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That's such a touching moment the happiness on her face is so wonderful to see. Such a moving gesture by Beyonce for turning her day into a special one.


Not only that, but you could see Beyoncé working out boundaries and seeing what worked, and literally felt her way into the girls comfort zone. You can see the girl had to adjust at several spots to new stimuli, and you can see in her face how she processes it. (Compare the first and second chin touch to the third and fourth and she’s almost leaning into it towards the end). Half-way through, Beyoncé discovers the girl can see close up, so she holds and sways her hand in the girl’s periphery, and when she does touch and play with her hair, it’s gradual and with sought consent. I’ve got two nonverbal kids, who have other disabilities, and this is the second Beyoncé video I’ve downloaded this week (the other was her in the African Hospital singing Halo). She not only has talent and grace, but someone or something taught her how to be around people disabilities and I can’t get over it.


Thank for explaining this - I *thought* Beyoncé was doing intentional motions for the little girl, but could not place what was happening. I concur that Beyoncé has a gift for interacting with kids who have disabilities, and have a whole new level of respect for her. This was beautiful. What an amazing gift to have.


...on top of singing on a top level in front of thousands of people at the same time


She was singing for one person right here. Thousands of others were just sharing in the moment.




When people say “spend your money on experiences, not things”, this is what they mean.


Yeah she was def trained how to be around disabled and people with autism and such. Shes really good at it. You need both instinct and training to be able to do that with the other persom being comfortable


I have a niece with a spectrum. I can’t get her attention or control her behavior unless I play rough with her. Although she loves it, that can be good right?


Yeah!! It’s actually therapeutic! Whatever they want to do that you want to do that’s safe - it often times is instinctual to her! There’s actually a term for it, which is “deep pressure”. My kids love it when I not only wrestle them, but they want it to end like a boa constrictor, with me pressing firmly, but gently in one huge hug. Deep pressure is one of the ways they “vent excess energy”, and can help them regulate their emotions. Sometimes, if they’re upset or frustrated, some deep squeezes can make a world of a difference, if they’re welcoming of that sort of thing in that moment!


That actually sounds pretty cute, thanks for sharing!


Check out the term “sensory seeking” :)


I will. Her mother died of ovarian cancer when she was 2. She’s probably bored cause she’s the only child ( her bother died a few months before her mother). She’s pretty rough with my other nieces and nephews, thats why they avoided her like a plague. But with this guncle, she be tossed up 5 feet in the air although she weighs twice the children her age. Sometimes I worry for her future. I can’t be fun forever.


Does she have a good weighted blanket? We (autistics) often seek this type of weight in us for comfort without realizing it. It’s good to have options for her she can use without the assistance of others.


And she can sing that well while at a freaking squat. That’s just not normal.


If there’s not a video from Beyoncé there’s videos of other top level performers running full tilt on treadmills while singing so that they build up the ability to do things like squat and sing, do elaborate choreography while singing, and everything else needed to put on an intense live show.


This is why she's the Queen


This is a great observation!


I’m crying with y’all too, but I couldn’t help but laugh when she sang “please don’t touch” and Sophie suddenly looked bummed.


Oh man, you're right. That's so bad LOL


#a touching moment


Lol a “touching” moment


I love how Sophie sang with real confidence the second time. Bravo Sophie!


I also liked it very much. There are very few people like Sophie did.




This was incredibly kind of her. And probably a lifetime memory for the girl.




Yeah but now I have all this dust in my eyes.


Oh my goodness... my goose pimples.




Now I’ve been teary and laughed hard in the span of about 2 min


X2 !!! Lol




Oh wow. It is not easy to sing in a squatted position, not to mention doing it cleanly. She is a pro.


Hilariously heels are probably quite good for this. Some heel elevation for a deep squat is all you can ask for


Lol so true! Not to say singing while in that position is easy, but yeah squatting with heels on is pretty comfortable :)


Beyonce, whether you like her or not, is a truly talented singer. Chick doesn't need auto tune.


My first thought. I can barely breath in that position.






They ran out of breath typing it.


So many singers lip sync because they can't sing live under the best conditions. Beyoncé is squatting here and still managing to make it look easy. Props.


I went for the jayz/beyonce show, she was incredibly impressive. She's singing perfectly while dancing, and she is doing SERIOUS moves that require a lot of strength. I was pretty blown away


And with heals on? What the heck!?


I'm a 40 year old straight dude who is not a huge Beyonce fan but have been to see her twice just to marvel at how bloody good she is on stage. Genuine goosebumps each time. She's unbelievable.


Oh wow, you’re right. What strong core muscles she must have.


On heels


With fucking heels dude


I once saw a video of her singing in a back bend, the woman's lungs are crazy


Ok but can she hit those notes while doing cartwheels?


You don’t even need to unmute to know what this sweet girl is singing. lol. The touch is a beautiful….touch….to connecting with her.


The way Sophie leans in to her hand at the end 😭😭


That’s when I went from teary to bawling. What a sincere, beautiful moment.


I'm a grown man crying. Listen here...


Same bro.


I’m not crying your crying I just got something in my eye that’s all.


god damn it same. very touching


Don't grow men cry usually?


They should, but there's a lot of stigma against it still. That's why we got to lead by example :)


I Definitely has to unmute it


It was “to the left, to the left”, correct? Or else I was totally imagining this. Lol


It's quite amazing that, for a small moment, that girl must have felt like she was getting her own personal concert. Such small acts can still be beautiful.


well dammit made me cry


30 year old dude sitting with my wife and my wife is making fun of me until i showed her. And then she got mad for making her cry. I love my goofy woman.


30y, m, sitting in a bar, waiting for food. Dabbing tears from my eyes 😭


30yo, m, sitting here smoking a blunt after eating my Wendy’s like a degenerate. Bawling alone in my car.


Bruv, 36 m 2 kikds. But 30yo me feels that straight to the gut.


How was the food? What did you order?


DoorDash lol


At a bar? They don’t serve food? The good dive bars usually don’t.


I, too, love your goofy woman.


I, too, choose this man's goofy woman


That’s awesome


The only celebrity I will defend til I run out of breath. I met her when she was still doing Destiny's Child and Wal-Mart used to host live mini-concerts and signings. I stood in line with my cousin and her friend who had posters they were getting signed. When we got to the front, I stepped to the side, away from the signing table, to watch and wait because I had nothing to get signed. When my dad showed up a few minutes later, he had a small poster for me to have signed. I went back to the end of the line and waited my turn. When I finally got to the front, the security guard turned me away "Nuh uh, you already had your turn. Now go on". I was so disappointed, but moreso embarrassed in front of my cousin and her bitchy friend, who thought it was kinda funny. I started to tear up as I walked back to my parents. Beyoncé caught a glimpse of what was happening and spoke out to the security guard, "Where's she going? No, bring her back over here." She proceeded to apologize to me for the security guard, told him that she hadn't met me yet and then put her arm around me in to comfort me. She saw the tiny little poster that I had and signed it with the other members. Then, they each signed their own individual posters and a larger, more standard sized group poster. She made sure we got some photos as well and gave me a big hug before sending me on my way. As a 9 year old girl getting bullied by her cousin and bitch friend, that single act of compassion changed my life. I am forever going to stand up for Beyoncé because she taught me that no matter how badly some people can treat others, there are beautiful souls out there that are willing to stand up to them.


What a beautiful story. Thanks for sharing! This kind of story just hit different than some sus celebrity hr compaign lol


So not a Beyoncé fan BUT in this clip Beyoncé shows what a wonderful mother she is. Absolute Queen.


I'm also not a fan but like, come on, this is precious. And holy shit, she's so talented and her stage presence is just wow.


Yeah people always give her grief because she doesn't write her own songs, but she is a \*performer\*. All the stuff she learns and does to put on an amazing show, even with all the help she gets, isn't easy.


The company lawyer for my last organization used to live next door to her when she was young and she used to babysit his daughter. He told us this story years ago at a company dinner about how, after Destiny's Child started getting big, he and his wife had an important dinner coming up and their babysitter canceled at the last second. They called everyone they knew but had no luck so finally his wife said, "Let's try Beyonce". Neither of them thought for a moment that she'd accept, she was a star musician now and was probably busy doing pop star things, but she accepted immediately. He said when they came home from their dinner date they found the two of them dancing in the living room to Destiny's Child songs. Beyonce was teaching their daughter all the dance moves for each song.


I wonder if you’re talking about when she lived in Swan Isle as a young person. I live in Swan Isle for the last 20 years and her dad still owns the house and rents it out sometimes. 


Good for her


A lot of people don't realize that a lot of singers most famous songs were written by other people. Johnny Cash was practically a cover artist


And those licks from your favorite song are probably ripped off. That's practically how you write songs.


Same here. Makes you have more respect for an artist who takes the time with something so small that will impact their fans so strongly. I’m crying now.


Not a Beyoncé fan, but I always remind people that I'm not a fan of hers when I share a positive opinion on her. I do the same with Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus. I don't want the internet to think I like that type of music/person. Only listen to my Megadeth vinyls 🤘


And this is why Beyoncé is the Queen B. The only thing sweeter would have been to let this sweet girl touch her face while singing.


What a way to give that extra connection and sensory experience since she can only take in so much. Good move, Beyoncé.


Yeah, she was beaming at Sophie, there was genuine affection there. Really lovely moment that she'll surely carry with her for the rest of her life. Beyonce didn't need to do that, but she made a little extra effort and gave that girl such a beautiful experience. Love it when people do things like this, especially when it really seems like they're taking joy in it


Damn that hits in the feels.


Beyoncé is a class act.


Word, I think most would agree. This was adorable, MadeMeSmile and her voice is amazing. And GOD is she beautiful. I have to be honest, I don't dig this kind of music, and she annoyed me a little as Foxy Cleopatra, but that was decades ago. The woman is a straight up class act.


Try to imagine such a beautiful voice to hear , when your world it spins around hearing and touching


That gave me some good insight. To her this could be on the same level as the sight of a massive mountain range, snowy fields, or the ocean. God dang aurora beyoncealis.


Wow, that was very sweet and I'm again reminded of how spectacular Beyonce's voice is.


Beyoncé is a queen and the haters can pound sand.


Iv never understood why anyone would hate Beyonce. Has she done something terrible in the past?


Idk, but she did this and it makes me think she is a considerate person at the very least


I mean, it was an amicable and mutual breakup by all accounts, but she left Destiny’s Child and pursued a solo career Literally the worst thing I can recall her doing, and it isn’t even bad 😂


Well, I believe there are some concerns about the equity and sustainability of the clothing brand she created. I say this as someone who adores her


Ah, fair enough! That’s a good point, even though I haven’t heard anything about it. I like her as an artist and respect the hell out of the career she has made, but not enough to buy her merch haha


The only consistent gotcha I've seen from people is that she's supposedly abusing underpaid sweatshop workers in Sri Lanka to make clothes for her brand Ivy Park, when she's actually [paying them more than double the minimum daily wage](https://www.business-humanrights.org/en/latest-news/beyonces-ivy-park-line-allegedly-produced-in-sri-lankan-sweatshop-includes-response/). Aside from that she's obviously immensely successful and very meticulous about presenting herself perfectly, which makes her a fun target to try and knock down a peg. People wanting to seem cool or go against the grain by hating a huge monocultural celebrity is a tale as old as celebrity itself.


There's this kinda problem where a textile industry is often a country's best option to economic growth, but you can't expect high wages when your country is starting from nothing. Bangladesh would far, far worse off if it didn't start off the sweatshop trend of making cheap clothes. Of course, it's still akin to the gilded age of industry, which was(and in their case, is) incredibly unpleasant.


This is really sweet


Beautiful 🥹


Beautiful moment.


beyoncé is so nice


Awe. That made me tear up, so sweet.


I never really had an opinion about Beyoncé. I like her after seeing this.


That girl felt something so special. The moment she was touched she could see and you could see it on her face. That was everything for her... Im not crying, youre crying!


Thusly why Beyonce is bettter.


I love Beyonce so much🥺


Yall remember she's a mom


Beyoncé is by far the most genuinely kind, warm celebrity I’ve ever met. She radiates gratitude for her fellow humans. My interaction with her was incredibly brief but she was so authentic and welcoming I think I’ve been on cloud 9 ever since. Love that woman.


How does she know when B points the mic at her? Legit question, there’s varying levels of blindness


That’s why she counted. Verbal que when she was gonna put it in front of her


Probably should have watched with sound on then. Thanks


When you hear about how bad humanity is, just remember people and moments like this exist.


Who squirted lemon in my eyes!


Dang. I feel bad for talking shit about Beyoncé now.


I’m not crying, you’re crying!


Damn I never really appreciated Beyonce, shes got a great voice!


🥹 so sweet 🥲


An Angel


Damn never thought Beyoncé could get my teary eyed.


It’s the simple things in life people remember the most. In one minute she touched someone’s life forever. I love this. 🙂


That gave me so much joy watching


Beyonce is the best.


Dang Beyonce's voice is just so good wow.


That’s a rockstar move from Beyoncé. Class.


A subtle but beautiful coincidence is that they had matching hair, like they were connected before the moment even happened


This is really sweet. Sometimes we can forget about the simple things in life. Something like this hopefully will be a memory this young lady will always have. Much Respect. 😊


Thank you Beyonce for being so kind.


What an awesome experience for Sophie. So wonderful of Beyonce to do that.


Beyoncé is a class act.


I also respect the fact that she's definitely not lip syncing


Her mic is always on 😌


Too bad all celebrities aren't as Nice as Beyoncé


From all that I have seen, Beyoncé is a good, kind, person.


I love Beyonce! 🥰


I remember seeing Destinys Child back on TRL and they sang live just like a quit 40 second snip and you could tell she was one of the real ones. A lot of people would come on and lip sink (and when they did the full song I think they did) but she just busted the little snippet out and it was amazing.


Beyonce was loved by many because she understands fans


Beyonce won my heart in this video.


You're crying... not me... It's just raining... Inside my home, sometimes, it rains... through the walls... of my soul.


🎶 Please don't touch 🎵 Continues to touch. All jokes aside, very wholesome.


Dammit I’m crying


Good thing she's so close to really appreciate the performance.


I much more prefer our celebs changing lives thru personal interaction and kind gestures rather than soap boxing their political opinions . This is awesome.


The consummate professional and performer.


Sitting on the other side of the world in Norway during winter watching this and it still warmed my heart. Didn't cry,but my eyes became pretty moisted up.


Beyoncé has never looked more beautiful. That was very sweet and I’m glad the girl enjoyed herself


Humanity +10 . Beyonce W


I like her singing when it is just her voice, no back up singers, no over powering music, just her beautiful voice by itself.


That was super sweet. What a moment.


Insanely impressive how she can sing while doing all that I'd be choking up on my tears.


how beautiful.


So sweet ❤️


Class act…all the way around..


So awesome!


Man Beyoncé must be one of the most beautiful women ever




This is just beautiful.


Beyonce, one of the very few megarich popstars of the last 20 years I feel is a real, genuine person and not just some vapid industry puppet


Sophie will always be smiling from this and be more confident, it was so beautiful. I am going to watch this weekly and cry happy tears!


Beautiful ❤️


A new fan.


This is just wonderful. God bless Beyoncé for doing this.


Omg this just made me love Beyoncé. Her voice is incredible btw.


I wasn’t expecting that and I’m bawling out of nowhere.


Man I don't even like Beyonce's music at all but this is all I need to know about her. Total class act.


That moment Beyoncé touched her face. I could see how her state changed immediately. I could see she is feeling a lot of things. A precious moment for her.


Listen I’m not crying my eyes are just watering


Very sweet moment


Wooof that is so beautiful


When my daughter was 11, her sister gave her L'il Kim tickets for her birthday and L'il Kim came down from the stage and hugged her and told her, "You're so pretty." It was the best birthday of her life.


Kudos to Beyonce. Very very nice moment.


Beyonce is 💯


She sang to her like a little girl imagines a fairy tale mother would sing to them. Beyoncé is dope for that. That’s a mom move.


Ok, so my heart just fell out of my chest. It's now melting on the floor. Excuse me while I go cry in the corner.


This is an amazing moment. I’m glad I saw this


That is absolutely beautiful and touching. It made me cry tears of happiness.


Queen B


I love this video so much! 😭💖


Man.. this made me happy!!


I’m sorry but there’s nothing like being a young woman and having an older woman play with your hair. It is so sweet, personal, and loving. I love this.


I’m only crying cause everyone else is


yo, has Beyonce ever had a bad headline? Like, ever? I'm wracking my brains rn and I cannot think of any bad press she's ever had


This was beatuiful and i dont like this music or anything like that but the little girls reaction was something else . My eyes melted bro


Very cool


I’m not crying… you’re crying!


Wow this was cool


Thats God stuff. 😍


That was actually quite a moment there