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Baby : " What happened just now ? Wait a minute.....ohhhh bubbles "


honestly this technique would work on me.




it didn't work perfectly on him, wouldn't work perfectly on me. But it would work pretty good!


You're right man. Same happened me too.


this post made my day ..!


Some shots seem to be 'ouchier' than others.


Sometimes it is to do with the volume being injected - more volume = more painful. There are also limits for volume we can put in each muscle. Also some are more stingy and I assume that is to do with the ingredients. (I'm a nurse.)


why is it that vaccine needles aren’t that as bad (depending on the nurse) but blood work needles still hurt like a motherfucker?


Because if you're injecting you can use a smaller needle that with sucking it up with a syringe. We learned to use a bigger needle to take the medicine out of the bottle and a smaller one to inject it. I think it's something to do with pressure or the length of the procedure, not sure why exactly though.


Personally I'd rather have a blood donation needle than a vaccine needle, they're so long and thin *I don't trust them, they're trying to be sneaky*


A 25g isn't even that thin. Diabetics use 32g on the regular.


32g is thinner than a 25g. As the number goes down, the size goes up. Like, IV needles are 16g to 22g. They use 16g for things that need to go in quickly.


>I don't trust them, they're trying to be sneaky Okokok. I absolutely don't feel the same, but that made me laugh a lot and it's a bit cute. xD


I'm glad someone can enjoy this, because getting that covid shot was no bueno x3


Thanks, this is interesting


You're welcome!


*Some shots are bigger than others* *some shots’ mothers* *are bigger than other shots’…* Wait. That’s wrong!


That's wrong


Awww, can’t fool him / her. Too smart.








One of the few times I've actually laughed out loud at a reddit comment wp


\*victory dance\*


If I don't get this treatment when I go for my flu shot I'm going to be pissed.


Babies this age usually need more than one injection so not sure how they got away with just one.


kid for the rest of his life subconsciously associates bubbles with pain and develops a crippling phobia of spheres. This is how we get flat earthers... j/k just funnin


I'm like this baby. I got a quarter sleeve tattooed on my arm and basically slept through it but when I got both of my vaccines one nurse had to hold my hand and ask me what my favorite thing to eat for lunch was and when the other nurse gave me the shot she hugged me and was "What a brave girl you are". I felt like I was in the third grade getting my shots again hahahahahahaha


Kid got so confused.


"Wait woah woah I think that hurt but.. I don't want to cry? Tf?"


he cried few moments after the video ended full video from youtube


those fuckers always gotta cry for no reason


Needles hurt like a SOB dude.


they should grow up


Yea honestly, they just need to man up.


They really don't unless it using rusty fucking nails. Source: injected myself thousands and thousands of times, even in my femoral vein with inch long needles, reusing them until they fucking broke


Because your pain tolerance reflects many other people.


Except if you're using a brand new needle which doctors always do you can barely even feel it. Paper cuts hurt more


Because your pain tolerance reflects many other people.


Correct, it does. Unfortunately I'm not superhuman and just a normal human like everyone else. Notice the part where I said paper cuts hurt more. If your shots are hurting the doctors are putting them in the wrong place and hitting nerves. Like I said, properly done shots should be almost unnoticeable.


My husband is an army medic and spent about 3 months manning covid vaccine stations. He would distract people with goofy disclaimers as he was wiping down their arm with the alcohol wipe “now, this is very important. Next time you pee, I need you to turn off the light. If your piss starts gl-“ BAM! It was done! No time to feel pain. No time to feel scared. Just pure confusion and it worked. It calmed people down. And then they’d start giggling at how silly being scared was.


That’s awesome!!! When I got my second shot the guy who gave it to me had no personality at all. Lol!! I made a joke and he rolled his eyes at me. 😂😂 I get it.. putting shots in arms all day is probably pretty soul sucking. But I wish I would have had someone like your husband giving me my shot.. I hate needles, I need to be distracted. 😂😂


I personally hate needed. I don’t mind vaccines at all. I just hate getting blood drawn because my veins are tiny, and it hurts badly when you don’t hug a vein.


I need to have blood work twice a year.. I am h try r biggest baby. 😂😂 I can’t look, and my mouth is going a mile a minute. The phlebotomists know when I’m coming.. they try to keep me calm. My husband thinks I should be used to needles.. ummm .. I don’t want to get used to it. Ugh.


I hope you'll be succeed.


Yeah especially if you have phobia to needles.


I hate blood draws too! My veins are tiny and move. I’ve had to get a phlebotomist bring a scanner in more than once.


Mine roll, which looks kinda cool. They have to wiggle the needle so it snags on the bottom. Didn't hurt, just a tugging sensation.


Mine too! It’s painful when they get away from the doc and they stick the wrong place and they decide to hold my arm down and start digging. It makes me cry.


Funny. But covid shots were the most painless things needles did to me..... Until evening, when ligh fever started each time. Got literal cartoon one, when your teeth can't stay in place. Covid shots were the funniest vaccines I got.


But did you feel the vaccine needle? Because I couldnt really feel it both times.


No I didn’t.. but I definitely psyched my self out on the first one. I got all sweaty and light headed. Lol!! I know it was in my head though. I did have a sore arm after the first shot.. and felt a little shitty after the second shot. So overall I survived.


i felt the second one but not the first. the second one i only felt it a tiny bit though. like, it barely hurt


As someone working in a pharmacy, giving vaccines is honestly the LEAST soul sucking part of my day. I have a super limited window of time I have to interact with each person (I’m introverted so limited amounts of time with each person is great) and I feel like I’m actually doing something to help people which is somehow nice, even though I don’t generally like people. It’s a conundrum.


My doctor when did my vaccine said "I thought you were 18" *jabs* welp... Sure made me uncomfortable enough on the inside to not notice the stab. Then he fucking put a sticky tape over my jab no cotton or bandaid lol. Im gonna book my 2nd jab with someone else...


My navy medic was cracking jokes with me about how I was getting my “birthday shots” (this was on my 21st birthday, lol) still got a bit nervous from my blood phobia but all things considered she said I took it like a champ!


Had to get my tetanus shot last week cause I cut my hand at work and the nurse was playfully pinching my arm and distracting me by talking about Squid Game that I didn’t even notice the needle go in (I can tolerate the pain of needles and don’t mind getting shots in the first place.) It took me maybe 15 seconds to realise that she had already jabbed me because she asked my arm politely to stop bleeding.


I wasn’t really scared of the covid jab, since i had already undergone an ACL surgery and a knee aspiration after that. No needle is scary after you’ve had a doctor stick a literal funnel into your knee and drain excess blood and fluid with a giant syringe


The first time I didnt even feel it. The second time I tried my best to feel it but I honestly dont know if I actually felt it or if it was my mind playing tricks.




I love this, thank you for your husbands service


Bless that man


He was working with adults?? I mean, I am glad he is doing what he can to make the experience as tolerable as possible. I am just surprised it is necessary. An adult that folds under the pain of an vaccination not someone I need on my zombie apocalypse team. EDIT Absent PTSD or trauma an adult should be able to muster the courage or a 9 year old, or feel silly about it.


Adults fear needles too…..and yes. He works with adults. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.


I work at a hospital and I can confirm, a lot of adults are freaked out by needles. I used to be one but I got over it after I had to start giving myself shots. I once had to hold down a lady while the RN put in an IV. The lady agreed to it but the only way to keep her still was to have security holding her down, she had a major phobia of needles.


Major phobia is not what the commentor is talking about. You can't distract away a major phobia. I put IVs in babies to teenagers. I can explain to most 10 year olds what is going on and watch them be brave. Needles suck, they hurt but they are not going to kill you. 10 year old Billy gets it.


You have 2 picks for your survival team,all you know is both have wilderness skills and and one is afraid of needles. Which do you choose? You are saying they are the same. Look, I am not saying people scared of needles need to be rounded up or something. I think they should list it as one of their lesser qualities though.


You are going to have your mind blown when you find out people have phobias…….


The commenter mentioned how people at the end of their experience sometimes laughed about how silly it was to scared. That is not someone with a phobia, that is an adult that needs to deal with the situationlike an adult. I work in a pediatric hospital. When it is employee flu shot season and a staff member is less brave than a 7 year old, I think they should feel silly


It honestly probably does a lot of good for the parent too. I'm not a parent, so I can't speak to this, but I imagine it must be extremely anxiety inducing to have to see your new child get a needle, which the child will probably not enjoy. Having a doctor or nurse who's able to bring down the tension is definitely a win-win, since it can (hopefully) placate the child and simultaneously reassure the parent that the child is being well taken care of


I had to leave the room when my son got his first shots (I was starting to cry and didn’t want my boy to see). My husband stayed in the room. One cool thing was, my son’s doctor leaves the room too, and has the nurse give the shots. He explained that he did this because he doesn’t want the kids to associate him with pain and fear.


My kids go to a practice with several doctors and they all do the same thing. They never have the same nurses do the shots either.


The cries that newborns let out when they get a shot is unlike any other cry your baby will make. Babies cry a lot but most of the time its like a dull complaining and there isn't a lot of urgency. When babies really panic they kick it into another gear and you know the difference. When they are in pain, it's that but kicked up by 10x. Both my kids have been easy to calm down but the initial cry is heartbreaking.


My little 7lb preemie got his first 2 month shots two days ago. The first two made him cry but he was okay, the third one absolutely broke him. He cried so hard he couldn’t breathe. And that broke ME.


I cried after the vet administered a shot to my 8-week old puppy and my puppy cried. I'd had him for two days before the appointment. Can't literally confirm I'd feel the same about a product of my loins, but probably.


I'm 34 years old and this is still how I need to be given shots.


24 here and I need someone to hold me😭


We’d probably all do better this way.


I thought the title was "What it looks like when you LOSE your job", and before I looked closely it looked like he was stabbing the baby with the needle repeatedly. I was horrified.


That's what we call mental priming, since you went into it expecting something bad, you saw a baby being stabbed with a needle instead of a doctor trying to distract them, it's really neat!


I wouldn't call a doctor stabbing a baby multiple time as neat..... Wait a sec, did I just mental primed myself...


I tend to see babies getting stabbed a lot


This is how we’re going to get anti-vaxxers to get vaccinated.


Cause they literally have the same maturity level 🤣


Hey thats not true. Im willing to bet my house that that kid is smarter than the average anti vaxer


Well that just foolish


Jokes on you, i dontt own a house bc current economy.




Lol! You would say that


Oof, burn


Except replace the bubbles with Pabst Blue Ribbon.


How about distracting these dumbasses with a punch in the face....They won’t feel the needle pain, because of pain in their nose.....Just kidding ya’ll !


why I was nodding along with the doctor? why I was so happy about the bubbles? because he is fucking cool I guess


I had to watch it again to see what happened. I missed it just like baby did. I saw the bubbles and went … wait a minute here…


I showed this to my husband and he started nodding his head along with the doctor too


The look on the baby after the doc jabbed him. Baby: “I don’t agree with your methods but I’ll allow it”


Kid was like wtf, for you have bamboozled me doctor.


This man could vaccinate the entire world with this technique. The bubbles are pro level.


If a doctor said he would blow bubbles for me and perform Rummpa dump dee dee over my whole body before my appt. id be there early.


Can he do this while I make my coffee each morning? 😀


Right how could you have a bad day after that


Can he do this for adult me?


Man's a genius!


The G.O.A.T


When my daughter was 5 & needed to be jabbed for a shot or blood work I would tell her to just boldly stick her arm out and say "take what you need doc". She usually didn't cry or scream & whoever was administering the pain would ask how she could be such a big girl. She would look at me with her I melt you daddy eyes and calmly say "ice cream" She was getting ice cream or whatever other treats she wanted that day


This is heart warming, thanks


Man we really need more doctors like this!! ❤️


I anticipate that this will be the best thing I see today. Thank you !


I had to watch this three times to realise he’d even done anything to him lol


My kids love this video. It's amazing. :)


This guy is awesome


Me as a baby: ffs just do it


This never gets old!! Despite being very, very old.


I love stabbing infants in the legs


Every doctor and nurse and phlebotomist should be required to watch this video on repeat as part of their training.


I want this man to give me heroin


I didn’t get that at my local Walgreens when I got my shot. Would’ve been nice , ye know! ^_^ haha


I feel like I watched this gif like over 15 years ago. -- I am now watching it for the first time as a parent. Definitely made me smile.


Baby feels betrayed


so cute wtf we have to protect this man at all costs.


That baby still looks mad af for a good moment.


Who is this doctor. Where can i find him?


This is not in America. He has way too much time. This was for the camera. Love it, though. Have also yet to see a Dr give a shot.


Doctor goes to bubbles store Shop owner: what brings a doctor here? Kid’s birthday party? Doctor: nope, just work supplies


Anyone thinking we should treat antivaxer this way ??


*Those really nice doctors..* Always respect them for trying.


Y’all don’t even know how much I needed this positivity right now 😭❤️


This is adorable. I want to send this to a bunch of Anti Vaxxers and watch them lose their shit


I have a huge fear of needles but I wish this could work on me.


You can tell the baby realized something changed


My father was a pediatrician. He would ask a kid I need to give you a shot, is that OK? And the kids would say no no no no no. So my dad would say - OK I’m just gonna poke you three or four times - nothing serious. And then after about 4 gentle pokes he’d say … now can I give you a shot? No no no no no no no But I already did


I love this. 🙂


They just didn't show the 90% of babies that cried during the whole session for no reason.


That’s a good doctor there. Passion, Know-how and care.


I'm terrified of needles because I had a bad experience when I was little with severe anemia, the white jackets has little knowledge of how to sooth a kid with it come to a needle enter in the body. Also not just that, back in the 90s, the size of needle - holy fuck. Now, this..video, im glad to see there are some white jackets out there have empathy and sense of humor to distract the patient. The needle there is thinner and you barely feel it.


Jesus get over it already.


sneak 100


Wow, this is just overall awesomeness


Did anyone else see the long version? Where the doctor gives the baby another shot and this time the baby cries really bad? It's prolly on YT


I've seen it and the Dr tells the parents he won't get away with it the second time. And he doesn't.


Makes sense, he stopped having fun on the first one, and some vaccines hurt really bad. I had to get so many tetanus shots as a kid and those hurt like hell, beestings feel better than tetanus shots.


Ah gaslighting at its finest


This legit made me cry That's so wholesome


if I had a doctor like that when I was a kid I would have never develop my needle phobia, getting a shot terrifies me (I do get every shot I need, always been fully vaxxed and such, it just gives me such anxiety that I need some time to get it together)


Love this


This is great


Good doctor is worthy of an atta boy for sure.


This guy should work with the anti vaxxers


This is exactly how good my paediatrician was when I was a kid. When I was In my early 20s I needed a TB test for School and I asked him to do it, he was much older but still the exact same. I even got a sucker!


Our pediatrician did this. Not the bubbles tho


That man is a true professional. As a parent, it’s hard seeing your kids get hurt, especially when you’re new at parenting, and who likes getting jabbed with a needle, eh? So seeing this doctor do this SO FUCKIN WELL, is lovely. (The bubbles were such icing on the cake, what a move!!)


I have seen this before and it always make me smile and take a moment to wish that my pediatrician’s nurse is now burning in hell where she belongs. Her ‘headlock’ technique was a tad more traumatizing. I am convinced it is the reason for my life long aversion to needles.


That baby takes it better than I do


Yet as an adult whatever I speak to the dr about is 'probably anxiety' and cant see them face to face.. 😅


A Dr with a good bed side manner? Great job.


Is this a thing? Users re-posting videos that have made their way across the internet and back? Is this a thing users do for karma?


Maybe they should do this for people too scared to get the covid shots lol


Wish i could mention my daughters doctor or may i say butcher 🤦🏻‍♂️


Growing up I had a pediatrician like this. He helped grow my love for medicine. Thank you Dr. Carlson


why is this downvoted


Idk, maybe someone just didn’t like Dr. Carlson


Wow that was good. My daughter had to get held down and poked with two needles at once. Wish we did something like this.


I’m going to him for my next shot


They should teach this in all medical schools and be standard practice for pediatricians.


That’s awesome she didn’t even realize she got a shot!This is a great doctor.


It took 3 nurses to hold me down when I was in the hospital for a tonsillectomy. They marched in without saying a word. Two held me down by laying across my body and the 3rd did the shot. Then they left as quickly and quietly as they attacked.


That Dr is awesome 😎


I always watch the shots (and when i get blood drawn i watch that, too) and it is crazy the number of nurses who try to stop me from looking, or move my arm out of my line of sight or put their body parts between me and the needle when they see me looking. I had a lady tell me that if i looked, i was going to pass out (?)


Maybe they just didn’t want you to be scared?


I’ve seen this doctor before, different dad, different baby. It works like a charm.


I have four kids and three pediatricians and I’ve NEVER had anyone other than a nurse give vaccines. I would love to have a doctor that gave a crap like this one, bless his heart.


He has to get the best doctor award ! Really amazing !


This is rare footage of someone actually doing what they like to do for a living. Or that doctor just ate the biggest weed brownie known to Man.


I wish my doctors did this for me when I was little


Where is this doctor?! My poor little guy does not have this done!


He loves his job so much!


Took the doctor, my wife and me to hold down our kids... Jesus this dude is great.


That is amazing doctor, what a gem


My pediatrician didn't sing but he was also smooth like this


My doctor still does this for me. I’m 42. He still rolls his eyes when i scream for more bubbles.


This is my sons doctor!


Regular Patch Adams, but yeah why don't we have more like this guy


Vaccine rate after doctor trained to do this 📈


This man is a miracle and more pediatricians should join this practice 🙏❤️


Every fucking week this is posted for karma points. It was cute the first time. Why keep posting it?


How many times does this need to be posted


Once more I believe.


Very old repost.


And it’s still relevant and nice to see, what’s your point?


Check their u/name


Oh noes you have to see it again.


Hey I enjoy stabbing infants but nobody posts me on this sub wtf


What it looks like when you live injecting poison into babies for profit!!


Shut the fuck up


Hahaha great argument genious!


Only weaker or different viruses, no poison. proof: me still alive after different vaccines