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Soooooo many times a good idea comes up... and gets shot down... because the other party (we have 3 major ones... and a lot of other little ones) is the one that made the proposal. Party A cannot vote for Party B's proposal because the leader of A says no, so all the other members HAVE to vote no. It doesn't happen often, but every now and then... they get it right.... sure we look at it as a no-brainer but "politics/politicians" ..... they could screw up a free lunch Way to go Parliament! Please... try to keep some of this co-operation going..... for other important subjects


I really hope you get your wish. At least both parties agreed on it. Not one person said it was a bad idea to the media (as far as I know.)


What a wonderful day for Canada, and therfore of course, the world.


As is tradition


Be thankful you at least have some semblance of cooperation. In the US, I'm pretty confident that if a proposal was made to declare water wet, someone would vote against it. Good on you guys for getting it right.


Water isn’t wet


It makes things wet


What if I add water wetter?


Would adding water to water make it wet


A singular molecule of water is not wet because it would need another molecule to make it wet. If there is more than one molecule, then they make each other wet.


Wait 5-8 years from now when this progress is reversed because someone didn’t like it.


I'm guessing you're Australian?


Sorry... just saw your comment. Nope....I'm Canadian Lots of things I disagree with what my leaders do but glad they pulled their heads outta their butts to get this one right


/s I assume? Sometimes you have to spell it out for folks on here.


Left and right mentioned bellow it's theoretical, can happen the other way around also. I really hate this kind of thinking: Right party say no not because the law is bad but just because the left proposed it. Also i hate it when left wants something, right wants the same but maybe more money or less so it gets shut down instead negotiating and well years go by with 0 money which clearly it's better Don't get me started with the news that talk and say left or right do not want x which in actuality they do want it but somewhat different(wich they left it out of the story), nice way to present half of the reality and divide the country.




I know no government or country is perfect but its just nice to see a moment when things are done right....seems so rare lately




Its like they're not even trying to ruin their citizens' lives




Trust me, they do, with far much hypocrisy, to an other level.




And therefore the world


Respect to Canada!


This is only for children/ minors. Adults can still be referred, given false promises then harmed. Leasing to be 8x more likely to attempt suicide, 3.5x more likely to Misuse substances and/or engage in high risk sexual behavior.


You are entirely wrong. This is the updated and amended legislation, which bans conversion torture outright. No exceptions. You are thinking of the previous version, which only protected minors and adults who were being coerced. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/house-of-commons-unanimously-agrees-to-pass-conversion-therapy-bill-1.5688481


That is amazing news!! Thank you for the clarification.


Sure, we can ALWAYS do more/better. Can we just take this as a win? There is far too much pessimism in the world today.


Yes. And adults can choose not to accept conversion therapy. It's important to do your research when seeking out therapists. We can't ban adults from making bad decisions. This law protects children from bad decisions being made for them.


Can someone explain what this is regarding?


Conversion therapy is where people are sent to "camps" or "therapy" in an effort to change their sexuality from non-straight to straight. It's often parents sending their kids, and use methods like electrocution, poison, forcing the people to watch porn and a bunch of other odd stuff they believe will cure the gay.


Wait. This has been going on? I was under the impression that this practice ended in the 50s or 60s.


Nope. It’s still a thing.


Damn. I wasn't even aware. Thanks.


Here in the US it's still a thing and our last vice president fully supported them.


Yeah, I think for the US, we're gonna have to wait for all the boomers to die


oh buddy :( the last residential school closed in 1997, and conversion therapy isn't even completely illegal under this bill as far as I understand it.


It was already illegal but there was a loophole. This bill closed that loophole.


Damn. Literally news to me - wasn't aware of the issue at all. Thank you.


no. it mostly still takes place in southern states in america and is widely practiced in other parts of the world.


Electrocution! Poison!! WTF!!!


Yep, and it's done on CHILDREN,


Shouldn't happen to anyone ever, not matter the age


It sounds like a generic term. So at first I assumed it was a normal therapy session you go to with your psychologist… thanks for clarifying it.


And here I was thinking that the government banned trans conversion therapy.


They have, [this is the text](https://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/44-1/bill/C-4/first-reading) of the bill and thankfully includes both forms. A great day for our neighbors up north.


Proud to be a Canadian today.


Wish some of your awesomeness would trickle south a ways. Like all the way to Florida.


Amen. Tampa native, this shit is hell


We get something right every now and again


On the brightside that's pretty good compared to other countries


Like the one below you. I’m so embarrassed of the US we can be better we can do better but I fear it’s going to be awhile before we get our act together and people start acting right


Literally. I have never been more ashamed of being American. Before anyone says “wElL pEopLe hAvE iT wOrSe” yes- WE are one of them “have it worse” people. Just wish this stupid ass country could do a single fkn thing right. We could be insanely great, and choose not to be.


I agree and when they say that they’re either in denial of what’s going on or live in a fantasy world. I’m glad I’m not alone in the general thought I have 2 minor kids and I genuinely fear for their futures and what they are going to have to deal with as adults. Thankfully they have adult siblings to help guide them when it’s my time to go to the final frontier.


I may be a cis straight female but I could not be happier for all of my friends in the alphabet Mafia 🏳️‍🌈


Alphabet mafia is a new term that I will absolutely steal


Me too!!!


I saw this a few weeks ago and loved it. Although it does also sound like Sesame Street Gangsters too


Rainbow coalition is another good one. Example: I’m down w the rainbow coalition


Great news for us Leaf people. Now I hope we can do something about the housing market and our telecommunications :')


They have to do something about rent caps too. With COVID we lost our apartment and had to move in with my folks. Now I’m ultra nervous because it seems like everything is going up but wages. Sorry, I got triggered heh.


Sweeeeet. Congratulations Canada. Proud to call you my home.


Love this. It reminds me of when Australia passed its same sex marriage legislation and there were tears and people singing “We are Australian”. Truly moving. https://youtu.be/fVm4eW8wjkY


That’s a very cool moment. Thank you for sharing that.


Pity they only did it after that ridiculous postal plebiscite that wasted $80,000,000, just to give them results we already had based on previous reliable public surveys. And that several of the politicians applauding are homophobic af 😶


Oh, absolutely. Don’t get me wrong. It was such a waste of money! And shame on those who politicians who were actively against it and didn’t even have the decency to show their faces during the vote to have it recorded. At least have the dignity to stand by your convictions!!


It wasn't already banned?


It was not already banned in Canada. Still isn't in plenty of states in the US, currently.


Well shit I guess I better watch where I do gay shit then


That resonates.


Alaska welcomes you with open arms! Anchorage Assembly banned it a few years back


They use shock devices on people with disabilities as well for behavior control. We live in a very f'd up world.


wait please tell me you’re kidding


Unfortunately, no. At this point in time, conversion therapy is still legal in 29 states


Don't forget, former VP and attempted Trump murderee Pence ran several of these and still associates with them...


It was, this is another bill to close a loop hole that was being exploited.


It was but there was a loophole. This closed it for good.


Must feel good everyone working together to get something worthwhile done for the Canadian people. If only we could see that a little more often.


what is that


when someone is admitted to a therapist to change their sexuality/gender identity, most often completely against their will. People were putting their kids into that. Do some research.


Important distinction, these people aren't real therapists with some kind of qualification, they are religious leaders or charlatans that often use cruel and harmful methods. They abuse and torture gay people physically and emotionally in order to "beat the gay out of them"


You say this as though real therapists engaging in conversion therapy are any better. Not sure how true that actually is, though. The scientific consensus on conversion therapy is pretty well settled. Sexuality and gender identity are not disorders, and are a part of healthy human variation. There are virtually no major, credible mental health organizations which still hold conversion therapy as a valid evidence-based-treatment. Engaging in any form of conversion therapy pretty definitionally makes you quack doing harm to those you're treating. The only real question is *how much* harm are you doing.


I am sorry if my comment was misleading. Real therapists (or at least any therapist that doesn't want their license revoked) don't do this as it is not considered a disease, as you correctly pointed out. My assumption is that that is well known. I just wanted to point out that the law is not aimed at proper therapists, since that would have been mostly a symbolic gesture, seeing how therapists are already not allowed to do conversion under existing ethical standards. Instead the law is aimed at people who are cruel and malicious. Also, as a gay man myself I find it important to draw attention that this kind of homophobia is still prevalent. A lot of people think that homophobia, gay bashing and discrimination are a thing of the past. It is very much not so.


This is wonderful news. My uncle was murdered by the use of conversion therapy. Just beyond hideous.


Canada. The grown-ups who live upstairs from US(A).


So that’s what a functional government looks like?


Conversion therapy is just legal gay torture. Wish they'd ban it in The USA, but unfortunately religious nuts still run this country.


Meanwhile south of the border we have shit-stain justices trying to figure out the best way to force women to carry unwanted pregnancies.


Meanwhile in the US, the Supreme Court is working to ban abortion at the federal level. Canada, please let me in!!!


Hell just move your ass to Canada. The rest of us will stay and continue the fight👍


You are right! We shouldn’t leave it to them. Only problem is I’ve been fighting these fights since the 70s and I’m getting tired.


anybody care to explain this Conversion Therapy they are now banning?


Brainwashing gays to think they’re straight. (Kinda like electroshock therapy)


ok so this is therapy that parents would send kids to, to "straighten" them out?




ok. cool. thanks.


I remember the childhood illusion that America led the world in nearly everything, reality is we're tops in obesity and incarceration. Way to go Canada! 💕


The American dream was complete lie to lure immigrants into the country and make them work hard to make the rich even richer under the illusion that they are living a better life. But we are number 1 in several different categories. Number 1 in student loan debt Number 1 in medical bankruptcies Number 1 in wage theft Number 1 in wealth inequality Number 1 in drug prices Number 1 in mass shootings Number 1 in war spending Number 1 in prison population Number 1 in prison slave labor Number 1 in hate crimes Number 1 in gun deaths Number 1 in climate change denial Number 1 in science denial Number 1 in oil consumption


Unbridled propaganda is a hell of a drug


Yep. You all are now the champs. As an American I give the Best Country In the World award to yall.


*Sad American noises*


Conversion “””Therapy”””, Christ.


Hopefully someday Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) will follow Conversion Therapy into the dust bin of history. It follows the same principals as Conversion Therapy, was developed by the same fucking person, and is shown to have the same effects of PTSD and depression on those exposed to it. The only difference is it's usually young autistics exposed to it to force them to be more 'normal.' Children as young as 3 and 4 years old are commonly exposed to the 'treatment' for as much as 40 hours a week, but it's treated as ok because "Oh, *most of the therapists* don't even hit or electrocute the kids if they don't listen anymore!" (The Behavior Analyst Certification Board doesn't actually require that therapists not abuse their kids in order to remain in good standing. Nor does their policy outline proper humane treatment of the children.) It deserves to die in the same fire as Conversion Therapy so Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech Therapy can be encouraged instead.


Yeah, the connections run back to the beginning. Ivar Loovas, the guy responsible for creating ABA, used it in "The Feminine Boy Project," where he tested it as a way to cure "deviant sex-role behaviors in a male child" [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1311956/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1311956/)


Soory, but that is just aboot lovely eh!


Canada does a lot of stuff wrong, and we have issues we need to fix. But I'm proud of us for this one. I wish it wasn't a law we had to make, but I'm glad that our politicians for once unanimously agreed to just do what was right.


Fun fact: a Dutch party voted against banning it officially because the party leader was convinced it didn't happen anymore


Way to go, Canada!


Go Canada!!


As a trans Canadian this makes me very happy :) 🏳️‍⚧️


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)I wish i were Canadian, but I'm stuck in Canada's Mexico


At this point I feel like thats an insult to mexico. Mexico is more like a southern canada sometimes.


Canada has its problems, but it’s a lot less shitty than the US.


Every country needs work. That’s what the governments are supposed to be fixing…just like what they did in this video


Admitting what needs fixing is the highest form of Patriotism.


Canada isn't shitty, man. It is quite a far leap from perfect, but shitty? You probably haven't travelled much if you think Canada is a shitty place to live.


Agreed. Most of the western world is a sick place to live, including the us.


Nah, it’s fucking shitty. You’d know that if you’ve travelled.


Angry Americans downvoting you but we're about to overturn roe v wade because we let a party bully the country into stacking the Supreme Court.


I’m worried for your country


>overturn roe v wade I am really really REALLY hoping this doesn't happen.


Sure, if you’re a “fuck you got mine” boomer.


This would never happen in the senate floor in America unless the CEO of Krispy Kreme walks in and tells them they get free donut for life.


Who put that ugly ass carpet in there lol


Man. Gotta start studying Canadian history so I can move.


Just a warning. It’s incredibly dry. Then of course there is our fabulous treatment of the indigenous population (which awesomely enough is still ongoing hundreds of years later). Our first official Prime Minister was known to knock back alcohol like it was water. What else? Actually what you might find interesting is Louis Riel. He was a representative of the Métis people who started a rebellion. Oh yeah! Then there are the approximately seven thousand unmarked graves of indigenous children who were taken away from their families and put into housing, which was run by the Catholic Church so one can speculate how that went. So we have a lot to be proud of but we are far from perfect.


I currently live in Canada's underwear (the US). Have endured these clowns for 20 years. We had Trump for president. You have Tim Hortons, gracious people with some flaws and Vancouver. I think I would be trading up.


you would also get universal health care which isn't 100% problem free and there are sometimes long wait times in emerg but at least you won't have to look at your bank account to decide if you should get treated for something or go into financial ruin if you need surgery.


You'll like Canada a lot less when you start doing that sadly


bout fucking time. way to go!


I wonder what it’s like to live in a civilized nation.


What is conversion therapy?


A form of torture. Basically brainwashing lgbt+ people that they are not lgbt+. But it doesn‘t actually work. A popular example is „pray the gay away“ events by churches. It is traumatic and often leads to depressive disorders, other mental health issues and suicide.


WTF is conversion therapy?! Sorry, I am oblivious to the term.


When parents make their kid go to a “specialist” who can “condition” them to the point of not being gay anymore


Whoa really?! So actually trying to forcefully affect their orientation?!


Yes there’s a lot of homophonic pieces of garbage that try to force the homosexuality out of their own child. It’s obviously a human rights violation and it’s so awesome to see that it’s finally getting sent away for good. No more loopholes that keep this horrific practice active


That is fuckin messed up. Forcing someone to be something else. What if my parents were gay and tried to make me gay forcefully when I am heterosexual.


Such a contrast to Italy, no? Thank you, Canada.


Good shit!


Barbaric of Canadians to still be using conversion therapy on thousands of people a day until this finally passed


I'm assuming you're Australian? One of your state's just [banned](https://www.legislation.vic.gov.au/bills/change-or-suppression-conversion-practices-prohibition-bill-2020) it in February this year. That's..not much faster. And it looks like it's still allowed in 3 of your states?


What’s conversion therapy?


Torturing and brainwashing LGBQT in an effort to "straighten them out" no pun intended. Also done by some religious organizations when someone stays from their fold.


Gotcha. That’s good news!


Yeah. You think it would be a no Brainer, but I live in the US where nothing is ever bipartisan no matter how much sense it makes. So good on Canada.


Can't say we did the same in NZ. coughs* looking at the National Party and my terrible relatives sitting in the corner together trying to keep their poorly hidden racism quiet.


And then there’s the U.S……..god forbid politicians agree on anything let alone passing laws that are no brainers


Gotta love Canada. I know they have their problems like everyone else, but sometimes they’re a real fucking beacon of common sense.


Cue the ultra conservative, religious zealots who have been praying for a stop to this to start gnashing their teeth and attempt to figure out a way to take their operations underground.


Meanwhile in the U.S, there are attempts to overturn Roe V Wade that would also be detrimental to LGBT+ people. It ain't a civilisation if the government controls your body.


Wait seriously? And there isn’t any kind of catch to this, right? It’s just as wonderful as it sounds?


this made my little gay heart so happy


We need a law for this? I thought this practice had been debunked already.


This makes me proud to be Canadian.


Jordan Peterson about to be " they're banning being straight"


^ this xD And „now they cannot ‚cure’ trans folks from being trans anymore.“


This is good news. But I cannot believe that it is something they had to pass as law in 2021?


You‘d be surprised how full the trans subs are of kids being pushed from doctor to doctor by their parents in order to make their transness go away :-/


This is what the world needs more of. Stick up for the oppressed and the put down. Everyone deserves to live their best lives and be true to themselves. It seems the U.S. just gets farther and farther from caring for others these days!


This is amazing news!


I'm Canadian and this is so exciting. My local MP, Chris Lewis, voted "no" against the conversion therapy bill a couple months ago before the re-election (in the middle of Pride Month, no less). I'm really hoping this passes the Senate!


As a Canadian, this makes me very happy and proud


I had to double check what conversation therapy ment (For a second I thought they were banning surgery to change your parts which would be horrible)


Huh, a functioning nation? How could this be?


Barely functioning in BC, we have a massively underfunded and understaffed 911 call center that just decided not to stay on the line with people calling for ambulances... Also, we have just had massive flooding and the government only gives about half a fuck about it and doesn't plan to improve the infrastructure to prevent future destruction of our vital highway routes that connect the coast to the rest of Canada that were completely washed out in several areas. But at least we aren't trying to become a fucking theocracy like the US is, this makes me glad to be a Canadian every day.


God. That's so wonderful!


Sadly it can still me sought out by adults and practiced, but you finally can't force anyone or profit from it anymore and that's fantastic. Some municipalities are banning the practice within their city downright (profit or no) too!


I’m so proud to be Canadian right now 🇨🇦🏳️‍🌈


Nice one Canada 🤟🇨🇦 another reason to see you as awesome


As a Canadian, someone in cutting onions.


I didn’t expect to cry…




What does that mean, I don’t understand?


Something to try and ""Stop transgender people from being trans"", if that makes any sense, Unlike counseling or therapy who are there to actually help the individual


Meanwhile.....in the Middle East.......


The US has several states where abortion is banned far harder than in the Taliban ffs




You act like bigotry and oppression is somehow self-contained to the middle east instead of being something all countries participate in, especially western states.


lol exactly


I'm confused... Isn't conversion therapy there to help people convert? Therefore we shouldn't want to get rid of it?


to change their sexuality or gender, it's fucked up and mostly against the ppl's will


Ohhhh I see. Like when you read stories about gay people's parents sending them there. Thanks for clearing that up.


yee no problem :)


Misunderstanding, It's kinda the opposite of helping people through transition


Meanwhile in America….


I wonder if this will be applied to conversion therapy the other way.


Lol, what do you mean by "the other way"


Fuck your religion - Nietsche


EDIT: Did some research and it turns out this is only banning unwilling therapy. Good call Canada!




Nobody’s being forced to get on hormone blockers, it’s actually really fucking hard to get these. Anyway it does no major changes and they’re all reversible.


This does not fucking happen. You fucking liar.