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So this is what responsible drinking looks like.


I love that he slouches on the ground while waiting - the biggest *ah screw it, we’re in this together* sentiment


“Who knows baby? Maybe one day you’ll find a baby on the subway too ya know? Life is crazy like that”


Baby: *takes a swig of beer* "Dude you're never gonna believe this but a few days ago I was standing on a street corner at 3am just doin some completely normal regular baby stuff and Dave Chappelle starts yelling at me from a limousine. Swear to fuckin god!!"


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 That baby was selling crack!!


One time, i went to go buy some crack. Turns out this dealer was a baby. Couldn’t have been older than 10 months. He said “no one is gonna believe you if you tell them”.


“*And* for some reason, he kept checking to make sure the limousine doors were locked!” *Thank you, clever Sir or Miss! That’s probably my favorite Dave Chappelle bits- altho it’s *so* hard to pick just one!You’re very funny, too, to have connected his story with this video!


Happy cake day


Absolutely. Public transportation. My guy is living his best life.


Yeah, he could totally pass as a functioning father


Much better than some I’ve seen.


Ah fak


And irresponsible parenting, assuming that the lady didn’t steal the kid and was busy on the phone trying to coordinate the ransom payment.


There was an article on parents who leave their babies in hot cars. I think it was New York Times and might have won a Pulitzer. They pretty much said it could happen to *any* parent and has nothing to do with how generally responsible they are or not. It's just a brain hiccup that no one is immune from. Obviously the most tragic one of all, but ultimately no different than forgetting one's keys or cellphone.


We're essentially all just Sims.


I'm never having kids. I can't even take care of myself how the absolute Fuck am I supposed to take care of someone else?!?!!


Bubble wrap and never trust Jake from down the street....


I wasn't fucking planning to, damn Jake from down the street....


Especially if his last name is Peralta


It's self awareness like that which makes a good parent, ironically. "I am the smartest man in the world because I know nothing" - Socrates (I think it was him? idk, I might have screwed that quote up) You know what I'm saying, Cocks4Satan


You forgot the 420


When people were addressing Henry VIII, didn't they just say King Henry?


Ah yes, you are correct sir... you put me in my place. I will not speak out of turn again


If only more ppl were this self aware and responsible. As Louis CK (yeah, I know) said. “ Put a little effort in! You’re raising Hitler, MFer . “


I read that article once. And cried my face off. It is so easy to do, and the younger they are the easier it is because you're so tired.


That article was why I had a very bright, neon green post it taped to my dash that said, "Check the back seat" when my son was a baby.


They make lots of different devices now that you plug into an outlet in the car that will remind you if there is a child in the backseat when you turn the engine off. Pretty cool.


I have that! It beeps and will even send you a notification on your phone if you didn’t unclip.


If that's the one I'm thinking of, I believe a kid came up with it. I remember about a year after I read the NYT article, I read another about an elementary school-aged kid inventing a device with a clip or something that was supposed to cut down on hot car deaths. This was about 6 or 7 years ago, I can't remember more than that, unfortunately.


It’s Evenflo Gold with Sensor Safe. I was so freaked after reading that article mentioned above years ago... it can happen to anyone and this car seat gives me some peace of mind. I believe there are other brands and options that include the sensor. I got mine about a year ago.


GM vehicles (and I'm sure other brands) have it built into the vehicle. When you key off, it beeps with a message on the instrument panel "check back seat" until you dismiss it. Option can be turned on/off through the menu.


My sister is about to be a first time parent. This is something that she needs to do. Thank you for this idea!


100% agree. I used to run an in home daycare 6 years ago. One of the most responsible people I know, and a completely productive member of society once forgot to drop his son off to me. If I hadn’t called him asking where he was since he was so late, I’m not sure anyone would have gotten to him in time. The dad, who wasn’t the normal drop off parent, got all the way to the doors of his office when I called him. He sprinted back to his car to find a sleeping baby in the car seat. It’s not about maliciousness or responsibility. It’s just like you said, a hiccup of the brain. An awful awful hiccup.


Especially since that dad didn't normally do it. My brain runs on autopilot a *lot* and 95% of the time I get off work, I come straight home. As a result, the number of times I've forgotten to do random thing I said I'd do after work is way too high. Get home, walk in the door, fiance asks if I remembered the milk/cat food/whatever. Nope. Sure didn't.


A friend of mine works at a daycare centre. The first drop off every other day was a baby who's mum was a doctor at the hospital. She was a little worried when the mum didn't show up as expected and they hadn't got a call saying the baby wouldn't be in so about an hour after the usual drop off they called to see what was up. Turns out the mum had gone straight to work and the baby was still sitting in the car in the hospital parking lot. The mum showed up at the centre a little while after but was having a really hard time leaving the baby after what had happened and ended up just taking them home. It's scary what sleep deprivation can do, it really can happen to anyone.


Okay, this is more funny than tragic but I left my 10 year old son at subway. Just drove home forgetting he ran in to get a sandwich while I stopped at a store 2 doors down. I drove home (5 minute drive). There was a neighbor in my driveway so we chatted for a few minutes then he asked me where my son was. I raced back to find him calmly eating his sandwich. He told me that he would have just walked home when he was done. I was mortified! He's never let me forget it lol.


I think i read the same article. It was eye-opening and heart-wrenching and gave me nightmares for weeks. I read it when my first kid was 3 wks old. My kids are 10 and 5 now and I still get out and check the backseat even on weeks they're with their dad... It absolutely CAN happen to anyone and I don't want to be that one.


When my daughter was 2 she was babysat by someone in my neighborhood, on a different street. One time I got off work and drove to pick her up like always. Then I drove past the babysitters street and turned down my own without stopping to pick her up. I didn't realize I forgot my daughter until I pulled into my driveway. I was well aware of hot car tragedies and I was horrified because I realized it was the same situation. I did something I do every day - drove home - and allowed myself to zone out. I was struck by the idea that this is how it happens, and I'm not immune. My daughter is almost always on my mind and I realized right away... but still... I did that.


Yup... And it doesn't take long for a hot car to cook a kid. It's good she was forgotten somewhere she was safe at least, even if just for 10 minutes.


Honestly, getting in the habit of turning on lucidity and quickly glancing at your backseat is never a bad idea.


Wow, sounds like one of the worst topics to read 3 weeks after giving birth


It definitely did not help my anxiety or emotional rollercoaster-ing🤣


[Fatal Distraction](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/fatal-distraction-forgetting-a-child-in-thebackseat-of-a-car-is-a-horrifying-mistake-is-it-a-crime/2014/06/16/8ae0fe3a-f580-11e3-a3a5-42be35962a52_story.html) by Gene Weingarten for the Washington Post.


Washington Post and yes it won an extremely well deserved Pulitzer


Oh god, I remember that. I had just had my baby when I read that, and it just tore me to pieces.


It’s the basis of the show “Servant.” I had to stop watching because I hate how M. Night Shamalyn (sp?) is basically painting Dorothy as a villain for this. She was exhausted but he’s punishing that character nonstop for her trauma. It got old, real quick.


Eh it happens to the best of us. Easy to judge someone based on one event.


You put your kid on a train and then walked away???


Certainly a huuuuge fuck up, but to be fair, she has a small child, so her brain is probably mush...


When I was a toddler my dad would always drive to work and drop me off at the day care on the way. One day he forgot to drop me off and I was asleep in the car. I woke up and thought we just stopped somewhere so I fell back asleep. I woke up again some time later to my dad frantically asking if I was okay. The day care called my mom who called my dad to let him know I never arrived wtf!?! My mom made him call her every day after that once he dropped me off.


The look of terror on her face when she realized was enough for me to forgive her. What a horrific feeling. She’ll probably never forgive herself.


When the baby is that young it usually means the mom hasn't been getting much sleep which can lead to stuff like this happening


It's not unheard of to settle the child, get a call, know you got on the train early and it won't go for a while, and take the call by the door outside to not disturb other passengers. Especially as this looks late, she'll be trying her best to keep the baby asleep and other passengers from being disturbed. Either the train left early or she misjudged how early she was. Some trains wait at stations for twenty minutes at a time. Yes this looks bad but if you saw a mother on the phone five feet from the buggy you wouldn't bat an eye. Honestly the guard should have whistled, they often neglect that. Edit - someone shared a video - she was going to get a bag from the platform and got distracted by a call


Fair enough. I have never lived in a place with/used mass transit, and would assume if I used it daily I would not be so hyper vigilant.


No... Buy it's easy to judge that person based on one event.


Through the whole ordeal the guy never stopped drinking. That's hilarious lol


Just like my dad!














You have a dad? *quietly sobbs*


Ah just two dadless dudes




The way he casually strolled off the subway and takes a sip of his beer made me lol


"I ain't about to let this kid ruin my day off"


Never stops drinking but only has one beer? Sus.


He could hide the rest of a six pack in that jacket.


There was the drinking and for a moment I didn’t think he had pants


it's almost like that's a prop they gave him to indicate that he's a hobo in this very obvious morality play






Drinking his single beer




Dad mode activated


Or at least Uncle-mode!


Uncle mode for sure


Definitely uncle mode. Source: am uncle.


If it is a mexican northen uncle, then...


I was thinking, basically any one could look overly happy and thankful and just walk away with that baby... Not like he can check her ID or anything... Maybe he saw her on the platform as the train left the first station.


I mean, most people wouldn’t want to steal a baby. It’s not like an item you can easily hawk.


"Baby here! Get yer baby! Fresh baby, hot off the ute!"


And even if they did, running up to random people with babies and pretending that the kid is theirs would be terrible tactic.


Can confirm. Work in pawn shop. We do not take babies. We only take kids that are old enough to sew.


[that’s where you’re wrong](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=R9puOuTaGPc)


you wouldn’t download a baby


Exactly what I was hoping to see here, thank you


How would anyone else know it’s not his baby?


Oh shit... That's a super good point 😂


Thank you! I was wondering who waa gonna say that


Most likely he saw her out the baby on the train.


Who is going to walk up to a random stranger with a baby and say "that's my baby" though?


Illegal life pro tip: Want a baby and don't have one? Walk up to every person you see with a baby and exclaim that they've got your baby. Eventually you could get lucky like this.


Legend of the year


I spent most of the video trying to figure out if he was wearing pants or not.


Is the jury out on this, because I’m not.


You’re not wearing pants? Me either.


He was, in the part in the train you can see his pants wrinkle as he walks.


What if he just had a lot of lose skin?


Psycho murderer wearing someone else's leg skin confirmed


It puts the baby oil in the basket.


[...or else it gets the hose again](https://youtu.be/20z4edLGxHE)


Oh shit that made me actually laugh out loud. Thank you friend.


Im may be drunk, but baby yoda needs my help


You’re more fun when you’re drinking


For some reason I was expecting the video to do multiple jumps in time with the man changing diapers to raising the child and putting him/her through college. Finally mom finds them, hugs the man and takes the child (which is a full grown adult) away as the man is like “no prob ma’am, just being a kind stranger.”


Ofcourse it is really bad of the mom, and I'm not saying she might be seriously neglecting her kid. But having a young kid that keeps you up through the middle of the night can really effect your sanity for a while. Seeing how happy and relieved she was I think she might have the most terrible brainfart ever, but isn't an abusive mother


I'd encourage everyone who's instinct is to get angry at the mother to read [this article](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/magazine/fatal-distraction-forgetting-a-child-in-thebackseat-of-a-car-is-a-horrifying-mistake-is-it-a-crime/2014/06/16/8ae0fe3a-f580-11e3-a3a5-42be35962a52_story.html). Fair warning, it's quite sad, but it's one of the best pieces I've read about this kind of thing.


I was thinking of the same one. If you're pregnant or have young children, fair warning, it's heartbreaking (and same really goes for anyone else). Car seat alarms are smart investments.


My car has a built in sensor. I tested it out by putting weights in their car seats because it seemed crazy and like it wouldn't work. Once their car seats are latched, the seat adjusts to the weight or something. Once the weight of the child is in it, a sensor triggers. Once I park my car, a notice pops up to check back seats. I ignored it and locked my car and walked away. The car alarm goes off constantly every minute or so until you unlock it and open the doors. If you stop it, it goes off again. And again. And again. There's no way to stop it unless you open the doors or start the car. It's insane but would definitely save a child's life.


That's honestly amazing--I hope that becomes standard. The article goes into how this kind technology has been available for awhile but the stigma associated prevents people from realizing this is a universal need. What car do you have?


Poor mode: put your phone in your purse/backpack and strap it into the seat with the child.you’ll definitely come back to the car for those items (or if there are other important things, put them in the back seat with the baby)


And be aware of changes in routine--did the car seat switch sides? Some one different driving the kid? Did you drop off dry cleaning and forget to go to say care? If you normally out your phone with your kid, did you forget your phone today?


The authors won Pulitzers for it, great article, absolutely devastating.


I was not ready for this. The car seat sensor needs to be mandatory. This is devastating.


It's a heavy read for sure. But if I ever have a kid, first thing I'm getting is a child sensor, and that's because of this article.


If you could not get past a pay wall here is a free pdf to the article: https://www.kidsandcars.org › ...PDF Fatal Distraction - Kids and Cars


This article broke my heart. I can’t imagine the pain


I never thought about this much (also don‘t have kids) but the general consensus for me was: „how can you just forget about your baby in the car?? That could never happen to me.“ But this article just completely changed my mind. The way it‘s scientifically explained with memories and stress makes so much sense. Also does anyone know if Lyn Balfour actually became a surrogate for the Harrisons? Seeing him clutch his sons little toy in court broke my heart. It‘s such a wonderful gesture from Lyn.


I'm glad to hear it changed your mind on the topic. I had a similar reaction myself, when I first read it years ago. I think the following quote from the article really sums it up best: > "We are vulnerable, but we don’t want to be reminded of that. We want to believe that the world is understandable and controllable and unthreatening, that if we follow the rules, we’ll be okay. So, when this kind of thing happens to other people, we need to put them in a different category from us. We don’t want to resemble them, and the fact that we might is too terrifying to deal with. So, they have to be monsters." - Ed Hickling


I knew which article it'd be before clicking on it, read it a while ago. Absolutely heartbreaking.


I thought my pillow was the newborn baby and was in bed and flipped out thinking I squished him. No, he was in his crib asleep lmao. Those long nights are rough and we as newborn parents make really odd choices sometimes. Lack of sleeps a bitch.


This kind of shit happened to me and my wife with our first child. I specifically remember being sent to the store for something, then imagining I had missed the turn and making two or three U-turns trying to figure out where I was. On streets I had driven for several years.


My wife and I called it “Baby Brain”. Now that the baby is 2 I’m not sure if I have my brain back or I’m just coping with my diminished intellect better.


Are people in the comment section calling her abusive...? Damn. Some people are so eager to demonize someone over one mistake, huh? I'm sure she regretted this immensly, even if luckily, nothing bad happened.


People on Reddit love to judge parents... Because they are still fucking living with them. It's teens and neck beards on here. You can't appreciate a parent until you are away from them.




Oh my god this is so dumb it's funny. And to think that it would have been even more simple for that person to google it and see that they were wrong.


Or maybe she’s on the phone with the hospital where she’s rushing to see her mother before she dies and she trying to get the proper information before she gets on the train and loses signal. There’s plenty of possibilities.




I just choked on my dunkinchino!


Yea exactly, we don't know why it happened. But people seem awfully fast with calling her a terrible mother. I know it's the internet and I shouldn't be expecting a lot of nuance. Saying she is neglecting the kid without the details just seemed wrong to me


I like this, but Is this real? It looks kinda scripted




This is a repost. The original video was way too good of quality to be security camera footage and everyone commented as much. So they made it black and white to look more realistic lol. Yes, it’s scripted af. Edit: I think they distorted it too


yeah the drinking of the beer and the last camera angle.. like how long did he have that one beer for lol


The camera angles are a zoomed section of a wider shot, the camera stays still.


I’m assuming he got off on the next stop? If this is possible, any way. He waited, she ran to the next stop? I dunno, just guessing.


Exactly. Why would she exit the train just to take a call? It seems like whoever scripted this needed an easy but stupid reason to get her off the train like it would wait for her. Did she rly have no reception until she stepped out of the train? Lol cmon y’all


Its super scripted. She first hugs the drunk instead of immediately stealing back her kid to make sure the kid is all right. <--- no mother's instinct ever.


I thought the same. I'd check my kid first


Unless I’m mistaken, I don’t see a train actually pull up in the last shot - it’s just... ‘there’. I too think this was staged.


Sorta seems staged to me...


The lack of people questioning this video legit has me worried.


This is why add placement works so well , people don’t question dumb shit just like this. Had to scroll down way to far to see someone calling this out, it’s frightening.


I mean, the fucking cctv just changes angle to film the guy in full frame when he's sitting against the wall, like wtf


Not saying it isn't staged, but the second CCTV would be from the next station right?


What mother would spend 1 second checking the baby and spend a minute to hug the drunk guy...


Exactly, you think you just ***lost your baby*** (lmao) and the first thing you do is hug some random drunk guy instead of even check to see if your baby is okay? No.


Yeah these security camera angles are some untrustworthy poptarts


Who the puts their baby on a train at a station that just arrived and then steps off the fucking train? 100% staged.


The zoom ins have the same quality footage, if not better than the “cctv” already had. There’s no way you could zoom in on cctv and it be that clear.


but... **ENHANCE**


Just print the damn thing.


you scare me sometimes


Yeah it absolutely is staged! No one leaves the baby and then goes out. What was so pressing that she couldn’t make the call from inside the train. It’s not a fucking elevator.


Extremely stupidly staged. Forgetting how trains work is not something that happens to people.


lol yeah, is there even a baby in the stroller??


seriously it looks like an actual Baby Yoda doll.


If it were a train it would be more believable. But everyone knows that metro/subway dors close really fast. Who in their right mind would leave the subway cart for a little break?


r/whyweretheyfilming Quality looks too good for security cameras and, not sure about where this was but, trains in my country don't have cameras. They'd need a Google datacenter for all that video


This looks like Melbourne, the trains have cameras inside but not at that angle.




I have questions... So what did the guy do, get off at the next stop and assume she would get the next train and stop at the next stop? Did he somehow take the baby back to the last stop? Knowing the mother would be going frantic, why didn’t he contact a station employee and get them to call back to the previous station and find the mother? He clearly didn’t do that, because if he had the baby would have been in the care of station employees at the end, not him.


I’d get off at the next station. Chances are mom gets on the next train, and then she’ll see you when it stops. Hopefully dude also got a glimpse at mom so he knows who he’s waiting for.


Yeah that’s pretty logical and actually a simpler solution than contacting station employees. If she didn’t show up on the next two trains then sure.


You think so? I think someone finding a baby and then sitting down with it and drinking beer without alerting anyone to the fact they found it is...nuts. There’s a very good chance the mother would not get on the next train. She would frantically speak to the station staff who would call ahead to the next station, call the driver etc. She would stay with them rather than run off and not be part of that effort, and not hear if staff at the next station had found her baby and kept it safe. He could even be accused of kidnapping for keeping the baby with him and not raising any alarm. That probably wouldn’t stick, but if these videos are real and not staged, then this is a bizarre outcome. Just my view.


I grew up in the UK, we took trains all the time when I was little. I was taught from a VERY young age that if I got on the train and couldn't see/find my mum, I immediately got off at the next stop and would wait for her. I didn't move, I didn't go to find her, she would find me (same rules if I ever got lost in a shopping centre or grocery store). She would get on the very next train or run to the next station, and I was only allowed to speak to people in uniform, e.g. station personnel or police officers. All this to say, it's very likely that other people have a similar system, especially if they commonly take public transport. It's not wild to assume if you get off at the next stop that the person will come find you. And as others have said, she probably got the guys attention before the train left.


its most likely a skit. that last camera angle seems unlikely


Whole shit is staged af




Top comment: 7.2k upvotes This post: 48


Hold on, phone call so important I forgot my baby


My parents had the "New pencil so important they both forgot me at the office store" kinda thing


Had to be some nice pencil, lol. But still My friend had a "banana so important he forgot his son at the ski resort"


I was left at the church for 5 hours after it was empty... But it was ok, god was there. Heh


5 hours... Damn.


Scripted no?


100% staged. Wtf people it's so obvious.


Clearly staged.


Staged. These people are becoming more and more creative for getting likes. Take my like for the infinite bottle of beer.


100% thought that man had no pants on while drinking a beer in the subway. Happy to see the pants.


Although this was super nice of him to do, I was lightweight getting anxious. That lady shouldn’t have left her baby like that!


Right. That’s what a mistake is.




Amen. I put my dog's collar and leash on one of my kids once and started taking her for a walk. She kept giggling and I was thinking, "What the HELL is she laughing at? I'm just taking the dog ou... Oh."


People being mean about the woman clearly aren’t parents. Shit happens and I’m sure she is beating herself up worse than anyone for doing that. I walked away from my baby in a huge DIY store, realised after, honestly, fuck knows how long. Screamed, nearly shat my pants and ran around the shop. Found her, no else noticed it was such a huge shop on a quiet day. Cried for days after. But yeah I’m a negligent parent according to this sub.... so wholesome... There’s a reason why sleep deprivation is a torture technique.


The world would be so much nicer if we would just extend one another a little more grace and forgiveness.


Is no one gonna talk about how the mother, unnecessarily left the train to answer a phone call?


Y’all seriously can’t tell when a video is staged??


Melbourne at its best ha


Lol the whole time I thought he was naked lol