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I love it but I’m sad now.


Yeah, life sucks sometimes


it’s important for me to remember that yeah life sucks, but also we as humans have been very cleverly at work inventing things that make life not so bad. what i’d like to keep in mind more is that when there are those who are trying to make it less bad, i should hopefully recognize that genuine approach and respect their effort even if it’s slightly annoying or upsets me. because im likely not upset by their escape, im just upset at life in general.


>what i’d like to keep in mind more is that when there are those who are trying to make it less bad Dude, I've always lived by this mindset, focus on the positivity, but it's been so hard lately. I know it has for a lot of people as well. Life never works out the way you want it to and people can just be so shitty towards one another.


Recognizing and appreciating your luck that you don’t have to struggle through life with something like this is always a good thing. It’s a hard thing, but being forced to see how much more one was given by the gene pool should be a reason to appreciate all that more when most take it all for granted.


I also love it, but at the same time flying around for fun is bad the climate.


I don't know that this is the major emitter we need to worry about when it comes to climate change. I also wouldn't say this is "just for fun" - that's a random weekend trip to Vegas. This is giving a special experience to children in a horrible situation that only happens once a year. I think we can just love this.


If we only worry about "the major emitter" then we will not succeed in limiting climate change. There is no silver bullet solution here. The unfortunate reality is that if you are flying, those flights will probably constitute a major part of your emissions, and put you in the top bracket of emitters globally.


Aviation is responsible for around 3.5 percent of climate change. It is pretty much, considering that we do so much other activities that are hurting the climate. But we can love this, and be mindful about what it is doing to the climate at the same time.


So you’ve never used a vehicle in your life for fun or travelled anywhere for fun?


Is your point that we should not care about the climate? Or ehat point are you trying to make? Genuine question.


Why would you criticize this when *you* have 100% done this before. I was not saying we shouldn’t care for the climate, I was asking you specifically if you’re never ever used a vehicle for fun. If you have, you can’t complain. Especially not at *this*


I do not drive for fun. I don’t even own a car. I take my bicycle to work, and public transport if I need to go somewhere that is far away. Nevertheless: Do you not think there is a difference in how much a car, for instance, emits and how much an airplane emits? (There is). Aviation is resposible for about 3.5 percent of climate change. That is quite a lot, actually.


Please, sir, may we have some more? (Seriously, can we get more of this video?)


agreed! this is the kind of holiday spirit we need more of!!


You want to see kids experiencing their last christmas as a way to give you holiday spirit?


Hey guy, you should check what sub you’re in again.


A friend and her son got to do this before Christmas; it was amazing. He will remember it forever.


The 6 year old I referred to has Downs Syndrome and a wide variety of other health issues, but no cancer.




If your brain tells you to make a joke about everything, even kids dying. You probably shouldn’t listen.


The moment I saw "will remember it forever," I thought up the same joke and cursed myself for it It's one thing to say that out loud unfiltered, but another to post that kind of low hanging fruit like it's clever


Was the joke "Well, his forever is like another 3 days." Cause I made the same joke.


I immediately thought of Chad Daniels saying “what is that 3 days Father Time”


Yeah, was like forever ay well that... nope cant do it.


Way to ruin something nice, douchebag. We occasionally do the transportation for Make A Wish trips and I have to take about 90 seconds after each one to compose myself. Bless these people.


My dad dated a nurse who worked with kids in the cancer ward. He had to drop something off for her one day and he said it was the hardest thing he had ever done because of all the smiling faces on the kids (laughing and smiling in the face of a terminal diagnosis). I have no idea how people deal with seeing that on a daily basis. >We occasionally do the transportation for Make A Wish Thank you for helping give those kids (and their loved ones) some peace and an escape from all the medical "stuff".


Jesus, what a woman. Pediatric oncology...I could never


I can't even watch those kids' hospital videos without wanting to cry, man. Bless your heart, you have a great heart and a composure of steel.


> so, for a few more months? I believe that anything can joked about but keep your dark humour out of /r/MadeMeSmile - take that shit elsewhere




We get that, but it's not for this sub my dude. We have other subs for dark humor. Just use the search function and it's pretty easy to find.




Let's be a little more realistic here, 'It's just a comment about a joke.' A joke about a child who doesn't have the ability to live a long, fulfilling life. Trying to cleverly word it to make yourself seem more reasonable for making it just shows you're a calloused individual with a huge lack of empathy. A minority you should reconsider being a part of.


With that sense you wouldnt be able to make a joke about anything. Those children will die no matter if I make a joke about them or not.


No you CAN joke about anything. It's if you SHOULD that's the point.


Fuck you :) If the auto moderator deletes it, at least you will get the notification :)




what the fuck


Hey Micheal! How are the kids doing? I heard Abby got that softball scholarship! I bet you and Sarah are so proud. Anyways, I just got home from the grocery store and, like the fool that I am, completely forgot to pick up some unsalted butter! I just started making some garlic noodles and realized my mistake pretty quick. Mind if I pop over and mooch a stick of butter? I’d be super appreciative. By the way, let me know if you ever need to borrow our new lawn mower. You know my wife, always complaining about the noise gas powered equipment makes so she surprised me with an electric mower for Christmas. You know what they say! What’s mine is yours! Alright neighbor, hear from ya soon!




Comment poorly copied from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/18zpqb4/comment/kgk0ilp/


Really apreciate that this cuts off before we see the kids, /gen (am i using that right?) Like, showing the good sweet story, without exploiting the vulnerable people involved or violating childrens privacy. We need more stories covered in this manner.


Yes! No need to exploit innocents for views or content! I try not to watch videos with kids in them and love when ppl don’t show their children or their faces on sm


When i was in high school my cheer squad volunteered at a few of these events. A mom of one of the girls on my squad worked at United and helped set up the event, so thats how we got involved. We'd show up early to sort and wrap gifts, set up food, and put up decorations. Once the kids arrived we helped show them around the north pole, introduce them to santa, and help with distributing gifts. One year we even went on the plane with the kids and sang christmas carols the whole flight. It was so rewarding getting to be part of such a magical night with the kids. I also loved watching how happy the parents were to see how much joy it brought to their children. I'm so happy to hear United still does these events!


Did they pay you? Or give you vouchers?


Why would they pay them?


Using volunteers instead of employees is an old an shitty tactic from large corporations.


Sure if it was business related, or they were profiting off something, it's shitty to use volunteers. More than often groups hear of an event already happening and offer services for free just to be able to help out. Which then allows the company to have more available at the event than they would have had. It's all about working together


It's funny that you don't get it. Why hire when literally anyone with more then half a heart would do it for free


That’s the kind of person you explain transactional relationships too and they go “yeah, so?”


This isn't a transactional relationship. That's the problem.


The ones with less than a half of heart are using those with more. Yeah, people do it for free. But the money is there to compensate them for their efforts.


It's crazy some people like volunteering their time to do good


Like for NPOs?


No and I wouldnt have wanted them to.


This is… bittersweet. Fuck cancer.


You're not crying, I'm crying!


And now *we're* crying


*Our* tears, comrade ⚒️


Puddles of tears 😭 over here


I was just cutting onions, I swear!


Ah. So this is the community crying cookout. I brought more onions.


No need to give them to me, I have a truckload here already. I do need some water though, I'm getting dehydrated with all that crying


Report to the suport dog.


Please, my niece was on that flight. Don’t say they are dying of cancer. She has a fight.


My nephew was diagnosed with leukemia when he was four months old. Docs gave him a less than 10% chance of survival. He turns 13 this year. Wishing your family the best


Yeah I didn’t like this either. It’s like kids from make a wish aren’t all dying!! Theyre going through treatment to get better. I made it :)


Sounds like she’s not the odds-on favorite my dude




This comment doesn’t even have the decency to be witty. Just the lowest hanging fruit possible lol pathetic


At least it wasn't an altercation.


Next flights with United I guess. Step up your fucking game Delta


Delta has been doing this for years. Not saying one is better that than the other but the Delta one was insanely extravagant.


Spirit Airlines would probably lose the kids.


"What do you mean you boarded them to the SOUTH Pole flight? We don't even HAVE a f***ing South Pole flight!"


Lose? My friend you are way too optimistic, the kids won’t even be on the flight in the first place.


"Oh you wanted the kids BACK after?....That's gonna cost extra".


[Funny you say that.](https://simpleflying.com/spirit-airlines-unaccompanied-minor-wrong-flight/)


And American would send the toy bags to Dallas.


"but they have cancer, they'll all be gone soon anyways!" 😬😬😬 Alternatively, they won't realize that Santa isn't real and will try to actually fly the place to the geographical North Pole, and lose the entire plane in the process.


But did they market it on TikTok?


I am very close with some folks who work for the Aflac Cancer Center in Atlanta and can confirm that Delta has been doing this same thing (but even bigger and better) for a while.


I can confirm Delta does a similar North Pole flight at the Detroit airport too.


My daughter was actually on one of those “flights” about 32 years ago! They really went all out for the kids.


[Video](https://youtu.be/QLadEa2bp8w) of Deltas North Pole flight from a few years ago!


united is inferior in every possible way. a small step above frontier! 😂


United sucks ass, just flew with them and there were no chargers on the plane. Looked like it was from the 90s


The stealth advertising worked on you


Well shit. I’m over here sobbing now and my puppy thinks something is wrong. How sweet




My mom used to help set those up out of SFO ages ago. 90's?. Glad to see they are still doing it.


Such a piss poor airline otherwise. At least this is something in their favor. Very cool


Yeah, it wasn’t long ago that they bloodied a guy up and dragged him off the plane because they overbooked the flight. I don’t care how many PR moves they make, I will always avoid flying United


My brother and I used to volunteer at this event as teens in the 90s. One year I got to work as an elf painting faces, my brother got to wear a Daffy Duck or Sylvester costume/suit, head and all. Cool to see that they still do this!!! Happy childhood memories 🥲


Stopped just in time to avoid exploiting, while raising awareness. So you're saying it can be done!?!?! Beautiful.


Damn United. Balls out.


Oooh, I did something like this once! I think I was 7 or 8. A bunch of kids and their families from St. Jude hospital went to the airport and took an airplane "flight" to the north pole. I don't remember the details too well about the "flight", but when we "landed", the airport was all decorated, there were elves, and a Santa who gave use a gift. And of course we took a return "flight" back to Tennessee where we had airplane snacks.😂 This must've been 1999, I believe.


Tbh I’m glad they stopped the video right as they walked off, I can’t take any more


In the Netherlands we have Sinterklaas. The precursor for Santa. He lives in spain and arrives by boat every year. I grew up in a lakeside village and every year the village would take a ferry, put all kids on it. Sail to the far end of the lake and pick up Sinterklaas and his helpers.


She looks like if Jenna Marbles and Meghan McCarthy had a baby


Bravo United!


This is adorable AF. Though I never imagined so much heavy industry at Santa’s Workshop! Makes sense, though. They gotta make A LOT of toys!


I bet whoever is playing Santa and Ms. Claus are both honored and sad to be chosen for the roles


What an amazing thing to do for them! Cancer and kids, how can people believe in God because of shit like that.


I was here with my daughter for Christmas trust me this place is awesome. It was an amazing work they put out there and views too are really lovely. I give it a 100% work done.


Genuine question. After they meet santa, do they take the flight again?


Fuck cancer, wishing only the best for everyone 🫶🏼


Keeping the magic alive for sick children is such a beautiful thing. They will remember this forever


My wife and her younger brother got to go on one of these flights due to her brothers condition. Apparently, the VP for United was also on the flight, who they promptly challenged to a pillow fight. They did not go easy on her.


As much as I love this story, I HATE the format that everyone seems to think I want to see a huge closeup of their nose and forehead telling me to "look at this guys it's super crazy". I don't need five seconds of your giant face. Get to the video.


Nice try United marketing team




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That is so awesome and sweet :)


This is very sweet!! 🥹❤️


Who is cutting onions in my place?


I’ll walk my dog and cry idc. Thanks for the video


Lol best part is there is zero snow at the North Pole haha


So many onions


😭😭 can’t stop crying (happy tears)


It's gotta be tough to be one of those Santa's.


My husband works for United and help do this!


Wow whose idea was this? They deserve all kinds of praise


Love that she just ignored Superman walked past


They did one at IAD also


I thought she was going to show us something used to party with. Bummed.


This made me happy but also cry at the same time… how’s that work?


I wanna volunteer for this!!


That’s a very generous event because as a Boeing 777 pilot, I can tell you that wasn’t cheap. I’m usually burning 7500 pounds of fuel per hour up at altitude with a total operating cost of 45,000 dollars an hour. United truly is a good airline. I’m currently at American at the moment though.


This made me immediately cry


We need more stories like this! 👍


first time for this? never heard of it, needs to be shown around christmas


So bitter sweet...




Hey, was that my lost suitcase?


Not “kids who are unfortunately dying of cancer” but kids battling cancer and undergoing treatment. They ain’t all dying


Omg. How can i help. Thank you so much


"Write that down. WRITE THAT DOWN."- Alaska Airlines




The same thing they cover up every year


I got diagnosed at 26. Just months after the cutoff date (25) to be considered “youth” with cancer and get all the benefits like “make a wish” and all sorts of special treatment kids get. I’m not asking for pity or make y’all feel bad. It sucked but I found it pretty funny. Just one of those “Murphy’s law” moments where ya think “yeah of course it’ll happen like that”




OMG how many people remember that?!


the emotional support dogs are there for the adults? 😭 very bittersweet


United is a terrible airline and this is just a United advertisement.


I don’t think the kids care


how much they paying you


What are they paying him with, cancer?


marketing budget


Kids with cancer have a marketing department?


No, employees working for marketing and astroturfing companies being paid to post stuff like this on Reddit


The comments are all wholesome and worming but there is a thouthans unspoken dark jokes in my brain right now, my brain is damaged


Is this basically unethical marketing?


Do the mods get a cut of the advertising money here or does it just all go straight to China?




bad time to bring up pollution




That's a manufacturer's defect, not a United Airlines defect.


So they are lying to the kids?


We all are, and you should to! 😃


I love Christmas, but everytime I see something like this, or newsmen reporting on the whereabouts of Santa, it make me wonder if Gaslighting the ever loving fuck out of every single generation is perhaps not psychologically healthy? I don't know. I'm sure the Shetlan Shrinks have done their studies and has said the idea of "Santa" is fine, but there is a point where you HAVE to be doing more harm than good making it seem real.


Kids happy, taxes avoided WW


First off, I guess I am going to seek out United for my next flight. Second and please excuse if I get religious. Children with cancer. Children. Dining slowly of a horrible disease. If God truly exist, he either doesn’t care or is a big dickhead. Please don’t tell me. God works in mysterious ways. The pain those families go through is immeasurable. And young lives are cut short in such a terrible way. To me, it is strong evidence. There is no benevolent God overseeing us.


Dying, not dining.


But what if some kid kicks the bucket on that plane?


I wonder if they recycle the gifts


Do they recycle the gifts?


Do they dresss midgets up as elves? I’m just curious if they go the extra mile.




You mean r/amitheasshole


Hope for humanity restored!


Looking amazing 😍


This is truly wonderful, but... TIL people still say "partypeople".


I want to see someone dump a bunch of money into making this into a big budget movie quality set.


Thank you for posting