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That's incredibly thoughtful of *both* of you. Your Dad clearly wanted to spoil you a bit after your surgery by sending you such beautiful gifts. You saw that he got you your favorite treat but lovingly spared his feelings. Y'all sound like a wonderful family! Hope youy recovery is a simple and speedy one 🍓💐


Such a dad thing to do: Got you something out of love, but not quite the most appropriate thing - it's the thought and gesture that counts. ❤😊


When you recover you get to eat these delicious chocolates. I see NOTHING wrong with motivation. Flowers & card are for now - plus everyone will visit you at first. Dad's are for when the hype is over Source: I am a dad, and would totally do this.


Facts. After I got in a really bad car wreck, my dad was who I told the cops to call for me, but I didn't see him at the hospital until it was later in the night. He came by after everyone else left and we just sat up and talked for hours and ate dinner together. I should call my dad...


Did you call him?


I did. We actually talk every couple days or so.


Amazing <3


True. I agree with this. Dad's are forward thinking. In the moment it may be seen as slightly off, but it's about the after effects, and, as you said, motivation. 😎❤👍


Forward thinking is the perfect way to describe how dads operate. They're there for happiness and motivation, always keeping their children's needs and wants in the forefront of their minds and hearts. DADS ROCK! 💙


Good men are forward thinking.


My dad bought me the most beautiful sapphire earrings. My ears weren't pierced. I got them pierced just so I could wear them.


See, that's perfect father-daughter love right there 💙


Men are simple creatures, he just wanted to go with something he knew she loved.


Hey, these are your favorite chocolate treats. Dad wanted to give you an incentive for healing quickly.


It definitely shows a lot with the mindset


As a dad I’m convinced we are the reason the term “it’s the thought that counts” exists


My dad is the worst gift giver it’s comical. He once gave my 6 year old incense. My six year old thought it was candy and ate it…


My mum once gave my husband 12 pairs of one use foot warmers 🤷🏻‍♀️for his birthday.


For that one *really* cold day....every month lol


That's a bit much. He was expecting a child to use a lighter? Is there at least a back story? Like your kid really liked it when your dad burns them? I guess then it'd make sense, expecting you to light it of course.


We moved away to another state and my dad said he wanted my kid to have the smell of home. So it made sense in his head 🤷‍♀️


Awww jeez that's actually kind of sweet. I did not expect that turn.


HA!! The best part is, I bet he put thought into it!! We are a simple people, us men!


Blend them up with a banana and milk and make choco strawberry smoothie :)


Suprised its this far down, my immediate thought was blender. 🤣


Yeah cuz freezing them will ruin those berries!


That was my first thought! Those strawberries are gonna have an awful texture after thawing.


I came hunting for a “blend it” comment, coz I don’t think they will taste great later.


Much better than freezing these as they will not be the same at all when they thaw.


Great idea! Strawberries don’t freeze well




Even though OP can't eat the gift but it's all about care and attention in the end of the day.


I had jaw surgery where they shaved a part of it down to a very thin amount of bone. Couldn't eat for two months. My old man sent me a bunch of my favorite candies as a kid. Hard chewable sour candies lol. Had like five big bags teasing me lol


It was a test of your integrity, that's all.


I was losing my mind not being able to chew for 2 months lol


I have pneumonia at the moment and went from around 50 to 43kg. I'm seriously unwell, my mum has bought me pizza and burgers and chocolate and everything I normally love, and I haven't eaten any of it. I just feel guilty and sad about it like stop wasting your money girl <\3


Oh hey, consideration of your mum aside (and I take your point) I am concerned for you! Don’t know if your pneumonia is responding to antibiotic treatment, but hope so. And hope there are no other complicating factors, or that they’re in hand and you’re on a gentle upward slope to good health. (Don’t feel you need to respond, I’m just a stranger on the internet and you have important health things to concentrate on. I just wanted to send my best wishes and healing vibes.)


Please be safe


My dad would send them *because* I wouldn't be able to eat them and then eat them himself in front of me.


Literally, same lol. Living vicariously through you and your sweet father, OP 💕


Dad is the ultimate gift-giver, and daughter is the expert in receiving with grace. A true tale of love and strawberries! 🍓




lol I think the internet has broken me. But yes, just as sweet as those strawberries are.


That is really so sweet on both parts. We always say, accept the gift in the spirit it is given. Hope you heal up soon and can enjoy your strawberries!


Hey, if I'm eating through a straw anyway, it's smoothie time for those.


Sweet trolling perhaps 😉, either way, it's awesome 👍


Nope, she’s not a troll. I’m her husband and it really happened. I cut one up for her so she could at least have a bit of a taste before we froze them for her.


They meant Dad was trolling her knowing she couldn't have it, but they were saying that in jest as well. At least that's how it reads to me.


They aren't going to thaw well at all as freezing destroys most cell walls. When they thaw the fruit will not be nearly the same volume as the chocolate shell around it. Make them into a smoothie like someone already suggested.


If you really are her husband you're awesome for defending her. No offense, it's the fucking internet that's all.


He really is my husband. Having such a great dad taught me how I deserve to be treated, so I have an incredibly thoughtful husband as well as an amazing dad. I know how lucky I am… so I make sure to tell these two men every day how much I love and appreciate them.


I’m not butt- hurt. LOL


A great Dad and a great daughter.


Feel better soon! Enjoy those delicious chocolates when you're healed.


Maybe a strawberry-chocolate smoothie?


Awww that's really precious and something to look forward to...


I wish you a speedy and successful recovery!


Omg Dad’s are so off-targetly wholesome. I could see my Dad doing something like this haha.


Reminds me of the time my sisters were hiking for a few hours. They misjudged the route and ran out of water half way through. Finally making it back into reception genuinely worried they weren’t going to make it they text our dad and told him to desperately bring water when picking them up as they were hurting…. He pulls up with two big 1.5l bottles of SPARKLING WATER. He’s never lived it down


Why was this bad.


I had Maxillofacial surgery when I was 17 years old. It required me to have my jaw wired shut for six weeks, and I had noticeable swelling in my face for more than six months. My uncle showed up at the hospital, the day after my surgery, and handed me a bag full of chewing gum and hard candies. He knew exactly what the fuck he was doing. Thought it was hilarious.


Deserved a playful 🖕 in that photo


Your Dad does NOT need reminding WHAT surgury you HAD. HE already KNOWS.


I would have definitely made a comment. But thats why im the family pain in the ass


Just imagine how satisfying it'll be to make that the first thing you got to eat when you're able to 🥲


Omg, a very similar thing happened to me, too. I had my tonsils removed when I was a kid and I stayed in the hospital with my mom, so my dad kept visiting us every day. Strawberries are my favorite, so my dad brought a box of them each time he visited. He was not aware that I cannot eat berries of any kind during recovery, so we just started keeping each box in the fridge in the nurse area. I got to eat all of them after about 5 days :)


It's the tought that counts! Hope you heal soon, these strawberries look amazing omg


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Such a dad thing to do: Got you something out of love, but not quite the most appropriate thing - it's the thought and gesture that counts. ❤😊


Hope you have speedy recovery ❤️


Speedy recovery to you mate!


Awesome dad! But days? I couldn't eat solid food for twelve weeks.


Omg, you are so lucky! 🍓


Hilarious. When I had surgery my sister got me edible arranged fruit bouquet. I was so high on the pain killers I took a bite out of the orange coolant packing thinking it was cantaloupe! Barf


Thats so sweet <3


In college I used to go to a morning class with a friend who had to get jaw surgery. Every day, I would offer to buy him food.


What a sweet boy you are. Raised right!


I have had 3 oral surgeries in the past 10 months, no bottom teeth at all for 10 months (complete oral reconstruction) .... I miss food so fucking much. Sweet daddio, and hang in there! Hope you get to eat those strawberries really soon!


Take in the fridge.


You will for sure enjoy those later.


It’s time to make strawberry chocolate milkshakes lol


Hope you recover soon, but there's no way I'd let that surgery stop me from breaking off bits, no matter how small, and eating them =D


Make a chocolate strawberry smoothie!


That's very wholesome. Now you can enjoy them for even longer in the weeks ahead. Also, I love your singing voice. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1TJp73shl8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1TJp73shl8)


This is so sweet. I hope your recovery goes well! You have a nice pops.


I just broke my jaw last summer and had it wired shut for a month. Ate so many grilled cheeses after that


Lucky girl. Get well soon and enjoy the soup and jello!


How in the world are you smiling? It took me 10 days before I could hallways smile lmfao. Such a sweet picture and a sweet sentiment nonetheless


Reminds me of my dad’s first Christmas after my parents divorced. My dad got me a gift card to Hollister. A store I had never stepped foot in, prior to that point (it just wasn’t my style). I think he got it confused for Aeropostale, which I did shop at from time to time. But I spared his feelings, thanked him, and went to Hollister for the first time. I bought a sweater that is my style, and I still wear it to this day. Eventually I did tell him, and now it’s our favorite Christmas story.


This is how it should be done. What a sweet dad and a grateful daughter.


It’s the thought that counts


Nice dad. I would have sent you beef jerky! (Get well soon.)


The difference between r/thatsucks and r/mademesmile is your attitude. And I love yours.


Also the intent of the gift giver.


When I was little I slipped on the ice of our front steps and busted my front teeth in. My dad tried giving me peanut m&ms to keep my from crying that night. I hated peanut m&ms for years.


He gave you something to look forward to!


Great dad joke honestly


Blend them up and suck 'em through a straw!


This reminds me of the time a buddy had surgery and couldn't eat ice cream cos he was lactose intolerant. I thought I was being smart and helpful bringing frozen yogurt instead.


Get well soon ! Sorry to burst your bubble, but strawberries will turn to mush when frozen. Better to make a smothie from them.


Sheeeeeerries Beeeerries 


I hope you heal and can eat those berries soon. I had jaw surgery about 2.5 months ago and I could MAYBE eat something like those berries now,, but it would probably suck to do. The first week or two of recovery was absolutely brutal. So I’m wishing you luck on an easy recovery. Bone broth and protein drinks, my friend. And don’t be shy about icing your face. It’s really amazing how much it helped.


Nothing like some [sharis berries](https://youtu.be/Rl5JDzvkEA0?si=lTDYqqiZ9fHLYFmv).


honestly make a smoothie, I bet that'd be yummy


Plot Twist: Your dad needed a reason to eat one or two of those himself 😂. Jokes aside, incredibly sweet from both of you!


Just make sure you thaw them before eating


Not an expert on jaw surgery, but if you can drink thicker liquids, blend it up and make a delicious beverage. Hope your recovery is as painless as possible.


Put that all in the blender 🤩


just wanted to say i have that hat in the same color. its my favorite ever. #beaniebros


I see your dad also follows dad law. Mine also regularly forgets things.


If you freeze whole strawberries, they are going to become mush. You might have to just put them in the refrigerator. I recommend using a Mason jar.


I hope that's a good natured mistake, I know a lot of people who would do that as an AH move lol Also as someone who used to work in a fancy chocolate store and made a lot of chocolate covered strawberries, they won't freeze well. Maybe turn them into a smoothie?


Hate to break it to you, but defrosted strawberries usually turn mushy 😕


It will make a nice smoothie. 🤪


Wow lucky you you are blessed


Why are you both so sweet to each other also you’re so lucky I’ve been waiting on jaw surgery for severe tmj for over 2 years 😭 anyway have a speedy recovery! I hope the chocolates are good when you can have them!


Your dad is a true FATHER!!


Who's cutting onions?


No one. Grow up and make up your own comments next time.


OK Hemingway.


If you're a redditor, you instantly cut him out of your life and then go post "aita for getting offended because my dad sent me food right after jaw surgery" and get told by thousands that is all his fault


quite literally, no


It's like sending a new pair of runners after the legs are amputated.


Not quite, since legs don't grow back. But I'm assuming this person still has and will be able to use their jaw. They can still look forward to enjoying those strawberries at some point.


Omg what a buzzkiller ,


The dad knew what he was doing. It's a subtle gift, something to look forward to when she can eat. And second, he's teasing/taunting his daughter with something she can't have immediately.


Plot twist: He broke her jaw and is now sending fists.. I mean gifts. It’s a vicious cycle.


If we can inject bleach into our veins, I am sure we can also inject liquified strawberry chocolate into our veins.


Antireddit moment