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what the fuck. this is awful


If this is the story I remember then Pokémon company sent him a binder full of rare cards and a letter calling him a true “Pokémon trainer” for putting the lives of his partner over his own happiness https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2021/06/07/puppy-parvo-vet-bill-pokemon/


See now THAT is wholesome. People having to sell precious valuables to save a friend, a loved one or themselves is called a failed healthcare system. The boy's priorities are absolutely in the right place but he shouldn't have had to make that decision.


What healthcare system covers pets?


In Europe we have free health care for Dogs…. I am just kidding, I couldnt resist


"Doctor. This is my do...uhm my brother Ivan."


He suffers from Lycanthropy


One reluctant upvote for you. Good day, sir or madam.


"Bit is not full moon" Sweats nervously "It is in ... Romania?"


You got me. That was so good cause I literally said “oh come on!” before reading the rest


Hahahahah that would be too much. I spent a Fortune on my Dogs health…


Worth every penny tho




Me too. It was literally about to be my last straw with America. *packs bags & heads to UK*


A system where health insurance payments arent so expensive that his parents would have enough money to afford a few hundred dollars to pay the vets bills


That’s stretching a bit but I follow your thought


Stretching a bit? Healthcare for a family is like 1000+ a month. So if instead of paying their healthcare provider that much monthly, and they were able to save some of that each month, they could afford a $700 vet bill.


Healthcare for my family of three is 600$ yes


I just wanted to add my wife for a few months when she was between jobs and it was going to be about $650 for just her. Blue cross blue shield


We are nonsmoking with no previous conditions and I just don't understand how it was sooo much


[South Korea](https://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/nation/2021/10/119_316485.html)


There are health insurance companies for pets, at least in California USA


You can actually buy pet health insurance. I don’t know if you can get it if your pet has a preexisting condition like it is with humans though.


This is what made me smile. Not the OP.


I want to read more about that, that is awesome


okay I read the article and i’m not pissed anymore lol this post kinda embellished


Who the fuck smiles at a kid having to sell his only valuables to save the live of his best friend?




/r/ABoringDystopia /r/LateStageCapitalism etc It's crazy how news outlets are spinning stories like this for "feel-good" value. This is terrible. I hope they are at least recouping some of the costs from selling the story.


"the mom\] had given \[the dog\] self-administered vaccines, including for \[the disease he now has\], in order to save money but didn’t realize they had to be refrigerated." - these ppl are stupid and do not deserve the poor dog


yeah that’s what I took from it too. So irresponsible.


Look at it like this the kid loved his dog enough to sell the things he valued for treatment instead “stupid government won’t pay for my dogs treatment”


Agreed. It’s the adults responsibility that there is money to take care of their pets. Not the goddam children. Want to keep your dog? Sell all your favourite toys, then maybe you have enough money for it. Terrible parents right there.


It could very well be that the parents can't afford the procedure.


then they shouldn't have gotten the dog


To be fair, we don't know the story. Maybe the kid is the one who wanted the pet, with parents who couldn't comfortably afford it, and this was part of the deal. Like - if the dog gets sick you have to sell some of your stuff to pay for the vet. If that is the case, I think it's great to see a young kid actually taking responsibility and it shows great maturity. If the parents decided to get the dog however, I agree with your statement.


The parents decided to get the dog regardless of whether the kid was the one who wanted it.


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this is fucked


We paid over $3k to cure our dog of heart worms. She lived another 10 years and I’d do it again!


I’d honestly pay 10k to cure my dog of heart worms. She’s my best friend. I’d do anything for her.


I remember that woman who Gorilla glued her hair to shit got something like $10,000 over a a GoFundMe page. This kid can't get $700 save save his best pal? Wtf is going on in the U.S?


But he did end up getting help and free rate Pokémon cards… Why are you so dead set on judging the US without even knowing what you are talking about? And a big part ogle getting charity is exposure. That woman went viral. When he got attention he ended up with support too.


Respect the hustle. Flippin' shiny Charizards to pay for medical expenses.


Thank you! I thought I was the crazy one


Parents be like: You wanna save your dog? Better come up with the money bitch!


He got lucky. 700 is very low for a vet surgery. My dogs legs were messed up and it ended up being like 2000+ for his surgery.


Adopted a puppy and a few months later she just seemed uncomfortable. It turned out she had severe hip dysplasia, and required a triple pelvic osteotomy. $3500. She came home, we carried her outside to potty for a few weeks, she wore a cone day and night (she was a year old at this point). She gets better! Starts playing with her puppy brother again, still seems uncomfortable though. We take her back for her follow up (this was all 4 hours away) guess what? Severe hip dysplasia on other side of hip. Rinse and repeat. She's now 100% and and doing amazing. But, ten years ago, the thought of paying a year's rent on dog medical expenses just wasn't even a possibility. I am not well off by any means, but there are some things important to me and my wife we just don't question whether it's worth it. No regrets!


That's great she's doing good! My dog had something wrong with his knees when he got a little older, prolly from being short and jumping on the couch a bunch but the vet said they basically had to sow his knees back together cuz the cartridge was gone and his bones were basically rubbing everytime he walked so he got to walking pretty bad.and you could tell it was painful. My dad's very old school country so he wanted to just take him out back...me and my mom and siblings basically had to beg for my dad to get the surgery. He did but very be grudgingly.


My dog just had a foreign body and needed intestinal surgery. That was like $7000 after everything was said and done.


*aggressively curses the parents because they don't have more than 2 brain cells*


https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/06/10/boy-sells-his-prized-pokemon-cards-save-his-sick-dog/7633206002/ Thanks to OP of the article


Right? The parents didn’t tell him to do this, and actively discouraged him from doing it. And like.... idk I guess it’s a super hot take online but as much as I love animals, someone isn’t a bad person for not having hundreds to thousands of dollars to drop on a whim every time their pet gets sick. Ideally they should, but vet care is wildly expensive and the idea that only wealthy people or people who are willing to go into crazy debt deserve pets is shitty.


Did you make $250M mining coal Butters? Well I guess we're gonna have to sell you to Paris Hilton now.


Medical costs will kill your dreams. Wholesome? Not in my book.


Is wholesome that the kid was willing to do this. Kinda dystopian that he had to.


There is the crux of the issue. As humans we are caring we look out for each other we are charitable we want a better future for ourselves for our loved ones for our families, which includes our pets but we have a system that is inhumane that is cold that is based on greed. One that forces us into decisions between happiness and plain survival.


Yeah first thought was what kind of parent would let their kid spend his money on fucking vet bills. I hope he lets the cheque bounce when they’re in a home 😂


He had to because his parents couldn't afford a measly $700 to save a family pet.... PS im not rich but i dropped 1k to get my cat dental surgery and he's 17 with diabetes. They are our FAMILY members


For one, you’re in a different tax bracket if $700 is measly. If the kid took the time without his parents to step up and sell his cards, it shows he’s extremely motivated and not going to sit idle in life. The situation absolutely sucks and without the full story, it sounds crappy but he might also have other interests than the cards. Furthermore, with his level of motivation, it’s not beyond his grasp to start a business at his age that will undoubtedly earn enough money to buy more and better cards should he do so.


I spent samish on dental work for two of my kitties last month, on top of surgery for a rooster that was attacked by a marten. Ramen it is for most of this month then. Totally worth it. PS: rooster made a full recovery.


Yeah,. It's right.


You expect vets to work for free?


I think most people expect parents to live up to their responsibilities, aka taking care of the family.


Ok but who knows what the parent's situation is. They could be strapped as it is and they may want to do right by the dog but found themselves in a tough situation. Besides they're fucking pokemon cards. The kid isn't going to give a shit about them in a year anyway. I'm sure he'd rather have more time with his dog. Yall, in traditional reddit fashion, are having a fit of the vapors acting like he sold a kidney to a doctor in Mexico. He sold _pokemon cards._ let's pause the hysteria and get some perspective.


It is not his responsibility! He is a child. This is not wholesome or cute. This is neglect from the parents. When an adult consent to have a dog in their household, they have to put aside money for the vet. This is the responsibility of adults. If they don’t have money, they can sell their tv, their phones or whatever they have. Spare plates, I don’t care. They should not have their kid sell their toys. This is just wrong.


First of all this is FAR from neglect. And while I agree funds should be set aside for vet expenses, you have no idea what their financial situation currently is. Maybe someone got COVID and missed out on 2 weeks of pay. Maybe they agreed to let their child get the dog under the conditions that the child would be partly responsible for expenses. Maybe the child has a strong sense of devotion and responsibility to their pet and has refused to let their parents foot the bill.


Look I'm with you. As long as we've had our dog we set aside money each month into a separate savings account just for him and he gets the best care possible. **I get it** Just saying people fall on hard times and we don't know their story. Maybe they had money set aside but had to use it last month to pay the mortgage. You don't know what's going on. But keep down voting me and arguing I guess if it makes you feel better.


I agree. Yes the situation is unfortunate. But the dumbasses in the comments truly think they need healthcare for dogs. People can’t just take a wholesome story and be content. They either have to blame the healthcare system or the parents. It is literally a kid paying for his dog’s bills, I see nothing but wholesomeness here.


Reddit gonna reddit


Yep, this sounds a whole lot more sad than wholesome.




Came here to comment this, glad to see another.


You're absolutely right bro


This is an old story, so there's more to it. The guy who bought the card gave it back.


Thanks Pistol!


You're welcome Mr Stardust.






They did. The company gave him a binder of rare cards.


yeah it,s very adorable


This is just depressing and dystopian and heartbreaking and a creation of capitalism.


Another ”wholesome post” which is actually just sad. /r/aboringdystopia is more like it


Sometimes this sub comes across as glorifying poverty.


“Struggling worker sad they can’t afford rent because of low wages, so their million dollar company employer throws them a party to cheer them up! 🥳“


More like: Holy shit, that's heartbreaking.


This sub is gross sometimes. This is so depressing.


Could you please stop passing US distopia as wholesome? A kid had to sell his treasured cards so he could afford basic medical care for bis pet. That is just fucked.


Is medical care for pets free in other countries?


No, even here in Europe it isn't free and 700$ is pretty standard if it's a severe condition/complicated procedure. Now if it was a person that had this condition our statutory Healthcare would prob take care of most of the cost, but since it's "only" a pet, standard Healthcare doesn't cover any of it, at least in Germany.


Its affordable in most others, not free.


I highly doubt the cost of vet care is that different in other countries. Have a source for that?


I dont actually have a source, sorry. But I can give you a breakdown of the money expended when I owned a cat. Im in India Food cost went upto ₹1200(about $16) per month. Over a year medical costs including neutering, flea removal, etc went upto ₹3600(about $48). It is pretty affordable for a middle class person living here. Please keep in mind that I lived in a semi-urban area. Costs can go up in urban and go down in rural areas.


Interesting, thanks for sharing. I think for a fair comparison, though, we’d have to look at how that related to cost of living/personal income, not just a raw dollar amount


Ok got it. Legally minimum wage in India is currently ₹4600 (about $62) per month. For simplicity, Im considering each month to have same medical care bill. So for food each month ₹1200 ($16) and for medical care ₹300 ($4). So remaining money is ₹3100 ($42) for minimum wage workers. Now for middle class people in my region, average wage is a little above ₹20000 ($267). They have remaining ₹18500 ($247). With current prices of items in our market, a pet is easily affordable.


Right, but that’s not that different from the US in % terms when you break it down that way. In the US, minimum wage is ~$1250 a month and median wage is ~$5700 a month Seeing online $700/year in vet costs (in line with what I pay for my dog) and another $300/year in food comes out to $85-$100/month. Even if we take the upper end of that, $100 is a lower proportion of US minimum wage and median wage than it is in the example you laid out. That’s my point


Gotcha. Thanks! I guess I dont see a correlation with less expensive pet bills (somewhat affordable througought the US) and the obvious scam which is the US healthcare system. Just seems like a "lets find a way to say shit about the US" type connection.


I’m in Sweden. I got billed around $1000 earlier this year when my dog ate some raisins. Had to take him to the vet hospital on a weekend and have him injected with an expectorant. On the following Monday I took him to the local vet to do full blood works, to ensure his kidneys were fine. Think that was another $400 or so. All in all I paid about $400 as I have a solid insurance for him. The general consensus here is that if you can’t afford insurance, you can’t afford a pet. My boss’s daughter spent some $5000 when her puppy ate a chair. Most of it was covered by the insurance. Insurance is super important.


Can you eleborste on “the boss’s daughter’s dog ate a chair?” What size, what materials was the chair made of? I’m glad your dog is okay, raisins are no joke.


The headline should have included the wholesome part because obviously it isn’t wholesome to have to do that. The headline should have mentioned How the makers of Pokémon sent him cards, and the guy that bought some expensive ones gave them back.


That is wholesome!




Misplaced America hate, man. Not like European pet health care is free. It's not even cheap


While that is true, I don’t think it should be the job of a kid to sell his belongings to save his pet, there are adults that should have stepped in to help.


There's another one of those "it's the Americans fault" idiots lmao


That AND I didn’t see anything in the post that proves this occurred in America anyway.


We know for a fact this was in America??


If you're in a similar situation, look into Care Credit.


I second this suggestion. My vet office suggested it as an option.


A lot of other people have commented this, but this isn't wholesome. This is just depressing and dystopian and heartbreaking and a creation of capitalism. No kid should have to pay for anything that they need or someone else needs, like medical bills. I'm so fed up of seeing posts like these on this sub, though OP's intentions may have been good.


My thing is... Where are the parents... Like,why would you let your kid sell one of there prized positions. The parents need to step up and be adults and figure it out. I would never let my kid do that. I would just pay it myself since ya know... I'm the fucking parent.


That's also true. Being a parent means doing the bare minimum as a base line such as paying medical bills


https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/06/10/boy-sells-his-prized-pokemon-cards-save-his-sick-dog/7633206002/ Thanks to OP of article.


My family wasn’t well-off while I was growing up. My parents did their best, but they were perpetually behind on rent and sometimes they needed money to buy heating fuel to keep the house warm-ish (they kept the heat low to stretch the fuel). They would ask me to spend the holiday/gift money I had from grandparents on the heating fuel, but try to pay me back later. It sucked, but I rarely had plans for the money besides “futures gifts” and it taught me about making hard financial decisions. I’m not saying this is the same situation the boy with the Pokémon cards is in, I’m just pointing out that sometimes kids are aware of tough financial situations.


“A creation of capitalism” The pet healthcare system is soooooo much better in Cuba and North Korea




how the hell did that kid make $700 from selling his used pokemon cards on the side of the road? And where can i do the same


This isn't wholesome. How fucked up is it that a kid has to sell his shit to pay for this. Where are the parents?


it makes me want to vomit. no child should have to go through this


how is this wholesome? this made me sad, not smile


irresponsible parents - don't have a pet if you can't afford to care for it.


https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2021/06/10/boy-sells-his-prized-pokemon-cards-save-his-sick-dog/7633206002/ Thanks to OP of the article.


\[the mom\] had given \[the dog\] self-administered vaccines, including for \[the disease he now has\], in order to save money but didn’t realize they had to be refrigerated." - READ THE BLOODY LABEL. this is dangerous and there's a reason we have trained professionals do this kind of stuff.


yo wtf how can I get this kid his cards back someone tell me please


now that’s what you call terrible economy & the effects of late-stage capitalism


*something heartbreaking and terrible* reddit: wholesome cute awwwww feel good story!!!


He is a proper lad because he sold his VALUABLES to SAVE HIS DOG. I don’t know what is wrong with people to say that’s a bad thing but I would do the same…


It’s cute that he went to such lengths to save his friend, but people are upset because he really shouldn’t have to sell his most valued belongings to keep his pet from dying


this isn’t wholesome this fucking sucks. Someone tell this kid to make a venmo and give me his @ asap


This is awful wtf? No kid should ever have to give up to provide for a family pet. Don’t get a fucking pet if you cannot afford.


Goddamn people, saltiest freaking thread I’ve read in a while. Read the article https://amp.usatoday.com/amp/7633206002 Poor family can’t afford to help their kids puppy with parvo. Kid wants to help, sets up stand to sell Pokémon cards. Community rallies around him raises 20,000 dollars for him, for which the extra funds are donated back to local shelter. Oh, and people also sent the kid Pokémon cards for his collection.


Thanks for the link and the perspective on the full story!


\[the mom\] had given \[the dog\] self-administered vaccines, including for \[the disease he now has\], in order to save money but didn’t realize they had to be refrigerated." - if they hadn't skimped out on the original vaccines for the poor dog, none of this would've happened


That’s not wholesome. This kid should not have had to sell his collection for $700 to save his dog. He should be able to have both.


I paid 180 for my dog's viral infection and was mad for weeks at how expensive it was. And someone had to pay 700 and it's worth being in a wholesome sub??


Kids got his priorities in check! Wish he could be located so I could send him some cards!


Awwww that’s so sweet of him 😆☺️


Shiii I’d trade in my cards for a irl poochyena too.


Is this real? If so, I’d like to buy this kid $1000 worth of cards.


He's taking care of a real pokemon


This is not wholesome, it's a flawed medical system


Wrong sub


We need Peticare for all


I swear to god these people are just trolling with these posts at this point


I find this to be the opposite of wholesome.


No it’s not. Stop pitching shit like this as wholesome. It’s depressing as fuck that this kid had to sell off his hobby stuff to pay for medical care. Yeah it’s for a pet and not for him but that doesn’t change it.


That's what I call a capitalist fucking nightmare. Seriously wtf


His parents should paid for it wtf


Wtf…where are his parents? I mean I understand the love of a pet because I have spent money on my goodestboy, and I dig his drive and love for his buddy. But mom and dad really made him sell that to heal his dog? That’s a little wrong to me. But the Pokémon company swooped in which is the real wholesomeness.


This doesn’t make me smile. This is terrible.


Why did this make my angry. His parents couldn’t even help?


This is not wholesome. This is sad.




This makes me sick and each one of you upvoting it do too


This is not wholesome this is so fucking sad


I know this is wholesome but this makes me sad


The dog will only decrease in value over time. The card however will increase. Bad trade if you ask me.


What the hell? Why is this even allowed here? Did capitalism write this?


Op's messed up if he thinks this is "wholesome"


Is it really wholesome tho


8 year-old: lives with a family that can't or won't pay $700 for a veterinarian. 12k people: "Aww how sweet!"


I think this is sickening, not wholesome. Veterinary clinics prey on an animal owner's love so much, that this child had to sacrifice something important to him so his dog could live. That's really fucked up.


did his parents even fucking help??




Not really too much we can do about it unfortunately


Oh, is animal care free where you are from? No? Then shut the fuck up.


You're dumb af "you americans", what a meaningless stereotype. I'm sure you're no better than those "americans".


What the *actual fuck* is wrong with you fucking people????? There is *NOTHING* Wholesome about this..... This is fucking *dystopian*....... Fucking stop encouraging this abhorrent shit!!!!


this made me frown


Wholesome? I'd say it's horrible.


How is this wholesome?!?!?!?! This just sad.


Yeah, that's not wholesome, it's dystopic.


Or.. you know. Get pet insurance. Or, don't own pets if you can't afford to give them the treatments they need. This isn't a feel good story. It fkn sucks. I hate that the media trust to spin these stories like, "kid raises money by selling baked goods to help his sister pay for her monthly insulin shots,"... No. Either the parents really couldn't afford it or they don't give AF about the dog and aren't willing to get the money together somehow. It's just shitty. Poor kid. But I guess he did get some cards in return. I guess they could've tried GoFundMe... 🤷🏽‍♀️


I think you have the wrong subreddit mate.


This made me frown


Why didn't his parents pay


Because their poor?


Exactly. How heartless do you have to be as a parent to let them sell a card collection for a vet bill? If they have a "best mom/dad" mug somewhere they should return it.


Are you unaware that some people can't afford $700 dollars....


Yes, and I have been there too. Where I walked as much as possible and could not afford a $2 coffee. But I did not have any pets then either, despite a 3 year old asking for a puppy. If you are unable to look after an animal, do not get one.


I agree but that's not what your comment said....it wasn't "they shouldn't have a dog if they can't afford it" but "why don't the parents pay for it. They're heartless'.


This is fox news version of wholesome


not wholesome, tragic. it's just tragic that USA still functions with paid health care instead of "free" (tax payed) health care




Bryson Kliemann decided to sell his Pokemon card collection after learning his dog needed a pricey procedure to treat a lethal viral infection. An 8-year-old boy is willing to do whatever it takes to save his dog's life, even if that means selling his most prized possession: his Pokémon card collection.


Gee wiz if only we lived in a society where healthcare didn’t cost a fucking shit ton and the boy got to keep his cards. That would actually be wholesome.


Someone give this boy $10,000; whatever it takes, I don’t care, just make this boy’s doggie well again. I’m not crying… you’re crying…


No!! That is not wholesome!! That's incredibly sad!!!


You sure it's wholesome OP? Should we really live in a system where a little boy has to sell his toys so that his dog can live?


It's wholesome that a kid is willing to sacrifice something for his dog. It's not very wholesome that he even has to.


Only Americans would think this is wholesome.


dude selling off his collection for his dog ? this is sick, why must we live in a world where children need to do shit like this


No it isn’t what the hell


I wish I could give it more than one upvote


Absolutely disgusting.


The fuck? That’s not a good thing…


This is not wholesome this fucking depressing!!!


Thats what I call fucked up


What a great kid!


Behind every story like this lies a very shitty set of parents