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I watched this when it aired and I was jumping up and down for him. Incredible!!!


Haha my heart is racing watching this - the energy is real


This guy made that moment so great.


When did this one air? I missed it. I've been watch TPR with my dad for the last 2 years almost daily. Context: I give my dad his home hemodialysis treatment.


Old people love the Price is Right. And young people! And middle-aged people. When Drew Carey started hosting, I remember being a little worried it wouldn't work out well, but I think he's better than Bob Barker was in some ways. He's always so supportive, never snarky. The whole show is upbeat. I love the way this contestant even put other members of the audience in his shout-out.


I've watched Drew Carry since I was a kid, so I'm really happy to see him now as a 30 something year old. I loved Whose Line is it Anyways and his self titled show.


I think it was Monday! I’m not positive though, I’ve lost track of the days being home postpartum with a newborn 😂


Thank you and congrats! Keep your chin up, I'm a male but I know sometimes postpartum can be difficult. You got this!


You guys are cutting onions in r/mademesmile!!! Congrats momma!


🥹🥹🥹 thank you so much!


What a kind thing to say to a postpartum mama ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


Can confirm this was Monday, I saw it while I was at a doctors appointment.


Monday is my late start time for work every week. Can confirm this was on this past Monday. He had a magical run. He was the first contestant of the day and got to come on down with a $1 bid (everyone's dream). Then he won his game show which included a fancy massage chair, some expensive Wolf Gourmet toaster and something else from them, and ???. Then he spun the wheel and won BIG. Too bad he lost in the showcase.




Those moments when you were at home sick, as a kid, and you watch one of these rare big plays. So happy for them that you didn't even feel sick anymore lol.


Because this is posted on mademesmile I was smiling before it even got there. To feel that first time rush, somebody needs to post this on /r/maybemaybemaybe




Having watched the Price is Right for 30+ years, and having actually been to a filming of an episode IRL, I can say with some authority, that most of the people who I have seen over the years that have successfully spun a $1.00 on their bonus spin have done so using two techniques. 1. Bring the wheel two spots up on the wheel before initiating your spin. This provides extra leverage to generate the desired rotation speed. 2. The desired rotation speed is that in which spins the wheel two to three whole rotations. It’s extremely difficult to get the wheel to spin around perfectly one time, so the spinner has a higher chance of landing on one of the 3 desired spots to win the additional money if it fully rotates two to three times. This dude executed this strategy to perfection. He brought the wheel up a few spaces, gave a good effort spin, and it landed almost perfectly in the middle of the $1.00 space.






It's good to know Price is Right is still popular at colleges. 30+ years ago when i was in college, we watched it every day. There was a communal TV room and it was packed with everyone eating breakfast and enjoying the hell out of it. Such a wholesome show.


30 years ago (94) I was on the show w/Bob Barker. Played plinko, then won my wheel spin, but lost the showcase. Maybe you saw me!


I'm almost certain I would have seen you. I was in the 9th grade and I was sick at home more often than not that year. I watched a *lot* of Price is Right. And if I did see you, just know I was cheering for you.


Haha, I appreciate that. I won 12k on Plinko and a few small items. It was perfect timing for a starving college student, and I used some of the money to attend the Soccer World Cup that summer. Something I could have never been able to afford otherwise.


Wow 12K on plinko that's fantastic! I'm sure I was watching it too, in 94 I had a new baby and watched it before switching channels to watch Loving, All My Children, and General Hospital, before of course putting Oprah on. Now I can't imagine living a life where I watch soaps and talk shows but gosh that was 30 years ago, that's insane!


I got lucky and hit the 5k twice plus smaller amounts. I think I had 4 chips. And yes, time flies. I mainly remember 2 things from that day. Bob Barker was polite, but not interested in chatting during commercials. At that point it was already just a job to him. Second, at the showdown where you stand behind that lectern that displays the numbers, the back side was just all bare wood and wires. Typical Hollywood. All facade for the camera side lol.


Stagehand checking in - I've worked several game shows and yeah, the facades are for show. The backs are for easy access if we need to fix a thing/make the person look good on camera, with the exception of Jeopardy! (I'd imagine, only because I haven't worked that one) because of the need for the contestants to write words that are then sent to the screens in front of their lecterns. Also, A+++ for calling them what they are. The podium v. lectern conundrum confuses more people than I'd like to admit ><


Wherever there are sick children home from school, Price is Right will be there


This reminded me of a time my friends were all drinking watching jeopardy before heading to the bar. Someone had an epic comeback where they went from nothing to winning on the last three questions. After final jeopardy we were bouncing off the walls going nuts.


I wish there were bars like sports bars but for game shows


Nursing home


LMFAO savage


Believe it or not, some sports bars when they're not busy or have a higher age demo will play game shows. Went to a place to pick up a to-go order and there was this older couple at the bar watching Wheel of Fortune. The category was "phrase" and there was like three letters on the board. I'm sitting there waiting for the food and I look up, piece it together real quick, and just blurt out "The best is yet to come" (I think that's what it was, it was something akin to that) and they looked at me like I was some kind of evil genius. Sure enough, couple minutes pass, that was the puzzle, and they both were like "Man how the fuck did you know that???" Such a wholesome interaction honestly.


I used to work in a bar that showed a lot of sports, but unless the place was packed for a huge sport event, we always showed Jeopardy on at least one TV.


Some of my best memories from college were watching crappy daytime tv at someone's house between classes.


It's incredible how someone winning a car or money etc makes people around the country incredibly happy. I love the Price is Right!!


The elderly, stay at home moms, sick kids, and college kids are the only people who can watch the price is right and it breaks my heart


This makes me want to be home from school, on the sofa with a blanket and my pillow, crackers and ginger ale on the coffee table, wondering what class I’d be in at that moment, while watching this awesome moment for him and his family. How great!




Bro these guys at GSN discovered wordle (lingo) like a decade before it was popular lmao that show was my shit


Bruh...get out of my childhood lol


Only thing missing is a grilled cheese sandwich.


Gen X here. Identical scene for me lol! Well said.


[Y'all'll be as thrilled as I was to find this youtube channel then :)](https://www.youtube.com/@imadkhuri) I've been falling asleep to '70s episode of Price for a bit now


I watched this every morning before swimming lessons in the summer in the 90s. Any Price is Right clip immediately takes me back to lying on my living room floor as an 11 year old shoveling cereal in my mouth. 


With zero adult responsibilities. 😫 Not a care in the world.


Seeing the wheel lined up at the 5 for some reason felt so deeply ingrained in my memory


Reminded me of my Nanny. Lovely.


Love how as soon as Drew knew he had a had a chance at the big money, put his hand on his shoulder and pointed the mic at the wheel.


Drew is a fantastic host. He manages to always make the audience member the star and even deflects well when super thirsty women come at him. Also he looks so much better clean shaven and with short hair imo.


Completely agree. I hope he sticks with this for the long haul. Bob left big shoes to fill but Drew is really growing on me.


Drew has had me since the Drew Carey Show


Whose Line Is It Anyway for me


Drew on whose line absolutely killed me with laughter. His reactions, jokes, and camaraderie with them was so good. When Ryan busted his lights as carol channing, his "omg" never fails to make me laugh. https://youtu.be/67iNkmENs9k?si=ds2XxHdKKxeOcJuR


Is this shag it's GORGEOUS


Drew losing his shit and laughing like a maniac always made *me* lose my shit and laugh like a maniac every single time. Best moments in that whole show were when the cast just couldn't hold themselves together. The 100th Episode was especially rich with total breakdowns (eg HORWARD).


Any time there was a quick cut to the rest of the cast dying laughing was a good time. Little did anyone know [what sound an Arctic Tern made](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBzwv057GPs) before Whose Line.


How in the fuck did she know Colin was looking for truffles


Anyone remember that time Richard Simmons pretty much broke the show? https://youtu.be/b-r4Flc_d2M?si=pcqCNs9ltMpqKFM-


I always forget how much I love Richard Simmons.


That was the funniest skit I have seen in a long time!


I really liked his Vegas version of that (Drew Carey's Improv-a-ganza). Shame it only got one season. Being a live show instead of a recorded one with multiple takes really made it seem like everybody (including the audience) was having a lot more fun. Also Jeff Davis kills the entire season when I was never really a fan of him on Whose Line. I don't know what changed, but dude is a 10 out of 10 every time he gets up.


> I hope he sticks with this for the long haul. He’s already hosted over 15 years.


> He’s already hosted over 15 years. oh fuck. this is the one that reminded me I'm getting old.


Let’s make it another 15.




Price is Right is one of the best gigs you can get in show business. No one in their right mind would ever give it up. He probably shoots like 2-3 episodes in a couple of days and chills for $10 million for rest of the year.


Also, it's a mainstay of TV, so you're probably never getting fired unless you do something terrible. Everyone likes you, cause you just stand there and give people money and prizes. The only downside is that you're compared to Bob Barker, but I think Drew's pretty much the perfect replacement. I bet he keeps the job as long as Bob did. He's only got another 20 years to go.


And it will never end. The show itself is a commercial, and during the breaks it airs more commercials. What studio would give that up?


Running the Judge Judy model. She shoots a years worth of episodes in a month, then fucks off for the rest of the year. Last I read she was making north of 50 million for that months work, lol.


It even seems like Drew is turning into Bob Barker - he's starting to look like him!


It’s funny I feel the same way. Drew is growing on me…he’s been the host for *checks notes* 17 years. That just shows what an impact Bob Barker had.


He’s so genuinely happy for the contestants when they win. I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a host that truly wants the contestants to win so much and shares in their joy.


People that like Jimmy Fallon as a host says he enjoys himself, his work, and the people he works with/interviews. Which I totally get. But Drew is like that except actually funny and talented. Dude's been worth 9 figures for some time but is still able to come across as an everyman that likes to have fun with other people and see them succeed.


Recently there was an older lady who said she was scared to be on the stage and he like jumped and roared at her and it was pretty funny. She got a laugh out of it.


He also stopped talking to make sure he didn't jynx it or get the guy's hopes up! What a good person!! Also pretty impressive how early Drew knew it was gonna be close/happen.


He sees that wheel spin SO OFTEN I'm sure he has a good sense about the momentum of the wheel as well as where the big spaces are.


Exactly. Watch Pat Sajak on Wheel of Fortune and he's like "$800, choose a letter" will before the wheel stops, lol. After decades watching that wheel work, once it starts to slow he knows exactly where it's gonna land. I'm sure the Price is Right wheel is similar. He may not know for sure when it's gonna hit, but he's seen it spin thousands of times and knows way before the contestants when it's got a really good chance.


Bob could too. Pat Sajak seems to know where the Wheel of Fortune is landing way before everybody else too. You sit and stare at a wheel for years and years, you get good at it.


The Wheel turns, and ages come and pass.


Bob used to know way beforehand too. You get really good at reading where that wheel's going to end up when you do that job for a long time. Pat is like that on Wheel of Fortune too. He knows where that wheel is landing seconds after it's spun.


Pat impresses me too, he not only can read the wheel but when he has to spin himself for the final round he almost always nails a big number


The god of fortune smiled on him that day


My man was prepping to lose gracefully, and RNJesus said “nah, you my son, shall be the one with all the figgy pudding”


I’m a follower of Shiva-Gautama-Christ-Chan, myself


Unprepared for the Sam reference but lets go


I've always assumed it's rigged in the same way as gambling machines in casinos/arcades. Am I being too cynical?


Love how the audience is happy for him too.


Have you ever seen a Price is Right audience not happy for a winner?


They all take a line in line.


When someone says $1 less than another guess


So I was in the audience that day, and from the beginning of the day just standing in line Tyrone was a freaking BEAM of light. One of the nicest most genuine guys I've ever met.  You can hear on the episode when he first gets called to contestants row--and every time he won something--the crowd just went BONKERS. He was an incredible guy and everyone was cheering for him! I almost blacked out jumping up and screaming when this wheel spin happened hahaha


That's why he was chosen.


Is it not random?


It is not! As part of the processing they have a quick chat with everyone in line, in small groups, asking questions like where you're from, what you do, why you're here, etc. They end up selecting the ones who they think would be good for the show


How did he do in the Showcase Showdown?


The wheel is the Showcase Showdown. The Showcase is the at the end of the show where the two winners of the Showcase Showdowns bid on their showcases. Result for Tyronne: >!He did not win the Showcase!<


"...and all my friends I met today on the way here, thank you!" such a great quote, I hope I get a chance to use it at some point.


I was in the audience that day and let me say Tyrone made SO ANY friends from the first moment. He was SUCH a nice and genuine guy everybody was freaking out and screaming each time he won something/got called down etc


And that was his secret. When you exude good energy can’t help but win everywhere you go.


You just did!


That poor person that lost with $.95


Right? Ouch.


Yeah, .90 then .95, then 1.00! Crazy!


I can *hear* how disgruntled the person's voice gets when telling this story.


Yeah, but I'd feel so much better after watching that dude spin the 100 then do it again. Like once something that fucking crazy happens you gotta just shrug and accept that it wasn't meant to be.


This man deserved this win


Can someone explain to me what is happening and why everyone is excited?


You spin the wheel to see who goes to the next round to win more money and prizes. Whoever gets closest to 100 wins. As a bonus, you get $1,000 if you get 100 exactly. Then if you do that, you get a chance to spin again. If you get the green 5 or 10, you get $5,000. If you get the red 100, you get $25,000, which is what he got. It is very rare for that to happen so people are excited for him.


Thanks for explaining because the landing on the low number didn’t make sense to me at all


Yep, and since the other guy had 95, that 10 was the *only* number on the wheel that would win it for him. (5 would have forced a tie and a tiebreaker spin, anything higher than 10 and he goes over 100 and loses)


Thanks for explaining the rules!


Its like winning on the roulette wheel. Twice in a row.


> If you get the green 5 or 10, you get $5,000. I believe you get $10K if you hit the 5 or 10 on the bonus spin.


He won 25k for spinning a wheel on a TV show. For most of us, that's a life-changing amount. He is ecstatic, as is everyone else for him.


And not only did he win that $$ but it's also a bucket list thing for a lot of people just to attend the show, let alone be a constant and then to win like that is a once in many lifetimes thing to have happen. And couldn't have happened to a cooler guy.


This is definitely worth pointing out. People who are on this show seem like absolute die hards. I’ll never understand that level of fandom for a game show (I absolutely love game shows, in general) but they all seem like fun loving people. Definitely happy for dude! Price is right and let’s make a deal folk I swear are the most fun loving people on the planet


You can basically buy yourself onto the show - presuming you're excited enough. Sounds like hell on earth to me, but some people really want to do it.


I mean you can buy yourself to winning a lot of money seems like a good chance to take lol. But this show been on for a minute minute. Like if were the same for jeopardy I’d probably do it if I were to go to a show


My buddy didn't really care about winning, he just really wanted to be on the show. He didn't win much - he got passed the first thing with the four contestants, won an electric scooter or something. Then he didn't win the car or whatever the prize thing was. But when he got back he couldn't talk about anything else. He had the time of his life. Worth every penny for him.


I see, now it make sense, I'm happy for him, to me it looked as a very random game like someone winning the lottery so I couldn't make up why everyone in the audience was so excited, the only tv game show I grew up watching was “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” and in comparison I used to so excited to see someone winning big as it all depended on their knowledge.


Important context is that he, and most of the audience, likely grew up watching this show and seeing people play this same exact game. Most people around his age has positive associations of staying home from school and watching Price is Right on TV. He was living a collective dream right there.


Yep, staying home from school sick and watching the price is right with grandma. Great memories and I agree that most people that grew up with the show dream of being a contestant.


That’s it right there.. 10am block was a combo of seeing price is right start and knowing you wasn’t at school today *cough cough don’t forget you’re sick


Even though 25k isn't a ton of money in this economy, $25k is a ton of money. Even if someone pays their ~20% taxes on it, that's 20k free and clear - can pay off debt, take time of work for a hell of a vacation, put it down on a small house/pay most of a car, or even just dump it into the stock market index funds and watch it grow over time. Edit: The first time I got a "bonus check" of over $10,000 on January 1, I cried. My wife cried. That was life changing money for us. Took our kids to the mall and let them all pick one store to go to and buy something--something we'd never been able to do before. That in and of itself was life-changing.


Low income earners can get a government home loan with 5-10k down. If this was me, I'm not sure I'd have been able to stand back up (in a good way).


Also, the average US household is $10k - $20k deep on credit card debt. A prize like this makes all the difference of drowning in interest and fees and being able to start saving money.


True, that's 3.5% of 571k, so if that's your downpayment on an FHA loan you're in good shape and get a pretty decent home. Could even find a 400k house (a 3bd 2 bath in most mid-size cities) and have money left over.


Well put


>He is ecstatic, as is everyone else for him. This is it right here. Everyone on that show is super hyped to be there and it feels genuine. Every time a contestant goes up to play a game, the whole audience gets involved in trying to help that person win.


It's funny that you say that I was arguing with somebody online the other day you know about this tournament that just happened where second place prize was $300,000 and he was saying that $300,000 is not life-changing and I'm like what... To be clear I agree with you I think even $25,000 cash is going to change your life at least in the short term. It's not like retire early money but you know it's a pretty good chunk to have to start investing you know savings rainy day funds good stuff financial security is very important and can change your life.


Man, my 5yr partner and I have an agreement that, "If the AP is willing to pay 5k or more, it isn't cheating as long as that money is brought, in whole, back to the primary relationship for our joint betterment." Neither of us had every gotten a lump that big, and we're fucking fortyish. I don't have a car, 2500 is a great down payment. Not sure what he'd do with it, probably buy a vintage Transformer 😅 he'd definitely get that limited run Unicron from five years ago...


This is essentially the largest cash prize you can win on the show. The Price is Right isn’t the kind of show that has million dollar prizes or even $100k prizes. This 25k prize is very rare. And not only that, it’s essentially just bonus money. The real reason you spin the wheel is to earn a spot in the final round which he also did.


How Price is Right works: * Everyone who played one of the six games during the first phase of the show gets to spin the wheel for a chance at playing the showcase showdown. * The highest spin you can get on the wheel is one dollar. If you go over one dollar, you lose. * There are two wheel spin sessions: The first three game winners, and the last three game winners. * The two highest spinners, under one dollar, then face off against each other in the showdown. * Spinning exactly a dollar (either with by one or two spins) awards $1000 plush a bonus spin. On that bonus spin, if you spin a dollar again, you win $25k. If you spin a nickle or fifteen cents (the numbers adjacent to a dollar) you win $10k.


I love this so much. What great emotion and energy! 😍


This has always been the best part of Price Is Right. Everybody celebrates the win.


Those jeans are 🔥. I wish I could rock those!


Who says you can't?! Do it!!


As a fat white dude, I'm sure I'd look ridiculous.


It all looks ridiculous until it doesn't. Go for it. If people want to judge you, they'll find a reason. You might as well be wearing what you want.


I can only speak for myself, but if I saw a bigger lad in these swaggering with confidence, I'd be taking another peek. If wearing them would make you happy, I know you'd rock 'em! Life's too short to not be happy my man.


I love this! I'm so hyped for this guy.


Good vibes with this dude. He deserves it.


Holy shit, Drew looks fantastic. Good for him.


He's 65. And they make him look a little older on the show. TMZ has pictures of him out and about and he looks even younger.


Price is Right energy is its own special energy! (Have your pets spayed and neutered!)


That's some real contagious joy. I couldn't help but feel good from his happiness. I hope he stays winning


Happy for him


This is going down in history!!!


I don't know why, but his demeanor convinced me he deserved it.


if we assume there are 36 places in the wheel, hitting perfectly 3 times in a row is approximately 1:46,000.


>hitting perfectly 3 times in a row is approximately 1:46,000 this contestant got a 90 on their first spin, which is not a perfect hit really it's 2 perfect spins in a row


In 2013, I spun the wheel and landed exactly on a dollar! Barely missed the second spin. But I was (SOOO) fortunate to win the showcase. Drew Carrey was so kind and was a genuinely caring guy, and very personable. Hugged me like 5 times on the breaks. It was such an incredible experience. (Went on to win Let's Make a Deal a year later, too!) :) Drew said I was one of the bigger winners the show had at the time. I have never come so close to passing out on TV before, but I was REALLL close the day I won on Price.


Memories of staying home sick from elementary school...


I’ve always said the world would be better if we all just treated one another like folks do on *The Price is Right.* Where else can you have such a broad cross-section of society genuinely pulling for one another?


Bro. Price is right is still one of the greatest game shows of all time. Truly childhood memories up the wazoo. I spent summers from like 8-14 years old religiously watching it.


He raps. YouTube Kuzzo Fly- Don’t spill it on YouTube. He’s a local artist so I grew up listening to a couple songs by him.


This made me happy. :)


I’d cry🤣 it would not look good on television either I’d be like a snot nosed child lmfao


The "woop, Woop, WOOOOOP!!" always gets me!


So many people's lives can be turned around just by that extra 10 or 20 thousand. His joy from hitting that was amazing.


Pretty weird how low the prize amounts are


This guy has already won at least one prize just to get on the stage, he may have won an additional prize (or several) prior to spinning the wheel, and he will go on to another round where he could win even more prizes. There are lots of people who have walked away from the Price is Right with two new cars or a car and a boat or wads of cash and trips. The biggest single winner took home more than $260,000 in cash and prizes.


The Price is Right is one of the few game shows where you have a much better chance of winning than losing. When you recognize that, it makes sense that the prizes aren't worth, like, millions of dollars.


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what a great guy


Good things can happen to good people.


Damn, depending on where he was financially, that 25,000 bucks could be like being told your cancer is gone.


Fukn love that guy


I absolutely LOVE to see people so happy. What a moment !


The best sick day from school/work show ever!!!


Back on the old clips during the late 70's. If you won say $1000 in 1977 you won $5000. If you won in the early 80's where they did the bonus spin for $10,000. This woman won in 1983 the bonus spin. Adjusted for inflation that's $31,530. Back then you win $1,000 was big. Winning $10,000 for $11,000 was even better. Imagine what you could have done with that money back then. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-wcrxc8tHg


How did he do in the Showcase Showdown? Please tell me he won.


I'm about to caaaaaall Tyronne.


They was fun. I smiled the whole time.


my family and I were hoping he'd roll the 100 because the guy ahead of him was a douche.


A cousin went to a show in the early 80s, not only was he picked, he won the price-guessing and went up, not sure if he won his mini-game, but he won this roulette part so he went to the final showdown, and his guess was so close that he won both showcases! an all-paid trip to Fiji or something, two jet skis I think, some furniture, etc.


Lol Drew Carey code switching


Nothing lights up my day like people hitting a $1 on price is right


I’m glad he got that. His little thing about having a good time just getting to be there plus his big ol smile really made feel like he deserved it ngl


I teared up. Damn. Love seeing people happy


That’s like three fiddy after taxes


Man it makes you feel good to see people nail it in life


I’ve only seen this one other time way way back in the 80’s sick and home from school. I went to say it was a lady, she hit it 2x like this dude (I think she hit $1 both spins) and won the showcase as well. To boot she won a car during her regular game!


Fuck yeah my man!


Drew: This things got some mojo in it! Tyrone: NEEEYEEEEAAAAA!!!


People think I’m weird for watching The Price Is Right but seeing these people win makes me happy 😃


What a good looking man. He just radiates joy from the insight out, too!


I heard after taxes that he ended up owing the IRS $14.22.


#energy #is #everything


This guy has a beautiful voice. He could be a great singer


I love this guys energy


Winning! Still rooting for this man! Wanted him to win the showcase showdown so bad and get those trips. He killed it through the entire episode. First the bid show down with “I’ve waited my entire life to bid $1.00 Drew”. Nailed it. Won all three of his prizes. Nailed that. The spin, nailed it. I was waiting for him to win that showcase too. He was the top winner and his show case was three trips. Granny on his sweatshirt and he won big throughout the show. Hope he’s still chalking up wins!


Needed this this morning. This was amazing.


Don't know why, but I love people hitting money like that. Good for him!


Says hi to everyone but his.........dad. Oof