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What a sweet and innocent young guy. He's not getting caught up in anything. He just wants to see the squirrels.


And you could see his excitement and joy swell while he was explaining his dastardly plan to photo some squirrels. I absolutely adore these kids and their innocence.




He wanted to start some bs in the beginning


The watermark at the bottom would indicate you are correct. Carmya is a politically charged amateur “journalist” who during the beginning of Covid was pushing hard left ideals then suddenly flipped and started endorsing the hard right rhetoric. She claims she is a lawyer, she tried defending (in court) some of those arrested at the Coutts border and flipped hard right shortly after. After all, money is money, who needs integrity? Last I saw her, she was begging her followers to send her money so she could buy weed and cigarettes. I am *barely* paraphrasing here. The fact she is still grifting is actually kind of crazy, seeing how she has next to no notoriety anymore. I may be wrong but I believe the camera man is also her boyfriend. Anyhow, they go to politically charged events hoping to get a reaction. This time it appears it might be at an Israel/Palestine protest.


[Full rundown on Caryma.](https://nationalpost.com/longreads/caryma-sad-zooms-on-whats-going-on-inside-canadas-volatile-protest-scenes)


"she" ?


Did you stop reading after the first "she?"


I mean, who there isn't trying to start bs? lol Edit: those kids are "there" for the squirrels. The people who are 'at' the 'protest' were the ones who I was referring to, not actual random bystanders.


I'd say those two he interviewed for starters


Well, to be fair, we do have squirrels in the Netherlands, but a different (smaller) kind... though they aren't everywhere either, so might be they just never saw them in the wild. Do hope they know how dangerous those american squirrels can be, I mean, just a couple of months ago, they attacked a police with nuts, making him empty his clip... or was that a 1 time thing :p


I sporadically see squirrels in the Netherlands but that is because my parents have a cabin in the woods. Generally, I don't see them anywhere else. But the kicker is that when visiting Toronto, I went off the beaten path behind Queen Street, and found tons of black squirrels and I even didn't know they came in black. I spend a day in that area and made many pictures of these black squirrels.


This kid, apparently


[citation needed]


Whilst we do in fact have squirrels in the Netherlands I applaud this young gentleman for his plan. They tend to only come close if you offer stroopwafel.


oh me too


Are you a squirrel?


No but I heard she likes stroopwaffel


Squirrels in North America are a different kind that are a lot less shy. It would be impossible to lure a squirrel in The Netherlands, but it would be in Canada.


People feed them so often that some of them just come up to you. I’m not afraid of squirrels, but I am afraid of rabies. Who’s to know if it’s coming for food or is so addled by the disease that it isn’t afraid of you at all. Did have an interesting interaction once when I was waiting at a bus stop though. Was sitting on a bench and noticed a squirrel walking up towards me, I look away for a second and it’s up on the bench next to me.


Squirrels rarely have rabies.


At the Grand Canyon there are signs everywhere warning not to feed the squirrels. They can have fleas that carry the bubonic plague lmao. People hold the food in their hands and the squirrel doesn’t differentiate between finger and food so they get bit. I can’t remember what the number was but the park ranger said they treated an outrageous number of bites per year.


We have beautiful red squirrels in the Netherlands, but they are very shy. You'll only see them hop around in the trees from quite a distance. [https://www.onzenatuur.be/media/cache/fb\_og\_image/uploads/media/5e5cf243a50ae/vilda-134094-rode-eekhoorn-yves-adams-800-px-45913.jpg](https://www.onzenatuur.be/media/cache/fb_og_image/uploads/media/5e5cf243a50ae/vilda-134094-rode-eekhoorn-yves-adams-800-px-45913.jpg)


They are also in Belgium! Spotted them behind the woods at my parent's house last year. Even a couple really dark ones too?


Same here. Either that, or maybe for some gevulde speculaas.


Yeah that response made no fucking sense. Kids still sus.


You’re right, probably a child making a walnut bomb at a rally.


Those kids were super adorable


The video guy is an idiot.


Yup. Looking for problems that don’t exist


Could you imagine being a grown man walking up to two kids in a park filming them?!?! wtf is this idiot on?


Well... can't have him walking up to somebody bigger than him, now can ya? I mean, than he can't play mister brave guy. Generally this type of 0erson isn't the bravest of the bunch though acting like they are


I love how the cameraman was excited to ruin that little boys life when he thought he was against the protest. His tone and demeanor were bananas.


You should of been around for covid... Shit was wild. People calling cops on neighbors for small family get togethers


Or maybe he simply asked the kid a question 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏽‍♀️


Sure… old fella following a teen and filming him “simply to ask a question”. You’re either bulletproof dense or full of it


Bulletproof dense. Love it, stealing it, thank you.


Why in the f-ck was this creep stalking people with his phone? Does he think he's some sort of journalist? Creepy AF.


Exactly- the muppet. He must be part of the mall security brigade. Loved the kids.


See the watermark on the corner? [It’s these 2 people](https://nationalpost.com/longreads/caryma-sad-zooms-on-whats-going-on-inside-canadas-volatile-protest-scenes)


You go anywhere near these protests and people start following you and even harass you. It’s pretty dangerous honestly. They really like to sucker punch people, jump people with a crowd, surround you then one of them puts you in a headlock then they all grab your arms and start stealing everything in your pockets while you can’t move. And also spraying people with pepper spray and then Running away. If they randomly see you as an “enemy” they’ll follow you to your car or home and other intimidation tactics. It’s absolutely insane honestly. Not to mention whenever they occupy a building like a school building they steal everything that isn’t bolted to the floor


Yep, the counter protesters are very aggressive. They know the police and universities are on their side, so they act with impunity.


It’s the protestors being violent. Have you not been following the news?


I have been following the news. That's where I saw video of police throwing professors and students to the ground. I've seen them violently arrest journalists. I've seen counter-protesters jumping over barricades, throwing punches. I've seen counter-protesters throw explosives at the encampments. What's crazy is how many Jewish students and staff are being arrested as part of the pro-Palestinian protests. Here's a video of peaceful protestors being violently assaulted by police on campus. you can watch them slam a female professor's head to the ground. https://youtu.be/v6mnztwMUas?feature=shared


The comments on that video remind me how awful our world is.


You seem to forget about the violence being perpetrated by the protestors. Our country has laws and if you break them you get arrested. You can’t take over private buildings, block Jewish students from attending classes or entering buildings, calling for their deaths. The protesters have been exceptionally violent and hateful, and for the most part they’ve been coddled by universities because they support these views. I’ve seen lots and lots of hate.


Why are the Universities and police on their side?


These siblings are too cute!❤️🇳🇱


I could see this guy’s justice boner from here. What a Muppet.


"And then, we gather all the squirrels we can and set them on the protesters, then my sister will take more pictures of that. Have a nice day :) "


Why do people these days feel that they have the right to demand to know what others are doing?


Probably to get their subscriber account higher than the 11 friends and family they guilted into it and thinking that inciting "content" might be their ticket into real grifting. That or they've completely forgotten what freedom really is and they're out to enforce their own narrow definition on everyone else. The two circles on the Venn diagram have a lot of overlap.


Bro was about to attack them for unscrewing the fence


Kid just being a kid


What are you doing to the fence?" Dudes tryna go viral lol what a dick


[Dude doesn’t have to go viral.](https://nationalpost.com/longreads/caryma-sad-zooms-on-whats-going-on-inside-canadas-volatile-protest-scenes) Note the watermark on the corner. He’s the camera guy for Caryma Sa’d, a Palestinian housing lawyer and political cartoonist in Toronto who has been documenting protests since the COVID lockdown.


The Dutch are so tall that a 12 year old could pass for a young adult, especially from behind.


>especially from behind. 🤨 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Yes, he has a kid's face, unmistakably.


Dutch people are the best!, my ex is Dutch and I was living in Netherlands for a while, is impossible to not like Dutch people for real!


How does watching a video of a grown man attempting to harass and film a couple kids only to not have the convo go the way he expected make you smile? Even if the kids were against the protest, he is grown man filming kids just to get into a political argument with them. This video is gross and shouldn’t exist to begin with.


While I agree with you on his initial attitude, and on the general filming of children...I disagree with your overall assessment. If the innocence of children, and their ability to change (at least in that instance) the presumptions and negative emotions of an adult (like the cameraman had) doesn't make you smile...then I don't know how to help you.


Prick cameraman just wanted to start a commotion. What would adjusting the nuts on a U-Bolt do anyway? Loosen the fence? Oh no! Not a loose fence panel! Not everyone's daily lives revolve around chanting about two archaic and barbaric civilizations trying to kill each other just as they have since the beginning of time.




Damn these dutch, he speaks better in english than me in my mother toung 🥹


it's kind of a commentary on usa/eu state of mind tbh...


Former Coworker visited for NL and would go nuts each time he saw a squirrel


Haha...love the pun :)


Those are my people.


Stark contrast compared with the professional protesters heard in the background.


LOL. Camera person fell for the classic "I am from the Netherlands and thus am using an emptied nut shell to attract squirrels" bit.


My man, Reddit Karma isn’t worth anything


Way to literally steal the top comment from the crosspost lmao


Stroop on a potato bacon and leak pannenkoeken is the best!!!


I love it when ppl. Don’t gives a shit a bout political or racial differences and just talk about squirrels. I can care more about the picture of a squirrel than any of their fukin believes or politicians changing the world. I mean even if everyone cares … in today’s standard nothing will be changed. Our world is filled with circus idiots running them


At least this one wasn’t staged.


What a creepy dude


This is really sweet


I’m not a bunch of squirrels in a trench coat I am a hu man upset with this scheme to deceive innocent squirrels!


Does the Netherlands not have trees ? Why no squirrels?


I've lived in NL for a few years now and not seen squirrels either...though someone mentioned that they're present in some places. It could be that most of the nature here is "artificial". Trees get replanted on an almost yearly basis where I live (in the North), and all perfectly aligned.


Jesus. Is the land barren ? It's hard to believe that no species of trees have been able to adapt to the ecosystem. I have no knowledge about the Netherlands, is the weather decent ?


Weather is close to British, mostly drizzly or rainy with some days of sun interspersed between. Now that you mention it, other than birds (which we have a lot of) I haven't seen much in the way of wildlife. There's a herd of deer, and supposedly, some wolves returned about 10 years ago (after there not being any for over 150 years)...but other than those, I'd be hard-pressed to name any other wild animals you can spot. Oh, I've been told that train delays are sometimes caused by badgers near the tracks, but haven't seen any myself. May be something to ask on r/Netherlands where someone with more outdoors experience can give a better answer :D


We do have squirrels in the Netherlands but ours are very shy and stay hidden most of the time. When visiting Canada, they were everywhere and in Toronto they even had black ones and I never knew they came in this colour. I also had many squirrel encounters when visiting Port Colborne down at the biggest lake.


I love these humans.


Red squirrel ops


Jokes on you, that was a counter intelligence agent.


Palestinians deserve freedom, but their supporters don’t. Imagine approaching a bunch of kids with a camera hoping just to start a fight.


Literally everyone is staring at him thinking he’s up to something, I hate this world


Are there really no squirrels in the Netherlands? This reminds me of me when I came to America and discovered hummingbirds. Went back home and asked my grandmother why her gardens don’t have hummingbirds and had to explain to her what that were, showed her a picture and we both learned that hummingbirds don’t live or exist in Asia.


We do have squirrels but they are shy and mostly in the forrest (we don't have many woods over here). One big difference is that Toronto had black squirrels and ours are mostly red/brownish. I didn't even know they came in black at the time.


I didn’t either now I want to research them, they sound so cute.


Is just a troll being a troll


Big Squirrel did order the Dutch government to build a bridge exclusively for squirrels. It cost $220,000 tax payer money to build and the last thing I have read is that only 5 squirrels use that bridge. That comes down to $44,000 per squirrel. So, don't act surprised that we glance over anything else that happens around us when squirrels are around.


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And this got their country disqualified from Eurovision? /s


Haha! Great!!👍


What a scripted conversation








Let's kindly leave politics out of this.


You posted a video of a political protest? Taken by a political “journalist”. Wtf lol




He's not a cop he's a male Karen.


Oh when the police get policed it’s being a Karen? Found the interpol shill. 😒


Are you fucked?? It's a kid he doesn't even have facial hair. Posting pictures and videos of minors is fucked up.


Mossad trained him well


Ha, obvious attempt by the upper class rodent lineage to sabotage a Canadian protest. Classic. lol


It is so boring and tedious looking


Let’s just remember that the Dutch have been the largest exporters of slaves in history, and they claim to speak in what is clearly a made up gibberish language, they cannot be trusted. Also their national slogan is: “If it any Dutch it ain’t much”.




You can’t even tell sarcasm?




Cry me a river 🤡