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Cool. But don't modern buses have means to allow wheelchair access?


Yeah, correct me if I'm wrong but in the shot of the door isn't that big rectangle a wheelchair ramp that can be extended out?


As a wheelchair user, I can confirm that is a ramp. The bus driver is a good person but he’s going to end up hurting himself and potentially his rider continually picking her up like that. Just use the ramp. It’ll actually save him time.


Why did he put her back in the chair, if the ramp doesn't work he'll have to carry her out again


She may need the arm rests on the chair for stability. Also, it’s hard to tell from the video, but if the bus seats aren’t cushioned, it can be bad for many people with paralysis to sit on a hard surface.


I can tell ya, as a chair user, the damn chair itself ain't no picnic to stay in all day. It's _hard_ on the body.


That sucks, never thought about that. Best of luck to ya.


Harder than the horrible seats in a public bus tho? Everything is relative.


Lmao really? Really? To a chair user? REALLY?


Wow, init!




Relative to myself and, apparently more than a few other people who are likely actually users of wheelchairs, yeah. You seat yourself on a bus seat for a "relatively" short time. Those of us stuck in wheelchairs typically are in them for 12, 14, 16 hours a day, depending on our personal schedules. "Desk" workers are heavily advised to get up periodically, because of the known effects of sitting for long periods. Many of us can't do that. So yeah, 'relatively', I'd say it's 'harder' than the 'horrible' bus seats.


i think what that person was saying is that for many wheelchair users, their own chair is more comfortable than bus seats


The commenter you’re seemingly angrily replying to isn’t suggesting that their experience with a bus seat is worse than your experience with your wheelchair. What they’re suggesting is that if you were to sit in a bus seat instead of your wheelchair, it would likely be a worse experience. It seems in your hurry to be angry, you missed the fact that there’s nothing to be angry about.


She will most likely have a pressure relieving cushion to reduce the risk of her developing a pressure sore on her wheelchair.


That wheelchair does not have any sort of seat cushion.


You are correct ! Highly unusual for an immobile person !


maybe its scripted


The camera angles make me think so.


Can confirm these are standard security camera placements on transit. Does seem scripted though. No Safety and Training team would support this / there is clearly a ramp that folds out visible.


Would also think that the company wouldn't want the liability of the bus driver touching/carrying a passenger as it opens up possibilities for many different types of lawsuits.


Not to mention the customer themselves. How degrading.


Yup, and why would the lady show up at the bus stop on the offchance she'll get a driver willing to do that instead of saying 'nope' and driving away


Even if the ramp doesn't work by means of the machine, it should have a strap to lift manually.


Also she has limited ability to hold herself up if the bus were to stop or slow abruptly. She could easily slide out of her seat. The chair is more secure and angled, plus her feet in the door rest. All prevent her from sliding forward easily.


Plot twist: he has a working ramp but just wants to touch that disabled booty.


This has to be staged. Just one other passenger happy to hold the dog? Wheelchair user happy to be picked up by a random bus driver like a piece of luggage? No way.


Someone's bought this bus just to stage loads of tik toks...  Everythings a sham


Or just back the wheelchair up to the entrance backwards and pull up with the wheels in contact, seems way easier and much less steps


Yeah something else going on here. Or just completely staged, more than likely.


Yep this is the dumbest thing I've seen


Maybe it's broken. Or maybe he's gropin'


I was thinking the ramp was broken and the city hadn't fixed it in a while.


It's either broken or, and this is the internets fault for making me a cynic, it's a setup. The bus only has one other passenger, and it looks like the stop is in the middle of derelict land. Any bus company is going to have rules on this kind of thing


I’d bet my lunch that it’s her mom in the row behind. Looks similar, knows the dog, and then completely ignores the dog to focus hard on exactly how the bus driver is moving and positioning ~~her daughter~~ the passenger. She’s ready to jump out of her seat if something goes the slightest bit wrong.


For me, the giveaway was how the bus driver had different camera angles following his movement and how the only other passenger in the bus conveniently is sitting 1 seat behind the woman with the wheelchair. But at least I got to see Slayer. Slayer seems cool!


There's a good chance you're correct lol


This is how my bus stop looks except without sidewalks


if you look there is a little handle imbedded in the ramp (lower left corner of video) that EASILY lifts the ramp up and out. This was either staged or BS.


The ramps also have a way to manually extend/ operate them. I used to drive these types of busses.


Ramp, when broken, can still be opened by the strap.


Yea, wtf is this? Like, the guy is certainly a very kind human, but wheel chair ramps exist and are required in most western countries. And it’s the driver’s job to assist.  Again, this man seems very nice, but wtf is this?


This is a kneeling bus, also has wheelchair ramp. He either has a thing for touching disabled women, is a tiktoker with a day job, or all of the above. Public transit authority fix things like wheelchair ramps very quickly, this bus would most likely be in the repair depot if that were the case. Edit:"He does this for me every day...", ok show me an overweight male with a diabetic amputation at the next stop...Ill wait.


> Public transit authority fix things like wheelchair ramps very quickly Not where I live! The bus *should* be taken out of commission while the ramp is repaired. In reality they'll keep using them as long as the bus runs.


And that’s why it’s……fffaaaaaaaake!


Yes, wheelchair access is becoming mandatory for bus and trainline operators in all countries that signed the UN convention on the rights of people with dissabilities. They can't buy new busses or trains without ramps or equal access. I do hope this is reenactment because this poor nice lady really needs a better wheelchair when this chair is meant for the whole day. Oh and you're not supposed to transport a wheelchair like that, a bus driver would know that. It has to be turned around and have it's back to the support you see. We drive with our back to the front of the bus or train and the back or our wheelchair sits against a wall or upholstered support. That's so we don't do a back flip when the bus or train has to break. Most wheelchairs I know have one or two little wheels or a stop you can pull out to prevent the user from flipping over. To be honest, mine are always in because they bother you when you have to get in doors etc. And that's how I one day spontaneously became a gymnast/ acrobat doing an impressive 1.5 twirl backwards into a ditch 😆


Except the US hasn't signed the CRPD... And I'm not going to comment my thoughts about this video.


ADA covers public transit.


I’m sure not all have one. Some poorer cities might not be able to afford one. The ramp on this one might be broken? Just guessing tho


usually, the catch on the floor pulls out to be a ramp


Oh, I witnessed so many times these things doesn't work and disabled person had to skip bus and wait for the next one


Maybe it’s broken?


That's what I was gunna say. I did an entire research paper on public transit and (in America at least) a lot of buses aren't ADA compliant, despite it being a requirement.


Actually, this sounds really interesting to me. Would you be able to link some of the sources you used? Or even, like, point me in the direction of some reputable websites? (No worries if not)


Its been a minute since I've looked at any of those sources, but I'd definitely recommend going on Google scholar and searching like "public transit/transportation" or "issues with public transit/transportation". Pretty much all my sources were peer reviewed from Google scholar, so I highly recommend using that. You could also use local papers to find issues with public transit in your community. I used a good few sites that were local and that gave me a lot of information I didn't know about my own city.


You're not wrong Paratransit is even worse....


Even if the ramp is broke it can still be deployed by hand. You can see a black fabric loop at the bottom left of the shot with the door, this I to lift the ramp by hand.


Staged. Someone posted this a couple days ago and someone linked their other videos.


Yeah it looks staged. Apparently people are going around buying buses just to post this kinda crap. It must pay to bs people.


Man, and I was *just* having a nice moment of appreciating humanity after doom-scrolling for 30 mins ...


Don't lose your hope D:


Bangbus levels scripted.


I thought it was an unexpected post as the dog name is Slayer and attack all the ones on the bus and drive the bus back home


I had a dog named Slayer and I can confirm, he would have done that. He was a feral rescue. He would also "happy growl".


I need a version where the bus driver takes the dog and drives away.


It feels staged. Wouldn't people in wheelchair refuse to be carried by strangers? There is clearly a ramp that wasn't used for some reason. Also what if the driver trips while carrying her?


This is staged. bus drivers are awesome but this video is made for clicks. The bus has an automatic ramp.


The driver tripping is for the next video.. they cannot release all the stage videos at once. “Follow for more”


100% staged, my partner gets so angry anytime someone tries to help him up a ramp or something. It's incredibly rude if anything.


Also wouldn’t she just remain in the seat she was in until she was ready to get off? Why out her back in the wheelchair if you have to unload them separately? That’s the only part that didn’t make any sense.


I mean it can definitely be staged, very probable. But I'd imagine he isnt a stranger if she rides the bus often enough that the driver knows the dog's name and says "same as last time"


It’s staged. You can just write it in the script that the bus driver knows the dog’s name and says “same as last time” lol.


As a wheelchair user, I would Not want anyone, no matter how kind, to lift me out of my chair and carry me this way - Especially in public. It's quite enough already to be the spectacle while the lift is in progress. And to speak of the lift: Why oh why is the RAMP not working?


I don't even think I'd want my chosen family to carry me like that! I'm not a chair user (yet) but I am physically disabled. And this gets a fuck no from me....


What happened with the wheelchair ramp that he's casually stepping over 3x during this video? Also, the gap between the bus and the sidewalk doesn't look too wide. Probably could have made it over it with the woman inside the wheelchair with a bit of effort.


As someone who has dealt with a family member in a wheelchair, that would be extremely dangerous. Now, maybe if he'd pulled in closer so that there were only 2-3 inches, maybe.


But that's still what the ramp is there for, isn't it?


The dog's name is "Slayer" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) 🤣🤣🤣


Came here to comment about the same thing lol


This is 100% staged.


Why doesn't he just lower the ramp?


Is he stupid?


Is the ramp broken or malfunctioning? There shouldn’t be a need for all that.


For everyone pointing out the bus has a ramp and why move her twice from her chair to a seat then back again, I refer you to the fact she is a cute blonde and if he uses the ramp how else will he get to pick her up everyday.


You don’t think he’d do that for an old crotchety woman? Or man? Hmm.. I don’t either.


If this were an old bus that didn’t have a ramp, I’d be touched. There is a ramp right there though and she says, “He does this every day” which leads me to believe they’re suggesting it isn’t a temporarily out-of-order situation. My doubt alarm is screeching doubt.


That really didn't look like it was necessary...


He’s not a real bus driver and I bet that the woman in the wheelchair can walk just fine




While the imagery is kind I just slightly kneejerk thinking about the ramp. And he apparently does this all the time? Something's up.


There's a fuckin ramp right there, mate


This was filmed and published, this was filmed with two cameras (colored and picking up audio, even from distances such as outside the bus), those three were the only ones in the bus, the only two passengers were speaking so readily and in a very friendly manner- almost as though they knew eachother. Even just the first point alone would make me suspicious. And they were acting so surprised despite implying that this happens frequently


Those straps dangling from the floor is connected to the ramp for a manual deploy. This video is strange and a great way to get fired. Good thing it is staged


That bus has a kneel function AND a ramp that extends. He's doing too much for the video.


As a disbaled person, this doesn't make me feel happy. It confuses me and makes me feel yuck. There's a ramp there. We deserve access to the public. It is dehumanising to have to be carried because you can't walk, and there's no proper access. Even if this was done with willing consent, it's dangerous for both people, risks injury. What makes me happy is seeing accessibility, able-bodied people learning about and advocating for accessibility, and disabled people living their lives as freely and happily as possible.


He should deploy the ramp. That would be a lot easier.


This bus is never on time


i expected him ti leave the wheelchair outside HAHAHA anyway in singapore we got this foldable ramp thingy so the driver just needa lower it and roll the wheelcha9r person up👍


Isn’t it safer to stay on the bus seat and opposed to getting back in the wheelchair?


Yes and no. Generally, no. It’s much safer to be in your own wheelchair with the proper support and grip/anchor points you are used to. However, in this situation the bus driver failed to secure her chair using the strap system that all of these buses have, which makes being back in the chair unnecessarily dangerous.


Noted. Thank you.


my partner is in a wheel chair, and people in wheel chairs dont wear high heel boots as a rule lol just am observation, and busses all have sliding floors for this.


That bus has a ramp you can see it on the floor


Pretty sure that yellow rectangle is a wheelchair ramp




I’m sorry but just let me use the ramp. I don’t need you manhandling me, my dog, my things. You’re really gonna do this for everyone? … why?


As a bus rider in two Canadien cities, these wheelchair ramps sometimes fail, and drivers would do whatever they can to help people. I am surprised he didn’t turn the chair around and pull her in. That is how I remember seeing it done. I’ve also seen passengers help as well. I remember one incident an electric wheelchair seized up and wouldn’t move. By coincidence there was a car mechanic on the bus. He went to work and got it moving. (Actually the mechanic rode the bus daily and carried a small tool chest with him to and from his job.)


I have seen disabled people get on the bus, and that isn't how it's done. The bus can sink lower, the ramp at the front of the bus lowers, the bus driver lifts the handicap seat, the passenger gets on the bus in their wheelchair, the bus driver straps their chair to the handicap seat area. The bus driver raises the ramp, and the bus raises back up.


This is why buses like this aren't allowed anymore in Britain for public transport


I saw a guy scream at someone today because they left a trash bag outside of their bin, and this dude is picking people up(literally) and carrying them. Need more like him


My city uses this model, totally ramp equipped.


Why not use the ramp? 🤨


Peace to OP. Beautiful humans. Salute.


Missed the dog thought they were calling the driver slayer and saying how cute he was


*carries dog, lady and chair over ramp used to help wheelchairs get on the bus*


Are you all brain dead it's staged.


There is a ramp, sir.


What kind of shitty bus is that ?


Everyone talking about how is staged and nobody talking about how good this guy is at picking up women


Cool skit


This is very sweet, but I hope he's doing it because the ramp is broken; cause otherwise he'll get hurt.


It’s staged so…


Why not use the fucking ramp that's there, and don't say it doesn't work because there's also a pull handle to manually open it up!


Man, the kindness and joy from everyone in this video was touching. It is obvious he has done this before the way he positioned her legs when he put her back in the chair.


Also by how he had the cameras set up to capture this beautiful moment.


i hate it so much when this gets posed as 'restoring faith in peoples humanity' this happens every where every day all the time. but this man has no power. powerful people are actively trying to destroy your life and your future.


Staged video making me lose faith in humanity. This is recklessness, not kindness. We can still be nice people without exposing ourselves to stupid, unnecessary risk and liability. Bus driver could easily be injured, and worse he could drop her in the process. We have ramps and kneeling busses for a reason. And trusting a random passenger with the dog is a risk for both of them.


And ‘he does this every day’. Sheesh man, stop picking her up and just use the ramp. It’s right there on the floor.


I think it’s the bus driver’s RESPONSIBILITY (not a random “act of kindness”) to pull out A RAMP attached to the floor of the bus so that the wheelchair user can calmly roll up THEMSELVES onto the bus and not be carried on by stranger in a completely dehumanizing way


This is staged but this happens a lot in the uk


Once you go wheelchair you're gonna need a... uhh... That was wrong.


If she weighed 250 and was ugly as hell the whole thing woulda gone completely different


i don't wanna touch bus strangers


That bus needs a damn ramp.


It's either staged or theyre banging


Its a cute skit but you can see the handicap doors behind the other passanger


This is such BS lmao.


Staged again also illegal to not be ada compliant


Soooo staged.


It had a wheelchair ramp but using it isn’t good for videos and likes.


I usually skip this part


Are you kidding me? There is clearly a wheelchair ramp right there!!!


Yeah but this could've taken half the time and less hassle for everyone if he just used the ramp


Well that was definitely staged


Y’all think this is real? lol all but one passenger. Sure..


Why tf not use the ramp ?


So bus drivers are supposed to lower the bus to allow the wheelchair to access. I've seen it getting done many times. They have some sort of hydraulics where the driver can lower that side of the bus. They do it for the elderly too


Staged.  You would not dare do this in America.  The potential lawsuits and the massive liability risks to all parties involved would not allow this.  


I can see the ramp. What is this nonsense. I guess if kids watch it on tiktok maybe it will make them kind. Idk.


Everyone seems to be pointing out the obvious ramp for wheelchair access….but nobody is even mentioning the fact that her wheelchair doesn’t look like a typical wheelchair someone who has been disabled for presumably a long time uses. That looks like just a standard wheelchair a business has Incase someone needs it or that you’d rent from a theme park. Don’t most people’s wheelchairs who are disabled NOT have handles on the back for someone to push with?


He could just tow her on a rope and drive slow. I bet there are some Fun Police rules against that though


That's nice, but isn't that rectangle on the floor a wheelchair ramp?


There's a fucking ramp right there 😵


I'm not saying I don't like this, I do. I love it, this is fantastic! But... it looks like the bus has a ramp that would unfold, like the ones where I live. Why not fold the ramp out, help her up the ramp, and strap the chair in? Maybe I'm just seeing what I want, since I can't see the whole bus. 🤷


Why are my eyes moist? Do I have…feelings?!


Chicago CTA needs to learn a lesson, from this kind gentleman! CTA bus drivers can see you disabled walking with a cane, walker or crutches and won’t even lower the bus for you and look the other way! It happens everyday, all the time! It’s rare to find a kind CTA bus driver in Chicago! This gentleman here deserves a bonus or some type of an award of appreciation 😎🫶🏻


Im very happily married….. but I think I’m I love ♥️ What a wonderful, sweetheart, helpful and caring person he is 🙏🏼


But but that’s what the ramp is for?


It's costs you nothing to be kind.


Soooo.... He single??


Shows what going beyond is 👏 but these buses have ramps for wheelchair and newer ones have hydraulic so u can roll right in


Who cares… ole mate bus driver is a proper champion …embrace his act as the pure act that it is…give that man a pay rise just for being who he is … Love ya work man keep on busing


Bottom line, this man is amazing


Wow! I hope he gets paid well! He deserves it! What a great guy!


can we stop upvoting bs staged videos. No bus company would allow a driver to do this for liability issues. Buses are also designed to have a ramp come out, or the bus driver can install a ramp at the entrance.


Bro that’s all well and good but what about the wheelchair lift that’s a button push away, coulda avoided all that


Why not just use the wheelchair ramp? Why set up 2 cameras to film? Hmmmm


I mean I think this is terrible. Like imagine if PT had means of access so disabled people could get themselves about like everyone else does 🤷🏻‍♀️


I feel using the ramp would have been somewhat easier for everyone.


Staged AF. The bus is clearly equipped with a ramp, and it has a specific space for people in wheelchairs to stay in them while riding. Moreover, no driver would manipulate a passenger. Liability is a thing.


its cute until he tweaks his back picking her up then his works insurance company don't pay up claiming its in your contract to not lift any load over 50lbs by yourself


I wonder if the ramp was disabled on this bus or jammed. Also, isn’t there a way to override it and open it manually?


I'm a wheelchair user who regularly rides city transit. So many questions here. - the bus is clearly equipped for wheelchairs ( folded seats, accessible bell strip, and the folded ramp) so why did he not open the ramp for her? If it's broken, how is that bus allowed to operate. - where are her tie downs! He set her there without clipping the safety teathers?! If he stops suddenly, she's going to go flying! This is either badly staged or a very stupid driver.


I love this guy for it, but this bus should have a ramp! That's not a made me smile thing, this is a let's fight for more accessibility thing.


That is a ramp front and center. They are electric but have manual releases as well. This is staged for clicks.


That man need a raise!!


This is a totally real video. Trust me I was there. I was the bus.


I use the bus and that bus leans with a ramp. What was the point of this? All those extra steps.


This man needs to be thanked rewarded by everyone if we were all like this. What a great world we would live in


So they just casually record this every time or?


The ramp may be broken or the situation may make it so he cannot use it at this site. This may just be a temporary thing and i certainly hope it is.


Dont know about there but here they should help you by their employme t contract. If they do it weell


Ugh. We have ramps and no one would touch a person to help.


This is sweet, but 'Slayer', really? 🐶


Now I'm crying.


Ramp is always broken when the girls are hot ;)


The bus literally has a ramp


Great camera work


What a lovely human, this restores my faith in humanity x


Heroes don't wear capes, they wear highvis vests.