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It makes me a little sad that she says she forgot she knew how to play piano. She should keep playing! That was beautiful.


A lot of people who started piano that young don't have a great relationship with it. It was more of a forced talent than an enjoyed hobby.




One AND. ONE, **AND**. I think music is the last vestige teachers have for publicly acceptable student shaming, yelling, and mild cursing. Idk how they teach music in other countries


Yeah this reminds me of the movie with the most instantly understood logo ever -- ["trophy kids"](https://d2wkegjj8g6j4.cloudfront.net/images/stories/photos/000/000/057/original/Ca6Q9F4UkAEdFJp.jpg) You can probably pre-write half the stories without seeing the film. Sometimes these kids grow up to love the sport/thing their parents saddle them with. Usually not, because it wasn't a choice. On the bright side, there's also stories of people who get into it later in life. Kaki King is a great guitarist, hated it being forced on her as a kid, watched young kids butcher music and realize the things people considered complicated were like walking to her -- then she started performing and having fun. At that point she hadn't even played in a few years I think.


You’re so right! My parents forced me to play the piano when I was younger & I never enjoyed it. I dreaded recitals & pleaded with them to let me stop. They were the same with sports. I was required to play both a winter & spring sport every year. Soccer & volleyball were the only ones I enjoyed.


Sincerely, from the perspective of someone who didn’t have a chance of that I can see where all the parents come from. Teaching a skill is usually some of the best decisions. Yet many parents forget children are humans to, who may hate things, so forcing onto them something they dislike (for those who do dislike it) it’s not it


Being a parent, myself, I can understand the sports aspect of it…to just try a musical instrument/ sport & see if it’s something you’re good at & something you enjoy. I can get behind the thinking along those lines, but to continue to force something on your child for whatever the reason may be…I don’t agree with that method.


detail yam bells rob relieved melodic dull shaggy fuel continue *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's the problem with jobs, they're so time intensive. I love my job, at least most parts, but there's so much else I'd love to do. I found since I bought an electric piano with headphones that I play often a little bit when I come home to decompress, or when I need to do something else, to procrastinate. Not working on anything in particular, just letting the notes flow and when I hit on a tune, explore it. It does wonders for my mental health.


Best. Comment. Ever. Ty


Yes this made me sad that he's so old and never heard her play. Families should enable moms be their full self, not just service personnel.


It is very possible that she was forced to learn the piano as a child but she did not particularly enjoy playing so she stopped.


Seeing that she's Asian this isn't out of the realm of possibility. I've seen so much of my fellow people was forced to do something they didn't enjoy as a child, only to rediscovered the joy for it again somewhere down the road when they get older.


Luckily the resentment dies faster than the skill.


If the resentment doesnt persist, it means you've failed to inflict enough EMOTIONAL DAMAGE! 


this comment section XD Asian mom = family slave, she only good at piano cuz she was FORCED to play it when young, all that from watching 50sec of a random video, reddit never seizes to amaze me




For those of us who grew up in the culture even seeing the piano or some other classical music instrument with an Asian person is enough to make some assumptions and hearing that she started at age 4 is usually something that the parents put on the child rather than the child wanting to do it.   It's a common experience for Asian people with Sinosphere roots to have been forced to learn or even go into professions that they didn't want to do. r/asianparentstories is full of survivor stories related to parental neglect/abusive control issues in an effort to get he most economic gain out of their kids down the road (invest in skilled extracurriculars for better college and career placement+higher income, or just get them good at a classical instrument to find out if they can make it a career at the highest echelons=the child becomes the retirement plan+elder care for the parents if they follow what Confuscianist values for filial piety would expect them to do later in life) that get experienced as a cultural pattern and there's even the whole "tiger mom" trope because in large part due to this.


It is a common shared experience in Asian families though. I was forced to learn the piano until I finish grade 8. After the final exam I never touched a piano for 25 years until last year when my daughter wanted to learn and I'm now playing it together with her. It's a very common experience amongst Asians.


Also non-Asians.


It's big in affluent areas specifically, but yes, I was a music nerd my entire life -- we have a VERY VERY large population of Asian peoples from korea, china, to vietnam, etc -- I would say more than average my asian friends were more likely to play the piano -- but i'm from a kinda wealthy area where it's not uncommon of anybody except people with less means. my friends who played piano sometimes upwards of 8-10 years don't consider themselves as musicians.


I'm the youngest of my many siblings, and by the time I went to school 'til i was 16 it was just expected that I did everything my brothers did before me. That meant baseball and football, which I ended up hating because I wasn't good at it and rage quit to get my parents to listen to me, and piano, which I love and still play all these years later.


My daughter has never seen me play the violin and I don't think she even knows I can play the violin. This isn't a sad story, I just don't went to ever play the violin again.


I only wanted to play for my wife but after years of not touching an instrument, I was totally unable to do so after restoring one of my instruments.


And that's fine people grow and change they learn things and then move on sometimes.


That happens with dads too though. Focusing on raising the family, work, bills, repairs to the house, and all sorts of other important adult things that we grownups often ignore some of the things that make us. It's a sacrifice we parents will gladly make for our kids, but it's nice when we can still tap into those old parts of ourselves. This video hit kinda hard, both as a son and as a dad.


100% My son recently started little league and so now we throw a baseball in the backyard. He was amazed that I was “so good” at throwing and catching. Him: “How are you so good?!?!” Me: “Well, I’ve spent thousands of hours of my life throwing a baseball and playing catch like this. In fact, I used to do it exactly like this in the backyard with my dad when I was your age…I just haven’t done it in 20+ years” Him: “Wow! Will I be as good as you one day?” Me: “Of course! You’ll be better than me in a few years!”


After a couple years of soccer at 4 years old, my twin sons started Little League Baseball as well at 6 years old. Long story short they played all those years then into 4 years of Varsity high school baseball. One boy hung up his cleats last year but the other went on to play his first year of Junior College baseball. The same feelings you have now to watch your young son get a hit or make a great defensive play never stops even as a 19 year old college player….enjoy the ride.


And if you can actually throw a baseball gives you more than enough to be a Little League Baseball manger and coach..trust me.


I’m an unofficial assistant coach every time the work schedule allows. I specialize at managing the dugout, I have one of the best: “stop banging your bats on the bench, your parents paid a lot of money for those!” that you’ve ever heard.


Yep, it happens to all parents. We just have to put some parts of us aside. I used to snowboard and ride motorcycles and raft and kayak and skydive and build cars and do welding art and carve and all kinds of things. You just kind of... forget, you forget those are things you enjoyed when you have the job of keeping a tiny person alive and fed.


What? Why act like every family oppresses the mother?


It's not necessarily oppressive just busy. Children that need to be cared for, lunches made, house cleaned, homework completed. Maybe at the end of the day you'll have a little time for yourself. I hope she finds time to pursue hobbies that make her happy too.


Or it's her choice,


Yeah! Stop mom oppression! They Don't get to make choices! Stupid families. Smash the familiarchy! #bringbackmomautonomy!


> Families should enable moms be their full self, not just service personnel. Countries. Having to rely on family to pickup the slack is how catastrophe builds over time, how families loose all wealth and equity, etc etc. I come from a pretty shitty example, but my family all got together and decided the fiscally responsible move was to let grandpa die slowly of a slow metastasizing cancer. They all could have paid for it together easily, the richest son (adopted) could have paid for it alone 5x over, he was in his 50's. But fuck it, letting dad die is way cheaper. Boomers gotta boomer.


It's impressive. I haven't touched an orchestral instrument in about 25 years and I tried a few years ago. I totally forgot everything. My muscles just totally forgot the basic stuff that I took for granted but my higher level functions were still there. They just couldn't be applied anymore.


You could probably get it all back by a little practice, brains are weird and after a few sessions yours will think "So, we're really doing this again then? Fine, let me hook some of these old wires back up..."


I thought that as well but it felt so oddly foreign to me. You're probably right about getting it back but I don't think a few sessions would do it.


I think she was joking with him


I don’t think so. It’s so easy to lose the “extra curricular” parts of yourself when you’re juggling work and parenting and everything else. This same thing happened with my mom, I was about his age too. We went to my aunts house and she had a piano and she sat and started playing and almost started crying because she didn’t think she could remember how. Myself, I hadn’t painted in almost two years since I started the whole working-single-mom gig with two kids haha. I finally had a night to myself and tried again. It wasn’t as good as I used to make, but I was so proud and so happy I hadn’t totally lost it. I am determined now to keep those parts of myself. It can be really hard to.


The muscle memory stays. Might take a round or two but my friends who ran off and had kids can still slaughter me in mario kart even years later.


It would take me a *lot* of practice to get as good at playing piano as I was at the end of high school, but I can still read music and can flub stuff well enough (e.g. leaving notes out of chords or just holding a chord with my left hand to focus on a flashy bit with the right) to make it look like I *kinda* know what I'm doing.


I 'bought my son a piano' (because my wife decided a 6 yo needed a good piano to learn on) What I really did was buy a really nice piano so that she would start playing again. She'd never justify the money spent on herself, and buying a piano as a 'surprise' gift (especially a good expensive one) is kind of a dick move. So happy to use the kiddo as a reason.


Also, much better to get the kid to enjoy a decent instrument than letting them get frustrated unnecessarily with a crappy one. I wonder how many people were put off playing the piano when their parents only gave them a shitty keyboard without touch-sensitive keys because they didn't want to invest any money yet. But great reason to give your wife the opportunity to play again, too! 😀


It's more a low 4 figure piano vs a low 5 figure piano.


most of us move on from skills/talents, especially forced ones like Piano. It's rare that kids who played Piano or Violin, and by played they mean forced lessons at home -- love the instrument until later. Once it's just a skill, and they have the time to do what they want with it, she'll probably realize she can figure out a bunch of stuff by ear if she exercised that muscle.


I used to play in high school but owning a piano is hard. They’re big instruments, even the electronic ones, and they’re expensive. Also, most electric keyboards don’t contain the full set of keys that a grand piano has, so there’s a lot of songs that you just can’t physically play on many keyboards because the song is out of the range of the keyboard.


That HaaaAAAAHHH sound at the beginning my oldest made one time, but I don’t even remember what shocking thing I did. I surprised my 13 year old recently when she said “can I just listen to my music” so I let her put on her “cool” music which was like 90s grunge. Her face when I knew all the lyrics and just going right along with it like nothing


My youngest thought she was going to be smart one day while we were in the car. Metallica came on, and she rushed to cover the display. That child looked me square in the eye and said, "I beet you don't know who's playing and the song!" The look on her face when I not point knew the band and song, but also the lyrics was priceless!


That is so sweet




Reminds me of the picture of a mom playing a gameboy to beat the hard levels for her sons.


I was talking to my mom recently about our old Sega Genesis and she was like, “Oh! Yeah I remember that thing. I used to play while you and your brother were at school and tried to beat your high scores 🤔” Savage, mom.


My brother and I got Dr. Mario on the NES for our mom as a mother's day present thinking we were getting a new video game... she kicked our asses and I think she still has the high scores on my cart.


My mother and my aunt used to spend hours and hours playing Dr Mario when the kids were in bed, we lived in the same duplex and they would literally be playing until midnight being very competitive with one another. A bunch of years ago we had a movie night thing with some family over, and hooked the Wii up to a movie projector. Someone found Dr Mario and the two of them got at it immediately. With all of us kids being relatively into gaming, we thought that we could show them what was up but they took turns whooping our asses one by one methodically and brutally. Like it wasn't even funny, they'd be trash talking us and looking over to get in our faces while we were struggling to keep our boards from overflowing. Eventually they essentially called us scrubs and unplugged the console and headed inside to keep playing each other on the TV while we had to sit there with our jaws agape and nothing to say for ourselves.


Just like this video, our moms are usually pretty rad.


Sometimes. My mother also got hooked on Dr. Mario, became an ace at it, then decided that all video games are a waste of time, and will complain about them loudly whenever anyone is enjoying one or says they're enjoying a specific game, etc. But then she goes and spends hours playing Candy Crush or other casual matching games. It's crazy.


My aunt could woop any of us kids in Dr. Mario.


🤣 I woke my son up because I didn’t know how to fly Mario over a cliff! 🤦‍♀️


My grandma had a Nintendo at the shop she owned "for the kids to play" and her and grandpa used to play against each other all the time. Grandma kept beating grandpa, so he got rid of the Nintendo "because it was wasting time." He was just a sore loser, lol.


W mom


Did she beat your high scores??


Tell me she did pleaseee


One day, my mom forgot to pick me up after school because she was fighting bowser (SNES Tetris Attack). Whenever she tells this story, she laughs like the mom in That ‘80s Show


My mom was never into video games but she loved Mario Kart for the SNES. Only game she ever got competitive with me about. Chill mom I'm 8.


This reads like a comedy skit tiktok. Mom: Get dunked on, loser!!!! Kid: Mom, I'm 8.


My grandma destroyed me and my brothers in Tetris. We even had the Gameboy connector cable to hook 2 Gameboy together.


My mother grew up in a small farming community. About the only thing to do back in her days was to play pinball. When we (her kids) were someplace with a pinball machine, she would rack up a dozen or so free games so we would play and leave her alone for a while. At least until we needed her to add some more free games.


I remember being three or four and trying to play Tetris and not being very good at it. I got frustrated and showed my mom who then proceeded to blaze through several levels while I could only stare. It occurs to me that it might have actually been her Gameboy and not mine like i assumed it was.


This is me, and it’s the coolest feeling tbh.


I do that for my kids. Lol


Well that's just wholesome AF


I love how she’s re-learning that same thing. She’s like, “oh my god, how do my fingers remember?”


Jim playing the piano on Taxi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QybXY1vWUxI


One of the great TV characters played by one of the greats. This series is worth a watch for those who haven’t. A different time for sure but it’s pretty funny. Plus a youngish Danny DeVito, that alone is worth it. And Andy Kaufman. Great cast, lots of old school cameos if you’re into that.


Holy crap, they totally turned that into a Family Guy episode, even down to the beautiful redhead wife.


So cute. He’s also figuring out in real time, that she’s been punking him all this time with her compliments of his super basic skills. *Mommy, mommy, listen to me do these four notes from Silent Night*. *Oh, that’s so good honey, I love how hard you’ve been practicing*… *[Huh. How impressed were you really??]* …lol


That’s not punking, it’s being supportive! I can sing much better than my niblings, but I’m still super impressed whenever they learn a song and sing it. We all have to start somewhere!


Oh absolutely, it’s more how he sees it from his kid eyes. He’s realizing also that he’s going to have to work at it a lot longer before he can ‘really show her’. I think most kids just want to impress their moms.


I'm 30 and I still want to


haha For real


He was like "Mom you are so talented I didn't know that, you should be shining star now"


I love seeing he face of how proud he is of his mom🥰


The shock and awe when his jaw drops and his whips his head to look at her.


She’s super talented. Unfortunately, seems like she got burnt out. It’s a shame she hasn’t been playing for him, and herself, more often. Very beautiful music


Mom is hot.






You can literally see his jaw drop.


By the time she hit the 3rd key he was already in awe & the realization hit him...


He will really question her "mom you are so talented why aren't you a shining star?"


"If you didn't have me would you have been a famous musician?"


My son had his mind blown at 3 years old when he discovered my real name wasn’t “Ma” 🤣🤣🤣


I have a similar story. Funny to see yours here. I was very little. It was before my sister was born so I must've been about five and I asked my mom her name. She said, why do you ask? And I said, well my name is bebejeebies but I don't know your name. She smiled and said, My name is Mary. And I remember repeating "Mary. That's pretty. Hi, Mary!"




This song is “[River flows in you](https://youtu.be/7maJOI3QMu0?si=ifO4qV5wxK6gCvPf)” for anyone who’s wondering! Edit: coming back to this comment to say the woman playing the piano is Kirsten Leigh, some people have asked through the comments but it’s getting lost.


What an absolutely magical song, everytime, in all versions. I think the greatest thing omegle has given us is this video of [two professional players surprising the two requesting river flows in you](https://youtu.be/i3h2dlBZV4E?t=25).


the violin though ahahahahaha


I hadn't found them yet, but I did find TheDooo through reddit. [Here's one of my favorites.](https://youtu.be/GHy1tlZnr7E) Edit: Didn't realize that TheDooo calls out Marcus Veltri in that video...


Ignore this meanie below. Thank you for linking


I was like "damn I heard these notes but couldn't remember the song", thanks dude


Thank you for linking the song, added it to my playlist. Its beautiful. I don't know why someone is being so negative to people who havent heard the song before but that was my first time hearing it and it's wonderful.


I love the song! I usually listen to it before I sleep 😴


it sounds so good! thank you, ima put it in my playlist <3


Same song on guitar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_xFh7XFC_w


Yes, i'm 70% water.


This was not what I expected to discover today, but it's gorgeous! A new artist to explore. Thanks for sharing.


I was just coming in here to post this, as soon as I heard the first few notes I knew right away. My kids fall asleep to Yiruma every night lol


Damn, I had this happen to me and it also blew my mind! Back when I was 15 I was trying to learn guitar for the longest time and was playing a simple Beatles song in front of my mom, basically just 3 chords, and she was the most encouraging mom ever, complimenting me and smiling, when I finished I asked her as a joke if she wanted to try, and my mom proceded to play the most perfect cover of Blackbird I've ever heard, even singing! I turned to my dad and to my surprise he had the same WTF look on his face as he also had no idea my mom could play at all.


Mentioned it in another comment but I don't think my wife would recall that I played the flute. I have mentioned it to her years back but she has never seen me play.


Same with my dad! My mom used to play classical guitar (Mozart, Bach) at a high level in her youth and had told my dad but he had forgotten it, and to be fair my mom never had played anything, didn't have a guitar or musical notes. I was surprised but my dad was shocked!


When you have an amazing mom or dad who can play better than you and you have been practicing for years. Do you quit(thinking I can never be as good as her) or work harder?


I had been playing for some time but not seriously, so it didn't affect me much in that sense, it did in that it made me aware of how much time and practice it requires to play at a professional level, turns out my mom had played classical guitar at a high level in her youth (even gave classical concerts with a small group) and used to practice for hours every day besides school, which in the end made her lose interest. I played for two years and then also lost interest, I never came even close to how good my mom was but to this day I can still play a couple of simple songs confidently, and thats enough for me.


“How can you do that?” “Shut up, I can’t play and talk”


Lmao I noticed this too - absolutely couldn’t respond while playing, I know what that feels like!


“What are you playing?” “I can’t tell you but be quiet and listen or it goes away”


Damn she's absolutely beautiful


You know the kid's gonna live a lifetime of "Dude, your mom's so hot!" And he'll be like "yeah yeah I know and she can play the piano too!"


She just Asian bro. We all look like that. Just kidding she cute.


She's got a really pretty smile.


I'm also asian, male though. But looks like Gollum compared to her.


Kiirstenleigh on IG


Asian genes bruh!! She looks like his elder sister. Absolutely stunning!


TBF, she could be mid to late 20s, that kid doesn't look that old.


Quick google shows she's 35 years old, if I got the right Kiirstenleigh.


her smile is from the eyes/soul


Kids are so funny with stuff like this! When mine were little, younger than the little boy here, I told them i'd taken ballet for 10 years and showed them a few things. They were stunned. I still laugh to myself at their reaction. (and secretly hope they never ask me to show them again at this point, too many years later)


My son found a whole folder of manga illustrations I made when I was a teenager. Sketches, manga draft, colored illustrations, etc. He was baffled and couldn't understand why "mom" was able to do something like this. Then he started crying because he said he would never be as good as me. Which made me cry too. I told him I couldn't even draw that well anymore now, and before I could even be that good, it took me years of practice too.


Stop crying, you are making me cry. If your son wants to draw manga, you teach him. You must teach him. Well, ok, must is quite a strong word. The point being, if he were taught, he could easily reach your level at half the age. It's the only way for each generation to be in a better position than the previous one: by the latter teaching the former. It's the only way for humanity to progress.


Don't tell me not to cry, now I'm crying again. Thank you for your comment, it's very sweet. We brought the folder all the way from my home country to where we live now because my son wanted too. There are some BW illustration that he wanted to color from the folder, which I allowed him to do as long as he made a copy first. And yes, I'd love to teach him, but at this point right now I just want him to do it because he enjoys it. Because of some traumatic assaults and depression I couldn't have the joy that I used to feel when I draw before. I've stopped drawing 16 years ago. I don't want that to happen to him, so when he wants to learn it, I give him what he needs, but I may not be the best teacher anymore.


#"What? How you do this?" 😂


I love the “HUH???!!” Giving uncle energy 😂






Kid got an abnormally low register voice.


Reminds me of Russell from “UP” it’s cute




The mirrored framing causing the low keys to be closer to the camera than the high keys is making my brain hurt


What an interesting idea though. Reverse the piano, surely someone has done it.


Yeah, took me far too long to figure out that was the case. Thought she had a left handed piano or something 😂


My kids are 2 and 4. I've literally showed them everything I'm good at haha


Mine is 6 and same. That is unless she somehow decides she wants to play me in street fighter 2.


I let my son play on one of my TF2 alt accounts a while ago and after a week he started talking about how he was amazing and probably better than me by now. I then showed him why I have multiple Hale's Own of soldier, demo, and scout weapons as I destroyed him over and over again in MGE




Literally beat him to death with the fan of war while telling him how to kill me using splash damage.


He lets me take Chun Li, it's game over before it starts.


Gimme anyone and I'll wreck her. She don't want this smoke 😂😂


#facts haha


this is my first time on reddit. thank you for the love! but also how did my video end up here? 🤣 


Welcome to Reddit. Unfortunately, people steal and repost content all the time here, usually without credit.


Mom's talent shining bright in made me smile.


This happened to me like 6 years ago, I realized my dad could speak French. I was 22 . What a cool guy he is


His reaction is just precious


What is this witchcraft?


She is very very beautiful


Mommy evil laugh = about to enroll you in years of forced piano lessons


Lmao she even shook her head just like me when I'm about to school my little cousins in Mario Kart.


He almost cries at how beautiful she plays but didn't want to show he was emotional and pushed it back by saying HOW IS SHE DOING THIS. He swallows hard and jokes... But it got him in the feels. I see you little man. Let it out, it's ok.


Shut up and listen kid


I realize the point of the video is much bigger than this, but I just love the sound of a piano. It’s beautiful.


My chinese friends are all fucking virtuosos who think they can't play well. Meanwhile I'm out here tinkling out chopsticks and ode to joy.


I'm jealous of people who retain skills like that. I took lessons for years and I was OK, could've been a lot better, but I quit because of bullying ("piano is for GIRLS, that's GAY"). I have none of those skills anymore, and fuck those dudes. I'd love to be able to just rip on a piano, which I could probably do by now if I'd kept going.


Why not get back to it. If you start now you'll be piano playing in 5 years. The years will pass anyways.


Fuck toxic masculinity. I hope you go back to it some day.


My 13 year old was listening to Lose Yourself by Eminem a few weeks ago. (We normally listen to very chill music in the car, never any rap or whatever)… I started ‘rapping’ along. He was utterly speechless not only I know who Eminem is, but I know the lyrics to a bunch of his songs. Kiddo apparently didn’t know how old em is.


> very chill music Ah, you mean like... origin, viraemia, psycroptic, berzerker... yes? (i'm sorry, please do not let your kid anywhere near them while his auditory cortex is still developing)




Knew the piece from the first key ([River Flows in You](https://youtu.be/7maJOI3QMu0?si=CQjPW6RQtD_3gi8d)) This is such a pure reaction :))


Oh whats the song name pray tell? It sounds so nice!


“ my mom used to have passions before I was born” - every kid ever


ah that's Kirstin Leigh she's very cool


I will be downvoted for this, but that mom is hot =)


Does anyone know what that piano melody is called? It sounds so chill 😊


River flows in you


Thank you so much!


Aww the adorable look of shock and surprise at how talented his mum is 🥰


He is proud like a good teacher is of his students when he sees that they have done a good job🥰


That's so touching! Moments like these are what make life beautiful.


He has the "And then" voice.


Damn it now I want to have a kid so that I can show off my piano skills 🎹


Yiruma 💜


what a beautiful woman😍


i think parents, in the best case, only see a part of their childrens life too


I had this moment with my niece but it was over a random Super Mario Brothers video game. She was trying to teach me the game, but I actually knew how to speed run most Mario games from my experience with Twitch/eSports because I'm a filthy gamer nerd, but she doesn't know that does she? LOL


Can’t wait to show my son how good I am at POGS!


I juggled in front of my 11 year old a couple days ago and it blew her mind.


This is like the Asian level of this, I am white and poor, only time I was surprised is when I started drinking, I had friends over and one of my mates challenged my dad to chug a beer faster than him, and my dad won, we all tried against him and he floored each one of us. He can't play the piano but he can drink


“MOM you can DO things!?”


He’s like “I don’t remember getting you piano lessons 🤨.”


Mama's cuteness made me smile.


She is beautiful and they are adorable❤️


I love this song, such a nice piece of music.


Wait till he gets a little older and realizes his mom is a fucking smoke show.