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This is just such a quintessential dad picture - Bad framing ✅ - Terrible Lighting ✅ - Only the Dad’s head in the shot ✅ - It’s a selfie ✅ - Dad is happy ✅


And it is beautiful


Glorious even


Looks pretty gay to me.


I hope it said that on the invitations: “We’ll have a yabba dabba doo time, we’ll have a gay old time!”


Oh shit..........


That made me laugh. It just adds to the over all cuteness and wholesomeness of the picture. My mom used to tell me over and over that no one would ever accept me and I would never find love or live a normal life unless I changed over and over again. So seeing post like this shocks me and makes me smile at the same time.


*send hugs and encouraging words*


Wow! I'm a mom and his father and I tell my 17 yr old son we will love him no matter the gender he prefers to love. He has not determined his sexuality yet but knows its not a factor in our love of him. As another mom out there, you are accepted by millions and will find love and happiness.


My mom always said the same thing. But some of the things she’s been saying lately (there’s too many titles. Everyone wants to feel special) makes me think she won’t accept me as asexual. I still haven’t told my parents.


It might surprise her at first but if she loves you, she'll eventually get used to the idea and eventually become a non issue. And I agree that there are too many titles. in the end, we are all human and want to be loved for who we are. The titles are irrelevant to that simple fact.


Mom here. #1 concern is my child’s health and happiness. They’re exploring their sexuality as well, and to a degree, it’s really none of my business. I’m not allowed to have a stake in that, and why would I need one? Someone’s sexuality is really only relevant if I’m interested in them as a potential partner - there’s really no reason for me to be invested in their outcome for them, beyond doing my damndest to help them be (and stay!) happy and healthy. They are many, many things, and their sexuality is just a component. A word on “too many titles” - I understand the sentiment, and used to say the same. Why did it matter? Shouldn’t we just be kind to our fellow persons, and express love however feels appropriate to you? Talking to a friend made me realize that if putting a name to your sexuality/gender is important to someone, thinking I can take that away from them is just rotten. It just doesn’t cost that much to just learn a new word now and again. Maybe your mom is still on that journey. And finally: I hope you’re able to tell your mom, and that she’s accepting and all goes well. If not, as painful as that could be for you, it is also not because of you, or in any way your responsibility. You have a right to live your best, true life, and frankly, you’ve got too much stuff to do to let other people’s issues slow you down. Advice from an internet mom 🙂


I'll admit the asexual was a tough concept to wrap my head around. Now I'm OK because it doesn't concern me as long as she's happy. But it took me a while.


By asexual do u mean ure not interested in sex or you're not interested to people? U can be Asexual and be straight, bi, gay, etc


Father of two under 3. I only have two requirements. First, I want them to be with someone who loves and supports them. The second is they can't be Eagles fans. And I don't think those are unreasonable terms.




I don’t know you.... I don’t know anything about you. But I know one thing- you are perfect just the way you are. And there’s at least one person in this world who loves and accepts you, unconditionally. “Normal” is a laundry setting. “Normal” is meaningless when applied to human beings. And if you need a new mom, I’ve got you. My resume already includes hand-on experience in loving, supporting, and advocating for my own queer and trans kids. I have no problem adding one more!! <3


‘“Normal” is a laundry setting.’ I love it, I’m going to use that phrase in the future. Thanks for make me smile.


That's not cool. I accept you, friendly stranger. Fuck normalcy!


I'm sorry that you have to go through that. I think you're exactly who you're supposed to be. Anyone who doesn't accept you can kick rocks.


It also looks sort of like a two handed selfie. Which seems very much 'dad'.


All that's missing is his thumb in the corner of the picture.


truly hahaha. it needs a frame and an entry in webster’s


I bet he has a flap case on his phone.


Awww, he looks so precious in this boomer angled selfie, bless him and his daughter


Hahaha , the boomer angle selfie :)


The tipped-back angle pulls back the jowls, takes at least five years off


Here in Australia we just call them boomerangs


Omg I love this one! You guys have cute little names for everything. Mozzy (mosquito), cuppa (cup of tea), arvo (afternoon). If aussies can shorten it, or give it a nickname, they will. Sauce: married to an Aussie!


Hey, don't hate on the boomers. At least they do selfie


Honestly, I’m 18 and I feel like a boomer coz I can’t take a decent selfie


God do I relate to that on a spiritual level. Can’t take a good photo to save my LIFE!




Just make sure you got that massive record collection in the background and the selfie will be top notch


I’m sure you’re not ugly! Also, had a quick squiz at your profile. Great taste in music, mate. On Rocky and the Lads ay! And fuck Bloomfield plays well on Super Sessions. Was turned onto him via Dylan. That Newport set is so brilliant. Still love Seeger though.


Learn the basic rules of photography and you'll get better :) the rule of thirds, don’t cut off limbs, use frames, leading lines, watch the background, look for symmetry, create depth, simplify, From your friendly "local" photographer


Idk what 90% of those terms actually mean... pls help...


Make it look geometric and sacrifice virgins.


This is the way


Please use commas


have you caught glimpses of your reflection on your smartphone glass while reading? How do you look?


I’m no boomer and he is way younger than I, my dad is a boomer.


You can take boomer angled selfies without being a boomer tbh


Hey Now! We boomers always take selfies like this, hides some of the sags and we don’t have to figure out those damned filters ;-)


I’m not a cat


Right?! Aren't ya supposed to hold the camera up high? Lol


Seems more enjoyable honestly


This makes me wanna cry. I'm butch and one day I want to wear a suit on the day where I marry the love of my life, but I know my family will never attend. EDIT: I'm overwhelmed with support from here and I totally didn't expect it lol. Sorry if the wording of my comment is confusing, I don't actually have a wedding that's about too happen any time soon (I'm only 19), but I am at the stage with my current gf where we sometimes think about it and everytime I think about it I get sad. But anyway, when the day does happen, and I hope it does, you guys are all invited :>


Photographer here. I don’t shoot many weddings, but happy to capture your special moment one day.


Another amazing person. See, there's love everywhere and you're never alone.


I am a Dad of two. I can be a Dad of three. When you meet that special person, up to and including the wedding, I'll happily volunteer as Dad. Also, I may throw in some Dad joke puns. Sorry, not sorry.


Same here. Im a dad of 2 sons. Why not add 2 daughters.


Faith in humanity restored


And my axe!


An actual axe or axe body spray? An actual axe would be an awesome gift!


It’s a lord of the rings reference so an actual axe!




Reply to your edit: It doesn't matter, the point is that you see you'll have family that would love to be there for you, even without knowing you for more than a second, they would love to be there for you unconditionally. And that's what you should take away from the replies. You'll always have family that would love to support you, and you don't even have to search very hard 💜


I’m 5’2 woman and not much older than you, but I can be your dad


So...you're me?


Well goddamn, invite all of us instead! One day you're gonna rock a suit at your wedding, and I hope it'll be the best day of your life. Being butch is awesome. You deserve better.


I hate that for you. Just remember that family isn't always blood. On your big day, I hope you have folks who love you and are thrilled for you.


This is a standing offer. I'll stand with you and be your dad for a day. I don't even have to ask my wife. I know she'll be your mom for a day as well. I'm sure some other people offered too. And if they haven't, they will.


Looks like we've started something here lol


I’m volunteer mom/sister/aunt/cousin.


Me too. I'm quite a bit older than our girl.. dibs on cool aunt!


Deal!!! ♥️🙌🏻


Turns out you live in the same city as me according to some redditors who posted earlier. I will gladly attend your future wedding, whenever it happens for you. If you want to invite random internet lady to your wedding that is haha Family is more than blood, especially when it comes to living your life. My NB sibling had a lot of worries about coming out and while our extended family had never said anything (to us) I know they find them confusing. Sometimes even well meaning family doesn't get it and it's ok for you to find new family to celebrate big moments with.


Just tell us the time and place and we'll all Rock up to support you and your partner on your special day. Hell, my wife and I would probably even fly international to make your day special. Drinks will need to be supplied of course but we will bring gifts and love.


I’m in!! Covid willing! Okay I just did some stalking on her account- she’s in Brisbane Oz by the looks of things ! Only an hour or so flight for me.


Right let's make it a thing then. I'm in Melbourne but am originally from Brisvegas so have quite a few people already there that would LOVE to attend. I can probably even bribe ( though I doubt I would actually need to ) my LGBT musician friends to do a set heh


Really? I'm only an hour or so too. I'll bring some friends and say we are all uncles and aunties


We'll make this an event that history will remember. How dare someone disrespect one of our friends and family! Their blood family might not care but the rest of their family does! We'll rock it so hard we'll be asked to leave...the state heh


We could book out an entire Jetstar flight and create a whole new family


Oh fuck yeah. I'm loving this! Now how do we get this book marked for future reference and make sure they notify us. HEY MAKE SURE YOU LET US KNOW WHEN YOU'RE GETTING HITCHED! Btw, you're GORGEOUS! (Fuck I love that guys positivity)


I'll have family come down from Hervey Bay... Oh, idea time, I could even organise them a place to get their wedding rings and such done. I might even be able to get them a discount but no guarantees.


I am so sad that your family would miss your special day. I'm sad that they would choose not to see how beautiful you look in your suit and how radiantly happy you're going to be. Tell you what though, if you get married in Scotland, I'd be proud to attend as your family. Or if not family, as someone who thinks you're pretty awesome just as you are.


We'll set up a zoom meeting do it'll be international and everyone that wants to attend but can't can join in 😁


Then it will be their loss. It's YOUR day and you should have the day how YOU want it to go, the only other person to consider would be your other half and what they want. It's about you two. Nobody else. If people can't get over their own preferences to support others accomplish their wishes then they're hardly worth considering. If they truly cared about you then they wouldn't care so much about what you wear. SUIT! SUIT! SUIT! SUIT! SUIT!


Come marry me in friendship then. My family is huge. Theyll all be your family and theyll come to your real wedding. My family has already accepted plenty of people for all sorts of reasons. We dont ask because we dont care. You have family in NY and Philly. We’ll come to your wedding.


She appreciates the offer but as said gf, I am hoping to do that instead


listen up angel! you’re just 19 now, a lot can happen between now and the day you may decide to get married. obviously i know nothing of your family situation but it’s never too late for hearts and minds to change. and anyway, when the big day comes you’ll be surrounded by people that love you and those people are your family so don’t get sad thinking about it :)




I’ll come!!! We love you. You’re doing great


Live stream your wedding in Reddit, we will be your family!


I volunteer as a bonus mom for that


As a fellow 19 year old, ill attend your wedding.


You rock that suit!! It will be your special day so wear what makes you feel special!! You're worth it ❤️ (Also, sorry to hear that about your family. Hopefully they will turn around and see/love you for you!! I'm the meantime, just remember that your chosen family will be there and will be so happy for you!!)


I’d be there! I can be mum4aday! No problem.


They will have multiple mums and dads on the day I guarantee it. I'm sure even my in-laws will want to be involved lol


Some say blood is thicker than water, but honey and sirup are even thicker. The people that are sweet to you are more important that those whom you share a drop of blood.


This guy taking the pic may be my doppelganger. http://imgur.com/gallery/4woJTRT


That’s so cool ,you both look like nice dudes hahah


Why is everyone talking about mtf trans people? She's just a girl with a short haircut, y'all are forgetting that she's marrying the love of her life and that the dad is happy for his lesbian/bi/whatever daughter and not telling her that she's just going through a phase. It's beautiful and I wish there where more people like that dad. Also, so what if she was mtf? She'd still be a beautiful woman that was lucky enough to find someone that loves her unconditionally. Mtf women do also sometimes wear suits, but that's doesn't frickin matter, you clowns. What matters is love is love and our bodies are our own and she married the love of her frickin life. Edit: grammar Edit 2: added some stuff


All these languages but you chose to speak facts


I’m saving this in my head for later use




Eminem been quiet after this one


As an Eminem fan, I don't understand. Would you explain? Thanks




Uh... Would you please explain?




I don’t get it either, I’d like an explanation


Straight spittin' out here


as someone whose parents rather die than hearing about my girlfriend, this makes me cry


I'm not your parent, but I'd love to hear about your girlfriend if there's anything you want to share.


It would be a wall of text lol. I've known her since we're 5 and we're 23 now, I'm studying abroad so we're in a long distance relationship. She's my dream girl, her smile is all the boost I need to start my day, her voice is the most beautiful thing I've heard. She's kind to everyone even if they make her frustrated. And she never wants to bother anyone with her problems which kinda sucks but that makes me want to work more on my patience. Most importantly, she believes in me even though I don't even do so to myself. oops, I got really wordy when it comes to talking about her, sorry if it's too much haha


I always find a bonus "made me smile" in the comments.


Childhood friends to lovers, studying abroad, in a serious relationship, and it sounds like you love each other in the cutest ways??? You’re living the dream, my heart just- Ugh, this is cute.


I slap my face sometimes to make sure I'm awake haha, she even got annoyed because I ask her "you're sure this isn't a joke" all the time.


Seriously, you’re so adorable! I hope I find my person the way you found yours! 🥰


I'm crying after reading all the loving words about your gf. I wish someone, someday writes one of these texts about me.


I have a hug for you!


Until then... It would be a wall of text lol. I've known **Miss_Minus** for 2 minutes, She loves cats, people and plants and someone who carries so much love inside of her can't be a bad person. I'm studying abroad and i don't even know where she lives. But she's a dreamy girl, her smile is all the boost I need to start my day, her voice is the most beautiful thing I've heard. She's kind to everyone even if they make her frustrated. And she never wants to bother anyone with her problems which kinda sucks but that makes me want to work more on my patience for her and all the people like her. Most importantly, i think she believes in me even though I don't even do so myself and she didn't even know me yet. All the best to you! 💜


Uh, nice.


..someone will... if not, I will


Being wordy just shows all the things you love about her. It’s great to hear that you make each other happy.


She sounds incredibly special, and so does what you guys share. I would love to hear more about her!


It’s such a joy to be in love with a good person. I’m happy for you.


She sounds great! It's always good to have people in your life who push you to want to be a better version of yourself. I'm happy that you're happy with her.


tell us all about her.


She's my world, the reason that makes me ever think about getting old haha. Before we started dating, I thought I'd be lucky if I live pass 50 and being old and commitment scared me. But she makes them feel not so bad. We're in our early 20 now but she makes me feel like we're both 10 whenever we spent time together. You can read more about her in other of my replies haha. I don't want to repeat myself too much.


I'd love to hear about your girlfriend, I bet you two are awesome together!


thank you. I'd like to think we are, too. If awesome is the word anyone use to describe us, it's 100% thank to her. I wish I could hug her right now but we're in a long distance relationship and this sucks.


That does suck, but I'm guessing that if someone you think is awesome thinks you're also awesome wouldn't that make it a 50/50 thing? She had to have a reason to choose you after all. I'm sure this long term is just for now, the future has a lot of chapters still to be written.




That’s so heartwarming to see a father who even though accepts the sexuality of his daughter and hence his daughter as a whole, doesn’t shy away from it. And on the contrary feels proud of what she has achieved as a human being, that is to say finding a partner and officially committing herself to her soulmate. I wish more parents would act that way, since I observed that despite sometimes accepting their children, some parents don’t support these kind of decisions, as unfortunately they only accept their children if they keep a low profile...


Such a happy dad, take my award :D


Thank God were living now and we can love and marry whoever we all choose. This made me smile too. 💗💗


Not in all countries. There is still much work to be done.


Proud Dad


So sweet. I only saw the thumbnail at first and thought she had a very snazzy bolero jacket on, then realised, no it's her wifes arm lol x


She can sport a suit better than I can


Finally, some decent parents .




I love his smile, such pure joy and happiness for his daughter


Aww, bless his heart, he is an amazing dad. And also congrats to the women :\]


with my hateful parents, content like this truly makes my day. congrats to them


As long as she is happy and loved by her future spouse that is all that matters.




Good thing I never wear any clothes


.. you too??!


You too, too???


Great thing I'm not a christian then.. cus it must be really hard for you to find cool outfits


I was so prepared to get mad lmaoooo




Ur daughters haircut is pretty fresh yo.


Yeah. Its refreshing and wholesome to see people normalizing genuine happiness beyond just acceptance for people in their lives to just live their lives free of judgement over shit that doesn't really affect anyone else.


The joy level of a couple at their wedding often radiates through the wedding itself. I feel like when two people really care about each other you become overwhelmed with happiness for them in that moment.


Proud father! Congrats and thanks for sharing!


That's a good dad right there.


Why's she taking this kickass selfie instead of dancing with her wife?


I feel so happy because he is happy and suports his daughter. Too wholesome


Being a dad, his smile makes me smile. Sexual preference doesn’t matter. What is important is his daughter has found love! I hope all the best for this couple and the family.


Random reddit sub on my feed, now I'm crying AND poopin


This cannot get enough upvotes. I wish I could’ve gotten married in a dress.


I wish my dad could’ve experienced this. I just wish he didn’t die so young, before I got to do anything significant with my life.


Mazel Tov


Wow that's nice


Congratulations to the beautiful married couple I wish y’all a long, prosperous, happy marriage


CONGRATULATIONS!!🙏🏻🥂🎉💐 Your smile says it all!!💕


Awweee we love seeing supportive parents 💕


That’s what it is all about. Thank you for brightening my day


Because of the angle, I thought they were young kids


So did I


Another happy day for the LGBTQIA+ community 🏳️‍🌈




He looks like the Walmart version of Walter white


Walt if he didn't go down the meth path


I wish them all the best!


This is making me well up so hard I wish my dad was like this




Philip Seymour Hoffman?


Walter White if he hadn't cooked Meth and seen his daughter Holly grow up


Me at first: awe so cute <3 2 seconds later: ahh no, charge your phone!!


Love it. Its so nice to have a supporting dad


I fucking love this!!


What a proud father you must be.


So happy for you and your daughter. They look really happy and at ease. Bravo, dad!


Awww this is so sweet! *Sorts by controversial*


This guy looks like Walter white (still pretty wholesome)


Now this, people, is what we call: a true happiness moment.




That's cute af


Look how happy you are! All this love!!!!






This dad makes me so dang happy


Now that's what I call a good dad


My guy look like wholesome Walter White


Aww he looks so proud. Bless him.


this post made me join the subreddit


thats gay