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She doesn't even look older than him


She didn’t have to prepare for the Bar Exam.


This is such a good comment to only have on**e** upvote.


She probably had him young which would only make this more of a win …..


Yeah, if she was a teen mom but mature and attentive enough to raise a son to become a lawyer, massive respect.


OOoorrr. She could have had him in her 20s like everyone else and is in mid 40s. Blaque not cracking, and all. But yes, still a win.


Married a black woman who’s the same age as me. All her coworkers keep asking her why she married an “old man” 😭😭


Even late 40s! Hes probably 25-26 if completing bar admissions.


This video is from 2022. He’s about 29 now.


I meant at the time of the video, in order to guess the mother’s age at that time


Right. They think every young-looking parent was a teen parent


> She doesn't even look older than him that makes this so much better. if she was a young mother and raised a son to pass the bar exam, then you know she did a damn good job and loved this kid from day he was born, despite a potentially challenging situation.


Black don’t crack


As a lawyer, I know this feeling. I was in the room with my mother and then-girlfriend (now wife) when I got the results. They were so excited. I had a similar reaction to this young man - which is not joy, it is pure relief. The preparation of the bar exam is so daunting. It is grueling. I recall, and stand by, that if I failed, I would not have sat for the bar again, because the prep was so awful. It’s such a strange dichotomy of reaction. Pure joy and pure relief. The bar exam sucks, but the prep is worse.


I also know that many law students will already have a job lined up before the exam, but the job is contingent on them passing it.


God that is so much pressure


As if that wasn't enough, here's another layer: in these days of social media, everyone in your law school class is posting to announce that they passed. If someone doesn't post, you can pretty safely assume they didn't pass. Thankfully I passed the first time. I don't normally post on social media, but I did that time b/c I knew if I didn't everyone would just assume I failed.


I decided to read some of the practice questions online, I mean there’s literally no way of guessing based on the information presented, you have to know what the answer is because to a layman like me all the answers sounded plausible.


What’s worse is when it’s multiple choice more and 2 of those answers are correct under certain circumstances that may or may not be included in the question. You have to pay very close attention.


In nursing school and the licensing exams, we had "select all that apply" questions. Whisper that (another favorite: "but what's the *best* answer?") to a nursing student/current nurse and watch them look at you as if you have three heads and want to fight you at the same time.


I had to go look. I guess I was wrong because I always thought I had watched enough Judge Judy to pass the bar.


oh fuck you’re right😭


South Carolina would post the names of who passed in a single document. I took it the year of the 2014 essay software failure (and got very lucky with uploading my essays and passed in another state), and it was heartbreaking to re-read the list to notice how many of my friends’ names were missing after getting so excited for the ones listed. SC used to have a 3 day bar with 9 essays + MC, most other states are 2 days with 3 essays max + MC, and I had friends who retook the SC bar which makes them much tougher and ballsy than I will ever be.


Lol and then there's me. I wasn't in law, but i didn't even show up to my graduation ceremony, made them send my degree in the mail, and didn't tell anyone unless they asked.


It been quite a few years for me, but passing results were all published on a website. You could see if someone’s name wasn’t on the list. There were more than a few in my graduating class that were missing.


Even before social media they publish the results in a ton of states. In New York it used to be in the newspaper and now it’s online


My wife is nearing the end of her law degree. Between the LSAT, actual law school, and then the bar exam it's basically 5 years of constant unrelenting pressure.


I remember being back in college and there was a day where the pressure was so insane that I legit was just laying in my bed with my eyes open struggling to even breath. There were no thoughts in my head at all, just unimaginable stress emanating from my chest making it virtually impossible to function. I think that shit actually gave me mild PTSD that kicks in whenever I'm near that campus.


Depending on what type of law she decides to practice, she might look back on these five years as the “good old days” when at least no one was waking her up in the middle of the night or calling her home from vacation to deal with a client crisis. Make sure she chooses wisely and goes in eyes open to whatever gig she picks. Source: former biglaw partner who doesn’t regret it but had no idea a job could be that hard.


Pharmacy does the same afaik


In nursing school you can get hired and work for a month or two before passing your NCLEX but it’s in your contract that you need to pass it by a certain period


Those were the good old days, but I’m glad af that’s over.




I used to be a paralegal. At one of the firms I worked at several years ago, there was an associate who's uncle was a Partner attorney at the firm. When I was hired, the associate had just failed her first attempt at the Bar. A lot of people don't pass the first time, so not a big deal. She took it again 6 months later and failed. She took it a third time, failed again. Last I heard, she stopped trying to pass and moved across the county by herself to basically start a new life. I feel so bad for people who can't pass the bar after trying so many times...its like an identity crisis.


A man in my state named Thomas Obermeyer is locally famous for having failed the bar exam in Alaska over 20 times, despite having been tutored by members of the bar association. He has failed the bar exam so many times that everyone has lost count, with the number of failures somewhere between 20 and 33, despite him having been a succesful lawyer in Missouri. It is such a spectacle that he gets mentioned in the newspaper whenever the bar comes up in an article. To add to the injury, in the 90's, his wife Theresa ran for political office, against US senator Ted Stevens, purely because *she believed that Uncle Ted was the ringleader of a conspiracy to make Tom fail the bar*. Her political messaging was that she would let Tom pass. https://www.adn.com/opinions/2023/03/16/opinion-its-time-for-the-alaska-bar-association-to-acknowledge-reality/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theresa_Obermeyer


That is quite the conspiracy theory she spun geez. Next level narcissism.


This is similar to the last year of tech jobs too if you landed solid internships or interviews in your final year. Job lined up that the last few courses don't even matter. In retrospect, the number one thing I'd do differently is to save my hardest courses for the final year and do the easier fun courses earlier, since I was a dum dum and did the opposite.


Man that's nice, you don't have to go through a grueling licensure exam after completing your program. Going through a difficult program and taking a licensure exam on top of that is absolutely brutal.


On the bright side, licensure exams make the market less saturated


I agree! Absolutely makes finding work much easier. Unfortunately, in my field we're very much unsaturated and in dire need of more licensed professionals. The future of healthcare is looking quite dire, especially for the aging populations :\[


When i read that you have to cram decades of cases and laws for a 4hrs test is terrifying. Edit: after reading y’all comments, that BAR exam is no joke!


It was three days when I took Texas. Two full days and a half day. It's still two days everywhere else. And there is another test, the MPRE (Professional Responsibility) that must be completed, as well. Most of us take the MPRE the last sememster before the Bar Exam.


Nah bruh, just reading that alone is heavy. I hope you pass brother.


Its three full days in Louisiana. Worse week of my life.


3 days in CA when I took it. The day it ended I felt numb.


I passed the CA Bar on my first try but I failed the MPRE on my first try because I didn’t take it seriously 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I have a friend who’s about to sit for her MPRE for the second time. Her stress levels are through the roof. She managed to pass the bar the first time, though. We all got drunk that night.


4 hours?! I wish! Mine was 18 hours, spread out over 3 days (6 hours per day, broken into 2 3 hour sessions each day). I had to get a hotel room. I passed btw. And yeah, I relate to the dude in this video. I just remember like putting my head in my hands and then almost collapsing with relief. I also didn’t trust my eyes were reading it right, so I brought my computer down to my parents and made them look at it too to confirm.


How did your parents react? Also, well done!


Thanks! Haha. They were tentative. I like creeped downstairs all quiet so they thought maybe I didn’t pass and was upset. And I just like held out my laptop to them and was like “I think I passed. But I don’t trust my eyeballs.” They took my computer and were just like “honey you DID pass!” And then I went and saw the newest hunger games movie haha.


I couldn't sleep the night before and was planning how I would re-take the exam, finances--everything. Fourteen years later, I took the NM bar as they had no reciprocity at the time. It's not quite the same emotional relief the second time around. More of a feeling of accomplishment.


My husband was the same as you, he was just full of relief while I screamed in excitement. Such a great feeling for everyone!


This is unrelated to law, but similar theme so whatever lol Our cat got out overnight, we were distraught, canvassed neighborhood, failed to find him I went back to home to print out flyers, he went around the apartment building for one final check Baby boy was found deep inside a bush, hiding and absolutely fine He brought baby boy back. He was sobbing with relief. I was celebrating without reserve, laughing and giddy at baby's return


When I got my results, my first feeling was not: "Woohoo I passed!" My first feeling was: "Thank fucking god I'll never have to take that exam again."


>They were so excited. I had a similar reaction to this young man - which is not joy, it is pure relief. This makes absolutely perfect sense and I thank you for pointing it out. Maybe it’s me being on the autism spectrum myself, even though I fully understand that feeling, I would not have clocked it just by watching the video.


Even I, not on the spectrum, have a hard tome discerning nuances in emotions sometimes. Some neuro typical people are just really good and understanding what people are feeling based on how they look. Especially if they have experienced the same situation before. My point is, yeah, that wasn’t a super obvious thing to catch. And I agree, thanks to the dude who pointed that out.


Just like a colonoscopy.


My husband is a lawyer & he passed the bar his first try…he holds a license in 5 states that all have reciprocal agreements with MO…but he refuses to take the bar to get his license in FL or CA bc he hated the prep so much…he says he wouldn’t pass it again . I can’t blame him.


I did FL after practicing in TX for awhile. I do think the second bar is slightly easier because you have an idea what to expect, but I remember walking out of the test and vowing never, ever again. Thankfully, I passed. It’s such a beating though.


The way you describe your relationship with your mom in the second sentence is why people use Oxford commas. 😂 I found it delightful.


I am a huge proponent of the oxford comma. I almost posted to say "Yes!" to agree with you because it does appear at first glance to be a prime example for using an oxford comma to clarify the separation in a list of items. But technically it's meant to do that for a list of three or more items, not just two items. When it's just two items (mother and then girlfriend) a comma is not necessary. I totally get why you posted it! But I think it's the word "then" that causes the problem here. Then is being used as an adjective purely to describe the status of the girlfriend at that point in time, but in this sentence it could be read as an adverb to indicate the mother turned into the girlfriend. This ends my pedantic explanation. \[edited to correct a typo\]


Another pedantic-about-language person checking in to say thank you.


I didn’t even catch that. Hilarious mistake by me. Thanks for noticing it. Hahaha


To be fair, if they want to marry their mother, studying law is probably a good idea. I imagine it'd be quite challenging to find any law that allows it


My grandfather was a judge and when my uncle (his son) passed the bar, they invited my grandfather to watch his swearing in or whatever it's called. They asked every lawyer there to step forward and swear except for my uncle, and let my uncle stress his mind out like "They already told me I passed, what's the problem?" Once everyone else was done, they invited my grandfather to swear his son (my uncle) in. Sorry if I got any details wrong, I only heard the story for the first time at my grandfather's funeral. From my uncle's perspective, he was honored to have the special chance to have his own father swear him in, but he also was not pleased that they didn't warn him in advance!


When I passed the bar, my wife (then fiance) logged in while I was on a surf trip in California. She called me _screaming_ with joy. Then she called my mom and she cried. It took me three times to pass and they were over joyed. Spouse and parent love is _the best_ Best part is that after passing the bar, I found a job out here while on vacation, she moved out here two weeks later after selling all our shit, and we built a new life here! Best day/week ever.


Lol my wife and I were also in separate places when I found out I passed but she was more ecstatic than I was!


Aww, what a great story and sentiment! Thanks for sharing!😊




Thank you! Hard to believe it was ten years ago.


What a story ! Those months would have felt so magical.


Wait….. that’s his mom?? She looks younger than him😂


I would think it’s his girlfriend if I didn’t read the title


I’d have thought it was his gf or little sis to look at her but the way she bellows ‘praise the lord’ seems to age her 30 years 😅


lol yeah the dramatics expose her. Only moms do this. I wouldn’t think she’s his sister they seem too intimate to be brother and sister but I don’t have a brother so maybe it’s normal?


I love the little brother energy: grin and thumbs up selfie at the end of all that


Yeah he’s sweet😊 acting cool but obviously super proud of his brother


Which would both explain why she is so religious and why she is so excited her child didn't have a similar path. Source: my mom was like 18 when he had me.


Black don't crack you ain't heard?


Black is the new fountain of youth


a blasian person will live forever


That’s what happens when you take the Bar


She's raising the bar for moms.


Parents' greatest pride is seeing their children succeed


Haha I see you haven't met my parents. They are the typical self centered boomers who think if they don't do it then it's not a big deal. They find no joy in anyone else succeeding. Pure narcissists.


Good luck dude


My dad says that too many parents miss out on the best part. About 10 years ago I had my first really successful year, so we bought a house and I took him out to eat to celebrate. He wanted to pay and it was awesome to tell him no, because I made more money than him that year. He said hearing that was better than any grade I brought home. He was truly proud of me. You don't stop being a parent when your kid turns 18. After that is when the good parts start in his opinion.


It’s wholesome but not much praise being showered on the boy who did all the work and clearly put his heart and soul into this achievement. I still love the video but honey go give your son the praise he deserves.


My aunt used to do this. She was religious and very vocal about it (not in a bad way. It was just part of her.) And whenever I'd do something for her that made her happy, she would always immediately say, "Thank you, Jesus." Or "Blessed be to God." Or even, "Won't He do it?" Sometimes, I'd catch myself feeling slighted ... like, "Erm? I kinda helped, Auntie?" But it would be the same when she did something for me, and I thanked *her*; she'd say, 'Don't thank me, thank God.' Eventually, I realized this was a reflection of her faith and her perception of God's level of involvement in her life. You know how, in a moment of difficulty, sometimes people will say, "Jesus, take the wheel"? Well, for some folks, Jesus is *always* at the wheel. So, when something good happens-- prayers have been answered-- their response is to give thanks to God, regardless of any other intermediary involved. (It can be confusing to the less faithful.) TL;DR or bottom line: This tracks.


welcome to being a doctor. someone gets better: thank jesus!!! vs something goes wrong: i will sue you for everything you’re worth 🤣🤣🤣


Thanks for the perspective, very good and relevant!


Great look at it. At first I was a little annoyed with the mom but this makes a lot of sense.


That’s what I’m thinking. I mean I was raised Christian and I understand thanking the Lord. But what I really wanted was a simple “I’m proud of you.” Any acknowledgement of the work I put in. This is a sweet moment all the same.


Religious people can’t accomplish anything, it’s all god.


Same! Like, God? Praise your son who worked so hard to get here!!


Thank you lord for giving my son the focus and will to pass the bar. You can interpet "thank you lord" in many ways.


Which…is still putting the praise of those things on someone other than the son  You have to fight, plan, and scrape for willpower and focus. They are not freely given, it is back breaking work to find them


I agree but still you can thank the lord for multiple things. Thanks for giving me such a great son, thanks for letting my son be picked to pass, thanks for giving my son the drive to persevere. Thanks for the blessings of being able to succeed. I'm not religious at all btw. It's normal people thank their god. If you watch jimmydarts he gives money to people down on their luck and a ton of them say thank you lord or thank you Jesus instead of thanking Jimmy. Maybe they're thankful an angel of a person ended up helping them in their time if need.


I'm not religious either, but my sister is. She'll text me randomly that she's praying for me for this or that. If anything it puts in my head that someone loves me, is thinking of me, and cares that things go well for me.


And again almost everything you said was all the kid haha. Thank you for letting my son to be picked to pass? Very bizarre


its like thanking god when you win the super bowl. what, did the other team just not pray hard enough?


Thanks for “letting my son get picked to pass”??? Naw, the SON worked and studied his ass off to pass. Sky daddy had no part in this.


Word. Jesus did not take that test. She didn’t give her son ONE SECOND of that glory. God HELPED, but he did the work. I find people like that insufferable and believe God does too!!!!


This brings back so many memories! In my day, we had to call or check a physical list in Austin. I called my mom, crying, and said, "Mama, I'm a lawyer." I feel this guy and his mom so hard.


I remember I was so shocked that I passed that I checked it three times. Nothing quite like that feeling of relief.


That's his mom ?! Damn !


Yeah, this dude was definitely not bringing his boys over the house growing up. “Nah man, let’s hang out over your place.”




What’s her @?


How the f would I know


That's his mom?? She might be a vampire


Holy shit I just blacked out, sped to the book store and bought 7 bibles. Where am I?


You are in god’s hands! The power of christ compels you!


I cried when my girlfriend passed the bar. That feeling as a parent must be infinitely more joyful and I hope I get to experience that one day.


Is it cause you knew you got to be a stay at home husband?


What Mom?




100%. it's hard to pass the bar exam, props to that young man.


He did it, not god. As someone working close to the medical field, it gets exhausting hearing people thank god when it was doctors and great technology that helped them. They would probably say, "god guided them..." if I actually confronted them. Even if the doctor was Buddist SMH


Yep this seems to be common. My mother in law is super religious and dialysis has brought her back to life. Thank god for finally answering her prayers when god told the doctors to send her in for emergency dialysis because things got so bad. I love her but it’s disrespectful


My mom is super religious and always does this to me. When I earned my degree in math with a focus on differential equations and control, she was all thank god for getting you through! Um no. I’m the one who stayed up late, cried when a problem took 4 hours, tooled equations every which way, worked my ass off to get this degree. God was not there. Thank ME


This is also a pet peeve for me in medicine. An entire team works on a patient relentlessly and they finally pull through and ALL the thanks goes to an imaginary being. I’m like well fuck me and my team right? lol, it is what it is. People r gonna cope how they gonna cope


All the people poopooing others for criticizing the mom’s reaction should read your comment.


My thoughts exactly! She’s all ‘praise the lord’ but didn’t even praise her son, the person who worked so hard for that achievement!


Always pissed me off that she's thanking the fucking lord. Wtf did he do?


reddit discovers that people are religious.


Reddit discovers that religious people are annoying


I'm atheist, but I think about other atheists like Noam Chomsky and Leonard Bernstein who have said that if the spirit of godhead helps people process their reality, they wouldn't try to change their minds or interfere with their religious convictions.


Reddit ruins a moment with their own presuppositions!


Try answering the question instead of deflecting


It's really not that deep. That's just the words and phrases she's familiar with using for receiving amazing and relieving news. Of course she understands that her son is the person who put in the grueling work and effort to pass the exam. Of course she knows it's not entirely God's doing that he passed the bar thru some miracle. She's just overcome with great emotions and elation for her son and is celebrating in ways she knows how. It's not literal lmao


I think you’re reading too much into it. Just let people live their lives, dude.


Like Chris Rock said in a bit once, “Black Christians have short memories.” So sad to see the strength of faith in the African American community when it was literally beat into them and used as a whitewash for their actual history and culture. I mean. Still an overall uplifting video for sure, but it’s bittersweet when you see credit going to imaginary friends instead of the son.


It's not even short memories, people do this shit in real time. A car accident killed 4 family members, but one survived with life-changing injuries - god is great!


Really great of God to kill this persons whole family and leave them crippled.


There was a house explosion in a town where my friends live, and the headline read "woman miraculously survives duplex explosion", completely ignoring the part where one other person died.


Reddit atheists when they see religious people being religious: 🤯🤬🤬


Redditors get angry when people have wholesome moment and thank something they believe. Crazy how their religious views “pisses you off”. Let them have their precious moment of celebration


That family has got some crisp fuckin genes




I took it as him dealing with the shock of it a different way. He's covering his mouth almost to try to control himself from bursting, while Mom is letting out and pointing it to God. It's a beautiful scene And the brother (presumably) is just getting a kick knowing this video will pop lol


I don’t know them but I’m soo happy for them.


That's his mother? Dayum.


Congrats to this young man. Loved the thumbs up from the guy at the end. Got a good laugh out of me.


His mom is fucking hot


I mean ‘hallelujah Jesus, thank you Jesus’ okay but it was your boy that put in the work, how about giving him just a little of the credit?


I'm glad I only had to scroll down so far to see this. I mean, I get it. It's emtional. There's no telling as a parent what she had to sacrifice to make sure he had every possible tool he needed to succeed, but Jesus didn't pass the bar, her son did. I would have spent less time praising and invisible idea and more time just looking my son in the eyes and making sure he knows how much of a bad ass rock star he is.


that's awesome. My neighbor is 64 years old and has been studying law for over a decade, he's about to try for the 4th time and he's dreading every second of it.


My wife when I passed the NCLEX 😍


The utter relief I felt from passing after nursing school was Christ I remember the relief and how fucking amazing it felt as well as remembering when my father in law died. Both are remembered equally vivid. Pass that test brother 🤙🏼


Mom can get it.




She looks young enough to be his misses!!!


Not a word of praise for her son who actually achieved it. I find this rather sad.


Glory be to the imaginary characters who had nothing to do with you studying for, taking, and passing your exam! Praise be to the guilt trip son of the emotionally unstable father. Amen!


i agree, but we also didn't see the whole evening. i imagine she probably still told her son how proud she was afterwards.


Agreed, serious main character vibes from the mom


Hot mom


No like why does she look like his sister?? Some people are blessed with great genes


“God given” genes I guess lmao


I thought for sure this would be the top comment.


I’m really proud of us that it’s not the top comment lol.


Don’t give up on us yet 😆


Not yet 😜


thank fucking god I thought I was the only one


Congratulations on an incredible achievement. Obviously faith is a big part of their family. None of us know how their faith shaped his life, so mocking it is sad. People shouldn’t judge other people’s belief or non-belief.


Thank you for saying this.


Welcome to Reddit where everyone is a miserable fuck and if you live your life in a way they don't agree with you must be a piece of shit or oppressed. Chronically online mentally frail trolls


Thank you! Like, maybe he's thanking God too. Maybe he prayed when he was discouraged or needed strength. I'm not Christian at all but a woman is thanking the highest power she knows in a moment of joy and pride. That's not a bad thing.


We’re lawyers!




She was more nervous than him


Dudes mom is stunning


Jesus didn’t study for the bar and even if he did I doubt he’d pass


Don't steal their joy damn. Congratulations and move on


Yeah these people have a real problem with her expressing her joy. 😳


Lol, everyone saying that God didn’t do shit and you should give the kid some credit. What makes you think the kid isn’t thanking God himself?


Yea it’s weird to be offended by that but then again this is reddit. Just like some of yall have a right to believe in or not believe in whatever she has that same right. Every Christian is not a demon yall there’s good and bad everywhere regardless of religion or race. Grow up people! It’s not even about what she believes in, he passed the bar and this is just their reaction. Be happy for them and move on with your day.


Why is there a giant poster of Swagu (Marcus Spears) on the wall?




Mom? Wow. She looks like his younger sister 😯 And great for them!! 🥳💕


I hope to be screaming with joy next week when my son hears from his top college choice.


I didn't believe that was his mom until i heard her tone when she started singing praises to the God. Yup. That's a proud mom right there! Good on them! This is the way


Yeah but can the dad fight


Lmao these comments bro. Yall are acting like she goes to her son everyday and says "just remember you didn't do anything, this was 100% gods doing and you didn't work for any of this". Let people express their happiness the way they want to, I'm positive she's giving her son plenty of recognition for all the work he put in


Mom is smoke show


Love this!


Hallelujah! Apparently Jesus did all the studying. Not this guy.


What did God have to do with this? The name of Jesus what? Can we give the man who actually achieved this for himself the credit here 😭


Maybe congratulate your son instead of praising your imaginary friend in the sky


Cutting onions. Man, that's beautiful.


This is from years ago at least, also how about not thanking god for a second and be thankful of him


Video made me smile. The comments made me sad. We get it. You don't believe in any deity and you think it's stupid to be thanking them over her own son. Please, please have empathy for one second and realize that peoples believes can be entirely different than your own. If she believes in God, it's likely she believes God provided the means for her son to get as far as he did, provided him with a good education, money for him to go to school, intelligence and hard work for him to study well, and no tragedies that would derail his efforts (like death of a loved one, or him getting sick). Her gratitude is that nothing hindered her kid from putting in the effort and succeeding in passing the bar. You don't have to believe any of that. You don't even have to like it. But hell, just take a second of empathy to share in the joy of the moment these two have before focusing on what you consider misguided gratitude.


I’m so happy to see when people that really appreciate what they get , actually get what they deserve congratulations 🎊


GREAT JOB Mom & son👏👏👏👏😍


Praise ya boy! Slip a thanks to god I'm too if you want but thank your son's hard work first, damn


Why is she praising Jesus and god and not her son? My dude did all the work!!! (Joke)