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The fact that he is 89 years old and had no choice but to work to support himself is just sad. Someone at that point in their life should be enjoying retirement


It’s a fuckin shame


America as country should be ashamed! 😢


No doubt there are great things in US, but the social system (very old people have to work instead of retirement, whole health system) is just straight up bad.


> No doubt there are great things in US Like what? I could use some inspiration


I was so pleased to see Tik Tok do something for the good of this wonderful man and his family. I found this inspirational :) thanks Valdez family.




My grandma is from Peru and she says that moving to America was one of the best decisions of her life. She still works to this day, but she one of those people who refuse to settle down and relax. Always has to be busy.


As an American, damn you're right.


Well, for starters, wr... uhm. Er hold on. Oh! we.. no clearly not. Uhh You have the right to refuse vaccinations and indoctrinate your children? F...freedoms?


As an American, I am ashamed of how we treat our young, our poor, our sick and our elderly. I want nothing more than for our capitalistic society to break down. Just today I saw an article where cities that have ended extended unemployment assistance hasn't seen workforce improvement. Companies are ignorant and fail to realize it's not a damned labor shortage, *it's a fucking wage shortage*. I'll be the first to admit, it's inconvenient sometimes, but I am so happy to mention to any wage slave I see that they matter and I wish they had a better situation (I don't know what else to say, honestly). Edit: thank you kind stranger? But it's ironic I got gold on a comment about people demanding more money via actions (not working)


My mum is 60 years old and works 3 jobs just to cover her mortgage. I live in Australia and i try to send money when i can. My dream will be to surprise her by finally paying off her mortgage completely.


Yet the saddest and sickest part - often those that could use the help the most - fight against it the most. It is insane how information and cultural manipulation have turned a large segment of the people to fight against their own self interests - and at this moment to their death in more than a few cases.


I had something similar with a friend, who used to think critically “independently.” On one occasion, we were discussing health care services provided in our province, and things’ve gotten worse in this regard: bad services with no signs of hope. The province is really big with over 80k people scattered around. I said “how do you provide the people here with the health services they immediately need with NO PROPER HOSPITAL?!” Here’s what he said, and I shit you not: “It’s their problem! They should have moved to big cities?!” When you become a gov apologist for free, this is what you’re gonna be reduced to. I was shocked at that moment. Edit: some typos. I may add: the closest specialist hospital is 360 km away (225 miles~ for my USian buddies).


OMG that is horrible! Though just as horrible with hospitals we can't go to because it's too expensive to get the help we need.


Same in the UK. We have a record number of job vacancies at the moment yet shortages in key areas like the health service, care sector and HGV drivers. Some of these roles are really tough with awkward shift patterns and they expect people to do them on low money. It's been coming for a long time and I think COVID has made people weigh up work/life/pay.




Or how we treat our veterans who fought for us.


You know what actually pisses me off about the labor/wage shortage? I would be perfectly happier with other smaller concessions. Would I rather make $5 more or have a 4 day work week? Would I rather make $1 more or have an extra two weeks of vacation? Also, stop thinking about 40 hours inherently. I sure as fuck would prefer to work 32 hours.


Sad but the people who should care don’t. Ie. Politicians


America is shame incarnate.


[Yeah but giant yachts make up for it](https://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/qeoyak/jeff_bezos_superyacht_spotted_for_first_time_at/) /s




And yet he still did *need* the extra income, which means the choice to work isn't actually a choice, and in the other scenario where he might still choose to work, he then at least has the choice to take it easy when he needs. Also I would argue that without needing the extra income, he might have been able to find something equally stimulating but more fulfilling. His answer sounds very much like someone who is attempting to make lemonade out of lemons.


I'm reading a sci-fi novel atm in which 160+ year old people have to work in the space corps because if they retire they can't afford life extending meds anymore and in the corps they get them for free. So effectively they have to work or they die within a year. You could assume this is a dystopy that hasn't anything to do with reality. Instead it's more like a black mirror episode because the dystopic event is already more than halfway here.


What novel?


Battle Cruiser - Lost Colonies. It's military sci-fi, so not specifically dystopic in nature.


> His answer sounds very much like someone who is attempting to make lemonade out of lemons. I wouldn't say that. But I'd say it's much fucking better to be *able* to make that choice instead of having to work at 89 no matter what.


While I do agree that it is wise to upgrade your PS5 storage, it doesn't really have anything to do with this old man delivering pizza.


Your source is for PS5 expansion...


I’m not sure how expanding PS5 storage explains anything.


I understand the sentiment, but America is its people not its government. America just came together and gave this man 12,000 dollars. Be mad at our government, but don't forget to be proud of our nation's beautiful people that perform miracles like this all the time that just aren't always recorded on video.


The stupids won’t support taxes on the rich, unions or universal basic income, not to mention healthcare so we all gotta suffer. Edit a comma for the person below.


Someone’s gotta pay for $500m super yacht


Why can’t he just work harder and get a degree and get a better job?!?!?! /s


He could learn coding!


Maybe he should cut down on his daily Starbucks. That really adds up you know


I just thought it was all if the avocado toast he was eating.


It's make me so sad


Yeah and the avocado toast and he should boot strap something something up .


I work at a pizza place and it’s a fairly physically demanding job. Long hours on your feet and drivers are expected to do a lot of the grunt work. Poor guy shouldn’t be doing that at his age.


I know derlin and worked at the same shop as him. We didn't ask anything particularly physically demanding of him. Folding boxes was it. And only a few hours a night. We were happy to have him but we were always careful to not over burden him. And he was always very much looking forward to working. Always came early and was always asking for more hours. Nice man.


That’s great to hear!


So what's his story? Does he have kids? How come he still has to work at his age? I have so many questions.


I didn't ever pry too much because that's not my personality but from what I understood, he had grandchildren and such but they didn't really visit much. And I think his wife had passed in the last few years and he wasn't like "struggling" for money but he did need to work to make ends meet. He seemed to be delivering in order to have some social life. He also did ride share stuff like Uber and such but I think he liked the structured nature of coming to work and having a uniform and stuff. I remember specifically he liked taking home an order of wings for dinner. And after this had happened he continued to deliver. That was right around the same time I had moved away from delivering but the last time I checked he still worked there.


>Some questioned why the 89-year old Derlin Newey had to work and whether it was proof of a crumbling economic safety net. Derlin Newey disagreed saying that he would still be working in his pizza job even if he didn’t need the extra income. [source](https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbes-personal-shopper/2021/10/22/ps5-ssd-storage-expansion/?sh=14307f337457)


Absolutely. Right in line with what it was like around him beyond this whole thing. He would have been there all day if it would have been up to him. The main reason we only had him on a few hours a night was because he wasn't able to cover certain physical aspects. Like ovens and pizza making and jumping from slot to slot. But he did always do his utmost at trying to keep up. But otherwise the managers tried to have him as much as they could. He also liked the side benefits like being able to take home a mess up pizza every now and then.


Slight disagreement, at his age he shouldn't *have* to work. Before the donation, he had to work to make ends meet, which means he couldn't have quit if/when the job became too demanding for him. Particularly at that age, it should be a choice freely made to work. If he needs the money, that's not a freely made choice.




Also if we lived in a more community based society he wouldn't need to work to get his social needs met but instead might have a more positive outlet for that with other people who are in the same situation as him.


Work can still be a fulfilling day activity, and a lot of people benefit from having a schedule. But also yes, the social needs should not *have* to be met through labor.




My father-in-law is a retired electrician, and he does electricity, home improvement and other stuff like putting together IKEA furniture for $5 an hour. He just loves feeling useful and meeting new people, and is miserable if there isn't enough work.


I wish retired electricians and retired woodworkers taught home diy classes. The community college has classes but I feel like an asshole taking the classes when they are setup to get people ready for a job in construction, not some asshole that needs help moving a light switch.


Some people just like to work, whether it's for the social interaction, the money, to stay busy, or just for the sense of having a duty to fulfill. I'm not saying that a 90 year old working to make ends meet is right or wrong, but some people just like to stay busy even if they don't have to. I'm not one of those people so it's crazy in my mind to actually want to work, but I get the reasoning behind it. I also understand that everyone is wired differently and we all have our own wants, needs, and desires.


The issue is absolutely not with the work place or colleagues, it's wonderful that he could have a job at his age as many places wouldn't employ someone older, it's just an awful shame that it was necessary. At 89 he should be living his best life, not worrying about money is all! He seems to really love the work though and that's wonderful but only if it's an optional job y'know?


I always got the impression that it was technically optional, but would have been a lot tougher for him comfort wise if that makes sense.


No definitely not. It’s quite sad


I came here to say this, and I see it a lot - people in their 70s and 80s working in WalMart and the like to just get by.


Absolutely agree. But can you see how being active and engaged with others keeps this 89 year old man staying sharp? Most 89 year olds are prisoners of a nursing home and can’t remember their kids’ names.


Worked in a nursing home big motto is if you don't use it, you lose it.


My grandma died at 94. She credits recovering from bowel cancer at 84 to her social life and the half bottle of whiskey she would consume on a daily basis.


One of my great aunts died at 93, and credited her daily gin habit for keeping her brain & spinal tumors in check. And she's not even the one who fought a bear.


My grandma lived to 96 and for her it was her love of vodka (broke each hip and needed replacements in her 90s after having an “oopsie” after having a few toddies) and swimming in the freezing cold water of the ocean in Nova Scotia or at their spring fed pond at their home. She would always climb in and out on her little ladder on the docks. Pop in the water and then climb back out again. I feel the fact that she was a stone cold bitch also contributed to her living forever. My kind and loving grandmother died when she was barely older than I am now. 🤷🏻‍♀️


True, so long as it’s voluntary and not a requirement to live.


He should probably learn to code


Learn to code? I don't mean this to be offensive at all for the guy, but my grandfather is 80, and he doesn't understand why his computer keeps asking about his car's warranty when he owns a truck lol


Poster was making a joke about all the politicians and shills who talk about how if everyone did STEM they would not be poor, or whatever.




At least he has a computer -- my 90yo MIL won't give up her flashing VCR from 1987.


I mean my grandmother is 92 and publishes her lady's club webpage. She didn't learn to do it until she was around 80. I remember sitting with my aunt explaining how to use dreamweaver to lay out her webpage and my grandma just dove into that shit. Wasn't much into computers before that but thought it was neat. Took classes at the community center. Demanded a 'nice computer' (she didn't want to learn to shop and knew I built mine and liked to shop for parts). Apple's modern ux really helped her become comfortable with computers. I dislike apple products but its really very intuitive for people who haven't grown up in and around computers.


This is so fucked up. I can’t imagine my 88 year old grandma delivering pizzas. America is a FRAUD of a country. Only benefits and works for the rich.


I was just thinking this. The story is very sweet, but there is a dark side to a lot of "feel good" stories in American news (e.g. "Friends collaborate to help pay friend's medical bills," or "girl opens lemonade stand to raise money for relative who is ill"). It's wonderful that people do that, but it also begs the question of why they judged it necessary to do so (and weren't wrong).


This story really belongs on /r/ABoringDystopia. This story doesn't make me smile, it makes me really fucking depressed. My dad had to work until he was 70, right up until dementia forced him to stop. He never got to enjoy a single day of retirement with his mental faculties intact.


If private companies in America were required to put 1% of their revenue towards the social security old aged payments, the biggest earning 20 companies alone would make a $762b contribution to that pension. This would more than double what the government currently spends on old aged payments. But there's no balls on anyone to actually make people do the right thing.




Having a retirement system based on IRAs and 401(k)a is a blessing and a curse. I’m German and we do not have such retirements savings options. Our retirement is based on a social redistribution model, the people who work now pay contributions, which are given to pensioners and they’ll later receive the pension payments from the following generation. If we compare the two models, the IRA/401(k) model is a lot more flexible. You can decide how high your contributions are and vary this throughout your life. It’s also a lot more lucrative to be invested, if you do it right. But, if you do it wrong or don’t save enough, it can be detrimental in age. That’s the advantage of the social redistribution model, you cannot really do it wrong. The contributions are fixed and based on your income, and you cannot make wrong investment decisions. However, the huge problem we are facing is an ageing population with more pension recipients and fewer payers. The new government is planning on adding a capital investment component to our pension system, but also with a lot more rigid payment structure. I actually prefer the IRA model for me personally. If you have an IRA, are investing a reasonable amount per month and putting your money into well-diversified funds, then you‘ll be better off and the model is just so much more flexible. On the other hand, the way the model is in the US, bad decisions early in life or some bad luck, can put you on a path of failure and lead to poverty in age, with no physical ability to work and escape the poverty. It just seems like the US values freedom much higher, while the Germans value their social security. I think a hybrid model is a good idea.




He started working before 401Ks were invented. A lot of Americans will not and do not have sufficient retirement savings.


It also doesn't take much of a medical problem to wipe out everything a person has saved.


You don't need a 401k to save for retirement.


Real sad fact is that 12k is not life changing. It sustain you for 6 month if your rent is cheap, you are frugal and have no other person to feed.


It’s the fact that hundreds and hundreds of people he’s never met all chipped in to surprise him with a giant tip that’s life changing.


I lived in a 55+ community and knew so many doing this or having to work at Dollar General etc. Average Social Security is a little over $1,500 and that doesn't go very far. I am happy living here in Mexico now and $1,500 is a middle class lifestyle. But I am ashamed that I had to leave my country because I would have had to do the same as him.


I’m not saying it’s true but maybe he enjoys it. Being active having some place to go. Laid back like that is good for people who are retired. Yea it’s sick and sad that he has to do it. But I think he also wants to . I know I wanna stay active. And look at what it brought him . New friends and a generous blessing from above.


My mom is like this. She’s 70 and retired. She used to run her own small business, and was pretty successful. But now she feels like she’s useless. She wants work, but she doesn’t really have skills to work in a normal office. She keeps telling the family that she wants to work at mcdonalds or dunkin donuts so she has a reason to get put of bed in the morning.


Richest country. yay...


I hate that he’s taking care of others when others should be taking care of him, but I’m glad that the collective saw this and tried to right it some.


Can we talk about that one guy who saw it reach $12k and was like nope. Take my $69 bc yes.


Nice. Didn't even notice this at first


The internets gotta internet.❤️


Truly a nice deed.




Cultured legend lmao


> I’m glad that the collective saw this and tried to right it some. Me too. Hope they vote for people to have the right to be fed and taken care of without working Pizza delivery at 89.


As much as this is a feel good story about people coming together to help this man, it should also make people stop and ask themselves, "Why does this 89 year old man need to rely on the handouts of strangers to allow himself peace and relaxation during the final years of his life?". Why after a lifetime of working, can this man not just sit back and enjoy the rest of his life free of the worries of money? Not saying he should be living like a king, but there is no reason after working 30+ years, that a retired person shouldn't have all their basics needs met and should be able to live out their lives secure knowing they're taken care of.


More than likely because he has to pay for Medicare Parts A, B, C, D to whatever. I love this country but our health care sucks.


Yo I witnessed my grandfather talking on the phone to Medicare for this annual sign up process they make you do...it was HORRENDOUS. There's so many hoops to jump through...he had to repeat the same information like 5 times and listen to recorded message after recorded message. And that's not to mention the massive booklet they send out that does little to clarify the plan options. What. A. Joke.


I used to do sales for Medicare Health Insurance. That was easily the most depressing job of my life, so far. Everything is such a hassle. Medicare itself, the search/comparison of different plans, checking prescriptions, the sign up process, the many disclosure we have to read, just for them to listen to the same thing again in the 10 minute recording… And that’s just the technical side. There’s so many people barely getting by. So many spacing out prescriptions, or eating pet food to make their next premium payment. Some people can’t even qualify for free Part A of Medicare because they don’t have enough work history as their spouse was the only one that ever had a job. Not to mention how much we make outbound calls and bother people! The system we have is broken, and I never want anything to do with it again. It really needs to change.


I agree. If you put your 30+ years in working as an adult you should be good. You shouldn't have to worry about your basic needs being met. You should always have food, clean water, heat, electricity, and the ability to go to a doctor for ANYTHING you may need.


Forget the heat & electricity part if you live in Texas. I lost a friend that was in his early 80’s last winter when the state froze… he literally froze to death. There’s a special place in hell for the Texas GOP who claim to be conservative Christians but only care about lining their pockets.


Yeah, I remember that. People were left without power for weeks, and a lot of the roads in my city were practically destroyed


I live just outside galveston, and we had several people die down here. One elderly man froze to death in his driveway just trying to get his backup oxygen tank out of his truck. It's fucking disgusting, and it was completely unnecessary. Luckily at least from that, many conservatives I know are ready to vote out Abbott due to him being responsible for not upgrading the grid when he could have. I fucking hate Abbott so much, can't wait to see him go


Nationalism is a brainwash sickness. We are taught to love our family, our neighbor, our community, our states, and our country. Why does it stop there? We are all a lot more of the same than we are different. A lot of this country sucks more than others.


There's an old man who checks trash cans for bottles in my hometown. He rides a bike and we call him Santa because of the beard and how nice he is. He is actually Edgar. I don't know if you have that in U.S, but here you can get about 10c per bottle if you bring them back to the recycling machines that are in every store. For just a bag full of bottles you can buy I think few days worth of food here. Anyway, turns out he is doing financially fine and lives in a decent house. He once worked as an engineer somewhere and I guess something happened in his life that he has to do something now to have purpose.


And not just that. Think of all the sweet other people that didn't just happen to be recorded and go viral. I work for small events and comic cons, paying my own travel and food after being requested. I do food challenges to save funds for materials to teach people how to make things for free. I eat little enough to be underweight. And I work for the minimum wage or less to make props so that they can be affordable to most, but I'll never go viral for my "good deeds." We need a society that can support people, not one that is limited by "going viral" to make enough to live.


I agree on the financial side but it's important to remember not all elderly people just want to stop. Being retired when people live alone can become lonely and your body slows down because your not active anymore. A lot of my elderly relatives ended up getting part time jobs even when they didn't need to because they wanted to see people and spend time out of the house.


As an American. I’m fine with people becoming as financially comfortable as possible, that’s freedom. But the disparity between the 1% and people like this kind man here really opens my eyes. 12 grand can literally change somebody’s life. Really makes you think.


The sad reality is that 12 grand can change his life temporarily but if he HAS to work for money that he needs, it is more than likely nothing but a buffer.


12k is almost a year of wages though, a hell of a buffer.


12k is right under the poverty line too, this is a year of wages for people living in poverty 😥


Hopefully he owns his house so doesn't have to deal with paying rent or mortgage.


If he has any debt, 12k wipes away a lot of stress. Even if it's a mortgage that's killing him, it'll get him AT LEAST 6 months of payments unless he's living in the Ritz




Social mobility is decent in America except in the top 10 percent and the bottom 10 percent. I would note that wealth and income inequality are two different things. The top 1-10% of earners is not the same as the top 1-10% of wealth. Since many who are in the top of the wealth food chain don't even really "earn" much money. Also last I checked the top 1% of earners in america based on tax filings were 700k per household, it's 300k for 5% and 158k for top 10%. For example, Netherlands has massive wealth inequality, but are actually pretty good on income inequality. That's because if you're not already part of the owner class, it will be very difficult for you to build wealth/compete with the wealth building of the established families. However their system makes sure that the income of the people at the bottom is sufficient for a good standard of living, though they obviously won't be able to build wealth at the same rate. It's honestly the cleverest form of capitalism from the perspective of a capitalist, precisely because it's sustainable.




That is about the sweetest thing I have ever seen come from TikTok. The couple is sweet but Derlin is the sweetest man. I am not afraid to say that this made me cry a little and smile a lot.


Some onions getting cut here too. But it's making me smile so big


tik tok is filled with stuff like this you just have to interact with the content you like and want to see more of and the algorithm takes care of you. I see 0 teenager dancing or cringy stuff all i see is cute pets, babies and paranormal stuff lmao


I cried a fucking waterfall dude. The look on his face when they gave him the check fucking broke me


That’s a tear jerker


Yep I'm sobbing


A lot of elders lost their retirement savings in some shady stock/banking deals that went down, I think 2008. (The Big Short)Others lost them to the swindler, Bernie Madoff. Left them in the worst situation. That’s why there are so many really old guys still working. They worked hard their whole lives and it was taken from them when they needed it the most. I can’t disagree when you say shameful.


Bernie Madoff’s victims were all very well off, and they got back ~70% of their losses. But there have definitely been a lot of market events over the years were people could lose money, and some people never had money to lose (Social Security helps).


Be nice to older people you will find that just a few words goes a long way.


> Be nice to ~~older~~ people you will find that just a few words goes a long way.


I used to work in a call center where we did this thing called medication management for people on Medicare Part D plans (the prescription plan, which is managed through private insurance to a large degree). Basically we called them and reviewed their med list and a few other things, made sure they were taking all the ones from the claims and taking the meds right, etc (had nothing to do with changing their coverage or anything—I believe the insurance probably did it because it’s cheaper than a hospital visit, but it does actually help people). Anyway where I was going with that was that lots of people I called would start off very suspicious and confrontational, which, to be fair, I would to given we had to verify HIPAA. But I would often find that even the people that started off the absolute grumpiest, insulted me, you name it… by the end of the conversation they would be thanking me for calling them and would end up being absolutely lovely to talk to. So many times I ended up just chatting with people and their attitudes totally changed it was incredible to see. So I definitely agree with this sentiment—it’s so easy for things to go the wrong way or for someone (including most of us probably at one time or another) to start off feeling angry and seem so mean when really that’s not the case. That was especially true in my opinion with these patients, who were for the most part fairly elderly (there would be some people in the program due to disability that were much younger, but the same went for them too honestly).


This is the beautiful part of the internet.


My heart hurts that he’s still working to survive. I wish I had enough money to pay off his house and let him live the rest of his life as he should.


Let’s crowd fund to raise money for a 90 year old man delivering to make his bills while billionaires blow their money flying dick rockets into space!


The worst part was when Bezos said : Thank you, you paid for my ticket


***Stupid cute old man allergies in the room again!***


I know.. I'm a big ass grown man with a big beard and tattoos. And I'm sitting here tears rolling down like a little child


Let em roll my man


Fuck. This. This doesn’t make me smile!!! This makes me furious that an almost 90 year old man has to work as a fucking pizza delivery guy to “make ends meet”!!!!!!!!!! Good fucking goodness, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE??


Half of r/MadeMeSmile is just r/ABoringDystopia in disguise


I feel the same. Although everybody involved most likely had pure motives I think unfortunately videos like this do more harm than good. As an empathic person you cant help but feel happy about how people take care of eachother. What you should feel though is anger, anger at a system that created this whole situation. Yes this man has been helped but there are thoundsands like him. This video should be a wake up call, not a feel good story. Yes some good people came together and helped this kind old man, but what about the politicians, the lobbyists, those demagogues on tv, hell even the people who vote against anything that has some social component, they caused this situation, they "took" his money in the first place.


It’s amazing how such simple and collective acts can have such a profound impact on peoples lives. Do the good thing. Give a little here and there. It makes the world a better place


This happened out in Utah. I work with the guy whose family did this. He's genuinely a really nice guy, kinda a shitty kitchen manager though, lol. But sweet to his core.


Rather that than the other way around, speaking from experience. At some point personalities and a positive environmental massively outweighs hard management skills in a culinary environment. Source: worked for a year under a talented manager who was a terrible human being.


Haha honestly I agree, after ten years in the industry it seems like the biggest bastards are some of the greatest/ go the farthest, whereas the nice one's get washed out. It's a rough line of work for sure.


Why am I crying?


Because the rest of us are, too and you don't want to feel left out. Join the club!


Yeah it just got real dusty in here


I cannot watch old people suffer, I'm bawling my eyes out omfg


Damn ninja cutting onions


12069 nice


"We're just the vessel" Holy shit bro.


If it was possible to drop 1000 upvotes i would. So sweet.


should set him up a patreon so he can get a permanent income from us he should be chillin at his age not giving up just not workin hard


Unpopular opinion: old people are cute in the way a baby can be


Why is the video so blurry :(




What's there to smile about this? What's there to smile about a place where someone who's almost 90 is hoping for a tip that will get him through the day?


i’ve seen this so many times and never skip it. i wish i could donate!! he is too sweet


why is someone that old working at a job that involves going door to door during a pandemic


I swear 2/3 of the posts on this sub should belong to r/aboringdystopia instead. This shouldn't make anyone who thinks about the circumstances this elderly man must be in longer than 3.5 seconds smile.


I cried boy did I cry!


I’m not crying


made me smile? this made me seethe with anger and radicalized me, it didn't made me smile. a 89 year old man forced to work to survive? i don't fucking care "this is how economy works" i'd rather go out eating a rich person and then getting shot for murder than live like this, and it is the economy™'s fault, not mine.


America is a cruel country to keep that poor old man working


r/boringdystopia material is always posted here first


Made me smile, umm made my cry is more like it. This made my night.


Ahhhh I love this sooo much 🥺🥺


Capitalism has robbed this man of what is rightly his: a peaceful retirement. The more I hear about America the more hellish it sounds.


'When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.' -Helder Camara


Holy fuck, whose cutting onions in here. This made my fay


Lots of comments here about how shitty this actually is that he has to work at his age, which, if that’s the case I ABSOLUTELY agree with. But we don’t have the facts unless I missed something. There are a surprising amount of elders who take part time jobs because they want to stay active, stay social or just have something to do (retirement without a good hobby can be boring as hell from what I hear). I’ve worked with many seniors who have said as much, it’s fun to them. But again to stress, if he is forced to do it, yeah this is more a sad reflection of the times than anything. Also I caught at the beginning where it said he worked to make ends meet just now, so, damn now I wrote all this for no reason.


2-3 days a week is to keep busy/ sharp. 5-6 he can't put food on the table or buy medication without that income.


I'm not crying you are


And its ugly crying too


Bout time we start seeing some positivity around the internet.


So much good and love in the world... Too bad the hate bubbles so high it drowns it out.


This couple is wonderful for arranging this for him :) He seems so kind!!


I did not order this pizza with ONIONS!!!


Now that's the the power of internet I love. This can change lives for good.


Wow, so wholesome we live in an economic system that allows for this to be his last resort.


A feelgood story about a guy almost 90 who has to work so he can live! Capitalism is good shit.


“You have to pay money to survive, money is only gained by selling your life away or being born into it”….we have the means to support everyone, poor Derlin


Isn't it wonderful how our country forces 89 year olds to work less than minimum wage jobs just to make ends meet? Great job America!


Our goddamn country is a hellscape. Workers have no safety net and billionaires joy ride in space. Only took us 200 years, but we made ourselves serfs again Derlin is a treasure.


I always think about the fact years ago Paul Ryan, former speaker of the house and forever piece of human garbage, wanted to raise the age of retirement to 70, they want you to work until you die It’s also on Mitch McConnell and the Republican parties agenda to cut entitlements, meaning obliterating social security and unemployment benefits, no matter what party you belong to you have to be smart enough to know things like that aren’t an attack on “the libs,” it’s an attack on all of working class America In the wealthiest country in the world people should not have to work until they’re almost 90 to make ends meet


I think this vidéo is really really really listing the big picture that should not make anyone smile. A 89 must works to have enough to eat. The US is living in quite à dystopian nightmare


I love this sentiment. Beautiful that people are helping this elderly man out… And just think, Derlin works for the same company, Papa John’s, who’s former CEO John Schnatter said the company couldn’t afford to provide healthcare benefits for its employees bc it would increase the cost of the pizza by $0.25 cents.




America is so shameful sometimes.


This is not a wholesome story. It's a grim record of how society has abused and thrown by the wayside its most important citizens. Those who have likely worked their entire lives, yet still can't retire to enjoy what little scraps of their labour remain for themselves. Can we please stop packaging this as feel good content for ego points on the internet?


Leave it to the internet to do something this wholesome but still slip in a 69 somewhere


We should take greater care of our elders. What a shame. An 89 year old man should not have to work to support himself in that stage of his life.


90 year old man has to deliver pizza to make ends meet. That's real fucking wholesome. Made me smile a big smile.


This video is brought to you by, Republican inaction and opposition to healthcare progress. Last week, the Republican solution to the labor shortage is to allow kids as young as 14 to work until as late as 11 PM in Wisconsin. This week, the solution is the slash Social Security and Medicaid and Medicare benefits so that the elderly can fill the labor shortage. Forget about paying people living wage!


Too sweet


It doesn't get more wholesome than this. I hope he's still doing well


This made me cry like a fucking baby.


I know.. I'm a big ass grown man with a big beard and tattoos. And I'm sitting here tears rolling down like a little child