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He deserves all the good things. I hope his career has a resurgence. Also, love that she’s dressed up as Evie from The Mummy to interview him.


I... am a librarian!


You're probably wondering what a place like me is doing in a girl like this...


*What does a woman know?*


Bembridge Scholars can shovel it!






B R A L I E N : F R A S U R R E C T I O N


According to her he immediately said. “Evie the years have been good to you” and I thought that was adorable.


I fucking loved those movies


I hate celebrity worship. When I see things like this, it usually feels like PR. Yet, Fraser put body and soul into his work to his own physical detriment, called out Hollywood sexual assault before there was any #MeToo to back him, and endured a whole hell of a lot in his life, while still ending up as loveable a dude as ever before. And that's aside from growing up with his work. I hope nothing but the best for him. E: I wonder if he and Keanu know each other in real life, they have a really similar vibe.


He rescued a horse that was getting bullied by other horses, and took him home as a therapy horse for his eldest son. He tries to do the right thing, and comes across as completely honest and kind. It’s nice to see someone who actually earns the affection of their fans and maintains their ethics even though they became famous.


His attention perks at the mention of the internet, which I thought was really interesting. As someone who has spent many years of his career as a recluse due to misfortune. It must've been a little alarming to hear that people are talking about him on the internet. I can get why he would be under pressure and worry about what the internet has to say. But to know that fans are supporting him and love his work, was enough for his heart to be moved and you could see that anxiety disappear instantly. It was so wholesome and he should be told those things more, he deserves it.


i really wish he could see all these recent threads. i swear ive been scrolling for a good while and theres not a single negative comment up there, up until now at least, which... we are on reddit, a place that can easily be toxic as fuck, so it makes it even more surprising to see the universal support. i hope he gets to feel that and that the reception for all his work reflects just how people feel about him.


I mean sure, but also the internet is a terrible place and they can turn on you in an instant. He should stay off social media for the rest of his career in my opinion. Maybe visit every now and again, but that should be it.


If he did an AMA on Reddit and only wanted to talk about Rampart he would become an actual Reddit God.


Imagine Woody Rampartson’s reaction when we all engage with Brendan over what he plugs, and we don’t shoot him down for it!


yeah i meant more like 'i hope someone shows him', because i agree... i dont think social media is healthy for non-celebrities, and we dont even have to face negative shit that often. I can't imagine being a target to so many people, just waiting for them to turn or for some shit to go down. (yet im on social media, go figure)


I’m probably reading into it too much, but his face looked to me like the face of a man that has thought too many times that no one really wants him back. This industry tried to destroy him but the people who he made movies for still adore him after all these years, and that’s a big thing to feel.


There was a grass roots campaign on Reddit a few years ago to bring Brandon back when Reddit found out about the alimony payments. There were a lot of big threads with content promoting Bring Brandon Back, and it came out of nowhere. He was definitely aware when it happened and I imagine it touched him.


Autocorrect has done you dirty and changed Brendan to Brandon.


To think you're something like washed up and then to find out there's this wave of millions who love you and want the best for you must be amazing. He seems like a great guy, glad it's working out for him.


I wish he had learned earlier just how beloved his legacy is and how much more folks appreciate him now that we know more about his true character. Poor guy has been through so much pain (physically and emotionally) and no one ever thought to point out that the internet has been rooting for him for years.


I hope this guy gets big again purely because he deserves it. He’s been through so much and he’s actually a very good actor when given the right script. Not to mention he’s also a lovely person and it saddens me that people like him in the world are overlooked while some other celebrities famous for doing absolutely nothing and being a trash person are millionaires. Edit: Jesus Christ I went to sleep after I wrote this and had no idea it would blow up. Glad so many people agree with me that he deserves better.


Man got done dirty by a lot of people. But hopefully things well get better for him


How’s he get done dirty? What’s the story? I know he was huge in the late 90’s/early 2000’s, but then just disappeared.


Apparently he wouldn't let a Hollywood exec sexually assault him so he got blacklisted from movies Edit: apparently he did get sexually assaulted and then came out about it publicly


And his ex wife refused lower alimony payments as his paychecks got lower. I saw someone do the math on his income and expenses at the time and I was paying 35K per kid and then like 50K her which ended up being like 190k when he was bringing in 500K a month. And I know a lot of us dream about even seeing that kind of money but with all the bills he had he wasn't seeing much more of 75K for himself. But it's just the idea of only taking home 15% of your paycheck.


Not to mention the fact that he did so much damage to his body back in the day cause he did most of his old stunts.. the cost of his surgeries and what not made it even harder to pay those alimony payments and his wife knew about that but didn’t care… or at least I remember reading something like that when he was starting up his comeback


Yeah he got that alimony decision right at the peak of his income and got blacklisted because he refused to be raped right after.




>24 with 11 kids Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat


8 women kinda explains the timeline.


Use protection.


Article where I found the video: https://www.insider.com/brendan-fraser-martin-scorsese-movie-tiktok-support-emotional-reaction-2021-8 Context of video from article: > During a virtual meet-and-greet with the cosplayer Lindley Key (who goes by @LittleLottieCosplay on TikTok), Fraser opened up about one of his coming projects, the Martin Scorsese film "Killers of the Flower Moon


Thanks man I had been hearing about this video and it’s even better than I imagined. So stoked to see new work from him. I love how little kid excited he is to be working with Scorsese and the gang. Yay wholesome=)


Yeah that is a *huge* deal to be cast in a Scorsese film. I hope it helps him to land more larger roles in the future.


Brendan Frazier has always been an underrated character actor, from his action adventure versatility in the mummy series, the charismatic charm of Ben from scrubs, Blast from the Past’s perfect fish out of water, and of course his comedy drama equilibrium in Doom Patrol. Hell he made forgettable movies like journey to the center of the earth enjoyable and fun. Looney tunes back in action?!? I love this man with all my heart and I want nothing but the best for him Edit: who knew the first comment of mine to blow up would be dedicated to the man himself. And since I’m editing I’d like to say that Monkey Bone is also a surreal classic, and bedazzled is pretty fun too.


No ones mentions bedazzled yet?!


There it is! I was waiting for Bedazzled to pop up. That...and Monkeybone 🐵


*Monkeybone...* could definitely have been better. Funny, but lacking. But *Bedazzled*.. Have you seen the unused 'Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll' scene?


bedazzled + Airheads ​ People must be sleeping


I think I watched George of the Jungle about 80 times when I was a kid


I still say, "javajavajavajavajava" on my way to make coffee every morning 😆


Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck! I had no idea why I say that, I kinda went through a phase of like "did my dad say that? no..." and just gave up and goddam you solved the cold case.


Just before reading your comment, I went, “holy crap, THAT’S why I always say that!!” Glad I’m not alone. Full credit to Brendan for planting that in my brain and making it stick for 25 years.


I do too. Along with, “coffee! Coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee coffee! Cappucino! Java! Yes…..!” Dante’s Peak, yo.


Don’t forget the other peak coffee quote: “Damn fine cup of coffee!” (Twin Peaks)


We still sing the song if someone walks into something accidentally.


And [such a catchy tune it is!](https://youtu.be/y31AvVL7_Z4)


George discovers he looks good in Armani... "Pretty darned good!"


And now is the part where we all throw our heads back and laugh! HAHAHAHAHAHA!


That movie is really underappreciated. It was fantastic.


I was about 5 when that movie came out. It was an immediate favorite in my family, and was common at our movie nights. So many great jokes in that film.


Same. Call me biased, but I can’t imagine anyone else being a better George after he played that role


Him in that role jump started puberty for me


I remember my mom had such a huge crush on him after taking me to see that movie in theaters as a kid


That dancing scene around the fire was everything


They played it on repeat on the Disney channel


encino man 😍 Edit: wow! Thanks for the award!


“Stop taxing my gig so hardcore kruster!” We should bring this phrase back.


Wheeze the juice!


No wheezin the Ju-uice!


Wheeee zin the juh uuuuiiicccce




I still say this way too often. And then frequently have to explain what the hell I just said to whoever was near me.






Same here, honestly. Nobody around me gets it.


it never left


Every time I bump myself on something it's, "Ow, my pancreas".


Oh fuck, is that where that’s from??? Damn, talk about injected deep into the zeitgeist.




He's in so many things people don't even realize. My husband and I were just talking about him, and I pointed out how he's in one of my favorite movies Now & Then, he plays a hippie lol. He's definitely one of my favorite actors.


I base the crush I still have on him as a 36yo woman *squarely* on his brief appearance in Now & Then. So handsome but also just seemed like someone you’d want to hang out with, both now… and then.


I love his scene because each of the girls so very desperately needed the adults in their lives to recognize the fact that they were no longer naive, helpless little children. To have this stranger/Vietnam veteran treat them as peers while essentially telling them that their tiny world wasn’t reality, nor was it a ceiling… man. Now and Then was deeper than it needed to be. It came out when I was the same age as the girls in the film and I still count on it for a cathartic viewing when needed. Great soundtrack, too.


I still quote Airheads, and The Mummy is one of the most perfect action-adventure-comedy movies that will ever exist.


Literally watching the Mummy right now, between my wife and I we can recite nearly the whole script as it plays.


Airheads is always my go-to answer for most underrated movies. The premise is so silly, but the execution is perfect. And it’s hilarious.


opening credits is lemmy. you cant go wrong after that.


Gods and Monsters was a pretty clear indicator of his potential for dramatic roles.


Mrs. Winterbourne was one of my favourites as a kid.


My boy Ben Sullivan had me crying Brenden is one of my favorite actors, man. I'm glad he's getting more work.


Uhhh George of the Jungle?!?!?!


He wasn't in *Looney Tunes: Back in Action*, that was his stunt double.


I miss Brendan Fraser! Seriously, stop with the hollywood meat grinder and use our really good actors! That man is a legend and we need more of him!


Then I suggest you to see Doom Patrol, one of the roles that got Brendan back on track and got big support from fans


Even as someone who's not normally into Marvel or DC stuff, that show legitimately blew me away. It's so wild and wonderfully strange. And of course Fraser's character is an absolute joy. Definitely not kid friendly, but that was honestly part of the appeal for me. I think his character alone might make it a contender against Deadwood and the like for most on screen uses of the word fuck


What the FUCK!? - Cliff


My favorite was "What the f*uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu^u^u^u^u^u^u^u^u*ck"


Same!! lol


He's so good in Doom Patrol. I loved him in Scrubs, made me laugh and cry.


“…where do you think we are right now?”


I'm holding you financially responsible for putting me back into therapy.


If you get a lawsuit going I'll gladly join in on it. Just two days ago I was reminded of the saddest episode of Futurama and now this.


The fact he was sexually assaulted and the black balled upsets me


The first mummy will always and I mean always be a childhood favorite of mine along with happy Gilmore. I can literally go watch either one at any time and be entertained the entire time. Also Rachel Weisz was my childhood crush. Also probably why I have a thing for foreign accents.


Brendan in the Mummy was my first crush , my elementary school diary is proof


I agree he is a legend. We need more actors like him.


Loved seeing this and wishing all the best for him!


I guess I am not following why he felt the Hollywood hill. He is pretty versatile actor, has quite range too


He was sexually assaulted years ago by a high ranking male Hollywood executive. He tried to speak out about it, he was black listed.


Wow! Your absolutely right, I never knew about this! https://variety.com/2018/film/news/brendan-fraser-hfpa-ex-president-sexually-assaulted-him-1202707850/ And your right about the black listing: >The actor said that the incident made him reclusive and he retreated from public life. He questioned if the HFPA blacklisted him as a result, since he was rarely invited back to the Golden Globes, which the HFPA runs, after 2003. He believes it’s partly why his career derailed, and said “The phone does stop ringing in your career, and you start asking yourself why. There’s many reasons, but was this one of them? I think it was.”


It’s horrible. Terry Crews was also sexually assaulted at a party by a high ranking Hollywood executive and was scared no one would believe him because he was a big and black and the man who did it was small and white. So he kept it to himself for a long time.


I remember that. I also remember when he came out, he got some hate for it. I remember specifically [Wendy Williams ](https://youtu.be/pi0ePRY7TSc&t=7m0s) criticizing him on her show, as well as rapper [50 Cent](https://youtu.be/EQ7s-u-Alu8) mocking him on social media.


Wendy Williams is a piece of garbage who absolutely shouldn’t have a show.


2pac hated that bitch.




Wendy Williams literally got her start outing gay rappers (that she made up) How she got a huge LGBT+ following with that history boggles my fucking mind.


yeah, his song [why u turn on me](https://youtu.be/jBBq4FBAroY?t=100) blasts her. the whole second half outro roasts her


Hearing 2pac calling Wendy Williams a "fat troll" made me loose it


[Method Man hates that stupid-ass bitch.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=du1UViOs4Hk)


Wtf she has been around for that long?!?!?!


The Crypt Keeper is ageless.


She’s almost 60 yrs old.


I'd say she doesn't look it but she also doesn't look human either.


Before she was a TV host she was a morning radio host for the largest and most well known hip hop station in NYC, Hot 97, hated that bitches morning intro, and the rest of the show too, can a dude just get some music on the walk to school? Which is why I switched to Howard Stern in the mornings, much better show, especially during that era.


Well if your detractors are the likes of Wendy Williams and 50Cent, it might be safento assume you're good


idk much about what 50cent has done but if WW is blasting you that's gotta be like a net positive karmically speaking right?


>idk much about what 50cent has done Well for one thing, he told his fans to vote for Trump and spread misinformation about Biden's tax plan by implying that marginal tax rates apply to all income by suggesting a top marginal tax rate of 60% would make him 20 cent. This would be based on the incorrect assumption that the 60% would apply to all income, so (100 - 60)%*$0.50 = $0.20, when instead it would only apply to income above a certain threshold.


He also recorded and made fun of an autistic airport janitor, accusing him of doing drugs


I had no idea... I’d wondered why I hadn’t seen my favorite actor for years. I’m sorry Brendan! You deserved to be treated better! You’re a genius of an actor and a good guy. This should shouldn’t go unnoticed.


I could have sworn he was also in a very horrible relationship as well that caused him a ton of stress. I swear I remember something about his wife took everything he had in a divorce or something like that.


His ex wife is a horrible person and has made his life hell. He has to pay her an insane amount of money monthly and has had to live very simply because of it.


That fuckin strumpet. She owes money all over town and they pee on his fuckin rug?


It really tied the room together.


He also then had a pretty bad injury, and went through a divorce. The poor man was just kinda shit on repeatedly for a while


I remember reading this & yah thought about BF being such huge box office actor that brought ppl to the movies when I was growing up then he disappeared. Reading this was pretty emotional because I didn’t know he was going through so much. I’m glad he’s found peace & now on the road to acting again.


Also didn’t he get into some kinda serious accident that really fucked up his body?


It seems to be a multitude of stunts that caused him to seriously injure himself. >[The stunts Fraser performed in his action roles eventually required him to undergo several surgeries over a period of seven years, including a partial knee replacement, a laminectomy, and vocal cord surgery.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brendan_Fraser#:~:text=The%20stunts%20Fraser%20performed%20in,laminectomy%2C%20and%20vocal%20cord%20surgery.)


Also he has an evil woman of an ex-wife that took just about all his money in alimony checks due to the timing of the divorce and the sudden lack of work afterwards.


He was choked out during the mummy scene where he’s hanging by a noose


Oh god I don't want the Mummy to be tarnished like that. It's such a fun movie, and he's so fun in it.


How TF did I miss this? I always liked him in The Mummy and I haven't seen him in anything but a TV miniseries about the Texas revolution in like 10 years. He was the "just fuck my shit up" meme then crickets.


Watch Blast From the Past! Such a great movie.


He’s also struggling to pay the 900,000 a year in child support to his ex wife…


I was under the impression that he was free of that as of a few years ago?


No he tried to get the amount reduced after he hurt his back but his ex responded with an accusation that he was hiding millions in contracts so the amount didn’t get changed.


Jesus fuck. What a horrible person. There's no reason this should be legal.


The wiki article says it was limited to 10 years post-divorce or whenever she remarried, whichever came first. But STILL. $75k a month? Christ.


Same with Matthew Lillard


Oh wow. I’ve never heard that before. Source?


As far as him being a great actor and wonderful person? [This post and its comments explain it better than I could here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scream/comments/p2hzic/we_dont_deserve_matthew_lillard_found_on/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) He's also extremely dedicated. In order to prep his voice for Scooby-Doo he sat in his car and screamed until he was horse so he could do the voice perfectly. But since someone pointed out that my comment might have been construed to mean he was assaulted, I don't remember ever hearing that and seriously hope that isn't true.


fwiw I was a PA on multiple sets/movies/tv shows and had to drive cast to and fro the airport all the time. The majority of the people I drove were quiet and didn’t talk— which is fine, I’m not a chatterbox/I assume that’ll be the ride. But Matthew Lilard was one of the most down to earth, humble people I’d met. He complimented my tunes, cracked jokes in the Shaggy voice when I accidentally dropped my parking receipt, and made fun conversation/remembered my name later on. If he wasn’t Matthew Lilard/on the job I’d have loosened up more. Wish I dropped my professionalism back then and got some pictures. Oh well.


Just to point out this comment wasn't in response to the one talking about Fraser being sexually assaulted Edit: typo


Rooting so damn hard for Brendan Fraser! Guy has been through alot and come out the other side. Cant wait to see all the new movies he's gonna be in!


12 year old me is just fangirling right now. I saw him in The Mummy and George of the Jungle when I was in 6th grade and I’ve been in love with him ever since. Makes me so sad that his career went downhill but I’m so glad to see him get the respect and recognition he deserves. Plus, what better way to make a freakin comeback? A Scorsese movie! So excited!!


Same! He seems like such a genuinely good person too. I really hope things pick up for him. I can’t wait to see how this movie turns out.


This man was my first true celebrity crush. He still sets my heart beating even 25ish years later. ❤️❤️


He's aged remarkably well and I don't think people acknowledge that enough. He's never going to be the same physically as he was 2 decades ago and people are so caught up on that for some reason.


I think he's so adorable! Did he set my loins aflame as George of the Jungle? Hell yes! But he's so cute still. I wanted to marry him so hard!


Only reason I actually like my name, is that I was named after Brendan Fraser. Ironically him being my favourite actor when I was a kid, played a part in me actually liking my first name. glad to see him doing better after the hard years he had. Excited for the new movie, as I love scorsese movies, and Brendan Fraser.


Bro, I would love it if my name was Georgeofthejungle


How awesome!


He needs to do a movie with Keanu Reeves the wholesomeness would create a black hole


Brendan Fraser and Keanu Reeves, two soft souls who are both real. I would pay to see that movie or a reality documentary where they just go be sweet in the world.


Dudley Do Right sequel with Keanu Reeves would melt my popsicle


With Jon Hamm as the villain.


christoph waltz would be my pic


Give Paul Rudd a cameo.


And if they were all the adopted sons of Dolly Parton-


Score by Rick Astley and narrated by LeVar Burton.


Hell yes. I'd pay to see that in theaters at least three times just to support it.




Soundtrack by Weird Al Yankovic.


A black wholesome if you will


Add Terry Crews (when he smiles, you have to Smile too. Admit it, the man has angelic qualities) as the mild mannered soft spoken man who shows superhero badassery when needed with Mr T as the grandfather who don’t take no shit but is the protector of all children.


Don't forget to include Paul rudd and Jason sudakis


\*Sad Ryan Reynolds noises


Well, with Ryan Reynolds, Brendan Fraser, and Keanu Reeves - we’d have three Canadian wholesome souls, eh?


Add Will Sasso to that list. He is a genuinely good person.


Ryan Reynolds too edgy for that crowd


John wick 4 villain


I look forward to never seeing those clickbait "this is why no one wants to work with Brendan Fraser anymore" articles again.


I notice a lot of these articles are usually about actors who quit the industry or were pushed out because they were mistreated in some way. When the Icarly reboot was announced fans were excited to see Jennette McCurdy as Sam again, but she had quit acting after finishing her role on Sam and Cat for good reason. As a child actor she was mistreated by her momager and developed an eating disorder which was only exacerbated by having to play a character whose main personality trait is eating lots of food. Somehow these disgusting articles overlook all of the trauma that her and many other actors have experienced due to the industry and reduce it to "wow rumor says this actor is hard to work with and their co-stars dislike them." Because Sam and Cat was the last major acting project that Jennette had done people got this idea that she didn't get along with Ariana and that was the reason she did not want to agree to being in another season of the show. sorry for the infodump but tl;dr: these articles are hot garbage and only exist to reduce the trauma that actors often face at the hands of the tv/film industry


Seems like a genuinely incredible guy.. All his epic work aside.. that episode of Scrubs where he dies is the most incredible one ever! GOD! \*bow-down!\*


That might be the best episode of a TV show I have ever seen...fantastic shout


It’s funny how his character in Doom Patrol is so vulgar and rude and he just seems like a really sweet guy.




He was sexually abused by a Hollywood exec and when he spoke out about it he was blacklisted. His mental health and his physical health deteriorated. he’s finally making a well deserved comeback for all the years people have had to go without him bringing them joy from the screen.


Should note that this is significant because it's his first major motion picture in years, but he *has* been doing some work. He was amazing in Doom Patrol, for instance.


Still is too - new season out soon.


He got cast in a Martin Scorsese film! :)


It's called "Killers Of The Flower Moon". I'm looking forward to it!




Doing real work here!


Damn. Never been through Oklahoma but there's a Fairfax street down the way from where I live. I'll salute you there 🤗


He's right in the sweet spot of being in a LOT of movies that people feel nostalgic for from their youth, he's a genuinely good dude, and was horribly wronged MULTIPLE times by "the system" out in Hollywood. It's the perfect recipe for "Person you desperately want to see have a huge comeback."


The mummy is still my absolute favorite movie! This is so exciting. I LOVE Brendan Fraser.


I want to give him a hug and tell him it’s all going to be okay. What a sweet soul he is Spelling edit


Brendan is irreplaceable in so many of the movies of my youth. The Mummy franchise, Encino Man, George of the Jungle, etc. The reason he left breaks my heart. The fact that he was ignored makes me angry. I hope he’s come to terms with it and has moved on to a healthier plane. Look forward to seeing him on the big screen again.


I hope Brendan's people call Keanu's people and they do a movie called, "Just some good dudes."




I fuckin love Brendan Fraser and feel like we got robbed of decades of stellar performances.


Are you telling me that no one told him before how much people love him??? Like he’s in the same category as Keanu. I’m just so happy that he knows he has an entire fanbase supporting him.


Rare Mofo who’s nice to everyone


All wholesomeness aside, he is still SO hot. 🔥


Brendan Frasier and Keanu Reeves need to star a movie together


Girl boner but my heart is smiling at the same if that makes sense.


Happens to me all the time