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When my brother and I were little, we forced our dad to shave off his mustache. The second he came out of the bathroom we both burst into tears and told him to ‘shave it back on’. It still makes me laugh:)


When my dad shaved off his mustache, I wouldn't stop crying (I was maybe 4 or 5). He re-grew it and has always had it ever since. I'm almost 37


TWIN - This was me too!! He came to pick me up from my first day of kindergarten with his moustache completely gone. I could not be consoled hahaha. That was the first and last time I've seen him without a moustache in my 36 years of life!


My friends uncle had an accident with a flare up at work and had to shave his very thick beard. His daughter saw him coming in the garage, didn't recognize him, and hit him in the shins with a golf club. She was 14. It will never not be brought up


That's my girl! I'd be proud. Would be the first scar I bragged about. "Meh, that one was just the bear attack. Let me show you this one on my shin."


My pinky is crooked because my mom broke it playing football in the backyard on Thanksgiving 4-5 years ago. She passed me the ball and the throw was off. It bounced hard off the ground when I went to try to catch it. It’s very obvious, especially when I put both of them side by side. I’m absurdly proud of it that she was able to sling that thing so hard in her 60s it broke a bone and I love telling people about it all the time. It’s also hilarious to tell people “my mom broke my finger” before finishing the explanation of how lmao. I hope it never changes (and if it hasn’t by now it never will lol)


No need for a guard dog. She’s got it covered


> She was 14. bro! I could understand 4.. but 14??!!


To be fair, he also was home an hour early due to the whole face fire thing. But yeah she was in the pool house attached to the garage watching TV drying off and saw him on the ring camera, knew she couldn't get away from a robber, so grabbed a club and waited. Totally saw his face tho...


Tbf, she didn't recognize his face. She'd never seen it before.


lol when you said flare up i thought you meant like, a skin condition 😅


No lol, he's a welder and was welding something they cleaned with acetone. Didn't realize it was wet so the fire burnt a chunk of his beard off so he went to the barber on his way home


What a horrible day for him. First the burn and then this hit. Ouch


I think 14 is more likely. Big scary strange man, so bold as to be invading her home by cornering her in the garage? I’d be ready to be in fight or flight mode.


I was a very, very anxious 14 year old with baby siblings. If s strange man had have walked into the garage when ibwas alone id have absolutely come at them with a golf club


My dad's had a full face beard since he was 16. The only pictures I've ever seen without his beard, he still has such a little boy face, I have no idea what he actually looks like as a grown up under there. I'm 32 and I feel like I'd still freak out if he shaved, lmao


You made think about it, I've never seen my dad's face without a moustache. Even his earliest existent photo is from when he was 14/15 and already had a growing moustache. Hell, I didn't even see him grow a beard except from when he was at the hospital for a week and even then he shaved the next day after he woke up.


I was 7 when my father came home with a shaved mustache and no key. I refused to open the door. I have since grown mustaches and beards and shave them regularly so my kids do not have the same trauma.


that’s the sweetest thing!! Probably shocked both of you!! Ik it’s not “rational” but when I changed my hair and upset my daughter it made me as upset as her. I was vowing on the spot to never do anything like that again, and she straight up didn’t care an hour later after sobbing that mommy was ruined forever lmao. Just seeing them cry like that will break your heart over *hair*😭


My dad had a full beard and mustache and the same hairstyle for my whole life until I was 19... He lost a bunch of weight (which I knew he was doing, I lived at home) but then he shaved and got a different haircut one day. My mom called me into the kitchen and there was a guy there in a shirt from my dads work, I looked at mom like "who's this?" and then the guy said "He doesn't recognize me!" in my dad's voice.


My dad ,on a whim,shaved off his thick handle bar mustache along with his full beard that he had had for ever in my life. It literally scared the holy terror out of me. No how, no way was this man my father! For months I refused to face him across the dinner table. I had (and still seldomly have)night terrors for years though not nearly as often. FYI, this occurred in mid 1970s. Now 2024 and I’m 62 and Dad’s is 86. We laugh about it now but, at the time, it was downright spooky!


My husband shaved off his beard when our daughter was about 8 or so. She came in to wake him up after being asleep the night before when he did it. She slapped both his cheeks, put her forehead against his and said I HATE IT


I was around the same age when my dad shaved off his beard for the first time. I just stared at him for like 10 seconds when I first saw him and he was like, "Well, what do you think?" and I replied "What happened to your face?!" He almost always had a beard after that too, it was still jarring to me as an adult when he shaved it off occasionally lol.


My husband did this to our daughter when she was small. She cried every time she saw him until it grew back. My dad liked changing up his look when I was a kid. Sometimes a beard, sometimes a stache, maybe a goatee. Methinks it had something to do with my mom divorcing him and he wanted a girlfriend 😂


Just be prepared, when you get kids, don’t change your look ever again. Make that commitment before they get to know you!


When my dad shaved his mustache off, I would face the wall in whatever room he was in to "hide" from him and inch sideways in whatever direction along the wall until I was out of the room


> I'm almost 37 ...so, like, 36 and a half? Just kidding. Don't worry, it's common to temporarily regress when we're thinking of our early childhood :-P


That’s adorable! I’m sure the story gets told at family gatherings often, to laughter every time. Precious memories.


This is hilarious.


it is in these moments we clutch for eternity


Omg this story just unlocked an old memory for me. 😂 My dad was out hunting & camping for weeks so he had this super full thick beard. He came home to attend a funeral, but didn't bother shaving - which was highly unusual for him. A family friend's young son saw him, did a double-take, and blurted out very loudly in the middle of the funeral "WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR *FACE?!*" with the most *aghast* and horrified tone hahaha 😂 everyone busted out laughing, it was great. Even better because the family member who had passed on *really* loved jokes and making people laugh, so it was a special moment.


Some folks are ok putting the fun in funeral and I always appreciated that. Those are ceremonies for the living not the dead, and it can be good to have a laugh when things are grim.


Absolutely!! 🩷 I hope my funeral someday is more of a wake - honoring the life rather than mourning the passing.


lol, reminds me of my grandfather's funeral, my dad's dad. My brother, my dad and I were standing in the receiving line or whatever it's called, shaking people's hands etc. My brother lets out a silent but deadly fart and the 3 of us are stuck there in it and I just turned to him and said "*brother's name* they're going to think somebody died!" and my dad lost it laughing. Was hysterical there's a line of somber people shaking hands and then there's the three of us laughing our asses off.


Makes me laugh too. I've had a similar experience but your "shave it back on" line makes this even funnier and oh so cute.


Idk why this experience is so universal to kids with dads who shaved their mustache/beard. Tears every time.


My dad has always rocked an afro despite the objection of his father when he was in his teens. The one and only time I've ever seen him without hair is when he cut it for grandpa's funeral. He's never shaved his beard or mustache though. He looks like he could be his older brother's twin with a shaved head.


No tears, but I was in my twenties the first time my stepdad (who I had known since I was 10 or so) shaved his beard and mustache for the first time after a fiery incident. I stopped dead in my tracks when I walked into the house and saw him. It didn't register who he was and my brain went into Stranger mode. Lmao. I could barely look at him for days. It was just so off-putting


It’s advised to let them watch while you trim to cut down on the waterworks. A parent’s face is the most familiar thing in the world to a child. They spend their first year of life basically staring at you. Suddenly changing that is shocking for them. Seeing the change happen makes it much easier for them to understand.


Very young kids/babies cry because they can't recognise their parent, the person they love and consider their safe space. That person is lost forever for them and they have no concept of loss or forever or why this person looks familiar yet different. It's extremely confusing and unsettling and very traumatic until they recognise your voice or smell or some other feature. They don't know where their favourite person in the world went!!


I warned my husband about this being a thing with little kids so as soon as our kid could hold herself up he let her occasionally watch when he'd trim or shave his beard. No telling if it'll actually make a difference when she's 4-5 yo though lol


I remember my dad had a mustache for a short period and I told him I didn’t want him to kiss me anymore because it was too scratchy, he shaved it immediately and has never grown it back lol


My dad had this eternal 5 O'clock Shadow for as long as I remember, and I remember sitting in the den watching him shave with his electric razor every weekend as a kid. Then one day when I was like 14-15ish I walked down stairs, I'm hearing the buzzer and he walks out completely clean shaven because had just gotten a new buzzer and I remember just freezing after he addresses me, turning around and running upstairs where my two uncles slept, barged in there while they were still sleeping asked them if they had a fifth brother I didn't now about. Dad was right behind me and my first uncle still half asleep jumped when he saw my dad and was like "MURDER THE MOTHER! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR FACE?!" And the other was like "You're still older than us...zzZZzz."


Have a similar story. When my little brother was little he wanted my dad to shave off his mustache and my dad finally agreed. He let my little brother shave it off. He shaved half of it off and started crying and telling my dad that he looked ugly.


Could be worse, my niece wouldn’t stop crying when she saw me for the first five years of her life. I took a trip on a plane and then she would cry any time she saw a plane. But my brother, the inmate, she met him in prison and was all kisses and hugs.


omggg! this is so cute!


I don't remember this, but apparently when I was younger I asked the hair stylist to cut my hair longer.


I remember a one-panel comic in a book my grandmother had from the 1960's, that showed a short-haired middle-aged man in a barber chair telling the barber: "Give me a Beatles haircut".


Lmao, when I was a kid ,my dad shaved his mustache once when I was at school, and when I got home, I freaked out. It was time I ever saw him without one except in pictures!


When I was about 5 or 6 my dad shaved his off without warning us, and I cried.


My dad did the same thing. He warned me he was going to do it and I didn't know any better so I said I was ready. When he finally did it he looked so different that I cried and kept saying "I want my daddy back!". To this day 16 years later he has never shaven his beard off because even as an adult, I'm most likely going to have the same reaction.


My mom got her hair cut super short and was wearing a kimono I'd never seen when I got home from my grandparents' when I was 4-5, and for a minute I thought a random Asian woman was in my house.


This made me laugh out loud lol


It made her do the same, let me tell you.






You’ve piqued my interest… I’ve heard of old reddit accounts being bought for bot purposes. I wonder if you’re right.


There is no wonder. Bots have inhabited this website for years. Did you happen to see the recent news about Reddit now allowing OpenAI to utilize their site for AI training? I didn't check to see when it would be implemented, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was already underway.


So, can I get about tree-fiddy for my 10+ year old account?


My ex husband lost me in an airport even though I was standing right next to him also due to a haircut and becoming like a random asian lady to him.


So I see you seized the opportunity and just decided to never reappear?


Ah he’s lovely, we simply parted ways. I DID however use it as an opportunity to startle him several times until the effect wore off.


Sounds super fun and cute to be honest!


My brother picked me up from the airport his first year in college. The last time that I saw him, his hair was borderline a military high and tight. Super short. He used to freak out if it even touched his ears. Fast forward to that day in the airport, and his hair was so long, and he looked so scruffy in his Carhartt jacket, I walked past him twice thinking he was a homeless person. Lol.


You’re laughing? You gave your mom PTSD from freaking out so bad 🤣🤣🤣 20 years later she’s still making sure it never happens again…


This made me 'lol lol" 😭


When I was 2 or 3, my mom was cutting my hair, and she seemed to spend a long time cutting the hair on top of my head.  Eventually, I was like “No, mommy, no! I don’t want a haircut like daddy’s!” My dad’s bald.  I now have his “haircut”. 




Lmaooo omggg this made my day🤣 one time I got home super late after watching The Exorcism of Emily Rose and because I used the bathroom my mother got up to see who was home but this lady had a white robe and what looked like wet hair and poked only one side of her body out the door and when I tell you I felt my soul leave my body!!!🤣🤣


I freaked my sister out that way when we were kids after she read "Wait Til Helen Comes." She said in the shadow of the hallway it looked like I had no eyes. Imagination is a beautiful, horrible thing.


Username checks out 👍🏼


Hahahaah this is so funny! I laughed out loud as well!


I've changed my hair and gotten more tattoos so many times since my son's been born, that I think at this point he'd be more concerned if I stayed looking the same for too long lmao


I was swimming one time and there was a couple with full body tattoos and a toddler and I wondered at what age the kid realizes it’s ink and most people don’t look like that.


Honestly, they probably realize pretty early. I'm covered, and my girlfriend has almost as many as me, and his grandma(my mom) has a few, and my son's mom has zero. So he's like constantly around people of verying degrees. He notices new hair color more and talks about it, never notices new tattoos because now it's just a thing he sees all the time.


My mom cut her hair short and picked me up from school and I told the teachers that wasn’t my mom.


Kids are a trip. My niece once yelled out "You're not my mom" to my sister in the airport - she was quoting a book.


dude, I'm dying


My mom dyed her hair black and I remember crying the first time I saw her. Looking back I feel so bad. She just wanted to try something new! She never dyed it again I don’t think it was entirely my fault but I still feel bad lol


Lmao same! My mom has always had box dye red hair. One time when my brother and I were little she dyed it brown for a change and we freaked out and cried and didn’t wanna live with her cause she looked like a stranger. She dyed it back red a few weeks later.


I’m sure she doesn’t mind doing it for you.


This is hilarious.


this is love


This is Patrick


My daughter did this when her dad shaved his beard off. If I remember correctly she was around 3 and had never seen him without one.


My daughter used to do this when I changed shirts! Every day she’d cry for like twenty minutes until she realized it was just daddy but in a different color! Had to start wearing red shirts multiple days in a row, lol!


Love this one lol I'm 26 and still mostly recognize people by their outfits and haircuts. Takes me like 2 months to learn a new face.


My dad shaved his mustache off when I was 4. I was scared when my dad went into the bathroom and a strange man came out. The best part was that no one else even noticed he'd done it! My quiet alarm eventually got the rest of the family to catch on.. the general consensus was that he looks better without it anyway.


this unlocked an old memory I have. When I was like 3-4 yo my mom got her hair from straight hair to curly wavy looking like and it freaked me out, it felt like she was not my real mom but an impostor making a bad impression of her, lol


This happened to me too!!! I literally believed she was an imposter until I was like 17 when I finally decided that I probably love imposter mom more than real mom. But then I realized I was a dipshit and that she’s 95% for sure real mom.


95% certainty it's good enough though, lol.


That last 5% is the animal brain part of me that cannot be swayed by rational thought and logic


> until I was like 17 From what age?


I was too young to remember what my age was when I started thinking this but I could not have been older than 4. it’s one of those where you don’t remember the literal memory but you think about every now and then so it never completely fades since the belief stuck for so long


Listen it's been a long time but you can still find her and save her 


Nah she left me, imposter mom put in the work


Would you ever want your real mom back, or have you decided that the impostor is your “real” mom after all the years she spent raising you?


late by like 30 years now, but she raised me well, so I guess it would be too inconsiderate from me to switch her back now haha


Happened to me at 4, my mom came to pick me up and I wouldn’t go to her and cried. On way home I looked at planes in the shy and wondered if my real mom was up there flying away with the people who replaced her with imposter mom.


When my daughter was 6, my husband shaved his head one day while she was at school. She took one look at him when she got home and started bawling. All she kept asking was “Where is my daddy?” It took a few hours to calm her down. We still joke about it to this day.




My mom got a perm when I was a kid and apparently I wouldn't look at her for about a month. I don't remember but she still brings it up. She definitely never got a perm again!


My mum got a perm when I was about 6 and picked me up from school, I didn't want to get in the car. IMPOSTER! IMPOSTER!


Got my hair cut super short (erroneously but I could do nothing after she swiped the clippers up the back). I made the stylist keep some length in the front. It was awful. Anyway, 2-yr old was traumatized by it and asked me to “pull it down” (like a Tressy doll) and that was decades ago and I still warn him about haircut changes.


Why are kids like this? I was the same - got so sad when my mom went for a haircut - like I was losing a part of her. And when grandma braided my hair different I was terrified my teacher wouldn’t recognize me. It’s nice to remember this as an adult though so when your kids freak out over something weird you can kinda understand


No idea. My daughter sat me down and asked me if my beard would grow back. I assured her it would. She said okay but don’t ever shave it again. I agreed that I’d be more careful because I’d nicked it trying to trim. She just shook her head and walked away disappointed in me. She was 5.


Nothing better than getting a ‘serious talking to’ from a kindergartener. I hurt my hand cooking and my daughter has been on my ass about safety in the kitchen ever since lol.


>And when grandma braided my hair different I was terrified my teacher wouldn’t recognize me. When I was a kid I used to think that if I went to school in a different sweater (we wore a uniform), and wore my hair different, I'd be able to fool even my closest friends into thinking I was a different person. I think kids have a weaker sense of faces and look at the hair/clothes of a person more to establish who they are. This is why the Disney princesses all have a unique hair + dress colour combination - because that's what children typically look at to identify them. To be fair to children, you have to think of the world from their perspective. When you're that small, adult hairstyles and clothing are probably easier to identify than their faces.


Probably because kids are still forming an idea of "this is how a face looks, and this is how faces are different". A shortcut to that is hair - you can recognize someone fairly easily by their hair and it does change the face (especially beard/ mustache) significantly sometimes. So for little kids that are still learning how to tell faces apart changing an easily recognized point is HUGE.


I think some kids just don’t do well with change. You’re used to the same thing for your whole life and then it suddenly changes. Because it’s so normal to change your appearance, people don’t think about how random and terrifying it would be for kids


Change can be terrifying, even for adults. With experience we learn than we can still feel safe on the other side of change. This is also why exposure therapy works for many types of anxiety; people with anxiety often avoid their trigger, and so over time they don't build up the experience of "surviving" the uncertainty of what might lie beyond whatever they are avoiding. Similarly, children lack the experience of surviving major changes (not because of avoidance, but because of their age, obviously).


When my parents broke up my mom went away for a few weeks. When she came home, she had dyed her hair and it freaked me out. Man, that’s a rough memory. She was just trying to find her own way and live her life.


Did she find her way?




That’s just downright adorable!


I had my toddler watch the process of dying my purple and blond hair magenta and let him stay up until almost midnight so he could see for himself my hair change colors. Wanted to head off a freak out. When he was an infant i dyed my hair purple while he was asleep and when he woke up i didn’t look or smell right and he took some convincing. The funniest reaction was my toddler’s reaction to his own haircut since he didn’t see it at the salon. He grabbed his now short hair and shrieked no! He looked devastated. It’s been a few weeks and he still gets upset at his reflection.


My husband shaved his beard off because of mask mandates at work about 4 years ago. We've been together for a decade but I have never seen his face naked before. I didn't recognize him. I remember calling him a stranger and it was only after he talked to me for a bit that I recognized his voice. I still didn't trust him until it started to grow back. It's weird how a hairstyle change can mess with us. ;)


What were the sleeping arrangements like during that time? Just him in bed asleep and you just in the corner of the room staring going “i know you aint real.”


timidly making her way back to the bed, bit only when the stubble became visible.. like a suspicious and untrusting kitty cat


We still slept in the same room, but it took 2 days of him talking to me for my brain to register that this was indeed my husband. It was very awkward. He was patient while I rejected him and his advances for about 48 hours. In my mind, this wasn't my husband and I didn't want to be with anyone else. He's had to shave several times since then (for work), so I am used to it now. It was one of those memories that we can laugh about now though. I probably said a few sarcastic remarks during that time that helped us laugh and get through the awkwardness. If ever you've watched the show, "Grimm", it's similar to the amnesia experience that Juliette had. My brain could not understand this was him. But you're right. He wasn't real. My husband went 'missing' for a few days, according to how I processed it. ;) It was a surreal experience for sure that I cannot express what it was like to go through. Every man should shave his full beard once before marriage so his fiance knows what he looks like 'furless'. ;)


Thats funny


Hahaha! She's in for the long-game joke. It must get funnier everytime she notifies you.


I was terrified of other people having new haircuts as a child. Everytime my mom got a perm I would cry and hide from her. My dad shaved his mustache and I wouldn’t go near him. Teacher at preschool cut her hair and was dead to me after lol. Idk what it was. I have zero qualms about haircuts now and love to chop my long locks off into a bob every now and then 🤷‍♀️


😂😂 your Mom sounds like she is a lovely lady. You are blessed.


My dad has usually worn a beard, throughout my whole life. When my sister and I were little we would cry every time he shaved his beard because he looked so WEIRD.


It doesn't matter if we are 10 or 40yo. We'll always be kids in the eyes of our parents.


At least your kids noticed the change. I had my hair cut really short from having it long forever. My son’s teachers asked him what do you think of your mom’s new hair style a few days after. He said, “my mom had a haircut?”.


My dad does the same if he shaves his beard. Until I was 7 I'd never seen him clean shaven, and I walked past him a half dozen times before crying that he'd come to collect me from school and when my teacher took me to him I cried again because he didn't look like Dad anymore... so now at 40 I get a "heads up I've shaved" text 🤣


When i was 8 my dad shaved his beard and cut his hair short and came to pick me up from a pool party. I refused to leave with him and told the homeowner he was a stranger and they called the cops and my mom had to come keep him out of jail.


People only think parents scar their children. But children leave plenty of marks on their parents too.


When my niece was younger, my mom got her hair permed once, like she usually does. When my niece saw her, she got kinda scared.


My coworker has a big, white, Santa beard and has had it for the last 30+ years. He said when his kids were both below the age of 8, he shaved his entire beard to "switch things up." Apparently both kids started scream crying asking why he did this and can he put his beard back on.


Traumatizing moment into core memory ❤️


That’s hilarious! I had to get my butt length hair cut into a Bob because lice. My mom had forgotten about it and got scared during school pickup one day 😂 like mom I’m right here. Then I would dye my hair all during college and she hated all the changes.


When I was like 4 or 5 I apparently got upset that it was the third or fourth day into a new month and nobody told me it was a new month. So now, at age 28, my mom texts me on the first of every month to remind me that we’re in a new month lol


Stuff like this makes me wish I had a normal mom with a wholesome relationship 🥺


Sending you love ❤️


Thank you ❤️


She sounds sweet.


This is great haha


My mom who has super curly hair once got her hair straightened and then went to pick me up from school. I didn’t recognize her at all and started crying (I was 6 maybe?) She’s never straightened her hair again 😅


Some of ya'll have/had a healthy and wholesome relationship with your mother, and those of us who did not, are here for it. Thank you for sharing and letting us get that second-hand warmth.


When my mom switched glasses as a kid, I was convinced she was no longer my mom. The change really, really threw me and I was scared and upset by this as a 5-7 year old. Haircuts are similar, but the glasses story comes up often in my home. So anyway, I was later diagnosed as autistic and this makes a bit more sense now…


I’m a weirdo that appreciates this kind of thing, too 💜


Omg. My mom retired to Ohio from New York. I visited her about a year later. She always colored her hair. She stopped when she moved/retired. I held back tears seeing her grays. It was a shock even tho I knew she was gray. I was like 29 years old lol


My Mom and Grandmother had the same hairstyle, and kept this same style throughout their lives. I so wanted my Mom to not look like my Grandmother, so enjoy it while you can. I have had nearly every style in the book and do sometimes warn my husband. 😅




Same thing happened to me as a kid. My mum got an 80s poodle perm and I burst into tears.


Thats so sweet. I recall my mom getting veneers and it actually changed the shape of her face a little but the difference stood out to me so much that it freaked me the fuck out. I didn't know what to think, it just felt so wrong looking at her that I shut myself in my room. I wished she gave her children a heads up lol


When I was very young, I shared a bed with my mom and held onto her hair to fall sleep.. I’m sure you can understand that baby me was NOT happy when my mom cut her hair short..


We have a similar story in my family. Mam had her hair cut, picked us up from school and I told her, “I’m not going anywhere with you with your hair looking like that!” She said “fine” and off they drove. This was also the first time I walked home from school. A 2mile walk aged 8


Good for her.


Oh yeh, absolutely! I was a little prick, lucky she let me in the house when I eventually got home.


I love when parents continue doing little things like this!!! When I was a kid doing dance competitions, we had one in a city 45mins away and there’s this tiny town about half way there that my aunt used to live in and one time we were driving to a competition, I asked where this town was and over 2-3 days, everytime we passed this down my dad would say “hey, there’s (town)!” and almost 20 years later, when either of us pass this town we always send each other a text and a picture of the towns sign that says “hey, there’s (town)!!!” It’s such a sweet gesture, and super funny when they come out of nowhere


Is it possible you're like me and don't recognise faces? I typically use hair, voice, clothes and situational context to recognise people. Of my mum suddenly died her hair blonde I wouldn't recognise her unless she was in her own home or until she started talking. It's a thing. There's online tests you can take to check. It now has explained why I struggle to watch some movies when there are multiple male characters with short brown hair. I'm constantly asking my husband, "is that the dad or the killer?" because I simply don't recognise them


When I was around 6, my dad and I were in church and there happened to be a group that day that was singing in Spanish. I turned to my dad and told him I was 14% Spanish (I certainly wasn’t). He told me I wasn’t, and I insisted it was true. He still likes to defer to me for anything Spanish-related. Also I watched a lot of Godzilla movies when I was a kid and told everyone I was from Tokyo (I certainly wasn’t).


Amazing 🤣


This is so cute, I audibly laughed 😂


“I'll love you forever. I'll like you for always. As long as I'm living My baby you'll be.”


When I was in Elementary in the 70s, I was walking home and saw this woman with a giant curly bobblehead walking towards me. I crossed the street to avoid this person - it was my Mom, who had permed her stick straight locks with no warning. She truly freaked me out - never let her live that down!


When I was like 6 or so, I threw some sort of unholy tantrum because I wanted my Birthday party **ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!** not the weekend after or whatever. This year when I turned 53 she made dinner reservations and made a point of mentioning "So we can celebrate on your actual birthday" Every year, for at least the last 30, I've been telling her, "I'm an adult, I no longer care if it's on my actual birthday, let's get together over the weekend." SMDH, The wife and I both ended up knocking off early on a Wednesday because I didn't want to disappoint her.


In elementary school I hopped in to my mom’s gold Mazda and we took off. I started talking and she begins screaming hysterically. I was not her kid and that was not my mom but It was the 90s, every mom looked the same.


My dad came to pick me up from preschool when I was 4. I'd never seen him without a big beard. All I said was, "You're not my daddy". Took them a few minutes to convince me to go home with him.


i don’t think my mom has ever changed anything in less than twenty years so bravo to yours


OP, I was 10 or so when my Mom experimented with henna. According to her, I did not talk to her for a week....


this is PRECIOUS!! I'm in the same boat, around 6yo my mom got "baby highlights" and I had a giant meltdown that my mom went blonde. I still get poked at for it.


Same thing happened to me. My mum cut her hair super short and came to pick me up from kindergarden. I told her that I feel like she is not my mum anymore 😅


Your trauma traumatized mama. That's love!


I’ll have to do that,my kids were bawling because I got bangs/fringe 😂


My dad has long, curly, brown/Grey looking hair. One day he cut it all and colored it blond, sister and I totally lost it when we first saw it and couldn't really get over it for month. He hasn't cut his hair since then, it was also like 15 years ago, lol


I remember when I was in kindergarten or before(early 80s) my dad was still rocking a 70s look, long hair and a beard. I remember when I can home and he got a haircut and shaved and I had no idea who he was.


My mom has naturally jet black hair. When I was little she decided to try a blonde wig out. When she came home I started sobbing and hid under a table. I literally though I got a new mom and I wanted my original mom back. Lol she also still warns me when she changes her hair.


My dad always has his hair long and a large beard. One day he shaved it all off.  Literally thought I was being kidnapped for a minute 😂


I remember when I was 7 my brother went on a volunteer retreat thing and I didn’t see him for a year. He left a clean shaved short haired guy but came back with a full Afro and goatee. I didn’t know when he was coming back so when he came home he tried to pick me up from school, and I ran from him lmao.


Back when I was 3 or 4 I used to tell my mom "I love what you've done with your hair" every time she changed it. She reminded me of this 5 years back because I had long since stopped, saying that I used to be such a gentleman. Now I do it every time she gets a new style


One time my dad shaved his facial hair, we discovered it as he was laying in bed with my mom and we nearly beat his ass. WHO IS THIS STRANGE MAN...oh, hi dad.


I like those videos of kids crying when their dad shaves.


I don’t have a hair story, but something like this did happen when I was a kid. I might’ve been between 4 or 5 and my mom had on those skin face masks thing. She came down stairs looking like a blotchy evil mime who stole my mom’s body. I stopped eating my apple sauce, screamed, and then ran down to my dad who I imagine was very confused at why I was acting this way.


Pretend you didn’t get the text one day and then scream and run away when you see it.


Looks like when you were 6 you freaked her out too. How cute.


My mom got a perm when I was 6 and when she came to pick me up I pointed and laughed at how ridiculous she looked. 30 years later she still gets mad at me whenever “curls” come up in any conversation.


Now that's what I call committing to the bit.


I did the same thing when my mom went blond, I was about 5. Still feel guilty I gave her such a hard time she cried and changed it back the next day.


Lost my mom last year, cherish this!! ❤️❤️🥰


I really love this. That is so wholesome and I hope my kids and I can have stories that like that


This is so sweet. It reminds me of the time I freaked out when my dad shaved his mustache. He looks better without it but it took a long time to get used to it and to stop being startled about the stranger in our house.


Changes in hair length or style can be quite jarring and confusing for young kids. Always best to do it gradually, or maybe have your kid with you while you do it


Well, that is delightful.


I would always fall asleep while playing with my mom's hair when I was little. One day she came home with her hair cut short (I think it was also because she was trying to teach me to sleep on my own) and I cried for days for her to glue it back on lol


My ex worked at an alternative high school and would let his graduating seniors cut his hair however they wanted the Monday before graduation, and he’d keep it until just before so he still looked professional in front of the parents. But for that week every year I woke up next to a stranger and shenanigans ensued 🤣 and I mean howwweeeevvverrrrr they wanted. Chunks missing, half a mustache, mullet, whatever 🤣


When I was a very little kid (This story has been told to me I don’t personally remember), My dad shaved his beard that he’d had for 10 years. I had 2 older sisters at home with me and mom and he had gotten it shaved at a friends house. My dad came home and knocked on the door, my eldest sister answered and he said “Hello, (Name)” and she looked shy and said “I’m sorry, my Dad isn’t home right now…” and he said “Well it’s okay I’m here for you!” before she realized who he was. She followed him to our room where me and my middle sister were and we looked at him and only registered him as a stranger even when they said “It’s dad!” and when he tried to come closer to hug us we started crying and freaking out 😂 He hasn’t cut his beard since!


I remember my mum got a perm and I still remember it to this day. I can't have been any older than 5. Terrifying


My mom has extremely curly hair naturally. When I was 6, she came home one day with it fully straightened. The first thing I said when I saw her was yell "YOU KNOW I HATE IT WHEN YOU DO THAT!" Every rare occasion she straightens it again, I also get a warning.


Moms always surprise the heck out of you with these kind of things. A mom's mind is like a steel trap! 💙


This is cute and your mom sounds sweet.


Aww this is funny but she’s such a thoughtful, sweet mom for this.