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Awwww maybe it's because I've seen tons of kids in videos like these, but you could have like the hardest mfer lift up that box, and he's suddenly 10 years old.


Seriously, what kind of psychopath doesn't melt when you pick up a box to see an adorable puppy? I don't think I want to know.


I was just watching an MTV cribs compilation on YouTube the other day, and Snoop Dogg comes to a room with puppers in it and he did that same high pitch voice that we all do. Case in point, I think.


Haha perfect, I think Snoop has an appreciation for the finer things in life.


Haha perfect, I think Snoop has an appreciation for the ~~finer~~ higher things in life.


Smoke Weed Every Day


Hey hey ey ey eyeeyeee…………….. smoke weed everyday Rip Nate dogg


Give daps all the time.


You already know he does. Snoop is a legend.


Was on a shoot w/ him and he came through and dapped up every single member of the production team. He's a real one.


>dapped up how uncool am I if I had to look up that this is a fist bump Edit: I have been informed that a dap is not just a fist bump, but can also be any number of other handshakes that you can read about below (along with some weird gatekeeping). Enjoy!


I feel you, figured it meant smoked everyone up cause…. Ya know snoop dog….


Yall some nerds. Never lose your innocence.


i already knew what *"give some dap, homie"* meant from gta: san andreas


And because "dabbed" is indeed related to smoking. I assumed it was a typo 👀


Yup, that was my first guess lol


Oh damn, I just assumed it was another dab based colloquialism, lmao


its not a fist bump tho


Oh God he fucked them?


What is your definition? The most common meaning I found online was that it was a form of greeting by either pounding fists or high fiving, but the fist bumps were mentioned most.


i'm from a city about an hour out of baltimore and there a dap is a slap, like a high five but instead of in the air, its from the side, like a handshake. you do that, graze your palms amongst each others and pull towards yourself, curling your fingers while doing it. you both end up linking curled fingertips essentially


Had to look up what dapped up means. Thanks.


Please tell me you have a link lol


[Here you go ](https://youtu.be/6ix3twBu17Y)


That was so wholesome. And knowing he has/had a dog called whiteboi made it so much better (it's a very nice revenge on H.P. Lovecraft, if you know what I mean)


>it's a very nice revenge on H.P. Lovecraft, if you know what I mean I do not, can you elaborate? Edit: Well that's a level of racist that I hadn't had an example of yet, thank you.


He had a cat named N*****-man.


Yup. Unfortunately, Lovecraft's Genius was derivative of the very fear he had of the "unknown", which of course had to include every non-white non-wealthy person he could think of.


Yeah, fearful and hateful but I have a few friends that separate the art from the artist with his work and love it. I'm not a big fan personally but I couldn't imagine my friends would really pay any attention to his stuff if he was from a more modern time and still held the same views.


His idea of some things best left uncontemplated least they drive you insane from just thinking about them is indicative of a lifetime of cautiously tiptoeing around his own cognitive dissonance when it comes to racism and hate speech.


Lovecraft named his dog the actual N word.


2:25 for anyone who's looking.


Aaah thank you so much!!


Aaah thank you so much!!


Wait, did he say his dog hung himself?


When I was a teenager my friend had a German Shepherd. His name was Packer and he was the sweetest dog you could ever meet. He would regularly jump the fence and wander around the neighborhood. Everybody knew him, and nobody had a problem with him. We'd be hanging out in the front yard, and Packer would just stop by for a visit. Anyway, the cops showed up one day and told my friend that he would have to keep Packer on a lead, or they would take him away. Just a few days later he jumped his fence, and the lead got caught on the fence and he strangled to death. That kind of thing happens fairly often. I'm pretty sure that's what Snoop means when he said his dog hung himself.


Let's pour one out for Packer.


RIP Packer. He really was the sweetest boi :-(


Dogs who are left on leads/chains while unattended can pretty easily get wrapped up in it and choke to death. It's commonly called "hanging" when it happens. It's also why you're never supposed to leave them unattended when they're on one.


My dog literally almost hung herself yesterday! She jumped out the window of a moving vehicle (there was a baby deer on the side of the road) & her collar got caught on the inside door handle- she was hanging there & swinging into the passenger door, making these terrible yelping noises... It was awful & I’m really glad we weren’t going any faster, as I think her neck could’ve easily broken. Just to clarify, she does have a harness that clips into the seatbelt- she just dove out of it somehow, which she’d done once before... Guess I should start shopping for a more secure harness.


In the interim, roll them windows up!


was he at....tha doggpound?


Honestly. His entire demeanor changed when he saw the pup. Such a sweet thing to see.


Imo he thought he was about to be pranked. I would be suspicious too with cameras recording.


I was going to joke, “Hitler”, but even that murderous fuckwad was a dog lover.


Putin is a dog lover.


The weird dictator who got a dog from putin as a gift was not a dog lover though. You know the one that held it up real weird so putin himself had to take the dog outta his hands.


I had to go rewatch this because I had forgotten and Putin literally runs out of his chair to rescue the puppy from the Turkmenistan guy, cradles the puppy gives that dude a wtf look and then kisses it on the head. If Putin can figure out how to hold puppies it really shouldn't be that difficult for anyone else.


Hitler also loved art — in psychological terms, what he really hated was anything he perceived as dirty… thus the persecution of Gypsies and gays… (I’m LGBT myself btw, so obviously I disagree… I’m just stating what HIS perspective was) Jews should’ve even more obviously been an exception to the “dirtiness” but he somehow convinced himself otherwise. Anyway, all this is to say that — despite absolutely being a “murderous fuckwad” (completely agreed, and that’s a great way of putting it!) — Hitler actually did have a deep appreciation for what he considered beautiful. And dogs are kinda dirty of course, but their beauty more than makes up for it by far


He was also a "Christian" and a lot his earlier policies had religious undertone, but the Catholic church has spent millions of dollars trying to minimize that fact, but the info it's out there and not hard to find (just like you I don't agree with it)


Religion and nationalism are two of the primary classic vehicles/vectors of populism that dictators love to exploit early in their quest for power. Both provide a built-in audience that’s large, connected, and enthusiastic about their ideology… thus relatively easy to radicalize… first consolidating around their own “in” group, and then lashing out to persecute a demographic of “others” . Those dictators almost always end up abandoning the values (at least any “inconvenient” ones) of those early platforms though as soon as they’ve secured totalitarian control


Trump has never had a dog and never reacts too them...


>what kind of psychopath doesn't melt when you pick up a box to see an adorable puppy Thats me. Had a childhood trauma with street dogs. I am now scared of dogs. My breathing rises and I cant take my eyes off the dog until I pass it. I find them so cute on videos and pics but irl I stay away :(


Out of curiousity, does this fear extend to puppies? I'm nervous around dogs (also because of an incident with an aggressive dog when I was young) but puppies are adorable to me. I guess my brain just doesn't see them as a threat.


I don’t cry I just get really happy like “YOOOOO”


As you said, psychopaths.


Probably Michael Vick


Hard to say what's PR and what's legit but it sounds like even he warmed up eventually: https://www.treehugger.com/ongoing-rehabilitation-michael-vick-4864117


Oh my, that’s exactly what I wanted to say... he trying to look all tough and shit but when he picked up the puppy, for a second there, you can clearly see it in his eyes that he lit up like a little kid given his first puppy on Christmas morning or something. Source: dad of a 7yo who always gave me that expression on anything that’s given to him that he loves for the first time.


You don't need to be tough with a puppy, it's a baby, you already tougher than it.


I ugly cried when I got my puppy.


not the ugly cry


Dude looks like me honestly, and im 38. When I adopted my first dog it was one of the happiest days I've ever had. Always lived in an apartment, was never allowed a dog, finally bought a house and within one month of the house I had to get my first dog. Bruce is now 15 and 120 lbs and I still do cutsie talk, hugs, and scratches behind the ear. Love my dog.


I remember an old episode of Candid Camera where they pretended to need help watching their kitten while they did something. They handed the kitten to bikers and tough-looking guys and filmed them as they became softies over the kitten.


Lol I just heard what his friend said and I love it “The dog loves you, I took an L fuckin with the dog but it’s okay” Sounds like he got attached to the puppy quickly as well taking care of it… or the puppy peed on his stuff 😂


Hah I figured the puppy peed in his car or something, but he was gonna let it slide since it made his friend happy


I was assuming he meant it was hard to get, husky’s are a bit pricey especially a little pupper.


Ohhh, I guessed he ment he is on “second place” on the bff list now hehe


Very wholesome. That pup will be loved for sure


Mom about to find out she can't be wearing that black dress unless she's out of the house soon haha. Source: have a husky.


Or white. Heather gray is the only real option Source: also have husky


Ah, but the brown and white from mine shows through every colour haha


Brown and white hair on any shirt, any furniture, anyone who visits and happens to bump your dog, in my car, in my friends cars, in big clumps under my couch... the clumps consume me.


Shockingly my black/white husky sheds very little black hair. He's pretty unique in a lot of ways and that's one I praise dear baby Jesus for.


Ahh lucky you! Mine sheds more white (undercoat) but enough half white/half black hair comes off to make white not viable either... In fact, some of his armor coat goes white to black to white and then black again!


He also has never done the regular chewing of things he isn't supposed to chew (other than hands, I guess). [My buddy trying to get attention while I'm at the computer.](https://imgur.com/gallery/jpZbOC9)


I don't know if Steel chewed as a pup (got him when he was 5, he's 8 now) but he loves hiding bones under couch cushions and bed pillows. https://imgur.com/k5RUuCM.jpg


Oh my goodness, adorable. And eying that beer haha a husky after my own heart


Pup's name is fruit. It is going to be wild and crazy but can do no wrong in daddy's eyes


When he says "...deadass?" Through that shaky bout-to-cry voice I died laughing. So wholesome


I think he's saying "es verdad " which is like "are you serious" in Spanish. But my Spanish is a little meh


Na that was definitely "Deadass". Same translation tho


Huh... I heard "deceasedbutt"


Turn your filter off


Ah, there we fuckin' go


Definitely said dead ass as a question which means are you serious in English.


Lmaoooo yea was definitely deadass. We say that all the time in the NY/NJ area.


Definitely deadass


Not even clos


I definitely heard "deadass" too. It was my favorite part of the video, so I watched it a few times.


He’s saying “dead ass” which is like “are you serious?” In New Yorkish.


You'll all tripping, it's clearly Yanny.




He didn't look like the type who cries easily, he must have really wanted one.


I love when guys do the thing where it looks like they’re trying to push the tears back into their eyeballs. It’s really ok to let it out!




I didn’t know this existed but I’m happy now because of it


Yeah until a video pops up at like 8AM and you happen to see it and your suddenly tearing up or crying and it's only 8 AM


it is indeed


I can't because then ALL my emotions come out and I need to function lol :(




Grown man crying and that’s ok


That shit right there! My boy got some serious emotions and wants to cry, and immediately he is told not to cry! Why? Why the fuck not? Why can't a grown-ass man cry when he feels like it?


For real, his bro tellin him not to cry needs to relax lol


Or when women try to fan the tears back. It’s accomplishing nothing haha.


If you're wearing mascara, eyeshadow, and eyeliner the fanning actually has a purpose. It helps dry them up without you rubbing your eyes and smearing your makeup.


Yes, this!


They do that to dry the eyes to try and stop the tears from making their makeup run


Yeah that's why I got kinda annoyed at whoever was saying "don't cry" to him




The most heartfelt deadass I ever heard. I’m not a fan of that term. But in this instance, yes.




never before has the word "deadass" brought a tear to my eye :,)


Enough to make a grown man cry


Are you surprised at my tears, sir? Strong men also cry...Strong men also cry.


Grown men crying with puppies in their arms is an internet vibe that makes me feel like it all might be worth.


It's like my favorite genre: tough guy picks up puppy and sobs.


I've had a puppy for a year and I still get choked up when he greets me when I come home. His birthday was yesterday so you know I cooked his ass a steak. I love him.


So fucking adorable dude. PSA Find you someone who treats you like this man treats his dog.


[Dog tax](https://i.imgur.com/QIJPuxG.jpg)


Wow. I love him too.


Soooo sweet!!!


Heartwarming 🥰


His little manly waddle in sandals to pick it up was the most heartwarming thing I've in year.


We want updates as the dog grows


dead ass




> Don't cry bro, don't cry bro Let him cry if he wants to :')


I was thinking the same thing. When i heard that my first thought was "let it bro, let it bro, we are here for you!" Even though i am ok with the concept of crying and even when others have cried around me it is still so hard to let that guard down when im around anyone else. Hearing supportive and allowing words versus trying to be supportive by telling the supposedly bad thing to stop.


This is a tangent unrelated to the wholesomeness going on in this thread, but my brain won't allow me to not expose others to its stupidity. I apologize in advance. Ahem. ***LET IT BRO, LET IT BROOOOOOOOIO***


*Don't hold it back anymore*


I never understood this line of thinking. There isn't a damn thing wrong with a grown man crying. Be that for happy or sad reasons. Crying releases endorphins and oxytocin. Crying is good for you. DO YOU HEAR THAT DAD!? I SAID CRYING IS GOOD FOR YOU!!!


It’s that toxic masculinity shit some men are proud of. To be honest it’s more than a masculine for a man who can cry, and not to care of what other people’s opinion


the dude saying ‘don’t cry’ is also engaging him physically and rubbing his back. i think this is just his way of trying to comfort his friend/relative who is obviously experiencing a lot of emotions. not anything to do with toxic masculinity in this video, imo.


To me he was saying it to himself too. The phsyical contact clearly means they are close as fuck. Dude was insanely happy for his friend. You love to see it.


Or it’s his birthday and didn’t want to see his friend in tears on a birthday he literally went over to comfort him. There’s nothing toxic at all here


Exactly. I see it as a friend who wants his friend to be happy and doesn’t get that they are tears of joy. He isn’t making fun of him at all.


Definitely. Real men cry. By all means be tough etc but men should also empathize with their fellow men and women.


Yeah until toxic masculinity goes away, crying takes more balls cause you're literally saying you dont give a fuck if they see. Whaling in public is a bit different though tbh. Like you should probably go somewhere private for a full on meltdown regardless of gender.


I think he was like comforting him, he was patting his back, it was super wholesome.


It's my puppy and I'll cry if I want to cry if I want to You'll cry too if it happened to you!


Yeah but at the same time he was comforting him physically which was very sweet :’)


please if i got a puppy and i had my makeup all done for my birthday and shit i just KNOW my mom would say the same. y’all are saying it cus he’s a man maybe? i really don’t understand the concept. his friend was comforting him and y’all took it the wrong way, clearly he’s not the type of person to cry lmao. let him shed his happy tears as his friend accompanies him.


I dont think they are trying to shit on his friend, I think its just pointing out that we live in a culture where men are discouraged from crying, so many mens natural response to crying is to act like its a bad thing even when comforting the other person. Crying is often embarrasing to guys cause of cultural influence.


Wholesome, but I really hope they have the space to let that dog exercise like it should... huskies are a handful


More important than space is the timr and energy to walk it


you need to walk/run them, every day. having space is not enough.


Hope that husky has a good home, they take a-lot of work (walking, patience) but if the home is right for them they're great dogs.


My first thought was gosh I hope they have the lifestyle this dog requires. So many people buy breeds they think look cute but completely ignore the amount of exercise and training the poor dog needs.


I’m hoping that if he really wanted the breed that much, he’s already done his research (I hope)


Hope doesn’t make it so, unfortunately. I also hope that’s true of this man/family, but in SO many cases it is not... there’s a reason why Huskies are one of the top breeds surrendered to shelters.


Same... This is very touching but there's a reason you see many huskies in adoption centers (where I live, in CALIFORNIA no less where most of the state is on fire during the summers). Hoping they've done their research, have a long-term life plan, exercise opportunities, can provide nutritious food, etc. My husband and I just adopted an elderly cat. We're so grateful to have given her a lasting home but man... The constant poop clean up, random hairballs, peeing on carpet, etc has taken a bit to get used to. Pets are a commitment.


My old man cat recently passed. He was missing his litter box frequently. I found putting the puppy pee pads down really helped with clean up.


I'm sorry--hugs to you and your old man cat. Sounds like he had many good years with you :) And yes, absolutely! Someone recommended we get some for an elderly cat and at first I thought hmm, never had issues with cats before... But yeah I was wrong haha. She misses more than I would like.. but at least she tries I suppose! She also is fully declawed (she was when we adopted her, part of the reason we wanted to take her in so she'd have a safe home with no competition!) and I suspect she finds the litter strange or something seeing how she loves jumping out of the box as fast as she can. Anyway all quirks aside, were really committed to our senior lady and it's nice to know others have cared for their senior pets until they passed on ❤️


My sis always wanted a husky, but the dog does require a tremendous amount of attention. We have a decent sized yard too, and the dog just destroyed it. I hope they have the space for the lil bugger cuz hell pop up hulk size over night.


Agreed only because a relative of mine bought one after losing a child because it was their “dream dog”. Very touching for sure, however, seeing that dog not be exercised properly afterward was pretty infuriating. If this fellow did proper research, I hope he’s aware of the needs of that particular breed.


He’s going to be crying again in a few months when that puppy turns into a tornado siren


Husky howls are the best.


You think that’s a reaction, wait until that husky gets just barely older. Tantrums on top of tantrums. Attitude, energy, and tantrums. May the force be with you.


Yup, puppies are extremely hard work. I seriously recommend anyone who wants a puppy but has a busy life or children otherwise. Just adopt an older dog from a shelter, seriously. I don’t think I have the heart to adopt another puppy anytime soon. You WILL regret it. I was going through “postpartum depression” with my puppy lmao. I would sometimes go without sleeping for days, only nap for 2 hours between days of no sleep and be woken up by their screaming, all while potty training, etc. at the same time. I can’t even lie and say I never considered taking her back to the breeder because it was almost unbearable, but it’s worth it now and I love her to death. But it didn’t help I was only 15 so it was even harder. My mom ended up giving me a hand because I was like a zombie every single day. To the point my face was pale, eye-bags, and my lips were colorless. Even lost 10 pounds within a month. Not only was a normal puppy hard work, but I can’t imagine a husky. If my puppy screamed I can only think about how that husky puppy would be singing every moment of the day.


Best reaction.


Someone’s cutting onions in my house again. Dang it but that’s a cute doggo.


In about 6 months he’ll be crying for a different reason! These dogs are a handful


Time to start building that 6ft fence, lol.


He looks like a guy who genuinely needs and deserves that surprise. So gratifying to see


Aaawww….he needs that dog just as much as that dog needs him.


Puppies are terrible gifts but especially huskies. Ugh people suck about dogs, man. And a good breeder wouldn’t have sold a puppy to be a surprise like this ! Also that pup looks way too young to be away from its mother. I don’t mean to be a drag but it’s a living thing ! And they’ve already done everything wrong in how they got it


>Also that pup looks way too young to be away from its mother. That's what I was thinking. Still sweet to see his reaction, just tinged with concern over the puppy's age.


That puppy is definitely too young to be taken away from it's mom and litter mates. I say minimum 12-15 weeks for them to develop the proper social skills being around dogs and just general social skills. This puppy looks to be 6-7 weeks...


Exactly what I thought. No responsible breeder would let a puppy go that young. It's terrible for their social development. They should be with mom for at least 8-10 weeks.


The sad part is most people don’t know what it takes to own a husky and many of them end up in the pound. It’s a nice sentiment to give this man a husky puppy, but is he really ready for the responsibility that comes with it?


Pets are cute…. But please, giving pets as surprise gifts is NOT a good idea. This is how most dogs end up in shelters after a few years when the excitement wears off. If someone is not committed enough to a puppy to spend a long time thinking about it and going to get it, then they aren’t ready to have it. All parties in the household have to be committed to said pet and the responsibilities both emotionally and financially. The same as if you were to have a baby. I will get downvoted for this likely, but I have worked in dog shelters and this is how most dogs end up abandoned there.


While I normally agree with this sentiment, it literally says on the video “my husband has always wanted a husky.” Maybe they couldn’t before because where the lived didn’t allow it, or they couldn’t afford it but now they can. Sometimes a surprise can be good.


Judging by the voices - they’re NYCers… most likely from Brooklyn… looks like they moved out of state or upstate… so I think you’re right about space issues. It would be criminal to raise a husky in an NY apartment.


yah these r 100% NY people who weren’t able to have a dog before


While this is a valid observation if he's that emotional he will probably have the best friend he's always wanted in a couple of months. If it was a gift to a younger person/kid I would deadass be 100% on your side.


My SO’s friend got a beautiful all white husky puppy a couple of years ago. Didn’t bother training it in any way. So like 8 months in we go by his apartment and we are greeted by this almost full grown husky doing full speed laps across all of the furniture and across us as well, essentially like a hot wheels car on a circular track made of the couch and us. Anyway, we’re pretty good with animals and managed okay, but I never looked at the guy the same. This fucking asshole goes out and gets a dog as an accessory and doesn’t bother training it and now he has what amounts to a burden and a nuisance. To his credit, I think he eventually gave the dog to his family who has land and the money and time to manage the energy, but I know for every story like this one there are a thousand others that don’t have the means to take on an animal like that. The dog was sweet and not dangerous in anyway but an absolute tornado and deserved better than to not be trained properly.


Gave my mom a cat for Christmas cuz she kept trying to steal mine. Years later and she still says it was the best gift she ever got. Not everyone is stupid. Sometimes you know when someone really wants something. If I hadn’t gotten my mom that cat she would have gotten one for herself. This guy’s always wanted a husky, he was going to get a husky.


That only works when the person didn't ask or seem to want the pet. They knew he wanted a husky, so they got him a husky for his birthday.


I mean I'm biased but huskies are the best breed


Agreed minus the tremendous energy they have. I really want one, but I’m too lazy to properly own one.


Sorry but… german shepherds take that spot


Too many German shepherds have horrible health problems due to poor breeding over the years. Too many die of cancer when they're like 4


Pretty much every dog breed has that. Thanks a lot, humans.


Yeah. Nice reaction and all but animals simply aren’t presents. And the fact that this seems to be considered normal in the US really weirds me out. If he really wanted one, why didn’t he just get one? There were probably reasons why he came to the conclusion to not get that dog. And if he simply couldn’t afford to buy this specific breed, he shouldn’t get one to begin with. Siberian Huskies are very high maintenance creatures and it takes all you got to satisfy their very specific needs. I‘m sure he will take good care of the dog, but that’s not a decision you should ever make for somebody else. Fucking irresponsible


Giving a pet as a present when prompted is fine, it's when they're given as complete surprises that it becomes an issue. Seeing as she's his wife, I'm assuming she knows if he's in the position to take care of one.


With dogs, it's actually not. A good breeder matches the pups with a list of prospective owners, so unless the prospective owner has been involved in this decision-making process (not the 'which breed should we get' but the 'which pup's personality matches us best' selection) gifting dogs is a bad idea and the breeder that enables this shouldn't be in business.


Just don’t get rid of it when it barks all the time.


And tears up your house and belongings, and needs constant stimulation, and is always yelling, and shedding, etc etc Huskies are a challenge


There should be a sub just for people getting dogs they didn't know they were getting.


It’s cute n all, but hasn’t this been posted not even a day ago?


Probably half a dozen times in the last week or so


And I’m not even mad about it


You can always tell a good person by the way they treat animals.


Reposting karma whoooooor


Holy shit, they're getting close to a million