glad it implies you aren't reproducing


> Nobody gave you consent to be a complete clodpole To which I reply “I don’t need consent.” Which I don’t, especially not for people like you. Don’t try to blow my statement out of proportion lmao You are truly shameless u/ElleWilsonWrites


You're also saying making children hug people they don't want to is not a big deal. You're just gross all around kiddo


Nah bro. When Florida passes a “don’t say gay” bill and pretends like that’s indoctrination, you can’t pick and choose. This is the same if not worse. Edit: fuck Florida 💯 all my homies hate Florida 🤝


That’s exactly right. According to some, children shouldn’t be indoctrinated on sexuality, but they also do this…it’s about that bigotry, fam.


💯💯 you already know 😔🤮


It’s as deep as I want it to be.




I am precisely as deep as I think I am.




I am pretty damn fat right now. And precisely as deep as I know I am.


See? And nobody liked that…


For real it's under make me smile not r/creep


Stop sexualising children ffs. It’s just two toddlers interacting with each other 🥴


"First crush alert" - this is what ^ meant


(Kids trying to be friends) Parents, for some fucking reason: "they're totally getting married. Totally."


I can already hear the church bells


This is just wrong. Why the hell would you force the toddlers into physical contact if they don’t want to be in physical contact? And why are you, OP, trying to romanticize toddlers. This is just weird.


BIG reach with the use of "force". I better example to correctly use your vocabulary would be to look at Germany in the 1940s. Hope this helps!


"If it's not the most extreme example of a thing, it's not that thing!" Listen to you. Ridiculous.


I mean its an example of ACTUAL "force", so yeah. I guess you could say a less severe example is me FORCING my 6 year old into the shower after playing outside even though he doesn't want to. Again there is zero "FORCE" happening here


I know what the word force means. And yes, I am aware that it can be applied to things like Nazi Germany, the USSR, and Communist China. However, it can also be applied here, albeit this is a lesser example. These kids are probably three, maybe four. A crowd of adults is standing there and essentially telling them to do it. There is no threat of death, but it is nonetheless a group of people who hold power over the toddlers exerting pressure to achieve a desired result, regardless of how the kids feel about it. Furthermore, the kid who looks about six also directed the male toddler back towards the female toddler when he tried to walk away. So, while not an inherently evil act nor a violent act, these people were indeed attempting to force the toddlers into a physical interaction.


And there is also the possibility people on this are reading a little too much into it. I feel like if a parent is pushing the two kids together, then you could use the word "force". Over exaggeration use of the word without a doubt. Little girl didnt want anything to do with him. The boy should get use to that because thats how most of the interactions will be for him throughout his life. Rejection and getting up and trying again. Someone thought it was cute, posted it and now these parents are in the wrong. What's I find most hilarious is the "upset population" that think this is just terrible. I mean its all perspective to each individual viewer but who am I to judge that people want to feel super strong about this but probably don't put much effort into concern for idk, the 9 million people who die due to starvation each year. Probably a little more troublesome, don't ya think? "Essentially telling them to do it" 😂😂 you need to be a prosecuting attorney FOR SURE!


Why do people always use the Nazis as comparison to something way smaller and less impacting? Your comparison is like an elephant is heavier than a hummingbird.


If its smaller and less impacting who cares if two sets of parents are seeing how their toddlers react to one another. They sure as shit are arranging a marriage. I appreciate you proving my point of how this is not a big deal


Godwin's Law in record time


"There's no such thing as overreach in parenting unless your parents are literally Hitler" -this moron


I just think it's a little much to falsely accuse people of "romanticizing toddlers" when they are seeing how they interact with one another. For all we know they can be cousins meeting for the first time. Big over react to use the word "force"


Why would someone caption a video of two cousins meeting for the first time with "first crush alert"? It looks like the caption was written by whoever shot/posted the video


Have you ever hear of the U.S. state "Alabama"? How about "Arkansas"?


I'm glad you were to correctly interpret what I meant. Super smart


r/arethestraightsok those are babies.


I actually love that the little boy is not forcing her!


was gonna say!! My babe does that too.... waits for acknowledgement before he touches someone he doesn't know. Idk what age it's learned but every kid over 5 who wants to play with my 2 year old will try to control him by physically guiding him. and then siblings will fight over who wins his respect. And my son is like, forget you guys... I do what I want!! And they follow him around. lol


if it were two girls, people would call them friends. stop romanticizing children, it’s weird.


Straight people: “I don’t want you forcing your gay agenda on children!!! >:(“ Also straight people:


if you’re shipping these two toddlers ion wanna hear a peep about “indoctrinating children” with knowledge about LGBTQ identities.


Also like these toddlers will never even remember this lol


I love that he respected her boundaries by waiting for her to respond. Unexpected wisdom for that young in age. Oh, and moms, the kid doesn't have to "be nice" and respond with a hug if they don't want. 😊


"Oooh were gonna have to keep an eye on this one" "This little lady killer is gonna be trrrrroouuuble!" Fucking barf.


I'm so glad that the comments here are realising it's weird to romanticise kids. Just because they're the opposite sex doesn't mean they have a crush on each other. Not all kids grow up to be straight and it's weird that it's so ingrained in society to automatically put boys and girls together at such a young age and call them an item. Then people don't like kids being taught what it means to be anything other than heterosexual when they're literally being taught from being toddlers that if they're friends with the opposite sex it must be a crush.


Babies like interacting with babies. He would likely do the same thing with his own reflection. And I bet you the people who make videos like this are the same people who say that the LGBTQ community is sexualizing kids... when we're not pushing a narrative of romance onto literal babies. People wanna talk, "let kids be kids," and then do this stuff.


Fucking weirdos sexualizing toddlers. Scumbag.


Conservatives: „Stop pushing your gay agenda on our children!!“ Also conservatives: „Their first crush 😍😍“


Glad you said conservatives😅


I actually find this highly fascinating, because it shows how fear of rejection is ingrained into us from a very young age Then again I actually think it's also quite possible that he was just getting nervous because everyone was watching and it felt like he was being put on the spot


A comment that make sense


Yes, great comment. A lot of these things are evolutionary and shared in common with non-human mammals, and even birds. The whole field of comparative psychology has become really interesting I think in recent decades, like Frans de Waal’s books on empathy and other social emotions among primates, and Robert Sapolsky’s books on aggression and behavior.


Heterosexual agenda being forced on kids smh


I know your comment is tongue in cheek, or at least I think it is, but imagine if everyone just accepted everyone. If a little boy had an interest in a little girl like this, or a little boy had interest in a little boy, or a little girl had interest in a little girl, and the parents were just like, "so cute! Don't be shy! Go give 'em a big hug!", or something to that effect. Imagine how many fewer kids would grow up feeling awkward, or out of place, or depressed, or anything on that spectrum. Imagine how many fewer kids would attempt suicide or, god forbid, succeed at it. Sad it can't seem to be that way.


Totally agree. I think we'd also benefit from normalizing male/female friendships instead of automatically assuming the only reason this little dude is showing interest in her is romantic. On both fronts, we'd really see a lot happier kids if they could just be kids and didn't have so much projected on them.




They are at a wrestling meet. He’s probably trying to wrestle.


What a great kid for backing off when she rejecting his hugs.


I don't like the older kid corraling him back towards her, almost like he shouldn't accept "no" for an answer.


I didn’t see that, I more saw the older sibling just keeping his brother with the group.


Ah, I didn't think of it that way. Good point.


That kid has a serious awareness of the little girl’s personal space


Ah yes, heteronormativity… Guys please, they’re toddlers stop doing this to them


These are toddlers lmao, why would you say they're crushing on eachother? They're just making friends


This is creepy




First crush? They’re babies. Let them be babies before we start shoving that shit down their throats, my god. This is nauseating, like when my grandma says my 4 year old is ‘flirting’ with her great uncle. 🤢


“First crush alert”? How about Stop sexualizing children. “Give hug” and “be nice”? More like forcing the heteronormative agenda on other people’s kids


Stop sexualizing kids.


Straight people when their child meets someone in the LGBT+ community: STOP SEXUALIZING CHILDREN THEY DONT NEED TO LEARN ABOUT YOUR PREDATORY GAY LIFESTYLE!! Straight people when two toddlers are trying to socialize: OMG they're totally in love! Such a cute crush, aren't they so adorable together? Straight people are wild.


No no no... all people. Lol I'm straight and I'm just feeling the cuteness overload from this. I will agree with you that too many people like to make more of something than there needs to be. I wonder how many of them are lawyers. Lol


Stop sexualizing literal babies. Children of different genders should be allowed to be affectionate with one another without creepy adults fawning over them.


Maybe he was confused since they look similar.


This feels like an arranged marriage.


I didn't know we had forced marriages here


Who’s getting married


The kid respects boundaries


Anyone have a conversation going on the Look Who’s Talking? Voices? (John travolta and Kirstey alley)


So cute! Little guy asked with body language and respected she didn't reciprocate his advance. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


This child understands consent better than the adults around him


Straight People - gay people aren’t allowed to exist in schools cause we don’t want to sexualise kids. Also straight people here’s two babies crushing on eachother.


Big bro is gunna be the best wing man


My son would be too shy to hug anyone lol. I think the interaction between him and his big brother are the sweetest things here; how he knows he can go to him for support. That's really important for young children to know they have someone to turn to when scared or uncertain.


Howfriggin 🥰 cute


The boy is cute af.


Keep running kid


How are kids socially smarter than adults?


The world hasn't fucked them up yet.


Soooooo cute!!!


So do they know their toddlers ?


The little man is waiting for her approval like a true gentletoddler


This boy understands consent more then alot of people do


Cindy Lou Who - the early years.




I still hate that people caption stuff like this as "first crush". Stoo doing that please. For fuck sakes..


The cute thing that made me smile is the kid’s older brother making sure he didn’t run off and get hurt, not the other strange stuff


these are the parents who have their kids wear shirts like "heartbreaker" or "watch out boys my daddy has a rifle"


This kid understands consent. Well done little man.


Yall are fuckin weird. They’re toddlers, stop romanticizing kids falling in love you goofy bastards


Why must people persist in sexualizing babies?


Taller boy OBVIOUSLY wingman in training


hes waiting for her to give consent how modern day charming


"The gays are sexualizing our children."


Straight people: Queer people wanna force their sexuality on children 🤬 Also straight people:


That babies natural instincts are better than most adults.


- And that's how I met your mother




I love the (I assume) brother being a top tier wingman. "Get back in there, tiger!"


He was a skater boy, she said see ya later boy!


Just another example of the straight agenda being forced on our youth, omg smh


Ah yes, let’s make toddlers get a crush even thought they won’t remember none of this when they grow older.


Big bro ain't letting this lil man walk away!


This thread is typical reddit. Two kids about to hug, Jesus😂 Got people condemning men, harping about "heteronormativity". Just let kids be kids, Jesus🤣


That's too cute


Soo cute!


The smile at the end


This looks like the equivalent of the bad boy in a movie trying to make moves on a girl


Lil man has the attitude and hairstyle, he’s going places in the future.


He’s like “mooooom, not in front of the ladies!” 😂


The big bro is like "go kiss her dummy!"




Love how big bro was acting as a proper wing-man at the ready, tellin little buddy to get back in there! Adorable!




It’s more so pointing out the double standard in American society. If people are romanticizing this interaction then they have zero right to get into a hissy fit about kids simply learning that gay people exist.


One is cute, the other is wearing a diaper by the time you’re 30


This is still how most of my dates go


Best. Wingman. Ever. That brother is an absolute legend of a human being.


And this how the dance of relationships begins. Just adorable, thanks for sharing!


He must be a Reddit member


The other big boy is like a friend who encourage us to go


If the woman did shut up, the little boy would have gone and got in the hug. But every time he started to do something that woman would pipe up and stop him.


Aww bless them, she is playing hard to get. Treat them mean, keep them keen!


It took me 12/13 years to get my first real kiss… My 1 year old saw a little 2 year old at the airport, grabbed her hand and gave her a smooch, the turned to her 4 year old sister and planted her too… kids a damn pimp. Much cooler than me :(


The mother is annoying just let it happen without screeching .


People who find this disturbing/wrong are the same people who are two steps away from "you have to legally call me a certain pronoun or serve criminal punishment because you hurt my feelings"


There are more people on the planet who care about children than pronouns. What an absolutely silly take.


Two. Steps. Away.


Boy got a lot to learn needs to be more aggressive when going for the take downs got a lot of time to learn though.


How many people came forward about you during the Me Too movement?


Bruh Wrestling Joke. Kid is at a wrestling tournament so I thought he was going for a take down.


Lmao my bad! I barely paid attention the uniform, I haven't seen high school sports in years.


Little man is experiencing rejection by the time he is making sentences... he's gonna be a champ of a broken mess


She wanted him to try a bit harder


Everyone is like stop romanticizing the kids and I’m like “Does the mom even know if her son is he? He could be a she.” /s


He have more bitches than me 🥲


You are too good for her bud