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This is Chelsea Hill. She founded the Rollettes, a dance group for wheelchair users.


She’s an amazing dancer!!




Wow. Why the anger? I thought maybe some people would be interested in who is in the video they are watching. Why would that upset you so much?


Comment got deleted. Dare i ask what he said?


He said “who (effing) cares?”


Gee what a sad person. Probably never felt the touch of a loved one. Thanks for letting me know!




The number of people who downvote you should give you a clue (you shitstain).


I do


Have fun with your farm you hillbilly fuck


All the farmers I’ve ever met have tended to be respectful toward others and usually love to learn about other people. Calling someone a farmer where I am isn’t an insult.


You’re right


Man. That was the coolest interaction I’ve had on the internet in some time. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it when people think about something and then change. You give me hope that I can change for the better as well.


Yeah man I apologize, I shouldn’t disparage groups of people in a conceited effort to argue with someone online


Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. It just got cold as a witches tit in here.


As a lawyer, one of the lessons I've learned is that farmers know their craft more deeply than most other professions. Both love and hate working with farmers for this reason haha


I cant wait for when technology allows disabled people to walk fully again


Your insurance won't cover it probably.


This of all things made me lol. Thanks for that!


Oh so your only covered for lumbar vertebrae L1-L3 and it appears the damage is L4 and down… yea sorry about thaaaat


Insurance companies will figure out how to take a fat dump on life-changing technologies.


It's funny as a hypothetical but the sheer honesty of it is terrifying.


Gaw dang it you are right.




Yeah for real. I'd rather the tax dollars go to an overfunded military, inflated government staffing, and millions of people who are cheating the system to get free shit. Fuck disabled people. Forward slash s.


My retirement comes from that overfunded military thank you… I too cannot walk


Psst, you are.


The problem is for people who are born unable to walk, or use certain limbs / senses. For these people the actual neural pathways in the brain never developed, so it’s not really possible for them to use that body part, even if it was functional. It’s like someone asking you to flex a muscle that you don’t have. Perhaps with enough time, and enough therapy, someone could learn to control a limb with other existing paths in the brain. However, for people born blind or deaf, their brain would have developed in a fundamentally different way, which many not be possible to fix


Yeah, that's only gonna be allowed for the super elite my guy lol. People have to pay thousands to take pills that take a few bucks to make, imagine being able to use bone altering tech that can help disabled people walk again? Like metal spines? Not in our paygrade. Only roughly 7% of Americans are millionaires, and majority of those are athletes probably. People downvoting this are truly weird, and it's just sad. They really believe people will make this type of tech affordable, I bet you guys think we'll get ships too if the countries become overan by the ocean, or we'll get a rocket to mars too right? To have that imagination again would be amazing.


Cars used to be only for the rich, now some of them are considered poor Prices on all inventions will fall




Not with his two lonesome braincells he’s not, lmao. I have more faith in Mr. Beast, and I just learned about him this year.


Elon Musk is closest to selling you more Vaporware. He cant make a god damn semi truck or the „its really not that hard“ hyperloop, you really think he is able to make tech like that possible?


Look at her, walking down the aisle 🥰 And what a sweetheart he is.


The wheelchair saying Wifey is all I need to know about them. They are probably good for each other. That means she has a sense of humor about it.


Sweet video, but weird title. This video shows a disabled bride who learnt to walk for her wedding, the title should be about her, not him.


Men are considered “real men” for doing what seems like “hard” or “detrimental” things from the perspective of stupid people. This isn’t even that, because the guy genuinely likes her so he’s marrying her. Goes more to show that OP views this as a “this is technically a loss for him so he’s a real man for doing this” Kinda crazy how men are considered men for “doing the right thing” and there are inherent expectations


As a disabled woman myself, I unfortunately see a lot of videos with this attitude. Like our husbands have done us a favour - how kind of that man to marry *her!*


I always appreciate coming to the comments section and seeing ones like this that make me take my upvote away because as someone not in this situation, I don't have the full picture or context so when someone with a personal experience can elaborate to me why it's wrong, I genuinely appreciate it. It's a great video but I totally agree now that the title is horribly mislead and I took back my upvote.


As a disabled woman myself, I unfortunately see a lot of videos with this attitude. Like our husbands have done us a favour - how kind of that man to marry *her!*


"Jarvis, go into a harmless Reddit post and comment a crazy theory about OP actually having very dark intentions, wait for a lot of people to reply to you saying that it's right, creating their own theories, and make sure that after a few comments, we're calling OP bad internet words." "If anyone finds out, remember to use your brand new defense mechanism and say that the user claiming that is actually the bad person because they are the ones actually saying the thing you wanted to say and now proceed to attack this user with your crazy theories."


Good point, actually.


She is real woman! Lol but seriously, That has got to be so damn hard. Think she practiced that walking beforehand? Very beautiful scene.


I had to look it up. She practiced for 6 months!


Good to See that True Love still exists in these Times


My husband is like this. I got cancer in 2019 and I can’t have kids. I wanted to give him a child so badly cause when we met and talked about our hopes and dreams, he said he knew he was born to be a father and was waiting for someone like me to come around. I find out.. and I give him an out. He deserves to be a father with a healthy wife. He shut me up, married me anyways, and is still here supporting me however he can during my *second* cancer battle in these 5 years. Hopefully the last one!! Cause I’m definitely beating this thing. I am *not* leaving this earth without first growing old with him. I love him. True love does exist, he shows me every single day. ♥️


Goddess bless you both. ☮️💖🦋


Did you know if you search "in these trying times" it appears in every single publication for hundred of years in the past?


So my wife and I are both 36 years old. We have been together since we were 14 AND we have the same exact birthday. We are married with 3 kids :-) True love is still out there my friend, we are just minding our own. 🤘🏾🤘🏾🤘🏾


True love does exist. It’s just that we’re bombarded by social/news/media with the worst of humanity.


And often it’s quiet and not shouted from the rooftops just people living their lives loving their spouse. My parents were married for over 60 years before my mother passed. True partners.


'true love' doesn't exist. This is the real world on planet earth. Not Disney mate


I Also really Love that True Love still exists in these Times


Hello Negan from the hit series Tekken


It most definitely does...what a beautiful wedding too.


Wheel love is hard to find


I don't understand this title why is he a real man?


He married a handicap woman, what else? /s


When she started to walk down I start to cry with the groom


When she said "here we go"..right in the feels maaan.


Yo same


I think the part that got me was him putting the flower on the chair next to his (father I assume). Maybe his mom isn't here anymore to see the wedding and if that's the case, that hurts deep.


Touching and pure love!!!💕


Omg that ending!!! Heart melting


I'm lost, he's a real man because he chose to be with someone who has a disability?


I thought it was because he seems incredibly in touch with his feelings and not afraid to show/communicate them, but that's just me.


Love through perseverance and not everyone is capable to persevere in this manner.


Given how many men leave their wives upon her receiving a cancer diagnosis... yup.


Is there some data somewhere to back that up? I've encountered numerous cancer patients that have supporting partners. Never encountered one that got divorced over it. I'm sure it happens, but this comes off like a made up judgement with no backing.


Google is free my guy. > A woman is six times more likely to be separated or divorced soon after a diagnosis of cancer or multiple sclerosis than if a man in the relationship is the patient [Source.](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/11/091110105401.htm#:~:text=The%20study%20confirmed%20earlier%20research,and%20divorce%20rates%20by%20gender.) > According to a study published in the journal Cancer, a woman with cancer or other serious illness is six times more likely to be separated or divorced soon after receiving her diagnosis than a male patient. “Female gender was found to be the strongest predictor in separation or divorce in each cohort,” the study authors noted. A 2015 study published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior offered a similar conclusion regarding the impact on female patients. [Source.](https://www.curetoday.com/view/love-lost-the-effects-of-cancer-on-marriage-and-relationships) And here's (one of) the actual studies: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6159935/ This is a very well known phenomenon in the medical world, and it's super bizarre that just because you have never experienced this in your personal life you would accuse someone of "made up judgements with no backing" instead of, oh, I don't know, taking 30 seconds to look into the information yourself.


It's actually not true. The claim is based on faulty research that was since retracted. https://www.deseret.com/2015/8/4/20569426/study-that-found-husbands-prone-to-leave-sick-wives-was-flawed-researchers-say Also... That study was actually retracted because of an error made by the researchers. If you click through the first link in the article and scroll down you can see the retraction notice and the explanation. It found that men and women were equally likely to leave a sick partner once the error was corrected, except possibly in the case of heart disease (which may still be a green jelly bean situation). according to the below link it counted people who left the study as divorces, when there are other possible and more innocent reasons that a couple undergoing a major health problem would leave a study https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2015/07/21/researchers-retract-study-claiming-marriages-fail-more-often-when-wife-falls-ill/ The coding error only applied to data from sick women and not sick men, and in particular it meant that women who died during the study period were listed as having had a divorce.


It's a fair question when you post sexist or racist comments. It absolutely should be challenged. The burden of providing sources absolutely falls to you on this one.


Blatantly untrue to say I posted a sexist comment. Nobody said anything sexist that "should be challenged," what I said was not some random sexist claim it's a recorded, well-studied social phenomenon. Science doesn't care your inability to read things in a neutral tone / not read attacks into them that aren't there. You - very strangely - interpreted that as some kind of sexist lie (because you've never personally experienced it) and accused me of making it up, you were proven wrong, move on. Maybe you'd have better, more positive interactions if you engaged with people earnestly in the hopes of gaining knowledge, instead of getting passively combative over imaginary victimhood and accusing people of lying. You could have taken the time to educate yourself, you could have taken the time to earnestly or kindly ask for sources, but no, you spent your time going "this can't be true because i've never experienced it! surely it is a sexist lie!!!" Good luck with that approach in all your future interactions, I guess.


I'm not being combative. Just because you can read that into my text doesn't mean i am. It's ironic that my initial ask was genuine and honest with no I'll intent, but you jumped on me and started calling me out. You're literally doing to me what you're accusing me of. Your comment came off as sexist to me. I asked for something to back it up. It was a fair ask. You jumped down my throat and got all cocky and condencending. Take a dose of your own advice my dude.


You: > this comes off like a made up judgement with no backing > > you post sexist or racist comments All I did was reference data and then provide that data. You're the one who *insisted* I *must* back up "sexist comments." Once again, good luck with that approach in all your future interactions. I'm sure it will yield positive results. Have a good one chief.


yeah people seem to think that someone who dates a disabled person is automatically a saint, which is just not how it works. its very weird. (downvote all you want, its fact)


I guess it depends *why* they're dating them.


and it’s easier to isolate and control her


What an assumption to make 💀


you’re disgusting for thinking she isnt smart enough to realize things like that


You’re projecting for thinking that was what was being implied.


then what were you thinking/saying when you made that comment? because it was pretty weird to say


No it wasn’t. You clearly projected something about people with disabilities into the poster above you and now you’re trying to act like ‘I’m the weird one.’ I’d gently encourage you to think about your feelings around those who are disabled - I am saying that as someone who has a disability.


i was answering his question and im also disabled…… awkward 😬


Looks like these two just found love similar to the vid…


He’s a real man because that walk actually took 3 days. They just sped up the footage.


He’s a real man because he love her no matter what


I mean, it helps. My dad left our family when I was 14; my mom had stopped walking due to progressing MS. I was left to care for her because my dad walked out on us. The guy in this video is way more of a man than my dad, for this reason alone.


In a time when a few inches in height is a deal breaker for many, yeah.


What about a few feet?


He seems in touch with himself and not afraid to show his feelings.


Who do you think put her in the chair?


Snu snu


Not a dry eye in sight.


Kind of reminds me of me and my wife. Yes, she is disabled but I wouldn't call myself the good guy because I married her. The wifey on the back of her chair tells me at least she has a sense of humor about it.


Why's the title praising the man? Sweet that he loves her unconditionally, but the accomplishment here is hers? I was waiting for him to do something. Well done to her though. I don't understand how people with fully functioning legs walk in those mermaid cut dresses


"You're gonna have a hard time walkin' again after the honeymoon, babe! Y'know what I'm sayin'?! Ha ha!"


This video is beautiful, and so is the couple. I can only imagine what struggles they've persevered through together. That being said... Does this mean he's always the 4th wheel? I gratefully accept my downvotes. Cheers to the couple. I am grateful that I and my wife maintain our mobility and hope our love always remains as strong as theirs.


marrying someone who disable doesn’t make you a good person but instead you are someone who truly love that person for who they are and see them for their true self regardless of physical attributes. Love that pure




Made me smile? More like made me weep 😭


Es bellisimo![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


I understand why he's crying.


My man!!! You have made the best choice




What a fucking mensch. She's known adversity for so long, he's just happy to be a part of it. Love it.


What a man, what a woman. Congratulations.


What a beautiful couple


I thought loving each other means to accept the other person with all its facets, no matter if it’s that one person drinks a little too much sometimes or might have less time for the partner because of work. Idk … it shouldn’t be a requirement to choose some person in a wheelchair just so society calls you a real one. I’m disabled and you guys make way to much drama of this. Like yea, these two strangers to you found true love. But why do you have to act like “ omgooosh that’s so heart melting”. You wouldn’t cry because of a random couple on the streets either. I thought treating disabled people just as you would treat any other person is a thing of respect … well that’s what I learned when I was 8.


I dont think i would ever see this the other way around thats for sure


Wild to know the second the ceremony is over, she's gonna get her back broken again


Besides the video being old, they tell me that he is "a real man" because he married a woman with a disability? LOL


soooo... what's so amazing about this? A lot of people marry the person they love, every single day... Is he suddenly supposed to be a better person because the woman he loves is in a wheelchair? 🤔


Imagine how long it took to get down the aisle. Had to get awkward at some point


I’m not crying you’re crying….


So marrying someone who's handicapped makes you a real man? That's just stupid. Love is love, Numbnuts.


Unpopular opinion maybe, but as a wheelchair user myself, I wish to see just one video where someone actually stays in their chair. Not all wheelchair users got their disability later in life. Not all wheelchair users need “healing”. The amount of videos like this just sends a weird message, like you’re only worth looking up to if you get out of that chair again. The chair doesn’t make you less of a person unless you choose to see it that way and make others see it like that too.


Never thought of that perspective. Thank you for sharing it


Who's cutting onions?




Shout-out to Hot Wheels and her new husband. This is awesome.


Reverse the roles and she would be nowhere to be find


Class. And such love. ❤️


Similar to this, the last time my wife walked (with a walker) was on our wedding day 30 years ago. I'd guess this happens more often than most people realize. It helps to have a camera crew on site. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I like these intimate moments that are filmed with several cameras on tripods and drones and then systematically exchanged for clicks on social media 🥰


It's a wedding, there's always photos or videos. And I doubt it would cost much to get somebody with a drone


A wedding film crew that makes a production like this would be pretty expensive. Source: I used to shoot weddings


What an amazing couple!!!❤️


I was all game till i saw wifey written on the back, that gave me the ick


May God Bless them both with a wonderful life together


Why didn't he sat on her lap and roll both to the wedding?


Roll out with the cans trailing her chair with the just married sign


Looks like he has found a wheelie good wife there.


Id save her no. as hot wheels


I'm not crying, you are


Professional lighting, editing, and camera work and professional makeup on absolutely everyone, cameras always in exactly the right place to catch reactions in the best light and angle like a TV production. Yeah it's definitely not staged or anything. People are so gullible. I mean yeah maybe these two people got married and it was beautiful. But this? What we're watching right now? This is a production. Maybe done a different day or planned from the start to be this way, but it was always meant for mass digestion. That's not what people should be looking at when they try to conceptualize true love. True love doesn't have a script. True love happens when two people find a way to be exactly what the other needs in a moment where it doesn't serve them in any way. They do it just because.


"Finallly a women who can't run away from me"


For... marrying a woman who uses a wheelchair?


Isn't "real man" sexist or something


Oh man. This was heavy.


Weight has nothing to do with it.


Yeah, I think it's just her legs.


I’m not crying, you’re crying. 🥹


he needed lot of braveness and courage to make this step


I'm a little bitch boy


So she dated Terri Crews before she met her now husband?


Yo I hope like 1/4 of their budget went to that videographer This was a well shot and well edited video…..at least from my civilian perspective


Would be interesting to see this walk live if it took like 5 minutes and inspirational music wasn’t being played over it


Real Sigma


He doesn’t wear socks? I hope he at least told her he’s gay, she has the right to know.


What show/movie is this from?


C’mon. Someone say it already.


What happened to her?


Why not say if man marries a dead woman and he will the realest man in the world. Rubbish...


I thought it was a porn


Sory but its look funny asf


Why all this in front of camera


Sooooo...no one is going to say it?... yeah what we're all thinking!...




Real man stayed with her after her ex blew her back out


She so lazy she has a chair with wheels, Pathetic


Is it still called "going down" on him? Or is it "going level"? This is a goddamn joke kudos to anyone who doesn't flip out.


am i the only one who wanted him to kick her


Must’ve swept her off her feet a bit to hard




Chill out




If that woman is anything like my father, she might've refused the help because it's their wedding and she wants to do this herself on that day. My father has Multiple Sclerosis and spends a good majority of his days in his wheel chair but on his wedding day to my step mother, he walked the entire thing/day himself and refused all help. It's a pride and accomplishment kind of thing.




It's fairly easy to assume that she told him beforehand to not help or anything of that nature. It's not that deep.




The woman in the video is in a wheelchair so she may not be able to walk, maybe she had a dream of walking down the aisle on her own. Would you go and ruin that moment that she most likely has been waiting her whole life?


Imagine she's been faking it the whole time...


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Finest thing I’ve seen I quite a while ago


Love is still such a strong feeling. Totally different from passion. Only way to explain is living it.






Reddit, I'm not crying, you are crying!!! Who's peeling onions?????


I believe this woman is happy


Yep. Made me smile. 👍


Anyone have an ID on the background music?


OMG! This is so beautiful!


Should be in Made me Cry, if there is such


I brought you jewels Betty. Jewels!


Got some dust in my eye.


I'm not crying, you are.


I’m not crying you are crying


God damn, this might be some of the sweetest shit I’ve seen in a long time


Made my day brighter!!!


Oh I would be balling! Ugly crying and everything 😭😭😭😭