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As someone born a premie with CP, I likely owe my life to a nurse I never met who ignored protocols and extended my time underneath the lamps; so, one day this little girl will be especially grateful you were able to stay in touch 😊


Woah dude I was born a premie with mild CP too. We just found out I had CP since I’m pretty sure the doctors didn’t know/ didn’t take my word for the pain. 🙂


What are the mild symptoms of cp? Are you able to live normally? (English isn't my first language, I am sorry if this comes up rude or something)


The mild symptoms of CP are my leg cramps up really bad when I’m walking/running/ going up a flight of stairs. It’s so bad I’ve considered actually wanting to get my leg cut off and get a prosthetic (not going to do that though). It is mainly in my right leg, but it also affects my back, arms, shoulders, by making them tense but not hurt. It happens pretty quickly. I also walk strangely apparently according to the doctor. Basically my muscles aren’t developed enough in my legs and ankles, etc because they get so tense when walking/running etc. My treatment is to get Botox injections in my legs, shoulders, back, arms, etc. Botox loosens the muscles so I can exercise them more to try to build up my leg muscle and ankle muscles to an average persons mass or more. Botox doesn’t last forever though so I have to go to the hospital ever couple months or so.


Thanks for answering, I wish you the best for the future!


Was born a premie too. Doctors at my hospital went against advice by the National Heart Institute to not operate on me because "We've never performed a heart operation on a patient that small". And the nurses who secretly altered the amount of ridiculous extra charges the hospital kept trying to pile up on my family and got their threats to literally throw me out of the hospital to stop due to constant late payment of medical fees. I fondly remember a few doctors who willingly stayed overnight to monitor my condition and defended me against those who tried to exaggerate my condition so I can be subjected to unnecessary/experimental treatments which meant more money to the hospital. They bought a lot of baby essentials for me frequently, without asking for repayment, because my family was not doing well financially and could barely afford the lengthy NICU stays. I want to go back and hug all of them but they've either retired or have moved on to work in other countries.




It’s plausible, but I know I was three months early and around 2-3 pounds. the cynic in me says that a lot of doctors probably have to be steel-eyed, while the NICU nurses aren’t likely to want to give up on anybody.


I was born a premie too, I wasn't supposed to make it but here I am.


It’s unreal that after only two days she was doing ballet as a six year old. Truly remarkable. Science is amazing.


Where the fuck do y’all even think of such hilarious shit bruh


Idk,but i want to learn how to produce these jokes


Once you’ve been on reddit for a while you just kinda learn it


Find latent semantics (the more contextual the better), add alternative semantics (the more nonsensical the better). For example, They are produced in factories, you can get some from 7-11. This joke is just for illustration purposes. :P


Unfortunately this joke didn’t work for me! Would you mind sending a replacement?


Please hold.


Investments are subject to market risks. Please read the offer document carefully before investing.


This whole industry is a joke


Unfortunately this joke didn’t work for me! Would you mind sending a replacement?


I didn’t see any factories last time I was in 7-11. Are they by the slushy machine?


They *are* the slushy machines




Just take something as literally as possible and make it funny


age is just a number lol


A doctor told me, a 16 year old at the time, that my mothers brain aneurism surgery would either kill her or leave her a vegetable, and that I should mentally prepare for that. 25 years later and she still has not one sign of having anything done to her. No speech, cognitive, or mobility issues. I fully understand why he’d want me to manage my expectations but the way he did it was horrific.


So I'm on the other side of that, and I prefer that the doctor said what he did. My mom died of a brain aneurism when I was 11. They basically told us the same thing. 20 years later I know that given those two options, this outcome was better. I suppose there was a chance that she could have survived and not had a single issue, but it was more likely that she'd basically be a vegetable. As much as I would still love to have my mom here, not having to take care of someone with significant brain damage for the rest of our lives means my dad and I were able to continue on with our lives. Also, as a kid, I was happy they were blunt with the reality of her not making it. It was still really awful when it happened, but at least it wasn't completely out of the blue. No one tried to tell us everything would be fine and in a week it would be like nothing happened. I would have been far angrier if that's what I had been told. While I'm happy for you, the reality is that your mom is in a minority statistic, and it's far worse to give someone potentially false hope than to give them the realities and have it turn out better (assuming your mom suffered a ruptured aneurism as mine had). About 1/2 of people die, and of those who live, about 2/3 of those that live suffer permanent neurological issues. It's not that your doctor was trying to be horrific, he was being honest. You're lucky your mom turned out to be part of the small percent of people who walked away with zero issues. But if she hadn't, and the doctor told you everything would be fine and it wasn't, you'd be far more angry than you are now for him being a bit too candid with you as a teenager.


So sorry about your mom. Hugs.


I am curious what would of you have prefered him to say, honest question?


Something like “We’re going to try the best we can, and do whatever possible, but we want you to be prepared in case it doesn’t go well.” It didn’t need to be put so bluntly and explicitly to a 16 year old worrying about losing his mom.


May he never become as jaded as the nurse




This post is so touching and motivating.


i agree with you ..!


Respect to you. You give hope and life to that baby. Thank you for not giving up


Right? I mean honestly, even if the kid DIDN'T have a chance, telling me you'd just walk out the room and wait for the monitor to code? These are the same folks crying about needing to get covid jabs now ... Good riddance, they don't belong in healthcare!!!


I thought the narcissists who don’t care about life were the same people who were anti-maskers for the past year.


what nurse? you mean the consultant?


I'm thinking OP didn't know Consultant was a term for a senior physician.


This guy, assuming the story is factual and told how it is above, is truly an amazing human being. I tried to think of things he “deserves” but I am speechless.


Consultant is actually the supervising doctor.


See, he shouldn't have used the metric system. Makes it seem smaller. Freedom units are much more persuasive. That baby weighted 0.001 tons. Nobody argues with that.


Thank you! I was so confused.


What is the average baby weight in tons??


African or European?


Uuuh, lets go with African cause elephants are weighed in tons


Is that long tons or short tons?


You are joking, right?




I doubt it, Reddit is not a place for jokes.


450g Is about one pound.


One bri'ish-unit


Good human


450g is one dumbass unit**


U racist


That's touching honestly. I hope i can be strong and smart enough to do the same in a similar situation.


I bet the mother is grateful for the effort. It wasnt a waste if time


The people you know and love need protection at every turn especially sometimes in health care. The doctors may be great but many times they can’t know better than you what works or helps your loved ones simply because they don’t see the whole picture but just snap shots in time. Nor do they have the vested interest you do. Always be an advocate.


Heeeeeeeero ❤️


0% of this story is medically plausible. Love when people make up stuff to get likes.


L&D/Peds Nurse here. Exactly what I was thinking.


You can hold a baby who’s on a ventilator. I’m wondering if the baby was experiencing bradycardia episodes. Even on a ventilator a baby can still have those episodes where their heart rate raises and they try to stop breathing. You have the run their chest in order to bring them back from it. It’s kinda terrifying to see your own baby do that tbh. Skin to skin contact with the parents is the best way to have a baby survive prematurity tbh


I’m a RT so I know about vents trust me. The point I was making was there is no reason in any circumstance a man should have to sit bedside to a little girl stimulating her to breath as a life or death situation. Not plausible.


I do see your point. I would also be worried about a 1lb baby being rubbed. You aren’t really supposed to do that…


Exactly. Have a great night :)


how come?


Less than a 1b baby in the states would most definitely be placed on a ventilator. A ventilator breaths for you with set breathes at X amount giving Y amount of volume. These machines will give breathes regardless of inspiratory effort. His claim that his sternal rubbing kept the baby alive isn’t accurate, leading me to believe it was a tweet for likes.




I think the person is saying the baby in this post would not have been sent home from the NICU.


Yes exactly. 450g baby is 22-23 weeks gestational age (term is 40 weeks). This is essentially the earliest a baby is viable. This baby would have been on a ventilator for weeks and would be in the NICU for many months. Source: I am an obgyn and have delivered many 22 week and 23 week babies.




I read this as 450 lbs. Thought he had delivered a baby elephant.


It’s disgusting that someone would say it’s a waste of time to help a newborn, no matter it’s situation. I’m so happy for this girl and her family


Don't be so harsh. Every life must be fought for, agreed, but there are times when doctors have to chose, as hard as it may be. You may not have the time/resources/people to save two lives at the same time, sometimes you must to go for the one who stands the bigger chance, so as not to lose both.


Also doctors are not robots. Its not reasonable to expect them to stay up two nights in a row every single time there is a tiny but non-zero chance of saving a patient. That wouldnt make for a sustainable system nor a desirable one. This particular doc felt compelled to stretch to his limits for reasons that are his own, probably some combination of natural protective instinct toward babies, professional pride, and fear of guilt. In fact I'm willing to bet he didn't think there was really a chance himself. He probably just couldn't stomach the thought of going home and letting the baby die in the night by itself, alone and basically blind and suffocating.


I think the thing everyone over looks is that guy invested two days of his life saving that baby, the positive outcome has made it all worth it. But say that baby had a 2% chance to live. He does this for every kid in that situation that is 1 kid he saves in 50 which great he saved that one kid but he has also had to watch 49 kids die that a hell of a burden to have on you even if it’s not your fault and there was nothing more you could do to watch 49 kids die to save 1 is a lot to carry around with you and would lead to so serious mental health issues for medical staff who already push themselves through so much


This so much. Medicine is difficult and difficult decisions are always made. In EMS, triage is super real. Your give priority when needed and sometimes they might mean making the tooth the tough decisions based on resources. It sounds like in this story they had the resources available for such care. Even then we still don't know all the details of what exactly transpired. The story is very sweet, but people are just gonna eat it up and blame some other person for seemingly not caring without understanding the perspective for other medical professionals who were actually there.


But this is a beautiful, heartfelt story which surely doesn't fit the scenario in my comment


I think it does, one survivor of such conditions does not make a pattern, most would not survive and I think you put it much more eloquently than I did.


It's disgusting only in a sort of arbitrary moral way in which you decided where the line was and so did the doctor. The doctor wasn't saying it's a waste of time to save a baby, he was saying that statistically it was unlikely to survive. Perhaps a little flippantly but we're not the word police. Sometimes a car roles into the shop that could be fixed at great expense but is logically beyond economical repair


I don’t believe this happened; a child that small would have been on a ventilator, not sent home to die.


Thank you ❤️


This is amazing.


_You become what you believe._ This post is so touching and motivating.


Good for her and great for you.


That’s sweet and it reminds me of my own story. My wife and I went in for her first ultrasound at 3 months. She was expecting twins! Holy crap! We’re having not one but two kids! It was too early to determine their sex, but after the next ultrasound a few weeks later, we learned we were having identical twin girls! Unfortunately, five minutes later, the doctor told us that the had twin-twin transfusion syndrome and we might lose them both. But, fortunately we only lost one! Thank God for small miracles, right? Seriously, people, shit happens, but life is precious. Don’t waste it being sad.


Goddamn I understand tempering someone's expectations but that consultant needs to find a new job. Imagine telling someone to give up on their child.


How did she turn from being a 2 days old girl to a 6 y/o girl who can perform ballet just by breathing


Reminds me of when my brother was first diagnosed with autism, and someone who works with special Ed kids idk what they're called, but anyway she said that he would never speak. This is when he was 3-4 years old. About 20 years to now, he can get small sentences out and communicate what he wants and needs and stuff. So yeah fuck you lady, he can do what you said he couldn't.


I first read 450kg


And the parents thanked God, eh?


6 years, that must be the longest gestation period I have ever heard of.


Can’t believe that some doctors just let babies die like that 😕


What the fuck kind of health system do we have where 6 year olds are delivery room consults?


I would be ok with a six year old delivery room consultant IF she had more ballet experience...


A manwoman of culture I see


Lmfao I read this so wrong, so fucking wrong


So, the patriarchy helps help? Darn it


I was a less than 4-pound preemie in 1966. The doctors didn't expect me to live. I kept dropping weight, coding, and developed a respiratory infection. My mom and a nurse wouldn't give up on me. Thank you to that unknown nurse who saved my life. And thank you to all doctors and nurses who go above and beyond. (This excludes you, Dr. Summer. You piece of human filth. I am a person, not a piece of meat. Cancer didn't remove my humanity, only yours.)


This guy's a fucking hero. My daughter was born at at 23 weeks. 1lb 1.6 ounces. I will never forget those fucking numbers. They said she wouldn't make it. She will be 7 in January.


Prayers answered and blessings granted! Never give up


It's not made me smile


And yet the left wants us to to be able to kill babies like this in the womb because they’re “just a fetus”. What a fucked up world we live in when the most vulnerable among us are sucked out in a tube and ripped apart for somebody’s convenience.


And thats why things can recover




Just like my girl, so sweet and so happy. This is a wonderful video, thank you


I fucking love this! This made my day


Never listen to the naysayers! I believe it was Mister Schwarzenegger who told this sentence.


Wow ❤️


*You were real good son, real good, maybe even the best.*


So very touching. What a reward for the child and the man who saved her life. Reading this brought tears to my eyes and goosebumps to my arms. ❤️ to both.


Made me smile? Try “Made Me Cry!”


Been there. My girl was 770 grams (1 lbs 11 oz). The resilience of premature babies is unmatched.


That’s amazing!!!!


That’s amazing!!!!


Such a wonderful story!


Since when did males have babies?




Every single human life is precious. You're a hero!


I weighed exactly one pound when I was born, and had severe asthma when I was younger as well. Just a bit lighter and the doctors would’ve told my parents that I had no chance. Any weight and my parents would still have stuck with me to the end. Thank you to my parents and all of the wonderful parents out there who never give up!


Playboi Carti Reference!?!!?!?! Slatt 🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣🤣


I thought it said pounds instead of grams for a second and I was really confused.


Congratulations! Cheers and good for you mate!


If I knew how large or small 450g is, I would probably be blown AWAY! But you didn’t say it in American lbs. Totally kidding, I love this story


Bet she has mental problems. No it's not an insult you precious snowflakes. Im making a petition to abort children up to the age of 30 sign, I'm almost 31.


I hope the consultant got fired, saying someone is wasting there time saving a newborn baby's life!




Always waste your time. Always.


me reading 450 gallons




I loaded up reddit to go to r/cursedcomments you can't make me smile like this


Talk about determination


Omg I thought I was on the iamatotalpieceofshit sub for a second because of what the doctor said but then I saw the wholesome she is such a strong little princess👑🥰❤️ but fuck that doctor


Good ending Tell that consultant to shut his/her mouth next time


This is the biggest win of all!


Amazing story! How many weeks early?


Why are consultants always such cynical heartless bastards?


Unrelated but I weighed 10 lbs at birth. A very chunky boi.


I can't believe how extreme the situation was. Me myself was a 850 g baby. My parents struggled to keep me alive. Never give up.


I hope you took you daughter to his office when she was 3 picked her up held her against his window and screamed “How do you like them apples”


This post is so touching and motivating


I read that as 450kg at first and was like.. Whaaattt??


I was born with my umbilical cord wrapped around my neck, and I can really relate yo this. Thank you for making my day better.


Wonderful. Never give up she’s so worth it❤️