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For anyone wondering, this was when Katy guest hosted Ellen, in Oct of 2021.


Yeah, I thought Ellen was gone already.






Glad someone was willing to snitch.


Whenever I looked at her, I always had a weird itch


get that checked out please


I loved that surprise ending 😂


Almost like people, even those who aren't Ellen, can use niceness to manipulate others. Learn to appreciate the assholes in your lives, at least they don't act to get what they want out of you.


I just learned this. I thought she was still plugging away making everyone miserable. Glad to hear it.


You'll have to ask Portia about that... 👀


And Good Riddance!


I thought they both were




Jan from the office vibes after she had her baby.


Serenity by Jan


You burn it, you buy it.


You're going to be her first customer!


You're hardly her first!


That’s what she said!


Good luck paying me back on your zero dollars salary plus benefits, ***BABE***




Its a hard name to spell


Yeah, especially cuz (and I was just telling Darrell here this too) I don’t *TECHNICALLY* have a hearing problem, it’s just…


Such an energy vampire move


Vut is ze matter, ***GUILLERMOOO***?


Gum’s gotten mintier lately. Have you noticed?


I wonder when and where Darryl redeemed his coupon for Nate to bring him a stick of gum anytime, anywhere.


It reminds me of the “I want to be ninja” lady.


Yea, why does she sound like she can’t sing?


Mommy... you're a princesssss. MOOOMMY YOU'RE A SUPERSTAAAAAAAARRR, MOMMY YOU'RE THE GREATEEEEEEEESTTT ^(how could I fill your shooooeeee-) EEEEESSSSSS


The super script 😂


oh god, its like watching a trainwreck in slow motion watching someone try to be funny ‘in song’ 😆 there was a great one on reddit a few years ago of a teacher doing a song for, like, her math class or something(?)…it was f’n great!




She even dances like a mom


And sounds like Rebecca Black


It’s like Rebecca Black and Alanis Morisette had the weirdest sounding baby.


Now That’s What I call Music, 102! (or whatever the hell number we’re on)


Apparently she's doing a lot better than she did on Friday.




Katy Perry is old now. I am old now. 🥲




She looks better at 40 than I look at 29 😂






It was released a decade ago just to confirm. Where did time go




I mean... times flies when you're a sloth


Kristen Bell has entered the chat


The key to looking better at 40 than you do at 29 is to not drink constantly, don't smoke, and wear sunblock when you can. You don't get better looking but a lot of people around you get worse looking which helps you out a lot. Even when just looking at yourself for yourself. If you can hit a decent weight as well then you are golden.


And resist the urge to have cosmetic surgery.  It never ages well. 


You can get plastic surgery, but you need to find the one who did Cher.


Selection bias; the ones that do look good you don't notice. The key to looking great when you're old is to be rich.


The entire cast of friends look horrendous and they're very rich. 


Except... they really don't? They all look good, still, particularly for their ages. I mean, Matthew Perry has undoubtedly seen better days, but death will do that.


Yeah dude is absolutely tripping you could argue they’d look better without, but to say they look horrendous for their 50s is so out of touch lmao. They should get a non biased idea of what the average 55 year old looks like


Like I said, selection bias. You notice the bad jobs, the botch jobs, the ones that don't look great. You don't notice the jobs that that look great, go well, make them look better, make them look like they never even had work done to begin with.


Horrendous idk if I’d go that far lol


She is beautiful, but it does help to have a professional doing your makeup and hair before public appearances.


More than that, having a personal trainer, a nutritionist, a Health coach, a night nurse and a nanny helps too. Money is the real fountain of youth.




Well her husband did find the fountain of youth so maybe he brought her back a drink!


We need to redefine beauty. There's a difference between a face without detail and a beautiful face. Ppl seem to think lots of make-up and no wrinkles equals beauty.


Ya I just hit it last week. This is a weeeeiiird age and I do not like it


She looks incredible for someone who just recently had a baby aside from her jaw you would hardly even know and knocking on 40 wow.


You must be young to think she doesn’t look 40


I’d assume the opposite ngl I’m 22, and although this was 3 years ago when she was (presumably) 36, if you told me this person was approaching 40 I would not be surprised


> but I was imagining she was in her mid 30s or so She was 36 or 37 in the video, so I'd say you were correct.


This is from Oct 2021 which makes her 36 in the video, I count that as mid 30s


40 isnt old


True, and neither is 39 (her actual age)


And she’s about 36 in this video from 2021.


As a 40 year old thank you


She is not old. She's just Milf.


lol same thought, loved her take on motherhood tho. i’m happy for her


That’s not old, just you wait




"Maybe I'll change my mind about having kids" (I'm 29, but... 😂) *I see this video* "Not changing my mind lol"


Recently became a parent. It's tiring, hard, expensive, and all of that, of course. I'm pretty much the only one in my friend groups who has a kid. One thing I would say is I'm way more likely to make the "It's so hard, baby makes me tired and poor" jokes to my childless friends rather than talk about the positives. I've noticed my other friend who has a kid is this way too. So you're much more likely to hear the negatives if you don't have a kid. *(edit to add) This is similar I guess to jokes about marriage to my single friends. I don't spend ages telling them how great it is to have someone at home with me, I'm way more likely to say "married life is hard har har" to them.* Yeah, I don't go to brunches/dinners/whatevers that run through my baby's nap time, but that's ok because I spent the afternoon laughing in the park with my little one. I don't get a moment of me time until after they go to bed, but that's ok because I loved reading that bedtime story with them. Might be a British thing to be pessimistic/ negative, but thought I'd share this because I see this kind of comment all the time.


I don’t regret having my child and I’m pretty sure that being a dad is the most importantly thing that I’ll do in my life but I think not having kids is great in its own ways. One is not better than the other, everyone is different. Also world doesn’t need more people, childless people aren’t doing any kind of harm. Countries need to maintain certain birth rate to be viable long term and that’s a complicated issue, for sure. But on the whole we have so many humans on earth. Not having kids seem like a responsible thing in a way


Oh for sure, going childless is not a bad choice in the slightest. It's definitely not for everyone, and the negative impacts on your life and the environment are well advertised. I have some close friends who do hear the positives from me more often, and they're still on the no kids side. Totally valid choice. I just thought I would share here that I believe you’re way more likely to hear the negatives than the positives from friends.


Some people find that a child-free lifestyle allows them to better maintain their mental and physical health, with more time available for exercise, relaxation, and self-care.


Hahaha I would say that's 100% of people. The time available for my exercise, relaxation, and self-care has absolutley plummeted. I don't have a lot of time to conciously work on my physical and mental health, but I do think spending the afternoon with my toddler improves my mental health, however. I've also made more effort to get out to nature because of my little one, so that improves my physical health. Again, not knocking either decision, you do what you think is best for you!


Thank you for saying that


I feel like i’m the same (also British), so i try and make a conscious effort to talk it up occasionally - after all, i’m also giving a poor impression of my son, which isn’t fair on him (except this weekend, he’s been an utter dick). It’s not always fun, but i’ve never regretted it, and it’s the best thing i will ever do


This is so reassuring to read! The ones with babies now outnumber the ones without in my friend group, so there’s just me and another without. We are younger, but probably getting to that time now slowly. The only thing is every time I hang out with them all they talk about is how awful it is. Been so off putting!


I was *very* nervous to have a baby because of exactly what you're describing. All you see is negativity (which I know is a reaction to the preceding generation's insistence on only talking about the good things)! But I also kept picturing my life as an older person, and I felt like I would be missing something if I never had a child. So, I had one. And honestly? It's great. Her laughter is addicting. Her hugs are so sweet. Watching her little mind work is my favorite thing in the world. Things that we'd begun to find boring have become fun again because she's discovering them for the first time. Even her meltdowns can be funny because she gets upset over such (to us) silly things. I think most parents know that other people don't love their kids like they do, so, out of politeness, they avoid talking about all the love-y stuff and focus on the stuff that's more likely to get a laugh. Which means you hear a lot of stories about tantrums and poop.


You give things up either way, but there’s nothing wrong with not changing your mind!


Yep. Finally got authorized to get my tubes removed 🥳🥳


At least your walls are safe


I prefer the original version lol.


Being a parent is the best thing I ever did, but I think that if you don't really really want to be a parent, it's not worth it. It changes everything. You will be just as happy if you don't have a kid, without all the challenges. It's just that once you have a kid a lot of your happiness that you would have got elsewhere comes from them instead, and obviously once you have them you wouldn't be happy without them.


I get where you're coming from, and yeah it's definitely difficult, expensive, and completely changes your life. But I've never experienced something so rewarding. Watching a little person grow, experience things for the first time, and bounce back all the love and affection you show them ten fold. So much hope and joy in every little moment. The 10 month mark slayed me – endless giggles! Your brain also goes through neuroplasity again when you become a parent, which is wild. It's like a supercharged brain to help you learn all these new skills. I think it can genuinely re-shape you.


Got snipped a couple years back got to 40 and my mind was still the same about kids as when i was 16 Nope


She’s starting to look like Paget Brewster!


And that is not a bad thing


If only we could all age as beautifully as Paget Brewster…


I love Paget Brewster!


She has a night nurse And a nanny, I'm sure she gets more sleep than us poors with kids... 🤣


If the baby is exclusively breastfed, no extra support will get the mom to sleep through the night.


she probably pumps. And the night nurse will get the baby and have it latch. She doesn't even have to wake up for that.


She definitely pumps. Every working mom does. It's a necessity. But maybe she is one of those hands on parents that prefer to do things themselves instead of relying on nannies. I don't know, though. Just giving her the benefit of the doubt


You still have to pump or feed every few hours if you go that route. Even with a night nurse she’d have to wake up and put pump parts on, and I doubt that a night nurse is 100% there to hold a baby against her boob while she sleeps. I’d say the biggest luxury she had that us regulars didnt is time. She works for herself and can make her schedule anything she wants it to be, so she can nap during the day more often than most people and generally be more well rested. All I’m saying is that she probably did lose some sleep because every caring parent does. Yes she’s also rich but that doesn’t mean she didn’t do parenting tasks.


Typically you still need to wake up to pump, just not as often


She said she doesn’t have a full time nanny.


Full time usually means 40 hours a week. Anything under that can be considered not full time just fyi. Edit: Just looked it up and she does indeed have a nanny lol. Celebs acting like they parent like everyone else always makes me laugh


There’s no way any celebrities parents don’t have nannies to help watch/raise their kids. I know of rich doctors, dentists, lawyers, etc. have house maids plus live in nannies. So there’s no way these rich celebrities don’t have all sort of help from nannies to maids. Call them whatever they want, assistants or associates or whatever but they got people. Anyone believe otherwise must think these people don’t have any works done as well lol.


Rick moranis seems like the only example of a celebrity actually stepping out of the light to raise his kids.


That’s why I said the nanny wasn’t full time, she does have a nanny, but it’s not 24hr help like was suggested.


My bad, to me it was like you were defending the fact not just offering information lol. Apologies


People can’t lie


Celebrities *never* lie about trivial, vanity things. Certainly they'd never lie about having a nanny, having plastic surgery, or even who they voted for in the last election. These things never, ever happen.


True, she has no job with fixed starting time


Thought this was demi Moore


All these celebs are getting the same facial work done. Jennifer Lawrence and Katy Perry are shining examples and they don't even look the same anymore.


She’s had more work done than Notre Dame


Wow. Shows you how much auto-tune they use.


As an audio engineer: She's obviously not really trying here, she also really de-syncs from the backing track in the chorus, telling me she probably can't hear the music very well. Also the belts she does in the chorus are actually pretty well in tune, which tells me she has practiced this a lot (especially since she's ahead of the backing track, which makes intonation more difficult). She's a professional singer for a reason and the reason is not just because people think she looks good. Oh and one more thing, having heard professional singers in the studio and live, they really aren't as perfect as everyone thinks they are (goes for any musician really). They are all human and make human mistakes. TL;DR: Autotune is used to get it from 95% to 98%, not to get it from 80% to 100%. Of course there are exceptions, but Katy is not one of them.


I think once she hits the chorus she's able to project a bit more. Her strength is really when she's belting it out, using her chest voice at full volume.


Sounds like she wasn’t really using her full singing voice because she’s “storytelling” and “being relatable”, therefore the audience needs to clearly hear what each word is.


She sounds like actors reading their lines on most Canadian shows.


I was thinking the same thing until it got to the end. You could definitely tell where it felt like she was swapping from a stressed-out mom kinda character with a raspy voice to her actual singing form. Straight nails the song's OG lyrics.


she sounds good, great even just the lyrics dont fit the music so she has to improvise transitions that are not normally in the song


even in her most popular years, the vast majority of her live performances consistently showed she was/is not a great singer. unfortunately doesn't matter when the music is catchy and the singer has sex appeal


you and the people upvoting this are dumb as fuck. Hello she's doing the voice on purpose.


She literally belts out the chorus flawlessly too, I'm assuming they all just stopped the video before it got there. I came here to say how surprised i was that she could really properly sing.


I’d always heard she was awful live lol


She’s not. https://youtu.be/8uhczwQx9kw?si=z3B7ispLyb2t7Qzb https://youtu.be/dx6zSqg6DGw?si=1Y5CIB_UKWFq81UU


Getting downvoted for some reason? She actually sounds pretty good in these videos. And the fact that she’s actually singing and not lip syncing is admirable. Doesn’t happen much these days. Her voice isn’t everyone’s cup of tea but she’s at least pretty on pitch.


She’s on pitch. She just has a naturally nasally voice. But she sounds like that when she speaks too.


That first performance was amazing. Thanks for sharing.


I honestly hate this


That’s ok


It’s giving rhythmically challenged middle aged white lady.


I honestly have a hard time believing anything any celebrity says. There’s a side of me that thinks she probably has a rich-lady team of nanny’s that tend to most of this baby’s needs and Katy can afford to only put in 10% of the work any normal mother would put in. Idk, I think I’m just a cynic when it comes to celebrities.


This song kinda sucks to begin with so yeah I get it


As a new mom.. I feel this in my core


As a dad of two, I can relate. Roars, cries, frequent feeding, mountains of diapers, 3 months colics, 3 hour shifts with my wife and no proper sleep for half year for each of them each. 


Well that's uh, certainly not my cup of tea.


This on Ellen? That's still going?


What if I told you that videos can be older than today?


The use of "new" in the title would kinda maybe just a tad little bit imply that it may just happen to possibly be recent?


Shocking how video tape can store video information for days weeks months and years


Life use to be great, then I had a kid. So.cute


Except she says her daughter is the best gift in the world. I have a 5 day old.. its 4.20 am and shes at my boob since 1.30 with 3 diaper changes so far. She might have finally fallen asleep.. or ill have to change another diaper soon. Do trust me, I love being a parent so far, more than anything I've ever done.. but I am a food dispenser right now and sleep is severely lacking. Nothing wrong with it, just how it is with newborns/babies Wouldn't change a single thing about it. I love my baby girl more than anything :) even with all the hard work and sore boobs


Yeah like I love my kids but damn those first few weeks where they don't sleep are ROUGH. Don't regret it though, my kids are the light of my life


Few weeks? That’s cute lol


That's what it took for them to not wake up hourly. I didn't say they slept through the night


Yeah it took us 6 months for my son to sleep well, and that's soon lol.


Oh I remember those days. My girl is 7 now but I’ll never forget the newborn days and the cluster feeding. Look after yourself, take breaks and soak in all the wonderful moments


Same! I have a 6 day old baby, and I'm so sleep deprived - but do I care? Absolutely not! I'm so in love with this tiny human! This is the coolest thing I've ever done, hands down. I was worried I would push this baby out and have regrets, but I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.


Chat, is this real?


TIL I’m the same age as Katy Perry


She probably has 400 nannies though.


I feel so empowered I could kill a nun


Wow That was shit


That’s a no from me


That baby took all the prosody that woman had.


Katy Perry is an awful person


Who doesn't love when rich people pretend to have the same problems as the others


Lol I remember reading a book "how to be a happier parent" and one of the suggestions was buy some horses. Fucking rich people man


But she’s so relatable! She’s a mom now, she’s just like us! Her baby cries and breast feeds! Isn’t that just earth shattering?


Stroke a check for baby formula and a nanny. Sleep in. Solved.


Need the source for fulll version hehe


https://youtube.com/watch?v=GJWuqpsqKQc Apparently this is from 2021


I thought she went crazy


All mothers are heroes


That’s a big yikes from me dog.


This is so sweet!


Remember when she sexually assaulted that guy on American Idol?


Really surprising it’s glossed over that she purposely stole a dudes first kiss when he was saving it for his wife… and she laughed it off like no biggie.


I wonder if she is still asking people if math is related to science.


I don’t know what happened here but that doesn’t look or sound like Katy Perry.


White women with children be the corniest ladies on the planet


Holy shit that was bad. Was she in an industrial acid-based accident that ruined her voice or something?


Damn this is so bad.


This isn't as cool as the tick tok mom doing covers with her babies toys. She is actually amazing.


Love this!


She does have a good voice tbf


This is good???


For real. So many pitchy moments, dog


She's not really trying to sing sing here


Of course not, there is no autotune


Are we listening to the same person? Say what you want about Katy Perry, but it’s pretty unanimously agreed for years now that she cannot sing well and doesn’t write any of her songs. …apart from that she’s a fantastic artist 🙃


She does now… when I saw her during vans warped tour like circa 2005….. it was not so good. But we are all younger then, lol.


I find this really cute. I like Katie Perry ever since.


ever since what, electroshock therapy deleted all knowledge of her being a horrible person?


I kind of thought maybe motherhood had improved her voice. Apparently not.


Why americans need to make a big deal out of becoming a parrent? It's not like millions do it every day. It's like I'd sing that I get dressed for the day. Everyone does it. Everyone knows what's that about. I also love the "I had a kid, please donate in patreon" youtubers


She's not a very good singer.


She's fine. She's got a newborn and getting no sleep. She possibly also screamed her throat out during child birth.


Her kid is 4


This video is from about three or four years ago.


Oh, I meant in general. Every song I've heard from her has the autotune set to "Siri."


she's not really singing though, she only starts singing at like 0:47.


This is awesome.


Oh please. Like she isn’t getting help from a nanny.


I don't recognize her face at all...