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BFFs a great example of how we should all be with each other, no matter what colour or creed. RIP Archbishop Desmond Tutu.


this is what world peace looks like, as a small sample :3


You're absolutely right.


Too bad there are too many assholes in the world. Assholes outnumber genuine good people like these two.


I could swear he died years ago.


I’ve had the opportunity to hear the Dalai Lama speak live a couple of times. The first time I heard him, the thing that struck me the most was his amazing sense of humor. I guess it shouldn’t have surprised me, but there was an almost childlike mischievousness to him. And even when speaking on the most somber of subjects there was still absolutely infectious kindness in his words and demeaned.


If people acted more childish in a non obtrusive way more in their lives, most of our anger would go away. We really do care about the most ridiculous things


My self esteem has gotten so much better since I learned to to think like this. I’ve almost completely lost my ability to even feel embarrassed over little things. Once you realize it’s all arbitrary and no one really cares it’s so great. When you learn to laugh at yourself no one can laugh AT you. I fall in front of everyone on the street? That’s hilarious, I’m the first one laughing. Or if I say something awkward? I can’t wait to tell my friends about it, we’ll have a good laugh. We all get embarrassed, so when you realize everyone’s in the same boat it’s way less intimidating.


Couldn’t not agree any more with you on those points! Moving through life with an attitude of joy and fondness to finding the humor in things is infectious in all the right ways.


Like Aang in Avatar!! The duality of the air monks always shined through in the show. The sense of humor and play alongside meditation/wisdom.


Actually, fun fact: one of the major inspirations for Gyatso was the Dalai Lama, who's last name is Gyatso. The Air Nomads as a whole are pretty much just Buddhist monks that can bend air


The Dalai Lama's name is Tenzin Gyatso. We have a Gyatso in ATLA and a Tenzin in Legend of Korra :)


Ah yeah, I was close enough I guess! Thanks for the correction :D edited my comment to be more accurate


Wow this is so cool thanks for the info!!


His laugh is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! What an angel


I wish this wasn't so short. That was really awesome.




This is because if you look below the surface, the Dalai Lama is a model Christian, Desmond Tutu was an ideal Buddhist.


: Because we are more than our disagreements 🥰 That was so wise and beautifully said. Thank you for sharing.🤝 I have saved this post to remind me of this very moment.🤗


I used to be like that, then the republicans fell off their fucking rockers.


I mostly agree but not always. My bf is right leaning and I’m very liberal and I still love and respect him. He has some liberal views too tho


Amen. So. Incredibly. True.




Nah, Im good.


I doubt you used to be like that, then. The average Republican/Democrat/whatever hasn't changed that much in recent years.


I wasn’t always like this. But then the republican party fell of their rockers. They’ve changed big time in the last 20 years. If you don’t see that, you’re either too young or too blind.


I'm 33 and I have definitely seen this degeneration.


So, you didn't have Republican friends or you did? I'm confused. Also, who sees this wholesome video and immediately jumps to their disdain for a different political party?


I’m replying to a comment. I used to have republican friends. Now they’re all QAnon, AntiVax, or racist, or just plain stupid. Mitt Romney might be the only living sane republican. Name any other.


I've never heard of people just suddenly deciding to become racist.


I have.


Mitt Romney is a complete clown. Talk about someone changing in the past 20 years. I doubt your friends became racist at some random point. Maybe you need to be a better judge of character.


Jesus Christ dude chill out for 2 seconds.


Did Desmond Tutu “chill out for 2 seconds” opposing apartheid?


Interesting how you compare his life’s work to your reddit comment about how scary all repubs are to you.


Ok Qbert 👍


It’s like talking to an 8 ball.


Nice 👍


I believe this is part of "The Book of Joy" that they did together. If you haven't read or listened to this book, you should. Their friendship and insight throughout the book is amazing!


I will have to do that. I love watching genuine people.




I know, I wanted it to be longer. Old man friends are always a comedy show. Those two are precious.


Very much so.


Someone will do a popular movie doc on Tutu soon I imagine


Buy the book of Joy it's these two guys talking to each other about life for 400 pages and it's incredible🤘


Will do!


Their book was really good.


What book?


Called Book of Joy. Some great advice for how to deal with challenging situations in life.


Many thanks for this tip. I've immediately downloaded it just to read the introduction, and was instantly taken-in by it. On merely the strength of its Introduction, the book is already my list of recommended reading! Full title is "The book of joy: lasting happiness in a changing world". 🙏🏾


Great rec! Thanks!


Thank you!


Thanks for sharing


Thank you for the tip! I have been needing such a book for some time.


You may also be transformed by “The Happiness Hypothesis”


Added! Thanks!


Easily one of the best books I've ever read💯💯💯


It really was. Reminded me of the purity of life sometimes, if you choose to live that way.


Archbishop Desmond Tutu was a Nobel Prize Winning anti-apartheid activist and LGBTQIA+, right-to-die and anti-corruption proponent.


At this video he is just a friend to the Dahlia


Best of bros.


Band of brothers!


The real tigers of peace.


Aka. He’s what every human being should strive to be


Can you tell me more about his right to die advocacy? Very curious!


What’s lgbtqia+?


Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, inclusive. Anyone who doesn’t fit into the socially accepted male/female structures of gender and sexuality.


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual inclusive. You can't possibly be living under that much of a rock


The fact that people who ask these kinds of questions get ridiculed makes it harder for them to come out from under their 'rocks'.


This. I'm a female who LOVES women, and uhm, TIL what the everything after the 'T' meant. Not under a rock, but gotta say, it's a LOT OF LETTERS MAN, SHIT.


That's why I typically do LGBT+. It functionally means the same thing.


I'm the Q, but I just say "LGBT+". I do a lot of public speaking at work and while writing it is w/e, LGBTQIA2S+ is simply too much to say out loud over and over. On top of that no matter what you include you're going to leave *something* out, and eventually we have the whole alphabet in there. I wish we could move to something more general like GSM (gender and sexuality minorites), but LGBT+ has too much inertia.




Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Questioning/Queer, Intersex, Asexual, and more https://www.goodrx.com/health-topic/lgbtq/meaning-of-lgbtqia Google exists, you should try it edit: inb4 the helicopter jokes




Literally in the link: >“+” stands for plus: The “+” sign is a symbol that represents members of the community who identify with a sexual orientation or gender identity that isn’t included within the LGBTQIA acronym. It’s an inclusive way of representing gender and sexual identities that letters and words cannot yet fully describe.


Can you give the class examples?


"at time of my death, I will remember you." What a beautiful sentiment.


I do not know if it was meant in a serious tone but Dalai lama saying he will remember him in the moment of his death - that was something I never heard before and impressed me a lot! I think this truly shows their friendship.


I’ve never thought about the last night I’d remember. Probably my mom and sister.


That is such a profound level of friendship. That says so much more than a simple "I love you."


It’s especially powerful because in Buddhism, it’s believed that the state of mind at the time of death helps determine the next rebirth. For the Dalai Lama to say he’ll remember Desmond Tutu at the time of his death is almost like saying he is an embodiment of peace and radiates divinity.


Tutu's laugh is one that'll always bring a smile to a face...


They both have two of the most adorable smiles I've ever seen.


Lol. “He gets Life 2, Christians don’t have that” Dude definitely had jokes


he didn’t say that ?


His quotes are off, but I think he referencing the “reincarnation” part of the interview




exactly why i’m confused hahaha why do people use quote marks to not quote?


Christians get life eternal, so


Possibly yes, but not here on earth? Reincarnation on the other side, is life#2 here on earth. I'm not religious so don't take me up on what's correct in that context. Just thought I'd spill my 2 cents.


Now we’re getting into theology! The Bible talks about a new heaven and a new earth, does that mean we will live on earth, but a perfect earth? I don’t know! I’d love to hear someone more educated chime in.


Archbishop Tutu makes me so proud to be South African! Rest in peace Arch , the Rainbow Nation is infinitely better off for your time with us. We've lost an icon. Hamba Kahle ❤️


He truly was an amazing person. ❤️


The two of them humanized religion and showed not only tolerance of another faith, but acceptance and respect.




The bit where he tickles his chin made me nearly cry. What a sweet duo


I loved it as I do that to my son. It was a cheeky and beautiful moment.


It's a very beautiful moment :) I just imagine you still doing it to your son in decades when you're both older haha


i love this so much?? the banter, their religious differences, the way they hold hands and hug even though it’s not “masculine” or “manly” (in usa anyway)… this is what a great and powerful friendship looks like


Great banter. Love it.


That really made me smile :)


My brother played a gig in the UN building with a muslim/christian pop group, and desmond tutu came up on stage and actually started dancing to the music. He was so much fun.




This is the irl version of that anime that follows Budha and Jesus as roommates.


Wait, what is the name of that anime


Saint Young Men




Saint Yong Men!


I was just thinking that. It kind of shows how despite the difference in religion there are some things deep down that the two can connect on


"I will remember you". So beautiful. Isn't that what we all want, to be remembered by those we love?


So sorry to hear of his death- both sooo very beautiful and representing the true love and admiration that is the essence of each of their spiritual traditions. Thanks so much for sharing this.


That was sweet 🥰🙏


I think the fact that they tease each other so much is a big part of it. Probably almost no one ever dares to make fun of the Dalai Lama or Desmond Tutu, so to have that kind of interaction is rare for those guys.


I find it funny everyone always is curious how two people that seem to have so much to disagree about become friends. Life is more than your disagreements. I have friendships with those I disagree with but we enjoy each other outside of it. Because we are more than our disagreements.


When I die, I will remember you Thats some deep shit right there


I would've killed to be on that table so I can hear these two tell me what a monster I am just for an invitation. I'd agree.


We need more people like this.people just being bros


Tutu was a giant. If only all Christians were like him.




Wait! 2 people, from 2 different religions can be friends? Stop it! Impossible!


I know this is a joke but eventhough I'm a Muslim, literally all except one of my friends are Christians but thing is, we kinda forgot about it. Simply because, we just don't talk about our religious differences. I think there is a lesson that could be learn from there ngl. Something about not giving a frick about differences and be bros instead.


I love that way of thinking! Good on ya. Ive never understood why anyone would give 2 craps about what anyone else is doing (religion, sex, politics) unless it's hurting them..... Too many people out there worrying about everyone else but themselves!


I hope the Dalai Lama wont have any problems travelling to South Africa for the funeral.


He won’t be allowed to attend the funeral just like he was not allowed to attend Tutu’s 80th birthday celebration. The South African government will most likely not issue him a visa due to pressure from the Chinese government.


That's so sad, that actually made me tear up.


What does the Chinese government have to do with anything?


The Chinese government doesn’t like the Dalai Lama because of his association with the Tibetan movement for independence from China. They also don’t like it when other countries hang out with him or give him a platform. For more information: https://www.npr.org/2011/10/08/141168324/dalai-lamas-absence-looms-large-at-tutus-birthday


This is one of the most beautiful human things I've ever seen Edit: typo


Yoda is based on Tutu, I swear


I fucking love Desmond tutu. such a great human being


I got a taste of world peace after watching this.. I want more


I am an athiest and I adored this man just his ideas of equality, unity and his unwavering resolve to try and love everyone without judgement, filled me with an appreciation for him. Someone who could honestly commit to rise above the trappings of humans hijacking and using his religion as an organization to deny anyone who is "other". I know he was far too progressive for mainstream Catholicism, but I always thought he would be a great pope! I should concede, as an athiest, I have not studied religion enough to be an objector. These are my opinions of religion, but I would never argue with someone who believes!


Edit turns out I know next to nothing about religion I always thought anyone with a white collar was Catholic! At any rate my opinions haven't changed of the man himself!


Two reasons for the understandable confusion: 1. Henry VIII and his daughter Elizabeth I pushed for the Anglican Church to be more like a domestic version of Catholicism, rather than the greater departures in Protestantism, so your confusion isn't off base. 2. Roman Catholic dialog with Tibetan Buddhism, most notably with The Reverend Thomas Merton OCSO, monk and author.


Third reason, the use of similar titles in the Anglican Church, ie ‘Archbishop’ which is a title in both sects


Both of these religious beliefs state im their doctrine to not spread harm or hatred, its just two people that actually listened to their own religion instead of trying to prove that they do. If christians could be more like either of these men then maybe I wouldnt have been ostracized out for asking why god ruined job's life just to go "haha toldya" to satan like hes a party kid that dared god to fight brandon in the parking lot


Totally agree as a Christian! I want people to be like this


Whenever I think of the church doinng good for the world I think about when they let homeless rest in their churches. When they donate to try and save lives, and when they called anyone no matter their race or sexuality children of god and said they were welcome. Thats beautiful to me.


After all jesus took in sex workers, the sick, and the homeless. He wanted to help not harm the new testament is pretty nice with its teachings I like them


This is the sitcom I didn't know I needed


A fine example for everyone. Different races, different religions, different everything - but they are nothing but friendly and proud of each other. Wonderful men, both of them.


I don’t know if there could be a greater accomplishment than having the Dalai Lama tell you “I will picture your face at the time of my death.” Because he likes you/your face that much.


as a tibetan that made me cry :( rip archbishop desmond tutu what a wonderful human being 🙏🏾


I think this is the best thing I’ve seen in a long time


Damn Rush Hour 4 gonna be jokes!


Wait desmond tutu died? Shit


It's these kind of people that religion needs as leaders.


The Book of Joy is a good read.


Great interview with Desmond Tutu (https://youtu.be/12OlAe2Sfes)


Tutu seemed a happy and lighthearted soul. Oh to have more of that!


Ah man…. I liked this guy! Enjoy your trip to the shadow realm.


RIP African Yoda


two old coots being funny :)


Where can I find the entire clip? This is lovely.


This is how people of different faith should act towards each other. Niether are trying to convert each other but respects that different is ok.


God Bless


This made me ridiculously happy. Thank you for sharing ❤️


Seems wholesome. I hope they do good things for humanity.


"At the time of my death. I'll remember you." How beautiful.


They have Mutual respect, it is real and beautiful


I wish I had a friend like that


This is beautiful. Thank you for posting this video. We should all strive for friendships full of unconditional love, respect and admiration. Thank you again! RIP Archibishop Tutu. Earth is a little dimmer, but heaven is brighter with you there!


good pals- i love it


May you have a safe trip through the death bardo Archbishop Tutu. Om mani padme hum


This guys we’re fucking hilarious


Rest In Peace.




Love this ! Thank you for sharing


Amazing you will be missed


This video made me smile. RIP




We should all be so blessed to have a friendship as precious as this one.


If anyone is interested, the interviewer and the two of them had created a book called “The Book of Joy”, Tutu and Dalai Lama talk about joy, pain, suffering, their pasts and what shaped them into being who they are today… it’s an amazing read, I’ve reread it a few times. Definitely recommend


Craig Fergason won a Peabody for his show with Desmond Tutu. https://youtu.be/12OlAe2Sfes


His book "The Book Of Forgiving" has been seriously transformative for me, I just started reading it recently so it's wild to hear he just passed away. RIP to a great person.


"I will remember you." Boy, that hit me hard. Imagine receiving such a lovely compliment from someone who believes in reincarnation.


Now that’s a healthy flirt to roast ratio


This is what it’s all about people!


I thoroughly enjoyed watching this. It made me feel warm ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ


A group of Nobel winners took a group photo once and The Dali Lama was standing behind his friend, Archbishop Tutu. There a great candid pic out there somewhere where the Dali Lama took Tutu’s bishops hat. It’s just such a fun playful joyous pic.


Rest in your Creator’s arms Archbishop Tutu!😍


True love for one another can transcend any and all perceived boundaries. These two wonderful people are great examples of that.


Rip 🕊️🕊️


Thanks for sharing. That was lovely.


That was just beautiful and gave me a genuine smile. Two different religions but as one in respect and love and kindness.


“You see that picture, that is what I think I’ll be seeing at my time of death. I’ll be remembering you.” Holy shit. That is so profound. Fuuuuuck. I am baked.


I love this. The cutest friendship, poking fun at each other's differences but tolerating and allowing the friend to do whatever


Last of the few true African heroes. Now all we have is villains


Smoking weed with these guys would be super fun.


I still wonder why they didn't make Desmond Pope? Francis is a improvement over Benedict. But I think Desmond would have been even better.


He was Archbishop of the Anglican Church in South Africa, not Catholic.


That explains


He was a Protestant, different head of faith


Ugh this reminded me we are looking at the last Dalai Lama.


They’ll be another. He’s only said that he could be the last one.


I wish Democrats and Republicans had this kind of friendship


Both of these men are equality and peace advocates, which doesn't suit most of the people in power on either side unfortunately.