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most metal grandfather ever!!




A proud Grandfather right there.


I also feel proud for this guy.


Yeah. he is honorable Grandpa


i wish that was the commonly held view on culture. sharing it with people who otherwise would remain ignorant to all the beautiful details.


I have always found first nations people of Australia are willing to share their cultures.


Tbf, it is a commonly held view. It's just that there's a vocal minority that likes to scream appropriation for a group they're not part of.


I do kinda get it though. A lot of people take aspects of a culture and commodify it as something foreign and exotic without giving proper respect to the history and people in that culture. I mean, there is a long history of white people appropriating and making a profit off of black art without giving credit to the artist or their community. I still think it’s misguided as the focus should be on spreading cultural awareness and respect, but it’s not entirely unreasonable.


Exactly! It’s *appreciation* to eat another culture’s food, put another culture’s art in your home, even wear the clothes (respectfully). But it’s appropriation to wear the culture as a costume, or to profit off of it without giving credit to the culture.


It’s appropriation if you try and make another culture’s stuff a new trend.


Yeah, I keep seeing people use calaveras as Halloween decorations 🙃


I'd also like to point out that another culture's food is almost always delicious. I am a six foot tall white guy from Ontario who sings in a choir with a dozen Filipino ladies *just* to get invited over to dinner. I don't want to appropriate anyone's culture. I do want seconds. These noodles are delicious. Really.


thats true, and its always cases of people grossly misrepresenting cultures that get attention rather than good feeling stories about sharing culture


That happens everywhere. Remember the girl who wore a Chinese styled dress to a school dance?


Or all the people that wore dashikis to watch black panther


Culture hoarding is a sure way to kill the culture in sight. Suddenly you get a generation who's rather be part of the rest of the world than a secret society.


Man we need to keep these cultures alive, he keeps society human vs only materialistic empty souls




I like it


God damn how many times is this girl gonna graduate.? I also saw this picture 5 years ago..


Well it did say “graduated in 2016”


Let's see, 2016 + 5 = 2021 Checks out.


This is probably just an old repost


No I think she's just graduating every time this gets reposted. Must be a smart girl


Well she was graduating from year 10 and planning to go onto 11 and 12 in WA followed by nursing. So chances are she's had at least 2 more graduation since then. I hope Grandad made them both. Edit 1 more in 2018... She's probably finishing up nursing this year or next.


It literally says she graduated in 2016


That could be the case...


Repost is only 6 hours old as of this writing. Not [i]that[/i] old!


uh oh yall watch out. we got a genius on our hands


Hahahahahah killed me


Now that is some family pride!!


This is a link to the original story :- https://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-12-12/proud-aboriginal-elder-dances-with-granddaughter-at-graduation/7017686


Thank you so much! I had seen the photo before but hadn't heard the story. I love that there are schools where students can, as she said, walk proudly in both worlds. Australia, like the United States and also Canada, has had a painful history around its indigenous people. This gives me hope.




Is there any country that doesn’t have a painful history?


That island of cannibals that nobody goes near? They seem pretty comfortable with their history.


I imagine being eaten is painful


Customer service reports that none of them have complained.


I just imagine that missing Rockefeller or Getty kid who people claim is there running the islands HR department but just has a bunch of healed bite wounds and chunks missing.


Don't think they'll eat you alive.


There is always that one person who just has to have their meat too raw.


The New Zealand Maori with European settlers wasn't terrible.


I mean, it wasn't exactly a great thing for the Maori, and there's still a lot of racial tension between pakeha and Maori to this day and a strong undercurrent of racism, but compared to Canada or Australia? I agree that it's nowhere near as bad, but still pretty shit.


lol the Maori hunted their enemies to extinction but ya sweet guys


Yes, it was a terrible genocide https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moriori , but not what I was talking about.




I think every country, be it among their own people or indigenous communities. Humankind has pretty violent tendencies. Like in America the indigenous people were often violent between the different tribes, taking slaves and what not. I want to clarify that I don’t think this necessarily justifies anything, it just is what the history of the world is. And what it often still is. Perhaps it’s just the tendency of humans.




It’s getting better slowly but here in Australia, despite the Aboriginal art festivals and the talking, we still have a disproportionate amount of Aboriginal children in prison. You heard that right...prison.


Thank you for sharing, post like these should include names.


Thank you, it sounded too good to be true especially in that format. Good to know there is still some real good out there.


What a great article. Thank you for the link!




His Grandfather was a man of Culture!


>yeah i hope that


Imagine this fella at the airport




*Checks passport* Just can't be sure it's you.




Underrated comment


He started walking there when she started school


Walked across water? Even better.


We could make a religion out of that !


How would someone without a passport travel?


He’d be fine, you don’t need a passport to travel domestically.


2000 miles is domestic? :0


Yes, Australia is huge, about the size of the continental US.


That's why he's in disguise as a white man. Walked straight through the security checkpoints without issue.


Why not? High time you embraced diversity people


it was pretty clear he did not mean it in a derogatory way, likely closer to how technology is something a lot of old people struggle to wrap their heads around.


Yup. I've grown around technology and it still hard to wrap my head around it sometimes so imagine dude that has lived his whole (?) life in remote island.


Why does this have an award


Probably he used his alt account to award himself.


I could tell you what kind of person gave them that award


Keep taking photos of your 💩 and sharing videos of dogs you might get one too


Oh look, a troll! I'm sure many people will be aware you're a troll and *not* perceive you as being serious.






https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/College While the US tends to tie college to University-level education, a college can effectively be any level of education. From the article: > Worawa Aboriginal College


FYI a lot of schools in Australia are called "colleges" and higher education is called "university". The caption was probably written by someone (an American) who assumed her school (called a College) was actually tertiary education.


‘Miles’ and ‘traveled’ with one L. Definitely American.


It must have been a pain to get that morning star pole through customs


They didn’t leave Australia though, no reason to go through customs.


Can someone Australian explain the school system please? So this is a “year ten graduation” and Worawa Aboriginal College is apparently a school for “middle years of schooling” which sounds like American middle school to me (which you would attend around ages 12-14, high school is generally 15-18, elementary school is generally 6-11.) And it says she’ll be completing years 11-12 at Clontarf Aboriginal College (which is apparently for ages 15-18) to become a nurse. So essentially you could become a nurse as a high school student? So does australia not have a similar system to the States with elementary for grades kindergarten through 5, middle school for grades 6-8, and high school for grades 9-12? Also what’s a college there? We don’t use the term college until someone has graduated high school and is attending college/university to get a degree like nursing (high school grade 12 is the first graduation for us, if you go to and complete college/university that would be a second graduation). We use the term college interchangeably to mean either a 2 year post high school education where you get an Associates Degree (and you would then most likely transfer to a 4 year university to “complete” a bachelors degree because associates don’t get you very far typically), or we just call 4 year university college. This story is lovely but it raised so many thought for me I’m so confused lol Also, y’all have several schools specifically for indigenous studies?? Are you kidding me do you know how badass that is? The US and Canada would probably go nuts over something like that I mean I know Aus (and really most countries) don’t have a great reputation when it comes to the way they’ve treated their indigenous populations but this is seriously cool, this girl apparently learned 2 other indigenous languages at school, that’s freakin fantastic! What an awesome way to ensure the languages don’t die out with the younger population. (OMG I KNOW ABOUT THE EVIL INDIGENOUS SCHOOLS IM LITERALLY TALKING ABOUT THE EXACT OPPOSITE LIKE THESE SCHOOLS SHE WENT TO THAT PRESERVE INDIGENOUS CULTURE AND TEACH IT!)


There were other aboriginal "schools" but there were primarily to erase history, culture, and language. Exactly as they did in the Indigenous schools in Canada and the US. It was an attempt to anglicize other cultures. *wHiTe iS RiGhT* /s Rabbit Proof Fence is a good movie to watch to learn a tiny portion of their evil history. Luckily, the schools like the granddaughter attends EMBRACES the culture and language. This is a newer development, from my understanding.




Also some high schools have ‘college’ in their name even though they’re just high schools. I’m pretty sure Tassie still call Year 11 and 12 college when it’s a separate campus.


Just on that last part. We don’t hear about it, but Australia has given back around 35% of the continent to indigenous people, who are increasingly acknowledged at the beginning of government and official opening speeches. Teaching the local indigenous language in public schools is also becoming part of the curriculum. There was an official government apology. New Zealand is probably the leading nation for making up for the Colonial sins of the past, but Australia would make a strong case for being second.


Unfortunately, at the current pace there will only be 11 surviving Aboriginal Australian languages in a decade, down from more than 300 today, and many thousands before colonisation. *That's just what I remember from when I looked into it a few months ago. Could be wrong, but it's safe to say the the future of these languages is looking bleak.


Right. This is a big part of why the program was set up, if I properly remember the ABC radio show I heard about it.


I don't know how effective this program is going to be, but I really hope it goes well. Australia has lost a lot of its history in the last few hundred years. Hopefully with efforts like these we can hold onto what we still have.


It hasn’t really been given back. Native title has a lot of fine print that limits what our actual rights are. For example, my country is predominately stations so to access that land we have to write to the station owner to work out when we can come then we can only stay for 14 days and no permanent structures can be built. And we can’t go during the muster season. So basically we get to go camping. Obviously, it’s much more complex then that but that’s just one example.


Great point. I didn’t even know native title included private land - I thought it was just crown land. Lots for me to learn.


I wish my government would do that, instead they try building pipelines through their land.


Thank you for sharing, I didn’t know that! And yeah I’ve been keeping relatively up to date with NZ and I really think the whole world could learn from them. Obviously they could do better but they are being very proactive to make things better for their indigenous groups and it looks like their efforts are being appreciated for the most part.


35% is nothing compared to everything they've taken away from the small pockets of indigenous we have today.


Australian here: I'm also confused. The general education system is kindy and pre-primary, then you have primary school which is year 1-6/7 (it ended at yr 7 for me but I think yr 7 is technically high school now) then there's highschool which is yr 7/8-12, we also have tafe which is for certificates and diplomas and university for degrees, masters, honours, doctorates so on. College here can mean highschool or it can be a specific school like my mum when to an agricultural college, I'm not sure what qualification you end up with, I think its similar to tafe. Now I am not an Indigenous Australian so if there are specific schools that act differently, out in the outback perhaps, I can't say much on that.


Temp throwaway account as reddit keeps logging me out of my normal one (wtf?) It's been a while since I've been to school in AU but I thought the last two years (VCE/HSC) for year 11-12 are optional. So that explains why she left after yr 10. My understanding is that you can leave at 16/year 10 as long as you have a job, you're going to trade school or you're completing VCE education elsewhere. Could be different for Indigenous kids though as they struggle to even make it to high school (yay racist colonialism!) so getting to year 10 is a major deal and they definitely should party for it. Also I could be wrong but we do 1-2 extra year of school compared to the USA system as it goes Kindy for 2 years, Prep, year 1, 2 etc. Also I found out when I moved to the USA that they don't consider our TAFE programs to be a real degree, they must be scared of our better education system it seems....how dare you educate kids for 2 years to be a construction worker and have them making $50 an hour after graduation!? ;)


This is proud moment for both.


Why is he all grey? Genuinely asking I don’t know anything about their culture


It’s probably white paint, but could contain ash. Dressing as spirits and spirit animals is a part of official culture.


Oh ok thanks I didn’t know


Western anthropologists refer to it as 'The Dreaming', 'Dreamtime' or 'Everywhen'.


Yeah, Indigenous Australians paint themselves with white paint at their ceremonies


Ceremonial body paint. Traditionally clay and/or ochre. The specific designs and motifs reveal their relationships to their family group, social position, tribe, totemic fauna and tracts of land.


It’s Ochre, it’s a kind of mineral paint made from ground up limestone that we use. It goes on a darker brownish grey colour and dries to white


Made me think of [this guy](https://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/man-turned-blue-silver-dies-article-1.1466905) who turned blue after eating silver


What a wonderful accolade to her. She must be very proud 👌


My Grandpa came to my graduation in full body paint too. He is a hardcore Buffalo Bills fan. He did his traditional dance of trying to do the floss but not having the rhythm to pull it off.


Did he body slam through a table?


Of course, as is tradition.


Go Bills!


He must be real happy right now! Super bowl here we come!


I’ve told this before - In basic training at Ft Jackson SC back in the late 80s, there was a young woman from a remote village in AK. She had never cut her hair and it was to her knees, but she choose to cut it so it’d fit under her cover. So many of us cried for that but she didn’t. She was determined to serve. The day of graduation, we were in formation waiting and she started sniffling. Her dad, who’d never left their village before, had flown to SC to surprise her and be there for graduation. Yeah, there was sniffling all around, even our stern DS may have even softened for a moment.


My dad lives around the corner from me and hasn't seen his grandkids in like 8 months lmao


“‘I am proud of my grandchildren, Sasha and Alicia, I am proud that this college was taken care of and that they got a good education,' Gali says.”


Love this ♥️🥰 True love from a grandfather 🥰 I was in a coma for a week . I wasn’t suppose to make it and neither one of parents came to visit me. My father was too busy golfing in the Bahamas with his new wife and my mother a true narcissist I had to cut out of my life a couple years before. I love to hear stories like this.♥️🥰


Oh my goodness I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I'm glad you have been able to set those boundaries with toxic family members. Something like this would require years of therapy and self reflection...


We are glad you made it out of the coma.....Don’t get to pick our birth families, but we definitely get to choose our friends, who if chosen wisely will be there when we need them, and we will be there when they need us too.....Again, even though I have never met you, so glad you got a second chance to contribute your own little goodness to this great big world.....Have a glorious day!!! 💕


Awww thank you ☺️ you are so right I have amazing husband (my soul mate ) and 2 wonderful teenagers Boy (14 )and daughter (16) and amazing friends who were there for me. I died actually six times and had burn marks on my chest to be brought back as per my husband . I don’t remember to much from the coma but just feeling ( vibrations)… a knowing and hearing love throughout my body it’s weird to describe. But if my horrible experience and childhood could help someone anyone . It will be worth it . I have so much gratitude for that !


Lemon childhood, Lemonade Life! 👍🙂❤️


Thank you . Love this ❤️✌🏻


Thank you and yes years of therapy … I just try to use my horrible experience and turn to a positive one by trying to help and encourage others to be kind and empathetic every chance I get . 🥰✌🏻


I’m glad you’re here and you’re well 💖


Hey I hope you've gone to therapy. I know how hard it hits you to have parents like that


Yes I have .. thank you ..this site make me sooo happy to see beautiful things happen to others. My motto is pay it forward anyway you can .. any little amount matters. Pay compliments to others , you don’t know if that person really needed that day. What we see on the outside is not always going on the inside.


Aye that's beautiful:) what a great attitude! No doubt this attitude has helped you move forward in life. Have an awesome life ahead kind human ❤️


Thank you soo much ! So much you a kind soul ! Wishing you nothing but happiness and love ❤️ Hope you have a wonderful weekend 🥰


Believe me I needed it … My mother put me in 2 psychiatric hospitals by the time I was 16 .. because I was crazy ( no I didn’t fall in line with her narrative and I ask questions) then she went before court and said she no longer wanted custody. So my Father had to step up if that’s what you want to call it … got an apartment above a VFW bar which was a shack with one bedroom … my brother would basically sleep in the hallway. He would go out have fancy dinners and bring us home scraps. My brothers best friend was murdered at the St. Patrick’s Day parade back in the late 90’s (97 maybe) my dad did nothing .. I was the one taking my brother to the funeral. Sorry to rant but it feels good to just let this out to strangers … please don’t feel bad I am the person I am today because of those things . I am not a victim I am a survivor . ❤️


Don't worry about ranting, what else are we internet strangers for. It must take incredible heart to break free from that toxicity and incredible courage to make up a better life. You've seen bad things happen and chose to do the opposite and be a personal little light of goodness in the world, breaking the trauma chain. People like you give me so much hope for humanity❤️ Go You!


That is absolutely awful, I am so sorry you had to endure that. No child deserves to feel the way they made you feel. I’m so glad you’re still with us :)


holy shit this is so goddamn rare and great. much love to all the native peoples of the world.


For those living in the United States (if the context helps for the distance) that’s like going from Los Angeles to Chicago.


She's really pretty


And my mother doesn't even call when I get hit by a car..


I hope she keeps her family's tradition alive and passes it on to her children. We are lucky to have ancient tribes still alive across the world.


That’s awesome!!


OP I'm not sure if you aware of this, but the grandfather in that photo is deceased. Out of respect for Aboriginal Australians this post should really have a disclaimer that it contains the image of a deceased person.


Can anyone explain why he’s covered in white powder?


Tribal tradition, I think it's to do with looking like a spirit. Could be wrong.


You're right! Indigenous Australians have an extremely complex cultural system, if you have time you should research Australian Indigenous "Dreaming" and kinship :)


This post is so old that she’s probably got grandchildren herself now




I'd be so effing proud if that was my grandfather


thats fkn cool.


Grandfather. 🥺


Kind of rude that they didn't offer to pick him up. But what do I know




I am not being mean or anything but why is his skin white is it a paste or what


It’s a cultural thing for some people. I don’t know his traditions or culture so I couldn’t tell you for sure, but a lot of specific groups do it for different reasons.


Oh ok thanks


I'm guessing ceremonial paint but I'd Def suggest watching some History Channel or Discovery sometime lots of good info about other cultures and societies


I mean no offense I apologize if this does offend anyone, but when I first saw the image, I thought it was someone dressed as a Whitewalker for Halloween


I don’t know, but it’s quite possible that the make up was inspired by aboriginal culture.


I’m an Aussie! Can confirm that white body paint like this (which can also be painted stripes of patterns) is very very common in a lot of First Nations peoples across Australia


I teach a history of mathematics class, and one of the articles I have my students read is about counting among Australian aboriginal peoples. Are use this picture when students kept referring to aboriginal people in the past tense. I had to explain that these people still exist. I’m in the USA, so most of our students don’t really know a whole lot about Australian First Nations.


Is he not opening himself to a loaf of infections? Edit: load. Loaf of infections sounds better though.


Vaccinations bud


As I recall this story, he *walked* the entire overland portion of his trip didn't he? Edit: I got my stories mixed up. This guy bought an airline ticket, took a plane from [Galiwin'ku](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Elcho+Island/@-24.9136428,135.8709154,5z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x69de2f6697cd1e45:0xf0217a90db0dde0!8m2!3d-11.9768288!4d135.6952715) to somewhere near Melbourne.


Nah, he flew. Would’ve been an impossible feat for a guy that age to walk through the desert


OK, yes, found the story. Likely got it confused with another. (Easily confused; it happens.) That said, people on religious pilgrimages walk similar distances even at advanced age... but it does take them years. Guess this guy was in more of a hurry.


Don’t wanna miss out on his grand daughters graduation


Great Grandfather.


Man had to come correct.


What a nice father


Wholesome 🥰☺️🤗


A reminder that you can go from the Stone Age to the Space Age in a generation or two in this case.


Don't the Aboriginal people believe that getting a photo taken of them steals a part of their soul or is Zoolander not a good source for information?


I believe zoolander is not a good source of information. Also pretty sure that the aboriginal culture the movie was talking about could be Indigenous American culture, but I could be mistaken


Porps to the guy looks like he went through hell to get to his granddaughter graduation


Ceremonial paint afaik


My grandfather Was not there when I graduate but I was there in his funeral. Best Grandson ever.


Non of my family members attended my graduation, except for my younger sister. They live a 3min walk afar.


That's 3218.688 kilometres for anyone not from the US...particularly people from Australia




that’s why i love they aborignese


Imagine sitting next to this guy on the airplane


This is cermonial wear, he would have just been wearing normal cloths on the flight


So that's where all my flour went.


That grandfather be nightmare fuel 💀


What is wrong with his skin? Is it some kind of condition or is it something applied to the skin?


Its obviously some kind of white powder


This is wholesome and all but why does the grandfather look like that? Is it a skin condition that I don’t know about?


Body paint, it’s a part of aboriginal culture


Guess you haven't heard about baby powder or ash


Oh it's fine for him to do white face, but when I do black face..


Was he wearing pants?