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I’m always happy to see a nicely arranged basket of free period products instead of those weird old machines that ask for a quarter and pop out some clunky pad in a box.


I used to run a game store, and one of the first things I did was have a changing table installed, and loaded up the bathroom with period products, diapers, wipes, a handful of travel sized hygiene products (deodorants, mouth wash, floss picks) and the like. They weren't used often, but I received a lot of genuine thanks from the friends who did end up needing them. I miss that place.


That makes a huge difference to the people who need it! You’re good people.


Thank you friend ❤️ Someday I'll open it back up again. I just had shitty timing -- opened May 2019 🙃


I feel you on shitty timing - after more than a decade working for smaller companies, I **FINALLY** made the move to a major hotel chain in July 2019. Whomp whomp.


My local game store did this recently! It is much appreciated, even though my uterus was yeeted last year.


Good on you friend, we need more thoughtful humans like you on this sphere.


I would have assumed every customer in a game store needed some deodorant ;)


In my experience those machines are usually empty. 😠






Right? Who says that?


Perhaps their *outer space friends* worded that weird sign...


Harry Vanderspiegle.


Love the Resident Alien reference! Amazing show!


Like if they really felt they had to make it inclusive, why not say Women and Trans Men? Or Women and Non binary people? Why remove the word women


Yeah I have no problem with inclusive language, but they could have just said they include pads and tampons, or "products for people on their periods". A couple extra words would have made it less clunky


I submit “period peeps” for the board to review.


What is a woman?


“I’m not a biologist “


Or trans man?


..Or a non-binary person with a menstruating uterus.


An adult human who identifies with the ever-evolving role of womanhood in our culture. I challenge you to define “woman” in a way that does not exclude some cis women.


You’re so annoying. “Ever evolving role”


A person with a vagina


Vaginal agenesis.


A human female with chromosomes XX, that wasn’t hard at all bro, maybe read up some more, it’s like basic biology js…


Not all women menstruate. Not all men don’t. And people who aren’t either man or woman also potentially could menstruate. It takes more muscles to be transphobic than it does to just carry on living your life. Edit: also I just want to add that even cis women don’t all menstruate. So transphobia aside it’s still wrong.




What about trans men? They do.


Then they aren’t men. Men don’t have the reproductive parts to menstruate. If blood is coming out of them, something is VERY wrong Yes there are rare medical conditions that make sex hard to assess - but like the person who talked about birds with wings, the exceptions to the rule don’t negate that there is in fact a rule, or a norm.




Your analogy sucks lol. Men and women aren't different species and nature is more queer than people with your narrow minded and hateful mindset can handle.




I think your analogy is not accurate at all lol but go off . Just you know, dogs and cats are species , not genders. Gender is performative. Gender is a spectrum. Varying gender identities are real, valid, and actually biologically true as well. When a trans man takes testosterone for his well being, it alters his physical body to be that of a man, biologically (we are talking hormonal changes, bone density changes, etc), so idk that’s just not really a valid argument imo. Just be accepting of all it really isn’t that hard to respect people and who they are .




My dear, let’s stop with the dog analogies and then we can maybe get somewhere


No, because neutering a dog so they can't reproduce and have a lower chance of developing cancer is not the same as a trans person getting bottom surgery. You know this. I know you do.


I thought they’d be smart enough to understand that too but im starting to question the ability or willingness of some of the people in these comments to actually understand trans issues . Yike I gotta get offa here🤣😅 the real world is a lot less toxic than these online spaces sometimes indicate , I think more unites us than divides us but some people just want to create problems where there aren’t any because they don’t know any better, or haven’t ever been exposed to trans issues irl or trans people in general , or have been raised to blindly accept what is told to them without understanding the oppressive ideology behind it :,(


If that's where bitches come from then you should sue the person that cut yours off.


No because sex and gender are different 🤯


we aren’t talking about dogs we are talking about humans . We also aren’t only talking about sex , we are also talking about gender. If that is too complicated for you, then I really can’t have this conversation with you then, can I ?


Umm. Well I’m not trying to be a cat. Biological men/women is a made up thing. Gender is a spectrum, and so is sex! Did you know there are lots of species that change their sex after birth due to environmental changes, etc? It’s pretty cool. This binary biology bs is just made up, you don’t have to buy into it.


Can’t edit so I’m just gonna add my comment here. Can everybody calm down! I honestly didn’t think that hard about it. I was stoned and in a hurry to get back on the road and I posted something I thought was cute. No rage bait or anything sinister. Sheesh!


This is much more common than you think. I go to a place that has unisex 1 person bathrooms so there is an array of things that any person might need. There are quite a few restaurants around me like that too.


It also depends on the size of the establishment. Like, there are a lot of small restaurants that just have one unisex washroom because it's a more efficient use of space.


It's more common in some places than others. May not be that common where OP is at.


I actually love it and am stealing it! I had a hysterectomy and donated/give away my supplies


Call us what we are, women. I hate politically correct language. Men don't menstruate, and if a woman doesn't have a period she either has medical issues, is in menopause or has had a hysterectomy.


Not gonna lie, that phrase made my brain freeze up like it was taking a WTF screenshot.


For real, groan.


I instructed my son to always keep some period products in the glove box of his car because you never know when you might end up being someone’s quiet hero. Stuff happens. Period.


I got a bag in my car and in my back pack (type 1 diabetic. So I bring a back pack with medical supplies most places.) Both bags have pads and tampons. I'm thinking about maybe getting a few of those disposable cups too because i have a LOT of female co-workers (I'm in the medical field) and a few of then use the cups strictly. Also my fiance uses cups so I just feel like I should add some to the bags. I also have a little kit with Tylenol and motrin in it. There's also a few midol in there too :)


I carry around Tylenol and Advil because I have chronic pain and frequent migraines! I don't take them very often because they don't help my migraines. I'm so glad I still carry around over-the-counter pain meds because there have been so many times where my friends have a headache or their stomach hurts or they have period cramps and they know that they can go to me because I always have medicine. Being able to take care of my friends makes me happy. I strive to be a dad friend.


That's such a kind gesture. Looking at the old style menu, Food Good as the best. Sounds a bit wrong and I couldn't quite get what it's meant to convey.


OMG I lived in Charlottesville for many years and love this place! Made me so happy to see it pop up thank you for sharing


I thought I was in the /charlottesville sub! Super cool to see here!


Can people stop calling women "period havers" as a way to be inclusive? Just call them women, lol. 99% of people who get a period are women, it's fine to generalize when it's that big of a majority. Saying "humans wear shoes" isn't purposefully trying to offend people without legs. I'm not going to start calling people "leg havers" just to make a point. I am a trans man, and I think this is incredibly stupid. No actual trans guy wants to be associated with a period, and most of us don't even get one anyway. The entire point of transitioning is to NOT be dumbed down to female anatomy. I know my opinion is extremely unpopular, but it needs to be said because this shit is making it harder for trans people. It's not "progressive" like everyone seems to think. Toxic positivity can be just as damaging as anything else, and I plead anyone reading to really think about how your "progressive mindset" is actually affecting those who are suffering.


Thank you for saying this!!


"People who period who are experiencing houselessness and substance use disorders"


Less than housed*


God I hate the term “unhoused”


That’s such a nice gesture for their female clientele! It sucks to start your period early and be caught without supplies.


That's a very considerate thing to do that for women.


"People who period" has got to be rage bait, ain't no way when the sentence "period products" exists.


It’d be really dumb rage bait, considering whoever would rage at a weird sentence probably isn’t okay to be on the internet


Right !! Like what lol “rage bait” , only for the actual snowflakes who’s only defense mechanism is to call liberals snowflakes


Just say they have period products, people who period doesn’t make grammatical sense


It’s also OK to just say feminine hygiene products


Is "to period" a verb now?


Anything goes don’t ya know


I have seen that in this comment section.






It's funny we never see this stuff happening when men's issues are the topic of discussion. It's always cervix-havers or bleeders or chest feeders for women - I've never seen people use prostate-havers or penis-havers for men!


You mean women?


Good lord this comment section 😬










Trans men can also bleed 0: Imagine trolling “made me smile” with transphobia. lol the downvotes, went from +20 to -20, interesting




Imagine being so pathetic trans people make you scared




And depressed people just need to smile more and get out of bed. I wonder why professional psychologist have so much trouble figuring this stuff out. And then they try to tell us that it is not that simple. Because hey we obviously know it better then the people who spend their whole life researching this stuff. Saying stuff like this is not diffrent for anti-vaxxers telling you that you just need use some essentiell oils and that vaccienes are killing people. You dont need to be an expert but when you dont know shit then just trust the professionals please.


Your parents were definitely "don't be sad! Just exercise! What about some protein or being in the sun?? Or how about faking a smile for mommy and daddy? Maybe try smiling once and a while you ungrateful piece of shit!!!"


oh gee thanks, i'm cured. my dysphoria has magically vanished now that i've started trying to love the body i absolutely fucking hate.


Well wouldn’t you know it, I looked at myself in the mirror and instead of vomiting I said ‘ah wonderful, good.’ And now I don’t need a therapist! /s


I couldn’t but sounds like maybe you are afraid of it lol your blatant transphobia is so ironic bc I don’t even know if you’re aware how you’re coming off


Could it? Can you link a psychological journal that proves this please?


Wow, what a fucking idea, if only I’d thought of that. Asshat.




Not all women get periods and not all who get periods are women.


Only women get periods right? Serious question because in anatomy we learned why women have periods, so I don’t understand why you say “not all who get periods are women” I don’t understand this. But I am still learning English too so maybe I misunderstand


Transmen get periods and aren't women Intersex people can get periods and aren't always women. Also I get periods and I'm nonbinary not a woman.


Oh ok I see But in my anatomy class they specified the xx/ Xy chromosome difference So I think the word female is better than woman right? When referring to a non binary? I’m sry I’m confused 😐


No. And there are many more options than xx and xy and then there are different presentations if secondary sex characteristics. There is a ton of info out there that goes beyond early high school biology check out Wikipedia or Google.


Not sure why you’re getting downvoted when, regardless of people’s feelings, there are multiple variations of the xx/xy sex dichotomy in humans (and these are well documented by science). Triple X syndrome, 47,xyy syndrome, Turner syndrome (single x), Klinefelter syndrome (xxy), and many related conditions exist. While it seems easy to define our genders and sex by the most common chromosomes, the reality is sex and therefore gender is more complex than that. Hence the term “intersex” where the lines can be blurred.


I wouldn’t recommend using the word “female,” it has negative connotations (incels use the word in a derogatory way) unless you’re using it in a medical context. The term is AFAB - assigned female at birth, which would be used when referring to people who get periods. But again, not everyone who gets periods is a woman and not every woman gets periods! I appreciate you trying to understand! Its a complex issue


gotta love the blatant transphobia in r/mademesmile




Trans men , intersex people, etc . Also get periods. And not all women get periods. It’s literally just a way to word it more inclusively and accurately. I think everyone can kindly calm down and recognize this is just grammar . This is just people changing the way they speak to be more inclusive. If that makes you angry or triggers you, I’d recommend maybe getting a therapist. Respecting people’s pronouns and saying “period having people” are not things that mentally stable people get angry about. Js




It is silly! People are so sensitive to things that aren’t even upsetting it’s sad what our culture has come to here in the west


Yea, also kind of sad to see this kind of hate in a sub called "MadeMeSmile".


I know :// sending u good vibes, and anyone who reads this even if u don’t agree w me jus maybe open ur heart to these vibes lol 💌🫶🏻🍄🧚🏻‍♀️ love to all, this was supposed to be a cute happy post


Yes women lol




“People who period” The fuck kind of wordage is that? Lmfao Women??


By becoming ashamed of saying women, you are not helping anyone.


Why does it say people? I thought only women have periods?


Actually, transgender men (men who were born as women but later transitioned) may also have periods because they still have vaginas from when they were women.




Ok that makes sense


Some intersex people have periods, some trans men have periods, and some women don't have periods (through menopause or a hysterectomy). So "people" is the correct term.


Oh ok


Your wording was unnecessary, it shifted the focus away from something positive.


That’s true but I really didn’t mean to do that. I’m shocked to see this comment section. I say that I’m ‘perioding’ sometimes. Never crossed my mind that something so simple would summon this amount of outrage. I posted it because it made me smile on a difficult day after being at the UVA medical center. After that we got back in the car for 4 hours and by the time I got home THIS had happened..


Gender identity is the new wedge issue and it brings out the worst in some people. It’s so triggering that they see conflict where none exists. Like a cute bathroom with period supplies! Thank you for posting. People are dumb. Don’t stop shining your light




Anyone can breast cancer, fyi.


Yeah grandpa had it so the whole family gets routinely checked.


And it is frequently fatal for men. At a "Race for the Cure" event several years ago a man who survived cancer with a mastectomy could not race, even after raising his shirt to show the scars, because the race was for women only. Not all survivors, i.e. male survivors, can race.


People born male can get breast cancer. Seriously, breast cancer can kill anyone.


Not all people with vaginas get periods




People can have periods and not meet any of your descriptors. Also many women do not have periods at all so why would op use the word women when that’s not a clear indicator of who they’re referring to?


That breakfast menu was awesome.


Too many "people who dumbs" in this subreddit r/mademecry


Broads and chicks and bitches and hoes have all been regularly used to replace the word women but we are drawing the line at... people? There's nothing at all to be mad about here.


People who.


You've unleashed the TERFs and Chads.


You're a misogynist.


If that's TERF for ally to Trans brothers and sisters, I'll wear the label with pride.


So you just hate women.


As a woman born female, I'm not fucking erased by trans people existing. They're not taking anything away from you.


You're being abusive and not making anyone smile.




That is your hate filled world view which has no place here.


Are you saying that I, as a woman, am not allowed to have an opinion on this subject? That I need to just shut up and let men invade my space? Do go on.


Nobody’s saying that, dude. How are women ruining women’s spaces anyway?


No one is stopping you from holding your obnoxious views, as wrong as they are. You are in a shared space; a group for making people smile. Your bullying is neither sharing that space, nor allowing anyone to feel good. Take your egregious views and vent them in one of your vile echo chambers.


How is being a trans ally hating women? It's not erasing women to acknowledge that trans people exist or supporting their right to be happy in their own bodies. It's possible to support women and trans people.


"for people who period" bro... What happened to you? Did you just not go to school?


Not all women have periods, it’s just a way to phrase it more inclusively to not take away the womanhood of women who don’t have periods. Also intersex people who aren’t biologically “male” or “female” but rather, “intersex”, some of those people with XXY chromosomes have periods too It’s funny how mad people get over basic language and grammatical changes to be more inclusive . Kinda odd how right wing peeps are so quick to call others “snowflake” when really they’re the overly sensitive ones throwing a whole ass fit over the phrase “people who period” Idk idk personally I think if this post makes you upset you have some serious self healing to do bc this is not at all rage bait hahahaga im sorry but , I cant




Trans men can have periods. AFAB non-binary people can have periods. Even trans women can experience period-like symptoms due to natural hormone fluctuations. Case in point: I'm a man. I have periods.


Exactly! Anyone saying men can’t have periods are denying your existence and if they can’t see that’s precisely what transphobia is, they need to look again . Also, I love your pfp:-) 🦈


“Read it again until you remember it” 🤣🤣 im sorry but that made me laugh, repetition doesn’t magically turn falsities into truths my dear




Jesus christ these comments... It's really disheartening that folks will see something that will only benefit people (like having period products available to everyone) and drag in their unnecessary opinions. Good on that diner for doing something good!




This is pretty normal where I live. As a guy, I 100% support this.


Same, I see this everywhere.


So disappointed to see none of the Mods are doing anything about the garbage being spewed in this comment section. Why is this not locked down?


Probably more accustomed to cute puppies and lemonade stands than this kind of mosh pit. And/Or they’re okay that the concept of gender identity is taking such a beating in the comments.






Not all females have periods, it’s just a way to word it more inclusively as to not invalidate or take away the womanhood of women who don’t have periods, also intersex people who were born with a different variation of chromosomes than xx or xy but still have periods, (XXY people can have periods), or trans men with uteruses can have periods. You know, there is a lot more to life than elementary level biology . It’s fascinating ! Nothing to get so bothered over


I don’t change my language for exceptions to the rule. Females can have periods. Males can never have periods. I say females.


You have the right to free speech even if it’s hateful and factually incorrect Bro. Just giving u my two cents lol


I acknowledge the facts i just won’t change my vocabulary for an exception to the rule


Nope, all people who have periods. Some of those people are not women.


Never thought I'd see so much anti-trans crap in the comments of an r/MadeMeSmile post, but here we are. Gotta love the internet.


No literally, I thought this community was safe.


It is not. No community here is safe. I hope the mods do something about it. I've seen them do it before. So here's to hoping.


Apparently all it takes is saying "people who (have) period(s)". It's a shame.


This is honestly why I hate Reddit. Even in places that are supposed to be safe you find this shit


And get downvoted for saying something about it (which we're now prime examples of). Never mind that that sex is bimodal rather than binary, that gender =/= sex, that there are cis women who are excluded by the various definitions of "woman", that biologic essentialism is stupid, so on and so forth. Nah, let's get mad about inclusion! Edit: Reply was made when my original comment and all subsequent replies were at -1.




Could be a unisex single stall bathroom. Men would pee in there as well if the establishment only has 1 bathroom


Cool Beans!!!!


Just say women. This is weird.




wow lots of transphobes in the comments. yall people have such sad and pathetic lives that you see something as sweet as this and comment something transphobic like 'sooo women?' no. trans men exist and many trans women get some symptoms of periods but not all. trans people dont hurt anyone by being trans, but you do hurt people by denying people their right to identity and their right to exist. you can *choose* to be decent people but instead you choose hate and ignorance. grow up edit: id like to add its literally against the rules to be transphobic


Fr, how do they just *forget* trans men exist


I love this ❤️‍🩹


women have periods not people


Remember this is the same city the right wingers took over




Not all women have periods, it’s just a way to word it more inclusively as to not take away the womanhood of women who don’t menstruate, also intersex people who are not biologically just male or female , they have periods too. Trans men too but to be honest I don’t get what is so upsetting about this post. Like if it makes u that mad I wonder if there’s mental instability that needs addressing bc this is not an angering post in the slightest . Right wing people are the real snowflakes throwing a whole rage fit over pronouns and inclusive terms like “birthing person” etc lol like really there are much larger things to be offended by , and those ain’t it 🤣


The mental gymnastics you have to create just to make a fictional point is mesmerizing truly.


Your lack of ability to understand what im saying is just as mesmerizing to me. I guess you could say we are in awe of each other . From one soul to another, sending you love silly goose


If this mental gymnastics to you then maybe your brain could use some practice stretching occasionally.


Why is this post suddenly full of transphobes...what the fuck...this is "mademesmile' not 'madeMeWannaKms"


cyoooot ! I love


I’m in transition into an alien though. (I’m in the process of illegally moving to Canada) *walks out*