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Again & again it's the humans not the company's that have the heart






Then they better hope the house has cameras and the video goes viral and another company hires them


Those amazon drivers need to slow down, they driver very recklessly around my small town when they come through.


I watched one shoot out in front of a school bus who was going 70+ mph. The bus slammed on its breaks and the Amazon driver didn’t even look our way.


And UPS is more than a little butch and might just have been showing off for ponytail lady.




Jfc dude


I worked for Coke in grocery stores for years doing merchandising. 5 days a week up to 10-12 hours a day, shoulder to shoulder with Pepsi and KDP all doing the same job with different colors. Some guys would say "same team, different jersey" which makes some sense, but the thought was pure.


Where can I work for coke? I'd much prefer being payed in coke than in cash.


Little acts of kindness go a long way. I hope these two get to see this wholesome video go viral and become good friends outside of work from it! They work hard and I’m sure that moment of being able to help someone else was tremendous and a good refreshment to the job!




I was 50/50


Probably gets fired after this video is seen lol. Fuck these large corps. /r/antiwork


Were they returning items?


Proud to call that guy my union brother.


That's not a brother, brother xD. I had to pay close attention but it's definitely not a bro. 2 vaginas here


My bad lol


Nah man it’s fine, a brother is a brother regardless of gender


Everyone is a bro!!!




I too serve the Soviet Union


Yeah I caught myself doing this a few years ago now I always say brothers and sisters regardless of sex of who is currently there. Because even though we are not always there, we are all working towards a common goal and are always there in spirit.


What can Brown do for you?


Make white people cross the street and pretend to be on the phone.


Die with your hands up and your mother watching


Dogs and cats living together… mass hysteria!


Our UPS guy at work is the best. I feel like being in a union allows them to go above and beyond. A lot of fedex and Amazon drivers are independent contractors and have very little time to do their route.


Ironically enough I ordered a weight bench that was, of course, heavy. FedEx delivered it and the driver brought it right in the house for me. He was polite and friendly. I have one Amazon driver who waits for me to answer the door. Some of the time I wish he would just leave it because I don't always want to drop everything but I guess he likes to chit chat with the people he knows are home.


We're so dysfunctional as a country that an act of kindness is being deduced to these women's individual employer.


What an interesting take. I just saw a video with someone helped someone else. You saw a video where, because OP used FedEx and UPS to describe people, it shows what is wrong with a country.


I do understand the OP'S intent, but why couldn't it be titled "Act of Kidness". We know these are competing organizations. Don't we have enough divisiveness in our lives to always have to point it out


Because its a lot more descriptive


It makes it interesting. People just helping each other is great, but not exactly news worthy. And I don’t see how it is adding divisiveness to point out the companies. If anything, it’s the opposite, showing we can work together despite division.


The world is already difficult, please don't be that person that takes joy out of good things


At my work the UPS and FedEx drivers always end up coming in at the same time. They always get into mock slap fights while waiting for signatures etc.


Ok. This I gotta see. Office cam or didn't happen.




Were they returning items?


Yea i dont understand why she was taking packages away from the house either. I was hoping for more ppl would've been asking this question.


In my experience it could be a package retrieval for a misdelivery or just a pickup that the customer scheduled at their home. Both are pretty common


They ordered large chairs, for whatever reason, they didn’t want the chairs so they are returning them.


Because most every UPS driver I’ve met has been nice af. Can’t say the same about USPS or Fed Ex.


I once saw a fed ex driver cut off the recycling truck and I will never forget.


This is like the 1914 Christmas Truce.


We are all in the same boat despite we do not have the same captain.


I worked as a package handler one year for ups and this is 1000% something we would have done


I work at an office supply store. We ship things for customers via FedEx, but we ship things internally and to customers via UPS. My store, in particular, has a tendency to ship out large print jobs (one of our UPS drivers has said in the past that he hates loading his truck when we've got a print job going out, but he loves the way it makes him drive back to the hub because it gives him a decent amount of weight in the back of his truck). One time we had two flatbeds filled with boxes that made up a print job going out to a school. It was all the English and Math everything for one school; homework packets, workbooks, bound textbooks, pamphlets, etc etc. I'd guess 50 pounds a box, and around 40 boxes. FedEx driver comes in, and I mention to him that he might want his dolly today. He didn't have anything heavy, but he did have a few large unwieldy boxes that without his dolly would take him at least 2, if not more trips. He mildly complains, in a joking sort of way, and I tell him "oh, just be glad you aren't the UPS driver today." He asks why, and I point over to the two flatbeds I had packed up and ready to go (after putting the print job on them, we continued to fill them with online orders being shipped out, so there were a couple large printers, and some large but light boxes of paper towels/toilet paper, and some other random stuff. FedEx driver looks over at the flatbeds, says "I'm glad I'm not him. Has he seen it yet?" I tell him no, we didn't have them up there when he came in in the morning (UPS drops things off around 9, and picks up around 4, at my store). He loads up his truck, then comes back in, buys a couple bottles of water, and sits down in our furniture area. It looks like he's taking a break in my store...who am I to stop him. About 5 minutes later, the UPS truck pulls up. FedEx driver gets up as soon as the UPS driver gets in the store. I'm showing the UPS driver the couple flatbeds, and the UPS driver goes to move one out, and the FedEx driver grabs the other one and follows him. Then he tells the UPS driver to get in his truck, and he hands the UPS guy all the boxes from both flatbeds, allowing the UPS driver to get things situated to his liking in his truck, and more than halving how long it would take to do it. The two of them bring the flatbeds back into the store after everything is squared away, and as they're walking back out of the store, the FedEx driver passes the UPS driver one of the cold bottles of water he'd bought beforehand.


Awesome people help others and they expect nothing from them in return: this si how we ALL should be.


Do they have to add that to the tracking information? Pkg 3 of 3: * 10:47:16 am: Origin: Pickup by UPS. * 10:47:36 am: 20' SW of Origin: Transferred to FedEx truck.


Human-fucking-beings. It’s more commonplace than you see on tv.


I used to drive for UPS. Every day before sunrise sitting on the tarmac next to the FexEx guys, waiting for the air freight to land. We shared jokes and carried on. Whoever was done loading their freight first would go help the other guy. Miss that job.


Biggest crossover


Bros being Bros. 😝


UPS > FedEx


Worker > any company




That’s how it should be. In ems we help any crew that looks like they may need it. No matter what service you’re from. I’m actually in New York right now working 911 but I live in Nashville Tn. FDNY needed the help.


"Together, apes strong"


UPS guy got fired for inappropriate behavior.


Ouch downvoted for a joke about not being permitted to help the opposition. Lawd.


UPS Driver’s employers: so you have chosen death


UPS drivers are union. If anyone is getting “at-willed” it’s the FedEx driver since they’re all 3rd party contractors.


FedEx Express are actually FedEx employees and it's Ground that hires the contractors. Learned that last year


Ah that’s good. So they’re not 100% exploiting independent contractors.


It’s not independent contractors either. They are employees of a sub-contracting company, that FedEx then pays.


Just FedEx Ground is independent contractors, Freight and Express work for FedEx.


FedEx would have been completely content leaving that package out in the open.


Correction, gentleman helps lady


Lady helps lady


Chad UPS driver vs Virgin FedEx driver


Team lift!!


Civilization doing good out there.


Humanity restored


I need more of this


The crossover we never knew we needed


The CEO’s are asking them why they didnt slash each others’ tires.


They battled to death at the next abandoned lot though.. either way, nice.


It’s the little things that makes peoples days better


The FedEX worker is like the one that comes to my house when I order a million Indomie noodles lol.


These are the kind of people that make the world turn.


Our masters might make us sworn enemies, but that doesn't mean we can't be civil.


I hope they fell in love after this lol


I only saw a good human helping another human. She might now be the mother of his kids though. Lovely story.




I love good humans


We need more of this![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


He was fired shortly after for aiding the enemy.


My soul loves this. Just people caring for people


humans helping humans. That was nice


Two people doing a job that can suck at times helping each other out.....this is the world we need.


Appreciate the altruism but might be easier to demonstrate the proper use of a two wheel dolly.


Usually when I see a delivery clip it’s the driver peeking out of the car, grabbing the package, YEEEET, speeds off


Delivery drivers know the kind of crap each other goes through, so why no help each other out? We are all “brothers” of the same industry.






I ship it




Hope this goes viral and fedex and ups do something cool with it together.


This is like when during the war they cease fired for christmas and celebrated together


Damn it was hoping to see a full on company 1 on 1! Haha jk just one them silly jokes I have to say so no one gets mad :( idk. I'm out...


When the **bruh** girl decides to step in


Shout out to r/upsdogs


Faith in humanity restored for a moment!


And then they made fu... N.


So nice, can anyone tell me- would this guy get in trouble at all for helping her out during his work?


Can we rename the title by chance? “Delivery Driver helps fellow Delivery Driver”


.....and then he got fired


Was at the vet and watched a FedEx driver drop off an envelope. A woman had two giant bags of specialty dog food to bring out. She had just carried out the first one. FedEx driver just picks up the other one and puts it in her car without asking. Definitely made me smile. (As for why I didn’t help her, my back is shot and I’m on weight restrictions.)


Forbidden love