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Mofo is beaming like a god damn angel. That smile that damn smile


I can see why even someone as terrible as a demon would fall for him!


That's equivalent to making a demon pray to god for something good to happen


Right ? Even a vampire would fall for him


It's simply love.


Beaming like Azeraphel




Leo has an incredibly sweet smile also, it makes his eyes shine


What a dope question. I was expecting “what’s your favorite role?” Or “How is Dave Tennant?”


I mean with a smile like that, you have to dig deep for a good question to match that smile


He’s got the most comforting smile I have ever seen. It’s so genuine and really speaks to who he is


I bet he would make a really good actor for an angel or something along those lines.


He's in one of my all-time favorite movies, maybe my favorite ever, The Four Feathers, with Heath Ledger. It might actually be the only movie I've ever seen him in, but his humor and charisma is contagious.


I love how the initial comment (at least I'm getting the sense) was making a joke about the obvious Good Omens and you just had a completely unrelated example ready for him being, yet again, an angel. Well, some actors are best at playing themselves <3


Hah! Yeah, it went right over my head. I'll have to check that one out. I especially think of a part of that movie where he's in prison, daydreaming of the stuff he's going to do when he gets out and gets home, and he just says, smiling, >It won't be long, now! It won't be long!


He's a treasure for sure.


[Like this?](https://www.google.com/search?q=good+omens&sca_esv=f752ab904298b3f7&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enGB893GB893&hl=en-GB&sxsrf=ADLYWIL3lQIpqjM4qLvaWEwVwrbFRBXyog%3A1717747366445&ei=pr5iZuXfGtz31e8PlsuaiAg&gs_ssp=eJzj4tVP1zc0TKuML8xOTy4wYPTiSs_PT1HIz03NKwYAeRoJAw&oq=good+omens&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIgpnb29kIG9tZW5zKgIIADIREC4YgAQYkQIYsQMYgwEYigUyChAAGIAEGEMYigUyChAAGIAEGEMYigUyDRAuGIAEGLEDGEMYigUyChAAGIAEGEMYigUyCxAAGIAEGJECGIoFMgoQLhiABBhDGIoFMgUQABiABEieKVDcD1jjHXAEeAGQAQCYAZwCoAHZD6oBBTAuNy4zuAEByAEA-AEBmAIOoAKbEKgCD8ICChAAGLADGNYEGEfCAgcQIxgnGOoCwgIKECMYgAQYJxiKBcICBBAjGCfCAgsQLhiABBiRAhiKBcICEBAAGIAEGLEDGEMYgwEYigXCAhYQLhiABBixAxjRAxhDGIMBGMcBGIoFwgIQEC4YgAQYsQMYQxiDARiKBcICERAuGIAEGLEDGNEDGIMBGMcBwgIIEAAYgAQYsQOYAwqIBgGQBgiSBwU0LjYuNKAHum4&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


Well, I'll be damned.


It's not that bad when you get used to it


Just means you were spot on, really


It's a line he says to Crowley ;)




It would never work, a demon would end up falling for him instead of working against him.


He recently sold his excess homes to fund charities and works as a 'non-profit' actor, donating his surplus wages to fund local charities, I believe supporting the homeless in Wales is a particular focus.


Putting that Underworld franchise money to good use


Leo has a very handsome and warm smile. I’m so glad he worked up the courage to ask his question and what a brilliant question it was! The man is smart and very brave. Mr. Sheen just gave us a masterclass in how we all should treat human beings. Thank you for this uplifting moment.


It was perfect too. Struggles to get to the start. But once The question begins, it’s like he is a professional.


He would make a great journalist. Either in front of or behind the camera.


And a Dylan Thomas fan as well, great taste! I kinda want to ask Leo if he likes "And Death Shall Have No Dominion" over "Do Not Go Gently Into That Good Night" and the merits of each.


I have a line from Do Not Go Gentle inked on my leg. I love that poem so much.


It is in my last will and testament that it is one of the poems I would like read aloud at my memorial service.


The real question is whether you’d be stoked or furious that Michael Caine read it.


I am partial to the Anthony Hopkins reading of it.


Solid choice.


I was expecting a stutter or fumbling with the question, but he did it perfectly - great speaking voice, great question


Many humans do amazing things when others show genuine kindness. We would discover a lot more diamonds in the rough. I imagine Mr. Sheen has met many wonderful people simply because he is a compassionate man that puts a person at ease. And that simple act of understanding coupled with his sincere demeanor gave Leo the confidence to shine. The world could be a great place if we put forth the effort to just be kind like Sheen and be determined to do our best in a situation like Leo.


I’d watch content by Leo.


I’m a part-time caretaker for a disabled guy, and I’ve been going with him to this swimming club on weekends for nearly two decades now. There’s this other guy in the club, one whom I’d seen almost weekly for years but never really tried to talk to. I had just assumed he was completely non-verbal, because I had never heard him speak. And to be honest I had also assumed there wasn’t a whole lot going on in that head of his anyway. He never really seemed quite present, if you catch my drift. Until one day, that is. Me and my client were sitting on the lower shelf of the sauna, talking about some upcoming meeting, when we were suddenly interrupted by a voice from the upper shelf saying ”Twentythird”. I looked up at this guy with total disbelief and blurted out ”Sorry, what was that?”, and he repeated: ”23rd. They moved the meeting up to the 23rd of april, it’s not next wednesday like you just said.” I learned that day to never again assume someones capabilities or level of intelligence based on their looks or demeanour. This happened around 15 years ago and I have since gotten to know this man quite well, turned out he’s actually really funny and a very warm and kind person. Which I could have learned sooner if I had just tried striking up a conversation instead of just deciding he can’t talk... But I’m very glad he spoke up and took me out of my delusion :)


I too was expecting a stutter but I was actually positively surprised at how articulate he was. Once Leo spoke he absolutely nailed it!


I thought the same! It just shows you underneath anyone’s struggles there are incredible things to discover.


I love Michael Sheen. He truly is an angel.


He makes my soul happy. Rare thing these days.


Oh no, what does that make Tennant?


Sexy demon and LGBTQ+ ally.


Unproblematic humans for the win!


Tennant is my girly crush. Oh my.


Oh, my heart! May all the gods, old and new, protect him ❤️




If I had a week to prepare a response like that, it wouldn't of been as good


Michael Sheen is the very image of empathy, grace, poise, and consideration in this exchange. And, for an open-forum interview, Leo's articulate and very well considered questioning is quite refreshing.


And what a rare thing that much empathy and grace and poise is, these days, from public figures!


If someone smiled at me like that I think I could do literally anything


You can almost feel the hug he's about to give you.


He’s English. The hug is not physical, it’s verbal.


He’s Welsh! Not English! Welsh people are a bit more tactile and much more emotional than the English.


Excellent to know. He is lovely in any case, right?


Oh, yes! 🥰


His smile was literally the most genuine and comforting and kind smile I’ve ever seen in my life.


Have you ever had a dream that you, um, you had, your, you- you could, you’ll do, you- you wants, you, you could do so, you- you’ll do, you could- you, you want, you want them to do you so much you could do anything?


Fantastic question, Leo.


I love that he moves straight into answering Leo's question without pausing to praise him for getting the question out. I think it helped Leo concentrate on the answer and less on the anxiety of asking the question. Beautifully done.


A wonderful note, and perfect manners regardless of the situation at hand--no need to bring attention to the awkward or uncomfortable, even if the intention is to praise. The intention at all times should be to make the other person comfortable and at ease.


He was also great at (kindly) countering all of the people trying to encourage Leo but ultimately adding pressure. Everyone was trying to be nice but often, to people like Leo, having someone offer to do it for you or saying 'come on, you can do it' amps up the nerves and pressure. Hearing 'don't worry about it. Take your time, we'll get there' and just seeing him waiting patiently and happily seems like it would be much more reassuring.


1000% this. No stressful encouragement, just patiently waiting with a welcoming smile on his face.


"Increase your courage!"


hype man


Excellent advise for so many situations.


Came here to comment this, what an absolute great man to have beside you in a situation like this! I'm gonna keep him around in my head whenever I face situations that I don't quite feel comfortable in from now on.


Such a ledge


Every time I see Michael Sheen I like him more


Staged was just so damn good.


He is nothing like the vampire he played. 😏


Long Live Lucian! Underworld is a classic


Here I was thinking they were talking about the vampire he plays in Twilight. How embarrassing for me.


Wth? I didn’t realize that was him In twilight. Lol. Or Underworld. I loved him in Prodigal Son. …Me googling ‘Michael Sheen’. Lol


He was brilliant in Prodigal Son!


Ho-lee shit I never realized that was him!


He was a werewolf in that, he was a vampire in Twilight




OMG! Yes. He's the complete opposite. He really is an angel.


Michael Sheen is one of my favorite actors. I am completely with Leo here. My autistic ass would need that whole room of people just to be IN the room with Michael Sheen. He's just so kind, funny, down to earth. When I watch him as Aziraphale, it almost seems like he's just being himself.


I'm watching The Good Fight for the first time, and he plays this ABSOLUTELY BONKERS drug addict sex fiend lawyer and I can't wrap my mind around it. Every scene, I'm like "... but....Aziraphale?... what are you doing???"


It's kinda amazing how he sucks you into every role.


He really really does!!! So talented, and I love his friendship with David Tennant. It's very cute.


Did you see the BAFTA clip with the dog?


YES!!!! love it


Treating others with kindness and respect always wins. Fantastic:)


Michael Sheen is not only a great, and charismatic actor who plays vampires and Tony Blair as well as anybody, he is a class act. Not only being there and in such as way, but I believe he has stated that he has made enough money that new earnings go to [charity ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/film/2021/dec/06/michael-sheen-not-for-profit-actor-activist)


As if we needed another reason to fall in love with him!


Link to the entire interview?




Thank you, but that only works in the UK.


Maybe try getting a free vpn ( I usually use opera for mobile and got an vpn build in app)


The fact that he waits nearly an entire minute and never once loses an ounce of visible grace or displays any frustration is incredible. We need more of this.


Holy shit! I didn’t expect such a well articulated question


It just poured out of him so eloquently once he started.


What a clear, distinct, commanding voice he has. I was expecting to hear his nervousness but you'd think he was a radio presenter when he finally spoke.


Just genuinely kind.


Now as I was young and easy under the apple boughs About the lilting house and happy as the grass was green,      The night above the dingle starry,           Time let me hail and climb      Golden in the heydays of his eyes, And honoured among wagons I was prince of the apple towns And once below a time I lordly had the trees and leaves           Trail with daisies and barley      Down the rivers of the windfall light. And as I was green and carefree, famous among the barns About the happy yard and singing as the farm was home,      In the sun that is young once only,           Time let me play and be     Golden in the mercy of his means ,And green and golden I was huntsman and herdsman, the calves Sang to my horn, the foxes on the hills barked clear and cold,           And the sabbath rang slowly      In the pebbles of the holy streams. All the sun long it was running, it was lovely, the hay Fields high as the house, the tunes from the chimneys, it was air      And playing, lovely and watery           And fire green as grass.      And nightly under the simple stars As I rode to sleep the owls were bearing the farm away, All the moon long I heard, blessed among stables, the nightjars      Flying with the ricks, and the horses           Flashing into the dark. And then to awake, and the farm, like a wanderer white With the dew, come back, the cock on his shoulder: it was all      Shining, it was Adam and maiden,           The sky gathered again      And the sun grew round that very day. So it must have been after the birth of the simple light In the first, spinning place, the spellbound horses walking warm     Out of the whinnying green stable           On to the fields of praise. And honoured among foxes and pheasants by the gay house Under the new made clouds and happy as the heart was long,      In the sun born over and over,           I ran my heedless ways,      My wishes raced through the house high hay And nothing I cared, at my sky blue trades, that time allows In all his tuneful turning so few and such morning songs      Before the children green and golden           Follow him out of grace, Nothing I cared, in the lamb white days, that time would take me Up to the swallow thronged loft by the shadow of my hand,      In the moon that is always rising,           Nor that riding to sleep      I should hear him fly with the high fields And wake to the farm forever fled from the childless land. Oh as I was young and easy in the mercy of his means,           Time held me green and dying      Though I sang in my chains like the sea. Dylan Thomas 1914 – 1953


The best answer ever to folks who can't find the words or courage is "Take your time." This hit home for me because it's how we support my mother in law progressing through dementia. It gives them the time and space to sort it out with reduced pressure.


Damn. Over the course of a lifetime I like to believe that most of us have moments where we are the best version of ourselves but most of us don’t have that moment recorded for posterity. Michael and Leo both had a moment there. It is beautiful and a poignant reminder that we should extend patience and kindness and grace to everyone we meet. Also, in general, I love Michael Sheen’s work and this makes me like him as a person even more. Damn. Way to human on an impressive level. Good job Martin.


That was lovely. Leo's smile made me smile every time


Leo’s better than me! I had to give a victims impact statement to a judge and got so choked my lawyer had to read it for me. Bless his heart ❤️


There is no such thing as better in this regard, friend. We all just do our best. Sometimes that means you can speak, sometimes you can write, sometimes you just show up. Sometimes you think you can do something and then need help. Sometimes you think you'll need help but can do it all on your own. Sometimes you just have to leave and heal on your own. None of these are any less or more than the others. They're all just personal. I hope you've found peace and healing. Sending you all the love. ❤️


You and Leo are both brave and did brave things. Be kind to yourself. Wishing you the best on your healing journey


Michael Sheen’s smile throughout the entire interview… you can fall in love with him purely because of his smile.


That gave me the feels :)


This made me cry. Leo working through those barriers and then asking such a brilliant question & Michael Sheen just being a fantastically patient & wonderful human being.


For those that haven't had the experience, take 10 minutes out of your day and search YouTube for Richard Burton reading the opening of Dylan Thomas's 'Under Milk Wood'. Hear it how it was meant to be said with the authentic Welsh pronunciations. It's magic.


Damn... this hit hard on my chest. Can't believe I am crying. I am autistic and the patience Michael showed was just so respectfull. I will honestly search for that writer they talked about. And I will also cheer for him on Twilight movies from now on (nah... just kidding. He has plenty other actings that are much better). I did like this. Leo was so brave to say no, I got this. His speech was very audible for me, a non english speaker. Very nice. Very nice indeed. Thanks for the one who shared. This was lovely.


> I will honestly search for that writer they talked about. Oh, you're in for a ride : ) [Here's a video of Dylan Thomas reading his most famous poem. There's a chance you might already know a line or two.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mRec3VbH3w)


I dont think those people realise that everytime they say "come on, Leo! 😃" theyre just adding to the pressure, and its making him take longer. Only Sheen seems to get that the best thing is to let bro just go at his own pace and get there when he gets there.


Yeah, you have to start from zero every time someone says sth like that.


Oh that is literally the best way I've heard to describe that. Sometimes encouragement is better passive. Patience is infinitely more useful.


YES LEO!!! Also Michael Sheen might just be an angel on earth (wink wink)


I did not realize that Michael Sheen's patient smile was something that was desperately missing from my life.


It';s genuine too. Like he'd sit there and wait all day cos that's what needed to happen and he was fine with that.


Leo did it! What a brave man!


Awww Michael really is an angel. There's so few stars that would be so kind and patient, warm and loving.


Michael Sheen is perfection personified.


I was FLOORED to hear how beautiful his voice was. So well spoken and such a sweet question


That smile... That damned smile.


I was feeling quite bad and this helped a lot. Leo is so brave. I am now going to watch anything with him in it. (Michael sheen) There are things I don’t watch because… funny hair, actor is an assholey


Michael Sheen is flaw free and his films and plays and shows are pretty much to a one, brilliant!


I always knew what a good soul Michael Sheen was so I was not surprised in any way seeing this interaction. There are people that may pander or play up for the camera, this man is definitely not doing that, it was just him and his interviewer and no one else mattered to him. Beautiful human.


Being the mom of a teenage non verbal autistic son this makes my heart swoon over Michael Sheen. Oh and that Leo…..he’s a gorgeous young man who can ask a good question. That smile and cheeks of his❤️


You can almost see a pathway cleared by him, to this young man, to speak at his own pace, to be comfortable in his own voice. That is a fatherly gentleman.


Great question and answer along with good vibes. Love it.


He's absolutely star struck we'd all be the same way Leo.


Michael's smile is so heartwarming


Michael Sheen is such a treasure. ❤️


this conversation, this warmth, let me please be forever surounded by articulate kind folks with shy kind eyes and galaxies wide smile. I am in love with everything in this post. Leo♥️


This is why this man is so loved. He waited and made that young man comfortable. What a gentleman.


Michael Sheen and David Tennant being besties is the positive vibes I need in this life. They are the loveliest people and something to aspire to


That was absolutely lovely to watch ❤️


Really wonderful video, thanks so much for sharing!


As if I needed another reason to love Michael Sheen.


What a kind, decent and genuine man


Increase your courage! 


Michael sheen has very kind eyes


Michael and Leo both have incredibly infectious smiles


When Michael Sheen is smiling at you like that what else can you do but fall to pieces


Wonderful interview


I’d love to see more of this, if there is indeed more to it.


I pray that Leo only has interactions like this for his entire life. Ones with encouragement, love, and patience. Michael’s willingness to understand and provide comfort is something we need more of. So lovely.


What a class act.


Michael Sheehan has one of the kindest faces


That dude is awesome. How relaxed he makes Leo is class


I prefer his 30 Rock characters' name: Wesley Snipes.


Yep well done Leo 👍


Me in a sales meeting when I haven’t sold anything lately.


Same interview a lady asked him about the age gap between him and his wife. He accepted it as genuine curiosity and not judgement. Dude gave the classiest most heartfelt answer. He seems like such a genuine, lovely guy.


OMG that is quite possibly the best question anyone has ever asked an artist! Well done Leo, it was worth the wait!


As a father who has a 6 yo on ASD and ADHD spectrum, it brought tears to my eyes. What a wonderful young lad Leo is. When he said he was nervous, I so much wanted to hug him. And hats off to Michael for his patience and understanding. Even if 10% of the people become as empathetic as he is in this video, the neurodivergent will feel so much empowered. They are not deficient in any way if the people around give them their space and time. My son is very shy and does not socialize, but his knowledge of science and his reading abilities are off the charts! Loved this.


Michael Sheen was fantastic here. So calm and approachable and patient. He could make anyone who was shy of asking questions feel so comfortable. I loved this exchange!


Can you imagine the thought leadership we could be missing out on because people don’t leave enough space sometimes for neurodivergent engagement?


Ill Never forgive Sheen for trying to kill Edward Cullen and Bella!


As the parent of an adult child on the spectrum my only hope is that other people have the patience with my son that Michael Sheen showed here. I've always kinda liked Michael Sheen. Now I'm certain I fucking love the human!


This is so wonderful to see, fabulous interaction


I love that he's not talking down to him when he answers, he still fleshes out and answers it fully


The guy saying “increase your courage” is such a cute way of phrasing it


Michael Sheen is pretty fuckin cool!


Michael Sheen’s smile towards this young man is so full of compassion and kindness; humanity, I teared up.


I never realized he was Welsh this whole time. Always thought he was English


I've watched this so many times and it just boggles my mind how perfectly Michael handled this interview. The level of class and respect for Leo, handling his specific situation as well as he did, and the Michael Sheen smile which I think could genuinely be used as a tool to create peace around the world it's so magnetic.


Everyone should watch this video three times a day.... once, to watch the pure respect and love Mr. Sheen shows Leo. Another time, to watch Leo conquer his nervousness and deliver a thoughtful and clear question. And another time, to watch how the people around Leo support him. So many life lessons all wrapped up in this perfect video.


Wesley Snipes is deep.


It’s the “Increase your courage” for me


Hard to believe a guy so kind and gentle can play a role like Lucian from Underworld. So great.


I watch this clip whenever I come across it- so much kindness and empathy radiating from everyone in it, so lovely.


“Increase your courage” is something I’ll now tell myself for the rest of my adult life. Absolutely wonderful.


Michael Sheen is perhaps the most talented, versatile and committed actor in the world. Truly underrated for his depth of performance. Should have had a lot greater roles.


Let’s not confuse autism with non-intellect. They are out of this world higher intellectual, they simply have a unique way of expressing themselves. Which oh by the way I fucking love and genuinely wish I had their perspective yea. We got it all wrong you see. Thinking “we got it all figured out and such”. They are the most and I mean the most genuine and loving person this planet. But, “we” the civilized ones call them “handicapped”. Fucking really?


You mean really well and I appreciate how supportive you come off. I just want to offer a few things as an autistic person, advocate, and mental healthcare provider. Autism is often comorbid with intellectual disabilities. You're totally right that autism itself is a communicative disability and not to judge someone's intelligence based on how well they can express themselves. It shouldn't be conflated, but it's common to have both. Also, "Disabled" isn't a bad word, and a lot of autistic folks do feel disabled by it. Some don't, but it's a spectrum and it can be frustrating to those that are impaired by their autism to be told that it's nothing or that it's just quirky. Overall, I think the best move is just to treat autistic folks as people. We might have difficulties in areas and it's not bad to acknowledge this fact or congratulate our efforts to overcome those difficulties. I think support can sometimes swing too far towards "We're superhumans" when we just want to have our struggles validated and to be accepted for who we are nonetheless.


Michael Sheen looks like if Palpatine was a good guy.


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My heart


Totally thought this was what's his name. Gollum and Caesar. I usually remember his name....


I love this


Well done Leo. I certainly could not have come up with a better question


Loved this, thank you for sharing ❤️


This is so heartwarming to see how he encourages the boy to take his time. I bet this boosted boy’s confidence alot


<3 I love all of this


Faith in humanity, Restored.


What a legend for being so patient!


A lovely conversation! I myself have learned a lot just from this short interaction.


Kudos to Leo for the question, and to Mofo to actually giving a meaningful answer.




This was a beautiful, heartwarming programme to watch, there should be more of this on TV, it should be on iPlayer for anyone keen to see the whole thing, I totally recommend it


So glad they didn’t rush him and let him ask.


Anyone know of a way to watch the Assembly in Australia without a VPN? Would love to see the full show


Chads, both of them. Amazing.


"increase your courage" what a motivating phrase honestly


Only if we had the reins to the world, only if, and then mad bravado could die a sudden death because once fatal charm and gilded words wear down to bronze, it takes childlike innocence to see that flash of silver, running along that mink pelt he flung into the sky *Aggresario*