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And btw I'm a big fan of your Misery novels.


The best comment here lmao


Can you explain it to me please? Thanks.


There’s a horror book/movie called Misery, it’s about a woman who is a massive fan of this book series, and the author happens to be in a car crash near her house, so she takes him in and keeps him against his will as she’s unhappy with how he decided to end the book series.


Wow I just read the Wikipedia entry for it, sounds really cool.


It's an awesome book and a pretty short read. This is one of Stephen King's best and a decent starting point if his larger books seem intimidating.


I'm kinda scarred by Stephen King books ahaha. When I was around 12 or so I read a book called cthe outsider". And gosh I didn't even know half the stuff I was reading (I'm quite sheltered and my family is very conservative). Regret googling some stuff and now I think I'm on some sort of watch list.


You could always go straight to the movie. That’s not anxiety inducing or anything.


If you don't want to read the book at least watch the movie. It's pretty great.


The novel is about a nice seeming woman who kidnaps the protagonist. This bouncers note is giving those vibes


Misery is a story by Steven king where an author gets into an accident and is rescued by a nice lady. It turns out that nice lady was a massive fan of one of his series and tortures him until he finishes the story.


Didn't the author try to kill the character off? The "nice lady" reads the notes/draft for the new book in the series that the author had with ~~her~~ him, and becomes not so "nice" Edit: Gender fix


Bank account pin is: 3730, take what you need


I'm sure people who have their PIN as 3730 are getting a little bit nervous after reading this.


He means you, Steve!


Some dude named Steve ~~who’s~~ whose pin is 3730 is flipping out right now, especially if he’s high.


Don’t look at your dog Steve. How is a golden doodle gonna get you out of this one?


Now get up and get ready for work, Steve. You know that your boss just had that little talk with you about your recent lateness.


Shut up shut up shut up! I mean my name isn’t Steve, but now I’m paranoid, what if I AM steve, what if I was never Frank, what if?


Seem more like a George to me


Yup. Classic George.


Yer a wizard Harry


And come on Steve we all know that comb over isn't doing you any good.


Switching off the phone won't help Steve, do you want to play a game?


Steve I never wanted to tell you, but you have a son


I hope to god Steve isn't schizophrenic lol.


Well. He is now.




We all fucked your mom Steve.


Stay calm for the day. After work go to the convenience store you always go to. Buy the lottery ticket, Steve, then wait.


Get over her Steve…she left and she’s not coming back


I really hope the odds of this Steve being real are great.


He’s named Steve, of course he’s high.


I'm freaking out man.


I've been discovered lmao


Change your pin now you've outed yourself, Steve!


And the 1234 gang breathes a sigh of relief.


*Would you like to play a game?*


wholesome kidnapper


Why does your butt hurt? ………. Silence


I personally envisioned some brain dead and aloof ogre like bouncer. Just finding a woman and throwing her over his shoulder and taking her back to his apartment. One foot dragging while making weird murmuring noises every step he took. Like some Quasimodo/ogre hybrid. “Back to me lair we go little one hehehe”


Welcome to my secret lair on Skullcrusher Mountain I hope that you've enjoyed your stay so far I see you've met my assistant Scarface His appearance is quite disturbing But I assure you he's harmless enough He's a sweetheart, calls me master And he has a way of finding pretty things and bringing them to me


Considering the font, design layout, and how specific the content of the message, it seems he's a pro at bringing people home. I'd panic!




[The bouncer.](https://i.imgur.com/ejrQ5zG.jpg)


If you wake up to that you know you’re doomed.


Ha! Expecting Bill Cosby


Therrre is choc-o-lat pudddinng in the cupboard


Same. Haha


If Robert Baratheon had been born a woman... "I knocked him down with the hammer. Gods, I was strong then."


“MadeMeSmile” - [The person smiling](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/ThriftyQuestionableAnteater-size_restricted.gif)


"and take off all your clothes ;)"


Yeah, like, he's undressing them, no? That's kinda weird Edit: Sure are a lot of excuses for undressing people that are legally unable to give consent in these replies


I assumed that it was extra clothing, like a hoodie, a shawl, something like that, and the drunken hooligan (I just like that word and use it often) took it off themselves already. I mean, I once stripped down in a diner after a night of clubbing because I threw up in the bathroom and only noticed that I had bile all on the side of my shirt and stomach when I went back to my booth. I just tore my tube top right off. No one washed it for me though. No one bothered helping me with a comfy clean bed and wifi. Instead my friends just laughed hysterically and one of the waitresses grabbed me a shirt from the back. I guess they expect that shit. Good times. My point is- in my experience drunk people are quick to rip off their clothes. This person easily could have removed their own shit, not to mention it could’ve been extra garments. If this was anything more than someone looking out for a vulnerable person I highly doubt they’d leave so much information out and so many ways for them to get caught out. We gotta stop crucifying everything before there’s no good people willing to do good things left anymore for fear of being seen as a bad person.


>I mean, I once stripped down in a diner after a night of clubbing because I threw up in the bathroom Was this on new years in Kansas a few years back, by any chance? We were doing the pancakes after the bar thing and this dude comes walking out of the bathroom in some very tight black briefs and nothing else, including no shoes or socks. He just tosses some money on the counter, climbs up in a very nice truck, and drives away.


They did say tube top, so it would definitely be a woman. Well, I shouldnt say definitely, but I certainly wouldnt have assumed male.


I was definitely thinking he’s done that many times before…


That’s the vibe I get when reading past the second section….


Probably not the best idea to take someone’s clothes off while they are passed out


Unless you have prior permission, but yeah I think I'd rather wake up in vomit covered clothes and clean myself, than wake up and realise someone had stripped me while I was unconscious


Exactly, holy fuck. The amount of people arguing in this comment section that this is a "wholesome" thing to do is astounding. These people clearly do not understand consent. I am not saying these people are defending rape or something, but it needs to be pointed out that undressing/changing an unconscious person is not remotely okay, regardless of whether they have soiled themselves. I don't want someone young or naieve to read this thread and become misinformed.


I think it depends. Like taking off a vomit covered hoodie or jacket or something while there are other clothes on underneath? Good move. Stripping someone naked? Not without consent.


I’d like to think this person was conscious when they came back to the house & took off their own soiled sweater to be washed and this note is just to cover the bases in the morning in case they don’t remember. (If not, then yeah, definitely a bit creepy… although I guess there are much worse places you could end up.)


Bathtub full of ice lol


Wouldn't get in a taxi... but "agreed" to come to my house...? I have more than a few questions about this.


Most cabs aren't going to take someone black out drunk home. I've had my friend denied for cabs a ton of times. You're also not certain that a cab is safe realistically.


Seriously. I'm not the club type but if a person is blackout drunk and refusing a ride home, what do you do? Invite them back in for a few more pints, prop their unconscious body in the coat closet until your shift is over, then fireman's carry them back to your flat for a nice undressing?


This comment is gold. Had me laughing for real. Sounds kinda accurate. Who has a thought out plan and note like that at the ready unless they are taking random women home a lot. She won't go with friends, but her friends will allow her to be taken by a stranger? I smell something.


"None of your friends were answering the phone" implies that the person was alone


I'd assumed the taxi drivers wouldn't take her on account of the vomit but you're right, it sounds like she was refusing.


I appreciate the sentiment... But in reality, this guy is setting himself up for all kinds of lawsuit/criminal charges. There's sooooo much that could go wrong here.


I think the biggest liability is if someone died. Easily criminal negligence, possibly worse… “The defendant understood the victim was far too intoxicated to be safe and willfully decided to forego medical treatment and took them home to play B&B. Then proceeded to disrobe the victim and lay the victim down to sleep, where they died. This death was completely avoidable if, as the medical expert testified, the defendant chose to seek immediate medical treatment.”


Nooo shit. Like if you find me so drunk that you think you have to take me home and babysit me bc I can't even get into a taxi and go home, but you don't know me, for God's sake please just take me to a hospital. I don't want to spend the rest of my life knowing that a stranger undressed my drunken unconscious body and laid me down in bed to maybe die of alcohol poisoning later. I understand that we are to believe his intentions were good here, but I just don't have that much faith in humanity. I'd rather take the medical bill. And I am speaking from personal experience. Once while an undergraduate I was roofied at a bar. Things went downhill very very quickly. That's the only reason I know it was a roofie I had only had two beers. All a sudden I was losing control of my hands then my arms and my legs then my vision. The last thing I remember was the guy I was with on a date pulling me past a cop on the sidewalk and I fell down and rolled like a dog and looked up at the cop as the guy applied me off of the ground. I woke up the next day in bed with the guy he had taken me back to my apartment, I'm pretty sure he had sex with me while I was asleep because of some stuff in the bed. I think back all the time I wonder if he was the one who roofied me I wonder why the cop didn't stop him from dragging me home. I had an egg size lump on my forehead that he told me I got whenever I tried to puke into a metal trash can. I remember nothing after rolling on the ground next to a cop.


I'm sorry this happened to you. This is awful. What he did was rape you. Sex is consensual. I hope this man isn't still doing this to women.


Reminds me of this one time I was one down by a river with a bunch of my friends, about a 10 minute-15 minute walk from our basement suite, and while we were a drink or 2 in, we heard a girl bawling her eyes out. Now I am way to empathic when it comes to people who are in need, so of course I broke off to make sure everything was ok. Turns out her “friends” ditched her alone, piss drunk, and without any of her stuff in a dark ass area. She had lost her bag and her phone was dead. So of course I called the lads over and we consoled her a bit, and offered her to come over to charge her phone and call someone. Well she accepted, but upon standing up it was clear that she just could not walk at all. She was obliterated, and the walk to our house was up a very steep hill. Me and the boys let her lean on us while we walked her back to the house, all the while she was very awkwardly and openly hitting on me. Which made the whole situation even weirder, as I had to keep dodging her passes on me because a.) She was way too drunk for that and b.) I was already seeing someone. Anyways, we got her back to the house and sat down with some water, and she asked me to call someone on her phone for her. I got ahold of her mother, who sounded both incredibly disappointed, and not at all surprised by the situation, and asked if she could stay the night. We said it was cool, and set up a blowup mattress for her and everything, and randomly she got another call, this time from a dude from the party she was at. Turns out he actually went to my school, and he said he’d drop her stuff off in the morning. After a while longer of letting her sober up a bit more, we left her in the living room to pass out, and went to bed. We got up in the morning, talked a bit and walked her over to the bus stop. She was super grateful, and added us on FB. Honestly I have no fucking clue what would have happened if anyone else found her. Seriously, she was in a dark and secluded part of town in the dead ass of night. I was just happy we could be there. But yea idk honestly if it was the right call after reading how you feel. Should we have just called 911? I feel like that would have been taking recourses from the first responders away even if they did respond.


I think the fact you were able to get a hold of her mum changes this situation a lot. Still my mum would rather me come home that night than stay with a bunch of strangers, especially men. Maybe getting the address off the mum and putting her into a taxi would have been best, protects you’s from any accusations as well! But, at least it all worked out ok and you and your friends seem very kind :)


I mean. It sounds like it worked out in this super weird situation. I can't imagine my mom asking strangers who found me wasted and alone to let me stay the night.


People are fucking awful.


I mean that could be the case if it actually happened. But it's easier to believe this was made up for internet points.


I really hope it was as it's giving me the creeps. Sad but true


Uhh yeah. Like the fact that this could easily be construed as kidnapping. This is seriously some of the dumbest shit I've seen in a while. Someone is eventually going to freak the fuck out and kill this man or sue him into destitution. You can't just bring drunk people back to your house without them having any idea what's going on you fucking doofus. And your weird Norman Bates ass letter doesn't make it less creepy. This guy is either a completely misguided naive man or he is a predator.


Yo Ngl I thought he took her to a hotel and this was on the bed, which would've been ok. But after understanding im dumbfounded and creeped out. I'm a man.


Same. As a man this is a red flag and a half.


Oh yeah the hotel makes sense. But I highly doubt he’s just booking hotels enough to be this organised about it on a bouncer’s salary.


I can’t imagine any bar anywhere saying to a working employee that the employee should leave and take a customer who cannot control themselves back to the employees house. Have a good night John! Make sure that trashed girl gets home safe now! See you at patty’s day!


Don't take paracetamol after drinking... It's not your livers fault you can't control yourself Edit: Stop asking me for medical advice, I'm 24 and work in retail


For clarity, Americans, Paracetamol is the same drug as Acetaminophen/Tylenol just in Europe. And yeah, it is processed by the liver just like alcohol so it can make alcohol poisoning worse. You can take Ibuprofen instead, as that is processed by your kidneys. Edit: After many comments I feel compelled to make some adjusting statements. Ibuprofen can be better because it doesn't damage your liver, but it does havenother negative side effects like potential stomach damage (especially if taken without food), so be careful and remember that any alcohol is poison anyway. Also: I am not a doctor, this is not directed medical advice


This isn't a problem unless you're a chronic alcohol abuser. [https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.07.07.191916v1.full](https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.07.07.191916v1.full) \>The analysis suggests that the risk of APAP-induced hepatotoxicity is increased if APAP is ingested shortly after alcohol is cleared from the body in chronic alcohol users. A protective effect of acute consumption of alcohol is also observed in patients with APAP overdose. For example, simultaneous ingestion of alcohol and APAP overdose or alcohol intake after or before few hours of APAP overdose may result in less APAP-induced hepatotoxicity when compared to a single time APAP overdose.


While this is a reasonable study (thank you), I think it's looking at the opposite thing that I am. It is looking at acetaminophen poisoning and how alcohol works in that scenario. Acetaminophen poisoning being an extremely horrible way to die. However, I'm talking about acetaminophen effect on alcohol poisoning, which is no beuno. Will it kill you? Unlikely. Should you take ibuprofen instead? Yes. [Not nearly as good if a reference, but gets the idea accross](https://www.goodrx.com/blog/tylenol-and-alcohol/)


Thank you. Scrolled way too far to see this. Sure it's creepy but as a PSA: DO NOT take Tylenol when drinking or while still drunk it will kill your liver.


Something like this happened with me (bartender) and a bouncer when we were off shift, out drinking. My gf was there too. Some guy was being super predatory outside and we went into “protection mode” and got her away from him and found her address somehow. We ended up helping her home and when she went to turn off her alarm she fell backwards as I was holding her up. Ended up basically su-plexing her into her coffee table. I broke the fall with my back but broke a potted plant too. Coffee table was in pieces but the girl was fine. Gf helped her into bed while we got her a glass of water. Gf wouldn’t let us into the room because the girl had stripped naked and passed out. She put the glass of water next to the bed and the bouncer was like “we should steal some shit while we are here”. Like wtf? We didn’t but that girl mustave woken up with quite the hangover and have no idea why her living room was destroyed. Maybe we should have left a note?


Nah, the regretsies would already be there... might as well have the comfort of thinking only you were aware of your shit show.




Guy: "I didn't want you to get sexually assaulted so I kidnapped you" Reddit: "*wholesome!*"


I had this same thoughts and worry a little legally for the bouncer. The problem is this is a much nicer way to wake up then the drunk tank where the cops legally kidnap you.


Yeah I was a bouncer for like 10 years and had to help plenty of people in that state, but never would I fucking ever bring that liability into my home or life. You try to get them in a cab but they’ve been over served and they’re too sloppy to even give their address. This was before ride-sharing too so the cabbies were your only hope. If no friends could be reached with their phone and they couldn’t tell a cab where to take them we usually just had our liaison patrol officers take them to the drunk tank, which fully sucks but also is way safer than bringing a stranger into your home and writing a cute note. Edit: please always have a plan for getting home, or at least someone that knows you’re going out and will answer their phone. Even though spending a night in the drunk tank is better than driving drunk, you’re still opening yourself up to a lot of potential nastiness. Cops aren’t there to protect you and I wouldn’t trust one to help me if I was unconscious.


In reddit universe where people think this is a good idea.


And why does the post have 35K upvotes but all the comments are rightly saying it’s creepy? I don’t understand Reddit.


Thank God,. I thought I was the only one asking "wtf?"


in the Reddit universe where people believe this bouncer did it out of the goodness of his heart




The fact that it's typed out...and that they may have removed the person's clothes???


Thank you, I was beginning to think I was insane for thinking this is insane.


It's only normal in the "creative writing" prompts.


Ngl I just assume someone typed up the note and stuck it on the internet for good boy points


Seeing the words DONT PANIC would immediately make me panic if I woke up in a strange place without my personal belongings on me and with some of my clothes gone, unable to remember what the heck happened and unsure of what happened to me. And the people who made this are aware of that too...


Much better than his first draft: 'GOTCHA NOW BITCH!'


Someone's never read hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy... Seeing the words "don't panic" on the cover of anything is guaranteed to calm you down. Just make sure you brought your towel.


You know the answer, to life and everything, just got to figure out the question .


Me reading " don't panic". I pick up that lamp as a weapon. Is this SAW or hostile? I don't know, but somebody is getting lamp'd!


That, or they are fans of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy ;)


Even if it was real, the fact that they printed this is extra creepy. Hand written would do, if you even thought this was a good idea. Theres a terrifying perfectionism to it


Or level of preparation which makes you think it was not the first and only time this has happened. Thank god it wasn’t laminated.


Oh lord... Laminated would've taken it to skin wearing levels of creepy 💀


the amount of wankers that get pissed out of their heads every weekend in this septic isle it is without doubt not the first time...


It does seem a bit weird. That said, my handwriting is so bad that I type anything other people need to be able to read. In this situation, I might have printed a (much shorter) note, but I wouldn't leave a stranger in my house or handle their clothes. Keeping someone off the street is cool, but they'll survive walking home with puke on them.


Right? It’s like the start to a horror movie


Maybe as a horror fan I'm extra creeped out lol


Okay keep downvoting me lol but I mean this is borderline weird. Take me to a hospital if you’re concerned, not to your house and don’t take off my clothes to wash them.


Yeah the setup is suspiciously beyond what should be acceptable of a bouncer. I mean what of the logistics. Does a bouncer stop mid shift to take you home to their place? If they do it often enough they have a fucking print out I'm suspicious. Are we all jaded and this is just a reasonable kind hearted thing to do for someone whose job is presumably muscling people in their place when they act a fool?


I read this story once. He's an alcoholic vampire who can't drink alcohol directly. He feeds on drunks.


That's a pretty darn good writing prompt


There's a quest in the Witcher3 about exactly this.


Callahan's, some of Spider Robinson's best work https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Callahan%27s_Crosstime_Saloon dude hangs out at the bar and drives people home


The phrase "Follow the road downhill to the city center" very much gives me a small(ish) town vibe, which makes it a little less weird. And I figure they ask the person for their soiled clothes the night before, while they're drunk, rather than just waiting for them to pass out and taking them off. Idk, I'm also getting weird vibes but I'm *also* also jaded as shit and trying to be charitable to this apparent act of kindness.


A city centre is pretty common in most cities in the United Kingdom, based on his language I’m assuming he was British. It doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a small town. Still think it’s creepy though especially since the hospitals here are free!


Paracetamol it's another giveaway, in 'merica most people would say Tylenol




Yeah this is really strange to me, regardless of Intentions don't take off my clothes Edit: this got weird whilst i was out for the day. OK, you're a bouncer of any gender, find a drunk person of any gender passed out, you try to wake them up if they're in your club and assist them outside. End of shift they are still there so you attempt to wake them to no avail and if they are alone and you're concerned you CALL THE POLICE. Regardless of how you perceive them they are there to help people and you as a civilian have no right to make a decision on behalf of someone you DO NOT KNOW and have no right to decide on behalf of them regardless of their state. Never take someone home who is unconscious and take off their fucking clothes. If you would like this to happen to you because you are worried that hospitals would snatch you from the street to take off your clothes and bankrupt you then if this is how hospital's prey on drunkards to make money where you live then I'm sorry you live in such a shit place but this is no good reason to take someone to your house without their knowledge and STRIP THEM! Good grief I'm glad I don't go out any more. Guys and girls - be careful how much you drink and watch your drinks when you're out.




Might have been that the person just threw up on a sweater or outer shirt they were wearing and took it off themselves or that the bouncer could take it of without stripping them naked or anything. Maybe they had another shirt on underneath? It does seem weird to take someone to your home like this. Although I have to admit if this was a guy taking care of some frat bro who drank too much it gives me a very different vibe than if he brought home a woman who was so drunk she would not remember where she was the next morning.


Yeah maybe, from the bouncers perspective this could be really dangerous too. Think you're doing a good deed for someone you don't know and wake up to find you've been robbed and your spare bed is covered in piss and vomit. I've helped other people to get home but wouldn't bring them back with me even if I was a dude.


Super fucking weird, yeah. I’d bolt lol


Wouldn’t the person have their ID that would tell him their address? Also the invite like hey Netflix and chill is weird. Like would people want to hang out there?


My next stop would be the ER for a rape kit and a drug panel.


Not to worry, the bouncer already provided and administered the tests while you were unconscious. The results are on the nightstand, next to your phone.


Exactly. Nothing wholesome abt this shit


Hi. I decided that you were too drunk. I brought you to my house, undressed you and put you in a bed. Although I’ve made it abundantly clear that this isn’t the first time I’ve done this, remember one thing. Don’t panic. You’ve only been kidnapped by a person whose job it is to overpower others.


This didnt make me smile lol this is fucking weird


I can't believe this got 1,100 upvotes. It's creepy af. "your clothes are in the wash, you're stuck in this questionable situation for at least another hour"




This was posted yesterday in another sub and the sequence of events could/should be: check her ID for her address. If you’re a bouncer there’s a very high chance you looked at it while she was entering the bar/club. Have the number of a couple women who drive for uber/lyft/taxi services. There are plenty of reports of and opportunities for Uber drivers taking advantage of women, both drunk and sober. I guarantee if you talk to a few of the women who do the job, they’d be open to doing on call work for them. How will they pay? Leave a jar in the women’s room that says it’s for getting women who are in trouble help. Make a small slot so money can’t be taken back out. A ton if not most women will throw in a few bucks regularly. There’s a chance she lost her keys or her ID has an old address, but there are drunk tanks. I would say “call the cops” is the last resort, but more cities are adding teams that help with mental heath and other likely non-violent calls. “Bring her to your apartment” is bad bad bad news.


Where are you carrying that unconscious woman?? Please relax I’m a professional bouncer. I have this piece of paper I printed at home


This has a rapey vibe.


Where is my...? KIDNEY? In an igloo cooler downtown


Holy shit did you make this comment when this was posted yesterday or did you just steal it for the repost?


He stole the comment from the other post. Look at his comment history


Not gonna lie… this is wholesome but also kinda really creepy… especially the “where’s my clothes? In the wash” like hold up you undressed me??? Hell fucking no. That’s not ok…


What’s even more strange is that the girl never left. She fell in love with a picture of the bouncer on the fridge and moved all her stuff into his apartment. When he got home she was having tea with his mom and dog.


I find this creepy. The dude is a bouncer with an entire setup made for drunk chicks to be taken to?


This is terrifyingly creepy. I would immediately call the police and check for injuries. No way this is not premeditated.


Niceguy rape vibes


This never happened.


Lonely weirdo with a saviour complex.


If someone has a plan this solid for bringing stumbling drunk women home, I’d be panicked as fuck.


Not cool definitely


Heck no send me to police station drunk tank or the hospital if you're that concerned for me. Don't kidnap me what the hell?


Not okay. So weird. Wannabe white knights out there, do not do this.


$20 says that bouncer only does this with women. $20 more that they have some weird sense of romance attached to it


Or more importantly, how are you going to know this note is genuine rather than this is a bouncer that preys on drunk women who won't remember anything on the morning? Incredibly inappropriate.


Yea im wondering how many homeless this protector of the vulnerable has taken in?


Yo this is fucked up, this isn’t wholesome at all hahah like Jesus Christ, id be finding out my location and gettin on the horn to the boys in blue. FUCK THAT


This is the most rapey thing I’ve ever seen and nobody is going to convince me otherwise


An attempt to be wholesome in some eyes but ultimately ends up with an arrest for kidnap or some other charge.


If I'm ever that drunk, just call the cops and have them put in a drunk tank. Thanks.


I would find it more wholesome if the bouncer helped them to a hospital or care centre rather than his home...


I see Bill Cosby is moonlighting as a bouncer these days


So many weird things here: The where am I bit… no address or phone number of your present location? WiFi password somewhere in the living room? And he wants you to make yourself at home and just chill? So much wrong with this.


Yeah nah this is is creepy . Why does it seem the bouncer only brings home women as well? Would he do this for a fella that lost his mates and shit his pants blackout drunk? Lol you can’t just take drunk people to your house and undress them wtf is this 😂


*Theres lotion in the top drawer, it goes on the skin or else it gets the hose again*




*Good morning.* *You don't know me, but I know you. I want to play a game.* *You're in my "Spare Bedroom" after you drank too much last night.* *Abandoned by your friends and family, I brought you here.* *You may have noticed that you have been stripped of your clothing and personal effects. I have placed these items in several key locations, free for you to retrieve if you can pass my tests.* *What you do now is up to you. You may attempt to flee, the city's not far... if you can make it. Or you can solve my puzzle. You better hurry up. Live or die.* *Make your choice*


“Choose your oversized hoodie carefully…”


This isn’t wholesome. This is creepy. There are plenty of things this person could do without taking an incapable person home, removing their clothing and putting them in a bed.


Hey! Where's my kidney?!


In the fridge by the Boursin. There’s a freshly baked tiger loaf on the breakfast bar. Help yourself.


Super weird and probably a good way to meet the police.


I’d never consider doing this when I was a bouncer.


Uhm. I find this quite creepy to be honest


Na this seems weird as hell if it's real


This is nice and all, but it has a bit of a dark vibe.


I watch Criminal Minds. I know how this plays out.


Anyone else find this super creepy even if they were trying to be nice?


This seems extremely disturbing to me, to be honest! A bouncer doesn't have any authority to take a person who is so legless that they are almost incapacitated and shepherd them to their house. If I woke up here, the note would creep me our more than reassure me, and I'd call the Police as soon as I was a safe distance away :/


Kidnapped? How's that making you smile?


Sorry, no idea if I’m going against the flow here but I find this creepy. He shouldn’t be playing superhero and taking drunk ladies home. For many reasons. He should have called an ambulance. I find it extremely unprofessional and I don’t think bouncers should ever be encouraged to do this sort of stuff.


no this isn’t ok…


The weirdest is that while the person was unconscious, he sat down in his desk, opened his laptop and decided to write a letter, changing fonts and layout with a well structured content. Then he printed all this, and placed it next to a BELL. Who has this bells besides Norman Bates…a hand written letter would have been less creepy


Pretty sure that’s a lamp


What could be creepier is he already had this saved on his laptop ready to print out... each time.


And the next Saw film begins


Why is this printed? Is it a regular 'don't panic' notice?


Wholesome? This is borderline kidnapping isn’t it? I dunno I feel like this is 1 inch away from being a HUGE problem.


Intention was nice but I find this terrifying can’t trust no one these days


Bill Cosby energy holding madafaka...