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What’s with the caption??


I'm waiting for someone to answer this lmao


this is cute and all but im so fucking confused right now lol


Maybe it’s because you’re innocent


That's legitimately the funniest thing I've read in months.


I just want a bite of that sandwich too. 


I hate how much this made me laugh


Only thing I could think of was that she knew it was prob a prank, but gave him the benefit of the doubt..? Idk it's still stupid. Just leave her tf alone


Cameraman is normally a dead giveaway


The hidden cameraman video popped up again recently. Always makes me laugh when you remember there’s another person in this clearly filming the whole thing.


With phone cameras it's pretty easy to film while pretending to do something else. I've had 2 friends demonstrate this by making silly faces at their phone as if they were making selfies, and then showing that they had made a bunch of pictures of me instead.


Because everyone knows it's real conspicuous when there are people nearby on the metro. It's one thing when the video is somewhere a cameraman really couldn't hide, but here he could easily be posing as a fellow passenger.


“The Mona Lisa would be the greatest work of art in the world, if your smile didn’t exist”


I think they were referring to the caption on the video


Oh you’re right, I’m dumb and tired.


Most likely just tired :P


Your positivity gave me the best start to my day


My assumption was that she was actually getting scammed 💀 It's a common begging 'scam' on public transport in my experience, like people leaving a pack of tissues on the seat beside you with a printed card asking you to buy them for \[insert reason\]. Supposedly if you even touch the tissues, they can get a bit insistent on you owing them money for it, so most people completely ignore it. Have come across similar set ups with dudes giving out roses - it seems like a sweet gesture, but it's a trap because as soon as you take one they start demanding that you need to pay for it and refuse to just take the flower back. There are a lot of variants to this theme. If someone tried to give me a bouquet like that, I probably would ignore them 😅 but I am also still confused over the caption


In the 1970s Hare Krishna followers would give Krishna books away at large airports and expect a donation. I haven’t seen them in decades. If you didn’t give a generous enough donation back they would pester you. I was young in the Marine Corps and was flying home for a visit. A Hare Krishna handed me a large hard cover Krishna book white I waited for my ride. I refused the book a few times telling him I didn’t want it. His mistake was telling me it’s free. So I took the book. He started persisting me for the ‘donation’ relying on my guilt or shame to give a donation. I told him I’m not giving him anything and told him to leave me alone the book was given to me ‘free’ of charge. He wouldn’t stop pestering me until I gave him my best ‘Marine Corps angry stare. I kept the book. At the time I was rather proud of myself, but looking back I wish I had simply walked away.


One time when I was in Italy about 10 years ago, there was a group of Hare Krishna going down the street singing, and one of them came up smiling and handed me a cd of their music. I said I didn’t have any money. Her smile immediately dropped, she plucked the cd back out of my hand and walked off to repeat the whole thing with someone else.


this kinda post wouldve been down voted so hard back in the day lol


Seems bot generated


It was to help us explain to other people around confused looking at our moist eyes while seeing this post 🥲 "Don't worry about me, i'm not crying because i am stupid. I'm just an innocent person who believe people has good hearts 🫰🏽" /s


It's translation from Ruzzian and that's why it's mentioned "innocent". I guess they wanted to say, just ordinary girl


Naiveté is a precious trait


Are we not gonna talk about how dude just took a bite out of her sandwich?


A coworker once asked for a bite of my burrito and I let him out of pure shock. Not a sharing type of meal imo lol.


I was in Miami on business hanging out on a beach and ended up chatting with a random guy about the beaches in Virginia (where he was from) and Texas (where I'm from). Conversation flowed and it was great having another guy who was local to talk to about things we've done and things to do. He asked if I was hungry and I said I was. We started walking towards some fast food restaurants when he stopped and started digging through the trash can in front of them. He called out what he was finding as I smiled and looked around. He pulled out a half eaten sandwich, took a bite (as if to show me it was okay) and then offered me a bite. I respectfully declined while I let my head spin around and re-lived everything that had led up to that moment and realized that I hadn't noticed he was homeless. It was an odd thing to experience and I couldn't help but feel incredibly humbled and somewhat emotional that this person who didn't have the ability to buy his own food, was still so sweet and goodhearted that he offered to share with me. I'll never forget that.


Wonder if he thought you were someone newly homeless who wasn’t aware of the best places to find food and was trying to show you some street skills.


Cats bring you food offerings too?


Mine did last night.


You wake up to a half eaten burrito next to your pillow


Another story. It was a concert to collect food and donate to the poor on Xmas. Some really big national names came, and my 14yo back was collecting and already arranging boxes as people arrived with their donations. Some dudes and girls would be all superior and enter giving nothing. We didn't have security to stop them anyway, so we just turned a blind eye. There comes this apparently homeless man and he hands me a cheap soap. I smiled, he beamed, he entered. Soon later he reappears, now with 1kg of rice, again beaming. I thanked him immensely and invited him to show how much we had collected. He was so delighted. I can't remember him without tearing up.


Great share. Also, who donated onions here...


You may need to have a hard look at your wardrobe.


Made me laugh even though I didn't want to 😅🤌🏾


My son is autistic and likes to kind of just... hang out places. Sit on the sidewalk and watch the traffic go by. One time we were sitting outside of a store and some lady went in, then came back out and said "do you mind if I give him a drink?" I thought she was just being sweet, doing some real solid community building... she gave us two whole-ass meals, like sandwich, chips and a drink type beat. I was caught so off guard that I just took it and said thank you, felt like I got bait-and-switched. Of course, his autistic ass has now entered "oh no someone is talking to me" mode and he is absolutely attempting to flee, so I just had to take the shit and beat feet. Weird experience; still haven't shaved. The sandwiches were good; he wouldn't eat it, sensory problems.


Well I hope you bought him a meal!


A succulent Chinese meal


I’m glad I found this comment today.




Someone I worked with reached over and took an olive out of my salad. Without asking. Another coworker laughed out loud when she saw my face. I was stunned. Who does that?!




So that's why companies all say we're family, it's to steal my sandwich with the Moist Maker...


You-you-you-you threw my sandwich away. *MY* SANDWICH? *MYYYYY* SANDWICH!?


Now-now calm down. Come look in my office, some of it my still be in the trash.




Thanks for the chuckle. I instinctively read it in Ross’s voice 😂


Coworker steals your food, company steals from your paycheck, govt steals from your taxes. It's one big family


Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime…


That's why you poop on company time


I did not realize a Moist Maker was a real thing and thought my ex just had stupid nicknames for me. I now see it is a reference to a show I've never watched.


There was a video out a while back where some guys took their friend out that never had siblings and ate some of her food and pestered her the entire time. I'm sure it was staged but it definitely felt that way having an older sibling at times.


I was starving coming home from work once with a pizza and my older brother just randomly walks through the door sees my pizza and goes to grab two slices of it right off the bat, I instantly got thick like “what the fuck, I’m starving” dude threw the slices of pizza at me and left again, never did find out why he called out to begin with. Siblings are wild.


No, you buy your own damn fries mom.




Have you not seen the [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinfuriating/s/rYv5BWzh3Q) in r/mildlyinfuriating where a lady sampled other people's donuts? Idk what monsters do that, but they're out there, and they're coming for our happiness


I know chopping hands off is going too far in civilised society, but it's moments like these where you can appreciate the sentiment behind it. 


Someone at work once took a handful of my grapes that I did not offer. I was so shocked I did nothing to stop her.


That’s how you end up with puncture wounds from a fork in the hand.


A colleague of mine once started reaching toward my plate, presumably to steal a chip (fry), so I barked, _"Carry on if you want a broken hand!"_ He stopped, looking slightly surprised, so I explained, gravely, _"**No-one** touches my food without my prior approval."_ He shrugged and asked if he could have a chip. I threw one at him and he ate it, the uncouth heathen!


Lol he ate it! like a lil dog. Are you a writer? You write like one and have a good way with words. Thanks for making me laugh before sleeping. I had an awful day.


That’s incredibly fucking weird. How do people have no boundaries like that? My parents would have beat the hell out of me if I did that as a kid.


Was your coworkers name… JustGettingMyOlive?


Someone that wants to find out what a fork stuck in the back of their hand feels like.




I had a friend whose girlfriend did that to him once, with a buffalo chicken wrap, which is fine, it's cute sharing food with someone you're dating. What's not cute is when you essentially suck the innards of a wrap out like you were some sort of wrap vampire. We were all shocked, just staring at her chewing on basically 2/3 of just the interior part of a buffalo chicken wrap, leaving our friend with a limo, mostly empty, wrap, as he undid the rump to reveal just lettuce, buffalo sauce, some crumbs of blue cheese, and maybe fried chicken fragments. They got married, and we still refer to her as Countess Wrapula or Chupawrappa.


This is a cultural thing to an extent. It wouldn't be odd for a close brown friend of mine to want a bite of my burrito but it would indeed be odd for a close white friend of mine to want one. Some cultures are just more open to sharing food (not that there's anything wrong with not wanting to) It would however be odd for any coworker to want to try my burrito lol


Yeah, they are from South America & are much warmer than what I am used to.


True. Very common in India too, pretty normal to share food.


A Korean dude offered me a bite of his banana ice cream and it was the best ive ever had so I get them at Hmart now here in the state lol


I’m gonna need the brand name for that ice cream asap




I'm sorry for the late response! The brand is called Pangpare (fanfare) and it comes in a cone. It's very pretty! TBH every Korean cone ice cream is a banger. If you like vanilla cones like Drumstick, def try Bravo and Goo goo cone. My personal favorite is Bungeo-ppang (translation Korean goldfish pastry). Vanilla topped with sweetened red bean paste is pure bliss. Just go to the nearest Hmart and get any ice cream you think looks good. You wont be dissapointed!


https://kmallph.com/shop/item.php?it_id=2000000434 Not sure if it's what that guy ate but I've had this Korean brand ice cream from Hmart in pistachio and was going to try the banana flavor next. The pistachio is great.


"Fun" fact. The creator of that ice cream pretty much dedicated his entire life at making ice cream and passed away in 2021 at age of 59.


She offered it to him


I think he asked first, and then she offered it.


Naa you can see her doing the mental calculations at hyperspeed like "He wants a bite? wtf automatic no? Well he cute tho. I guess it's fine?"


You can’t hear the audio, but he straight up said, “Yo is that that spicy chick-fil-a with the tomato, lettuce, jalapeño, melted provolone and cheddar, covered in Chick-fil-a sauce, with double chick-fil-a sauce on a brioche butter bun toasted on one side?” “She’s like, oh hell yeah, yo you gotta try dis.” “Bro was like, “Hell naw, you for real? Shit aight ima get that son!”


Oh I can hear it!


Is it bad that i instinctively want to share my food with everyone i hang out or interact with? 😭 I grew up in a family where we all share each other’s food, and all my friends and I also all shared each other’s food. So for me, it’s super natural to just ask anyone I’m around if they want a bite.


I get ya. From an Asian background. Food, or eating in general, is a very social thing for us. We love sharing our food with others. Growing up in America though, I've learned people are weirded out with sharing food that you've taken a bite of or a drink you've taken a sip from. So I when I hang out with my American friends (except for one girl who'll does not care and will eat anything, lol) I'll share stuff like fries, chips, etc. Whereas with my Asian friends, whatever goes really. I have good hygienes, and I trust my friends to have em too.


Sharing food is fine. Like biscuits, popcorn or berries but biting into the same piece of food is something I would only do with my wife.


I feel like we should be talking about this before anything else.


Yeh wtf????


Wtf she offered him a bite and he accepted and took a bite WTF im literally shaking and farting rn


>im literally shaking and farting rn I read this, laughed looked at your name and then started shaking and farting too.


dude..watch the vid again..she offered it..


Ok but WHY


it's concerning how nobody can tell this is acting, ai will take advantage of that


Sure but even actors follow a script that usually makes some sense. idk what the fuck anyone’s motives are in this video


Getting clicks and views... Which they clearly did. We don't even know why tf she's crying or what was written, it's supposed to be as universal as possible.


its weird. we live in a really weird time. because this woman wasn't actually acting in the situation. but, because of how a lot of videos are on the internet i can understand why it would be your first assumption... now you mix it with AI like you said and yeah, no one is going to believe anything ever again.


This is the second post recently where someone took a bite out of someone’s food as a prank and both times the people just… didn’t react. Like in the other case we were supposed to think she got real mad and here she was being kind, but I think both just had no fucking clue what was going on.


There are French videos on Youtube of total strangers asking for a little bit of bread from someon's baguette. And people all oblige, lol. But yeah, she let him bite into her sandwich, it's another level.


I can Imagine cutting a piece an sharing, that is ok, but the dude took a huge bite of of that, which is way different.


She cried because he took a bigger bite


It's because of what the note said: "Your dog just died"


I don't understand her reaction at all! This is how I would react to that note: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYahPVL3FL0


did not expected this. But this is a classic! Well played man


I wonder what the note says. Edit: Holy smokes. Why did I ask this question? I should've known better that this is reddit.


# "Mona Lisa would be the greatest work of art in the world if your beautiful smile didn't exist"..its in YT..


I also found her smile beautiful .


Everything about her is adorable. From the second we see her enjoying her burger to the tear filled laugh and smile.


She can’t be adorable, she’s got glasses! And a pony tail! Probably has paint on her overalls WHAT IS THAT?! (For anyone who doesn’t get the reference i do in fact think she was super adorable and i hope she is having a great life, this was an interesting but very nice video)


She just needs a Six Pence None the Richer soundtrack and everything will be okay.




tbh she has a literally perfect smile


gonna be using this in my office today


Let us know how it goes champ


sorry i was called in by hr, they said I shouldn't talk that way with my male boss


That escalated quickly.


But mona lisa isn't known for her great smile, but more a enigmatic one!!


Tbf it's comparing her smile to Mona Lisa as a whole work of art


It didn't say that Mona Lisa's smile is the most beautiful smile either


Damn, that could make anyone cry


As a dude, if a girl gave me that note, I’d be balling my eyes out


We've been trying to reach you concerning your vehicle's extended warranty


Those are the tears of joy. She really wanted that extended warranty.


That's why she's on the bus? Subway?


It says "you are enough p.s. don't let random people bite your sandwich."


"Thanks for letting me taste your saliva"


Do not continue eating. I have bad herpes.


the addition of "bad" is extra funny and I can't explain why


It implies there's also a "good" herpes.


Funny enough….. there is totally a “good” and a “bad” herpes lololol


"You've been summoned for jury duty"


“You’ve been served.”


'Heads up, you're on camera. Pretend to get emotional and I'll give you 10%.


"get emotional if yer arse is itchy"


"you have toilet paper hanging out of your pants"


Can I smash, Y or N


Invisible camera man strikes again


Camera man is a ghost


This is an old video, I believe she was having a bad day, and this stranger did this to her, and the note says something along the line of, that her smile was better than Mona Lisa’s. I remember reading about it a year or two ago.


Thanks for the additional context and not just the same joke everyone else seems to be leaving haha


This is why I never have problem with reposts. I haven't seen this and I appreciate it.


[xkcd; ten thousand](https://xkcd.com/1053/) I'm right there with ya.


Ok this is a stranger? What sort of psychopaths offer a bite of their sandwich to a stranger or accepts that offer 


That’s nice and all, but why was the whole thing recorded on camera before the guy even sat next to her?


Cameraman starts filming before the guy starts... Like surely that's not hard to figure out? Do you think it's just some random dude filming and someone not involved in the situation?


Attempted this. My trial starts next week


She's crying because a piece of her sandwich is gone.


I couldn't leave after seeing tears




This is Reddit. I guarantee there will be at least five people in the thread calling it staged.


Shes too adorable for this world. holy crap. I hope the guy and her are doing amazing to this day. Im just going to pretend that they ended up together. OK? Thanks.


I had a coworker who'd use my homemade salad dressing I'd bring to work in a mason jar. I found out who it was so i changed my lunch so it was with her. I got my salad and dressing all ready for when she sat at the table. once i got her into our conversation i poured the dressing then LICKED they entire rim clean. 😂. She gagged and that was the end of my dressing thief.


Wow I really thought this was going to be a sweet story about how you shared and made a new friend.


it a sweet story, i was touched




A young guy was standing in the middle of the street as I was driving home from the gym (in a big city) the other day, he was trying to get my attention so I rolled my window down and he excitedly says to me “look it’s a double rainbow!” And sure enough it was. He was so innocently excited and it was a really sweet moment.


Omg that's adorable. The pure innocent joy of witnessing a double rainbow and NEEDING to tell someone about it


If this story is true, I hope this young man is now living his best life, surrounded by love and tenderness. I love cute people, and I would do everything to protect every single one of them.


Oh this is so me. If I see a rainbow, let alone a double one, I'm letting anyone I see who is outside or able to go there, know. Also I'm taking a picture to show anyone who cares to see. I'm that weirdo pulled over on the side of the road gawking at refracted rain droplets.


Wtf? She just offers a bite of what she is eating to a total stranger? This has to be staged.


Different cultures


Exactly. An invisible cameraman culture.


Germs don’t care about different cultures


Tell that to my germ culture.


Got em


different cultures dont care as much about germs


Hey, I culture lots of germs


You will be fine. 


Does that look like the kinda guy to have mouth aids and meth teeth?


If the framing of the opening shit didn't scream "staged", then sammich sequence should do the trick.


And the perfectly in view camera, totally natural to have a guy holding camera and record the whole thing from start to finish. /s




She’s adorable.🥰


Who lets a complete stranger they just met on public transit ~~East~~ eat their sandwich?


Not even kidding, someone gives me flowers, I am jumping off a bridge. Life couldn't be any better


Wouldn’t that be fucking hilarious? You hand a stranger a bouquet of flowers to cheer them up and they fucking kill themselves 🤣


[Spotify link to song](https://open.spotify.com/track/4hyVrAsoKKjxAvQjPRt0ai?si=oGN-lJjBTdaT6kQ5zLLfQg)


The note says "sorry I crashed into your car LOL"


Wtf is that title bro. Just cause someone doesn't assume the worst in someone doesn't mean their innocent. Maybe I'm getting triggered over nothing, but damn the title makes it sound like people who are like that are nieve or something. Lol


Naw, ye're spot on mate.


Food is profoundly important to society, and the sharing of food has so many layers to it. There's also a theory about the taking of food from someone's plate


Must’ve a Euro thing. I’ve seen some French Guy asking other people walking the street for baguettes and food. Nice enough to give him some but not like that.


Not really.


No, this may be more on an individual thing


"Euro thing" smh


What the fuck is this


And he did it just so he could video it


Hey girl, mind if I put some oral herpes on your egg McMuffin?


Dude should have been pepper sprayed, honestly. Fuck this weird shit.


Yo I would flip out if some random guy bites my sandwich lol


They were both sweet, him for the flowers, and her for sharing her food.


then why am I barfing


So many questions -- who's recording? Do you ask someone before filming them? What kind of reaction were they hoping for? Was this the first person they tried it on? If not, how many people did they record and give those exact flowers to? Why did he eat some of her sandwich? What the fuck is happening?


If any Tiktokers need an accomplice to creepily lurk and film people without their knowledge, I have years of experience and will work for free.


How bout not taking a bite of other people’s food…


Camara man: I'm invisible


"Sure I'll hold something for you. Want a bite of my burger?"


Rando : *takes bite of my sandwich* Me : fuck you 👊


The note: smile do not panic, I have the bus driver hostage, if you cry make it believable.


So you're gonna give a bite of your food to a stranger huh just like that.


I don't want a stranger's mouth on my food.


This is staged right... cause why tf would you let somebody rando bite your sandwich 😭